Th New Oregon Statesman. Salem, j Oregon. Sunday Morning, November 11, 1918 DLSEW PLAYERS 1W DIE Sum Lions and Kiwanis Clubs of Salem Stand Sponsors for Entertainment The First Circuit Repertory company will come to this city la the first play of the season, Expressing Willie" by Rachel Crothers, on Wednesday of this - week. The season will 'be under the uspces of the Salem Lions and Kiwanis clubs which have success fully sponsored prerlous seasons of the company here. While the circuit ot the eom- pany has been extended since r last.; season with loop down ; into California and ' Neyada the past fire years have made the or ganization an "institution" in the r cities which" are older on the cir cuit. . : Its season is looked forward to the one certain means by which lorers of the best plays can be ure of an opportunity to witness ' plays of recognized merit pro duced by an organza tion com- (' posed of experienced artists and presented with the polish that is to be attained only through long ; work together, as an ensemble. Following "Expressing Willie," the company will bring on ta next ir swng round the circuit. T. C. s Murray's powerful folk-tragedy, "Autumn Fire", Irish in setting 4 and : flavor, but universal in its '. theme and as beautifully propor tioned and balanced as.a Greek tragedy. j , Sir James M. Barrie's "What Every Woman Knows" will be the third offering in this year's list. Moroni Cjsen, whose name was i underlined in the formation of the company to prevent plagiar ism of the name, "First Circuit Repertory Company" by other or ganizations that might arise later is abroad on a world tour, but will ; return for "Autumn Fire." ; Byron Kay Foulger, who was " one of the company. Is directing ; the production of "Expressing Willie." He directed the produc tion of "Anna Christie" which ' was played last year in some ci ties in the circuit. il be (Contniued from Page 1) The report showed that there1 . are now 148. men and 159 women on parole. Eighty-six patients en tered the hospiial voluntarily without court commitment. Fifty of these had never before been an v. Inmate of a hospital for the in sane. Less than four and one-half per cent of the patients received at -the state hospital during the past two years were classified as alco holic psychoses. .The Sepember 30. 1914, report showed that thise patients comprised eight per cent of the total. "The per capita cost of conduct ing the state hospital for the past two years was $17.75 per month," continued the report. "This, in our judgment, is as low as is con ! sis tent with the proper care and treatment of the inmates. If we had to care for chronic cases with comparatively few new admissions, the cost of maintenance would oe considerably less. Many of the new patients have to be outfitted with clothing and they all require much more medical and nursing service than the chronic case. "Sterilization of the insane of childbearing age is very import ant, not only to prevent the devel opment of Insanity in the off spring, but young women recover ed from one attack greatly in crease the liability of another .breakdown if subjected to the . Stress of childberaing. The manic -depressive cases whose psychosis icomea in attacks of excitement or depression with lucid intervals of : -months of years, are at home dur ' Ihg the intervals between attacks 'and bear children, often having an Infant at the breast when again ,.l committed. We try to presuade .1. all such aceses to be sterilized as '" a protection to both mother and IsXhlld." ' ' The financial report shows that -the appropriation authorised for - the conduct of the state hospital ' during he present blennlum is suf i fJcient, and that several thousands ;i of dollars will be returned to the v general fund of the state on Jai ': nary 1. ADVERTISE 5 lb. Sacli MEK HOSPITAL FELBE Fancy size- delivered Anywhere in U. S. Leave your order with any, Bank in Salem, The Cham ber of Commerce or the American Railway Express SALEM . NUT GROWERS COOPERATIVE Comes Here 11 I! ill Leora Thatcher, as "Mrs. Smith" la the American comedy "Ex pressiag Willie by Rachel Grothers, to be presented by the Mo-onl Olson player eomiag here this week under the auspices of the Salem Lions and Kiwanis clubs. Myers Bogs Geese On"WiWFarmin Peace and Comfort P. O. Myers, proprietor of the Spa, was one 3Of af ' group of hunters who bag- ' 1 ged the limit of wild geese in the vicinity of Arling ton, in eastern Oregon last week. Mr. Myers, if . urged, will display a pho tograph which proves this assertion beyond doubt. It seem that E. M. Hal den, owner of the 7000 acre "Wild Goose Farm," -is Sir. BIyers' brother-in-law, and that means that Mr. Myers always gets the first chance at the geese on this farm, where hunt ers from all over the northwest seek to make reservations. The place is equipped with pits and live decoys, and after that nothing is necessary but a certain degree of marks manship. Mr. Myers' companions on this hunting -venture a were Dr. O. C. Belling er. Dr. f. H. Evans, G. O. Blower of Los Angeles, E. Ponnefl of Portland, and Mr. Hulden. Sewing Class Soon A class in lingerie making, home and dress accessories will be conducted at the high school building by Miss Helen Corey. under direction of the state board for vocational ed ucation, it is announced. ' Hours will be announced shortly. The class is held particularly appropri ate, coming before the Christmas holidays. - - PtTDKI OAR-Y COOPEJ Dan 4m EL tp"rr(yrrn I l l L SAY IT -WITH OREGON'S COMING INDUSTRY 2o'5 10 lb. Wednesday 5 Specialty Numbers For Fanchon-Marc Flashes of color In many hues, swirling .dancers, soft musjc and 20 pretty girls mark the .Fanchon and Marco stage presentation at the Elsinore theatre Monday. Be sides' this accumulation of beauty and ability many other things are In store for those who attend. Walter Nileeon, champion Uni cyclist, goes through many stunts while mounted on a one wheeled cycle far above the stage floor. This daring performer balances, the wheel with one foot while ! riding fearlessly along the edge iof the stage not more than a frac tion of an inch from the foot lights. Cliff Crane, seemingly rubber- bodied comedy and eccentric dan cer does specialty dances which have made him famous in Earl Carrolls Vanities and other big New York shows. Doris Whit- more, is known, as the youngest prlma-donna on the stage today. Possessing a fine, clear coloratura soprano voice Miss Whitmore proves a treat , when she appears singing and playing her accom paniment on- the violin while dancing wn her toes. Jean Dlx and Helen Burke a're also clever dancers who have specialty num bers. The Brooks Trio are three lads who offer a number of banjo se lections In red hot fashion. Their laughing song is a novelty and a sure fine bit of entertainment. Then there is the chorus of 18 stilt girls who do a dance routine while mounted on stilts. Theii specialty, the Dance of the Wood en Soldiers, is a striking and beautiful feature. ""3 era! Starts Friday GHNOE1E Sack S, CO East of Rockies M n n TS At -tlhie : TEeafteFs Mix And His Tony In Oregon Picture Tom Mix at his best in a role that gives him and his famed horse, Tony, every opportunity for the hard riding, dramatic action and ! spectacular stunts that have brought world-wide renown to that Inseparable pair of film stars. This is the offering at tire Ore gon theatre, where the popular favorite Is presented in "Son of the Golden West," a special pro duction that has been acclaimed throughout the country as the greatest Mix picture yet brought to the screen. Colorful and , picturesque to a high degree, the photoplay is laid in that period of our history when what is now known as "the old West" was being reclaimed from the wildness by pioneers and gov ernment agencies that pushed civ ilization along the overland trail which later became the first rail road line. Tom is seen in the role of a' pony express rider. Comedy, Vitaphon Capitol Features "Plastered in Paris," starting today at the Capitol theatre, opens with a "flash" sequence of world war trenches and thereafter leaves the great conflict "Hat." The trench scenes show Sammy Cohen as the dynamic little Jewish come dlan where he gets a dose of pol son gas and hospital surgeons de cree that thereafter he will be a kleptomaniac. Ten years later they are delegates to the American Legion convention in Paris and that proves the signal for a rapid fire series of adventures in which the comedy element is especially strong, it is said. Others who ac quit themselves creditably include Lola, Salvl, diminutive Italian beauty contest winner. Val and Ernie Stanton musical comedy and variety stars, who will be seen and heard in a Yltaphone presentation program at the Capi tol today, have made two appear ances in Yltaphone, the first of which is titled "Cut Yourself a Piece of Cake" and "English. As She Is Not Spoken." In their sec ond i number the Stantons sins some original comedy songs. Joe E. Brown is featured in Don't Be Jealous" the one reel playlet which will be seen and heard in the Vitaphone presenta tion. ! SPECIAL ATTRACTION ITlftiGatoe TODAY FRANK W. HERRINGTON World's Champion Old Time Fiddler and winner of first prize in contest sponsored by Henry Ford, at Fprdson, Michigan. Four Appearances on the screen Douglas Fairbanks it I "UOTE GAtJClHKO'f Ell Vk Big -'I lit ! - TSy if ci rill GEE HEAR SEE AND HEAR SALJpM BOYS i L&10N DRUM CORPS (SALEM'S PRIDE) on the rJOVSETTOWE I Patterson I Talking1 New? I j Col. r . J ! IJadberga's I Take-Off and j Reception , 1.1- life . -. Henry Weyman and his debut antes will be seen and heard. They will play three popular songs. "Doll Dagtce. 'Dew- Dew Dewy Day" and "Over Moonlit; Waters." The debutantes are one! of the four girl . jazs bands on major vaudeville circuits; i BUDGET PUN SURE i : h TOSH Fill (Contniued from Page 1) buildings will be needed before the end of the next biennium, it is not believed that any costly expansion programme will be un dertaken at the next legislative session. A survey of the institu tions showed that a new building Is badly needed at the state in dustrial school for girls, where the two present structures are crowded to capacity. In case the erection of a new building at the girls school is delayed, it will be necessary to refuse commitments and otherwise curtail the popula tion. It was said that additional ac commodations also are needed at other institutions, but that the outlay of capital necessary for construction is not justified under the existing unsatisfactory finaa eial condltons confronting state officials. ! Under a new law approved at the last session of the legislature the governor Is- chief budget of ficer and must pass on j all de mands for appropriations sent to the legislature. The state budget director operates under the direc tion of the governor, and prepares the budgets. Under the old law the budgets were approved by the state board of control. Governor Patterson said Satur day that he was sure that the operation ot the newly created budget system In Oregon would save the taxpayers a large amount of money annually. I WHAT THEY THIjllK 1 (Contniued from Page 1) in a season. If we lose it will be a good thing for us, and if we win, that will do us some good too. Whichever way It goes, this game is going to bene fit the team." Miss Cooper Appointed Mabel Cooper of Salem, freshman in home economics at Oregon Agri cultural college, has been appoint ed to take care of the new Asso ciated Women Students' office for two hours each week. Miss Cooper is a pledge of Alpha Chi Omega, social sorority. j Armistice Show DeLux v Ar Today MonTues. gammy Cohen and bis War Baddies on a Rampage la j Gay Pare jj Wonder Sound Effects and. Marvelous Musical Score It's Different I . Stanton Bros. Comedy sketch " ' ' I t "i ' " Jim R. Brawl in ViUphone J Playlet "Dom't j Be Jeakma I EES w 4 SALEM UU FOR BIG ARMISTICE DAY (Contniued from Page 1) The second section, commanded by Captain BJ F. Pound, will form on Commercial street between Marion and Union streets, facing south. The wnlts in their order will be: Sedgwick post. O. A. R.. in automobiles, escorted by the Sons ot Veterans; Women's Re lief Corps in! automobiles; Ladies of the G. A. R. in automobiles; War Mothers in automobiles; Sons of Veterans and auxiliary; Daughters of Veterans; other pa triotic organisations of the Civil war. i The third section, commanded by O. H. Hull, will form on Mar. ion street west ot Commercial, facing east: Salem Cherrian band. Spanish war i veterans and auxil iary. Veterans ot Foreign Wars and auxiliary. American Legion drum corps, American Legion and auxiliary, other patriotic organ izations. The fourth; section, commanded by Captain L, M. Williamson, will form on Commercial street at Union: Boy! Scouts. Salvation Army, school organizations. The fifth section, commanded MANHATTAN PLAYERS ON THE SCREEN Buster Keaton Ernest Torrence TW "STEAMBOAT BILL, JR." A COMEDY RIOT 3u by Herman Brown, will form on Marion street east of Commercial street, facing east: civic and fra ternal organizations, patriotic. civic and fraternal floats. i Automobiles Wanted - : The sixth section, commanded by Walter Zosel. will form on Front street south of Union, fac ing north: industrial floats. i . In addition to Governor Patter son's address, the exercises at the courthouse will include the sing ing of "The Star Spangled Ban ner" by Hallie Parrlsh Hingeis, presentation of the "1928 Novel ty" by the Salem American Le gion drum corps, the number with which it took second place in the national contest; and the Legion Auxiliary glee club singing the number with which it won the state contest. The exercises wtll open with silent recognition of Getting Up Nights If Bladder Weakness, Getting Up Nights, Backache. Burning or Itching Sensation, leg or grolln pains make you feel old, tired, pepless, and worn out why not make the Cystex 48 Hour Test? Don't give up. Get Cystex today at any drug store. Put it to a 48 hour test. Money back if you don't soon feel Hke new, full ot pep, sleep well, with pains alleviated Tnr Cvstex today. Only 0c. adv. MONDAY ARMISTICE DAY ONLY JPf SALEM'S GREATEST ENTERTAINMENT b - SHOW mUTlNUOUS MONDAY" 1:45 t a'w,f P. -' ABIERICA'S s CHOICEST ;JSS GIRLS In Goct Big' Featixrt Gl2?Eo 1 the "zero lfbvr" and an invocati tio J by Captain Williams, chaplan Capital Post. In connection with the plan to I transport the O. A. R., Ladies of the G. A. R., Woman's Relief Corps and War Mothers in auto, mobiles. Dr. B. F. Pound has asked that 50 automobile owners who would not be in some other part of the parade, volunteer tha use of their machines, reporting to Dr. Pound at 9:30 o'clock at Commercial and Union streets. I Wanted 50 Musicians For Banjo Band, Mandolin I rs l a. i it. 1 isrcnesira ana nawaiiuiujj Club. A place for beginners fy as. well as advanced players- For information call or write Ida M. Mathews Nelson Bldg. Thursday A Friday. Phone 540 EVER STAGED Idea With WALTER NTLSSON World's Champion Unicy clist DORIS WHITEMORE Prims Donna BROOKS TRIO Eutern Radio ArtUU ho : Plctnrs A, u 3 4a : ' - ii -