The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 11, 1928, Page 15, Image 15

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    The New Oregon Statesman, Salem; Oregon, Sunday Morning, November 11, 1928
15 K
New Senior Six Landau Sedan
Holder of World's Speed
Record Placed Second
In A. A. A. Rating
LouiJ Meyer, a rlrtually un
known racing drlrer until he won
the Indianapolis classic in Mar.
has Jumped Into national promt.
nence by winning the American
Automobile association speedway
championship for 191 8.
This statement was issued to
day by the contest board of the
A. A. A., on the basis of total
awards In the major erents run
under the sanction of the national
motoring body, whlch superrises
nd rernlAtM official racing in
the United States.
At the same time, the A. A. A
annnnnrri that RlT KlMh. Of
Philadelphia, who captured the
world's speed record from Capt
Malcolm Campbell at Daytona
Beach, was second place on the
championship list and Lou Moore,
who placed second at Indianapo
lis, was third.
Merer accumulated 1.596
championship points for the year.
while Keech won 915 and Moore
The A- A. A contest board
pointed out that in whining the
1928 championship. Louis Meyer
takes the speedway, crown from
Automobile salesmen as well as
serrlce managers declare that the
great majority of the car owners
of today, as well as the car buyers,-
can so longer be! classed as
ignorant of automotlTfl mechanics.
In this connection serrlce man
agers state! that In most cases
where a car 1 brought in for ad
justments or repairs, the owner
is able to adrlse the mechanics of
the probable seat of the trouble,
thus aiding the serrlce men In
a speedier '"diagnosis' of the
car's "ailments."
This same knowledge holds
true in the case of most car buy
ers, automobile salesmen say. As
a rule, the prospective buyer is
well acquainted with the features
of a car. Its outstanding qualities,
its performance rating and its
general reputation la the automo
bile field.
la the case of the new Whippet
Six which was introduced by the
Willxs-Orerland company about
six months ago. following more
than a year of exhaustive tests
and experiments by engineers of
the company. It Is pointed out that
tn most cases buyers had previous
knowledge of the cars ability
and its mechanical features before
calling at the dealer's showrooms.
"They knew it was the lowest
priced six cylinder car in the
world and that It was equlpj.
with a seven-bearing cranks j j
a feature which heretofor'g
been employed only ia sixes' 1 .
ling la the higher price rangv
a leading salesman with' the "V!
tys-Orerland organisation - 4
recently, while - discussing vi
present "motor wise" public
Frank Holm an. bora at Dal
55 years ago and a resident U
Coos county for 4S years, d
suddenly at a Marshfleld hospi
following an intestinal eperatioi
ORIGINALITY and proportion in body Ijnet mart this Ionian sedan as the most in
pressive car in the Senior Six Una recently announced by Dodge Brothers, with its
long sweeping appearance, fabric rear quarters with landau top irons, and welled
front fenders. Interior appointments give the impression of custom coach work. Stand"
ard equipment includes front and rear bumpers, trunk rack, two spare wheels with tires.
the head of Peter De Paolo, who
won it both in 1925 and 1927.
A product of the Pacific coast
dirt tracks, Meyer won the ac
claim of speedway fans at Indl
anoplis when he drove the entire
distance of 500 miles without re
lief. He was also successful in
winning the Altoona erent on
August 19 and annexing second
place at Sa4em, N. H., on July 4.
The contest board said that
Keech, who drove over the sands
of the Florida resort at 207.55
miles per hour in capturing the
world record for one mfle. was a
consistent performer all season
He won the championship events
conducted over the dirt tracks. at
Detroit and Syracuse, placed first
at Salem on July 4, won fourth
place at Indianapolis, and finished
sixth at Altoona. August 19.
All of the existing 91.5 cu. la.
ears remained Intact with the ex
ception of a new 100-mile record
established by Keech In a non
championship erent over the At
lantic City speedway on Septem
ber 16. when he averaged 131.
805 miles per hour for this dis
tance. Championship races upon which
the basis of the American Auto
mobile association award was
made, were held over the famous
brick track at Indianapolis on
May 30, the Detroit one-mile dirt
track on June 10. the Salem board
speedway on July 4. the Altoona
board speedway on August 19,
the Syracuse one-mile dirt track
on : September 1, and the partly
finished event at Salem on Oc
tober 12.
Winners of the A. A. A. speed
way crown for the last ten years
are as follows: 1918 Ralph Mul
ford. 1919 "Howdy" Wilcox. 1920
Tommy Milton. 1921 Tommy Mil
ton. 1922 Jimmy Murphy, 19 2 S
Eddie Hearne, 1924 Jimmy Mur
phy. 1925 Peter DePaolo, 1921
Harry Harts. 1927 Peter DePaolo.
American Car...
The following statement is based on
figures obtained from thoroughly re
liable, disinterested sources. It gives
the names and relative standing of
the four longest-lived American
cars. There is a difference between
automobiles of various makes. One
of the greatest differences is in last
ing quality and in all that it means
to the owner's purse.
We could hardly believe the figures
when they were first brought to us.
It did not seem possible that the Reo,
always a moderate priced car, could out
live even the costliest creations of
American automobile manufacturers.
- "
So we had the figures, checked', again.
And again and yet again. . -
After all the checks had been made the
amazing facts remained unchanged.
The four longest-lived cars
Reo automobiles hare a longer arerage
life a much longer arerage life than
any other American automobile.
Second to Reo In arerage length of life
are the big Plerce-Arrows.
Third are the Cadillacs.
Fourth are the Franklins.
These four makes of automobiles, and
these four only, have a proved average
life of more than eight years.
The cars whose records were
Reo, Pierce-Arrow, Cadillac. Franklin.
Stearns, Locomobile, Stuts. Paige. Kis
sel, Marmon, Chandler. Velie. Buick.
Case. Dodge. Packard. Hudson. H up
mobile, Daris. Willys-Knight, Jordan,
Studebaker, Peerless, Auburn, Nash,
Overland, Oldsmobile, Oakland, Chev
rolet, Moon.
A number of American built -cars are
missing. Some of these are cars whose
production has been so small that regis
tration figures are not obtainable. The
others hare not yet been tested by the
years, or are no longer built.
The test
The only way to judge the life of the
Lasts As Long As RE1
Not One
arerage car you or anyone else may
get. is by the life of ALL the cars of
each maker.
Take the total production of Pen
cars for each make tor the last eight
years. Compare-these figures with the
number of .cars of each make registered
on December!. 1925, as compiled by.
R. L. Polk ft Company, automobile stat- ,
isticians. .
This method eliminates statements of
opinion, protects buyers from making
ance of a tew cars out of hundreds of
Judgements on the basis of the perform
thousands cars often driven by me
chanics or dealers and repaired or re
built at any cost.
How they rank, in actual figures
On December 31, 1925, there were 24.9
percent more Reo passenger cars regis
tered than hare been built In the entire
last eight years.
Or, In other words, Reo had 124.9
of 'its last eight years' output in reg
istered use.
The only other cars haring more than
100 of their production registered
were: Plerce-Arrow with 10.1 more.
Cadillac with 8 more, and' Franklin
with 4.9 more.
Remember the respective costs of these
cars and then again compare the records.
Reo 124.9
Cadillac 108
Plerce-Arrow 110.1
Franklin 104.9
Tested for nine years or seven years,
Reo retains ltsleadershlp. And It Is
significant that. In this long life league,
Reo's constantly Improred construction
has greatly increased Its lead over oth
er cars, in its price class. r
t .' 'A..., i
1 It means that repair and
.maintenance costs are
low' or ' Reos could not
' be kept running so long.
2 That you ride carefree,
economically and com
fortably because the en
gineering which glyea
Reo long life must pro
ride against wear,
against breakdowns, for
low operating costs, and
for protection against
jolts and jars of the
roads or Reos would not
3 That Reos hold their ap
pearance for so long that
buyers keep them year
after year . . "; no car
whose frame will sag,
whose upholstery and
fittings deteriorate rap.
idly would be in serrlce
so long.
4 Ton can buy long life at
a moderate price.'
5 This long life means that
Reo cars cost rery little
in depreciation because
their cost Is spread orer
' so many years,
8 That re-sale prices of
Reos are always higher
than the arerage because
there are so many thous
' ands of unused miles left
in them.
The New and Improred Reo
offers you all the fine qual
ities that hrve been Reo's
for so long, plus such out
standing developments as
Split-Second Steering for the
easy 'handling of balloon
tired : Reos. Split-S e c o n d
Braking with Standard Con
trol and Standard Gear Shift,
lengthened lines, more lux
urious appointments, and
many minor refinements.
Come in and see this rery
good-looking moderate pric
ed car, which outlasts all
the creations of ' all other
American manufacturers.
There's a new Reo Flying Cloud of
1929 here for you to test. Try It out
In every way you wish.
Let it tell its story to you In its own
sweet-running way.
Perhaps you're the right kind of own.
er for this car if so, you'll know it the
minute you try it out. The more miles
you cover, the more sure you'll be that
this Reo Flying Cloud of 1929 la your
Mr. Smith who has driven and dem
onstrated the leading makes of cars for
years, says there are none like the Reo.
"Why do I say this? Why do I compare
this Reo Beauty with 4.000 cars? Be
cause it's ribrant life Justifies such a
comparison. Because it has answered
to my every request. Because it per
forms with and surpasses these others."
You are invited to drive and get ac
quainted with our Reo. The soft purr,
ing of the motor will tell you "Keep
me, mister, keep me. I'll perform after
all other cars hare quit. Ill go faster
and ever faster and never stop. I'll
beat them In traffic. I'll beat them on
the straightaway. Ill be your pal, your
friend, your slave. Take me! You need
me and I need you."
Reo Sales 'and Service
339-347 N. High St., Between Center and Chemeketa
, Salem, Oregon
Reo Motor Car Company, Lansmg, Michigan
Telephone 975
4 v '. "-,
7 J.
rio r ty w us
'"II lka frhOvrfl "KJPflrif
The good new CTC tire is here. After months
of development and actual road testing, the
good new CTC tire is offered the motoring
publice It is built by hand for long wear and
The carcass is heavier; specially selected, heavy-weight
cord ply; massive, tough side-wall construction; and only
the finest compounding materials are used in its manu
facture A completely new, re-designed tread to insure
a non-skid, long-wearing surface is also a' feature of the
good new CTC
No time or expense has been spared in preparing the
good new CTC tire for the market. It is manufactured
to withstand the heavy demands of western travel. And
it carries a warranty which gurantees it against defects
in material and workmanship, for the life of the tire.
Examine the good new CTC at your first opportunity.
Plan to equip your car all around, also using the new
CTC tubes. For CTC means, now more than ever, . .
The Good New
Attention Dealers
Some CTC Dealer franchises
are still available Write CTC
Tire fic Rubber Cc, Portland,
Oregon, for information.
& RUDDER CO., 477 Court St. Galena, ?Cj , j
Factory & General Offices, Portland, Oregon