The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 09, 1928, Page 8, Image 8

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    Independence arid Monmouth
Legion Posts to Sponsor
Joint Celebration
11 arte Dunlavy w.
Entertains At
Pleasing Party
Tbe Monmouth and Jndepen
deuce American Legion posts will
kin a combined Armistice Day
celebration with the program as
follows: x
9:36 a. m. Assembly at Ross
theatre, of Monmouth Ad
Independence posts. G. A.
R., Boy Scouts, Ladies'
Aaxiliaries. Gold Star
Mothers, Spanish War vet-
erans, led by Monmouth
10:00 a. m. Program at Oregon
Normal chapel.
11:00 a. m. Formal salute.
11:30 a. m. Dinner for ex-ser.
vice men, G. A. R. and Boy
Scouts at domestic science
room. Orezon Normal.
1:1S m Orosa country rnn to
Independence, through
business district and re.
turn. Finish at football
1:15 p. m. Archery exhibition
by national champion.
2:00 p. m. Football game, Nor
mal Field.
4:30 p. m. Hose cart race at In-
6:30. Dinner at Odd Fellows
hall. Independence.
9:00 'Public dance at.Kenti hall.
Farmers Smile ;
Hoover Elected
And Rain Begins
SILVERTON, Ore., Nov. .
(Special) Silverton was a par
ticularly busy city all day Thurs
day. Seemingly all the farmers
from the surrounding commun
ities were in town and practically
all of them were wearing excep
tionally broad smiles.
Whether this was caused by the
outcome of the election or by ihe
rain which began early Thursday
morning was not made known. It
was safe to conjecture that it was
a combination of the two, as the
Silverton precincts carried fo
strong for Hoover and farmers
have been unable to get their fall
work done because of the dryness
of the season.
SILVERTON. Ore., Nov. t.
(Special) Mrs. Jack Miller of
Portland is spending a week at the
home of her mother. Mrs. W. Coo-le-.
and her sister. Mrs. Jean Cun
ningham. Mrs. Miller, who before
her marriage was Miss Bird Coo
ey. is a former Silvertoniaa.
If there !s any significance in a
name. Mr. Cutting, hewly ap
pointed Senator from New Mex
ico, should be pn the appropria-
Druggists Forbidden to Dis
pense Liquor on Prescription.
Head-line. Both wets and dry. cai
gree that liquor is indispensable
Arkansas Gazette.
BROOKS, Ore., Not. 8. (Spe.
clalj Miss Marie Inlavy enter,
tained a group 'of young folk, at
the home of her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. John Dunlavy. recently. Nov
el games and music were the fea
ture of the evening. Those pre
Admrnistratrbt of the Estate of
sent were: Misses Benlah A spin
wall, Leta Wallace. Edna Lether,
Ina Lesher,' Lena Riggi. Lela As
pinwalL Lavon Harris, Mrs. Syl
vester Harris, Mrs. C. D. Naylor,
Mrs. A, E. Harris. Albert Harris.
John Dunlavy. Jr.. Mr. and Mrs.
John Dunlavy and the hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Loomls are
receiving congratulations on the
arrival of an efght and a half
pound baby boy born November 3
at the Salem general hospital.
Mrs. M. Jones has returned
home from a visit with her daugh
ter Mrs. John Wythecomb: at Ar
lington, Oregon.
Recent guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs." Harry Rhodes were
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Barnett.
Mrs. Barnett and-Mrs. Rhodes are
cousins. ' .
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Foster are the
proud parents of a; baby boy. He
has been named Armand Richard
Foster and his. weight was eight
pounds. The Fosters formerly
lived in Brooks, hut have moved
to Gervals recently.
Ninety-Eight Children From
First to Fifth Grade Are
prats a fvrtxsiy t
given 4 ut. anotaar, jreea.' inw
neater. eUntc Is held the third
Tuesday; of each aaonth, whlca
will ' fee November 10 of this
Math. ' .
The committee ' reports that
work Is carried on-so much more
easily than formerly because of
the large new clinic room that
was arranged for the work, at the
Eugene Field 'building this sum
mer.; .
The "average . glrL"" who has
been discovered In a Texas collgge
thinks she is quite a bit above it,
which proves the point. Detroit
SILVERTON. Ore.. Not. .
(Special.) Ninety-eight children
were given physical examinations
at the regular clinie held at the
Eugene Field school building
Tuesday. The clinic began in the
morning and lasted throughout
the day. The children examined
were from the first to the fifth
grades inclusive.
Dr. V. A. Douglas and Dr. Rus
sell of the Marion county health
demonstration, assisted by two
local physicians and the commit
tee, examined the children.
Success Noted -
Mrs. John Ballentyne, who
heads the local work, reports that
the committee was particularly
well pleased with the clinic held
this week as so many mothers at
tended, showing that they were
interested and took the work of
the, clinic seriously.
Those assisting were' Mrs. P. A.
Loar, Mrs. A. E. Janx, ;Mrs. H. W.
Preston. Mrs. George Steelham
mer, and Mrs. Carl Lowe. Be
sides these were Mrs. Ballentyne
and two nurses, Mrs. LaRiche. the
local health nurse, and Miss Kra
ker who was here from the coun
ty health bureau.
Toxin-Antitoxin Given
The toxin-antitoxin clinic is
also being carried on. This is
also open to pre-Bchool children.
HUBBARD. Ore., Nov. 8.
(Special.) Mrs. L. A. Beckman
and Mrs.' George Grimps were
hostesses to the Hubbard Wom
en's club which met at the home
of Mrs. Beckman Wednesday aft
ernoon. .At the business session further
plans were discussed for the ba
aar which is to be held the first
Friday In December. The club
members- have filled jars with
fruit and, vegetables and are pack
ing: them preparatory to shipping
to "the Pacific Protective society
as a Thanksgiving donation.
The names of two new mem.
here were added to the club ros
ter They were Mrs. Blanche
Smith and Mrs. Eunice Braden.
Mrs. G. J. Frankel, president of
the Oregon Federation of Wom
en's clubs, was present and gave
an , Interesting i report of the na
tional convention at San Antonio,
Texas. She also gave some very
"helpful suggestions on the study
of art. a subject In which the club
is interested.
This was "Clsb Birthday" day
as sdvrthud ha tb. Pacific North
wast Farm Trio . . .
Special Terms 1
' A trade-in allowance
on your old stove!
8av money hi fnI, and b com
fortable tbraont th how this
winter. This beaatiful Cabinet
Haatar actually pays for itsalf I
8 it on display in our stora.
i.t Jill
T.j If
an4 ' the ciab had., for . Its honor
gaest ' lUclub mother, Mrs. Jack
Saddler of - Aarora. ; It was
through the efforts of Mrs. Sad
dler that the club was organised
eight years ago, and she has nev
er missed a club birthday celebra
tion since. that time. 1
A piano duet by Bobby land Mnr.
ill Brockman and a vocal selection
by -James and Kenneth! Bidgood
were greatly enjoyed. Delicious
refreshments were served by the
Vancouver Folk
Seek Location
In This County
-HOPMERE. Ore.. Nov. 8.
(Special.) Mr. and Mrs. John
Meithof have had as their guests
for the past week Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Ames of Vancouver, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Ames plan to locate
here and are looking for a farm.
Mr. Ames is a carpenter and has
been doing some work on the
Meithof home. , ,
Recent guests at the Osburn
home were Mr. and Mrs. Zimmer
man of Boring and Alexander
Glgger, Mr. and Mrs. George Gig
ger, and Mr. and Mrs. John Glg
ger, all of Portland. j
Mrs. Anna Feist has been visit
ing her sister in Portland for the
past week. j
Mr. and Mrs. John Palmer were
guests of friends in Portland recently.
Kansas Visits
At Moss Home
LABI8H CENTER. Ore.. Nov. 8
(Specail) Miss Pearl Deltriech
of Horton, Kansas, is a guest at
the W. H. Moss home. She is a
niece of Mr. Moss, and will spend
some time visiting relatives here
before returning home.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Starker and
son Arthur accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. W. R. Daughterly and
daughter Bernadeen recently re
turned from a trip to Bellingham.
Wash. They report a very enjoy
able trip.
Paul and Bob Boyntoo returned
recently from North Bend where
they have been guests at the home
of their brother, James Boynton.
and family.
Experts Consider New Style
Shoes for Army. Head-line. Im
proved dogs of war? Arkansas
Sunday School
Convention Is
Held Recently
ROSEDALE. Ore.. Nov. 8.
(Special) The Red Hills district
Sunday school convention wa
held here last Sunday with a large
attendance from the Pringle and
Liberty Sunday schools as wen as
members of the Sunday school
here. Fred de Vries of Pratum.
county president, also attended.
Miss Ruth Wright of Stayton
spent the week end with Miss
Laura Cam mack.
Miss Berchen Cole visited at her
horn hare over th waek-ad. -1
; - Forrest and Albert CAmmac
motored - to ScotU MlUs' Sunday
native of courm i
SILVERTON, Ore., Nov. . I.
(Special) Funeral services for
John T. Bowen, who died at his
home Tuesday night, will be helkl
from the Jack and Etonian chapel
Friday afternoon with the Rev. J.
Bennett officiating. Interment
will be made In Bethany cemetery.
Mr. Bowen was born on Septem
ber 1. 1859 near Silverton and is
widely kaewn la Marion eeuaty.
He bM mafe Ms home la ifarftn
county practically' all his life. For
the past few years he has been
Mr. Bowen Is' survived by two
sons,' Donald and Walter, and
four daughters, Mrs. Harry Bent
son, Mrs. R. Axley, Mrs. Don
O'Kane, and Mrs. John Anderson.
SILVERTON, ore.. Nov.
(Special) The body of Charl"
H. Thompson,, who died at the
home of his sister, Mrs. WRlfam
Emery, la the Waldo Hills Sunday
was taken to- The Dalles Wednes
day by BX Efentaa, local undertaker.
Your Lawn Needs
I HE pride of having a good lawn naturally goes with the
pride of having a home, for there is nothing that helps
make a home more attractive than a lovely green lawn in
front of it. But it takes a certain amount of time to have a
lawn that attracts all eyes. Grass is a very heavy feeder
and it is absolutely essential to fertilize it in order to keep
it in perfect condition. Rather than make one large appli
cation per year, it is far better to apply three or four smaller
applications and so obtain an even growth. One of the best
times of the year is right now, for fertilizer applied this
month enables the grass to enter into the dormant winter
months in a fine healthy condition, in addition to. giving
it a good color which it will retain. In the spring it will be
in a much better condition to make an early start and so
get ahead of the weeds. By results in the majority of good
lawns and golf greens in the Northwest, Lawn Morcrop has
proven itself to be the best lawn fertilizer obtainable, and
its cost is most reasonable compared with the results it
gives and the satisfaction to its users.
With every 50-lib. package of Lawn Morcrop we will
give you FREE a 15c package of Morcrop Tablets for use
on your house-plants and bulbs.
Charles R. Archer & Implement Co.
Ready to. -Serve
" " '
210 State SU
Sakin, Oregon
Our fleet of trucks are at your
service. If you want moving
or hauling work done careful
ly and quickly;
Just Call Q
Fuel for
Also Gas & Diamond Briquets
Larmer TVansf er Go.
Office 143 S. Liberty
Warehouse 889 N. Liberty
-J b-i V U-J L
This is a special Clubbing Rate and is Continuous
from month-to month by Carrier service to subscri
bers in Salem District. This complete 24 hour news
paper service for little more than the regular price
of either paper. Under the new system the carrier
will deliver and collect for both newspapers. To se
cure both newspapers at this rate notify your car-
or phone either office.
Ccmmercial Phone - S0O
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