The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 09, 1928, Page 14, Image 14

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    The New Ossgon States uan, Salem, Oregon, Friday Ucrtuna,
November S191S
J - -
t -
lilHUtl TO
h r innrnirn
Seism Educator Will Open
Peace Conference In"
- Portland Saturday
Dr. 8. B. Laughlin of Willam
. ette Unlrerslty will be the first
' speaker at the Saturday after
o session of the Oregon Con
fresee.on the Cause and Cure
of War to be held In Portland
Nevembr 10. His topic1 Is "What
' fa the Function of the 'League of
Nations In the Prerentton of
- War?", which Is one of six ques-
- Ueas to be answered In regard
to the cures for war. The morning-session
will discuss the causes
f . war, with "Nationalism as a
Caaae of War" explained by Dr.
Levi Pennington of -Pacific col
le and "Imperialism as a
Caase of War" bu Dr. F. A. Ma
grader of Oregon State college
a4 author of a new book of in
ternational relations.
Montague to Preside
'Richard Montague will preside
at the round table In the after
noon, when besides Dr. Langhlin,
4 speakers and their subjects
. , iacluds: "What contribution to
" International Peace does the
World Court make?" by Robert
8? Daan, Oregon State college;
"What Is the achlerement of the
Brlaad-Kellogg pact?", by . Q.
Bernard Noble, Reed college;
"Should any. nation be the sole
Maal Judge of its own case as to
What Is a War of Defense?" by
C C. Lndwig of the Multnomah
onty tax .commission, and Dr.
J. S. Landers, Monmouth ' State
Normal; "Is a. mere renunciation
f war adequate without definite
provision , of institutions for the
' settlement of International dis
pose?" by Charles McKlnley of
Reed college, and Miss Mary
Darling, Washington high school.
Prtland; "Is the United States
Justified in promoting an 'Out
lawry peace pact while refusing
to agree to definite precisions for
Pacific settlement of all interna
Tan and Gray and Combination Colors,
". v' : good looking and good : fitting;
Others $1.98
tional disputes?- by Andrew' Fish,
Unhnsrsltrkof Artrm ' knt ry ,---
UandsakerV WdrJd . Peace ' councU.
Consul To Be O nests -A'L
" The consuls of signatory pow
ers will be ', special guests - at
luncheon at the Heathman hotel,
when David Frailer,, rice con
sul for Great - Britain, Cv Henri
Labbe, consul, France and-Bel-gulm,
and Robert O. Cloaterman,
consul, Germany, will make 3
mtnute talks. Victor Morris .of
the University of Oregon, will
speak on "Approaching the Cures
of War", and Mrs. C. W. Hay
hurst will talk on the "Student
Movement." ,
"The Will-and the Way", Is
the subject of Dr. Norman F.
Coleman's talk in thelevening,
when the other speaker will be
Mrs. Bertha K. Landes. former
mayor of Seattle, whose address
Is entitled, "Agencies for Peace."
' The morning and afternoon
sessions will be held in the
Behnke-Walker auditorium, and
the evening in Library halL
Gives Approval
To Sunday Sport
NEWPORT, R. L, Nov. 8.
voters or Massachusetts have ap
proved professional sports on
Sunday and next year there will
oe bunday baseball in Boston and
other cities, of the state. The ref
erendum on the Sunday sports
law was. passed in yesterday's
election by - wldo margin.
Although the vote on the ref
erendum was . tabulated from
slightly more than three-fourth
of the total number of precincts
in tne state, there was no question
as to the outcome. The vote of
1213 precincts was: Yes, 577,
353; No 304,738. .
The Snnday sports measure
sanctions all professional sports
except racing and prize fighting,
. As soon as this automobile war
is over, we're going to try to get
a pension for our old veteran.
"We stand back of every auto
we sen," say an ad. Fine! The
front end is the dansrerons end.
Florida Tims-Unlon. .
PAtUtU .
and $3.95
Smith Declares
V(kh Public Life
YORK, Not. f (AP
Alfred E. Smith has declared htt
story and tempestuous political
career at an end Just short of
Its' highest goaL , He announced
that he had fought his last po
litical battle and that from now
on "as a high private In the ranks
of American cltisens" he would be
a spectator from the sidelines.
"I certainly do not expect ever
to run for public office again,
he said. "I have had all I can
stand of It. I have given, a quar
ter of a century of probably the
best, years of my life to it. " I will
never lose my. interest in public
affairs that is a sure thing. But
as far as running for office again
is concerned that's finished."
Boxing Promoter
Loses His License
CHICAGO. Nov. .8. (AP)
Promoter James C. Mullen, was
suspended indefinitely and his li
cense revoked' here by the 111
nols State Athletic commission
for failure, to pay the state tax
I ' . ft
i A -v mt
within 48 hours 'altar hla hoxinx
show , at ' the Coliseum November
Z., Mullen's; suspension win pre
vent him' from staging any shows
until - the- state commission - lifts
the, baa against the Chicago Pro
moter. -j.-.. .;. J.- v
Attorney Nanisd t
For Reyes Trial
(AP) State Attorney-General
U. S. : Webb i has ; announced
that he had I appointed Buron
FItts, district " attorney elect of
Los Angeles I county, as special
counsel ,to investigate . charges
against ' Asa jKeyes. present dis
trict attorney.1 , n v.- ..
Women are sayinet Pinkham's
Compound keeps me fit to do my
work." 'I was nervous and all run
down. Now I eat better and sleep
better "."It helped my thirteen
year old daughter." "I took it be
fore and after my bebr tocs born.
J. am gaining: every day."
t. ' '
t I I
fit I'
Rumanian King
BUCHAREST, Rumania. Not.
8 (AP) Lfliu Mania, leader
of the Peasants' party, tonight
said that to avoid further nrotrae-
tion of the cabinet crisis he wsa
not averse to presldinr in a coali
tion government, provided parlia-4
ment was dissolved forthwith and
See Our Windows For
Dollar Specials
v: : Shop Now!
A small payment will hold any article
V 'until Christmas
Next to Oregon Theatre
I - ' - - I 1 . I I"
This special offers
patterns in cassimeres, tweeds And worsteds for
from thirty to forty-five dollars put for Friday
7 Seventy-five 5d lookino well laiiored men's and youn
$ If you need an overcoat get in on these. Special for two
new elections were held within
the limit ttxed- by law;' ? -V
. He said- the' regency, today- ap
pealed, to him" to cooperate "wllh
ether- party leaders to pilot the
stabilisation loan- measures
through the chamber; In order to
avoid a national disaster. Maniu
will report 'his decision tomorrow
after the executive committee of
the Peasants' party has consid
ered the matter.
A specialist says everybody Is
crasy on some subject. His sub
ject, apparently, is craxlness.
Today and
For Men and Young Men
I Here are two opportunity days made-possible by our al
liance with the Washougal Clothing company of Syra
cuse, New York, of which Mr. Bishop is president. Bet-
' ' ter values than this store offers are impossible. We are
proud of the fact that we can offer you these special val
ues for Friday and Saturday biit on top of this we are
more proud of, the fact that we can offer you real quality
.) and guaranteed genuine and lasting satisfaction. Our al
liance with three large woolen mills and a great clothing
: manufacturing concern gives us undisputed leadership
in the field of clothing.
200, Men's and Young Men's
yon an opportmxlty to set the
1 f
f Orange DtartrUlx one-third
cup sugar, one-fourth teaspoon
salt and three tablespoons, corn
starch with one-half cup . cold
milk. Have one-half ; cup milk
warming in double boiler, arfd add
Is a necessity for most people. Com
paratively few families can be left fi
nancially comfortable without it. Most
people carry too little, considering that
the income it will produce is about one
dollar per thousand per week. -
You may double or triple your estate
by additional life insurance.
A. N. Bush, Pres.
Wm. S, Wanton, V.-Pres.
most value for the fewest dollars. Both dark and light
men and youne; men. These suits
and Saturday we offer them tg
men's overcoats.
days only, Friday
n I
cornstarch mixture. Stir - con-
Btantly7, and Twhen It begjni' to
thicken', addjone"i cup of jbrauge
Juice, and the grated "rind of one
orange; - Cook - until - thick and
turn out Into sherbert glasses.
L. P. Aldrlch, Sec'y.
Jos. H Albert, Trust Officer
would ordinarily teli
you at f 21.75.
Store, Inc..
:p,f;: A''
t ' ,x
, 7
? i
A--AA' A-