The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 09, 1928, Page 11, Image 11

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    Tha New OsasoN Statesman, Salery Ortgon, Fridzy llorhing, November 9. 1928
Local News
fa ml-1
- Minor ODeration Lester
htm of Lebanon underwent
nor operation at too Deaconess
hospital Thursday. 1
Slmklns Sentenced -R. G. Slm
ktas was sentenced In municipal
court Thursday to spend fire days
In the city jail t0T drunkenness.
McCracken Fined Robert Mc
Cracken, 2613 Maple avenue, was
fined 1 7. SO In police court Thurs
day for speeding.
r Dwelling Planned J. B. Peters
took ont-a permit Thursday at the
city recorder's office to build a
residence costing $4200 at 1875
Market street.
From The Dalle H. L. Wat
son of The Dalles was a Thursday
guest at the New Salem.
From Falls City Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Clark were in Salem
Thursday from Falls City, mak
ing their headquarters at the New
Visiting in Salem Mrs. H. S.
Griggs and H. S. Griggs, Jr., are
here from Tacoma, Wash.; " to
spend a few days visiting Salem
friends. They are making their
headquarters at the Marlon.
Dean Sheldon Here Henry D.
Sheldon, dean of the school of ed
ucation of the University, of Ore
gon, was In Salem Thursday. He
registered at the Marion.
Chinese Visitor Here Miss
Bertie Jue, a commercial traveler
whose home is in Shanghai, China,
was in Salem Thursday on bus
iness. Mr. Welch ' Here Hiram V.
Welch of Portland, Multnomah
county - assessor, was in Salem
Thursday to attend the annual
meeting of the Oregon count; as
sessors. Falls to Stop Evelyn Smith.
,1140 Norway, paid a $5 fine in
municipal court Thursday on a
charge of failing to stop at a
through street intersection at 2
o'clock that morning.
Seriously ni Mrs. W. K.
Daugherty of Brooks is at the
Deaconess hospital for " medical
care. Her condition is critical, it
was reported from the hospital
last night.
Women Attend Meet Amon,'
the women who were in Saleu
Thursday for the annual meeting
of county assessors of Oregon
were Mrs. Fred K. Baker of Ore
gon City and Mrs. Susie Tone of
Tillamook. They were guests at
the Marion.
Ministers Defer Meet Owing
to the Armistice Day celebrations,
the Salem Ministerial association
will not meet Monday, but will
have their regular . meeting on
Tuesday, November 13, beginning
at 10:30 o'clock in the Y. M. C. A.
Final Account Filed Final c-j
count In the 'matter of the estate,
of the late Albert M. Southwlckj
was filed in probate here Thurs
day. The estate has an estimated
value of $3000. Five hundred and
thirty-six dollars has bcien ex
pended, it was reported.
Three Couples Wed Marriage
licenses were issued from the of
fice of the Marlon county clerk
here Thursday to the following:
Albert Wilfred Umbanhowen. 22.
and Nelta Fell. 16, both of Day
ton; Garrison E. Deal, 29. of San
ta Monica, and Lee Baldwin, 2$,
of Pendleton; Samuel J. Rick. 21,
and M. Merl Hopton, 24, both of
f25 North Church street, Salem.
Goes to Corvallla C. E. Wil
son, manager of the Salem chanv?
her of commerce, will leave this
morning for Corvallla to attend
the two day semi-annual meeting
of the Oregon chamber of com
merce secretaries. He will return
Saturday night.
Aurora Girl Chosen Margaret
Agnes Knapp of Aurora is one of
the six seniors at the University
of Oregon chosen In the fall elec
tions of Phi Beta Kappa, national
scholarship fraternity. About 25
members of the senior class are
-elected to the group In the fall
and spring elections.
Senior Stunt Next The senior
stunt introducing "cords" as the
official garb of the senior boys
will be given &t an assembly at
the high school next Wednesday
morning. The senior girls will
also appear in a distinctive ap-
- parel that day. but the nature of
, their garb is being kept a state
secret. Last year the senior girls
, adopted the smock, air wearing it
'ne day each week.
Goes lo Bead R. O. Shelling
left Salem Thursday for a business
trip of several days in the Bend
territory. Sv:-"- v '.yw'; .-
Employes Have Party Em
ployes of the concert which is de
veloping Ben Lomond Park resi
dence district held a party in their
clubhouse Thursday night.
i Makes Portland Trip John
Werner went to Portland Thurs
day where he was Joined by Mrs.
Werner, later both coming to Sa
lem where they will make their
permanent home, building in Ben
Lomond, park.
Visits Keixer School Mrs
Mary L. Fulkerson, county school
superintendent, visited the rural
school at Kejzer Thursday after
noon. In the morning she was in
Dallas to assist in the annual Polk
county teachers' institute in ses
sion there.
Visits Yamhill Institute Mrs.
Ida M. Andrews, art supervisor in
the junior high schools, as in Mc-
Minnville Thursday to attend the
annual Yamhill county teachers'
institute and to make a special
study of a picture exhibit there.
Art Displays Shown Attrac
tive displays of art work produced
by students of the Salem public
schools have been on display this
week in a number of store win
dows about town. The work has
caused much favorable comment.
Colored crayon work, paint work
as well as pencilled sketches have
been included in the displays.
" Cherrians to Meet The reg
ular November meeting Of the
Cherrians will be held at the
chamber of commerce rooms next
Tuesday night at 6:30 o'clock.
Plans for the annual banquet will
be discussed. A special program
has been prepared for the Tuesday
meeting, according to the an
nouncement o' P. D. Quisenberry,
Assessor Visits A. A. Ander
son, assessor of Deschutes county,
was in Salem Thursday to attend
the meeting of assessors from all
over the state. He came across
the McKenzie pass and found no
snow there Wednesday, but will
return by war of Portland. There
is to be a big shakeup in Des
chutes county offices the first ot
the year, but Mr. Anderson is one
of those who will continue to oc
cupy an office in the courthouse.
To Entertain Lions The cook
ing classes of the Parrish junior
high school will serve a luncheon
to the members of the Salem
Lions club at the junior high
school cafeteria this noon as a
feature of the last day of Educa
tion Week. Parents are invited' to
visit all the grade schools today.
The special school exhibits which
have been in the Miller and Rotn
store windows this week were
taken down Thu xiay afternoon.
Goinc to FUIlv Mr. and Mr
Joseph Benner and daughters.
Vivian and Helen, will t?o to
Spring Valley tonight to assist In
tne community rally to be held
there as a part of tne Marlon
county federation of -community
clubs, fall and winter oromm.
The Benner family's contributions
win be music and readines. Mr.
Benner is one of the clerks at
the Salem posteffice.
Keck Returns W. G. Keek re
turned Thursday from a brief bus
iness trip to Roseburg.
Cnases Entertain President
and Mrs. J. U. Cause of Kimball
School of Theology entertained
the men of the Kimball dormitory
at dinner Thursday evening.
To Wear Green Ribbons All
freshmen at the senior hick school
are expected to wear green rti
bons today, which will be observed
as "shirt and middy day.
Judge Kelly Here Circuit
Judge Kelly will be in Salem to
day and Saturday to hear argu
ments on motions and. demurrers
and set Jury cases.
Ellis Flies Answer Newt Ellis,
named defendant in a $20,000
alienation of affections action
brought by Theodore C. Amend,
filed his answer in circuit court
here Thursday. Ellis denies most
of the alleglatlona in Amend's
Mother Very ID Word has
been received at the senior high
school that Miss Mabel Arthur's
mother is dangerously ill at her
home in Portland. Miss Arthur, a
teacher In the commercial depart
ment of the high school, has been
at her home since early in the
Sixty in Class Sixty teachers
and students are enrolled in the
class "Curriculum Making, take
each Thursday afternoon at the
high school by George W. Hug.
city superintendent, as a part of
the extension division work con
ducted In Salem by the University
of Oregon. Mr. Hug's class is the
largest of the extension groups.
Principals Meet Principals of
the grade schools met after school
Thursday with Miss Carlotta-Crow-
iey, elementary supervisor. j&x.
Ida M. Andrews, art supervisor In
the grades, reported upon an. art
exhibit and project she had wit
aessed that day at the Yamhi'l
county teachers' institute at Mc-
Clinic 'at Marion Toxfn-anti
toxin clinics . for immunization
against diphtheria will be held at
Marion. Sidney and Parrish Gap
this afternoon, with Dr. Vernon
A. Douglas of the Marion county
child health demonstration in
charge. Miss Margaret Mc Alpine,
staff nurse, will assist. School
examinations were held at Ger.
vals Thursday with Dr. Edward
Lee Russell of the demonstration
in charge.
Joint Meeting Planned Here.
after the Salem Realty boardvand
the insurance agents in the city
will hold one joint luncheon a
month, to occur on the last Thurs
day. it was voted at a recent
meeting of the Realty board. L.
E. Oberer, secretary, reports. The
insurance men are not organized
in Salem, and the joint meetings
are planned not olny to help the
realtors and insurance men be
come better acquainted but to
help insurance men become more
familiar with each other and their
common problems. The first
joint meeting will be held this
Physician and Surgeon
has resumed practice at 407
First Nat'I. Bank Bldg. v
Phone 129 Res. Phone 2452
FIXE TORIO reading lenaea. W.ia
or your glacsea gainst breakage.
Kiaminatioa too.
Thompson-Glutsch Optical Co.
110 N. Comm'l St.
Vault Entombment
Office Phone 125. Res." 2011
.Dr. F. Don Baylor
Osteopathic PhysicUn and Sur
geon. Gener ! Surgery and
Obstetrics -
Offices 304 Oregon Bldg. j
$6.50 to
Due to Quantity Buying,
this New Shop on State St.,
1328, is enabled to offer
Furs at these low prices.
Newest in Collar and
LAirr oets being re
ceived twice weekly.
Guaranteed Remodeling
By Los Angeles Fur
: utter
Phone 2911
1328 State
that her husband got drank and
eaXIed - her names. Ethel Brad-
field Thursday fUed salt la cir
cuit eourt for dlverce from Ival
BradOeld. : V
Sues est Vote -C. J. Mannar is
named defendant inan action en a
note r brought in circuit court
Thursday by A. Boyd Williams,
who declares that there is flSS
due him.
! i -:
Appraisement Filed Inventory
and appraisement fued In probate
Thursday In the matter of the es
tate of the lata Robert L. Dorm an
estimates the estate at a valua
tion of $1209.19. Appraisers are
Frank Lillard. W. E. Skelton and
Chester Miller,
; Held as Bootlegger Dan An
derson was brought Into justice
court here Thursday charged wttn
selling intoxicating liquor. He was
given time to consult an - attorney
before entering a plea to the
charge. He was placed in 4he coun
ty jail in default of $500 ban.
Coach's Mother. Dies M r s
J. W. Gill. 70. mother of Eugene
Gill, of the Salem high school
coaching staff, died Monday at the
home of her daughter. Mrs. C. L.
Hobson. in Los Angeles, accord
ing to word reaching Salem. Mrs.
Gill was a resident of Salem for
many years. Funeral services will
be held in Eugene Saturday af
Bootlegger Jailed "Charley"
Johnson of West Woodburn was
arrested Thursday and brought
before Justice of the Peace Small
on a charge of selling liquor. He
had sold liquor to officers at var.
ions 'times, and Thursday he sold
two gallons.' Johnston pleaded
guilty to the charge. Judge SmaU
announced that sentence will be
imposed this morning. Meanwhile
bail was fixed at $1000. which
Johnston said he did not happen
to have wtih him. "I should have
stopped In Ger vals; then I could
have got it," he said. "You should
have stopped In October," said
Judge Small. "Then you wouldn't
have needed It. Johnston went to
Jail. Officers declared they found
30 gallons of liquor on his place
when they arrested him.
Christmas Card
Easily solved- last phone 101
and ask our salesman; to call with
samples. Commercial Printing
Dent Statesman Publishing Co.
HI 8. Ranniwtilr
Strictly Old Time
Crystal Garden, every Wednes
day and Saturday, Matths'a s-
pieca orchestra,
Wanted. SO Worn
To, work In apples.
cannery, 4 pi. m.
West Salem
Dancing Every Friday Night
Ramblers playing, j Dome's Pa
vilion, McCoy. .
Wanted at Once
First class seamstress. Must be
good stitcher. No phone calls ans
wered. Mrs. A. B. Kelsay, 349 S.
12th st. upstairs.
Wanted. 80 Women
To work in apples.! West Salem
cannery, 4 p. m.
Harmony ; Knights.
Hazel Green, Sat,
Hazel Green, Sat, j night.
Used Tires At !
"Herb" Hansen's, ;1105 North
Com'l. Tel. 230.
Biz Anctio
Sat at V V. WOodrv's Auc
tion Market on Summer St.
Horses, cow. 3 sows. 100 hens.
potatoes, furniture, etc., see ad.
Inexpensive Gifts-?
For clubs, birthday and wed
dings hnay be had in our glftry.
Visit this entire room of gifts.
Pomeroy &. Keene. !
Big Rummage Sale-
Saturday at 42t Court St..
Kosmty Fair land Karnlval '
Friday , night, ". Nor. .. Sea E.
Cooks Pattoai Master Magician,
with tha : ! Yanderilla; Antomo-
mbbile Races; Baking Kontest;
Sideshows of all Kinds; and Eats.
Small Kolas Necessary. First
Presbyterian church, auspices of
Young Married Peoples club.
- -1 ... - : -
Ye Old Time
:ijsuuta U4uv., vafm.-a c.
Liberty. Every Sat. nigh- Fea
turing only old time dances.
Whitney's , orchestra. Phone
124W. I V j
IK irt
Hazel Green, Sat.
Home coo kink.
Pb, 11STW.
See Bargain Bsannaage Sato
Sat. at 421 Court St.
' . ! j
Hazel Green Opening-
November j 0.
ufe o lBjv
Wanted. 30 Womei
; To work in apples. West Salem
cannery, 4 p. m.
Vick Brothers.
Vtwater-Kent Radios
I'ick Brothers for At water-Kent
: All Electric Radios;
rtollar Dinner
Every night 6:30 to 8 at the
Marion hotel.
Pnrnltnre foholstere
And repairing Giese-Powers
Furniture Co
j Creams
Assorted in Light & Dark
Regular price 60c a lb.
This weekend only
32c a lb.
2 lbs. for 60c or
a 5-lb. box for $1.45
Only at
Drug Store
Original Candy Special Store
Phone 107. N. 135 Com'L St.
The Prnslar Agency
i -
If Bladder Weakness. Getting
Up Nights. Backache. Burning or
Itching Sensation, leg or groin
pains ' make you feel old, , tired,
pepless. and worn but why not
make the Cystex 4 SI Hour Test?
Don't eive ud. Get Cvstex todav at
any drug stdre. Put ifi to a 48 hour
test. Money back if you don't soon
feel like' 'new, full of pep, sleep
well, with pains alleviated. Try
Cystex today. Only 6!0c.
State and Liberty, Salem, Ore.
We have two 1020 Ford Tour
ing cars thai are in Al condi
tion In j ervery way, well
equipped, jgood robber, finish
like, new and asnap for f 195.
That Service tails'
Collie Dog
Large Yellow Female
Telephone 2S494C
Electric ,
i Heaters
While they last
jj 1 Things Electrical .1
101 Soeth High Tel. SUA
... - -v
John J. Rottle
415 State St.
Expert Shoe Fitter
Oh,Uft,ye Christmas
Choose Cards before 7
the best are soldi
a Hi 'Javc
Commercial Book Store
A. A. Guef froy
Phone 64
The Time Makes' No Difference "WE NEVER CLOSE"
We call for 'and deliver!
Yoiircar laundered
. white you sleep
Farmers' Day
Every Sat. 1:30 P. M.
Auction Market
Furniture Store
1610 N. Summer St. .
This Saturday listings as fol
lows: 1 S-yr. old mare, nnbrokea;
; 1 S-yr. old. Jersey cow, a real
good cow; 1 young mare A-l,
dandy; 1 reg. Poland China
sow, weight about 350 lbs. a- a
Poland China guilts; 5 mths..
old 75 imre bred Ancona
hens, 1 yr. old; 25 R. I. Red
and Barred Rock pallets, . d
mths. old; expect some tor
keys bat not sore; household:
furniture of all kinds, tools,
potatoes and many other
X want snore bones, cews,
pigs, . turkeys, hens, geese,
ducks, lnsthlnery; autos,
tools, famlture or anything
else ef vahne.
M. M. a. mj vaau-twi va..,..
i - jp urniture
Auction Every Wed. I
.Nite 7 P. L is
J Auttion Every Sat
1:30 P. II.
Private Sales Daily'
-. Every thing Sold On ,
1 . Commission
Come and help us stow.
L U : Q 111
UUnununuunuuuuuuuuuunnununnniBnBV i . .i
I g
. it ih 7 n nr Tinrn th
A CARLOAD PURCHASE of Living Room Furniture enables us to pass on to you, a decided saving on a
Davenport and Chair for your living room. Perhaps you have oeen waning ior ut .
a M U A - nu ii j las nrlk ZlA
this. Be sure to see these Suites now on display, and many others too, inai are wtu wwu
Two Piece Living Room Group
I ;
Davenport with Chair to match in a new and pleas
ing Tapestry in a floral design. Re- dJ AO A A
verse cushions on each item ; 2 pieces P 1 vti . U U
Two Piece Living Room Suite
. i 'i . . j -Davenport
with Chair to match, made by Kroehler.
covering is good grade Jacquard Velour with reverse
cushions in j bright floral design.! ClO-l K(l
The two pieces ; 1 . " P 1 UJ.JU
! Mohair Davenport
All Mohair Davenport, with web construction. Black
piping on cushions 'and seams, and charming reverse
on cushions of good tapestry. CQR flft
A very good; value .i t4J70UU
Two Piece Living Room Group
rk.Conirwf rifi fa1 match-in a new shade of
multfiolored Jacquard "Velour. Suite is well de
signed and comfortable, j OOQ flfl
The two pieces. J LJ , P047eV V
:. Two Piece Living Room Suite
Tlawnnhrt nnrl Chair' to
High" back style chair.
jacquard veiour. j
The two pieces .. , 1.
match, made by Kroehler.
Upholstering in tri-tone
Jacquard Velour Davenport
I -':(..
A very pleasing numbeif in a new shade, of Velour
with taupe, grey and mulberry. Built to give good
-service,! with quality materials. flfl
Another wonder value - 1 : ... UOeVU
tl i.
1 i,
Tapestry Davenport
Here is an all tapestry Davenport with reverse cushj
ions in the same style of tapestry, thus insuring good
wearing qualities in the cushions. - i t Q )f
A WOnder vnlna T- ; s?IDCJaDU
A deposit win hold
any piece or set for
future delivery.
f . t
c rmZtes? . 340 COUTTT ST.
f- i Exchange Department 255 No. Commercial St.
Convenient terai
ctay be secured C3
these sets, get your
t jow.h-
The SUtion with a Clock .
Invite Us to Your Next Blowout
published 1916 v
- I '!.
v 1