r. .16 The New Osegon Statesman Saiem, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, November 4, 1928 General 11 ark els . . TOKTLAXV GRAIN V PORTLAND, Ore Hev. 8 (AP). Caea rtU: Waeat Bin- Bead Wnttm, We -whit -$1.44; eott wnite 91.16; . wirtOT wtdU 41.15; hard winter . 91.18; rUn -spring- 91.07 ft ; nrestera w4 91.09. -:r , Oata He. 1, 98 lb. wnlte, 935. Barley No. 2, 45 lb. B. W, $34.50. Cora Me. 2 Xastcra Yellow, shipment. 42.00. e- JaUlraa standard, $27.00. HAT PORTLAND, Or.. Wot. $ UP). Hay Baying- prices: Eastern Oreroa tatothy. 990.50091.00: alley $17,000 17.60: alfalfa, 918.00Q18.80; clow, 8 14-00 Q 15.00: oat nay. $15.00015.50: etraw, $740 ton. Selling- pricea, $2 tea . ,..-- : : saxxt . POETLASD, Ore.. Not. $ (AP). Dairy JExebeace. net Drlcea: . Batter: Extrae 49fte; standards 4a; prima firata 47 Via; -fiats 45 . - Eura: Ixtrss 48c; ft rata 45e; asetiaa 'atrae See; aaediuaa firata 8Sc; aader isd 24. - - . rmomroa . PORTLAND, Ora., Not. 9- XAP). ' Feattrr Steady. Alive ease (over 4H Iba.). lie. Median aeae OH to lee.) 20c i sprite and Leghorns. 93e. - - Potatoes Steady. Pe 100 .poasda, .Takiena Oeana, $1.101.40; loeaU partly graded, 91.0001.20; Ho. vs. tvc; Dencaetee Oea, si.sstei.ao. UVBSTOCat POKTLAKD. Ora Not. 8 (AP). Boca, 140: to tale for weak (appreat aaateryl-Oattla. 9,9; eahree, 480; easaa: l.Saa: Un T.225: earn. 158. . OattlOf (tupaisd wita a week age) easdtwaa aad lover areaee" of ete a ad see ateak nsovenly . S8o to 78c and mere lower t toll steady; eeWee aad veelera BOo dewa; a few loads of etrlet- ly food eteere steady at 912.oeji2.u; balk. motions to fairly aoeo, aio.70a 11.60; off owality dewa to. $8.60; top rows aad feet rare la lead lota. 1O.S0 raoosslWaly with nothing strictly good, tnerodod; aalk aaodiaaa aad lower rrado oao-atock. . oowa: low eat tore dewa v to $4.50 aad below; ball aaeetty. 97.00a7.76: beat Ma at vaejera 914.00; oalrea, 911.50 down; kearics aad tkiao dewa to 87.00. Hea-a (eoaapared witk a week age) killing claaaaa mostly 25 60c lower; feeder pifa Steady ; an Ik Itfnt batchers 99.50 Q 9.86, a few (elected lota Monday 97.75, aetalng over $8.50 thereafter; or erweignta aad anderweighte, $8.76 down: extreme keaTiee, $8.0008.50 packing sows, $7.00 7.75. mostly $7.50 eras; eiaagkter pile mostly $8.50. i few email lota Monday ap to $9.00 feeder pifa la food demand all week at $8. 50 6.00. fUteeo market aaoUbty ateady witk weak aca: snodlam to fairly rnod lambs 910.604 11.60; strictly, choice llgfct lambe absent, quoted np to 912.00 and better; throw-oats down to $8.50 ebeire- light yeerhnee quoted ap to 910.00; ewee $6.50 down. A Soml-Buncalov of Surpacclnc Charni E1H-BUNGAL0WS offer on of tb most destrftble types of all the smaller homes and can be built usually with as ireaf economy as any of them. About them, too, is always a distinctive appeal,', while lending themselves to an interior arrange ment that seldom fails to evoke enthusiasm if the architect has made the most of his oppor tunities. Porches of am ple dimensions are in evitable in this type of home, too, a feature deemed indispensible by thousands, yet not held to be essential by prob ably quite as many, others. The porch, though, is altogether a matter of taste where one puts comfort into the background. TBS WATAUGA DESIGN ATI! " h'-P 7 " usually go only to the height ex eat story. Such homes,TiowevT, seldom have an attic, a feature desirable to some, objectionable to others. Storage room, however, can be pro vided but it usually means a closet stairway, small and difficult : j . -The interior of this particular home to an unusual degree makes for living comfort. En trance to the large living room is from the porch. Within, one Is instantly Impressed with the wealth, of light that streams through the windows at all sides, and is pleased with the deep open grated To the left the dining room is equally cheerful and the kitchen likewise pleases. CHICAGO GXAXV CHICAGO. Nor. 8 (AP). Jolted by a stralgkt-from-the ahoalder notice that Knsvie ta not to be a bayer, wheat pricea today flatened oat. Tbd notice came as a decided anrpriso to wheat balls who bare recently boon making a capital of reports that large parehasea of wheat for Rasa la would be witnessed. Closing notations on wheat were beery, 1H to 2c net lower, with corn 4c to 7-$e off and oata skewing l-$e to KQ8c decline. NEW YORK STOCKS NEW YORK, Nor. 8 (AP) The etaek market easily absorbed the week end liquidation today, which was aug mented by farther pre-election ereaing ap of accounts. A few specialties and oils made moderate galna. while a wide aaMrtmeat of loesoa extending from fractions to 9 points cropped oat at the Jm the o4. Sinclair wa again bearily boagbt. gaining aboot a point, and clot lag fractionally higher. Pjn-AmeHcaa Petroleum B Jumped more than 2 points, and Richfield mora than a point. Wool worth climbed 6 polnta to a new high at 0H. and Buffalo and Sua ajaehanna shot ahead 7 points to a new peak at 87. Warner Brothers Isaacs made rains of about 6 points, and In dertrJoT Bayon of 6 points. Number of HraTna of a poiat or so aoade Biaciair in the eeoaion were replaced by moderate reeeetione In tba eloeing transactions. ia which Isanea aa General Motors. Chry Pael and Iron. Feral Mining -and potato to a new high, while Colorado Paahin International atepped st-JH alr. Radio, and Iaternational Telephone. .Smelting. General Bofraetoriea, later nationaol Match Preferred, and Timkeo Holler Bearing made gaias of 2 to 8 potnta. Express shares were sharply ir regular, American gaining 12 and Adams toeing HH points.' Salem Markets Trash rmtta (Wholesale qooUtloae) Apploo. and t. .. fipitsenborf - 1.2 now- , Klaa- Darld 125 Winter Banaaaa, Wn. Kortbora Spy . Hanaaaa, lb. : Craaberriot, Western, box Datee Dromedary. 8S. 10-os kg Cranes Cel eeedleee, lag . CaL Tokaya, lug 1.25 -1.26 - .08 H -6.60 .9.71 Cat White Malagaa. rag Cat. Ladynafora, Ing Emperor, lb. - Cera ic ben grapes , Crapefrnit. Ariaw case Morida. ease Groand ekerrtea HoekMberrioa. Wa., la. Comb boaey. aew crop- Lemona. Cat. , lilmee. cartoaa, 9 doa Watermeloaa. Klondike Ice cream melon a, lb Oraagea, Valeaclaa 160a aad largar ITCs, 218s 263a to S24a are. local lb Poackoa Pemegraastea, Ik. . . tjaracoa, lo. .1.2$ . -1.50 .1.10 - .50 - .08 ilX.7 5.76: 7.50 -1.50 ; .10 A76a6.6 . . 2.09 r..om -T.6008,76 . .5 J60 .09 Vegetable (Wholesale anotaUeaa) Artiebokoa. doa. 1-46 Beana, er, aaek lota, tt Ml wood. doa. , , r "'mm M Pnmpklaa, lb. -.. 7., Calory. U Laklak. doa : 9 - Craio.. Calif, tyl . r i-6.25 ladaaab, laaal. lb., - .05' .02 H .04 .02 M .08 On the upper floor, reached by way of a Usually this type of home is square, or stairway at the rear of the living room, are lour bedrooms and bath. Two of these are larger than you would expect to find and the other two are of good size. For a fam ily of moderate size the home is not only ample but unusually well arranged. Leaflet nearly so, upon its foundations.- No other house is so economical to build . as the one that is square, without breaks of line in the walls. And in the semi-bungalow there is saving in the walls which, fjont and rear, The Common Brick Manafaeturera Aaeoclatioa, Cleveland. Ohio, can furnisk complete drawings for thie design, ea brick construction seat upon request. Turnips, awt. Cabbage, ewt, Pumpkin, ewt. Squash, ewt. Hubbard squash, ewt. Egg plant, lb. Tomatoes, bos Celery, dot. Cauliflower, crate Onions, lb. Parsnips, lb. New carrots, doa. trancher- Lottace, local, orate Pasco, iced,, crate Green peppers, lb. Red peppers, lb-. Lettuce, crate. ..2.00 -1.50 -1.25 .1.25 .1.25 . .05 .60 .60 .1.00 .08 - .02 0Q .60 1.60 8.75 .05 .05 1.00 .40 .75 . .02 .1.09 Radishes, doa. bunches Spinach, boa . Pratt (Baying pricea) Quinces. lb. Z Apples, face and filled .... Poultry (Buying Price) Hens, hoary Medium Lighte .14Q .16 lgaora breiiera. asder 8 las - .13 Springers, large , .., .22 Broilers - 24q) .IS Roosters, aid .07 .22 .16 Butterfat Print Carton Battarfat (Wholesale) Grain . (Baying price) Wheat, Western Red, bn. Soft White - Oats, gray, bo. wane, ha. Barley, ton Wool and Mohair .. .. . ' : - - ' ran cup aad umbo stoaair and Kjds UMtnrk Steera '. ' Cows, good .59 .62 .68 . .99 .1.04 8 .49 -64.00 Veal, good .85 .61. 61 O80.O9H 08 .08 H Bulla, good Veal, drotaed, top nogs.- top Hogs, droased, top Heary Sows Spring lambs "Tethers Ewe, top -06KQ.O7K 16 -08a.0t .12 ..07.08H .0B 0.1O rut Oi na J!02Vi.04, Church Women Have Annual Home-Coming The, Willing: Workers class of the First Christian church met In the church parlors Wednesday af ternoon, for . their annual class Home-coming. The business session was fol lowed by readings given by Mrs. J. W. Arnett and Mrs. D. B. Simp son and violin solos by Mary Trin dle During the social hour, re freshments were served at long tables decorated in keeping with the Hallowe'en season. -The following members fwtere present: Miss Nellie Clark, the Mesdames Will May, D. B. Simp son, J. E. Lepley, C. J. -Emerick, Cash Roberts, A. L. Kin ton, Geo. Gibson. A. D. Wagner, Janet Stan ton. Thomas Clark, W. Schleisner, Will Grltton. Arthur Flint. V. R. Hlckthier. Gertrude Kirkpatrlck, Albert Cox, Mary Dunn, Wm. P. Ellis,-1. E. Lester, A. B. Seeley, Clifford Elgin, Earl Chapel, Dor othy McDowell, Clifford Bowen. M. McDonald, H. Conklin, Fay Humphrey, Harry Hunt, Ifyrtle Reaney, J. C. Turner, J. C. Perry and the hostess committee, Mrs. Earl Wood, Mrs. Chas. Ruggles, Mrs. Burt Macy, Mrs. J. W. Ar nett, Mrs. Geo. Alderin and Mrs. A. W. North. Mrs. E. B. Gabriel was a truest of the class. Miss Jennings Is Hostess For Her Club gwhe Vote Here Is the official list oft voting places tor Marlon county for the general election of November I: Aumsvilie, Hein's Hall tnj Anmsyllle. n? Aurora, L O. 0.1 F. Hall n Aurora, if?PV Brdtenbush, Old Store Building. W z Brooks,' School bonsei In Brooks. -w : - ButteviUe, L O. O. Fj Hall In Butteville. Champoeg," Champoeg Memorial Building. - Crolaan,-LtTeley ehurch!at Roberts. .. ponald.Hofiklna and Deeart hall In Donald.. Elkhorn, Schaolhonee Dist. 115. Englewood, Swegle School House Dist. 78. Fairfield,-School House Dlst. 26 Fairgrounds, Hayeaville School House on Pacific highway. East Gervais, City hall. Gervals. West Gervals,' GL W. Brower's house in Gervais. Horeb. A. B. Horner's store building. Central Howell. Central Howell school house basement. .. North Howell, North Howell Grange hall East Hubbard, City liall in Hubbard. West Hubbard, Hubbard j fire station. Jefferson. Masonic hall. Jefferson. Liberty, Liberty hall. j jfacleay, Macleay Grange hall. Marlon, W. O. W. hall in Marion. j ' ji McKee. Belle Passi school house. ' ;" Mehama, Philllpi's ball in Mehama. Mill City, Hammond! Lumber Co's. Opera House In Mill City. Monitor, Lennon's . hall In Monitor. East Mt Angel City halU in ML" Angel. .ItestMt. AngeL. Mt.. Angel .hotel.- . Prlngle, Davidson's house on Pringle road, i Quinaby, Oregon Electric! Depot at Quinaby. Hoverview, Old Roverriejw school house. . Rosedale, Rosedale school house. ' alem No. 1, Portable school hous at Washington school. Salem No. i, Bungalow Christian church, 17th d Court, - Salem No. $, Tale Laundry Co., 354 North 21st street. ' : Salem No, 4, Swedish tabernacle, corner' Mill and 15th, Salem No. f, Richmond schooL "C Salem No. f. Tew Park school. - Salem No. 7, St. Vincent de Paul school, between Highland and Columbia avenues. . . . j . ' Salem No. t, Jason Lee church, corner Jefferson and . Winter streets. . Salem No. 9, Baptist church, corner D and N. Cottage. Salem No. 10, Basement Salem Women's club, 460 Nt Cottage. Salem No. 11, County court house in Salem. i Salem No. 12, Vick Bros., 240 South High streets. Salem No. 13, E. Sherwood's residence, 787 CrosB street. Salem No. 14, Store BuUding, 1694 North Commercial street. . Salem No. 15, J. E. Krajugei's hop basket factory. If! Commercial street. ! Salem No. 16, City Hall in Salem. Salem No. 17, Bonesteele Motor company, 470 South Commer. cial. j East Salem, Rickey school house. ' Salem Heights, Salem Heights Hall. St. Paul. K. C. Hall In St. Paul. Bcollard, .Wengenroth's store In West Woodburn. Scotts Mills, I. O. O. F. building in Scotts Mills. Shaw, Shaw Hall in Shaw. Sidney, Grange hall fn Sidney. Silver Falls, Church at Silver Falls. - , North Sllverton, North Side Pool Hall in North Silverton. South Silverton, Evergreen School house. J'' East Silverton, Council chambers in Silverton. West Silverton. Knlghtsj of Pythias Hall. Stayton, Stayton Lumber company office. East Stayton, Masonic Hall in Stayton. West Stayton, Commercial club hall In West Stayton. Sublimity, C. O. F. Half in Sublimity. Turner, Masonic Hall in Turner. Victor Point. W. O. W. Hall over Victor Point store. Waconda, Brltt Aspinwall's garage In Wacondai Woodard, Hullt School j house. East Woodburn. M. E. church In Woodburn. West Woodburn, City Hall In Woodburn. Talented Portland Woman Guest In Salem M ISS Gwendolyn Jennings en tertained her bridge club and a group of additional guests in her home Thursday night. Three tables of cards were in play with the first prise for high hon ors belag won by Mrs. Frank Ha- berman. The second prize went to Mrs. F. X. Hoereth. ' Special ' guests " Included Mrs. Helen Buseelle, Mrs. F. X. Hoe reth, Mrs.; Frank Haberman, Miss Reta ClaggetL Miss Leona Ker sten. and Miss Elizabeth Taft. In the club group were Miss Golda Wheeler, Miss Ruth Kitchen. Miss Velma ROmlnger. Miss Louise Hiller. Miss Helen Hiller, Miss Gladys McVey, and the hostess, Miss Jennings. wA A Mes sage to the Hotne Owner M.-'I- TO THE HOMEOWNER: Banana Gotten IelicMMa Daaiaa. ' IK, HabbandUrlb. M aratoaead ' Cacamboca.' bet boasa. dos.9110 91 1 Camata. mcaL sack, lb .oVaY Cabbage, local. IV. M reait.. laaaL crate ,.,1.96 PgSPfM CkJlf, lb. ..21 , Vancwed egetahioe, par awe. aa Carrots' ' 40 " Boot i- ,' - ' 44 Taraipa Ontoata SLeJUhea ratatooa- a. o LoeaL Barbaaka f. Yak. Game No. 2 ' 8weot potatooe - ., Garlic, lb. . reppers, local, see, lb. Hod,, lb. 99 409) -50 :- .90 Zl.85 1.10 -.04 Ke .26 TematooaM local, baa j t Hot boasa, crate .. , . s aiens No. io No. 2'a . .10 .so EmaU piekKnc. lb. .9.00 $.75 d.0 . .9.00 - jn Panda ' (ReteH ajaatatlaas) - Calf meal, 29 Iba ,, , . 1JI Dairy food, tea 4a aa ecratck. ton - " Cora, whole, tea Cracked aad grvmrni MUl rna., baa' .T, ; Jtraa, ton ' 'tw maaa With milk standard a -Modrama nanaFafaf (Baying Price) .47.00 Zs$.7 86.00 -60.09 66.09 yefataWaa j. , (Bayia arloar ttoea, ewt. aew boa to. doa.-, tnachoa. piaack, . baa. mi. . d - - ... .. 1,00 " TITE ARE pleased to announce that as local agents for the JOHNS-MAN- Iff-V IT?" VTLLE ROOFING LINE we are now in position to render you a' service which i has never before been possible in Salem, A srraPrinl WrTrpntAtivA of the Johns-llanville comxAHi wfll M heri Ka WaV ftf Nnvamher dtfTnnd will Wrjleased to' call on vou in the interest of their FIRE-PROOF.RIGID ASBESTOS SHINGLE; (da nbttcbnf use this . ' m . m . wawann ' - oifi shinftie. with. the so-called lire-prool raff-ieit sningiei . jfiexipie snrogTea are nol fire proof, neither are they penriaheni. They are' Worth all you pay' for them. but no more., .- r- f . : If the7 roof onyour home is v:- innintr lo f aiL or if vou are havinff to slip in a tin shingle here and there, why not re-roof with a material which will be remanent and fire-proof , which will lower jrourrihstiranee rate and whieh will never need psJnting' or other inamtehance, .t v J Y '- ifrT Mf, n ' . " TheJohns-Manvflle- and fleadble ihina-les and they have swine beautiful new colort and patterns to hbw youT They will be prepared to make an inspection and give you an estimate and recom- nf1Tdfltli01al -"TT aananann-t. aiikJewfVtia,. i There wiU no representative will be here only a short, time, and wt ask ! that you call Yours very truly, ui r .- e- ,1 1 m&mVm-r-t-mUmWmmi,mm i- w'j. saasmaa!" I --aa-as- Church and Mill . ..... , . AN interesting visitor in Salem this past week has been Mrs. Rowena Arthur Mills, prominent Portland poet and playwright. Mrs. Mills and her urn all daughter have been guests of Mrs. Mills' sister. Miss Mabel Arthur. Salem high school teacher. Mrs. Mills wrote the three act play, entitled "Goosey Gander." which was selected among a num ber of plays submitted by Oregon dramatists to be entered in the national contest of amateur plays now being sponsored by the Amer ican Drama League. The plays, one from each, state being admit ted into the contest, are now be ing judged by a group of profes sional dramatists in Chicago, and the prise-winning play will be pre sented inrthe New York city RP; ertory theater' under the direction' of Eva L jdajliene, I Mrs. aiillsfhas also Received ? recognition 'for her delightful po etry, i more -than 50 poems being published recently in Portland newspapers. - One of her latest pferdnVH Shidows," has been bought y Lyrical Poetry maga zine and will be published in the near future. North Hawkins & -Roberts, Inc. Residence Loans Straight or Monthly 4 Payments 205 Oregon Bldg. mum javms mix wdu tu&vixmvii A Salem Institution Organised in It 10 - Place your savings with ua Let us finance your home on weekly or monthly payments 142 South Liberty Street 7" .44 if?. a-S V I trTa T WZ- 1M 8(1 re Ms"kir rI?M s CHURCH XITE PLANNED : i "Church Nlte," beginning at 6: 10 o'clock with a covered dish luncheon, is held each Wednesday night at the First Christian The Young people of the Im-I manuel Baptist church, corner Hazel and Academy, will meet Tuesdav night at 7:30 o'cIock. The weekly prayer service will be held Thursday night at the same hour. sbbsj A New Method of miSrIFlS)iIFIM Saves You Money Adds to Comfort Ko need to rtmove yoqr old roof lay Red Cedar S&iagles rigt ovef th old rooi A thoroughly practical method has been mocked out aavea removing old roof, avoids Utter, improve ap pearance, of house, adds amuingly to warmth and comfort .WtH be glad to supply detail, JOue trated folder. eatimaU alg the shingles. Ws provid a completa ahicgling aad ra-ahingting ' aervke. Don i rarroof until you inveatigata. A hraetienl-and proven method CU or Phon for T viler PrticUr$ J. ,W. Copeland Yards Yards la Wet RaJem. Albany, Leata Hubbiard; Yaunhin i mmt WXatlrVfa a jm or aTTm ST ItlVFff VUUAim anramA v Tfc CULD2Q P OP THIS? TOWy RECOMMEND I a a ni wm .. . - 4 Practy Cal ay j" 'The advertisement that rings, the bell is the one that Mtrnda trae ' If it isn't believed wear a shamed face.' it seems to LUMBER and I All Building Materials Gabriel Pouder&Supply Co OlTJoe, Yard suad Wmnihemam 610 Korlh Capitol VWVv" and it's really economical to build with brick" (ul F course we'd longed for a brick home had been charmed by the beauty and permanence of brick construction," declared a recent builder of a modern brick residence, "but we never really realized that one could be within our means until we began! investigating costs. Then we found that building with brick is an act of thrift as well as a source of pride."! Because walls of brick grow, old gracefully, they do not require frequent paintings or repairs to keep them looking smart. Their beauty increases with the passing years. Where solid brick construction is used, a worthwhile saving is effected in insurance and in cost of heating, while plaster does not crack nor doors and windows get out of plumb because of the shrinkage or swelling of timbers. If you are planning to build a new home or buy. one, Jit will pay you to consider, the advantages of brick. Writ for This Booh TodayIfs Fre MOrlC ; SeattU ELliott 3643 'n ana wuviUi Tfllepone 917 BricliiHile Co. Information about , , brkfc cpnstrnetion.. costs, plans ! - will-be fflven vlPv ! -r , Or we will- recom- mend a brick : eon- tractor who can site i yon any additional , L information about ' ' your proposed cbnT t struction. " . ' ' . ' - ,'v -, ., ,. U. . . ...- y , iiti ;.t,..i.'.J .... ..W-f! !-je4 vi" - .- --4 r