SALEM SHOW FALLING OFF Total enrollment for the first Fix wesjks of school this yeaY is 8 pupils less than at the end of the same period a year ago, according to the report complied Monday at the ofjice, of the city superinten dent. Enrollment this year is 4.735. No definite reason could be as signed to the decrease, however it Is pointed out that period -tor the reports does not cover the same -time of actual teaching in each case, Is In 1927, 30 days of school was held in the first six weeks, and this year but 22 days were held, due to the state fair and other interruptions. Economic conditions also may be responsi ble for the falling off. Senior high school enrollment -! 13 more than last year's figure and Leslie junior high, shows a loss of 20. Parrish has three more pupils than a yea'r ago. Fig ures for all the schools are as follows for the two years: 1928 Queer Homicide ":: ' . .:: I Englewood Garfield Grant . Highland Lincoln r McKInley Park Richmond Washington , Parrish junior high. Leslie junior high. . Senior high school 315 315 , 281 297 167 241 276 254 206 . 890 445 1058 1927 316 322 269 301 152 245 303 243 194 887 475 1043 4742 4750 wmm Ml APPEARANCE AGAIN Influenza is making Its appear ance in the -southern and eastern part of the country and seems to be spreading in this direction, but It Is not probable Oregon will suf fer an extensive epidemic this time, states the recent bulletin of the Oregon State Board of 'Health, to which attention in called by the child health center. Influenza is more serious than the common cold and spreads -with rapidity, and like a bad cold may develop into pneumonia. The following precautions against the disease are recommended by the health department. Take plenty of rest and increase the hours of sleep. Regulate diet, eat more vegeta bles, salads, whole wheat bread; drink more milk and water; eat less meat. " Keep feet dry and wear warm clothes. " Keep- fingers out of mouth; wash hands before eating. void getting chilled. Avoid crowded, ill-ventilated places. All persons affected with influ enza should stay at home and re main in isolation. Destroy by burning or boil all articles con taminated with discharges. fx This is a strange homicide. The mother, Mrs. Clyde Ryker, above, of Chicago, apparently Induced her children, Jean, 8, right, above ; Phyllis, 6, right, below, and Helen, 6, lower left, to commit suicide 'with, her for some unknown reason. The husband went to work at 7 in the morning, cheer fully saicfgoodby, and on return ing Id the evening found bis wife and children dead, with all gas Jet on, the children carefully laid on blankets, with pillows undar their heads. , Listen In Uf-7 UsKJSX 27S). .Hsaltfc xsr clses and music. '9nKXU m Courtesy and nouaabold protTama ' nX ;?i,V,,t Concert. :22?i4h-I9C1'- Portland Early Bird-. :00-10i00 KEX. "Better komea" .00-10 :S6KTBB (2IJ. Women's prvsrain. 9:00-12:00 KWBS (200. Housewife - hour. . MO-12 :0 KOIN (2l). RouSewlfa ynif ram ina lwo lOplca. :4-10:00 KOW. ijil). Womeu . cmna-up exerciser. - 9 :45-12 :0o KXUHom' Eonomlci and music. 16 .-DO-11 AO Ifrrp Miit r...... v.wy-u.-.ftun, nouaenoid Helps and music. 10:00-12:00 KEX DevoUonal ser- ,.vice shoppln- auld and. music. 11 :30-12 :00 KOW. Musical, educa tional prog-ram. 11:00-12:00 K.FEC. Talks and mu ll :00-12 :60 KWJTJ. Moale. THDIIDIV iTniVAAK ll-tt'tt-O!?! LunchKn concert. -VV ivvirs. , ursan concert- l :SS" :i KEX- LltUe ayrony. 12:00-1:00 Ktrv.n pi.i. 12 :00-2 :20KXU' Afternoon presen tations. i-rSJJ- Concert.. ; uive-- sons. 1 .00-1 :16-KOIN. Jrrm procram. I rOO-2 :0 KTBR. Aftaron musla. 1 :00-2 :0I KKEC JLuncbeon concert. ' 1 :l-t :t KX Coneart naemal aad symphony.- - - - . :00-2 .00 KJTCC. Varied proa-ram. t:0-i:ii KFEC. Pipe trpa - :0-Cnd XFTT itlf). Interseholas tlc football aaaae from Multnomah : stadium. t :99-4 .00 KOIN. News and music 1 :20-f :00 KXU Music memory eon-test. Requests. Collere newa and 2 :10-4 :00 KJTEC 1:10- :0 KEX son-s. 4 :00-i :00 KTEC Studio concert and 4 :20 book chat. 4 :00-C :00 KEX. Concert ensembje. 4 :00-0 :S0 KXI. Afternoon proa-ramn. 5 :0- :00 KPJC. Popular music. 6:00-0:00 KEX. Symphony orchestra. THVK89AT MIGHT 4:00-4:30 KEX (271). Santa Claus. 4:00-4:30 KOW (412). Charles Ev ans Hushes, Republican, speech from Brooklyn. 4:00-4:45 KFEC (214). New record releases. 4:00-7:00 KWJJ (250). Dinner oon-eert. 4 :00-7 :00 KOIX cert. :00-7 :00 KTBR. Dinner conoert and road report. :00-7 : 00 KTBR (S19). Organ eon- Seml-claasl- (200) cai proaram. 4:40-7. -SO KXX. Children's prosTam. 0:10-7:00 KEX. Recordings and util ity program. S:IO-6:40 KOW, Piano solos. :46-7 :00 KFEC, Stock and araln quotations. 6:40-7:00 KOW. Talk by Judge 8to- phen A. Lowell, 7 :0,0-7 :30 KG W. Income tax talk and studio pro a: ram. T:0-l :00 KOIN, Concert rcheatra. 7r0-T:IO KWB3. Popular music - 7:0-l:00 KEX. ABC network. 7 :06-l :00 KXU Coarteay program. 7 :00-l :00 KWB3. Waiter t. Snear ley political talk. r -j j- - - r .. f . T rlO-2 :0 KOW. Symphony hour. I:0.t:i0 KEX. Catholic lecture an tory teller. - r . t 0-1 :10 KXL. Oeorge W. Joseph po litical talk. ' 1, 4 , ... , 1:00-0:00 KTBR. Band. ; 8:00-10:00 KWBS. Musical procram. : 20-0 :1 KOW- Political talk from Seattle. . f -i S :20- : 00 KOIN. t Studio : procram. 8 :S0- :00 KEX. Sons; recital. 8 :80-10 :00 KXU Studio program. :00-10:00 KEX. Salon; orchestra. 0:00-10:00 KOIN. Vocalists. .OO-ll :00 KWJJ. Party service. :1S. :I0 KOW. Income tk talk. 9:20-10:00 KOW. PCN orchestra. 10:00-11:00 KWB8. Request hour. 10:00-11:00 KOW. Musical program 10:00-12:00 KEX. Weather, police reports, news and daace frolic. 10 :00-11 :00 KXU Dance orchestra. 10 :10-12 :00 KOIN. Dance band. 11:00-1:00 KXU Studio program. 11 :00-12 :00 KOW. Studio dance pro gram. 12 :00-l a. m. KXU Poputar enter tainment, -r Outside Stations PCN - :30, Huajhes' -talk from New York : 1 :00- :0. opera albain ; 7 :30- -2:30, symphony hour; 0;30-10, orches tra, KHQ- Spokane (370), 4, orchestra: 45, Doug-h Boyaj" 7-8. music ; ft. PCNj 10-12. dance mualc. KFI Los Angeles (44s), 6, studio: T-ll PCN . ; KPO -San pVanclsco (422), . music: 7, Lem and Lafe J T ;t0-8, munlc : 18. PCN. ti i i KFRC San Frantiaco (454). 4, utiU Ity; 0:30. muaic: 7. RomancleWi; 8. concert: 2. 10:20-12:10, orchestra. KHJ Los Anfeles (400). 4. doings. 4:11, music; 4:45, news: 7, musir ; vt:30. "Happiness;" , "Early Birds;' I. caxtPaLlt'a.hour ; 11-12, orches tra ana trio! KOMO Seattle (809). 6, orchestra : . - PCN ; i, orchestra and quartet ; S :10 feature 11-12:80. orchestra. KG-4a0anajjxT (384), , announrc- mentSi- tlZ, theatrical review ; C :- - 30, -dance rnuatc; 7, 'String trio; 7 : 30. court of beauty: 8-: 10. salon o- Whestrai 10, 10:20-11, orchestra. A San Francisco (842). 4, news: . :l. ooiaan aate Ciryer ; 7:30. S. feature ; 2. 10, orchestra. KNX Lo Angeles (387). 4. strtnic quartet ; 4 :S0, organ ; 8-2. feature ; 10, orchestra: 12, dance hour. KFWB HoU-wood 4.341). 4. conceit quintet; 4:30, entertainers; 7, or chestra 7':30, entertainers: 8. 8 :3 music: 2. orchestra; 1 orchestra. KFOA Seattle (447). , travel; 7. stu dio; 7:30, novelty 8-3. Troubaclor hour. State Engineer -Leaves On Trip Rhea Luper, state engineer, left here Wednesday for , Salt Lake City to attend a meeting; of the Western Association of State en gineers. En route home Mr. Lu per will inspect theVarmsprings irrigation project in Malheur county. OFMSMTEST Celebrating the end of a . suc cessful salesj period, a group of salesman for Belcrest Memorial park enjoyed a chicken dinner Tuesday evening af "the Red Lan tern, on the highway south of Sa lem. Theoretically, the losers In the contest were to be served rye bread and onions while the win ners banqueted on chicken but the victors, in a moment of generoi ity permitted their opponents to enjoy chicken with them. William Levens acted as toastmaster while C. W. Hamley made the principal speech of the evening. Attending the gathering were: Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Laidlaw. J. H. Laidlaw, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Calloghan. C. W. Paulus, H. E. Eakin, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Levens, C. W. Hamley. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Mathls, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bonesk Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Brown, Mr.: and Mrs. Jobu Clemenson. Mr. and Mrs. T. R Godley, Mr. and MrsH; C. Leav enworth, Mr. and Mrs,' K.' J. Me ters. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Waldr. man. Miss Lucille Curaniings, Mri. Ruth, Nolan, Mrs. Ethel Ritt'er, Mrs. F. J. Carter, Mrs. Edna Mc Donald, K. W. Hay, T. A. Slipper, and A. D. Duncan. Minnie E. Doney Weds E. Reeves MONMOUTH. Ore.. Oct 31'i-f-( Special )-Mls8 Minnje Evelyn Doney and Earl Reeves, both jot Independence, were married Wed nesday evening at eight o'clock! at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gradtke, Monmouth, the Rev. 1L H. Willard, Evangelical minister, reading the service before a small group of relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Reeves departed till week for Hoquiam, Wash., where they will make their home. Prohibition enthusiasts who ad vocate the use of poison : gas j to close up speakeasies I ought 1 to know that gas holds no terrors to persons accustomed to present- day liquor. Boston Globe. i ( Linen Industry Gets Publicitv From Kiwanians Salem and the Willamette val ley are already receiving much publicity among the Kiwanis clubs of the northwest, due to the scheduling of next year's district convention here. The Seattle Ki wanis club, last week carried an article descriptive of Salem's at. tractions which covered one of its four pages, and dealt principally with the flax .and linen industry here, although mention was also made of the peppermint and prun? Industry and some of Salem's other attractions. Makes Life Sweeter Too much to eat -too rich diet or too. mach smoking. Lota of r Itinera cause mar stomach, but om tiling can correct It quickly; Phil lips 9111k of Alajrnesl will aaaau nlxe the acid. Take a spoonful of this pleasant preparation, ana mo system Is soon sweetened. Phillips is always ready to re live distress from over -en ting; to check all aoldlrv; or neutralize nicotine. RemeuSer thia for your own comfort; for the sake of those around you. Endorsed by physi cians, but they always say Phillips. Don't buy something else aad ex pect the same results! I IT Milk of Magnesia m ftramhaeh While you are debating the Thi purcKasc of A piano, your children BXAMBACH arc growing opand goon it will is $5j$ b much harder for them to learn to pia. That is why we will place this charming little grand piano in your home on i, convenient budget Shermanalay Sc Co 130. South High Street Sakm, Oregon Telephone 2284. And forty other coast dtleg Including Portland, Engene, Ingylew, Corrallls, Seattle, Spokane, Tacocia, Ban Francisco and Oakland h At r The Central Pharmacy Announces Its 9th ' i! ; 'W : Sale i . i 1 5.0 cX,-1 Today, Friday, Saturday and Monday NOVEMBER 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 5th . V m 1 4CV r TJJ W' .fV v. taV a tTV ft a ir U. a VX aV " S)V . A 1& - " W - -ami w . a X a a , ABSOLUTELY STANDARD goods, nationally ad vertised brands, articles from all parts of the store are on sale for this 3-day NINTH ANNIVERSARY Event THESE PRICES demand your attention and we urge your purchase now of your needs for the coming weeks. We absolutely guarantee the regular quality of all articles which are TAKEN DIRECT FROM STOCK AND MARKED DOWN FROM THE NORMAL SELLING PRICE! Popular Everyday Necessities at Bargain Day Prices Reg. 85c Congress Playing Cards, sale ..At.. 69c 2Yi'h. bar Dona Castile Soap, at $1.49, Reg. 50c Orphos Tooth Paste, on sale 29c Reg. 25c Peroxo Tooth Paste, on sale .......... 16c Reg. 25c Woodbury's Soap, sale price .......... 19c i Reg. 50c Bonner or Zel Tooth Brushes ........ 33c" Stationery Sale 10c-15c Envelopes, linen "1 or plain, 2 for 13C 25c Linen Writing Tablets 1 n ruled or plain 1 1 C 1 5c Linen Writing Tablets Q ! ruled or plain uQ 60c Pound Note Paper ; Linen J3C 76c Box Paper 24 sheets & OA envelopes, assorted colors OIC Soap Specials 10 bars reg. 10c Ivory. Y5Cr Soap, sale -.- X UJL Turknit Wash Rags, Reg. Q 2 for 85c, sale each '5IC Bath Brushes, reg. 75c OQp Sale price, only 0C Dona Castile Soap AQ 2y lbs. Anniv'ry price v ; English Glove Skin Writing Paper l lb. or 60 sheets and 50 CQ -Envelopes) Special D7C Extra Special 9 bars 10c Soap for 50c This Includes an assortment of Jer gen's. Dona Castile, Colgates and other well known brands. Limit 8 of kind la 0 bars for 50c $20 Fountain Pens, 4 colors' 14 pt. point, Qfi. guaranteed iOC 20c Inks, all makes . 1 O and all colors : IOC 15c Le Page's Mucilage Q in squeezer top jar, 7C Free Guest Tickets By a special arrangement with the ELSINORE and OREGON theatres we will give Free Guest Tickets with every purchase of $1 or more. Tickets good with a rclrular admission on Thursday and Friday. EXTRA SPECIAL CIGARETTES Camels, Old Golds, O Luckies, Chesterfields L $1.15 for a carton pkg. 23 iReg. 25c Gingerale, 3 best brands 19c Cliguot Club, Isaun, Mumm's. Dozen $2.10 ; 1 0 bars Ivory Soap, sale price 65c Reg. $1.50 KodakjAlbum, sale price 948c IReg. 75c Wilson Crest golf balls, sale 49c 5 -pound sack Epsom Bathing Salts 29c Full quart Heavy Mineral Oil, sale ..t 79c Cosmetics Toilet Articles $1.6Q Compact and 50c Coly Refil, both for . . 50c Krasy Body Powder SOc Per gram Cold Cream Special . 29c . 89c . 29c - Coty Toilet Water, Paris Chypre, . Enieraude ........ 1 lb. Theatrical rold Cream . . . L'orlgan $2.49 .. 59c 39c ?5iclaywood Lemon Cream nn ' Elrellent cleaning cream alalC . 75c Valiant Body Powder Special 73c Torpedo Bath Salts Special for ........... Coty's. Toilet Soap 3 for 12 for. S2.S& 59c 79c 75c Diana Face Powder Special 49c Anniversary Specials in Rubber Goods 73c $1.25 Tyer Fountain Syringe -. Get. a Water Bottle and Foun tain Syringe for $1.40 . $1.50 Goodrich Combina- AO tion Hot Water Bottle 7JC 50c Hercules Rubber Gloves 25c Miller Baby Pants small, medium and large $1.00 Bath Spray Anniversary special $1.00 Play Balls while they last ,.- 3 for 10c Fnger Ccats for packing 33c 17 c 69c -43c 2 for 5c $15 2 qt. HOT WATER BOTTLE 'I- Tyer or Radio Guaranteed 1 yr. 2 for $1.40 Razor Free With Blades for regular price of blades; while they last. There are AutOBtrop, Gillette, ETer ready, Durham Duplex In lot. Household Necessities Reg. 15c B. F. D. Qr Aspirin, sale . Reg. 10c Epsom Salts 1 1 r Our own, 2 for C Reg. 15c Senna Leaves Our own, 2 for .... 1 U C Rej. 25c Moth Balls : S3c own, 2 for sCiUC Reg. 20c Cream of Tartar 0 1 i Our own, 2 for i. sfiilC Reg. 10c Boric Acid . 1 1 Our own, 2 for L 1 1 C Reg. 50c Rubbing Alcohol QQ Sale 4. OVC Reg. 50c White Pine & Tar OO Menthalated DOC 3-oz. Extract Vanilla : OO double strength : 00 C 25c Fancy Bath Room Bottles 1 Sale 1. IOC Filled with bay rum, witch hazel, rose water and glycerine, almond cream, mouth wash, lilax vegetable. $1.50 Alarm Clocks Guaranteed for 1 full year. Assorted In 4 different col ors. 89c Candy Specials $1.50 fall pound Hel. aa en Ardelle Chocolates 5c Hershey ars plain nut, 3 for . . . . .. All 6c bars, special S for 3-4 lb. 75c Fan$y Dipped Chocolates . . 35c -lb. Nestles Chocolate bar .... 10c. 10c 49c 27c $1.98 17c Desk Lamps Pocket Combs All fine tooth or all-coarse, or half fine & half coarse $1.25 Curling Irons in four pastel colors pink, rose, blue and white -1 yr. guarantee, for I C 50cey . , OO Tainers ..... ..... DOC We will have an odds and ends counter that will he different each da and at real bargains,, J :3.00 Raffy Gardenia ! ia Perfume, while they lastlfif ...89c 11.50 De Musset Perfume ...... i 75c Value Reigers Flower Afkl Drops & Cream of ViolettesftJC A 25c Teloiir Powder Puff with your f arorite Talc Free A Florconette of Perfume -witb Karess-Fiancee oty or Valiants Black Tulip Face Powder. . 25c Manlque sticks 17' Special .,. 1C Many items in this list make! ex cellent gifts. Pint. Vacuum Bottle Sale This is not a complete list of the items on sale. You will find many more, on dis play, i Ileal Orders - .. - s Postage Paid a : J- . - T1 VTvTl Jl 410 State Street. j Banlc of Commerce Building A. T. WOOLPERT; and P. D. QUISENBERRY, Props. .... No Deliveries No Phone Ordets SI !