The New OSssoit. Statesman, StSem, Orif6n,Wednet3av JTonttw, Orfeii.3f.7W- :5 V 251 Local News Briefs Eiurenrans Here Mr. and Mrs. C W. Watkins of Eugene were Tuesday guests at the Marion. Here From Silrerton Mary Pottorff of SllTerton was a Salem visitor Tuesday. THr.. Myers Here Williams My. ers. state electrical inspector, was in the city Tuesday and last night from Portland. From Medford Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Luy of Medford arrired in Salem Tuesday to spend the day. Wedding Bells Ring A license to marry was Issued from the of- flee of the Marion county clerk here Tuesday to Robert W. Kelly, 21, of St. Louis, Missouri, and Viola Davis, 18 of Salem. Pair Married Here Roy W. Simmons 32, of Marshfield, took out a license Tuesday to many Olyne M. Rennings, 22, of Salem. MeDougal Fined Walter L.. Me Dougal was fined ?10 and costs in Justice court here Tuesday for keeping a dog without buying a Hfhse for it. y Cirand Jnry io .ueei- -a ne neii v4 session of the Marion county S grand Jury will begin Thursday, November 8, it was announced at If the office of the Marion county I clerk Tuesday. I Salem Couple Wed A mar- f -WNirlage license was issued by the " Marion county clerk here Tuesday to Kenneth Rich, 21, and Jean Hobson, 21, both of Salem. Marriage License Issued Ed ward S. Pieser, 28, of Stay ton, took out a-Jlcense here Tuesday to marry Doris Hilleary, 20, of Turner. Final Account Filed Final ac count in the matter of the estate of Adam Burkholder was filed in probate here Tuesday. Cash re ceipts are listed at 127.018.58 and disbursements at $2,716.50, leav ing a balance of S24.302.08. 'm K Article Stolen Mrs. Fred jJThielsen, Salem route 4, report n cd to the police Tuesday that a Vhat," a purse and a pair of gloves had been stolen from an automo- mobile at Chdrch and Chemek- eta streets Monday night. Road Graders Bought - Two sew patrol graders have been bought for use on Marion roads, according to announcement made Tuesday at the office of the coun ty road master. The graders are to cost $1845 each. The county already owns four similar ma chines. Road Meeting Asked A peti tion was filed with the Marion county court Tuesday asking that a meeting be called In road dis trict 51 to vote a special road tax. The petition asks that Pringle school house be chosen as the place of meeting. It Is signed by E. N. Gillingham and others. Mortgage Foreclosure The troubles ol Newton W. Ellis, who was named Monday as defendant In a $20,000 alienation of affec tions suit, continued Tuesday when suit was filed by Fred C. Rltner to foreclose a $3500 mort gage. Suit Stopped Quickly A suiU for divorce, followed bv a motion for dismissal, both by Ida Madsen, were filed In circuit court here ' Tuesday. She mentloneds In her di vorce complaint that once before she began divorce proceedings against Arthur Madsen, her hus band, and changed her mind. They were married in South Da kota May 3. 1915. Separation Demanded Suit for divorce was filed in circuit court here Tuesday against Albert E. Dahlheim. Iva Dahlheim, the plaintiff, recites a course of al leged cruel and inhuman treat ment on his part including hta coming home drunk "on numerous occasions, and once leaving her stranded without carfare two miles front home. She had to walk all the way home she asserts. They were- married In Vancouver, Wash., September 27, 1918. Final Account Listed Final aicount in the matter of the es tate of the late J. Frank Dunlap was filed In probate here Tues day. The sum of $12C4.41 has been paid out, as against only $403.01 received, according to I the report. The deficit of $861- .'40 has' been laTten' care of by Ef L.. fie W. Dunlap, sole heir to the nastate, the report says. Vf -New Patrolman Sought Petl-x-Vtlou was filed with the county i here, Tuesday asking that. Frank i - Beully be appointed road patrol f man for the section of county road extending from Niagara to Detroit. The petition, jrhich is signed by Hal L. McClary and 24 ethers, recites: "Whereas, realiz ing that the section of highway lying. between Niagara and De trait f wnHhr Af tfio nnitvtjtul attentlon of some energetic and conscientious cltlxen of this dis trict . . ." and Indicates that the signers of the petition prefer their man to Roy Newport, who bow holds the position. Seal Sale Committee to Meet The committee In charge of the 1928 Jted Cross seal sale in this county will meet at 2 o'clock this afternoon at the home of the chairman. Miss Dorothea Steus loff. 1185 Court street. Other members of the county committee ire Mrs. A. A. Michel, ' Miss Frances Kantner, Mrs. G. F. Chambers and Mrs. D. B. Hill. Ap proximately half of the 35 .sub agents whom Miss Steusloff ' will have assisting In the county work have been selected and accepted the appointment, and the entire list will be completed toon. Dr. Edith -V. Witzel Osteopathic Physician and Bur. ffeon. specializes' In diseases of . v women and children . Office 428 Oregon Bldg. Phone 77$ " Res. 1261-J Title In Issue -Suit' to quiet title was filed in circuit court here Tuesday by W. H. Vearrier against Augustus Engle. Mr. Pnrcell" Here Oscar Pur cell, clerk of the schol ' district at RiTerriew,.was attending . to business matters in Salem Tues day and called at the county sup erintendent's office to confer .on school matters. G. R. Speaker Coming The Girls' Reserve of the senior high school will meet Wednesday in room 413 for an address to be given by Zada French, national Y. W. C. A. secretary of New York, who Is visiting the Girt Reserve groups in a number of Oregon cit ies. SoDhomores to M e e t The sophomore class of tne senior high school will hold a business meet ing during the aetvityperiodTthls morning. Robert King is the presi dent. One Arm In Use George Webb rot Eugene was arrested by a Sa lem traffic officer early Tuesaay morning on a charge of driving ith only one arm, ana anting an automobile Improperly lighted. Light Improper Harry H. Harms, 1920 Center street ana Floyd Ambrose, 344 North Front, were arrested Monaay mgni ou charges of driving automobiles with improper lights. Permit Issued Harry H. Harms took out a permit Tues day to 'build a residence, costing $3300 at 905 Academy street. Garage Planned F. W. De- wltz received a permit from the city recorder's office Tuesday to build a garage costing $125 at 8T1 South 22nd street. Returns To . Seattle Mrs. O. N. Blair, who was. in Salem to at tend the funeral of her sister, the late Mrs. Birdeen Perlick, re turned late Tuesday to her home in Seattle. Pastor Visit Kimball The Rev. Harry Gardner, pastor of the Jason Lee Methodist church gave the chapel address al Klm- ball School of Theology on Tues- day. He spoke on the subject. "Dpubts." Seaman at Tale Gale Seaman, former student secretary of the Y. M. C. A. for Pacific coast col leges, is now at Yale university, according to a letter recently re ceived by President Doney of Wil lamette university. Mr. Seaman was well known to Willamette stu dents working in the Y. M. C. A Benson Going East Interests in a Willys-Overland agency In Fort Dodge, Iowa, will take Harry Benson there. Benson has been a salesman for the Alfred-Blllingsley Motor company for tne past year. He will leave Salem Thursday. uame jet liar Hum As a result of the. sale of grandstand seats at the Salem-Albany game last Saturday, the higs school will pay sugntiy over $50 to the school board to apply on the grandstand cost. Despite heavy exoense for the dedication events, the school realized about $70 for its own treasury. Idaho Visitors Mrs A J Mr Cormick and Robert McCormick of Caldwell, Idaho, visited with Dr. John Dr McCormick on Mon day. Mrs. McCormick is Dr. Mc Cormick'8 mother, and Robert Mc Cormick is his brother; he is field secretary for the College of Idaho at Caldwell. Got Wrong Game Apparently there Is more than one aspect to the fan problem In Salem when both the university and high school athletic teams are playing In Salem on the same day. At least Merritt Davis, student bod?? treasurer wno was at the cates for the high school game, reports one he witnessed at the Saturday game. Two students hurried Into me grandstand late, seated them selves and began a frantic search ror familiar faces. A question en- iigntened tnem: they had fnlinwd the wrong crowd and were at the nign scnoi game when it was the Willamette contest they wanted to see. They were directed to the col lege neia and dashed for it. Hears from Dnffey Principal J. C Nelson of the senior high school has received a request from irvmg uurrey. who graduated uere wun me class or 1925, to nave nis credits forwarded to the University of Washington. Duffey, " wiwm irom neaiue, was a gooa football player and Is i brother of Tom Duffey. who nlav ea on tne basketball team last year and who Is now attendlnr irregon Agricultural college. Ross In Portland Milo Ross, wno graduated from the Salem high school last June and was se lected by his class as one of the ciM represeniauves on tne com mencement program, has written J. c. Nelson, school principal, ask ing that his credits be transfer red to the North Pacific Evange lical Institute which he has been attending in Portland. Milo is the son of Clifton Ross, city mail car, rler, and was prominent In debate while In school. MT. CREST ABBEY MAUSOLEUM VAULT ENTOMBMENT LLOYD T. RIGDON, Vngr. H ADD BUCK, Danlicro , - r , EstabIIhdi868 'general banking1 business -Office Honrs from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. : . Takes- New ' Job Miss Mary Huff, secretary to A. C. Bohrn stedt, realtor, has resigned her position and will toe employed In the state '.highway department at the eapitol. - Miss - Beverly Wy gant, . formerly with the ; Capital Realty A company, - takes Miss Huff's position and began her work Tuesday. Health Clinic Today A health clinic will be held at the McKlnley school today with Dr. EdwarcfjLee Russell of the Marion coisnty child health . demonstration ' in charge. . Tuesday the first clinic for the year in the Salem schools was held when 95 pupils of Gar field school were examined. Alfred Visits Reports that the automobile business in Portland and throughout the state Is good, were brought to Salem Tuesday by J. H. Alfred, president of the Alfred-Blllingsley Motor company of Portland. The coming election has had no affect on automobile sales In the Willys and Overland lines. ' - FUND IT HERE L. Atwater-Kent Radios Vick Brothers. ' Paint, Lacquers, Varnish Enamels, quality goods. Pres- nalls, 455 Court. Vick Brothers for At water-Kent All Electric Radios. Dollar Dinner Every night 5:30 to 8 at the Marion hoteL Fresh Homemade Cider- Guaranteed pure and clean, 35 cents gallon. Bring container. 849 Rural Ave. Christmas Card Problems Easily solved Just phone 500 and ask our salesman to call with samples. Commercial Printing Dept., Statesman Publishing Co., 215 S. Commercial. Furniture Upholsterer And repairing Giese-Powers Furniture Co. The Owl's 80th anniversary- Sale, Thurs., Fri., and Sat., this week. Big reduction in all stan dard merchandise. Look for our ad In Wednessday'a Statesman. Capital Drug Store. Costumes, Wigs, and Masks For rent, 2266 N. 5th, phone 1947J. The Owl's 86th anniversary Sale, Thurs., Frl., and Sat., this week. Big reduction In all stan dard merchandise. Look for our ad in Wednesday's Statesman. Capital Drug Store. Sugar Sacks . For sale, 60c per dozen. Bros. Packing Co. Hunt 1020 Stock Of wall paper now here. Best quality. Preenalls, 465 Corrt bt. Old Time Masquerade Dance - Crystal Garden, Wednesday night For Rent Modern Five-room house, phono 1734J. Hallowe'en Cooked Food- Sale today. By War Mothers, 41 Court street. Vote November 6 Then come to the Original Rex- all one cent sale, November 8, 9, 10. Perry's Drug Store. Cooked Food Sale And Rummage, Wednesday, October 31 175 North High. Automobile' Firm Files Articles The Braly Auto company, with capital stock at 3100,000 and headquarters In Portland, has been Incorporated by J C. Braly, R. Lowe and W. H. Masters other articles filed in the state corporation department h e e Tuesday follow: Cement Building company, Portland. 35000; A. G. Fletcher, Lome L. Miller and W. C. Palm, er. Oregon Hupmobile company, Portland, $50,000; J. F. McRee, E. K. Oppenhelmer and M. E. Lawson. Sears. Roebuck & Com pany. Illinois corporation (6,000,- vuu snares no par value); appli canon to operate In Oregon granted. LIVED AT AUBURN AUBURN, Ore., Oct. .30 (Spl) Mrs. R. Perlick who lost her itife In an automobile accident in California recently, waa the wife of Robert Perlick, who spent most of hlg- childhood here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Per- f , J11! father nd one uncle ull live here although in a dif ferent location. Electric Heaters $2.75 While they last VffiBERT&TODD Things Electrical 101 South High Tel. sua Chow Puppies Special priree In Petlaad boarding kennels E. B. FLAKE " Proprietor Rt. , Box 8 "JOHNSON SIGNS TO BOSS SENATORS r i?- jVx 2Tn Walter Johnson, former star pitcher of the Washington Senators, is shewn signing , a contract to manage the ball club beginning with the 1929 season. Clark Griffith, president of the dub, is shown on Johnson's left Family Reunion Held At Hoyen Home On Sunday SPRING VALLEY. Ore.. Oct. 30. (Special) Mr. and Mrs. Os car Hoven were hosts for their family homecoming Sunday. Mrs. P. B. Hoven, mother of Mr. Hoven who makes her home with them, celebrated her 85th birth day October 26. Mrs. Hoover's daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs: Frank Smith also have Octo ber birthdays as well as two of her sens. Mr. and Mrs. Hoven's guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hoven, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Hoven and daughter Dorothy of Til sT A x T. ""f":- HB-"-1w """"rlief of Smith ana Watkins who ana cnirarea iennie. unier, Virgil and Glen of Middle Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and children. Eula. Ida, Edgar and James, the honor guest Mrs. P. E. Hoven and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hoven's children, Ronald, Loren and Frances. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Crawford and daughter Gladys recently re turned from an enjoyable three day visit to the beaches, stopping at Taft and Newport. Sallys Sallies ML flguMt paeya pSa girlf wear fewer clothe nowaday. John J. Rottle 415 Suite St. Expert Shoe Fitter WALK-OVER AND CANTILEVER FOOTWEAR - y LECTURES I ByRoECTEyefton I Subject , 3omqht Does a Man's Sonl Exist Be fore He Does? Or is the Soul Created for Him at Birth? Or. Does He Inherit It 7" Get Rid of that Cold Schaefer's Cold Capsules Will cure your cold in 12 hours or your money " refunded - - -4 Schaefer's DRTQ STORE . ; J The Orlgtnal Candy Special, ." " ". Store .- " X. 1SS Ceml. St. Phone 107 - ' V. renslar Agency . Big Reductions In Tire Prices Announced Here Reductions of five to 10 per cent In tire -prices are being an nounced today by Smith and Watkins, Salem d let rlbu tors for the nationally advertised Kelly Springfield line of tires. Large production of crude rubber and consequent lowering of material costs as well as increased demand for Kelly Springfield tires and lower manufacturing costs " are given as the reasons for the ret duction. That these tires are now at a very low level of nrice is the be- I Vl' J av vv v wf va v w io vaj stated today that prices in the future were almost certain to be higher than the new prices an nounced today. Tonsilitis Said Now Prevalent STAYTON. Ore., Oct. 30. (Special) Betty, the small daughter of Dr. and Mrs. G. F. Korlnek, has been quite 111 for the past few days with tonsilitis, which has been quite prevalent in Stayton for the past few weeks. A true example "of Fulopn9 EiffhtStoVe Buyinrj Power. It enables us to fjiye tho sur passing values we do in eight busy Fulops stores. More than 50,000 men and young men ore now buying their clothes on Futons9 TEN PAYMENT PLAN- . Kcar chzrffQ cccccnf is invited. FBON nco's HERE 161 Another break for Salem! A blaze of color the tap of swift mOTitfg feet, sway of graceful hod lea and. you have It right -Fsn- chon and Marco are at home again for two days of each week at the Elslnore. The curtain rolled up on them and their colorful stkc;s settings last night after the audi ence had been put into the right mood by Rod JLaRocque as he sauntered his way through all sorts of difficulties in "Love Over Night." The Artists Idea which Fanchon and Marco are presenting this week is' all that .It suggests. Dan cing that is better than usual: the McCune Sisters dressed In feathery black and white costumes are real artists. Their teamwork is perfect: their steps are graceful and ani mated. The Spanish dancers, the Romeros, leave one with an im pression of a swirl of rose, silver, and white, tapping heels and toes and graceful bodies, while little Babe Morris simply "draws one's breath" with the perfect rhythm of her flying feet. Her looks make one suspect that she may have been the inspiration for the Ar tists Idea. Oh, yes, there is something else., You will hardly recognize the EI- sinore orchestra their beautiful blue smocks, splendid lightio effects, and a stage setting of co ors so artistically used that their harmony almost becomes a pan of the music. You really can't afford to miss t'als show. I would say the Elslnore for this afternoon and tonight "has got what you need." OLIVE DOAK. Doc Snell Whips San Diego Negro SEATTLE, Oct. 30. (AP) "Doc" Snell, Tacoma Junior wel terweight, was bis old slugging self again tonight, and he pounded a six round decision out of young Harry Wills, San Diego negro. As the fight ended Snell was lifting the game negro In the air with the majority of his swings, and bouncing him onto the ropes. Snell weighed 137 and Wills 139 3-4 pounds. SALEM PORTLAND (Two Stores) ABERDEEN LONGVIEW v ir roaomooir I Tvo-Pdnto U I f Ir 1 1 Dr. Cosmo Gordon Long, Arch bishop of York, above, is to be elevated to the office of Arch bishop of Canterbury in Novem ber. He succeeds Dr. Randall Davidson, resigned. Stribling Kayoes Sid Terns In 3rd ATLANTA. Oct. 30. (AP) William L. (Young) Striblin?. Georgia heavyweight pugilist, knocked out Sid Terris, of North Carolina, in the third round of their 10-round fight here tonight. Stribling pounded Terris unmer cifully from the first moment until he sent him down for the count. Stribling weighed 181 pounds and Terris 207. Tour Oi Valley Glee Club Plan OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL. Monmouth, Ore., Oct. 30. (Spe cial) Members of the men's glee club are actively preparing for a tour of valley cities. Newly elected officers of the organization are: President, Maurice Weis, vice president, Roy Pulliam; secretary1, Ralph Long; manager. L y 1 e Hogue; reporter, Edwin Knapp. $495 riNK TORIO readiac lni. W io mre your f-Matea afainat breakar. Examination too. Thompson-Glutsch Optical Co. 110 K. Comm'l St. EUGENE EVERETT AND J M I a m jI I buy my clothes at Fulop's be cause of the f ino styles, depend able quality, honest values, large variety, excellent service and be cause I can buy them on proatrmoor veircoalts $29 You will want one of these ex cellent coats when you see them. They are correct in fabrics, style and tailoring. 456 State Street Salem MM GETS II, wr MOOR e: PORTLAND, Ore.. Oct. 30. tAP) Walter- Cleghorn. Seattle middleweight, scored a 10 round p decision over Roy Moore, Los" Angeles, in main event on a box--ing program here tonight. It was a hairline decision with Cleghorn carrying a slight lead In the last few rounds. In another 10-rounder, Al Konze, San Diego light heavy- ( weight, punched out a decision over Jimmy Dunn, Seattle. Sam Warren, Portland, knocked out Tuffy Anderson, Lakeview, in., the second round of a scheduled four-round go. They arsj light kt heavyweights. , Artichoke Sugar To Be Produced In Coos Regions MARSHFIELD. Ore., Oct. 30. (AP) The growing of White, French artichokes has been recommended to Coos county, ranchers who have suitable land,, by Harvy S. , Hale, county agent. Hale is now negotiating, he said, with an eastern buyer who pro poses to manufacture sugar from the tubers. The first artichokes were planted here last year and the production was so heavy that the acreage for 1928 was greatly enlarged. Production ran from 25 to 60 tons. mwm mm 8AYS We have several late model Ford touring cars that are in fine condition and are real transportation. Priced from 9100.00 to f 193.00. KEG aaawJ I Uosm That Servleo rtaUs VANCOUVER STILL GROWING M M3 T"- III . ,1 , VJ I