a U-3 I' iff rl 1 1 iii 4 - - tfcaBMCMCTMCimai -' SALEM, OEECON ;j5 I EditoriaE &QtiJ3&m& Feature " V.:saw . mm m MA 1 M UJnl. MrW mm ' - s w. . " v a - ; V . i , , , , 1 What Is TITORE than four hundred ill the wisest men of the city-state of Alliens, tne meu who originated the study of philosophy, debated many I? And had they thought of it they would have discussed the alcoholic content of an intoxicating beverage; which Ai Smith wants scientif ially defined, and so has made an issue of it in the present campaign TkAu Voafnra nf r,hU(vmuhv concluded from mucn sxuar that there are only three things worth while in the world- justice, beauty and truth Rut thev defined none of u n.nQnki ofi'noH F.ah nition in different times and concerning them change a a i ic fka coma with may be defined for you at half of one per cent, and not too much of it at that. But this may be a very poor definition when it is applied to the beverage of a man usea 10 iorcy-ruu The idea of Al Smith that each state ought to be the saloon keeper for its people might bring xorty-eignt. scien tific" definitions of an intoxicating beverage T?nt nithpr nf them would be rieht or scientific. So the whole thing is reduced to absurdity ; is a reduc tion absurdum, when weighed in the balance oi reason ana experience, as indeed, is every single trimming conclusion that Al Smith has announced in the whirlwind shif tings of this campaign. . . He has gone far in his wanderings, but he has arrived nowhere, with any certainty that he will stick longer than the beginning of his next speech or interview; nor that he can convert any considerable section of his own party. You cannot appeal from Al drunk to Al sober, because he cannot demonstrate his capacity. What is drunk? Farm Women A LICE CURTICE MOYER - A republican headquarters, on farm women workers, sent out a questionnaire to nwae wiAkora in the rural sections of the country. She has "been sur prised at the vast piles of answers. Stteiconcludes a long . . i-w - .1 A. I 1 AM katfa i statement: i am convincea inai since wu wuwou us entered pblltics they have bjeen more earrSt, more thorough and more conscientious than the average man. She says 74 Ter cent of the replies stress ecutiveand humanitarian; 65 per cent his sound know ledge or business : 15 Der cent bis stand on prohibition, and 11 per cent the fact that he farmers. ' Mrs. Wing mentions a number of the statements of farm women, giving them in full, with addresses and names. She picks out this one of Mrs. Wert Thompson, living on a farm ww i j r . 1 a.- "A.? m. near ivansas uiiy, imssoun, as cnarac tenant : "The platform on which Mr. Hoover and Senator Curtis stand is explicit. It carries the stamp of continued prosper ity in every industry followed in America, and.no claptrap of the opposition can blind us to this truth. Mr. Hoover's life experience has made him familiar with farm problems. He is wholly capable of finding their solution and if he promises this, he will do it. He is a man of his word. His entire his tory proves this. Women should be for him regardless of party. Mrs. Wing concludes : "Do of my politically minded farm - telligent vote on November 6th." Root On Hoover f"N a public statement, Elihu Root says: X "The coming election is not going to decide any particu lar issue and the effect which it may have on any particular issue will be much less important than it is to secure the most wise and competent management of our whole national government with its multitude of difficult and dangerous questions. The responsibility success rests upon the voters, that responsibility. "We ought to get the very best man possible for the head of that business, and the best man clearly is Mr. Hoo ver. 'His clearness of thought, his proved depth of human ympathy. his quality of complete devotion to whatever task he undertakes, his long executive training, his wide experi ence in large affairs, his practical knowlegde of national ad . ministration all these make him by far the most competent man available, and he ought to be elected for the good of the ' country. Steiwer T710LL0WING are brief excerpts from a speech of Senator X Steiwer of Oregon at Guttenburg, Iowa, on Wednesday evening last: "In this election more than in any other for generations, the voter is going to base his choice on the character, fitness, and training of the candidate. . "The republican nominee attained fame as a world-char acter during and after the world war. He is not a politician. For more than seven years merce. During those years he with efforts to increase prosperity of the American people. ' Mr. Hoover knows the business needs, the farm necessities. and all ofrmr national problems better than any other man. tie is -both a national and world figure. "The democratic nominee speaks the language of a little . territory and his vision does not extend across the Hudson." You have to hand it to called him on his outrageously treasurer's accounts are Chinese puzzles." Of course, no one is expected to be able to solve a Chinese puzzle, especially a man who never got beyond the fifth irrade in school, and whn claims to have read nothing r.m. u. mi vurvauus uazeice-limes. A straw vote taken among the farmers of 40 of the 48 states by the Farm Journal, national agricultural organ, pub lished at Philadelphia, indicates that so far as the 72.852 farmers polled are concerned, whelmingly elected president popular vote gives Hoover 45,798; Smith 27,054. Kellya A FAMOUS New York Jeweler xi. Clares Is true: Two women, representatlres of a once promt, sent old family, came to him with a sapphire pin to hare ft appraised. It had been in the family for two or three generations, and had fig ured in four different wills. The branch of the family that now owned it had met rererses and could not afford to keep costly jewels. Bat they had proudly held on to it for yean eren looking down on richer reUtlres and could always get credit on the strength of their heirlooms. . . : Finally, howefer, funds got so low that they were obliged to sell the sapphire pin. and the two women brought It to my friend, the Jeweler, to learn its value. .They knew that It waa worth. -at least 165.000, according to an appraisement made many years previous, and they hoped that the value had at least doubled sine then. The jeweler plactd the sapphires under a glass, studied them Intently for a few moments, and then announced: "Ladles, I'm sorry to teU you that these stones are worth a total of only about $12. They are imitations." . - - . u - It came out later that Uncle Abner, of a previous generation, had been a great sport and spendthrift In his day, and In all probabil ity he had secretly arranged with a Jeweler to- substitute Imitations tor the real stone as a means of raising ready cash. The stones had been handel down by will twice after that, without anyone being the wiaer. . V;., -. Drunk? years before the birth of Christi x them. None of them has ever mav have a near accurate deli countries and conditions, ideas ..... v an mtoxicatin sr beverage, it for Hoover WING, leading staff writer at Washington, D. C, specializing Mr. Hoover's record as an ex was born and raised among you wonder that I am proud sisters? They will cast an in for making that business a and everyone of us shares in on Hoover he has been Secretary of Com has been constantly in touch AL After Secretarv Mellon false statements about govJ but current newspapers since. Herbert Hoover will be over of. the United States. The BY FREDC KELLY told flwthla torj, which he de- THAN HE I J ft HwO AFTER I. . 1 TT7 V cZSi Herbert Hoover A Reminiscent Biography By Willi IRVVIX S though in a spirit of irony the Peace Conference, even while the British were re pudiating pork orders and the French blocking his efforts to suc cor the old enemy, had made Hoo ter administrator of the economic restoration of Europe. At his sug gestion fhe conference created tlie Supreme) Economic Council. Hoo ver at first took his turn as chair man, and became eventually Its executive head. All through that exciting. Irri tating, important half year he was keeping reUef running to the east ern and southeastern fringes of Europe. The struggles to avert disaster from the American farm er and to break through the block ade into Germany furnished the heavy dramatics; the southern and eastern Jobs, for all their tragic importance, have here and there a lighter and more amusing touch. Once an Italian colonel blocked a relief train and kept it blocked for a day. The American captain in charge lost his patience. Ac companied by an interpreter anl by an aide who understood Italian, he went up to have it out with the colonel. "Say this to him," our captain commanded: "I'm getting blank blank tired of this sheenanegan. Blank-blank you. if that train Isn't moving in two hours, I'm going to start something with your gov ernment that wiU blow your blank blank-blanking hide to hell' say it to him!" Liberal Translation The subordinate who under stood Italian heard the interpreter translate: "Tour Excellency, the American captain presents his respects and says that the delay is most incon venient to him anet harassing to his government. He would be greatly obliged for anything your Excellency might be so kind as to do by way of facilitating the move ment of his train." The American captain glared at the colonel and roared: "Yes. .that's what I said!" At any rate, the train went through. Another train,' rushing to meet the emergency in Vienna was stop ped at this same point. An army crew ran it; a simple douzhbov commanded it. Diplomacy having iiicU me aougnDoy ordered tSm engineer to start up. swung to the siep or tne locomotive, and stood covering the guards with his auto matic wnue the train pulled out Paralysed by this breach of n Balkan precedent, the guards did not shoot. Interviewed at Vienna, the doughboy said: "Those Wop uw w generals don't man nothing in my life, el'm working ror Hoover!" Serlo-Comlc EnltKMte Then there was the serio-rnmio episoae in Hungary. Austria and uzecnosiovaaia. when the Hana. ourgs tell. Immediately t tin puouca. iui Hungary, monarchist by habit and beUef. sat paralysed. A.un, a communist adven turer, thereupon declared thm m-. let republic The impression that Hungary had gone bolshevik might In that critical period work much mischief. However, after conferring- with the leading spirits of the conference at Parts, wired an ultlmatlum to the effect that Hungary would get no food ahip- meat, ao long aa. Bela Ka helliospTred cnVidenJe"andm"al' (Muck) Raking Time HAS I -iff -m WOWKTHATl I UJHtK- V power., This measure sufficed Budapest bounced Bela Kun. That left Hungary again with out government. "You could have taken the throne with a pop-gun. Archduke Joseph, a minor Haps burg, did Just about that Again a dangerous situation: a Hapsburg on a Balkan throne was but pre lude to a new, confused, devastat ing war. Again Hoover got per mission to act. He wired Captain Tom Gregory, Stanford '99, his agent in Hungary, another stiff ultimatum no more food and no more railway communications un til Joseph got out. He ordered Gregory to deliver this at the pal ace, and at once report the ans wer. Code of Its Own Now the European Food Ad ministration had started off with a telegraphic code of its own. To this the suspicious allied powers objected. All messages, they said, must be in plain language. Hoover yielded the point. But the boys lo the field beat the game by using American slang for Important communications. So to Hoove waiting at Paris, came .this mes sage: Archie on the carpet three p. m. stop through the hoop three five. GREGORY Now before we finished. 16.000.. 9 Oft tons of American food came across the Atlantic for the salva tion and stabilizing w of Eurooe. From Latvia on the north to Al bania on the south, from Polaud on the east to Belgium on the wejt it chased away the specters- of starvation. r how many lives have theje Hoover organizations saved since the armistice T" I asked a Euro pean who knows. "Ten million at a minimum," he replied. "But If you said twenty- miiuon, you'd probably stand wunm the truth." , (To be continued) f Hoover's Alphabet By MABEL P. MABTIX QUESTIONS- Hoover Faces Them HOOVER does not talk much but when he does talk he peaas leariessly and with out equivocation. Thr t. dant evidence of this in his accep tance speech and other pronounce ments since that time. Hi sis of the farm question la admit ted even by his opponents as shedding- real light upon the perplex ing situation for the first wme. His statement of remedies was positive and feasible. His firm and fearless stand on the prohi bition question which had hn touched so lightly by politicians. . - The Way of the World By GROVE PATTERSON THE MAIN THING It is a great temptation to tell the boss all the details and pro cesses by which you were able to get the results he was after. And in the telling of the story it is quite easy to Infer your own clev erness and initiative and general capacity in the matter. Probably you are not "kidding" anybodr except yourself. -That's what we all do fool ourselves and go away in the happy consciousness that we have fooled the boss. The fact is he is probably bored by your recital of details. He is less likely to get a good impression of you to give you further promotion than he would be if you merely laid down the result and walked out on him. CREDIT X If your work is not good enough to make its own speech, no amount of eloquence about it will make it better. The man who blows his own horn leads the parade, but the big fellows ride in motor cars behind the band. BEING FAIR It would seem to be very sim ple and easy to be fair. No mat ter what our personal 'opinion about a thing may be, it ought to be quite within reach of our pow ers to present a perfectly clear. fair statement of the case. But it is not, so easy. Try it, Can you really appreciate and understand another man's viewpoint and sin cerity about any issue? Can you really state the evidence without putting your opponent in an un favorable light? If you can. you have an unusually fine, fair and analytical mind. INTANGIBLES The hardest thing a salesman has to go up against is the "in tangibles" in the mind of his pros pect. What's thatf Well, the sales man may be almost 100 per cent perfect In his goods and his pres entation. He may convince you that his proposition is a little bet ter than the other fellow's. But the thing he is up against and that Is hardest to beat Is the un- explainable conviction in your own mind that for some reason or oth er you DESIRE the other fellow'j goods. The most human thine about human beings is their child ish likes and dislikes. For these strange likes and dislikes they are often only partly responsible. Per haps they are not responsible at all. These things are there. They are the intangibles of the mind and they are hard to beat. tion for its clarity and logic. His recital of other questions that the nation will have to face in the near future assured the country that his ideas are . positive and his plan of action- effective. We need these qualities in a Presi dent (To be continued) DINNER STORIES SOFTER, PLEASE - An absent-m i n d e d pianist bought an automobile, and, after thm salesman had given him two lessons, decided he could ran it without assistance. - When he awoke in the hospital the first thing he said was: "I thought that was the lond pedal J pressed wittumy right foot." a snAlV "It was!" said the nurse, with Bits for Bj B. J. Business will be better W When the election is over t v . Because every one will know that Herbert Hoover will try to make good his promise of a Job for every mux and woman with a will to work A m And that will be the biggestjo ever tackled by any : man in all history. He fed more starving men, women and children than any other man in history; saved more lives than any other .man in history. He has not yet tafkled a job that he did not get away with It If a job can be provided to ev ery one with a will to work. It will mean vast development, and Oregon, with more latent resour ces than any other state, will wit ness big speeding up processes -n her industries on the land and in the cities and towns. S V The Willamette valley above Multnomah county ought to have ten million people, instead of ber present 300,000 or so. She should have a million or two dependent upon her flax and linen industrioi alone, and a larger number get ting theii livings directly and in directly through the sugar indus try. These things will help in the program to give a job to eve.y worker in America. There is to be an attempt to clear the air for broadcasting elec tion returns irom 8 o clock a wek from Tuesday evening, till noon the next day, so as to get "satis factory reception of returns." The amateurs and others not broad casting election returns are asked to get ort the air. A good sized job. And "satisfactory reception" will mean a sweeping victory for Hoover. 1- f Attempt in Tammany strong holds in New York to throw out 40,000 illegal registrations is charged by Smith supporters to republicans trying to defeat hirp. The wicked republicans! It would be terrible! Smith will need them all. and millions of others that lie will not get. Schnectady, New York, talked to Australia by radio at 6:8 0 in the morning yesterday on this side and 11:30 p. m. there; just like phoning across the street. S S Some years ago. Thomas A. Ed ison said the time was coming ibur Auto Insurance Complete Coverage in One Policy 7 f Cnyin on where before you carried as many as five, are GENERAL OF Amtotoa J ' . The General fW th.fi- nnine$ yo'in case of fire, theft, collision, property damage or liability. On, pohcj protect, you without danger of the conflict cUuse, that often ari,e when you carry more Wofe policy. One organization handles all your claitns-a ow. ing mstttutioa that will be eren stronger at the dCof the longest damage suit. V On the General full covew it ng expenw, oa one obvious!, re iL 1Z 7r even two! 7 less than on five; or uesUon AiftomohtU Cortrag Property Damage FireTbeft U Coilisiem j, ' IJahtiity .. Breakfast Handridu -v.- man In the center of the o.i.,r, rfprt mizht take an in strument out of his pocket anH talk to a neighbor in any oiuci .nnt on the rlobe. xnat sounuwa ,vrannv then. It does not sourd that way aow. m . S Am wa understand Al Smith, who defended himeelf on the rad- dio last noight, from the cnarge of socialism, he believes in u ia everything but the name. His wolds on this matter are as con vincing as his stand on farm re lief. Corvallis Gazette Times. . t Tf the outcome of this campaign was not such a serious matter, It would be awfully funny. Here is Smith rebuking Hoover for failure to be more explicit In referenda to farm relief. Indeed. Mr.. Smith is so busy rebukjng Hoover that he again forgot to be explicit him self and to tell the farmers' wheth er he Is for or against the equal ization fee. He has made some 20 odd (very odd) speeches and hasn't told us yet, though it would seem to be a very easy thing to do. Exchange. The Grab Bag Who am I? What Is my profes sion? What is my nationality? Who was known as England's Virgin Queen? What estimated proportion of . . vs"; " "c yjvimsiL UP AMERICA vurwigc automobile policy. np AuvDtr Fred E. Mangii New Bllch TtafMi-. Bllgh BeJldJng INSURANCE COMPANY the earth's surface U covered !- water? - What is the capital of India? I said In mine heart, God shal' judge the, prtghteous and th wicked: forHhere is a time thr? for every purpose and for ever work. v - ,l WlATIh1 FOOTGAi-L. jL t OoTHORT IN TlL Tne fight after v6P- j Today in the Past On this date, in 1858, Theodora Roosevelt, 26th president of the United States, was born. . Today's Horoscope persons born under this sign are inclined to be very inquisitive. Nothing, even the private affairs of others, can be hidden from them If they desire to know them. But they do not always impart the knowledge gained in an unselfish way. Horoscope for Sunday Persons born under this -sir a have the gift of eloquence and their listeners hang on their words helplessly for they always carry conviction and sincerity. A Dally Thought "Remember when the Judg ment's weak, the prejudice is strdig." Kane O'Hara. Answers to Foregoing Question 1. Edward Johnson; opera sing er; American. 2. Queen Elizabeth. 3. 73.39 per cent, 4. Delhi. 5. Ecclesiastes, 111, 18. THE ONE-MINUTE PULPIT Ye shall not steal, neither deal falsely, neither lie one to another. And ye shall not swear by name falsely, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God; I am the Lord. Thou shalt not defraud thy nelghboud, neither rob him: the wages of him that is hired shall not abide with thee all night un til the morning. Leviticus, xix. f The Genrrmi Sroa4 mm daily tnr KO MO; rpecua Vv. t m T p. m. w KOHO. KBQ mud KQW. ce poller youVin'a U, m f hae 717 BADUALTY : COMPANY 1!