jAe'KTw Obeooit Statesman, Salem, fffigm, SaturtdyJIoriiing, Vctobir 17tT9ZB' z- 3 L Local News Briefs The Dalle. Folk Visit Mr. and. Mrs. Louis J. Gates of The Dalles Were guests at the Marion. Friday. On Hunting Trip J. l. Cutler, night sergeant at the police sta tion, is on a pheasant hunting trip to the Wilsonville vicinity. Batch m Fined H. C. Bate ham Of West Salem was fined $2.50 in municipal court Friday for operating a motor vehicle with improper lights1: Califrnians Her Mrs. Kay Hop Lee, who is interested in one of the large hop ranches in the county, is here from Stockton, Calif., and is stopping at the New Salem. H. Bing Quong, also of Stockton, accompanied her. Mrs. Mellinger Leaves Mrs. vr sudinA M uneer. i3Uh south Church street, left late Friday for : ' Los Angeles to be with her son. . In-law and daughter, Mr. and. Mrs. Angelo Comitti. Erlcksoh Back Dean Frank M. Erickson of Willamette university Is back from a two-day trip to Tillamook, made in the interests of the university. Will Have Operation Miss Vivian Carr, English teacher at Leslie junior high school, will be out of school next week and is going t Seattle to have an operation per formed for sinus trouble. Mrs Helen Hamilton will take her classes for the week. Teachers Out Two Parrish teachers. Miss Lois Reed and Miss Rita Seid, were absent from Par rish junior high school duties Fri day. Mrs. Chrystal Edwards sub- :: stituted for Miss Reed and Mrs? Madeline Nash for Miss Reid. Lockers Arrive Ten new lock ers to, be used for the continuation school pupils a located in room122 of the senior high school building, arrived Friday, and will Be xeady Xor the students Monday. Crossing Permitted The jmb t lie service commission has grant ed the application of the Jackson county court to establish a grade crossing over the tracks of the Southern Pacific company a mile north of Medford. Xeedham elected Robert Need bam was chosen manager of the Clarion annual of the Salem high school at the election held Friday. This is the first year that the man agership of the Clarion annual and newspaper have been separate offices. Garage Planned D. T. . Potter took out a permit Friday to build a garage costing $200 at 1462 North Commercial street. Marriage License faeaed Clar-I Is D. Bailey 38 of Bend, took oat A I license here Friday to marry Rosetta Belsher, 35 of Salem. . Portland Couple Weds The Marion county clerk issued a mar riage license Friday to Alexander Rady. 22, and Edith Lyche 20, both of Portland. Administratrix Mary L. Vaughan administratrix of the late Felix M. Vaughan by an order filed in probate here Friday. Appointed was appointed the bstate of - two Permits .Issued Permits were issued Friday to Reinwald and Krehbiel to reect two dwell ingsat 1SS5 and 1615 North 19th . at root anl inatlna ttTAA i l Baars Jailed William Baars vnn. Pi.ont Tit tr Ai-las Jailed here Friday after he ice Greenley. clerk -of the- school 'J befen wrested and brought in- cistrict at Pleasant Point, was at tending to business matters in Sa lem Friday. Crowder to Speak The Rev. U. S. Crowder will speak on the lSth amendment and Governor Smith's public acts in regard to prohibi tion' at the Strath Salem Friends' to Justice court on a non-support charge. Bail was set at $1000, which" he failed to produce. Chapel - Vis ft or Miss Emily Kneubuhl, executive secretary of the national organization of Business- and Professional Wo men's clnbs, was speaker at the l ii u i l ii , iui in ovum JPridav and Washington streets, Sunday r r,ua'- vgni l M . 2 Vk Causes in Portland Dr. and the Rev Charles C Haworth pas- Mrs j M went Portland tor of the .South Salem church. Prldayt where Mrs. Can8e attend- rr,, ed the semi-annual meeting of Thonuu WUUU tier? th nrornn Kranrh of th Wo Willitt. of San Francisco and allygJJ. Sionay society points north and west sPf MMethodist churcn. Mrs. Can9e re saiesman ana "".centlr held in Wichita. Kansas, throughout the coast states, is vis-, ' .,,,,,, ' v Uivu euc ea llcuucu ao m vaosa w from the Oregon branch. Stars In Play Whiteside Fined Otto White- snle was fined $10 in municipal court Friday on a charge of reck- Jes.s driving filed Thursday night ae was reported to have cut cor ners ana passed approaching ve- cich-s on the wrong side, on Sa lem s downtown streets. His Jiome is on route 1 out of Turner. t.atliff Pays Fine John Gatliff or .saiem route 4, was fined $10 in municipal court Friday on charge of taking the right of way. Gatliffa automobile participated In a collision with a fire irv Thursda-noon at the corner of vourt and High streets. iting his brother Steven Willitt, of the Btate automobile division. He will be in Salem for several days. Attorneys .Pee Asked Motion was filed in circuit court here Friday by Viola G. Hannon ask ing the court to require Fred L. Hannon to Jay her $100 as an Doney In Klamah Falls Presi dent Carl G. Doney of Willamette uui.cioilj 13 """'"e . I,tln,.c0 f, Ith vhloh t nrniiL in Ktamath Falls where he-'"":" ",T V u vr; aids v vr o u v a motion asking an oraer oi lae end I i 1 n n A l-AOCX A wui maae a nuu. uL iro. She had previously filed to stimulate interest in the unl "tx c . nf , t... ii. , ,m 1 motion asking an order oj mwtlMOHrt preventing Her husband speak to a church 1 from mlesting her during the and also to a .group of "anie"e Hinrr ,it alumni. Arrive From Fast M. and Mrs. Frank Miller and their tkro sons and daughter have arrived from Florence, Wisconsin, and be gatf Friday to move into their new home in the Alderbrook addition, which they purchased recently through A. C. Bbhrnstedt, realtbr. pendency of the divorce suit. Victor , Wolfe Appears Victor Wolfe. 17, is slated to appear in juvenile court at 10 o'clock this morning to answer to charges in volving the administration of "spats" on the person of Paul Franklin. This nunls'hment was MnHJcted at high school Monday, J.'Av mmnm IS 'i f ! .. '.in 1 4 "1 ing beyond its mother's call, was shot oipeared by the savage Coz sack bodyguards of the Czar. The . dreadful brutality of life under this tyrant is shown with dramatic realism in Emil Jan nings' latest starring pictures for Paramount, "The Patriot." which was directed by Ernst Lubitsch. ,It will open at the Elsinore the atre for three days. The Manhat tan players will be held over to day with "The Patriot." "The Alarm Clock" has proven one l the best and funniest comedies ever staged here. on MISS VIRGINIA EDWARDS mHE final event in the Willaxn ette University home-coming nroeram this week-end will be the play to be presented to night in the Oregon theatre by the Willamette chapter of Theta Al pha Phi, national dramatic honor fraternity. The play chosen is J. M. Bar- He's "Alice Sit-By-The-Fire." Miss Mariorie Walker is coaching the play, with Prof. R. M. Gatke as aisting. Ray Derrick is the man ager. The cast includes Virginia Ed wards, Donald Grant, Ruth Bauer, Elolse White, Jack Ruth, Oliver Bowe, Bernice Jackson, Esther Lisle, and Mildred Pugh. Franklin having dffended by not Cross Complaint Filed Henry aDDearinK Saturday to work on Ruechel filed an aswer and crotes the hjgii school athletic field. The general consensus of opinion at the court house this week has been to the effect that little or nothing will be done to Wolfe. FIND IT HERE Tet hne Club new members Chooses Fi f teen were . announced V '-M . ... - " , j w i evil u o mi C1UD OI vnn hi.. mi w.c m6u bvuuui. iney are: Kath erine Goulet, Elizabeth Watei- Bruce Cooley. Vivian Fleener, Grace Holman, Alberta Mills, Yvonne Pickell. Loi Wilkes. ioya ciagett, Virgil DeVoe, Oli- .ver wrager, Kathleen Fitzpatrick Jean Castridge, Myra Wicklunder ana Rose Peterson. - " iwiusiruu ueaias mere .were two fatalities in Oregon due to industrial accidents during the week ending October 25. accord ing to a report prepared bv the state industrial accident commfs slonyhere Friday. The victims were unris Johnson, Portland, -.c.uulau, una jacoo studach. Cor- anis, laborer. A total of 904 ac- ciuenis were reported to the com mission. Firm Incorporates The Fen wick Land and Livestock com pany, with headquarters in Jordan Valley, Malheur county, and capi tal stock of -it 5,000, has been in corporatecL. hy J. S. Fenwick Frances E. Fenwick and Edith Then?t ther article- 5 "2 here SrM COr,poraUon department 25 000 1 KwAcf.demr' prtland, li-r ' H- Menl- Arthur H Lewis and Ida v u ' f ' wiilUUi Opera Chair, a i .ra chairs for the audTTor umTf the senior high school arrived mai an punlis uunng a They were orders be seated during aTho'u? They were ord v" 7 ,nour- Northwa, Bfcl "."X. lurusn the .nys men are installfng'them."1 Hear From Dr. DeKii.. T letter to a Salem frieTd Dr"wi.a Jhe Sin61116' frmer "5So?oi the Marion county rhiM v demonstrauon. wrfteso ? it IS r Wfk befDg d0e by the Red Cross in the Porto Rican area -swept by the hurricane seT ral weeks ago which also demor alized a portion of Florida Dr nl T?t!De J8 heated at lt Ju' Porto Rico, with the Red Cross. complaint in circuit court Friday n the suit brought against Hugn Worley and a number of others. Including Ruechel, by the Spaulp ing Logging company. Ruechel seeks to establish a mechanic's lien againft Worley superior n right of tnat of the logging corh- pany. Routes to be Extended Routes number seven and three served frnm thp Salpm nostoffice are to be extended, beginning November JDo,1ir Tinner 1. Postmaster John Farrar t- ETery night ports. Number seven wtu De in- MarIon hotei creased east from the Middle Grove school and will total 32.80 i yick Brothers for Atwater-Kent Attention A Hallowe'en party Is to be given at the Fraternal temple, Monday 'evening, October 29, at 8:jD0 p. m. for Modern Woodmen of America and their families. Good time, guaranteed. At tfoe Theaters Atwater-Kent Radios Vick Brothers. 5:30 to 8 at the miles, instead of the present 29.30 Charles W. Brasher is carrieh Route three of which Lyman Mt Donajd is carrier, will total 32 miles, the extension being four tenths of a mile east from the Salem Heights school. Will Move Today A c t u a 1 j work ol transiernng me iurms!i ings, records and other equipment of the Oregon National Guard headquarters to the new location in the south end of the new Bllgli building will be begun this morn ing, according to word, from the office of Brigadier-General George A. White, commander of the Ore gon National Guard. The head quarters have occupied the fifth floor of the Masonic building the last four years? All Electric Radios. Christmas Card Problem: Easily solved just jjhone 500 and ask our salesman to call with samples. Commercial Printing (Dept., Statesman Publishing Co., '215 S. Commercial. Old Time Dance Crystal Garden Every Wed. and Sat. night. EvcMrreen Shrubs See our display across from PEP building. Pearcy Bros.. 240 N. Liberty St. Rummage Sale Oct. 26-27. 131 N. E. Club. Fri. and Sat. High. D, New Art gtudlc Room 426, Oregon Bldg. In structions in oil painting and pastel Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. tor. Mrs. Ondeans. I net rue- Giving Lecture Series The Al liance of the Unitarian church is sponsoring a series of lectures for discussion of modern problems which are open to the public. The Rev. Martin F. Ferrey, pastoV of the Unitarian chufch, corner Cot tage and Chemeketa Btreets, gave the first lecture of the series Fri day night, sepaking upon "The Ev olution of Law and Morals." By request he devoted a hprt time to consideration of several of the in itiative measures to come before the voters. Housley Apprehended A man going by several aliases, but whose real name is said to be J. W. Housley, will be brought to Salem from Medford within the next few days to answer charges of ob taining money under false pre tenses. He .was arrested in Ash land this week on a liquor charge, going there by the name of J. M. Rose. He went here by the name J. W. Rose. It Is reported that he has also gone by the name of J. W. Hensley. The charge against him here involved collecting money for a firm and keeping the money. Sam Burkhart, deputy sheriff will leave today for Med ford to bring him to this city. - -- CmAvim Th T? BT w Woi-i Pnphron nnator of thft I - cvpin Calvary Baptist church, talked to!fHnMn. w"' start tneir cooked M.k a7)i nnt -tHnV KrtH- food sale tomorrow, Saturday, the high school student boar "-jrw 7th at ha Trini tj.ii J ance ance of Frances E. WlUard day J,, aQ orKanIzatlon of the leagues and endeavors of the city. Women Wanted at Starr Fruit Products Co.. Church and Mill Sts. Phone 439. Planer Trimming and 16" Mill wood. Prompt delivery. Spaulding Lodging Co. Phone 1830. Old Time Dance Mellow Moon Saturday night. Admission 25c. Fresh Homemade Cider Guaranteed pure and clean, 35 cents gallon. Bring container. 849 Rural Ave. Regal Lilies Blooming size 5c each. Satur day only. Flake's Petland. - Cooked Food Sale Saturday, Oct. 27th. 428 Court St. Sponsored by Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil war. Furniture Upholsterer And repairing. Giese-Powers Furniture Co. Emil Bnchmaan Has Opened a Barber shop in the Market Building. Two chairs have been installed and good work will be assured. Two delightfully entertaining and clever girls are the McCuue Sisters appearing In Fanchon and Marco's "Artists" Idea, at the El sinore theatre next Tuesday eve ning and Wednesday matinee and night. Th PGP ta Ion ifA pirla rm o tmm Chicago where they have establish ed a reputation for their dancics and singing. In their act they in troduce a new dance sensation the Creole stomp which is taking Chi cago by storm and is due to follow on the road to popularity that wa3 made by the Charleston, Varsity Drag and other dances. Their sparkling personality puts a kick Into their work which, .puts it over in great style. Alt their song numbers have a certain ap peal that few singers get. . When you leave the theatre humming the tunes you heard these song sters render you will realize that when it comes to putting a song over they can do it. Czar Paul the first of Russia the world's most modest man! Judged by his orders when he appeared in the public streets, Paul might deserve this title, for every man, woman and child was driven from the thoroughfare by armed soldiers before the carriage or sleigh of the monarch made its appearance. Death was the penalty to thos? who dared even to peep from win dows when the Little Father went by. Many an innocent baby, stray- E WILL BE REPEATED A 12-weeks' course for house maids will be started shortly through the part time continua tion school as a result of reques tor a repetition of a similar courr t offered last spring, announce. Mrs. Lillian Schroeder Van Loan, director of the continuation school. Salem housemaids as well as mistresses are encountering prob lems that the course will try to make easier, if not do away with entirely. Mrs. Van Loan finds that many of the housemaids are neith er satisfactory to themselves nor their employers and the course will have as one aim to make tlu housemaid feel that her job is worth while. Only practical problems will be studied under the Smith-Hughes training program. Mrs. Van Loan ir making arrangements for a spe cial instructor for the course. All phases of the housemaids' work, from personal appearance to table service, procedure in cleaning the house, care of silver ware, mending and laundry will be considered. The course will be held twice a week, days to be d termined for the students' conven ience afterenrollment. ' 1 Housemaids may enroll now. the course to begin the week of November 5. But 15 housemaids can be accommodated, and thuso enrolling first will be given pref erence. The course is offered with out charge and these wishing to take it should sign up in room 122 of the senior high school basement. Rebekahs Hold Social Meeting SILVERTON, Ore.. Oct. 26. (Special) The regular Thursdiy night session of the Rebekah lodge was followed by a social vhlch was given in the form of a Hallowe'en frolic. Music and games filled the evening, which was followed by lovely refresh ments. The dining room was ap propriately decorated in orange and black streamers, lanterns an.1 witches. Large bowls of bright au tumn leaves and fali flowers com pleted the color scheme. Teacher Attends ' De Coster Rites HUBBARD. Ore.. Oct. 26. (Special) The seventh and eighth grade room of the Hubbard public schools was closed Friday on account of the teacher, Arthur Myers, attending: the funeral of his grandfather. Arthur De Cost er, of Independence. ! Pastor Resigns Due To Illness ; SILVERTON, Ore., Oct. 26. (Special) The Rev. J. A. Ben- nett, pastor of the Christian church of Silverton, has placed -his resignation with the membi'S of the church. Mr. Bennett has been in HI health for some time and although' he will give up the pastorate, h intends to live in Silverton for tue present. Everything evens up in the end. The poor man pays a little each month for six months and the rich man takes six months to Dav. Sutherlin Sun. MOM rfl;im n ft SAYS 1023 Buick 4 Touring that Is well equipped, has 70 "0 new rubber and in fine condition. Is a snap at 9150.00. cnoD "The House That Service JUUU" FOR tXYO RMATJON ABOUT LOCAL OR BASTS RM RAILROAD TRIP8 PHONE 727 Oregon Electric fty, Willamette Valley Line (IloughhS IustonV The student body, accompanied by Lena Belle Tartar's orchestra, sang the national anthem and 'Battle Hymn of the Republic" and the orchestra also played two other numbers. Barney Cameron, student president, presented gold letter "S" pins to Isabel Chllds and Lee Coe, editor and manager respectively of last year's Clarion annual. A pep rally was held the last part of the hour. PILESCURED WIUot epamtoa r ( Urn ! DR. MARSHALL - MS Orcoa Bid. Chow-Puppies Special prices in Petland boarding kennels E. B. FLAKE r Proprietor . Rt. 9, Box 3 TORIO rcadinc iana. W la nr year fiMa aftrast hrMlig. Examination too. i Tnompson-Gtutsch Optical Co. 11 V. Coma'l St. Thinking Through The Bible By J. D. McCormlck Vow on sale at Atlas, Pattons and Kimball book stores MT. CREST -ABBEY ' MAUSOLEUM VAULT ENTOMBMENT " LLOYD T. RIGDOIf, Uagr. John J. Rottie 41S State St. Expert Shoe Fitter WALK-OVER AND CANTILEVER FOOTWEAR : Vacuum Cleaners for rent VTOBERT & TODD Things Electrical. 191 South High TeL 2112 - Vogan's Chocolates (Mellow as Moonlight) These assorted chocolates sell regularly at 60c a lb. This week-end Only 32c a lb. 2 Lbs. for 60c ONLY AT Schaefer's DRUG STORK The Original Candy Special Store If. 135 Coml. St. Phone 107 Penslar Agency Dr. Floyd L. letter DENTIST 906 First National Bank Building Salem, Oregon FARMERS' DAY Auction Every gat. 1:30 P. M. at F.N. Woodry's Auction Market 1610 N. Summer St. 7 coats, chickens, incubator, brooder, 8-in, plow, 1 horse cultivator woren wire fenc ing, 2 wire gates, cross cut saw,, trailer, tools, furniture, linoleum rugs linoleum yd. goods blankets and many other miscellaneous articles. FARMERS ATTENTION These sales will be held reg ularly every Saturday, if you have anything to sell, bring it in. Want more cows, hors es, hens, pigs, turkeys, geese ducks, machinery onions ap ples, potatoes, grain, tools of all kinds or anything else of valne. Buyers waiting. Yes everything sells for cash. Come in and bring your neighbor., Cash Paid for Used Furniture Furniture Auction every Wed. Nite 7 P. M. Private Sales Daily , Established 1916 LaDD I3uSE-J, Bankers Established 1868 GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Office Hours, from 10 a. m. to 3 p. in. m mm mm inieilll i II v r It J t ' s in 111 li II II III t ', 5 . ... m -mmm. WVV .. n . n AJ , Preachers have spoken a great deal about hell, but they have never told ' us where hell is. Sunday you will know 1 PROF. C. T. EVERSON Noted Bible Lecturer and Evangelist Sunday -at 7:45. Doors Open at 6 About all most people know about hell is that it is down, and reputed to be very hot. Some evangelists would almost like to have us believe that hell is so jammed full that there is hardly standing room left. Professor Everson will tell you exactly how many persons are in hell at present, just where hell is located, if the devil is in charge, and if the fire burns the meanness out of people or if they must go on burning forever. . Intensely Interesting -Not a Dull Moment In It Professor Everson's lectures are along the lines of history, re ligion and present-day events dealt with in such an attractive and scholarly manner that they make a strong appeal." New York Mail. Hundreds Attending Why Not You? i SOMEWHERE TO GO" Soend vour evenimrs amid the songs and inspirational talks at the Armory. It will put hope and new courage into your life. JOHN E. FORD, SOLOIST- FREE TO ALL 1 33TJ