fSflllDE Broadcasting Stations Will Get New Classification On Armistice Day ,WlIHTOflTON. Oct. (AF) The Federal Radio com mission hu maae puouc mo u list of broadcasting stations In the mmi ik fi&aifiAd bT frequencies f - - iHuored In kilocycles which will comprise the nauoars see-up aurs November 11. i The list 1 the result of the re allocation play upon which the commission has been working for crver a year. The commission's engineers and a majority of the commission believe reception will be placed on a higher plane by operation of the new assignments. Beginning at 3 a. m.. Armistice day. the following list effective, includes: 550 Kilocycle: KOAC, Corval lla,. Oregon. 570 Kilocycles: KUOM. Mis soula. Mont. KMTR. Hollywood, Cal. KPLA. Los Angeles. KXA, Seattle. . 590 Kilocycles: KHQ. Spokane. . 600 Kilocycles (Canadian shared): KFBU. Laramie, Wyo. KFRC, San Francisco. 20 Kilocycles: KGW, Portland, Ore. 640 Kilocycles (Canadian .bared): KFI, Los Angeles. KOP, Sh Francisco. T80 Kilocycles: KNRC, Santa Monica, Cal ; 790 Kilocycles: KGO, San Fran cisco. f 880 Kilocycles (Canadian shared): KLX, Oakland, Cal. KPOF, Denver, Colo. 900 Kilocycles: KHJ, Los An geles. , 920 Kilocycles: KOMO, Seattle. 940 Kilocycles: KOIN. Port land, Ore. KGU. Honolulu, T. H. 1010 Kilocycles (Canadian shared): KQW, San Jose, Cal. 1050 Kilocycles: KNX, Holly wood, Cal. 1120 Kilocycles: KFSG, Los Angeles. KRSC, Seattle. '1180 Kilocycles: KEX. Port land. . 1200 Kilocycles: KPPC, Pasa dena. Cal. KWG, Stockton, Cal. KUY. Lacey, Wash. ?1210 Kilocycles: KPQ, Seattle. KPCB, SeatUe. 1230 Kilocycles: KTA, San Francisco. KFIO, Spokane. ,1290 Kilocycles: KDYL, Salt Lake City. 1300 Kilocycles: KFJR, Port land. Ore. KTBR, Portland, Ore. KTON. Long Beach, Cal. KXL, Portland. Ore. KFAU, Boise. Idaho. 1270 Kilocycjes: KTW. Seattle. KFOA. Seattle. KFUM, Colorado Springs, Colo. 1360 Kilocycles: KFBB, Havre, Mont. KGIR, Butte, Mont. KGB, San Diego, Cal.- J.1370 Kilocycles: KRE, Berke fey. Cal. KGER, Long Beach, Jal. KFEC. PorUand, Ore. KFJI. Astoria, Ore. PAY VISIT TO CITY (Contniued from Page 1.) rorporation commission when Mayor .Baker sauntered into the office, i : "WeB, if there isn't my oM sweetheart," said the Mayor, as he eyed Miss Williamson. Drawing the blushing chief clerk toward him, he planted a kiss on her lips. WHOLK-DELEGATION" IS FETED Mayor Rolph of San Francisco 'Guest of Honor at Big Banquet PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. .2. AP) Twenty-one members - of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, headed by Mayor Itolpb came to Oregon today to return the good-will call paid to the California city last spring by the governor of Oregon and bis caravan. -; The arty reached Salem at t: 30 .o'clock this afternoon on the Cascade Limited where they were met by Mayor Baker of Portland, city officials of Salenr. and Port land Chamber of Commerce mem bers. After a visit to the state Bouse and a call on Governor Pat terson, the visitors were brought to Portland In autoobiles, the car avan escorted by state traffic of ficers. James Rolph, mayor of San Francisco for 20 years, and serv ing his fifth term In office, spok tonight over radio station KGW here. " The Californlans ware guests at a' banquet tonight at which Mayor Baker presided, and at which May or Rolph was the guest of honor. BACK AGAIN luesday - Wednesday October 30-31 Fanchon GUESTS FROM SOUTH &emM Prince in U. S. it' t '" ' i-ay L-xw f w.. "v-a-; a Xq n -' '' - -J-AC a-y Mac Ays Vn4Zbdd C3w bmL of Ska, .wtmber f th4 SiuacM coaavlar cArptv htf BX rived la tie United State m route U Lend, where he wiU a-, smme bis duties m consular fW era! there. Tie prince was snapped at San Frandfc, CaL, where ha landed. West Salem JVews By HELEN H. RODOLF The 'West Salem branch of the Northwest cannery has raised the priee of slicing apples from four cents a pan to five cents. Twenty five women were brought over from Salem to fill In the vacancies here. It is thought there will be work until Christmas time. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Goodlow of Dallas TWrpj quests ofj the S. L. Burkes iff H PTr,daT tof f undaT their hiUcjkffi Edgewiler street. The Goodlows are elatlvee of Mrs. Burke. F. M. Moore Is leveling and preparing the yard around his new house on Edgewater street for a lawn. Shrubs are being planted and the yard beautified. The Moore place promises to be one of the most charming in West Sa lem. m Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Rogers from Scio were guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Burke. Mrs. Rogers is a daughter of the Burkes, and has Juet recently had her second child, a baby girl. - Mise Anne Englehorn who has been, spending ber vacation In Portland, has returned to her home. She was at work In the Roth Grocery Friday for tha flrst time in two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Marlott and baby Colleen Jean have moved from ' Edgewater court to the Edgewater apartments in the Robertson building. G. H. Tracy is moving from the L. Deranleau house on Edgewater street next to Sloper's Cash mar ket to the garage he has just built on the property he purchased from F. M. Moore. The West Salem Amusement club building is to be used as a warehouse by the Eoff Electrical company ot Salem. Mrs. A. Kessal is recovering from her recent sicknese. . Shp i at the home of her daughter, Mrs. . i-x. namaway. E. E. Kelso, who is working on the bridge on South High street. rell from a beam across another one below him. It Is believed that no bones were broken, but e was oaaiy oruised. E. Z. Barnes whn foil scaffolding on Max Gehlar's house last summer is recovering from an operation performed on his foot removing a bone that was injured when he fell. - Another squirrel hunter has beenhot. If there's to be a limit on the bar, of squirrels why not Pur one on the bag of hunters, too? Akron Beacon Journal OBITUARV BLTVKXS Funeral services for Robert LaKayete Bllvens will be held from the Terwllllger funeral home today at 2 p. m.. Rev. H. C. Stover officiating. Interment will Kan. wa 4 V.. a-h, A we. a- v. x cemetery. HOLLYWOOD TODAY ONLY THETA ALPHA PHI Presents " Annual Homecoming Play . A three act comedy by Barrie ! Tonight 8:15 OREGON THEATRE Admission 50c and 75c NOTED ON TRIP Improvements Made in Many School Districts, Su perintendent Finds A total of 49 Marion county schools have been visited by Coun ty superintendent Mary I. Fnlker man since schools opened, and meat of them In the last two weeks Mrs. Fulkerson said Friday after noon. The favorable weather has permitted her to make aa average of nearly Tour schools. The schools at Sicker, nacieay and Shaw were Inspect maay. At Bicker, the new two-roam frBtV.r fa the delight of pnpD aisd the two teachers. Thirty-five Dsmila were Dreamt Friday. The school has Its own water system for the first time. Mrs. Fulkerson resorts, and It also is electrically lighted. A Httle difficulty Is being experienced la the adjustment front a one-room to a two-room school, she resorts, but no more tbaa Is common in such instances. Tha old building is being torn down and the yard fixed up. Twenty students are enrolled at Macleay. where the building has Just been painted. Macleay stu dents were busy preparing for a Hallowe'en program to bo given tonight. The superintendent found onlv four children attending the Wltzel school, a very low figure for that district. Many families have moved away. In her visit earlier to the Mill City school, she found that the principal of the grades, T. J Means, had introduced the platoon system used in the Portland schools and that it was working very well with students accomp lishing more work. An opportun ely room if abb new Ujthe school this year; i , : ill At the Riverside school, of which Margaret Brantner is teach- sr, considerable work has teeu Jone on the yards and new pic tures have . been secured for the room. A new well and outbuilding were needed improvement found at Rivervlew, near Hull's Ferry.. Mrs. Fulkerson is giving- but few tests on her first trips, but is determining if the grading of the various schools is correct. William W. Fox, rural school supervisor working with the coun ty superintendent, is also visiting rural schools. T (Contniued from Page 1.) probably be about 21 to 12 with the Puget Sound bunch on top." . LENA MEDLER, Willamette university student, voiced the concensus Of opinion of the Del ta Phi's as: "The game will be close as 'the spirit is running high ' In both schools. There will be a fight for every foot of ground taken or lost.. The score will be two touchdowns apiece with the extra points deciding the winner. Of course, we think Willamette will get the extra points." ROBERT IRWIN, local taxi cab operator, said: "It will' be close, but I think College of Puget Sound will win; not by more than one touchdown." BARNEY KAUFMAN. Junior at Willamette university, said: "Victory in this game is Just as easy to predict aa whether a coin tossed in the tlr will light heads or tails. I don't believe there is enough difference in the teams to make any basis for a forecast." . TODAY MATIXEB ONLY FRED Thompson in "Kit Carson" ON THE 8TAGE TONIGHT WILLAMETTE PLAY WIT THEY HI The New Oregon Statesman, Salem, CHURCHES BOMS PXOTECTm IXXGTTB Ab BibU Aittmblr. apctsin te Utt f Fry's Draff Stan, SS4 V. Owirrmi trt. Br anaraoom a Dr. A. C. EMa will oatae B1W stair clwi At T:SO p. - avaacviutia aarr iea. G4 ia Christ-Jena BaeewtUag taa World Uata HiaMalf" ia taa aa saga at taa avaaias;. Bright aiagiag aa a WaW-waleaaM. JAlOJr 1XB MXKOXXAZ. X. B. Wiatar atraat aa4 JaMaraa aama, ta caaelaaa taa sariaa at Bally Waak ra graau gaaaay aaaraiag with a aalaadU Jragraat at B:4a. All aapaif id mi aaier aga r avar will ml ia taa aadi tariaav. xaaag paapta a aapartaaai aiu aava laadiag parts ta taa pragraau Tha thaaia at wan kip at 11 a. m. will aa. Tha Tfi t aa Charca Bchaai." At a a'elaak aaaaa mt taa yaaag falk aa4 taa will viait taa Jaaaaaaa paatar. 1145 Hall atraat, aatS aaaat taa Japaaaaa raaag tolk far a iwn linin g aaag I praiaa. varvaaa laagaaa vui area at S.-SO. Evaaiag praiaa awlein TJSQ with caaaawaity aaag aarrioa aad apacial aaaaia. Taa avaatag iiaeaasiam will bava la 4a with tha taaaght at faith aa a lag hyp at hat ia at lifa. Tha aoeatl haar at tha paraaaan will fallow tha raaiag iai ik. Alwaya -a fcaarty wal caaaa. Harry E. Garaaar, paatar. ' JTMMT OHXISTIAV CHUXOH Oaraar High aa Oaatar. D. J. How a. atar. T K. Cattaaa. a. av Bi- hia aehaol. O. J. Hall. Sapt. alias Lary's aaalie chair will ha prvaemt for tha laa lag pariaal at 10:SO. 11 a. at., worship. ay tha paatar. "Taa aw Testa- it Charca aaA f!vaaratirs." 6:30 p. a xaoac reapia a a ear. rear aa- af canetsaar-vKaaaarver aaeat ia their respective reasaa 7:30 p. aa In- spiratioaal Baag. Hemes lea by Victor Waif a. Sermon, "Sleeping Citisenahtp." Special aambera af Basie at each aarv ice. CEHTEK STREET METHODIST EPISCOPAX CHTTPXH Thirteenth aad Center streets. P. J. Sehnert, paster. Bandar school session at 10 a. m. Morning worship at 11 a. m. "A Ble.el KnewleZre." Evening wor ship at 7:45 p. m. "Grace for tha Chief of Sinners." Epworth league t-7 p. at. Special mosie at the morning worship. hoxth saxem raiEirss church Corner S. Commercial aad Washington streets. 10 a. ra., Saaday school. Mir gaerita P. Klliott, Supt. 11. meeting for worship and sermon by the pastor. 6:30 p. m.. Christian Endearor prayer meet ing. 7:30, Special service. Address by the Rev. U. R. Crowder on the 18th Amendment and Governor Smith' public acta ia regard to prohibition. Tha pub lic is invitee to hear this address by i well known speaker. Charles C Hs worth pastor. 1655 S. Liberty. CALVABT BAPTIST CHUBCH W. Earl Oochran. pastor. Services held at the Grand theatre, corner Court aad Hfch streets. Sunday school at 9:45 with classes for all area lead by com petent teachers. Far I Oren, Bant. Topic morning, "Tha Stronghold af Truth" third in tha aeries. B. T. 7. V. at 6:30, Court street entrance. Topic, "What Shall We Do With Oar Talents!". Dorir Pickens, leader. Following tha inapira tional song service the paator will give hia message on The Blueprints of Infe. TOED MEMOaTAt, C01OTCTN1TT - CHTTBCH fatethodist Episcopal) Corner Girth avenue and Third streets M. A. Groves, pastor, 975 Edrewater street, phone 1341-B. Services: Sunday vchool 9:45 a. m.. D. C. Sebern, Supt. Clarses for all ages. The yonng msrried Isdiee1' rlasi now hss a teacner. Morn inc service 11. the Bev. Harold Sbellhart will preach. Intermediate and Senior league at 6:80. Marie Fox, superintend ent of Intermediate league. E renins ervice 7:30. The pastor will presch. Subject. "Weighed and Found Want ine. Specie! anusie arid goad aingiag The Intermediate leaguers will sing special number in the morning. The pea tor will preach at Summit at 11 a. m. TTHTTAltlAH CHUBCH Cbttare and Chemeketa streets. Th Rev. Msrtin P. Ferrey. nvnUter. Church school st 10 a. m. Graded inPtmrtioa Devotional service at 11 a. m. Subject of the sermon. "Feet of Clay a Rtudv of Modem Education." Mrs. Msrtin "-rrer will offer as a eontrOfo swle "Fear Kot Ye. O Israel." by Bqck. Mr. W. aJ. orntoa at tha argaa, 'jV SAXVATTOV ASITT f 'The Straarer of Gallilee." sublect for 3unday aight at 8 o'clock. Mis Rrrf h Tibbett is to be ' in charre and will deliver the message. Miss Tibbetts ill also have charre of the Army a neetine at the Ore eon state prison at V clock. Holiness meetinc will be held t 11 o'clock ia the morning and 8undv school and Tonnr People's Iegion at 2:30 nnd 6:30 respectively, in the afternoon. CHRIST LUTHERAN CHTTBCH State and 18th atreets. The Rev. A. T.. Heine,, pastor. German aervice at 9:45 a. m.. and English service at 11 a. in. Sunday school at 9:40 a. m., Martha Battermsn. Supt. Luther league devo tional meeting at 7:30 p. m.. Otto Gron ke lender in discussion. Topic. "Pro phets." Chnrrh council meets Monday evening at 7:30, at tne parsonage. Ko ligioua school on Saturday at 9 a. m. , A gTeat HorietoM IwaibaQ I pie tor of a rwaUt vba tacaies BTiairra and scares ft tosch- Today & Sat. 1 H VUIiamPcrx A t f&UJtS CAROJ f I Jibs BUtterW afl V CT VV It. Oregon, Saturday Morning, ' TVEt tTT""w CHUS-CH ' f Wimtar mm Oh TDr. D. 1- "Lord af Laa" . (Hall). Sal hy Win isas Wright. "If Oad Sa Oatha the Oreae" (Bisehoff). Fveaiag warshop. 7 -SO; aarasaa. "Doa't Paster Ma" Lake 15:. Tha Jaaiar Chair will ag at taia aarriaa. Cv Z. aacietiaa at S:9, rare comxeoatioai, Caatar aad Liberty. Char lea X. ara. paatar. 440 Oaatar. Services: 11 a. aa, "Tha UaiHad Ufa": T:S0 p- as, " 8oC Ia Tha Night." Tha quartet arm Bias Sand Oat! Thy Light" aad Mr. OtUa aad Mr. MeDaaaU will eiag a aat: Cru cifix at taa aseraiag aerviea. Ia tha eve ning service Mr. Gille will aiaff a aala. gaaaay aehaal. :. Mark MeCalUatar. Sapt, Taaag PaapU'a Bally ia Part land First Charca Suaday at P- am. OOVXX STBXET CHUBCH OT CHXIST Caart aad 17th. VorHa J Xaaaaaer. iaiatar, 144 8. 19th. Kaat Lara 4ay wiU ha abaarvad aa Oaad Citiaaashtp day. A treat la being arraaged tar tha Boraiac aervice. Bible aehaol promptly at 9:4o. C. X. at 4:30 p. m.. aad era sing warship at 7:. Thaaa wha at 'ended taa aaaveaUaa at McMiaavilla will briag a report af geaerel IMereet. Wadaaaday- afteraaaa ana evening be church day. Lot ell attend. win TTXST METHODIST KFtSCOFAX naraer SUte aad Chareh. F. C. Tay lor, pastor. S36 Stste. phone 974. Birec tor religious education. Margaret K. Sath erlanC, phone 872. Services: 11 a. am.. KelirreB as UtlmM ay tae ajtmaoi w the Salt." the pastor : 780 p. am.. Christ or Belial!" tne pastor, special - Salo. "The Lord is Miadrul of hia Own" Mendelssoha. lint ay Miss Josephine Albert. Anthem. "Let Every Tongue Adore." Bach. Sunday achooL 9:45 a. m., H. r. ananas, ttaps. ep worth lea cues : University Chapter to nic. "In His Steps; How Jesus Treated Ilia Friends." Leader. Marpory Miller. First Church Chapter Investiture serv- -Junior Hirh Chapter topie "UM- tv " leader. Helen Hoi la dir. Other meetings: Junior church 11 a. ra. ia an nex; message. "Shadows." " QLAD TIDINGS MISSIOH 943H Court street. C. S. Johnsoo. pastor, 491 Union. Services: 3 and 7:30 p. am. Suaday school, 2 p. m. rMMAlTTJEL BAPTIST Corner Hasel anC Academy. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching aervica st 11 a. m. snd 7:30 p. m. Tne Kev. Wiley Weathers will preach ia the morn ing and D. S. Turner ia the eveniag. rnurr evahgelicax chttbch Corner of Liberty and Center. A. P. Laytoa, paator. Sunday school at 9:45, L. L. Thornton, Supt. VTorship at 11, subject. "Take Time for Tour Task." Chriftian-F.adeaver at 6:J0. topic. "Mak ing the Right Use of Our Talents." Olive Shurtz. leader. Worship at 7:80, sub ject. "The Measurements of a Real Man." Evangeliatie services at tha 17th street EvaageTIeal chareh. CHaMSTIAH AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE 655 Ferry street. Sunday school promptly at 8:45; Walter. W. Wells, Supt. Interesting Masses for every aga. Morning preacning aervice at u, auojeer of mepsage. "Paul a Prayer for the Eph esishs." Evening services at 7:30, sub ject. "Him Thst Cometh." J. O. Min. ton, pastor. 1340 X. Cottage, phone 187S-W. Tbe public ia invited ta all these services. BEFOB.MED CHUBCH Corner Capitol and Marion streets. W. G. Lienksemper. psstor. Annual Harv est Home and Missionary Sunday will be observed. Hours of sevicet: Snnday school 9:45 a. m. English sevicet 10:30 German services 11:15. Special install ation services for the new pastor will be held at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. All of the services will be conducted by tbe visiting ministers. A. E. Y'ss snd A. F. Lienksemper. both of Portland. During the aoon intermission lunch will be served in the church basement. Another Talklnf Sensation Opens Next Sunday Too must see I HOW CROOKED CAN CROOKS BE H CFFambUCAD la,-U MAYMcAV0Y- CO.'JRIDUAGEI i nil e fog TaSgSS Added 4 Floe VlUphone Acta V t treats. jsaraaaa aw -rauy. v. Charek aebeal 9:30; H- K. Barrett. Baps. Maraiag warshop 11; aerate by tha paav tor. "Tha 6i!aat Miaiatrias af Hoavaa" Ha. S:a. Anthaaa by tha ahab;. mm October 27, 1928 ot iintTrU XJJTHJLBAH Chmreh atraat hatasaa Chemaeketa aad CeSrTh. Baw. P- W. k P Thia at Baoraaatiaa Saaday aad taa pas ter wW preach, hia orn.ng aanaaa at 10:49 a "Prayar aad Fatta. far- a program aaa aaareas a paatar a. "Tha Maaalag af Frotaa bbv" Special music: hfiaa Arbutua Rada wiU aiag a sola. Ta aenww- ana jaaiar choirs will aiag. . Tha Suaday Bi ble aehaal at :30. Lather league at e-.SO; topic, "Ufa Sirwa" AT.waT CHTTftCH Of TBS WAZAJtETE 134t 8. Caasaereial street, pkaaa tMO. U D. Samite, paatar. Suaday aehaal at 9:45 a. am. Prank UtwiUar. aapanateaC eat ia charge. Da aat watch aa graw. caama aad grew with as. Haraiag war sMp at 11. .abiaet. "Saamaa a R Jaigaa 14:14. Mrs. HatUe Litwillar will aiag a sola. Toaag peopla'a waettag a t :a. Miss Thee Saaapsaa, praaideat. Mias RoaeUa Belaher. leader. Spenala aa tha program. Evaageliatit service at 7:tO; happy aiagiag aad praiaa serviea. Miaa The Sampaoa will aiag a aala. 8er maa aaajaet. "Tha DaU'a Ware.' Prayar aaaatiag Wednesday aight at 7 :. aa-rrjT- gnXST 1CETHOSXST CHUBCH Fifteenth and Mill street. Petri k X. DahKa. paatar. Maraiag worship 11 e'clack, "Faith aad Reality." Church aehaal 9:45 a. as, Mias Eather E rick son. Supt. Epworth leagae :S0 p. am. Tha topic: "Parties aad Personalities. I Mrs. Aha M. Gentry, leader. PaUewiag i the learue ma ta pastor win n charge aad reouet tha eve meg deve- none. KNIGHT KEMO&IAX. COKaSESATIOHAL Kiasteaatk aad Ferry streets. H. C. Stavar. atiaistar. Suaday aehaal at 10 a. ra C. C. Harria. Sapt. Moraiag wor ship at 11. Sarmoa, "Ghaata That Frightea Ds." "Unto tha Hilla" (Rear is) will sw snog by Mrs. David Tslmadge aad Miss Myra Oleason. The Christian Endeavor societies meet at 6:45 p. am. Tha vested choir preaenta a sacred con cert at 7:30; Floyd Mclatira aa guest soloist. EVANGELISTIC FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE Thirteeath snd Ferry streets. The Bev. Earle V. Jennison. pastor, 1458 Che meketa street, phone 2S11-J. Sunday school 1:45 d. m. Attendance last Sua day 119. Preaching 3 p. m. and 7:45. Notice tha change of a1 eveoinj meet in g. CHEMEKETA ST. EVANGELICAL CHURCH Corner of Chemeketa and N. 17th. G. E. Erskina. pastor. 26S S. 17th atreet phone 1008-W. Services: 11 s. m. and 7:30 p. m. The Rev. Ira P. Dumas, evsngelist and soloist, will occupy tha pulpit bot!i morning and evening. Sua day school. 10 a. m.. O. R. Strausbaagh Supt. Christian Endeavor, 6:30. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Corner of Msrioa and Liberty street. Rebei L. Parse. minister. Fred Broer, Sunday aehaol superintendeat and direc tor of music Louise Fialey. orraaist. Sunday school, 9:45. with classea far everybody wha cornea. Morning preach ing aervice 11 o'clock, sermon topic. Divine Religion. Two young m pla'a meetings. 6:30. Eveniag preach ing service 7:30. sermon topic, "Brought Out That Wa Might Bo Brought Ia." tpeeiai music at both services. First Church of Christ, Scientist SALEM, OREGON 7 ANNOUNCES Free Lecture on Christian Science By PAUL A. HARSCH, C. S. B. of Toledo, Ohio Member of the Board of Lecturership of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Boston, Massachusetts In the . Church Edifice, Chemeketa & Liberty Monday Evening, October 29, 1929 AT EIGHT O'CLOCK The Public is Cordially Invited to Attend Note: The lecture will be published in Tuesday morning's Statesman 4& STARTS SATURDAY 0 EDlS KM EL JANNINGS, conceded to be oa of the world's greatest char acters, gives his most remarkable performance as Czar Paul 1, the mad monarch of Russia with the heart ot a child and the brain of a tiger, Jannings Is superb! His portrayal outshines the brilliance of all his previous character studies. He Is incompar, able in this amazing story ot a ruler, despised and hated by hia subjects, who was betrayed by his staunehest friend. Ton will marvel at this famous actor's tremendous range of emo tions -from supreme exaltation to (he utmost depression chances come with such lightning rapidity as to captivate and enthrall you. - Emfl Jannings In '-"The Patriot" Is on of the screen's most out. standing achievements. . ta mix WIOTALIW CHTTRCH b-m. at Fratarmal Taarphs, 447 STtmSrlL LaVilW " - j j . wave createa cardiaUyiavitaA "Meaaages." ST. PAUL'S CHURCH (Episcopal) Church street at Chemeketa. Tha Rev. - lac- T " k. rm- a arvas Trtnllv. DTI V IVV w aa r i "tei.br tha Rev. J. D. Kca 1 lead at tha aaaai aaara, i . .- -"S . . TV. 0rrk aehaol vut meat at 9 :45 ia tha pariah hoaaa. HIGHLAND FRIENDS v TTb1mJ Vde-ar caraar iw P. Sitae, pas taa. Bible aehaal 10 a. ar J. M. Gaxdawr. Supt. ClatsM for all agea. Maraiag woeip " ". CE.ll :SO SIS owwr v. -. m .mn vmIv urviraa at 7 :80 P. 1 "Caia'a RaUgiaa-Hoaara." All are welcome ta laee aeiiivs rXRST. CHURCH OF CHURCH, SCIENTIST "PnUiiii After Death" subject of h. iuvu.umn la First Church af Chriat, Scieatist which ia a branch a tha Mather Chareh. Tha rtret l.-aarea e Chriat, Scientist, ia Boston, Mas. Sare- icea Saaaay asaraiag as n ciac - - - - - mk a RnadAT aehaol at 9:45 far taa alder classes aad at 11 far tha younger c leases. Reading room at 40S Mstsn-f Taaapl waere taa oiaie saa .11 k.l (?hpi&ti&B Srieare lHara- tare may ha read, harrowed ar parch as ed. Afl ara taettec ta anea tae aervices aaa ta aaa tha reading rasas.. Calvary Baptist Church Grand Opera House, Corner Court & High Sts. S. S. 9:45 a. m. Rally Day Program WELCOME Preaching services 10:50 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Morning Subject: THE STRONGHOLD OF TRUTH" Anthem by CHORUS CHOIR THE BLUE PRINTS, OF LIFE" Will be the message for the Evening Service W. EARL COCHRAN, Pastor mm in I rAJUnOwHT SrONtr -plOftENC&Vl OX THE 8TAGB MANHATTAN PLAYERS ; IX THEIR BIGGEST HIT "The eafrrn ClcsIiV T YOU'LL ROAR AT IIE MANY FUNNY t ! SITUATIONS IN THVJI COMKTVe mrv 'i UOtlXTTEL FTJIX OOSPEI, MISSION u - iniit. aDstaira avar th. Maa'a Shop." Ralph D. Bullaek. tor -aSO S. Oattaga atraat, phoae Services: S:80 aad 7:45 p. . In t:. afteraaaa. Evanrelist Vn. J. Beon-tt aiUapaak a "Walkia With God." i tha evaaiag hia subject will be "A Man's Wafa" a message for both capital sal Is bar. UNITED BRBTHREN - . . . e a a u 11SS- atisatom axraa. y ' Jinia. pastor. pheaaXl90J-W. Service IX taa 'IF- Dl M 4aV am ama. j. -..vv., 10 4V. a. Kn. wJee Hendenoa. Hupr. p. at- umery " laiau Bhjatt.'!.,Diar Taleata Aright.' ' Juaior Chair Sua da- morning 9:30 a. m. TiT.r MEMORIAL CHURCH (Mathadiat Episcopal) a v ruhl aad Mvera street i. m lu I area ta BSI a lD- cisl affart to ha preeeat at 11 a'clack on o j liar far taa abbbsi jimi van wv .k. will mimr "Stet hr servaca. " - .,, . 8ta." (Back), Fleyd Mclatire will aiag . i. k. Mn will ha called aad the oaatar wiU apeak briefly. At tha Hsppy Evaaiag Haar. T:S0. thara wOl h a spe rial service with UstaHatiea af the of ficera af tha leagaai ot tha chareh. Spe rial Basic, aoaress ay saa paiv "Oar Pledge." iastauaiioa aaa reepou tereatiag elaeaes far all ages. Jaaiar Chareh leagaa la Laalia hall at 11 eaarre af Mr. Aadrew Haater aad Or mal "Trick, far eaildreaef tha J"'or graup: Three leagaa at a:av. : iePic for Seater league, --rarriaa a r--aHtiaa." leaders. HaraW-'Rhatea far Ash bury league and Mis Elsie Taeker far Leslie leagae. s Vi v Big Stage "Shows Starts Tuesday Ere. ELCENOE1E Atwars Featar f Leah Bolt j- si the tJ?5!f WsrUtaer H AT THE WURLITZER HOMER a McDONAtD