The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 26, 1928, Page 4, Image 4

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1 i m i i . ii i .M i .i 1 i .mi ii. ii i mi .. i, .r-. i-:--!- an - -..r . If
, - ' - r - , ' ' . . - II gAWM, OREGON
I Ilr"- Editor :
' ' '''' - jEswsissssssssiWMasMssasssisissa
I i iri.:..- mi.: nrl . ll i , " - T "T I t Hoover's
i z , 1 1U 1U1 wiaivittt
I . j ' I f - t r T TTwltIri
v -v. -mm w im aw e a
I I - To A. X s. r ill r . II Coming on
- XA ., v tiffitw m
' I Iff - . il MMffKErTmi..i lU&t -ltf,r T5
i.WI Mill '-irUMIfAI.f fa U ITTk.. C fSfC '
On the Social Map
nriTTE Yakima Republic counters in this wise: "One of the
A cow counties down in Oregon claims to have the hand
somest legislator in the state: Up in wasningion neariy aj
hpAtpn in the nrimarv and we won
have much of an assortment to send to a beauty show, but
. we will have one of the most graceful dancers on the coast.
Senator W. L. Dimmick has won all the prizes for which he
has competed thus far and has been asked to waltz before the
crowned heads of Europe and Asia. Representatives Marble
and Rowe are not so light on their feet, having been sxumea
in their youth, but they are both powenm singers. e ex
pect Yakima county will be on the social map at Olympia this
, Ignoring the Yakima paper's averment that Benton is ;
A A. mm AAaVWtV-W T RA VMQT1 hoinr T? W Johnson of tna
county. The Statesman hopes this matter may not be ioi-
lowed up here in uregon. in iaci, jur. juuusuu ui
for entry in a beauty contest. It was wished on him unbe-
i u rio,. Tnr9iia nt tYif PrvaUis Gazette-Times, who
was merely trying to direct attention away from his own
jack of beauty. . . . .
; As to the status in Washington, the writer is not certain,
but in Oregon we do not need dancers or singers as such in
our legislature .
And as to Dulchritude it will be a case of "pretty is as
UMf f Anaa " fr,T- thoni r a lot of bier i"obs on hanoL Work
TVio nnfnmnhile laws must be rewritten.
CIS Cm C luvu. -- , -
new prison ought to be provided for, and a hundred other
t-hincra nt lmnortance are cmne vo oe vtwuc xc
of the state budget is the biggest of all the jobs, and the
most difficult - ' , ' . ,
And if the ugliest man in the bunch can show the way
and get it over, the next Oregon legislature will have to its
credit the most dilticuit tasK in tne mawiy ui uic
t Swmia Unnecessarv .
mHE Oregon Good Roads association sends out a circular
JL showing that the license on cars in uregon is lower uian
iiumia onA tar nn the mitip cars in Washington. For in-
stance, in Oregon the saving on a Dodge coupe is $11-36; on
a Uhrysier seaan u u is -,
. RmW standard sedan S22.05. and on a Chevrolet sedan
$9.69. Average saving in Oregon, $14.58; based on new
cars only r
, AndJthis is aU iwteresting. is not new. And it
ught nol to be neofeary. It isiMWfor the purpose of
helning to defeat the disowned Dunne bills on theoallot, and
surely no one who keeps up with tne umes is guins v vutc
for them either of them, and more especially me uceuse
f This is not saying, however, that the license law does
not need overhauling. But it is going to De. ine legislature
that. And recrard will be paid to
the advice of Sam Kozer, who knows also to that of the
Hhrw nn'nrinal state officials, who . are for the neeaea
r. ... i
Hoover 44, Smith 4
THE latest Literary Digest poll, released for today, shows
Hnnver leading in 44 states. Smith in 4. The four for
Smith are Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi and Louisiana
And the Hoover leads are substantial excepting in Ala
Kama and Arkansas.
On the face of this showing, Smith ha3 no possible
chance to squeak through with a majority of the electoral
. . Cool headed judges believe that the. electoral votes that
"are now certain for Hoover will give him at least 50 to
And by the same sign the prospects are for a real land
slide. Smith's frantic whirlwind finish is perhaps turning a
few votes his way; and it is likely turning away from' him
many more than he is gaining.
- He has nothing new but a fresh assortment of wise
cracks and vituperation, and the old ones he has used have
done his cause much more harm than good.
Herbert Hoover
i A Reminiscent Biography
(Extrmet from th book' published by Tko Coatarr Co.)
Baiting Borah
UNABLE to answer most of Borah's arguments and afraid
to reply frankly to the rest of them, the democratic
speakers are baiting the Idaho senator; hurling epithets at
him and nilinir abuse upon "him--
But this is "nuts" for Borah. He has an awful come-
back: he is a rapid-fire artist in repartee
And all the democratic leaders who have been throwing
stones at Borah live in glass houses. None of them agrees
with Sjnith or in any of the principal issues, either before, or
after each of his new stands
. So baiting Borah is a boomerang for the baiters.
Wasting Monev
T TP to a couple of weeks ago the democratic national com-j
U mittee had used $303,037 in the corn belt states to try to
get the farmers to vote for Al Smith
And if no betterj-asult is shown than has been in evi
dence in past Al Smith campaigns in his own state in at
tempting to influence the farming vote, the whole sum has
been worse than wasted. At Smith- in his campaigns for gov
ernor never carried a county in New York outride of the
Tammany district.
Senator Norris of Nebraska takes himself .too aHfired
seriously, in bolting the republican ticket,' He has been no
where to bolt from. In politics he is what the boys on the
eastern Oregon ranges call a slick-ear. He has not been
marked or branded. The Al Smith forces, expecting much
from the Norris gesture, will see a week from Tuesday that
it was, a dud.
We have a copy of the Topeka State Journal, which is
- full of pictures of the Hon. Charles Curtis, "the most dis
tinguished citizen of Kansas." Hell be that for only a short
time. Presently he will be vice president of the-United States
and then he won't amount to any more than Ed Howe or Bill
White. Yakima Republic.
; If Al Smith ever had a ghost of a show, he has commit
ted political sujcide by what he has said and the quick chang
es he has made.: He may be sincere, but he has taken a poor.
way to prove it to the American peopleexcepting his siri-
. centy in wanting to be elected.
The statement has just been radioed to the whole Unit
ed States that not a single democratic congressman is for
. the protective tariff. Al Smith is marooned on an island en
tirely surrounded by free trade or tariff for revenue only
water. - -
Compare the ringing words of high class statesnianship
ottered in his speeches by Herbert Hoover with the rapid-
m.1 - ? 1 A X. ' A
cnange wise-cracjcs oi ai smitn. un, pshaw I
- - . Br FRED O. EELLT ' ' ? :
FEW mJnate after reading a aewpapr receaUy abomt a group
V1Jlm. of womea refomer deplorlac the aaoraU of presrat-dajr ymng
.pele; as exhibited ia the latest daaees, I chanced to pick ap that
fascJaatlac historical volame, The Party Battles of the Jacksoa
Period," bj Oande G. Bowers. Ia deseribJag the TTashlactoa of the
Of the daaees, the most popalar was the waits. Iatrodoced two
years Before Jacaaom's admtalst ratio, and coasldered at first of
qaesuonablo modesty, it sooa won 1U way; aad the natroaaf ooad It
-as allarinf as the 4ebataBtes. lC'ETm Ihea there were etnsorioaa peo-
to to see la the dreajnj glide aa example of the noxal drreneracr of
A LL. through January and
r February after the armistice.
Hoorer fought for ' permission to
relieve Germany. His main ad
versary was France. The world
was llTlnK , in an armisuce. not a
state of peace. Until the Allies
agreed on their own final terms,
until Germany signed, the block
ade most remain in1 effect.
Germany's new fumbling repub
lican government, although fight
ing for lifeagainst both reaction
and bolsheri&m, had in it enough
of the old German love for metic
ulous method to make its own sur
vey. That reached Hoover about
Christmas. The health statistics
were appalling. Already eight
hundred people a day were dying
of disease of malnutrition. Such
phenomenon foreran actual.
stark . starvation.
Clemenceau ruled the French as
premier, and Marshal Foch led ths
military party. Stephen Pinchon
was minister of foreign affairs.
Neither of: these men nor their
folowers had the first,, glimmering
idea of economics. Tney believed
that somehow you could starve
your cow and milk her too. And
so they 05 posed the transfer from
Germany of a single mark to pay
for food.
Belgian Route Open
For two early years of the war
Hoover had kept the route to
Belgium open, in the face of op
position from German and British
militarists,; by threatening. them
with public opinion in the United
States.1 That weapon was now
dulled. Hoover could not expect
any strong backing from home.
He had for recourse only pure
reason and pure humanity. --;
With, these he hammered awav.
Did the French wish to accomplish
tneir ends by starving women aad
children even after the armistice?
Would they leave that blot on the
pages of their history? They hoped
to get from Germany reparations
ror the hideous devastation - In
their own northern provinces.
veu and rood. But how eonfdJ
the people work when they did not
eati Finally, communism was
making headway in Germany.
Hunger and despair were Its best
alUes. With Russia and Germany
suae ooisneviK, could the French
and British resist the Infection?
He won the British to his active
support and then the Italians: but
not the French.
When on January 7 the a inl
and Americans met with the Ger.
mans at Treves and extended the
armistice for another month, he
had a practical proposal of ad
vantage to both sides. Thm aihi
ia restoring their own Mnnmt
life needed more shios. Cerminr
had many idle vessels blockade
bound In her docks and in neutral
ports. Letj the Germans release
these to tne AlUes. on conditloa of
receiving relief. One third of the
tonnage was to be used for ram-.
log food to Germany; the rent
from Jhe rest would help to pay
for It. - j " - .5.
" The French made a counter oro-
posal which looked like a eoace?
slon.? They would permit entry
of 170.0 Or tons to cover alt
months. In t exchange fer5 release
of the German ships . However,
they would guarantee this arange-
meai onry ror a month at a Mm
Hoover woftld have been contented 1
with that; he believed that at each
expiration he "could renew tb
agreement.-But - the Jermam
balked. It annealed to thm full, I
am a trick tQ get their ships
cheaply. ; - . .
Now Hoover chanred his tactics
He must Join battle with his main
adversaries Foch and Clemen
ceau. There were more negotia
tions, seemingly fruitless, more
strong notes and expressions on
the part of Hoover, before on
March 4, 1919, the Supreme Eco
nomic Council manared to
the buck squarely to the Supreme
war council; which included the
That meting of the Supreme
War Council In the Ouai d'Orav
was long a diplomatic secret. Hoo
ver had behind him a majority of
the delegates. But onlv a nnan.
imous decision meant "anything at
all. And Foch. Clemenceau and
Pinchon sat like rocks. Then
Llord Ceorre sweat In liv
charge of cavalry". Four years be
fore. Hoover had fought against
him for the existence of the Com
mission for Relief in Belgium. On
that occasion Lloyd George had
taken much the sam attitude as
Clemenceau was taking now. And
Hoover had persuaded him. Hence
forth the Welsh preacher-statesman
aligned himself as an admirer
and partisan of Hoover and 'his
work. Now he stood beside his
old adversary and burst into elo
quence. For once the Tiger Clem
enceau knew when he was beaten.
He gave grudging ground.
Five days later Hoover was sit
ting at Brussels with the -German
delegates, signing an agreement to
deliver food in return for the use
of German ships. The affair was
uot wholly settled. None had yet
arranged a means of financing
the operation. Finally, the Ger
mans were permitted to pledge
their gold reserve against future
payment. But Hoover did not
wait for that. The moment Clera
eneeau yielded, he was diverting
food-ships from other nations to
Germany, unloosing tne reservoirs
at Rotterdam. It checked- at
once the rising death rate; it be
gan the restoration of stability.
In those days they shall say no
more. The fathers have eaten a
sour grape, and the children's
teeth are set on edge.
Bnt every one shall die for his
own Iniquity: every man that eat-
eth the sour grape, his teeth shall
be set on edge. -Jeremiah xzxi,
.Ready to-Seirve
mmmm9m mM-Am aSBBBSBa.- -V A
Our fleet of trucks are at your
service. If you want moving
or hauling work done careful
ly and quickly
Just Call DB
for Fall!
Also Gas & Diamond Briquets:
airaier Iraister
Office 143 S. Liberty.
Warehouse 839 N Liberty
. Filberts and wain
Two Independent buyers of fil
berts and walnuts are now In the
Salem field, besides the Salem
Nut Growers cooperative, which is
getting new members daily
1 m V W
The only thing lacking in our
Industries is sufficient new acre
age each year. They are not in
creasing fast enough. We need a
big nut boom, and it c a scarce
ly be overdone.
Pear canning is still geing on
La Salem, and pumpkin canning;
and 'apple canning will go on
well up to the first of December,
11 not later.- Also some vegetable
canning is yet to do. We are ap
proaching the time of all the year
around operations, and the. pros
pects are for a good beginning
next year.
The handling of the nut crops
will take till about Christmas
time. It should not be long till
some phases of nut packing and
marketing will go on tne year
Approaching the close of the
192S season, the pumpkin can
nery of the Oregon Packing com
pany on 13th street, size 80 by
00 feet, and one ot the string
of 139 Del Monte canneries reach
ing around the world, is a most
interesting exhibit of Salem's
growing industries. This cannery
runs 24 hours a day; turns out
each day T2.000 fanyiy sise cans
of pumpkin pie stock, and about
a ton of seeds.
The seeds are dried and shipped
and sold. To whom? To the drug
trade, in part. And a lot of them
to the East Side, people of New
York, where they have roasters
on the streets, like peanut roas
ters. The people from European
countries living in those crowded
streets eat the roasted pumpkin
3eeds, like the rest of us eat pe-
m... m. ricV of break
ing open the roasted pumpkin
seeds between their fingers that
works every time.
So we get some money from Ai
LAl Smith's supporters ux w
t rhi.ovn iittl arav-halred
woman has spent 19 years raising
mice. She has raised more than
on tnA V im and TiftJIo WatCh-
ed carefully 100 generations of
- familr to find OUt U
UUC UAWa ...
Kiit tn ranMr Is heredit-
ary. it is in mice, but it can be
eradicated by careiui
Here is a war tnai goes u
ths scientists of tne
world all combined against com-
mon enemy. And some aay iaej u
conquer it.
The Grab
I i mmt mm i li ivji in
Hoove fs
from heaven.
not to do mine own will, but the
Mm that sent me." Where
does this passage appear in the
Today's Horoscope
Pannni born nnder this sign
-w saiafid with the ex-
K1UV1U V. - " -
lstia- order of things, but while
that order exists they obey and gd
in for making others do it. . Tney
are renerallv good, steady friends
and are well liked.
A Daily Thought
"There are deeds which have no
form, sufferings which have no
tongue." Shelley.
Answers to Foregoing Questions
1. Irvin S. Cobb; author;
Paducah. Ky.
2. Japan.
2. Harvard university.
4. September 13. 1814.
5. St. John. vi. 38. I
IN Poland, set ual starvation had
gone farther even than in Ger
many Before the United staffs
entered the war. Hoover tried to
get permission to take relief to tho
starving Polish people rbut t tie
allies could not consent to this.
They would not take risks with an
accumulation of food In German
occupied territory so far away
from the Allied lines. At the Urn'
of the Armistice .the Polish people
were strving outright. "Even bo
fore he saw his way to finance th?
operation. Hoover jammed cargo' -of
wheat and pork through the
Baltic. Poland," Lithuania, E
thonia, and Latvia, close to ti
Russian border were frequent
disturbed by little - wars durii
this period. More than once, our
boys ran a supply train throu.i
two hostile lines which lay in
trenched, sniping at each otho:
Through it all. Hoover kept tb
people fed.
The presidential candidate, in
the group photo taken en tour, i
the party just back ot the large
unknown mayor In the center.
Detroit News.
What will mm do
when 2four
Cry for
i - . ' vV 1
Who am I? What is my profes
sion? Where was I born?
What is called "The Land of the
Rising Sun?"
Name the oldest university of
the United States.
On what date was the "Star
Spangled Banner composed?
THERE - Is hardly a household
that hasnt heard of Castoria!
At least five million homes are never
without it. If there are children in
your family, there's almost daily
need of this soothing preparation.
And any night may find you very
thankful there's a bottle ia the
house. Just a few drops, and Baby
is comfortable. A few moments, and
that colie or constipation is relieved;
or diarrhea checked. Tet this is a
vegetable product; a remedy meant
for youngsters. Castoria is about
the only thing yon have ever heard
doctors advise giving to infants.
Stronger medicines are dangerous
to a tiny baby, however harmless
they may be to grown-ups. - Good
old Castoria! Remember the aim,'
aad remember to buy it. It may
spare you a sleepless, anxious night.
It is always ready, always safe to
use; in emergencies, or for every
day ailments. Any hour of the day
or night that Baby becomes fretful,
or restless.
The bounty of nature,
guarded by perpetual
care, constitutes a beau
ty that increases Ifor-
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