The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 26, 1928, Page 13, Image 13

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    The New OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, October J26m 1928
?. I
I Local News Briefs
r.. Taa Mart y of
a xux. u
1 Bridge Creek was in Salem Thurs
day to attend to business mauew.
Hangar Planned The Pacific
Airplane service took out a per
mlt to build a hangar costing
500 at its flying field.
Permit Issued A building per.
i mit was issued to P. H. Lunge
Thursday at the city recorder's
office, calling for repairs costing
$550 on a dwelling and garage at
1280 North 21st street.
Repairs Planned Repairs cost
ing $500 on a brick building at
235 South Commercial street
were authorized in a permit is
sued Thursday to Walter Stolz.
Wenger Brothers will have charge
of the work.
Remodeling Fruit Rooms Re.
modeling is being done at, the Pa
cific Fruit and Produce company
warehouse to provide for an addi.
tlonal banana room, bringing the
total to three. Needed repairs are
being made and considerable
painting is being done.
Settlers Arrive A party of sev
en from Ohio has arrived in Sal
em in search of farm lands,
brought her through correspond
ence with C. S. Douglas,- Salem
route 6. The group includes Mr.
and Mrs. H. B". Freeman, Mrs.
Elizabeth Freeman, Mr. and Mrs.
Jay Freeman who were married
Just before starting west, James
. Freeman and Wilbur Finlaw.
Teachers Oat Miss Martha
Jean Dixon, teacher at the-Lincoln
. school, was absent from classes
.Thursday and is not expected to
. be able to return for some time.
Mrs. Harry Wiedmer Is substitut
ing for her. Miss Evelyn Sczuck,
of the Englewood faculty, is out
for a day or so, and her work is
being cared for by Mrs. Florence
Census Progresses- Enumer
ation of the 1928 school census in
Salem has been carried on for
more than a month by John Mar,
' truant officer and census taker.
He is now working In the High
land school district. The Salem
census total must be reported to
the county superintendent's office
on or before December 1. Other
Marlon county diatrictss must
have their ennumeratlon complet
ed early in November.
Knjoy Surprise Visit Mr. and
Mrs. Will May, 44 5 South Capitol!
6treet, were surprised Thursday
by a short visit from Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. "Crider of San Jose, Calif.,
aud J. Walter Crider of Los Gatos,
Calif., who remained only long
enough to enjoy a China pheasant
dinner and short visit before con
tinuing their way home by motor.
Mrs. Crider and Mrs. May are sis
ters and J. Walter Crider is Mrs.
May's nephew.
Former Resident Killed Mrs.
Robert Perlick, who before her
marriage in Salem about five
yeras ago was Birdine Myers, was
killed in an automobile accident
in Los Angeles, relatives here re
ceived word Thursday morning.
She was a sister of Oliver and
Frank G. Myers of this city and
Mrs. Frank Brown. Funeral ser
vices and Interment will be held
In Salem. The Perllcks left here
two years ago.
Robotham Released T. T. Ro
botham, who has been held in the
Marion county jail for a week on
a charge Involving treft of a dia
mond ring from a woman in Ta
coma, was released Thursday.
Washington authorities had been
given until Thursday to forward
extradition paper to Salem, but
when the papers failed to arrive
an order was -made setting Mr.
" Robotham at liberty. Robotham
has been connected with a real
estate promotion organization
French Club Organizes About
"second year French students
or students who have completed
the second year, met during the
Thursday morning activity period
for the first time this year and
organized the French club. Offi
cers named are: Ruth Gillette,
president; John George, vice-
president; Marcelle DeMytte. sec
retary; Ronald Hewitt, treasurer.
The club yf meet every three
"weeks, after school, for a pro
gram and social hour, for which
French conversation will. be em
ployed as much as possible. Miss
Mildred Chrlstenson and Miss
- Ethelwynne Murton, French ln-
. structors, met with the group.
Name Play CastCast for the
one-act play to be presented by
, members of the Snikpoh high
school dramatic society before the
student assembly has been chosen.
Korborne Berkeley Jr., debate
- coach, will direct the play,
"Spreading the News" by Lady
Gregory. It will be given early in
November. The cast Is: Magistrate
Charles Bier; Mrs. Fallon, Lois
Wilkes; Jo Muldoon. Liston Par
rlsh; James Ryon, Richard Baker;
Mrs. Tarkey, Virginia Page; Mrs.
Tully. Cynthia Delano; Tim Casey,
Harold Rhoten; Hartley - Fallon.
Ronald Hewitt; Shawn Early,
Robert Eyre; Red Jack Smith.
Larkln Williams.
' t?z
Thinking Through
The Bible
By J. D. McCormlck
Now on sale at Atlas, Pattons
and Kimball book stores
1TC3S TORIO r4Is li Ws hv,
'Mrs jrvar fUuMM afaiart WwUii.
Thosnpson-aiatsch Optical Cow
11 I. OMubI M. - . - ,
i .
Drunkenness Charged- G. Bel
ton was arrested Wednesday night
on a charge of drunkenness, by
city police.
Cleanup, Staged A general
cleanup of the Kimball School of
Theology campus was conducted
Thursday by the students.
Daughter Is Born Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Mars are parents of
a baby girl, born at the Salem
general hospital Wednesday.
Marriage License Issued Hen
ly H. Freeman, 29, took out a li
cense from the Marion county
clerk's office here Thursday to
marry Ollie Maye Loveland, 23.
Both are" residents of Jefefrson.
Road Meet Slated A petition
was approved by the Marion coun
ty court here Thursday whereby a
meeting of Road District No. 59
will be called Monday, November
2&, at the McKinley school house.
The district is sftuated in the Sa
lem Heignts region, soutn oi sa
lens. Answer Filed Answer was
filed by the defendant in clrciftt
court here Thursday in the case
of Orvin J. L. Potter, a minor, by
Laura C. Potter, vs. R. E,- Ander
son. m
YdvChappell Freed Joe La
Chappelle finished a 25 days sen
tence in county jail here Thursday
just in time to be taken to Port
land to answer to charges involv
ing theft of automobiles. He was
freed so far at Marion county is
concerned, having served- out a
$50 fine.
Two Hunters Fined Page Ste
venson .and L. E. uriffin were
fined five dollars each and cost
when they were brought Into jus
tice court here Thursday carged
with violation of the hunting laws,
Mr. Griffin had fired a shot from
the public highway. Mr. Steven
son had been caught hunting on
the property of J. O. Farr.
Muhleman Arraigned Ar
raigned in justice court here
Thursday on a non-support charge,
Sam Muhleman had his case con
tinued and was released on his
own recognizance.
Visits Pratum Vicinity Mrs
Mary L. Fulkerson, county school
superintendent, visited rural
schools at Pratum and in that
vicinity Thursday. Mrs. Fulkerson
has spent at least a portion of each
week day the last two weeks visit
ing schools in Marion county.
Join M&lolo CruiseMr. and
Mrs. Charles F. Denney, who for
the past 60 days have been repre
senting the New Oregon States
man in its circulation department
left Salem Wednesday for Port
land where they will embark on
the new Matson liner Malolo on
its Pacific Northwest cruise to the
Hawaiian Islands.
Opens Barber Shop E ..'P.
Buckman is opening a barber'shop
in the market building. It will be
called the Market Barber Shop.
W. J. Buslck manager of the mar
ket says the spaces available are
partially filled and almost every
line represented. The lines now in
clude, grocery, furniture electri
cal, drugs, restaurant, barber, fish,
cigar, candy, radio, music meat
and dellcatessn.
Assessors to Meet County . as
sessors from all parts of Oregon
will meet in Salem November 8 to
consider the ratios of taxes, as
will be applied to the various
counties, in 1929. Governor Pat
terson and other members of the
state tax commission will attend
the sessions.
Zercher Services Today Funer
al service will be held at the Rig
don mortuary at 2:30 o'clock this
afternoon for the late Mrs. Nancy
H. Zercher, 74, who died Monday.
Undergoes Operation Mrs.
Plink Buttz, whose home is in Til
lamook, underwent a major oper
ation at the Deaconess hospital
Thursday noon. Mrs. Buttz Is se
riously ill. but there Is a chance
for recovery, attendants said ladt
Chinese Enroll Roderick
Chang and Franklin Chin,. Chinese
students from Kiukiang, enrolled
this week at Willamette univers
ity. They are friends of John Tstd,
who is now in China after gradu
ating from Willamette in the class
of 1927.
No medicine, drugs or dieting. Just
a light, small, comfortable inexpen
sive Radio-Active Pad, worn on the
back by day and over the stomach at
night. Sold on free trial. You can be
sure It Is helping- you before you buy
It. Over 150,000 sold on this plan.
Thousands have written us that It
nealea mem or jseuntls. Rheuma
tism, High Blood Pressure, Constipa
tion, Nervous Prostration. Heart,
Lungs, Liver, Kidney and Bladder
trouble, etc. - $o matter what you hare
tried ; or what your trouble may be.
try Deffnen's Radio-Active Solar Pad
at our risk. Writ today for FREE
Trial offer sad descriptive literature.
Radium Appliance Co., Bradbury
Bidg Los Angeles, Cat.
Chow Puppies
Special prices In Pet land
boarding kennels
Rt. 0, Bos 8
vJohri J.-Rottie
415 State .St,
- Expert .Shoe Fitter t
Corvallls People Here Mr. and
Mrs. C. W. Butler of Corvallls axe
guests at the Marion.
Sir. Wilcox Hera L. A. Wilcox
registered at the Marion from
Medford Thursday.
i - -
Here from Portland R. R. Me-
Intyre, with the Frigidaire com
pany at Portland, is here for two
days on business matters and is
stopping .at the New Salem.
.Baby Dies Shirley Mae Red
mond, two months old child of
Mrs. Hazel Redmond, 827 North
Liberty street, died ' Thursday at
the home. Funeral services will
be held today at 1:30 o'clock from
the Rigdon mortuary. A small
sister and grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Bartley, survive.
Chemeketans to Hike Anyone
Interested , in hiking is invited to
register at the Y. M. C. A. for the
bike to Holman park Sunday, Oc
tober 28, which the-Chemeketans
are SDonsorinr. Miss fJprtnidA
Breven will -lead the hike whirhl
will cover a distance of about nine
miles. Hikers will start from the1
west end of the Marion-Polk coun
ty bridge at 2 o'clock Sunday af
ternoon Instead of 1 o'clock as
previously announced.
Mays jGet Plenty Fish Eight
jack salmon, the smallest measur
ing 16 inhces and the largest 23
Inches, were an easy morning's
work for Mr. and Mrs. Will May
of Salem on a recent fishing trip
at the tidewater of the Alsea riv
er. The local people caught 14
fish each of two' days, Mrs. May
landing them as readily as he.
Residents of the district, ex press ad
surprise at the luck the "outsid
ers" had in getting the jack sal
mon, as they said they had found
fishing poor in the main.
Deputy Sheriff Here O. W.
Dunford, deputy sheriff of Jack
son county, was here on official
business last night from Medford.
Mr. Dunford reports the approach
of election day is bringing out con
siderable controversy in the coun
ty, with the circuit judgeship the
Dig issue. Nationally, the county
is for Hoover, Mr. Dunford says.
Medford is also arranging for a
big Armistice day parade and cel
ebration, he says. The deputy
sheriff ia at the New Salem.
Fruit Man Here C. E. Pierce.
with the Portland headquarters of
tne Pacific Fruit and Produce
company, is in Salem on business.
Atwater-Kent Radios
Vlck Brothers.
Vick Brothers for Atwater-Kent
All Electric Radios.
Dollar Dinner
Every night 5:30 to 8 at the
Marion hotel.
Christmas Card Problems
Easily solved Just phone 500
and ask our salesman to call with
samples. Commercial Printing
Dept., Statesman Publishing Co.,
215 S. Commercial.
Old Time Dance Crystal Garden
Erery Wed. and Sat. night!
Evergreen Shrubs
See our display across from
PEP building. Pearcy Bros., 240
N. Liberty St.
Rummage Sale
Oct. 26-27. 131 N. High. D.
E. Club. FrL and Sat.
Xew Art Studio
Room 426, Oregon Bldg. In
structions in oil painting and
pastel Thursdays, Fridays and
Saturdays. Mrs. Ondeans, Instruc
tor. Women Wanted at Starr Fruit
Products Co., Church and Mill
Sts. Phone 439.
Claner Trimming and 16"
Mill wood. Prompt delivery.
Spauldlng Logging Co. Phone'
Old Time Dance Mellow Moon
Saturday night. Admission 25c.
Fresh Homemade Cider1
Guaranteed pure and clean. 35
cents gallon. Bring container
849 Rural Are.
(Mellow as Moonlight)
These assorted chocolates
sell regularly at 60c a lb.
This week-end Only
32c a lb.
2 Lbs. for 60c
Schaef er's
The Original Candy Special
j Store
X. 1S5 Com!. St. Phone 107
Penslar Agency '
; for rent -
Y- .Things "Electrical
191 'Soath, High TeL 2112
Blooming sue eaen. Satur
day only. , Flake's petrnd, ; .
Cooked Food Sale
Saturday," Oct. 27th. i Court
St. Sponsored by Daughters' of
Union Veterans of the Civil war.
Chicken Pie Dinn
First Christian Church Friday
erening from 5:30 to 7:30.
CnuntT officials are in a quan.
dary as to what use to make of
124 047.33 that accrues to Mar-
Inn conntv under a recent deH
cision of the United Spates su
preme court. The supreme court
held in faror of the county and
aeainst the Btate in a mandamus
suit brought against county offi
cials to require them to pay this
sum as the state's share of the
Oregon and California land grant
"No. we don't know just what
to do with this money; we prob
ably won't make any use of it for
some little time," County Judge
Siegmund stated Thursday. The
county's, budget has been drawn
conservatively pending final de
cision on the question of whether
the state would receive the $24,
047.38 for which it asked.
All counties affected by the rul
ing banded together with the idea
of making the state's suit against
Marlon county a test case. Many
of the counties had more money
Involved than was Involved here,
"At Roseburg they are building
a nice new courthouse with the
money that was recovered in this
way," said Judge Siegmund.
Other counties have used the
money for other purposes."
Marion county was awarded a
total ' of 1119,355.56 under the
Oregon and California land grant
refund bill put through congress
two "years ago by Congressman
Hawley and Senator Stanfield.
This covered the years' 1916 to
TACOMA. Oct. 25. (AP) At-
mand Emanuel. San Francisco
light heavyweight contender,
gained the decision over Fred Len-
hart of Elk, Wash., in a hard
fought six round main event. hero
The San Francisco barrister
boxer was forced to flash all his
boxing skill and speed to keep the
sturdy Washington boy from
swarming' all over him as Lenhart
throughout the match kept coming
forward, attempting to get on the
inside where his short body jolt3
appeared to do the most damage.
Notice is hereby given that
the undersigned has filed in the
County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Mar
ion, his duly verified Final Ac
count, as Administrator of the
Estate of James A. Trester, de
ceased, and that said Court has
fixed Tuesday, the 27th day of
November, 1928, at the hour ofj
ten o clock A. M. of said day, as
the time, and the County Court
Room in the County Court
House at Salem, In Marlon Coun
ty, Oregon, as the place for hear
ing said final account and all
objections thereto.
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this
26th day of October, 1928.
Administrator of the Estate of
James A. Trester, Deceased.
A cleansing, non-irritating
antiseptic and deodorant for
vaginal douches. It soothes
and heals. .
Large four ounce bottle
sells for CO cents at your
Every Day 10.16 a.m.
Special coach trains. Com
fort and speed at low cost.
Reclining chairs, all day
lunch car, also diner with
moderate prices. 50 lbs. free
baggage. Ar. San Francisco" .
- 9:50 a. m.
Established 1SGS
Office Hours from 10 a. in. to 3 p. m.
Record Number of Alumni
Expected to Attend Wil-
lamette Homecoming
"ah thorn is to do now Is wait
and pray for good weather." said
rharie Kaufman, manager of
Homecoming at Willamette uni
versity Thursday. Committees
have been working rapidly and
have made all preliminary prepar
ations. A large number of invi
tations ha been mailed to alum
ni, and Indications yesterday
van that larrn number of for
mer students will -spend the week
end on the campus.
Iatle Snarksv secretary or tne
alumni association, Thursday re
ceived a letter from E. F. Averill,
president of the alumni, in wnicn
ho stated t.fcat a laree delegation
of Portland alumni would be. on
the famous Saturday. Mr. Averill
said that the Portland delegation
would' be the biggest yet and
would have more pep than any
dther group of grads. P. M.
Blenkinsop and Everett craven
win romn to lead sonaa: -James
Crawford, Austin Flegel and Hel
en Winters will be on the program
of speaking at the Victory dinner
OAttirriav Bveninz. Mr. Averill
challenged Salem alumni to have
as good representation as the
Event Start Todav
So far as the Willamette stu
dents are concerned the fun will
begin this afternoon. Under the
dlreetion of Kenneth Van Nice the
men of the university will have a.
campus cleanup this afternoon,
starting soon after 1 o'clock. At
5:30 the W-club, lettermen's or
ganization, will hold a banquet at
the Y. M. C. A. for. the football
team, squad, coaches and alumni
members. Several Salem business
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been duly ap
pointed by the County Court of
the State of Oregon for the Coun
ty of Marion, as Administrator of
the Estate of Edna A. Harding,
deceased, and that he has duly
qualified as such administrator;
all persons having claims against
the estate of said decedent are
hereby notified to present the
same, duly verified, to me, at the
office of Ronald C. Glover, my at
torney, 203. Oregon Building. Sa
lem, Marion County, Oregon,
within six months from the date
of this notice.
Dated at Salem. Oregon, this
26th day of October, 1928.
Administrator of the Estate of
Edna A. Harding, Deceased.
for Administrator, Salem, Ore
gon. 0.26;N.2-9-16-23
By RoGT Everson
"What Does the Parable of
the Rich Man and Lazarus
Teach As to Life After?
Can the people in Hell Talk
to Those in Heaven?"
Whenever you see these horse on
m pair of overall you know they
represent overall satisfaction.
Whether they are
IT Om .
Two-Horse Brand
Waist Overalls
For Men and Youths, or
Two-Horse Brand
Bib Overalls
For Men and Boys
titer represent the utmost in overall
making. They are the result of over
55 years of knowing bow. We could
tell you all about their good points
and how they are nvelr made, but
when we ask you to buy a pair at
our xtsk. giving you
A New Pair FREE if They Rip
you are protected in every way.
Mfc to Levi Strauss & Co. Saa Fnncbco
lUIUkla kUrckasdiM Sica 153
Levi Strauss" "Tss Horse'
brand Overalls for sale by
240 N. Commercial
men wiu aiao oe guests ox ue
clubv ' .
Tonight a rally will be" held "on
the campus and students will par.
ade through the business section.
The men will be attired in pa
jamas of vivid hues, as in former
years. Following the parade a
display of fireworks will be made
on the athletic field.
Mrs. Robert Perlick, sister of
Frank and Oliver Myers, of'Sa
lem. was killed in an auto acci
dent in Los Angeles Wednesday
night. Remains will be sent to
Salem for services and interment.
Announcements later from
dough-Huston company.
At the residence at 827 North
Liberty, Shirley Mae Redmond,
two months' old daughter of Mrs.
Hazel Redmond. Survived also
Clothing of Quality-Low Priced
Ward's stores here and
in hundreds of other
towns and cities bring
you guaranteed mer
chandise at low prices
just what you are en
. titled to when you spend
your jnoney. ..You must
be satisfied with what
you buy here if not,
.we return your money
promptly and willingly.
Ward's is a quality
house and you ( can, ,luy
from us knowing we
never sacrifice, quality to
make a low price.
Only at Ward's can you
buy this Genuine
Extremely useful for the auto
or at home as an extra blanket
or couch cover. All wool, thick
fleecy and warm. Large size,
58x80, plenty of room for
"tucking." Soft plaid . of red,
green, purple and white stripes
over a dark blue background.
Deep 4-inch fringe at ends.
Heats 5 or 6 rooms
Just look at these features! Large
fuel door, fi repot and ashpan; hu
midifier circulates moist air for health and comfort;
PYROPAD to utilize every unit of heat. Grained walnut
porcelain enamel finish. Bums coal, coke, or wood with
same extra heavy grates.
Easy payments $5 down, $5 a month.
Montgomery Ward & Co.
275 N. Liberty St.
See the Chamfilons at
Pacific foteraalttouiia!
Lwestock Exposition
Incorporated &
Largest Livestock
1 1 xflr :r WW
i m. ,, -rv
by a email sister and grand par
ents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bart
ley. Funeral services will be held
at 1 p. m. Friday from the Rig
don mortuary.
Robert Lafayette Blevins, 72.
died on October 25, in his resi
dence. Route 6, Box 13. Survived
by his wife, Lula, and eight chil
dren, Delia and Nellie, Sherman
and Grant, Marion and Ida, twins,
and sons. John and Charles. The
remains are in caresof the Terwil
liger funeral home'! Announce
ments later.
At a local hospital, October 24,
Thomas J. Wilson. 75. He was a
resident of Tigard, Oregon. The
remains were forwarded to Port-,
land by the Terwilliger Funeral'
Home for funeral services and interment.
Parlor Heater
comfortably Economically
Phone 1435
$100,000 in Premiums
18th Annual Exposhion
combines 10 complete shows in one Live
stock Show; Dairy, Land and Manufacturers'
Product Show; ShecpShowjWool and Mohair Show;
Industrial Exposition; Fox Show; Boyrand Mirlr Club
Work Exhibits and America's greatest Horse Show.
Covers Ten Acres
exhibiting millions of dollars worth of finest par
Beef and Dairy Came, Horses, Sheep,
and roxes.
Attendance Each Tear
Exceeds X20000 Persons
Horse Show 7 evenings and 3 afternoons.
JLaily parades of Prize-winning Livestock.
Auctions of Beef and Dairy Cattle. 8
days of education and entertainment.
Portland, Orc Nov. 3-10
tsrsrsi Fares al TmissrUlisi Lisas
Show In tho World 10
We have an early 102T model
Oakland 4 -door Sedan, well
equipped, has 85 new rubber,
finish like new and in JL.1 con
dition for S 700.00.
The lir-uae That Service ltaUt7,
Newest Fall Styles
Low Prices
These stylish dress oxfords
men. medium French
""4 trirn lines, of glossy
calf grain leather combine
to make this model the sea
son's hit. Oak leather soles,
springy rubber heelsVfclood
year welt indicate its real
$5 quality. Size 6 to 12.
Special New
Bright, colorful neckwear
from our new and varied
stock. Up-to-the-minute
patterns and color com
binations. Best long
wearing materials. Come
inspect these rf A
bargains fiC
Salem, Oregon
acrea under ena roof
mi, . . ii
If I M m " II
It Mm M ST
: - .f
: .