ii REAL GOOD FUN WEATHER v Ooudy , and mild today; 'Probable 'rains;. 8 out wind. Max. temperature Tuesday 71; Min. SO; Jliver. 8outh winds. ; Ome " of the Statesman's features Is lite panel comic, "The Old Home ,Town. Introduce yourself to It today on page 9. y V '7o Favor Sways Us; No Fear SZwf' iSTit SEVENTY-EIGHTH YEAR a- Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning; October 17, 1928 PRICE FIVE CENTS - ft - St?' a: 1 3 A. 1 '4 IK lilSAYS HE LIED ABOUT NSAMITY PLEA otorious Slayer Issues last diaiemem in tmmnia tion of Death Efforts to Avert Friday's v Hanging Continued De spite Poor Success SAN QUENTIN PRISON. Cal., Oct. 16 (AP) While Thomas Hickman, the father, met the gov ernor of California this afternoon and made an ineffectual plea for the life of William Edward Hick man on the ground he waa Insane when he murdered Marian Parker In Los Angeles, William Edward Hickman, the son. met newspaper- ' men n his cell and reiterated his statement that he is normal men- g tally. fe - While plans for his execution Vi ' Friday went on almost within ear- w ' shot Hickman issued a prepared Jf 'statement In which he explained Jf bis motives for, the murder that : last December revolted a nation. A Simultaneously he expressed fj horror at his deeds, asserted he Jf ' had not llyed in Tain because, he j ' said, be furnished a hideous ex TT ample for American youth. jfleporters Hear of TVarped Youthful Ideas Phattlnr with nnwinaturmtn he slayer discussed his life and bis early ambition to become a minister. Blaming "too much education" for his decent Into crime, the youth asserted that lack of spir itual education in the homes caused most of the crime in the tiaHnn He told how his desire to be a minister deteriorated later Into an ambition to be what he termed a "fiend Incarnate," Hying without consideration or mercy to man kind. He even planned to lead the eareer of a super-criminal, mask ing his activities under the guise of a minister, he told the news papermen shamefacedly. Murder Experiment , He Tells Crowd ' - - Money contributed by : his church ho planned to divert Into criminal channels. So warped was bis mind he added, that Jils de cision to kill a human being as an experiment to discover his limlta-i tlons culminated with the murder of Marian Parker. -"2 His execution for the crime, be ,J admitted, will be? a good thing. It Will not ionlr'mniiMtnta 1im V junlshmcnt for him as a murderer, Tbut It will center attention on con ditions that permitted him to per- eirate he deed, he added. Hickman went at length into the mental and moral readjust ment that accompanied his at tempts to become an arch-criminal and concluded with, a plea to young people to cling to the Chris tian faith and perserve in prayers and bible study. "I am really sorry that I pleadT d not guilty by reason of Insan ity," he declared. "I see now where It would have been best if Z bad stood up like a man, plead eS guilty and made my peace with Ood the way I should have done and paid the penalty. 57 New Members Enrolled By Y FirstDayOut Fifty-seven new members were enrolled during the first day of the fall membership campaign of the Balem Y. M. C. A., It was announced at the noon luncheon Tuesday. More than one-sixth of tba quota of J 00 was subscribed, leaving lit for the 10 teams to during the remaining fire ays of the campaign. Dr. Carl O. wttoney cave .a short address. fhtdga Coshow will speak at the luncheon today, u Walter Socolofsky had the in f dividual high score of seven new members. Second highest enroll- ment was obtained by E. P. Wood f with six members. Team scores ware not tabulated. I The luncheon was' served by I Jfrs. F. E. Brown, Mrs. Carle Abrams, Mrs. C. A. Kells, Mrs. E. W. Wolfe, and Mrs. R. Lee Wood. death under the heavy car. Woman Swimmer Hopes To Equal Zepp' s Record NEW YORK, Oct. 16 (AP) jjrs. Lottie Moore echoemmel broke the monotony of her non stop float la a hotel swimming 'Dool today long enough to grant a strange interview In which she I nficed a new-born ambition. vtn f nn m Innr an th Rraf i Ji" -w r ifcPpeVa did. Mrs. Scboemmel la not at all ' sure she can do it. although su- continue to support herself in the tustablaj element- without , touch ing the sides or bottom of the pool for a total of three days and fights. This -would give ber a jnr world's -record or. 7Z nura. shattering the mark of 6S hours bad - two minutes set by a mere man, Jimmy Cherry, last Sunday in Los Angeles. . "How long did the seppelln stay up?" was one of the young wom- Daring Girl Flies at Dawn to Avoid Parental Opposition i: KATIIRYN FALL. Exclusive Central Press Dispatch to The Statesman A LLIANCE, O., Oct. 16. To become an airplane pilot at 16, a girl must overcome a number of obstacles. And not the least among these is parental opposi tion. But to Miss Kathryn Fall,' a high schol student and first girl pilot of Alliance, parental opposi tion has been just another one of those problems which the yonger generation is so adept at solving. Kathryn took ber lessons in fly ing while her parents slept. She arose' at 4 o'clock in the morning. slipped out to the airport, and a few minutes later was soaring over the roof of the Fall residence. Five lessons and then a solo flight. i Now Kathryn nas developed big ideas about the flying racket. She expects to have a commercial li cense before ber seventeenth birthday. Then she plans an at tempt for the altitude record for women, and also.a non-stop flight across the continent. All this from a girl whose : friends spent two years in per suading her to take an airplane ride. Yes. the call of the air has been heard by Kathryn Fall. No honeymoon but one by plane will do for her, she declares. Y eon's Memory Gets High Honor PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 16. AP)- Flags on bullidngs in the business district of Portland floated at, half-mast today as k token of respect to the memory of John B. Yeon, capitalist and patron of good roads, who died here last night. Messages of re. gret and eulogy were received from all parts of the north wet, as the news of his death became known.' " Washington State Senator Is Killed COLFAX, Wash., Oct. 16. fAP) William H. Kirkman "of Walla Walla, Washington state senator, was killed today, and five members of his prty were Injured when bis automobile left the state highway near here today and Iunged down an embankment, Senator Kirkman was crushed to an's questions as she came nearer to the side of the pool after two days and nights afloat, raised one side of her bathing cap and dug the white grease out of her ear. "One hundred and eleven hours and 38 minutes," she was told4 "Phew, and the. pleasant face with Its healthy coloring broke Into a broad grin. "Wouldn't It be great if I could stay up that long!" . "Sometimes, she went on with the eagerness for conversation that comes from being more or less cut off from the warld, "I feel as though I could keep on go ing indefinitely." "Y. I do get sleepy but of course there's no chance to sleep. 1 it's the' worst between t and 6 o'clock in. the morning. I yawn for three ef four hours but fin ally I fight it off and dont feel It any more.V . - - i iWff'r :-'":' - i w-y. - ' hi M : If J NEW YORK CITY HAILS CREW OF Men Who Brought Zeppelin Over Atlantic Welcomed by Crowds German and American Flags Flutter From Buildings Along Route NEW YORK. Oct. 16. (AP) Two score of gallant men who bad shown a new way to the commerce of the air by their flight in the Graf Zeppelin from Germany, to night were the guests of an en thusiastic city after a tumultuous welcome In the late afternoon. The largest city of the land forgot Its business for a time to hall the crew of the dirigible, sym bolic of a new era In transporta tion of passengers and cargoes. At 3:50 p. m., the visitors were landed from the municipal tug Macom at the Battery, that small clear space at the tip of Manhat tan on which the skyscrapers en croach as close as they can. Pa tient men and women bad waited since early morning at the land ing and a chorus of tenthousand voices was on band to cheer. A light sprinkle of rain failed to diminish the crowds. Parade Moves Up Famous Broadway The grey office buildings bad blossomed forth with the flags of the two republics, Germany and the United States, and from their upper stories, as the parade form ed and moved up Broadway, came that paper storm which office workers delight to shower on the heroes who pass below them. The mounts of patrolmen ca vorted ahead of the automobiles bearing the city's guests and be hind marched Bmartly picked de tachments of the army and navy, The sidewalks were packed from curb to wall and at street inter sections extended further back. The crowd cheered Dr. Hugo Eckener, the commander, and his sob who dared the storm to repair the crippled ship. But it cheered as heartily the. cook, the steward. mechanics and all the others of the little band. The last Germans whom New York had welcomed so enthusiastically were- Baron Huen efeld and Captain Koehl of tue airplane Bremen, first to cross the Atlantic from east to west. GRAF ZEPPELIN TO NEW YORK, Oct. 16. (AP)-r- Dr. Hugo Eckener expects to start the Graf Zeppelin on its return flight to Germany is about ten days. "But first," he said today, "we will fly to Pittsburgh. Akron, De troit and perhaps Chicago and some other cities." in company with Captain Leh- mann, his first officer, he out lined the future of the huge Zep pelin as he neared the reception New York had prepared. "The damaged horizontal fin will be fixed by the end of the week," he said. "It is only the cover that is damaged. We will be ready to go back by the end of next week." "With favorable winds be will probably make the return journey in three days," . Captain Lehmann estimated, "but. it Is not safe to make guesses." , Dr. D.V. Poling Is Picked To Come To O. A. C. Again CORVALLIS, Ore., Oct. 16. (AP) "Dr. D. V. Poling. Albany minister, and former Y. M. C. A. secretary -here, will return to Ore gon State college campus as a member of the extension service staff. He will become studio di rector and chief announcer for KOAC, college radio station. Dr. Pollng's appointment will not become effective until Janu ary 1, when the new 1000-watt station will be In operation. The new station will feature a sched ule of programs consisting main. iy ot educational and service ma terial, supplemented with special campus musical and athletic events. New Hampshire Feels Distinct Shake tn Earth ASHUA. N. H.. Oct. 16. (AP) A distinct earth tremor, accom panied by a deep rjimble as though of thunder, was reported from several southern New Hampshire, towns tonight, . Although In none of the cases reported was the tremor suffi ciently severe o canoe damage or alarm. It was distinct enough to attract residents ot some of. the towns effected to the streets to aeiermrn me cause. Houses , were made to tremble lnKilford, Wilton. Amherst and Mount 4Vernon as well as several other smaller - villages clustered close to the southern border of the state. ', . . . visum What They think op Salem's Y. M. C. A. and Its Value as a Civic Asset. TWT rOW that the Salem Y. M. Its l C. A. is conducting Tnomherehln drive, public at tention Is centered upon "that organization. ; In order to find out what citizens of Oregon's capital think of that organiza- ' tion and its value to Salem as a civic asset, the New Oregon Statesman asked a number of persons that question Tuesday. This is how they, replied: ARCHIE M. COOKE, paper mm worker, I said : i "Salem ought to be t proud of its . 'T. I have bee"n around the country quite a lot and nowhere nave I seen one that is doing more real good , among the boys and young, men. I'm a world war ; veteran and- I know- bullet: proof uniforms and all that and I once had a grouch on all ' Y' workers, ; but that's all changed. It's a new world and a new order. Me for the Y'. MARY HUFF, 446 Oxford street, said: "I think the Y. M. C. A. is a decided success. There's one thing I hope will be continued and that Is the Salem Y. M. C. A. as the strong asset it now is. That Is that it be kept on its own budget. The Y. will get-more if it is allowed to solicit its own funds Instead of going on a community fund basis. The Y. M. C. A. invest ment in the city alone is, worth quite a bit to the city, let alone the work that the r does." MRS. C. W. BEECHLER, prominent member oi the Salem War Mothers said: "I think the "Y" is first class. The city and the people .here couldn't do without it. It is wonderful for what it does for the boys and for the grown-ups, too. The War Mothers hold their monthly business meet ings in the lecture room at the "Y" and we're very grateful for the hospitality and courtesy which we have always re ceived." DR. NORMAN KENDALL TTJLLY, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, said: 'I'm thoroughly In favor of the Y. M. C. A. I wouldn't care to live ia a town .that .didn't, have i a Young Men's Christian as sociation. Of course, it isn't a' mother' church nor is It to sup plant the church, but it ig a mighty and effective arm of the church. All Protestant church es have united In advocating and working with .this organ ization. Its four-fold program for development of the body, mind, spirit and social life Is absolutely necessary in this present civilization." W. S. LEVENS, local attor ney and former state prohibi tion commissioner, said: "I think the Y. M. C. A Is un (Turn to Page t. Please.) SEN.MMHSEEKS ait I WOMEN'S SUPPORT SALISBURY, N. C, Oct. 16. (AP) Carrying the nree'dentlil fight of Herbert, Hoover into the traditionally democratic state nf North Carolina, Senator Borah of Idaho, In a speech here tonight, called upon the women voters to prevent the overthrow of prohibi tion by electing the renubliran candidate. Suddenly chanrinr t.h of his campaign trip, which fol lows roughly the line of the recent tour of Governor Smith, the sena tor late today accepted an Invita tion of Salisbury Hoover sunnort- ers to make a brief speech while traveling to Charlotte. ' He pre viously bad planned to make onlv one address at Charlotte tomor row night but- after bis arrival there be motored to Salisbury, 40 miles northeast of Charlotte, tn deliver tonight's speech. The senator at the outset con gratulated the women of the na tion upon their "activity and their leadership in this campaign." "Without the women and their influence and leadership," he de clared, "the 18th amendment would never have been written in to the constitution and without the women and their leadership. u cannot be kept In the constitu tion and enforced. Snow Settling Down On Rocky Mountain Areas DENVER, Oct .1C (AP) Winter made a flying assault on the - middle and southern . Rocky Mountain range states today, spreading a thick mantle of snow over the area as the; season's first storm was driven down from the northern states of Montana and Wyoming -by rising temperatures and sunny skies. Tne greater part of Colorado was blanketed In white. Moving swiftly from thee north where .It left a toll of one dead, and ham pered air, : rail and motor trans portation, the storm -belted the Colorado - mountain and r nlatn ireas ' and' made Itself felt' ia northern New Mexico and adjoin ing states. TH GREETS CURTIS ON HIS G. 0. P. Senator Attacks Smith on Immigration and Liquor Policies Al's Nullification Plans Flayed tn Speech Before - Friendly Crowds By FRANCIS M. STEPHENSON. Associated Press Staff Writer RALEIGH. R C Oct. 16. (AP) Governor Smith was as sailed In North Carolina and Vir ginia' today by Senator Curits, re publican vice-presidential nomi nee, for his proposal toward mod ification of the prohibition and Immigration laws. The vioe-presidentlal nominee spoke at Petersburg, Va., this noon, and at Raleigh tonight. He said that the democratic presiden tial nominee had "forced" prohi bition and immigration as issues, despite the platform of his party. Welcomed by friendly crowds In both cities, Senator Curtis launched vigorously Into his as sault Upon Governor Smith. He said the governor tried to overturn the platform on which he is nom inated and disregarded the votes of his own party In congress In an effort to put over his own pet schemes. Dry Amendment Is Defended Vigorously "The prohibition amendment", Curtis declared, "Is the result of nearly 100 years of effort and Is here to stay. Control of the liq uor question is a duty which was expressly delegated to and accept ed by the federal government by every state in the union except two. There should be no attempt to 'evade that duty so accepted or to redelegate it to the states. The senator declared that the proposal of Governor Smith to abandon the 1890 census as a ba sis for, fixing the quota allotments of restrictive immigration law would.'-mean the entry into this country of "thousands more immi grants than we admit today Crjowds met the car at Hender- JoX43keFo TCurtw appeared on the back plat- form and waved a greeting and al so shook hands with as many as time would permit. Reaching Raleigh another crowd was on hand at the station, giving the senator a cheer as he detrained. A band played and an automobile procession escorted him through the downtown sec tion to bis hotel. WASHINGTON, Oct. 16 (AP) The contract of the Sinclair Crude Oil - Purchasing company through which it obtained govern ment royalty oil worth $33,757, 350 between 1922 and 1928 from the Salt Creek field In Wyoming today was held to be invalid by Attorney 'General , Sargent, who was Instructed by President Cool idge to investigate the lease. The -Interior department an nounced immediately after receiv ing the opinion that-lt would take steps at Once to "carry Into effect the legal conclusion of the attor ney general" and prevent the further sale of the oil to the Sin clair company, a subsidiary of the Sinclair Consolidated Oil com pany. The -lease was negotiated' by Al bert B. Fall, then secretary of the interior, and now under indict ment, on charges, of having con spired with Harryi P. Sinclair to defraud the government in the lease of the Teapot Dome naval oil reserve. The ruling by Attorney General Sargent was based on two points. He wrote that he bad "come to the conclusion that the contract referred to has no binding effect upon the United States." The New Statesman Friday Household Green will ten la full detaU the story of the Statesman's (Teat cooking school, which . Is to start next Monday at the beautiful ( Ehdaore theatre. Prize List wW be printed ia full and - plaa fete the- baking con test 1 in which valuable ..awards will be made, will -be reviewed. ; ..- ;,;,- Rend the Green VThen ,; ' V Plan to Attend tne i Statesman's 'Free h -i Cookmg School 5PEAKNGT0UR IS HELD WORTHLESS Cooking School Plans Promise to Hpld Maj or Interest for Housewife President of Woman's Club Names Committees for School Period.: ' When: Monday, Tuesday, Wed nesday and Thursday, October 22, 23, 24 and 25, starting each day at 2 p. m. Where: The beautiful, comfort able and spacious KLsinore thea- trr. Why: To bring to the attention of housewives, through the -plan or Statesman service to its res a era, the latest approved methods in household practice nad domes- tie science. . What: The New Oregon States man's great free cooking school and home economics demonstra tion. In which the Salem Woman's clnb Is cooperating. There, rather graphically pre sented, are some of the most es sential .facts In connection with the great cooking school and home ecnomlca demonstration, con ducted under the auspices of the New Oregon Statesman with the cooperation of the Salem Wo man's club. That the school will hold the major Interest of housewives for the greater part of next week is Indicated by the encouraging re sponse the school is receiving In all quarters. Scores of inquiries are coming to the Statesman of fice every day regarding plans that are being completed as rap idly as possible. Committees Named Late Tuesday Mrs. A. L. Wal lace, president of the Salem Wo man's club, completed appoint ment of three committees that will carry out the plans of the club for cooperating with the school. A committe on hospitality in cludes Mrs. William F. yargo as chairman. A -committee oh prizes includes Mrs. W. D. Clark as chairman of a committee to con duct a baked foods sale. Other members' will be named later for each committee. The club will have charge of the big cake and pie making con test that will be. an outstanding feature of the school session. When Judging of the entries is completed and prizes are award ed the pies and cakes will be sold by the woman s club. All pro ceeds will go into the club's building fund. Prizes Provided Wordfrom Miss Dorothy Wil liams," home economics expoert, who is coming to Salem to con duct the lecture cuorse and cook ins: demonstrations, is that she Is looking forward to the largest' attendance ever know at an event of this kind in Salem. The possibility of entertaining a large number of housewives is assured by the fact that the beautiful Elsinore theatre has been obtained for the period of the school. In addition to the four-day school to be conducted in the theatre, there will be in teresting lobby displays and some demonstrations. In addition to the latest model Hotpomt electric range which will be given away free of cost as the chief prise in the big baking con test, there will be at least a score of other interesting prizes, many are'' being arranged for with ac tive Salem merchants by the Wo man's club prize committee. UNION HILL R0.D E Graveling on Union Hill on the Silverton-Silver Creek Falls road, which has been one of the main undertakings of the Marion county road program during the 1928 season, will be completed to day. F. O. Johnson, deputy roao master, made this announcement late Tuesday after a trip over the road. "The rains held off Just long enough." he said. "II they had started in "earlier we would have been out of luck." Of the remaining road program, the piece of road calling for the most work Is on the road sme sev en miles west of Silver Creek Falls and almosr directly east of Salem. It is estimated that this will be completed In about 10 days. Work will be continued here and elsewhere In the county. rain or shine. "Union Hill, four or five miles out of Silverton, was the only place where rains would have stopped us?' said Mr. Johnson. "Where we're graveling the other road, we have a strip already put through, and when we come to patch roads that are already graveled, we can do a better Job In rainy, than In dry weather." Three Prisoners Break From Jail Hunt Being Made EUGENE. Oct. (AP). A search was being made here today tor three prisoners who escaped last night from the Lane county Jail. : The men were George Peel, Floyd 8. Minnlck - and James Ward,. The break was not dis covered until this morning. Two oae-Inca - steel , bars or tne common cell in which the men were held, .were cut- through, by hack saws, and a heavy screen pried off. A brother of Minnlck, held ln the Jail, did not attempt to leave. r - ; - - - . - WORK NDS TODAY arcr: Miss Dorothy Williams, widely known domestic science author ity, who win direct Statesman's great cooking school next week. 1L SMITH ATTACKS S Economy of G. O. P. Adminis tration Viewed Skeptical ly in Address SEDALIA. Mo., Oct. 16. (AP) A challenge to republican claims of economy in administra tion of the federal government was issued tonight by Governor Alfred E. Smith, who declared in the only formal speech prepared for delivery before a Missouri audience that according to his Idea the Harding and Coolidge regimes had been as "wasteful as any the country had ever seen." "They attempted to give away our natural resources," he said. "They have postponed and neg lected the most pressing nejsds." The democratic nominee ex plained there were three pictures he desired , to place before the country, one, he said, was that which the republican party would liketo have the American peo ple believe, ras4 'showing great efficiency and great economy." Own Claims Held To Be Real Facts Tne second, he added, was a picture "setting up real facts which shows that the government is costing more this year than when President Coolidge took of fice," while the third he argued disclosed the "republican lack of ability, lack of efficiency and lack of business methods." The governor contended . that republicans were "lacking an is sue, and for that reason had at tempted to put into the minds of the people what "they are pleased to term Coolidge economy" and declared he regarded this as the "grossest misrepresentation" so far made. Further, he said that Herbert Hoover, the republican Lstandard bearer, had a "large share in the painting of this false picture when, in his speech of ac ceptance, he said: Hoover's Statement Held Misleading "By rigorous economy federal expenses have been reduced by two billion dollars per annum. Asserting that "no more mis leading statement could be made in the campaign," the democratic nominee added that Mr. Hoover "knows better, or should know better.'1" 'He knows, or he should know," the governor went on, "that the two billion dollar re duction is the difference between the peace-time cost of govern ment and the war-time cost of government." W 1W Banquet for Drum Corps Is Brilliant Members of Salem's American Legion drum corps learned at first hand what their state and then home city think of them from the mouths of Governor Patterson and Mayor Livesley Tuesday night ai the banquet tendered them in the main dining room of the Marlon hotel and if their heads are not a bit swelled today In consequence it- Is because eloquent braise and flattering appreciation cannot ac complish that result. Probably no more colorful or brilliant banquet ever was staged in Oregon's capital than that ar ranged by Douglas McKay, com mander of Salem post, for the re turning drum corps, their wives and a limited list of dislngulshed guests. Commander McKay, acting as master or ceremonies, announced at the start that there would-be no ceremony. He added that, due to the limited time before the re ception and - dance, only two speeches would be made and that these would be limited to - five minutes each. He then presented Governor Patterson who, with voice shaken Jv emotion, wel comed the . triumphant corps in me name oi uregon.- Tdur-' state appreciates: what yon have done and is proud of yon," be exclaimed. "Further. while you have come home with BUT-UNITES lick Triumphant Legionnaires get Warm Welcome on Arrival Home Throngs Cheer as Parade Is Staged Banquet and Reception Follow ii fiaiAm talned In welcoming home the drum and bugle corn -of Capital Post No. 9. American Le gion, Tuesday night. ' rrnm all soDearances the eity entire population was at the rail road station to Join In the spon- t taneous roar of welcome that greeted the boys' appearance the train rolled In; practically neaklnar. there probably waani room for more than about , people to view the event, but whatever the standing room capa city was, that many were there. Thousands Applauded Victorious Corps Every Inch of space for a quar ter of a mile along the tracks and back as far as Twelfth street was occupied: and more crowds lined . Twelfth street down to State, and State street from Twelfth en down to the business district, to view the gala procession from the train to the armory. More than 10,000 persons applauded, the drum corps sometime between th time that it debarked from the train and the time that It dis persed to prepare for the banquet given in its honor at the Mario hotel. The train was late, but that was ' all because Oregon people every- - where along the route north from California line wanted to honor the Salem drum corps, adjudged second best in the United State; they insisted on the -corps parad ing at every stop the train made; and the waiting crowds here, In formed of the reason for the de lay, didn't mind it. Portland Corps Sirens Farewell Oregon's weather did its part to make the boys feel at home; a light "mist" began falling Jus at the train pulled In; not enough to put a damper on the welcome, but Just enough to let them know (hey bad arrived. If the cheering, CTpwdi wexent .enough rjr,,' . "u -'" . As the parade which' forme at the station proceeded d o w sr Twelfth street the American Le gion special train passed it. tbf sirens of the Portland drum eorpf sounding final felicitations te tae successful corp. Chenians Participate In Parade The parade was headed by m police escort and the boy scout color bearers, who were followed by the Spanish war veterans, the Salem municipal band, the boy scouts In marching order, twe automobiles carrying state, city . and legion officials, a detachment of Cherrlans, the drum corps, an other detachment .of Cherrlaas, and the cars carrying the families of the drum corps members. The banquet In honorof the drum corps was held at the Mar ion hotel at 8 o'clock. j Keception at Elks Temple Final Event The final numbers on the wel coming program to -.the dress corps were the reception and dance given' in the Elks tempi. Officers of the Elks formed tbe Informal receiving line. The Elks orchestra played con cert music, for the reception ia the main parlors, and dance music for the big ballroom on the sec ond floor was furnished by Russel neu tier's Troubadors. Both the Elks orchestra and the Troubadors gave their services gratuitously. The ballroom and the parlors were decked with large art bas kets of yellow chrysanthemums. and the ballroom was lighted with shaded red and blue lamps. and Colorful second honors this time I predict now thattyou will place first la Louisville, Kentucky, next year." Mayor Livesley was presented and voiced, In feeling language, the gratitude of Salem for tbe honors won for this city through the drum corps' victory. Ten have placed this city on Amer ica's map permanently," he said, "and we a re 'for you every man, woman and child in your home town." Commander McKay then Intro duced Secretary of State Hoss and Mrs. Hoss, Brigadier General and Mfs. White, Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. Livesley. State . Treasurer and Mrs. Kay, Budget Director and Mrs. Sam A. Kozer.-heads of the service clubs, Kudle Scholz. musi cal director of the corps, Captain Paul Burrls, df ill Instructor, "Mutt"; Williamson, drum major and "Rufe" White. The latter was called upon .for a speech and re sponded in such an outburst ef eloquence as -seldom made the Marlon's rafter's ring, r Hie speech in full follows: - "We thank you.- We are glad te . get' home home to Oregon, the finest country on God's green earth.f,.. . , : s-i-:.i?'i.r ' Dram Major Williamson, in re sponse - to . loud demands. speke briefly of the trip and the won-. (Turn to Page ti Please.) . If u