The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 16, 1928, Page 2, Image 2

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    The New Oregon Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morrnny, October -16, 1928
: Landing at Lakehurst Marks
Fourth Anniversary of
Fourth Flight
1 Continued from Pafe 1.)
Up, As they do any docking At
lantic liner, toe crowd's enthusi
asm boiled over and police lines
taelted before the rash. There
Irei scuffling and ronjfhand
tumble encounters in plentybe
' fore order was restored.
' After German and American of
ficials had at last edged their, way
. through the throng to voice con
i gratulatlons through the ship's
j windows as the ground crew held
I the ship steady, the Graf Zep
pelin was walked slowly toward
the hangar. Its progress was
ordered stopped lust outside and
tfiere it rested, its nose almost
touching that of the Los Angeles,
which was crowded against the
hangar's south wall with two nary
blimps tucked under its stern to
cnaka room for the terlal Levla
tian. Dr. Eckener, ant Lieutenant
Commander Charles E. Rosen
dahl, commander of the Los An
geles and a guest on the Atlantic
trip of the Graf Zeppelin, climbed
from the control cabin and hurried
to the offices of Captain E. S.
Jackson. po3t commandant, after
a short time they returned and
climbed into the Graf Zeppelin's
A solid line of marines was
thrown about the ship to keep all
from getting too close and no one
was allowed to go in or out of the
dirigible as a consultation was
held to decide whether to berth
the ship in the hangar or take
her back to the mooring mast un
;til day-light.
y H' ? fri t ?-v ? F J-' ill 4
' ' ' f.. .
The eiujeiable, or matching Met, is raging at present. And it Is not confined to the realm of clothes,
but manifesto itoelf through the entire household. At left, above, milady wean a costume tha$ harmo
nizes with her modern living room. A gray and silver interior ia. accented with cense and mauve, so
Evelyn Brent wears lounging pajamas in chartreuse and gold brocade to harmonize with her surround
ings. Right, Is an evening ensemble with the skirt of the dress of black georgette crepe and spangled
lace bodice. The coat is beige panne velvet with black bordering, a band of spangled silk on sleeves,
and dyed squirrel collar and cuffs. The little hat,.lower center, merely illustrates the prevailing correct
way of wearing a hat, with one eye eclipsed, the other peeping coquettishly from under the brim.
Curtailment of Expenses by
Spending Less Is Pat
terson's Slogan
! (Continued .from Page 1.)
of Hoover's name brought an out
burst of cheering and as he pro
ceeded he praised the nominee as
.one who "knows and understands
hat has beenone and what is
to be done" to carry on the poll
eies which hare brought the conn
try prosperity.
GoTernor Alvln T. Fuller of
Massachusetts In a very brief in
troductory speech presented Mr.
,nd Mrs. Hoover to the crowd
The tumultuous applause that had
crackled spasmodically during th
previous talks and references to
the candidate broke Into rull
thwated cheering as Hoover ap
proached the microphone and hun
dreds of red and white, handker,
chiefs- waved. He was forced to
iralf tor the applause to.cease.
After he swung into the text of
hta prepared speech, the first pro
longed applause came fts he
passed from his discussion of for
eign trade into a blunt criticism j
f the democratic tariff position.
Hia first reference to the pro
tective tariff brought a wave of
applause. Asserting hat the. re
publican party for 70 years had
supported a tariff designed to give
adequate protection to American
labor, industry and agriculture,
he declared that "our opponents,
after 70 years of continuous op
position to this republican doc.
trine, now seek to convince the
American people that they have
nothing to fear from recision at
their hands."
; rThls remark was greeted by
laughter and proceeding, he crit
icized the Underwood tariff bill,
a few months test of which he
said had shown the beginnings of
disaster in both industry and agri.
Northwestern, Refitted and Drawing Much Less
Water, Arrives in Salem From Portland on
First Trip of Winter
ESUMING operations that have been suspended since July 19,
the river steamer Northwestern docked here Friday afternoon
after com Die tine its first run u the Willamette river this
fall. It will continue on regular schedule until late next spring and
nnanlhlr throueh the summer. The Northwestern, which has been
operating on the Willamette river around itself, resulting in a tre
most of the time for the past four
years, has Been ovefnauiea com
pletely, a new hull built for it and
Its decks re-caulked. The vesrei
now draws but 22 inches of water
when empty, as compared with 31
Inches before it was overhauled.
There was considerable talk about
changing its name from Norh
western to Cherry City, in honor
of Salem, but this was not done.
The trip from Portland to Sal
em was made without mishap ax
cept that the boat was delayed
five hours at Kantiana Bar, some
six miles south of Newberg.
-" Bar. Causes Delay
"Of all the ars in the river,"
said VvKrause, captarn of the
Northwestern,1? this Is he only' us any; trouble. I
coitsMer-this a very remarkable
factt due entirely to the good Work
that "has been put In" all summer
ly the governmenf dredging crews.'
The Jetties at Weston's Bar are
in excellent shape and the condi
tion of the river all along the line
is the best I have ever known It."'
Swifl water, caused by the low
level of the river, forced the boat
crew to "line over" at four places
along the route. The only-one of
these at which any serious diffi
culty was met was Kantiana Bar.
The "lining over" process is one
peculiar to river boats, and is ac
complished by means of a strong
windlass which is installed in the
Overcoming Obstacles
When the boat runs aground, or
encounters water too swift to nav
igate, a party is put ashore and
the end of a cable fastened to a
tree, stump or other firm object.
The windlass winds this .cable
(Continued from Page 1.)
nearly as good as they were
some few years ago. People are
in too big a hurry to think of
others today, though I do think
the young men of today are
more courteous than when I was
a girl."
BON, county school superintend
ent, said: "Manners are not
what they were several year
ago but they- change as every
thing else. People get what they
sk for. Not aa much chivalry
Is demanded as our parents did.
and not aa much Is given. Horn
life does not require that the
young folk do and say the many
Uttle polite things for the par
ents are usually too Interested
In something else."
a MRS. C. A. ROBERTS, 2060
South Commercial street, said:
"Manners have changed with
the time. I ' believe that the
spirit behind the young people
actions Is the same as ever.
They may not do some of the
things that were done just for
politeness but they are no less
respectful of their elders."!
Junior at Willan?tte university,
said: "I think present day man
ners are much better than the
old time courtesy. They ar
more sincere and real..
anna. T. W. HALL, UM
Ferry street, said: -Oh, I don't
ftaew! I don't think about such
things. But I do notice that
' manners axe far more Informal
than they irere when I was In
my teens. As for liking the
present day manners as well as
th old-time courtesy, walls i
appreciate the eaalaeas of the
present times, there axe ether
memeats vHea I don't Ilk the
fftffc and readr attltnde saowa
(Continued from Page 1.)
one group, the Boy Scouts, the
Salem municipal band, and the
Cherrians. Massed colors of all
organisations participating will
lead the procession.
The banquet at the Marion
hotel will begin at 8 o'clock, au
tomobile calling for the drum
corps members at .their homes at
Official welcome from the city
will be expressed by Mayor Llve-
sley. "and from the state by Hal
B. Hoss. secretary of state, rep
resenting the governor. Special
guests will include Brigadier Gen
eral George A. White. T. B. Kay
state treasurer: Sam Kozer. bucf
ret director; presidents of the
Chamber of Commerce, service
clubs. Cherrians. Ad club and
realty board- C. P. Olee. C. E.
Knowland. Henry Mfvers. Tom
Alters. Rudle Schrlr. d'rector of
the corps, and Paul r. Burris.
At 9 :S0 o'clock will he the re
ception and dance at the Elks
club, to which the public Is invit
ed, an-urgent Invitation betnar ex
tended to all to attend and show
anpreelation of the drum corps
success. " r
, Additional ticket the Van-
quet are on sale at Ted's Clear
tore In the lobb- of the First Na
tional Bank building.
Rtfll Mvaterr Man The at
tendants at the Deaconess hospital
are still pussled ever the identity
ora mystery patient who was
brought there last Thursday night
after he had been picked up on
the pealtnetlary grounds as .-a
probable Inmate, which later prov
ed not to be. The man Is abont SO
years old. AH questions have fail
ed to elicit any elna as to whom
he might be. When riven, pencil
and paper he wrote the letter rv
and ammo Ooao." but when quis
led about either, did not eonneet
thest wltlr bimself. One of kfg
mendous pull. If the device is be
ing used to carry the boat over A
bar. this pull Is accompanied by a
backward working of its stern
wheel. The combined result is to
Increase the amount of water un
der the hull and draw the vessel
forward. The backward pull of
the wheel is negligible against the
forward pull of the windlass.
Resident Engineer Thompson,
in charge of dredging operations
on the Willamette river, plans lo
have Kantiana Bar cleared for
The Northwestern carried only
a 70 ton load on us initial trip up
the river Friday. Its full capacity
Is 190 tons. No such cargo as this
will be carried until the river level
rises. The boat will make thr&eH
iuua rrguiiui; rrn wcth, leav
ing Portland eefy- Sunday, Tues
day and -Thursday morning 'and
leaving Salem on the following
mornings, This schedule allows
for layover In Portland every
Business Done By Truck
The Salem Navigation company.
which owns and operates tha
Northwestern, has been doing
business by truck all summer. "W e
have been losing money right
along on this." says A. 8. John
son. local agent, "but we did it to
keep our business. We kept 15
or 16 trucks busy most of the sum
mer, many of them making two
trips a day."
Although the Northwestern is
the only boat now- making the
run between Portland and Salem,
repeated claims have been made to
the effect that it is the largest ves
sel of its type afloat. This has
never been disputed locally, and i
taken for the truth. The fact that
here are very few boats of thj
ame type in existence to chal
.enge the claim, seems to tend to
oear the claim out.
Name Disappointing
Considerable disappointment
has been expressed here that the
boat was not renamed according
to earlier plans. "I was rather
disappointed too." says Mr. John
son. "There were so many changes
made in it that I though we'd be
entitled to change its name. As
a matter of fact, you know, it's as
hard to change the name of a boat
as a bank. Tou have to rebuild
it pretty completely before you're
entitled to alter the name."
Dredging for this season is ex
pected to be completed within a
3hort time. Two dredging outfits,
the Montlcello and the Dayton
Digger, have comprised the gov
ernment equipment that performs
the summer's work.
In addition to work done on the
Northwestern, the Sale Navigation
company has repaired Its docn
here, lifting the floor in several
places and placing steel strins
along the aisles.
-(t aSBj uiojj panuuuoa)
made in churches, schools or
such organizations as the Y. M
C. A.," declared Mr. Kay.
Gorernor Speaks
Of Good Work
Governor Patterson whose ad
dress concluded the banquet ad
ded his approval of the Y. M. C.
A., and the membership drive on
which It is embarking. He es
pecially commended the Ameri
canization work carried on here.
Paul Wallace, chairman of the
group for sustaining membership
enrollment, . said this group had
been increased from 82 last year
to 104 at present with the bud
get of these members raised from
$8500 to $11,800. Byron Wright
told membership solicitors the
fine points of a successful can
Music was furnished before and
(Continued from Page 1.)
estimates as now in the bands of
that 'official, but I am confident
that in the light of what has been
presented to " you "today and the
statewide . ytewpoinu -,. whlch.-yo
will now bring' to -yorir problem,
yon: will Insist' upon this privilege
and will doubtless find placef
where " you can cut. close and
make substantial redactions in the
original estimates Submitted.
r'"ln connection - with the esti
mates for 1929 and 1930 may "I
say that in the Jight of the exist
ing financial conditions, I do not
look with favor upon general sal
ary Increases, consequently there
should be Included in your budget
estimates for payment other than
on the basis or, current . salaries
where such salaries are fixed by
the officer or body presenting the
"In those rases where salaries
are established by statute the sta
tutory salary will be considered
only. . May I also suggest that you
conduct on your own initiative
some investigation to ascertain
whether., substantial reductions
may be effected in your estimates,
through cooperation with other
activities of the state.
"You should bear In mind that
the financial condition of the state
is distressing, and that all re
sources at our command must be
applied to the reduction of the
state's fiscal obligations. I plead
with you as representatives of the
state government, with whom lies
the solution of our present prob
lems to give your best thought to
that end. By so doing we will
simply be fulfilling out oaths of
At the
Opening night for Al Jolson's
big talking movie "The Singing
Fool" broke all records at Bligh's
Capitol theatre Sunday, with more
than 4.000 persons attending this
remarkable picture. In the audi
ence which crowdea the theatre
throughout the afternoon and
night were persons from Corral
lis. Dallas, McMinnville. Mill City,
Eugene, Newberg and other
points in the valley. That all
were more than pleased was
during the banquet by a group of 8hoWn by the complimentary re-
young men led by John Steelbam
mer. The players included Charles
Claggett. Harold Thayer " and
James Phelps. Two solos' "were
sung by Bobble Barzeau, J
Dinner Prepared P
By Kalemi Women
Dinner was prepared 'and. -serv
ed to the solicitors by a dumber
of local women including- Mrs. R.
Lee Wood, Mrs. Carle Alman, Mrs.
Ronald Craven. Mrs. F: E. Brown,
Mrs. Leo Gleason, Mre'- C. A.
Kells, Mrs. E. W. Wolfe, Mrs. B.
B. Black, Mrs. Paul Acton, Miss
Esther Wood and Miss . Margaret
Groups and their . leaders as an
nounced at the dinner are:
Group 1: Otto Hillraan, loadftr; B. K.
Sison. Carle Abram. P. H.. -Bell J A
Hewitt. tr. D. B. Hill. rVank Kelloer'.
E. r. Smith, N. K. Tully, Or. 8. Ralph
Group 2: Rom Milan, leader; Ralph
Ernmoaa, Sheldon F. Sackett, C. 0. Al
ter. F. 8. Annunten. Keith Brown,' Ralph
Hatniltoo, Dr. Carl Miller, Kenoath Per
ry. Marion Currey, Fred Zluncaa.
Group 8: R. C. Davis, (roup leader:
A. W. Smithera. Arthur Vares, W. A.
Cwnmings, Rich. Reimann, C. E. Sieg
raund, N. B. Stefner, Stanley Vail.
Oharlea Wioer, W. A.. Srhnlti. Beth
Group 3: W. W. Rhaenraurh. leader;
E. T. Baroea. W. N. Hamilton. Ed
Srhunke. Fred Threlaoo. Ralph Co I ley
V. a. Holt, C. F. Doane. Walter Nelson.
Lloyd Reynolds, Jarne Nicholson, B. B.
Group 4: Walter Socolofsky. leader;
William Buaick. Charles Knowland.
Loul Anderson. Rusaotl Bonetteele, W.
H. Hertaog. Roy Klein. Asel Eoff, Carl
T, Pope. Grant Bonnell. George Hafc
Mike Panek, Ear! Poulaea. . .
Group 5; George F. Vick. leader; Sam
Chamber. Ralph Kletaimr, Douglas Me-'
Kay, Dr: B. BlaUhford, Charles l.iale,
M. C. Findley. Hal Pat ton, Henry Mor
r:t, D. B. Jarman.
Gronp6: C. A. Page, leader; J.' W.
Moore. Karl Wenger. Dr. L. E. Barrick,
Breyman Boise. O. i. Till. A. II. Julian.
Chester Noland, Thomas Riles. C. M.
Iittweller. John Bsyne.
Group 7: T. M. Hirka, group leader;
Roy R. Hewitt. William Phillips. E. L.
Wider. .Tnseph H. Alhert. Gaorge- H.
Alden. Jndre O. P. Conhow. tleeV 8. D.
Johnson. C. E. Ward. J. D. MeCormick.
H. F. Shanks, John Farrar. W. S. Han
sen. Groap 8: Ti. W. Oleanon, groan lead
er; Erie Butler, Connall Dyer, Curtis
Cross, Roy Keone, O. W. Day, A. A.
Gneftrey. Walter Minier. Dr. k. Ts
Wood. W. J.' Lilejequist. Or. Frank
A $30,000 building permit has
been issued at Corvallts for the
erection of a new Alpha Gamma
Delta chapter home. The' struc
ture will be of English " architec
ture and will house 30 - girls.
marks made to the management
by hundreds of those who saw the
big feature. It was impossible to
estimate how many stood in line
for various lengths of time eager
to see Jolson in his latest tri
umph.' Frank Bligh, proprietor of
the CipltoL.has been highly com
plimented for bringing this pic
ture to Salem at prices undreamed
of 'anywhere else in the cocitry.
In "The Singing Fool" Al Jol
son plays the part of a singing
waiter who falls In love with a
fair entertainer at the night club,
gets her a chance to Introduce a
song he has written for her and
sold to a great producer. He aft
erwards marries her, only to be
deserted several years later, re
turning when their child, the "lit
tle feller" Is dying. The story is
moving and beautiful and is shot
through with all. the razzle dazzle
of big town show life.
Four vitaphone vaudeville acts,
headed by the Foy family, com
plete the bill, which will be seen
and heard all this week.
I l l Slii
'Sax99 Drit& Aivav'
He thought he couldn't play
the. algal, but the cold he'd
caught that morning had departed.
Meet professional people know
what reall knocks eold In a
few hours; many go through- the
winter, witout any trouble front
colds. It's a compound that comes
in little white tablet. TVk am.
and that flretenutfle la Juatrabout
me last; or several tablet. If. yon
have let the cold go until ft'e eer
tOU. . ' - ;- , V : I
Pape'a Cold Compound Is all
yon ask for: and the draggles
charges SBc for a package.' and It
never seems U UlLfor anybody!
Twins Bora Here Twins, a
boy and a girl, were born Sunday
to Mr. and Mrs. John Frorm, 1820
North 5th street.
. Son to De Lapps Mr. and Mrs.
M. J. DeLapp. who reside across
the river In Polk county are par
ents of a nine and a half pound
boy born Monday. -
c --'.' i "
Local Rairal Schools County
Superintendent Mary L. Fulker-
son spent Monday visiting, the rur
al schools at Sliver Creek Falls
and adjacent districts.
Two Couples Wed- Marriage li
censes .were Issued here Monday
t$;Xaenn Hr Olatkas 24 o:Port-
una, aoaAiice Cromwell. 21 of
Welser; Idaho.and1 to William
De Boss ,21- aad..Velma rHendrick
son,. 19 r both of SaeBU.
Haydek: Estate S9SOO Inven
tory and appraisement , filed in
probate Monday in the matter of
the estate of the late W. O. Hay-
aen estimates the; estate at $9300.
Appraisers are L. H. Thatcher.
Don W. Wiggins and John Wil
liams. Title Quieted Final decree In
favor of the plaintiff was enter
ed In circuit court here Monday
in the suit to quiet title brought
by R. M. Ryder against Wil
ford, H. Mauzy and a long list
of others. The property, in issue
was a piece of Marion county
farm land.
'Bank's ote Sold Anl order
was filed In clrquit court? here
Monday authorizing: A. A
fcnramm, state superintendent of
banks, to sell.a $1425.41 note of
the defunct Jefferson state bank
ror 3uu. The note will be sold to
w. R. Myers of Long Island. New
York. It originally was executed
Dy Eva w. Myers.. '
oopnomores Klect Some Rob
ert King was elected president of
me sopnomore class at the Salem
high school at the class business
session Monday morning. The
election of officers were not com
pietea, but will be finished short
ly, otner elections Included: Joe
uarby. vice-president. Fern Hsrr.
rls, secretarr and Paulino Rnnih
treasurer. Miss Cecil McKercher
or the English department Is class
Alleged Burglar Held Tlvde
E. Shoesmfth. charred with hiirv.
tary m a garage here Sunday,
was brought before Justice of the
Peace Small late Monday for n
hearing. Hfs case was continued
until today, when a further hear.
Ing will be held at 11 a. m. He
was lodged In the Marion county
jail Monday night in default of
$2000 ball. He Is accused of hav.
Ing broken into the garage in
which Newell Williams had his
Conners to "Grove Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. Conner returned late
Sunday from a trip to Cottage
Grove, where they went Friday to
attend the funeral of Mrs. Con
ner's nephew, Jesse Lewis. They1
aiso visited with both their par
ents who live in that citv. : itfr.
Conner, who is editor of the
vahwm! PnnHrv Journal and
who formerly lived In ' Cottage
Grove, reports that, business activ
ity and home construction la quite
lively In both that city and Eu
gene, where he stopped for a
Putnam's Suit Dismissed The
injunction snlt brought by George
Putnam aaralnst MaTk POUlsen,
MAmiar and the city of
Salem, was ordered dismissed here
Monday. Mr. Putnam filed a mo
tion last week, asking that It be
dismissed. His action came after
the city council bad adopted a re
eolutloa pledging itself not to do
business with member or its owu
body. Mr. Putnam's suit had for
its purpose 'prevention of payment
to W. W. osebraugh, member of
the council, certain sums due on
a contract with Mr. Rosebraugh.
With Monday's order the whole
matter now becomes a deaa issue.
Minervia J. Wilson, 83. died at
the residence of her son, Otto.
1336 State street. October 13.
Mother of Otto J. Wilson, of Sa
lem: Charles O. Wilson, of Spring
field. Ore., sister of Mrs. Ella Mc
Dowell of California, ana airs. o.
P. Garriques of Portland; grand
mother of Kenneth Wilson of Sa
lem; Clifford, Hobard and Donald
Wilson of Sbringfield; Margafet
Wilson of Salem; Otto J. Wilson.
Jr., of Salem; one great grand
son. Clifford McCIain of Spring
field. Funeral services will be
held Monday, October 15, at 1:30
from Rigton's Mortuary. Rev. N.
K. Tully officiating. . Interment
in the I. O. O. F. cemetery.
Agnes Herdleln died October 15
at her home, 170 North 24th
street. Survived by five daugh.
ters, Mrs. P, Theuer. Mrs. C.
BlunlelL Mrs: Agnea Conenberg,
Mrs -Mar Huskey all of Salem.
and Mrs. Theodore Dapron. Pari,,
diae. Calif.; two eons.
Louis. Mo., and Henry
Mo.- Funeral arrangements v i
be announced today from Clou, ',.
Huston "mortuary.
uapron, rari,
1, John of jry"V
ry of De S' RS
Ada Stapleton Baumgarmr
died October IS. Survived by h -r
husband. Joseph Baumgartnr
and two daughters, Josephine m
Mhl John Cauglll, Jr., also
brother, Roy Stapleton of Alba-v.
Funeral servicea, will be h- i
Tuesday at 10 a. m. at St. Pa m.
Episcopal church, with Rev. i:
officiating. Interment In 011
Fellows' cemetery. The body :4
in state in the Rigdon mortn.-v
to capacity houses
The Singing Fool'
A singing, Talking
Vitaphone Special
Also :: f:
4 Great Vodvil Acts
Shows at 2 4:30
6:50 9:00
gTTpaJfcSr?sairra'.WB IB U snmiil.
"cm vr ar wt 4?r. arx sr. w.
highways whether
you have 'em or not
Too Late To Classify
LOST 2 $ 100 bills.
Leave at Statesman.
Emil Jannings
Truly the most expensive highway is the
old bumpety, nerve-racking, spring
busting, tire-destroying, healtn-shatter-ing
road. Most people who vote for
license fee reduction will not vote for
gas tax increase.
SO . . .
the Dunne License Fee Measure
will ROB Oregon Highways of
snd will lead us back Into
the. old days of expensive roads '
the Bunne Bills
Vote j 303 j X IRTO
on Ballot November 6, 1928
T. R. CONWAY, Secretary
428 MarrlMD Street Fttrttand, Oregon
XI QbizunotDit
anything that has
been accomplished on
the screen In the ten.
der beauty of U love
theme,. Von Strohelm
tops his own suceesess,
a a
- M i I i;4 '
Clara- Bow
III I II . R V OPUITl HPPfl'Q riDAIf ITTf r,Afr't7iyrit I I '-it A
r- I i
11 UlMlUilllVMilM 11 i
1 11 -tAmmTnwSP' .-V FAT t
bw ssa - a . aaBa aaea - m aaassaw-
I SBBmw a av aB- -.all sw a -m
arms jg slightly paralypsd.