t 10 - Y Salem, Oregon, fTus3ay," October f 6, 1 92 7, i 1 t Fivs Minute Speeches Make .Cig Hit at Largely At J tendecf Ljuhcheon -. Dara of the "Four Minute Speakers' were recalled Monday jit the Salem Chamber of Com merce luncheon when. a program -f .. f tr e : snappy . talks, each 12m- ; lt4 to fire minutes. was presented 1.10 m exceptionally large.andap y 4reeiatiTe r number ..of members ; ' aaA .gueatsv, President Vick . an- sxounced that while each speaker 4..waa allowed five minutes a fine w6ld be assessed in the event that a speaker failed to use bis r fall time. The treasury was not enriched by so much as a, thin aim. first introduced was Douglas . McKay, commander of Salem's . American Legion post, who spoke , of tke:. high honors won by the . poet's drum corps at the national; contention ot the Legion in -San Antonio where, in competition with .the nation's best and richest, - they 'carried off second prize. He -. outlined the program of welcome -$ which begins with the arrival of . the drum corps at the Southern Pacific station here today. . urged ' all to take part and thanked the , citUens of Salem for their spon taneous response. -Next came M. P. Adams, man. ager ofthe Sky Line orchards, diaenaaed the walnut growing in - daatry in the Willamette valley. He declared that as soon as wal kout production in the-valley reach : ed "-ther: volume which is en- Ztitmlr", possible herer 'California f - will have to play second fiddle. - 1 President Done? Speaks rlrfrPreaident -Ponejr.. . of ... Willam- .rtte Jui Iveraity',' ' tke. third-speaker t outlined the .progress of that in ? stltBtlon and showed its value to '-Salem: He said that the student body, although necessarily xe ' atrleted to about 5 00. is drawn - from approximately 30 states and brings about 1200,000 to Salem annually, spending about f 1,000 "t Dr. Doner explained - the ob iecta back of the coming -drive to raise about $160,000 In order to complete the contract with the Rockefeller Foundation and said that thrroal of Willamette Univ. ermity officials la to make- that In stitution the finest in the north west. - Henry Crawford, a member of the State Fair board, talked in terestingly of that Institution, the things It does for Oregon and for Salem, its appreciation for what Salem has done for the fair ' and the future's plans whereby Ore gon's fair is to be the best In this section. Among other things he estimated -that, at a conservative figure, i 25,000 perarns from out side Salem visited the fair and spent 10 each, making. 1 250,000 brought here during taejme wee He also explained that the dates fotvtbef fair are fived by the leg islature. not the ' boards i State Treasurer Kay; the fifth sneaker, found himself handicap Ded br time in presenting excel lent reasons for defeating the pro posed Dunne automobile tax re duction and gasoline tax increase bills at the November, election. Hfe said Oregon has sepnt $70.- 000,000 in building a system of highways that is superior, to that of any state with an approximate ly similar population and showed that al this work, as well as fu ture road -' programs would be wrecked through passage of the Dunne measures. "Business men who have the interests of Oregon at heart should do their best to see that these crippling bills are defeated," he declared. -Hero for Hoover.- Indian Lad Hit By Motor Truck Malcolm Clark, Indian boy, wad bit by a motor truck near tne "Big Chief" service station, five miles north of Salem on the Pa cific highway Saturday night. He was taken to a Salem hospital f pr Examination and then to the Chemawa Indian school hospital, where it was reported that no bones were broken and that the lad was suffering from only. P'.;;r. ff. I enwiiajjpiiii- Colonel William' (Wild Bill) Don ovan, who 'was awarded the Con greMlonal Medal of Honor for war time servlce-with the old Wth N. Y. Infantry, and' new assistant at torney general of the United States, was one of Herbert Hoover's ad visers In the preparation of the speech of acceptance. : Err ' Eztrss . Se; finto . 4S ; SM4isa txtrs 'SSe; SMdiui flntl 3; tadr- SM f .-y . ''- I POilTUA!fI. Orm Oct. 15. ( . Milk SU4r- Xsw Milk (4 pct cnt), f2.SA (i aUvm4 Psrtlaad, Icm 1 r fti kwMarfat, ttia. 52; track, 5e; 4cUt4 at PcrtlsiHl, S5. - - pMitrr Bteaaj,' ksrir AH, kcatry kM (ever 4H -), S5c; SMitnt knf (S to pmdi), ISc: lirkt immtv S4 ). le: ld roostcn, 10c; springs M ickorss,' 35; tags,-isc; ynr white Fekw dacka, 10c; tsrkT slivc, 2 5 80c: sroiWrs. seease. j yiUUn Easy t lOe Mwr. Per IAA v'mAm V.kia.. f!mm ft t M 0, 1 In. esftblcrs. fl.40l.SO; IscaX rly rr4- . A mm 2. . 4S4s nrs-ssn- General Markets foaruurD GRAIN PORTLAND. Ore- Oct. 15. (AP) Ch rrain: Whet Bis Bend blutitein, bard white fltS; tofe white fl.21; western white. $1.20: bard winter $1.12; northern aprinf $1.11; western red $1.12. Uata !. Ji, 88 lb. white. 3. Barley No. 3. 45 lb. B. W.. $34. fwii No. 2 Kaatern Yellow, shipment. $43. Millron atandard, 927. HAT PORTLAXD. Ore.. Oct. 15. (AP!- Har Buyifia; prices: Eastern Oregon timathy. I3C.506r21.00 ; valler $ 17.00ft rt 50 iMHt. $lT.60ei.00: eloTer.1 -V " ' I $14.000 15.00; "oat hay, SI8.001B.50: straw, f 7.50 ton.? 8 riling prices, $2 ton more. ;," -:' UVS8T0CX "'" PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. 15. fAPL Cattle sa4 etlTts. Steady, eatlle 2600. ealvM S10, inalading S9 eatOe and five esivas SiUee. tMSncb. . . Steers . (1100 1130 lbs., sW. 912.00 ft 12.80; (M llOOC Ibt.). SosmI,, 919.00 nii.ov; -iBvv sss P7, meoinn, 910.75 12.00 ; coBHSan, $.2510,75. . Haifera (850 : lb, down), , good, '91S.00 10.65; cotsman, $ 8.75 1 0.00 r esws, good. $9.00 69.60; coeaaasi t medium, 97.00 9.00; lpwr matter,- a4.7AeJ.D0,- Bnta (year ling hnbsm), gooa beers, 97.25 07.75; cutter to medium, 9507.2. Calves (500 lbs. down), saedinm to choice, $10.00 12.00; eull to common, 97.50 10.00. TeaJora, milk-fed, good to cboica, 913. 50014.60; medi'am, 912.0013.50; cnu 10 common, iv.uuun.uo. , -Hogs. ; Koeomta 3110. inolndins 582 billed through. Light batchers weak to IOL lowac, packing sows, 2550c lower other elaaaoa steady. ! 'Heavy weight, (250-850 lbs., medinm to -ckoteo. 9S.00e9.50r medlaar weight (t 00-260 lbs.), saedinm to choice, 99.75 9.74; light weight 160-300 lbs.), me dinm to choice 39.75 10.15; light Ufhts; tiau-isv 10s., meoram to ekoiea. SS.50 09.75; packing sows, rough and smooth, 37.2508.00; slaughter pigs. (90-130 lbs) medinm to choice. 9926 9.00; feeder and Blocker piga (70-130 lbs.), medinm to choice. 98.60 9.60. . (Soft or oily hog and roasting piga excluded in above quotations). . , - Sheep and lambs. ; Receipt 825 in cluding 523 direct. Strictly choice Iambi, oue lower, otner classes steady. - -Lambs (84 lbs. dowS), good to choice, 91 1.0043 13.00: (92 lbs. down), medinm. 910.0041 11.00; (all weights). cull to- common, 98.500 10.00; yearling wethers (150 lbs. down), medinm to choice,' 99.60 610.00; -ewe (120 lbs. town). medinm to choice, 9.603 0.5O (120-160 lbs.). medium to choice, 98.606.00; - (all weight), cull to common, 92. 0g 9.50.-- Chicago osvanr - r CHICAGO. Oct. lS.-i-(AP)-epsesls- tsrs whs haT aatidsatad s his iscrass of th Caited Sutos wheat siaihls ssp pry Vocsbm sctivs ssytrs sf wheat tossy at she msu , Closing snstattons on wheat were nerr- .t l-se set seeiiss to s-se sstsscs. with corn snebanged to 9-8 vp and eat s t s on. iraw Tomx arocxa NEW' YORK. Oct. IS. (AP). The took market va as impressive damen atratioa of atresgtk today in th face of a marking up of call money . rates from SH to 1 mr nL sforo the a two seoro msaes were wtrsstod to : records, swrral sf tts ga' rnnnin'g from S to neaiy 25 point. Total sales raa over . 4,0000,000 sssraa. . r ' Csss Tkissklag was the spectacular b dividssr f star, soaring S4fc point ts s Sew higk record at 89SH and elosing sosr tso top. Ksttsssl Tea arss IS points to s sow top st 39S and ssssd to S91 aad ' V on taromerr-W ard raa ns fnearly 13 poiaU to s sow peak st 304 sns rsssisoa su sat s Irsettos of its sain. - lad nst rial ' Aoyon, Intorsstionsl Harrootor. Motor Prodaets, Otis Eleva tor sad General Cable all established sow high record on extreme gains sf. 3 to aearly 10 poiata.' Press bayinf cams into th oil shares. high Vesicas Seaboard erSmsd 9 to a new high os the roeeat disssvsry of a gsassr well 1s Krsga eossty. -- ,--..-.. Prodietioa of higher copper prices sad increased ' dividends l ti minted the bay ing of the copper akaree, Chile elimbisg mor than 4 points to 54 J-9. America SmelUng foRsek S psiats on the tradi tional "selling am the -good sow," but recovered moot sf its loss. ' Chrysler ran sp more than ,5 point sad Hd son received fresh buying sup port but General Motor tamed heavy. Heaviaes also developed is Osty. Csr tisa. International Nickel sad Warren Bros. Belting of Gootyear, which broke 5 points, was attributed to the delay in the arrival of tso Grst-Zeppeia- Lad Shoots Gun 1 Load Into Thigh HOOf) RIVER. Ore., Oct. 15. (AP) Robert Turneaure, IS, was seriously injured today when an accidental discharge from hla shotgun tore its way through his thigh. - The boy war hunting near this city. -He was in a hospital - here tonight. .'.-t-i K l. r - v .fwV rt.SSyw, fcf. ', .. - , rj- r7 . ' 'SL .--iJsaSsySsijiiipM nxasn.K .l, yws-. ,. ..f jg--,,.. : :! '' & iJt yw,f Jviv t " " -j ' i , tS: wtoo Y .9 r'iiWi M"iTf m I y J isTnrwSTl V DAIRT PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. 15. (AP).- hrtitaA-a Dairy Exchange, net prices: Butter: Extras 49Ve; standards 49c; prime first 40 He; firsts 44 He. V. BEAUTY 1 1 jil aLmffij mpletely W . U d BSN Jiquipped ffi II I I er (less tubes) ' I with 7 Cunningham Tube and Aerial and Q round SS:.:.,. S232.50 Western Air Patrol "100" Console . A. C AU-Qectrle OH PLETEC1CO cn With Tubes s 1 WfasWW With DywsmV8psksr A Tubes Another exceptional value such as 3roulI find only at Western Auto' where tre mendous purchasing power, m a s economical l&o-store aism butlon and "direct to you" sales policy mean greater savings for you. - Ye$t indeed . . . this is the 1929 Radio! A Radio that embodies 3very up-to-date proven feature, and offers superiority from every angle of radio performance. Construction throughout is the best . '. . design . . materials . . . workmanahip . . . everything . . . Every vT?!?J rVn centered-upon producing an A. C. All Electric Radio that gives you performance far-and-away ahead of the times . . . that challenges any other ai0, regardless of price to surpass it in Tone. Vol ume, Selectivity, Simplicity, Beauty, Dependability and y&iuG i ftSli ? as 5f,Ul? finished walnut cabinet of de lightful design, with beautiful burled panels. Mech anism is totally shielded. A special jack enables you to play records on your phonograph through the radio aad speaker. The built-in "Rola" Dynamic Speaker is exceptionally powerful ... yet faithful through every noteor overtone . . . It permits tuning from the mer est whisper to ball-room volume without distortion. Give this wonderful radio a chance to prove our state mentZ'JJi0i'r home You'U be delighted. Ask for our FREE Jlome Demonstration STANDARD RADIO ACCESSORIES -Wt-. - -r- EtHf."9 J. W r?rrtetd rdl PPUe including .S2? 'JT1?" " -Cunningham- tubes. "Rola spemkers. . ana j&.upror chargers and replace- Tranco batterise I-meat units. . .. foe Unset - Western Air Patrol AY C.-AU- Blectrie - mechanism mounted la' a. beautJ-- ftu ' Wahrot Console Cabinet, - with burl- panslsd doors. . .Ex; eptlel tone- aasl bsautr at sv Terr'low rlcsv;.- Ask for FRXZB Home pemonetravtton. .. : A1 Thm WtUTi tare fwtWfere .Ass ppum . Swrvtnm thm mmtmrlmt - J 9 19 worth mwarmntd AccssswrsWs. rrwa GsWs, Coif Emmpmrnt mnd Radio. Smppl Sal if Itii2nl5qs: InthsVfest- Salem Store 210 N. Commercial .V- M, r sww sspaTs m , - "Western Aato": Servicm . . additional , value Wltn more than ISO ; stores In the West . . . ' and enr Customer is Always x Riaht -PoHey too ' receire ,Xo cal Berrlce' whereTer ; Totrmar. be . i and; eurWsst-Wide rep ctation for fair and i honest d saline: assures your permanent satis- s faction.-with roar Western Air Patrol. Mi P FOR fJ T VTT--I-T TT 1 I. NEW in ITS A PRICE CUTTING EVENT THAT DEMANDS YOUR ATTENTION a Hon WmM Ws tWe are game enough to make a sacrifice to gain business volume . Come m and reap the benefit of This Special Offer " - -- ' - - .I-"' . ! -I - - ' o The newest Fall styles. Smart tailor ing and fabrics. $20 to $25 Values. Drive for New Business price' saw $30 to $35 Values. Drive for New Busi ness price : j $24 - Men s Over coats and Raincoats In the very latest styles. Special drive for business price We have a few ' all-wool coats in broken sizes which we are offering durlns; this drire for. as low - aa $12. Come in and see If we can fit yoo. -" J 'AV.'.-A- " AKFUD PHI IHIIBI3B-t Trousers Pleated top style troasers in the latest afcades priced for this drive $3.45 to $5.95 I Hen's Shirts ; New TOtterns in trenuine broadcloth shirts at $L45. Silk stripe broad-' cioui smrts are y 5 and .4a. . This line indndes the new long point collar, in the newest patterns. : . - : j-- Hen9 Caps These are all wool caps made with gooa- trimmlnra. new shapes and raatertala. All reirular 12.50 and S3.C0 hatsT are priced at $1.95 Extra Special SBS Men's fancy hose, regular yalaes op to 45c are priced at 23c a pair. Limit 5 pairs to a customer. This is to dean op a0 of the odds and ends we have in fancy hose. All )?ood patterns and weights. Ladies' Raincoats To dose out our line of ladies' raincoats made by the U. S. Rubber Co. They are all $70 and S0 values and guaranteed waterproof. We will sell (Jo Qf any coat in the store for :' " " -'-" yiLm0 469 State Street " f ' -sV ' Salcsi, Qro. lUn'g UmonsdtM Winter weight cotton union suits, Msgchester make. Regular $1.75 Priced for this drive 29 S Men's Ties - Si TbiM Tin. includes the new stripes "f?, to helvy weight silks, fllen's four-in-hand ties '' i Sweaters 4- . Roughneck Sweaters. Coat style with shawl collar, white Ym a i r Priced afonly ' fS4e45 " Men's Hot? ,v. We are showinar a farm i! the new snap bria stls at 1