The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 14, 1928, Page 8, Image 8

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    The New Oregon Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, October U, 1928
Local News Briefs
0 i .4- -
GliPbom Here Mr. and Mrs
j; WfPltU of, Gervais are parents
of aaby girl, born Friday night
at this Salem General hospital.
, f -'.
Here for Funeral Mr. and
Mrs. Frank T. Schram and Mrs.
Blanche' Davis, all of Coquille.
were in Salem Saturday to attend
the funeral of Mrs. Allde Davis.
Dwelling Planned H. M. Leh
man took oat a permit Saturday
to build a dwelling costing J 3 500
at 1640 Broadway.
IJght Improper James Faller
of Lebanon waa arrested Friday
night by a Salem traffic officer
on a charge of operating an auto
mobile with only one headlight
MarahaU Paroled In the case
' of the State vs. Roy Marshall,
which came up in circuit court
here Saturday, the defendant
-pleaded guilty to the Indictment,
waa sentenced to prison for two
years, and was paroled to Charles
A. Joslln.
Cross Complaint Filed In an
answer, and cross complaint in the
divorce suit started against her by
Jesse, H. Merryman, Metora C.
Merryman asks a divorce on her
own account. She alleges cruel
and inhuman treatment.
Clonghs to The Dalles Mr. and
Mrs. A. M. Clough left Saturday
afternoon by automobile to spend
the week-end In The Dalles.
Speeders Fia Geprge John
son. 160 South Church street,
and Thomas' Thompson were fined
$10 in municipal court Saturday
on charge of speeding, on which
they were arrested Friday night.
Back to School The state
board for vocational education. In
cooperation with the federal g ov
ernment, master - plumbers and
Journeymen plumber of Salem,
will conduct a night school for ap
prentices and journeymen plum
bens. The first meeting is to be
held in Room' 216 in Salem high
school, Tuesday, October 16, at
John Gelay Home John B.
Geisy, ex-mayor of Salem, return
ed to his home at SS8 South 23rd
street late Friday afternoon after
spending more than two weeks Is
a Portland hospital convalescing
from an operation. Mr. Geisy has
been in ill health for a long time,
during which be has undergone
several operations but none have
brought laetlng benefit. Mr.
Geisy reported last night that his
condition Saturday was slightly
better. j
- 4
Old Residents Here Mr. and
rand la Alleged Claiming 1 side In Portland but who lived in
that he w&s Induced by. fraud to Salem a number of years ago.
eater Into a trade involving eer- were here Saturday to renew ae-
... . t-.. . . t .a m i M
tain real estate in wiainiion,,nuiuiutOT mi uiu irwaoi uo
Peter Waber filed suit Saturday neighbors. They rived in Salem
t hm lh whole transaction in the days when the Ladd and
Balk line champion, and John
nv Lavton. three-cushion cham
pion, will play at BHgh Billiard
Parlor Monday. Oct. 16. at 3:u
afternoon and S p. m. evening
Fiftr nolnts "three-cushion bil
Hards. Admission $1.
i Have your teeth X-rayed and
reveal to yourself the infection
and abscesses that " are lurking
around your teeth which lowers
your resistance Keep physically
fit. yon owe thJss to your family
to your friends and to yourself
Dr. C. A. Eldrledge, Dentist, 303
State Street. Salem. Oregon.
The Shorthand and Typing
Classes' at the Capital Busineee
College night school will be ar
ranged for beginners, . intermedi
ates and those wishing advanced
dictation.. Bookkeeping, spelling.
penmanship and otner practical
subjects. " This Is a wonderful op
portunity for energetic young peo
ple. Tomorrow night is the time
to begin.
Lost Small Fox Terrier
"Short tail; brown ear. License
St3. Reward. Notify Salem Res
taurant, across from Eleinore,
General Markets
voided. L. S. Salladay and others
are named defendants.
Jadxe'e Father HI County
Judge Slegmnnd made a hurried
trip to Stayton Saturday to visit
the bedside of hit father, Jacob
' Stegmund, who iji seriously 11L
The sick man is 95 years of age.
nil win bA ifi on November 11.
Estate Appraised The estate
nt the late Georee E. Parrls is
'.valued at $3200, according to a
report of inventory and appraise
ment filed in probate here Satur
day. Appraisers are W. H. av
; age. V. W. Arpke and R. A. Eck-
V Haikara Estate f2fl2 Report
of inventory and appraisement in
,the matter of the estate of the
late Betty Marie Halkura, filed in
rihtp Raturdav. estimates the
otal estate at $626 value. Apprais-
ers are Kenneth Randall. KODey a.
Ratclirfe and Martin Ferrey.
Mr. Durbln ImprovbiR Condi
tion of Frank Durbln. who under
went a major operation at the
Salem General hospital a week
ago. Is encouraging, although it
will be some time before he Is
strong enough to leave the hos
pital, attendants said Saturday
v night. -
vimmi Aeroant Filed Final ac
count was iueo. in prouw
K.tnrdaT in the matter of the es
tate of the late Ada Strong. The
residue of ti e estate Is estimate
mt ithtlv more than JaO.oow.
The account ists receipts at $2.-
Bush bank was the only one bare
and note new changes and lm
provements on each of their abort
visits to the old hjome. Among
those they visited was Mrs. Ma
lta da Wade, 862 Broadway. They
are also old friends of the A. M.
Clough family.
!i 1
Atwater-Keat Radios
Vick Brothers. -
5 Loads Mill Wood 18.7
Prompt del. Ph. 13 Salem Fuel.
Vlck Brothers for Atwa ter-Keart
All Electric Radios.
Today The Xast Day to Get-
Grapes at Fiala Vineyard?.
Small bunches 4c lb.
Opening Dance
Rickreall. Friday night, Oct. 19.
tiaumea aim.
' PORTLAKD, Or, Oct. 11. P).
iMt graia: WtMl Big Baa btnaatsm,
sara vhiM fl.4; itfl wait Sl.Jl;
vHtn wait. S1.20; hard wiatr 91.13;
aortbara sprtnc 91.11; wwtera rati B1.15,
uats AO. 2, ss ID. wait, aiaw
Brty Na. 9, 45 lb. B. W- 94-
Oara K. X JEastara Yell-, aaipmaat.
afillran ataadard, 927..
PORTLAND, Or, Oct. IS. (AP).
Hajr Burinc price : JSaatarn Uraroa
timothy, ntgaiijw; vaUar, SlT.oea
i7.5t; alfalfa. 917.30 18.00; elorar.
9U.0QQli.QQ; oat Bay, f 15.000 15.50;
straw. $7.50 toa. Salliar pricas. 93 taa
PORTLAKD. Or, Oct. 18. (AP).
Dairy Kxebanra. aet prieaa:
Batter: Extras .48 He; atandaras 40e;
rua firata 47c: Iintt 44 He.
ca: ataa 47e; inta 40e; ateaiaia
xtrar STe: medium (rata SSc; nader-
ixad 24e.
PORTLAND. Ore, Oct. 13. (AP).
Milk ataady. raw nulk (4 per eaat).
$2.63 cwt. delivarad Portlaad, lew 1 per
cent. Batterfat. atatioa, 52c; track.
33c; daliTertd at Portland. 55e.
Poaltry, etey. (borinr prices)
aliva. - heavy hana (over 4H poands).
25s; medium bena (tta ta 4Vi pound ) .
ISc: Iicht faadar I ponnda). ISc; 44
roosters, 10c; apriura'and LeKhoma,
2 pound a. Sac: ataas, ISc; andar 2
ponnde, SOc; youaf white Pekia docks.
20022c; turkeya, aJire, 25 30c; broil
era. 8033e.
Patatoea, steady per haadrad praait,
Yakima Gems, 91.40 1.00; Cobblers,
S1.40Q1.SO; local, partly graded, 91.25;
Ko. 2a, 750e.
CmaxaO. O. IS. (AP Trt ra
parta today fram Argaattaa had a boa
araag effect oar the wheat market her.
The frast raport war quickly daiad,
ad th ktl-ag that asoad was aiaa added
napetua by wand ef avad rata ia da
rn vatic wheat territory swataweat aad
west raliariac apprefaensioa as ta
Closing quotstions on wheat were
hesry, 7-8 to le mrf lower, with -orn
also 7-Se t tic oft and oats aaehaaged
t;3(c.djowa. . - i. 8 . ,, r - .
- jr-f,TORK.. Oct. 1. (AP). Th
stock market coatiaaad. ita - apward
tread today. -..
It wasalmoat entirely a oaa-wiy mar
ket, with ataat, aaerehandia aad apoeial
ty shares prosaiaaat ia the adraaea.
Moatseasory Ward waa peshed ap IS
points to a aew woak at 285 aad closed
IX poiaU net hicher ;a taa day. Caa-
Tiaaafl heary baying f Beara Boesmck
lifted that iaaaa mere taaa S points to a
aew high at ISO T-8 after oa block of
10.000 saarea aad ekaagca aanaa at loo.
U. 8. Steal, which opoaad ac 163 5-8.
mored to 1UK. aa aU-fiat hich. as bay
iag acoiagd by reports of a poadiag
stock aput-np. Tho iasne waa .acquired
ia aaasuitr aad altha-h It a him Bod ta
th opening price, it asoved back to close
at 144. a 1. potatsr aot. Utfeer
rteels war syatpathatieally stroag. wota-
Uy Bothsahaav aad laiaaaV ot up aaaat
2 points. . .r- '.-,.
TVs halh did ao( limit their' V
chases - ta aay one croap. heveTer tor
hnriar waa anroad over a wtdo varioty
of iseaoa. Motor Prodaeta rose IS poiats
to 205. Gosnmarcml SoWeata 12 poiaU to
224 aad Interaational Harvester a
no inta to S204&. all aew hick records.
Galas of 4 to fl points were made by
Goodyaar Tire. Oonde Kost. Otia lava
tor. Borden. Aaaariea Epra, .
xareeang jaaoaiam. vosy bbb Aawnesa
Linseed. Ameng -other isaaas to aotab
liah now hifh rororda war OzaaaoUl
Chomicat. IataraatUaat KiokeU Koanocott
Coppor, Sim mo no eoarpaay. Parity staaor
es. Park aad- TiUorC Malliaaoa, Willys-
OTarlsaa. OiUatt Batoty Mosor. vraaw
amm Air Sdaeta aad Biiatoa OIL
KatW war aetrra. wna jsoea
UaA Which soared 44 potaU to
a new high for all Aiasa. taa loatara.
Mill Methodist :
Groups Tell of
WeeKs Activity
tor, include: Week night services
Tuesday and Thursday at 8
o'clock, Wednesday afternoon
prayer meetlnc at the home of
Mrs. A. M. Clough, 850 North
Church street, and Toung people's
meeting Saturday evening.
Salmon fishing on the lower Co
quille river Is at present employ,
lng about 125 men who. are catch,
tag from three to 16 tons per
night, for .which they axe paid 3
cents a pound.
" . ' " a '
Have Yost RaUen - .
"At the "Waffle Bungalow" 139
N. High? Try our late supper.
Salem Markets
. Praah rraita
(Wheleaala qaotatioaa)
dffples, f. aad (.
SpitseDberg . jZ.
Smow , ., .
King David
. -08s
. Gangsters love diamonds. '
which is why Lon Chaney, in
his role as the ganater czar in
"The Big, City." Metro-Gold wym-
Mayera sensational .romnace of
the vnderworld, coming today, to
tne Oregon theatre, wean , a huge
collection ef gems while In pri
vate life he never wear Jewelry.
Chaney plays a gangster raleT
in a sensational plot, with Mar-
eellne Day as the heorine. a shop
girl enmeshed in his activities.
while James Murray plays her
sweethart. a. young gangster.
Betty Compeon, Mathew, Bets.
John George, Virginia Pearson.
Lew Short, Walter PercivaL and
others of note are la the -east.
Tod Browning directed the play
from his own original, see narized
by -Waldemar Young. A sensa
tional holdup in a' night dab and
other thrilling detail marks the
new; play.
In conjunction with "The Big
City the Singer Musical Comedy
Revue will present a domestic!
comedy. "Orange Blossoms." said
to be one of the funniest plays
ever, presented at the Oregon thea
tre. ' .-
Winter Bananas. Wa.
Northern Spy ,
Bananas, lb. .-
Cranherries, Western, box..
Dromedary. 38. 10-oa skrs. 6.73
Figs, aew crop 1.50
Ca camber, hot hoaao. do .80
Carrot, meal. sack. Ib. . jnM
Oabbag. local, lb ,
.OS Springer
Caali, local, erst-.
Eggplant, lb.
Baached Tcgetablaa, par oi.
Turnips ., ,
Grapefrait. Cal
Florida, ease
Cal. aeeCless. lug
Cat Tokays. lac
Cal. -White- Maiagaa. lug
CaL .Ladyfiagers lag
Coacards. local, lb.
Irand c harries
Hackleborrioa. Wi, Ib.
Comb Voney, aew crop
Lesaoas. Cal. ;
Lissea, carteaa, , 5. dot
Melon -
Watanaeloas. Klondike
lea cream,- lb..
: r.59
75 1.00
.12 :
Orangea, Valooetas -
150a ard larger
174. 216a jl
252 s to 324s ,
Psars. local lb
Wa. J. H. -Hale-..,
Oranre Clinra Home.
Pemes-raaates. box
Wumces. JD
Brans, Or.
Dill weed.
Celery. L. Labis h, das.
Splaaeh. local, lb.
Goidaa Delicious
Daatah. do.
Ilobbard, lb.
.4.7569 5.50 . .
-7.90 aoo
.03 H
.7.50as 75
0, SO
Ore ..l.OO
i so
Vegetables . .
dos. .i 1.40
sack lots, lb AS
tos. ; ., .90
lb. .93
-- ;. jo
... , ,., .024
J .02
Leltaca, iocal. erata -
Seattle, iced, erata-
Taklma Oema, K. 1-
Lrfteal. Barbaaka
Yak. Oeaaa No. 9
Garlic, lb.
Peppers. local, xreea. lb.
Kofi, lb-
Tomatoes. locaL box
No. l's
No. 2 a
.409 .80
404f SO
.se -
UQ& .SO,
.400 .80
Roosters, old
.149 -2
- .ST
(Boyiag priea)
Wheat, Wast era JL ba
Soft whit
Oats, cray, b.,
While, bs. i-
Barley, toa .
. .55
. .4
... J 4.00
(Buying price)
Ft.ll clip aad wmbs' '..40 & .43
afohair .
Fall clip i -5-
Kids ;..l;,r, . -
Soiali pickling.
(Betail ueUtlonal
Calf asoaC 25 Iba.
Dairy teed, toa ;
Scratch, toa .. ,
Cora, whole, toa
Cracked and grea
UiQ ran, toa j .
Bran, toa ., , '
Kara mash
- With milk
se i
JOV.-. I
ib. iHill IUiWMlllJ I I
SS.OO, I - , . - .. I
fQaotatioa to Prodacor)'
Pool try '
( Quotation to prod near) ' .
Heas. heavy ' J2
il ediam . ,,' ,
Lights J. 14ft J
Legharn broilors, andar 2 lbs. .25
Where To
Dollar Dinner
Every, night 5: JO
Marion hotel.
to S at the
Furniture Upholg tern -
And repairing. Giese-Powers
Furniture Co.
One Engtiafa Setter, Pedigreed--
18 months old, broke, price S75
Telephone A. C. Burk. 9S9.
Open Sunday. 1
struction starts at
to 7
10 a.
p. m.
"Xo Hunting"
"No Trespassing"
eigns for
KOS 44 and disbursements at JS.-'sale at the New Oregon States-
791. 75f At the same.llme a report
of inventery and appraisement
was filed, estimating the total as
sets of the estate at $55,204:14:
Five Conplr Wetl Five mar
.i. iirsK.u. .ra iaaned here
n....a .V. f.llnwlnr' Dnlnh SMIVi
Morley 21; of Shaw, and Haiei; The New Oregon Statesman
Brown IS of Sublimity: Claude Klie Northwest Poultry Journal
m t Hohfioid. 21. of Salem, andjand the Pacific Homestead, all
Dr. C, A.' Eldrledge, Dentist
303' State Street, Salem.. Ore
gon, gives the best in dentistry at
the lowest prices.
nianfho- V. Rasmuseen. 18. also
of Salem: Frank J. Schneidler iS.
snd Theresa Daniel. 17, both of
Cervals: Jesse J. Mayes 21. and
Naomi Diets; 18 both of Salem;
F.roest Kuenxl. 29. and Lena Sta-
dett.-2e, both of Silverton. Route
2. . .
Given Juvenile Cotirt Ralph
- Railev. one of a groua-of four
youths. indicted by the Marion
county grand Jury on a charge of
larceny in a dwelling, was re-1
nande" to Juvenile eourt here
Saturday by Circuit Judge Kelly.
The decision -was made after
a motion to dismiss the Indict
nent wa? overruled. This chanr-es
. te "f Itnation as regards the oher
"three rnembers of the quartet.
.Judjre Kelly held that all four
-should have bene sent to Juvenile
- court. Th,ey had been bound over
to t fce grand Jury by Justice of
- the Peace. Small.
Mrs. Raumgartncr Die Mrs.
Joseph Baumgartner, resident
here for many years, died in Sa
lem Saturday nlebt. She a
born June 29. 1872. her maiden
name being; Ada Stapeleton. She
ia survived by two daughters. Jo
sephine Baumgartner and Mrs.
, Lenta ; Caughell ; a brother, Roy
Stapleton, and a sister-in-law,
Mrs. Harry Stapleton. She was
married to Jcoeph Baumgartner
. In" December, 189. FuseraL ar
rangements had not been com
pleted Saturday night.
three one full year by mall
13.75 during bargain period.
World Outmplofia
Johnny Laytou and .Willie
Hoppe will play 50 point match
games at Blglh Billiard Parlor.
Monday. Oct. 15. at 3:30 after
noon and 8 p. m. evening. Admis
sion $1.
POftTiJlND, Ore.. Oct. 13. (AP).
Keeeipte Cattle. 80; -calves. 5; hog.
105; sheep, none; all direct or billed
through. Totals for 'Week (approximate
ly) : Cattle, 2.820; ealrea, 285; bogs,
5,560; sheep. 8,815; cara, 137.
Cattle (compared with a week ago)
All classes ataady; balk medium to good
steers, 9U12. top 912.50 for on load;
off qoslity down to 99.50 and below;
top heifers in loads, 910.25, nothing
strictly good included; good caws' ap to
90.50 ; bulk she-stock, medium and low
er grades. S8.50 down; low entters own
to 95 and below; balls mostly 97o
1.25; boat light rasters, -914.50; calves.
912 dwn; heaviaa aad tbiaa dawa to
97.SO. - . r . i
Hogs (compared with a week age) i
Killinc claeses 25a hiaher. feeders baref
IT Steady t weak: balk light bateherl
for week, 9 10 010.2 5; overweights an
BBderweights, 90.75. down : extrom
heavies down to 99-90 sad nnder ; pack
tag sows mostly 97.50 7.75, - odd he
smoother offerings.- 98; slsnghtor pigd
mostly 5.50, a few up to fl Ieodl
pigs mostly 98.5000 ono-strictly choid
small lot Mondsy at So,
Sheep Sheep sod lambs stoady Witf
a week ag; medium to fTly good Iambi; strictly choice kind
seat; kearie and thine 9100 10.51
tiu-ow-oots down to 90; choice lights anl
ttrongwetgBt yearlings, lacladiag a fe
wo-yar-o)d, 910; choice light ewr
98.50; balk, .gooC to near c hoi re, 95 '
Several groups ot the Mill street
Methodist church will meet this
week, plans are outlined by the
pastor. Patrtk N. Dahlin. aaiol-
lows: : .
The junior high folk; will meet
at the church Tuesday evening at
o'clock for the second of their
evenings of games and work. Last
Tuesday there were an even dozen
students present and plans were
maae to oegm luo pacaiug ui o.rriMiniu-lrenTUna..
innsimas dox wim toys to De sent
to aome hospital ward at Christ
mas time.
Wednesday evening the mid
week meeting will be held at the
chnrch. The topic will be Types
of Teaching." This will be next
to the laat of a series of evenings
given over to the discussion of
problems that particularly con
cern teachers. The basis of the
discussions have been Oeorge
Herbert -Betts' book, "How to
Teach Religion.."
Saturday afternoon the pre
school children will meet at the
church for two hours of stories
and expression work. Handwork,
games and fun will be the order
of the day.
Dr. Edith V. Witzel
Osteopathic Physician and Sur
;eon. Specializes in diseases of
- women and children
Office 428 Oregon Bldg.
Phone VI 8 Res. 1251-J
Tabernacle Has
Several Eventsi
Today at the Gray Belle.
o . o o
Turkey Dinner-
Served all day at the Spa.
o o """"
For Dinner This Evening
Special Sunday dinner 81.00 at
the Marion hotel today.
o o o
Special Chicken Dinner Today
And home made salads. State
t o o
Roast Chicken Dinner
.50. cents at the Argo.
o o a
Special Chicken Dinner
At the Home Restaurant, 50c.
e a o
Chicken Dinner
At Coffey's Cafe, 155 S. LlDr
ty. - Open day and night.
Jack Enzler's Accordion
Salem Portland
Roberta Morton in charge of
the Salem Studio
Enzler method of Accordion
Tecbmlque. Harmony and
t Style Coaching
237, N. Liberty. Phone 510J
May Eat
What .you like .
When you like it
If you use
Box SOc
135 North Commercial -St.
Phone 197
Penslar Agency
We have t 1034 Ford 4npe
many extras, and, 1st A-l con
dition for $100.00. ?
nraim, ssn
IT l
i That Service Witt
Chow Puppies
Special prices ia PHlaad
boarding kennels
- Proprietor
Rt. 0, Boa 8
Revrowmd asxl Reparred. Kc
' V er Used Moter
Things KloctrtoU
Ittl South High Tel. 21 li
i , lUa - '
rry,6UTyoo ,lVWMy', i.ti U f DuT FiRST 5HtT
last saw I Boo J rnfevces at J ri&& aT Ips FRot
their mothers come here for aids to personal charm.
re and dependable like our, standard drugs sold at
Evergreen Shruhs
now ready at Pearcy Bros
' new Salesyard -
. - . .
Plant Novr.- Pay by. our
"Monthly Payment plan ;
SalesyarrL 2fO If. Liberty
Acrnea from. PEP ftniMiPg-
and Montgomery Ward Store?
n Every Motorfet Needs
"'. Kstab
Office Hours frd
Office Phone 125.
Res. 10 SI
Dr. F Don Baylor
Osteopathic Physician and Sur
geon. Generrl r Surgery and
r - Obstetrics
.. Offices 304 Oregon Bldg.
1 117 1 Uil V
When she comes Ho tho fooU
lights to acknowledge Broad
way's applause of her marvelous
dancing in "Sidewalks ot New
York." theatre-goers sit forward
to admire her youthful charms;
the fresh crlspnesa of her rose
petal skin and her gleaming black
hair. She'j Virginia Clark., of
143- Twenty-third St.. Jackaon
Heights. New York City.
"When friends say I'm lucky, to
have, such clear- akin aad, soft.
shining hair. says Miss Clark. "I
have to tell them It isn't luck 41
alL In my case. It's the result of
care. For my hair. X use the
dmple method that's ti the rage
among- .New .York girls now. It's
io easy. AH you do-is put a little
Oanderine on yeur brush. each
time yott use It, 'Z ThU makes my
jcalp feel. Just grand and keeis
nway all -dandruff. - It keeps my
hair and acAlp so clean I don't
have to shampoo nearly as otpthi
is I did. It makes my hair soft
ind easy to dress; holds it in
olace; and gives It mora luatr
ban brilliantine!-
: Danderlne quickly removes that
oily film .from your , hair; , bring
lut its natural color makes II
fairly, sparkle. : Dandruff disap
ears when you use , Danderiae.
Wayes, set with iti tay In longer
it lau't oily and doesnt show. Al!
lrug ctores have the generous 3S
Tivsroru on
- Stated
e; generous
mHE treaf
JL i8ia.
States and
the bounds
United Stat
lio An f Ka A
ivu vu Sj.aa
Lake of thej
Mountains, t
West of
was not d
agreed the (
its harbors,
open for the
the vessels, "
of either pov
(obe. Made
hades, t
Mohair & Velour
The-highest quality robe that is
possible to obtain.. . . ;
Generous in slsev and ; made of
high-grade.' nigh-pile mohair. Each
UtIUty robe is lined, with velour
taa harmonious color that blends'
"with the, facing.' securely stitched
all around . with rolled dge.
actual vdue of these rttne seveial time,
;ater than the cost to you. ; ; 7.;:
' t
The Static, witlifa Clock ' " Z "MB
t 1 II
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