.;; " Ths New OBSCON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Sunday Morning, October U, J$28 Local VVomen x3nWCTU Program ' . - n-mr Ml ' A.L SALiJH women, win -uia.e ilpronuneiib paxi. in me vf C. T. U. state convention at Eugene October 16 to 19, in elusive." Mrs. - Sarah Oliver, president of the- Marion coun ty W. C. T. U will speak Thursday afternoon Ton 'Pri son Welfare," and .Mrs: Jen nie Presnall, president of the North Salem W. C. T. U.; will also appear on the program the same afternoon, speaking on narcotics. Mrs. Mary V. Charlton of Salem, has an im portant position in the- state or ganization as chairman , of the atate standing committee , on res olutions, and she will also repre sent the Salem W. C. T. IT. presi dent, .Mrs. J, J.,' Nnnn, ;who will, be unable to attend the sessions. 1 Delegates" from the SalcBt. union are Mrs. P. F..' Stolxbelse,; dele-gate-at-large; , Mrs. Rachel '.lteed er, Mrs. Altnlra Reed, Mrs. H. F. Shanks. Mrs. Katie White. Mre. M. M. Ransojne, Mrs. Mary V. Charlton, and" Mrs. Ellen T,aven dar. Mr. Marsh Oliver president of the Marlon county 'W.. C. .T. U. ; Mrs. Jennie McClelland conn., ly treasure."; . and ; Mrs.; Jennie Presnall. president of the" North galem union., will . also attend. . 1 ' ' 111 1 .... ..A. OAfVM IStAO JjeiegBirB mil ieis oaitrui. day morning on" the 9i90' train" from the S. V. station, .where they will meet delegate from -Port a nd ar.d eastern Oregon ' oh the - same train. . ,'. Full Program' For Institute .Is Announced A FULL program has been ar. range by Mrs. 8. M. Endl ott. chairman of the Institutions department of the Salem Woman's iJub "for the all-day Institute -which the department will spon sor Saturday, November 10, in the woman's clubhouse. " Members from ' the ' federated women's clubs from all sections of the state are expected to attend the Institute, which will. be the second ever held under the aus pices of the, Salem club. Last year, the American Home depart ment gave an all-day American home institute, which was one of the most popular on the" state fed eration's program. The institutions Institute will be mainly devoted to talks by su perintendents of the various state Jnat Huuons. Mrsaae urr dub- mwof- Portland "Ualrman or the institutions department of the state federations r f ' women s the opening ddress at '10 o'clock in the. morning. - Musical' sum. ters. 'given at 10:30 o'clock, will be followed bir an address bv Su perintendent -L..M. Gilbert of the boys' state,1 training school at 10:45. o'clock, and a demonstra tion by students from the state blind school at 11 o'clock. Dr. J. N. Smith, superintendent of the state school for the feeble minded, will speak at 11:30. Interesting Talks Following the luncheon hour, T)r. L. F. Griffith, assistant super intendent of the Oregon state hos pital, will open the afternoon ses fion of the Institute with an ad dress at 2 o'clock. A demonstra tion by students from the-' state nfhool for the deaf, with a short talk by the superintendent, J. L. Sited, will be held at 2:30. Musi cal numbers will -be given at 3 oVlock. with an address by Dr. Crover C. Bellinger of the state tnberrulosis hospital at 3:15. An -xhibit, piven "by gtxlsfrom the ttate training school will close Hie institute "program; - . Slnte the Institute Is being held -on the regular meeting day of the Kalem Woman's club, a business meeting will be held by the local club women from 4 o'clock to 4:30 o'clock. ' Woman's Club Study . n it viasses to. ivieet The study classes of the applied education department of the Sa lem Woman's club will meet Mon- nciuwn in ine ciud nouse, beglniiinn at 2:30 o'clock. Dr. F. 5. Franklin and the Rev. Martin Ferity nre class leaders. One Eye Never Does a Good Job! THE "BALANCE" of jam eye mnsdes recetrea careful study In an examination here. It Is oar aim to develop , the nhorpest, as well as the most Comfortable. . vision in '"" each- eye.-l Only registered specialists are entrusted with the responsibility of your, vision here. - " - r v ::: 'H:' Pomeroy fcKeene ' - Jewelers in& OptometrisU-Salcm, Oregon nRS( SAMUEL PARKER (Myr tle Imlah) , a bride of this week. 4 itWrt jA'JfJ Trover Ipboto ! ' WOMEN'S ACTIVITIES i. .' '.'Siiiiday ; j Motion p i c.t u r e, "The Nest," ' First -Congregattonal . cliurt." T:3tf o'clock. . , . Monday , . Benefit card - party spon- sored by. Willamette Shrine No.; 2-, - W-v& of J., Masonic Temple. 9 o'clock. Reserva- tlons with MrtF. K. Shafr. .Amaranthns club; all-day work meeting with 1 o'clock luncheon, Mrs: Jf B. Protz-" man, 1196 Court street. ." - ' Study classes of Applied Education- department "of Salem Woman's club, club- - nouse, z:30 o clock. . i. ; Tuesday C' Republican - Study club. Mrs. C. P. Bishop, 2:30 O'clock. " , Wayne Greenwood. 1285 South Liberty street, 2:30 o'clock. Fortnightly elub of First Congregational e h u r c h, church parlors, 7:30 o'clock. TI V. lllh slaottAn ir . cers. McCormach all, 8 o'clock. Tlllicura club dance, Caa- tillian hall, 9 o'clock. Benefit -luncheon,' served- by.R. N. A. Fraternal tern- Pie, 11 to 2. o'clock. Benefit card party, sponsored, by R. N." A., .Fraternal temple, J.tb 5 o'clock: " - 3 . ' . .v W.. C. T. If., union hall .t . Ferry and South Cemmer- eial streets. 2:30 o'clock. " . .. Salem chapter of 'AmerK can" War Mothers, Mra.' J. 0. 1 Relgelmao. 940- Mill stret. 2:30 o'clock., J"T. ; . Etokatciub, Mrs; A j: VIekJ 1495 North Liberty street. 2:3 9- o'clock. " -ceptlon.- women's parlors the Elks club, - 4 to 8:30, o'clock, i . -Writers Sectlop -of Salem . Arts' League. Mrs. Ora " F. . Mclnlyre. Court street, "8 o'clock. ' - " ' Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Albert are leaving for San Francisco Sunday morning by train, for a 10 day's stay in the California city. Mr. Albert will attend a trust com pany.convention. ATLAS BOOK STORE Book List ' FICTION Bambj Felix Salten All Kneeling Ann Parrlsh Jingling in the Wind. . ..... . .....Elizabeth Madax Roberts Show Girl J. . Pv McEvoy Jwo Black Crowg in the A.v"i E. F...ti.; Charles E. Mack Homer in riie Sage Brush.'. . Mamea Tevens . : NON-FICTION The Graphic Bible Lewis Browne Europe Count Herman Keyserling The Outline of Man's Knowl- edge .... .Clement Wood Tammany Hall ...... .Werner Federated : Clubs At Jefferson , Thursday DELEQATE8 from the 19 or ganlxatlonj Included In the Marlon county federation of Wo- m-y'm Mnhi 'will ftnit tha ' n. taual f aireefsion of the federation. to be held Thursday. October 18, at . Jefferson, - In the Jefferson Chriatlan church. . v ilrs. C. H, Brewer of Stayton, president of the county federation, will preside. The program for the all-day meeting Is as follows: V 9:30 to 10:30 Registration of delegates. " r 10:00 Jall to order. : America the Beautiful. ' ' V: Invocation by Rer.M. S. Nelson of Jefferson- . ; . Addresses of . welcome by, the presidents of the hostess clubs,, Mrs. George Marlott of the Ank-' eny Woman's- clubl'Mrs. jClaude Johnson oJt lhe Talbot Improve menT club; - Mrs. David Looney "of the Jefferson Woman' tlub, ' Response by Mrs. John Ballan tyna. of the Sllverton Woman's club.' ' .'.".."' " "- 'v Reading of the minute. ; tI -, ' ftepbrts 'of standing committee chairman as -follows: - .-ISdhcatlon-Mrs. Robert Wood of Stayton." , . Conservation Mrs. F, A. El liott of Salem." , . Public health Mrs. E. L. Steln hoff of Aurora. " N Civies--Mrs. Mollle- Geer of Woodbnrn." " Federation - Extension Mrs. Ivan Putnam of Waldo Hills. - : Legislation Miss Mattie P. Beaty of Salem. - - ; .. Resolution Mrs. Charles Gen. try. of Mill City. - . Credentials Mrs. D. F. Hill- mah of Willard. 'Children's farm home Mrs. David Looney. New business, - ' . Unfinished business. 12:00 Luncheon with the hos tess claba. in charge.. ; 1:00 to 1;30 Conference of club presidents. 1:30 Call to roder. . Vocal solo by Miss Genevieve Weld. Address Miss Grace-. Chamber lain of Ashland, president of the southern Oregon district federa tion. Song. Girl's glee club of Jef ferson. "A Trip Through -the Orient' by Dr. F. G: Franklin, Willamette University -librarian. . Instrumental duet . by , Mary Louise Fontaine and Mrs. J. O. Van Winkle. Invitations for the spring meet ing. "Announcements. ' 4 : 00 Adjournment.. - ... ' v. . House-guests at the Jay Hewitt home this week-end-are Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Paddes of Seattle. Mrs. Padden is an aunt to Mr. Hewitt. -' - 'Mr. and Mrs. Hal Hosa motored kEtageneFrWay, returning vto sarem saiurday vmorntnic.-. r. ..j A lovely bride of the early autumn sea Tson, Mrs. Vernon Tyler (Elinor Whit ford), whose wedding. at high noon Thurs day in the First Presbyterian church, was a beautiful event. i V Jewell Gardner Is Presented In Recital MISS JEWELL GARDNER, youthful S a 1 ejn soprano who was presented in recital in the Nelson building' auditorium Thursday evening by her teacher. Miss Lena Belle Tartar, charmed i her large audience with, the sweet ness and freshness of her clear voice. She sang with a vivacity and ease .of technique, showing mastery of her songs and " sym pathy with the emotions they por trayed. Although Miss Gardner's pro gram contained ' some difficult numbers, the lyric- type of song was predonrtnattng Hei"fonr en : ceree, Leesl's'Blrth vef-. Mora," -if '. 1 x" - U S A X " Gunnel Jb Robb Fbotr Schotts' "Grandma," and a clever little negro dialect song. "Sh'ort nin' Bread," and another brief vocal sketch, "Tommy," were all enthusiastically received. In the program. Miss Gardner's Schubert numbers were particularly smooth and delightful. Miss Gardner was ably assisted in her renditions by her accom panist, Mrs. Bernlce Clarke-East. The assisting artist on the pro gram was another youthful Salem artist, Miss Lois Plummer. Miss Plummer is a piano student; of Frank E. Churchill. Miss Plum mer played a Chopin march, with dignity and power, and her God- ard number-was beautifully done; Lierrance's popular- "Waters of Mlnnetonka." with Its lovely rip pling cadence, was given by Miss Plummer as an encore. The auditorium ' stage made. pretty - setting with great baskets of- gladioli and ' palms : arranged about the; grand pJano.v: - . Golden Hour Club Entertained By Mrs.Abrams AN enjoyable 1 o'clock lunch con, the first of the. winter series. entertained T mtro'jers t of the Golden Hoar club Thursday, when Mr?.. ' Carlo'- Abrams - was hostess in her home on Chemeketa street. An alteruoon of sewing followed the luncheon. : The' attraeiive luncheon table. ce'nteretj - with. French marigolds. has covers for Mrs. A. St. John., of lyashington. D. C; a special guest; and- fox. the x1u'group In.', clnding "."Mrs. J. R. Pemberton. Mrs. . R Springer. Mrs. E. B. Mil lard. Mje. W. M, Pennington, Mrs Claud ?- Van Slyke, Mrs. Eric But- ler, Mrs.r W. H. ' Brets. and teh. hostess. Mja. Abrams. ' y' Mrs.'-WH. Breta, the cluVprs ident. will be .hostess to the group In her home in two weeks. Reception f or Local Teachers Tuesday The- teacher's councfl. the di recting group of the Salem teach ers' 'association, will host at the annual Saleni tearfiers'Mecep lion to tie' held .Tuesday afternoon from- 4 -tp 5:30 o'clock in ' the women's partors at the" Eiks elub. , :Mi8 Dorothy Taylor, Miss Ola Clark-' and Miss Mabel Robertson are In 'charge, of arrangements.. Mrs. Lei a Newmyer and Mts. Ioi Reynolds are arranging the pro gram. s - LMere Glub Group, Guests atLuncheon ; , Mrs. W. J. Nelson and Mrs. K. H. Pickens were hostesses" to members of the LaMere club at a luncheon in the Pickens home Wednesday, Covers were placed for Mrs. Harry Harms. Mrs. Clif ton Mudd, Mrs: Floyd White. Mrs. Earl Gregg, Mrs." Charles Davis, Mrs. William McLaren, Mrs. Van Eiler, Mrs. F. H. Struble, Mrs. Ed'. Schunke. Mrs. Ed Bingenheimer, Mrs. Carl Huber, and the host esses. Mrd. H. Pederson Entertains Group Fifteen' members of the auxil- THERE IS NO STATESMAN COOKING SCHOOL - invites you to come to four free classes -in up-to-date, modern cooking October 22-23-24-25 All the homemakers in this vicinity will be interested in learning the modern methods of preparing: and serving foods that will bo taught in the classes conducted by Miss Williams Domestic Economist of national repute. She will show how to pre pare meats, fowl, vegetables, pastries, breads and desserts in the most tempting ways. And- best of all she will teach you how to make . your family budget go further. You are invited to come and take notes. The V ; . course is free. Remember the dates I Monday TutodayWenesd EliSINORE THEATREilSalim wars met Wednesday afternoon at he home ot Mrs. Harold Pederson to arrange their program for the winter. The auxiliary plans to sew for, the Veterans' hospital, at Portland, and will meet the sec nd Wednesday afternoon of each onfh! 'Mr. J. SImms will be hostess for the November ireet. iUg. - The Woman's Foreign Miion ry society of,. Ieslie- church i:l jold their regular monthly meet- ins: Wednesday, at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Sta- tleion' on the Jefferson road. All .hose who can attend should meet t the church at 1 1 o'clock, brhlir- "ng lunch and service. vJt is ex- Mvte4 that, a number of reports Doctor Found for Thin, Constipated People As;U family doctor at Monticello, Illinois, the whole human body hot anv tzriall part of It. was Dr Caldwen'e practice. More tha haTt his "calls-" were on women. hlidren and babies. They am the inea most often, sick, mui ineirvS illnesses were usually pi a minor t. Jature -colds;' fevers: hladaches.k Sni6tisness 'and all of Hhem re- jutrra first a tnorougn evacuu- ' In the course of his 47 years' Practice b was graduated '. from-j ... l it'll. , A 11. 1 1- - I kusd jneica . voiiepis ."v& u 1875). pe found a good deal of 3uccess in such cases with a. pre scription of his own containing a simple laxative herbs with pepsin. In, 1S32 he; decided to. use this formula in the manufacture of t medicine. to be known as Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin, and in that vear his preseription was "first placed on the market. : Tbe preparation - immediately lad as great a success in the drug stores as it previously had in his private practice. Now. the third feneration is using it. Mothers- ire giving it to their children who were given it by their mothers. Every second of the working day someone somewhere is going into i drug store to buy it. Millions of bottles of Dr. Caldwell'a Syrup Pepsin are being used a year. Its great success is based on merit, on repeated buying, on one satisfied user telling- another. There ar! thousands ot homes in this country that are never with out a bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, and we have gotten many hundreds of letters from SUBSTITUTE FOR from . the branch meeting at PSiU : land-will be given at thia meeting. V r - In Step With Fashion KAY'S 460 State What is Best s:-s c AT AGE S3 " grateful people telling us that it helped tbem when everything else failed. Every drug store sells Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, but you may try It free by using this cou pon. . " -' ; . - - i i I Mail to "SYRUP PEPSIN,' I Mnnr ifaa)1 A 1 Hindis Please send bottle of Dr. OxMwell'a J Syrup Prpsia to try, entirely FREE. I A'em j "i ; P.O. 1'j ' ELECTRICITY - ... -.--- Villi W - v. ;; : - ; ::-; -r.-y.-y. :wz-ys -i ' x. .' 1 - - r: .. . ..-.v - i