The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 14, 1928, Page 10, Image 10

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    Tbe New OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Sunday Morning, October 14, 1928
Aae Needs Jesus, but an
Over-crowded Life Ne
glects Him, Ward
t there axiv room nere for
Christ? 1b the pernltent Question
which the Rev. Charles E. Ward.
minister of the First Congrega
tlonal church, Center and Liberty
streets, asks in his sermon. "The
Unnoticed Christ
The text for this sermon is tak
en from John 6: 11, Weymouth:
"For Jesus had passed out unno
ticed, there being a crowd m the
place." The Reverend Ward has
rnrnished a svnonsis of "The Un
noticed Christ," as follows:
30 years invaiid had !
for turn in life's tide that
hooed for
would give him larger, life. But
at the pool of Bethesda he had
been crowded out by the stronger
and no miracle had restored his
vigor. When Christ healed the
Invalid he created quite a sensa
tion. And in the milling crowd
he passed out unnoticed even by
the recipient of so great a bless
ing. This lofing of Christ in the
crowd indicate the greatest ob
stacle to th- advance of Christiani-
ty today. Was ever an age so;and BlIlg are of j,ht Dlnk brick.
crowded as our own? Our tin;' ,The architecture ie modern, with
Is taken, our energy taxed to the;Gotnic fenestrations in both en
limit, our money pledged before ; tranee doors and windows.
'It ii famed! TV,n -,.--V. a iH l,-1i m in A Iha
iHd Ihts Pictured
In the days of Jesus the Synji -
gogue was trie only organization j
in the town. In it tbe Jewish lad4.
attended school through the week
and the wholf family on the Sab
bath. The tiiought of folk center
ed largely about home and God.
But today we are organized to
death with clubs and lodges, re
ligious, athletic luncheon and
what-not! "And Jesus passed out i plans'for the future installation of
unnoticed, there being a crowd a pipe organ.
in the place!" j The basement contains a gen-
Our Intellectual life is crowded eral Sunday school room, which
with newspapers, journals, bokslmay also serve as, a dining room,
without end; and onw comes in j with a capacity of 350 persons; a
the radio with its bid for our time' j primary room, three class rooms
IS THERE AN Y ROOM HERHjaud a complete and modern kitch
FOR CHRIST? ien with handy cupboard features
LJfe Too Crowded and dish washing accommoda-
In Jesus' day there were n.ijtions. In the basement are also
-pleasure vehicles. The donk-ytne fireproof boiler room and
and the camel carried their coni-jtoi,et accommodations,
merce. A few chariots were own- Other features of construction
ed by the rich. But today ve
hicles of earth and air offer al
lurement such as no other ago
ever had. Is there any chance for
Christ to catch a man's attention
in such a traffic jam of organiza
tiona, books, vehicles and such?
And these are such innocent things
in themselves!
Now this invalid who had suf
fered for S8 years did not throw
Christ out. Ours is not a vicious-
ly wicked age. And the average
man is not antagonistic to Christ.
Paopje 4e'i hate Jesus. But life
Is so crowded with othe rinterestv
that no notice is given to him.
Holman Hunt took that word from
Revelation: "Behold I stand at
the door and knock" and painted
an immortal picture of our Lord
.knocking at the door of a cottage.
But the brambles of indifference
had grown over the door, it was
not opened. He knocks at our
doors today, but there la such a
hilarious "bridge" party , going on
within that the "Stranger at the
door" Is left outside unnoticed!
The effect of this over-crowded
"tff-hA8 been in part the break
down of" the mind and the nerve
force. Insanity has increased over
too per cent last half century.
suicides multiply, nervous break
downs mount higher and higher
Never did an age so resperately
seed a life sustained and renewed
through fellowship with Christ,
We can't go on crowding Christ
out of our lives without spiritual
ly degenerating both ourselves and
our progeny. Let us awaken to
our spiritual peril for if Jesus haa
"passed out unnoticed" from our
plans and purposes the ease and
luxury of our age will leave us
nothing that abides unto eternal
Week-day service for the Glad
Tidings Mission. 343 Court street,
are held each Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday evenings, with a
welcome extended to all.
Free y oars elf from the
ever-present Phantom of
Wash Monday by letting
us take care of your laun
dry. So . many women
say it's an actual pleas
ure to look at the things
we've laundered they're
s kaautifully done.
Japanese Hand
Laundry and
4S5 Ferry Street
Telephone TS9
German Baptist Church
The First. German Baptist
church, Cottage and D streets, has
en the fhlng touches
"1" 1
to the building committee the
first of next week. The church,
bultt at a cost of $15,060 and with
$1800 worth of new furnishings,
is 44 feet by 6 feet and is two
stories high. The structure was
dedicated September 30.
Construction employed in the
church is new to Salem. Face
brick is bonded into a backing of
I hollow clay tile and the roof load
is supported by brick piers. The
jface brick is light cream, with
rusticated corner and the beads
j balcony provide seating capacity
for 600 peope; the choir will seat
25 pers0n8 and the orchestra 20.
Resides the auditorium choir and
orchestra, between which is the
chancel with the baptistry back of
this, other rooms on the main
floor Include the robing rooms,
the pastor's study and a room
each for the orchestra and choir.
Provision has been made in the
Foundations and footing are of
reinforced concrete and the main
walls of brick and tile aro 12 feet
The roof is a built-up fireproof
roof. Heating is a direct steam
The ventilation system has been
worked out with a system of ad
Of Week-Day
Meets Given
Mid-week D rarer meetis? win
be held at a number of Salem
churches, as follows:
The Chemeketa street Evange
lical church, G. E. Erskine. pas
tor, at 7:30 o'clock Thnrsdav
Immanuel Baptist, corner Hazel
and Academy, Thursday evening
at 7:30 o'clock.
Center street Methodist Eniscn.
nal members wili meet for serv
ices Wednesday evening at the
none of C. G. Schram. 134S Mar-
Jon street, announces the pastor,
P. J. Sehnert.
Testimonies of healing, exper
ienced and remarks no Christian
science will be given at the Wed
nesday evening services at 8 o
cioca or the First Church of
Christ, Scientist. Th eroun main.
tains a reading room at 406 Mas
onic Temple where all Christian
Science literature may be secured,
lBeauotiSSsr TT uai? Dnsmme
with some new pieces of quality furniture. Here you will
find a selection of carefully chosen pieces of furniture, priced
at figures that represent a substantial saving- on every piece.
We will be glad to give you any advice or suggestions within
our power.
(SorjsweflU SIhiaw?G SipecuaH Aft
I Account
for Committee
justable louvers and air chamber
under the roof, while the wiring,
a conduit system, has been in
stalled with pleasing results and
guarantees a solf Illumination
without shades.
According to pronouncements
already made, the auditorium is
acoustically perfect. This result
was obtained by a covered ceiling.
The interior has been done in
warm, inviting colors which blend
from walls to ceiling and produce
a delightful effect. DrifUvood
grey has been used in the study of
the pastor, the Rev. O. W. putsch.
The edifice was designed and
supervised by a Salem man, Lyle
P. Bartholomew, graduate archi
tect of the University of Oregon,
and with the contractor, Fred A.
Erixon, Mr. Bartholomew has re
ceived many favorable comments
on the church.
Gustav Schuake is chairman of
the building committee, the other
members of which are: Don Schir
man. H. Willecke, R. Perllck, H.
Newman, Philip Lidke and the
Rev. G. W. Rutsch.
Synodical of
To Meet Here
Norman K. Tully, pastor of the
First Presbyterian church, corner
Chemeketaapd Winter streets, re
ports thafJ- church will be
hostess this week end for the an
nual meeting of the Woman's
Synodical " Missionary society and
the Young People's league. The
opening sereion will be at 10
o'clock Thursday morning for the
missionary group and the young
people will have their meetings
Saturday afternoon.
Delegates from the five presby
terials within the state will be
present for the three day session
at the new Chemeketa street
Club Will Meet
All young people of the First
Congregational church. CenteT
and Liberty streets, are invited to
be present at the Fortnightly club
meeting to be- held Tuesday eve
ning at 7:30 o'clock, the Rev.
Charles E. Ward, pastor, an
nounces. The Woman's union meeting for
a business and sewing session will
be held W ednesday afternoon at 2
Minton Tells
WeeKs Plans
Prayer services Tuesday eve
ning; Friday evening Bible study
and prayer; and Young People's
devotional meeting Saturday eve
ning mark the week's events for
tbe Christian and Missionary Al
liance, tabernacle for which Is at
655 Ferry street. The Rev. J. G.
Minton, pastor, calls attention to
the fact that all eveninar services
begin promptly at 7:30 o'clock.
W. C. Hawley to Address
District Meeting at Inde
pendence Wednesday
Congressman W. C. Hawley will
address ins Salem District Metho
dist Mea's council on "The Work
of the President" at the brother
hood meeting to be held at the
Methodist church in Independence
Wednesday evening, October 17,
beginning at f:S0 o'clock.
The Rev. H. T. Temple, new
district superintendent of the
Methodist church who recently
came to Salem 'to reside, will talk
to the croup. Robert Mclnvenna
of Salem will also appear on the
program, furnishing a surprise
The complete program includes
a New Zealand Dutch lunch;
group singing; Congressman Haw.
ley's address; music by the Monmouth-Independence
male quar
tet; "Religion on a state cam
pus," by G. L. Boomer of Cor
vallia; violin solo by the Rev. E.
O. Ranton, pastor of the host
church; "Haywire," Harold Shell
hart. Group singing; remarks by the
Rev. Mr. Temple; reports from
district chairmen and committees;
impromptu talks and closing with
group singing.
Approximately 200 are expect
ed to attend the first fall district
F. A. Magruder of Corrallis is
president of the council and Roy
M. Lockenour of Salem is secretary-treasurer.
Leslie Plans
Church Night
For Thursday
The second of the fall church
night series for the members of
Leslie Memorial M. E. church will
be held Thursday night, beginning
with a pot luck dinner at 6:30
o'clock, which will he followed by
a stewardship hour at 7:05
o'clock and two study classes and
children's honr at 7:45 o'clock,
announces the pastor, the Rev. S.
Darlow Johnson.
The Rev. Johnson reminds the
men that members who are plan
ning to attend the Salem district
Brotherhood meeting at Independ
ence Wednesday evening should
meet at the church at 5:20
First Baptist Has
The Women's Misslanary so
ciety of the First Baptist church.
corner North Cottage and D
streets, will meet this weke at the
home of Mrs. M. Letz. route four,
box 198. on the regular day at
z:.hj o clock.
Other activities of the week for
the First German Baptist include
the Wednesday night prayer meet
ing, beginning at 8 o'clock.
Young People
Hold Revivals
J. B. Smith, pastor of the Salem
church of the Kazarene has made
the following announcements for
the week:
Prayer meeting will be held as
usual at 7:30 o'clock Wednesday
evening. The young people of
the church are folding revival
meetings in the Spring Valley
church and these wCl continue
through the week. Services will
be held there this afternoon at
2:30 o'clock and each evening at
New at
, The Rev. Harry Gardner, new
pastor at the Jasoa Lee Memorial
church in Kalrm. He will occupy
the polptt here for tbe second
Ssuaday today.
District League
Will Meet Here
The Salem Young People's so
ciety lr tne St. John's Lutheran
church will be hosts to the Ore
gon district of the Walther
league, which meets in Salem Oe-
looer and
i, announces H. W.
Gross, pastor
i I Hi 1
I T7 rN . o 77 D i l I
This will be our largest showing of lqte fall shoes this season and we
would advise our customers and friends to see these new things
while the sizes are all intact.
Alligators, Lizards, blue Kid, rich shades of brown kid
in wonderful patterns, all the late trims are shown
among these new arrivals.
For men and women, the largest
stock we have ever
smics dhsg
D. L. J. Williams
Expert Foot Specialist
Consultation tree
Junior church services, a Y. K.
K. Hallowe'en party; prayer serv
ices and a reception mark the
week's activities scheduled for
groups of the First Aietnoaist
church, corner State and Church
streets, according to announce-'
menvs from the office of the pas-j
tor Dr. Fred C. Taylor. j
Junior church services will be
held for the first time this fall in
the church annex at First Method
ist church. Harry Mosher will be
the leader and Professor T. H.
Matthews will give the message.
Boys and . girls from the junior
and intermediate departments of
the church attend this service
which is conducted as much like
the adult service- as passible with
a message especiaUy adapted to
the boys, and, girls. There is a
choir and the church has Its own
organized - official board which,
helps the young church members
to become famUiar with the or
ganization of the church.
On Tuesday evening the Y. K.
K. Bible class of which Mrs. H. Wr,
Scott is president and Dr. J. D.
McCormick the teacher, Will hold
a masquerade Hallowe'en party at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Acton, route 3, South Salem. An
amusing program nas be'en
planned by the program commit
tee. Twenty-five young married
people are members of this class.
The mid-week prayer and
praise will be held Wednesday
evening this week to permit those
who desire to attend Dr. Mc-
Govern's lecture on Thursday eve
all Jl J LrlJM
We take great pride in this department. It is showing the
largest growth of any department in the store due to the
wonderful values we are offering , values equal to any
$2.50 grades in the city, sold for $2.00, 3 pairs $5.50.
Aoai IBsfG9 S&icBxgd
ning to do so. The semcei wut
be in charge of the pastor.
A reception will be given to Dr.
and Mrs. T. H. Temple. Dr. and
Mrs. J". C. Taylor and family Fri
day evening in the church parlors.
The executive committee of the
General Aid society of which Mrs.
W r. Young Is president, and a
committee from the official board
composed of W. C- Keck, W. T.
Rlgby and H. F. Shanks. wUl be
in charge of the evening's enter
Free Methodists
To Give Shower
Week-day meeting and activity
of the Free Methodist church; cor
ner Market and North Winter
streets, will be as roiioms. accord
ing to the pastor, the Rev. W. N.
Prayer meeting. Wednesday af
ternoon at 2 o'clock at the home
of Mrs. Caroline Jackson. 1463
north Winter street. Thursday
evening prayer service at xne
church at 7:30 o'clock.
Friday evening. October 14,
there will be a missionary shower
for the boxes being sent to the
foreign fields. At this time the
Rev. G. G. Edwards of St. Helens,
for years in the Indian field, will
give an address. The public will
be welcome.
Subject of this week s prayer
service for the First Evangelical
church, corner Liberty and Center
streets, Is announced by the pas
tor, A. P. Layton, as "With Jesus
in Prayer
Florsheim Sboes
For men, dozens of styles in all the
new lasts and leathers, most styles
Shoe repairing of the, highest
type -bring your finer work
to US.
Salem Pastor
At Convention ;
Others Attem
The Rev. P. W. Eriksen. r . .
of the American Lutheran chu
in Salem, was the principal sp.
er and conference leader on e.
gelism at the Saturday session
the state convention of the Lu'!
league of the United Lutht-i
church of America which opei.
in Eugene Friday and will end i
night. The conference theme
'Crusading for Christ.
Besides the Rev. Eriksen. tho.
attending from Salem includ.
Mrs. Eriksen and son Robert Yin
cent and the following delegates
Miss Arline Timm, Miss Victoria:
Schnider, Miss Nellie Bahlburg
TVah!. DArrnn 1ftiB TlAT1
thv Ostlind. Fred Reinwald. CT
vin Potter, Clarence Eliesen, A
fred Quesseth. Siviter Horn ar
Ervin Bahlburg.
Calvary Baptist
Tells of Services
Mid-week prayer service am:
fellowship meeting for the Cal
vary Baptist congregation ;n.
their friends will be held at 7:
Wednesday evening, announo
the pastor. W. Earl Cocfcran. Th.
church Is located at the corner !
Court and High streets, in i
building known as the old Or., i
Topic for this Sunday eveni:
meeting of the B. Y. P. V. at
Calvary Baptist church is "
sions." The young folks will n
at 6:30 o'clock with Ecith
Jenks, leader.
f 4
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