The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 14, 1928, Page 1, Image 1

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    ,.,, r- ,. i i i mmm-m
Generally unsettled today;
Moderate temperature. Max.
Miiu 2; River No ndnj -
Part cloudy. "KJ'l v
Fcvot Saays Us; Ho FeezSh&IAoei l??,?
Salem, Oregon, Sunday Maiming October Ht 1928
Airship Is; Slated
Crowd Wishes ByrdJ'God Speed" On Polar Trip
: -
5Sr. Heads of State" Departments
Meei looay ai uruer
of Patterson
Budget Director Kozer Will
Dissect Financial Mess
-and Offer Cure
A statement showing the prea
- ent "unsatisfactory condition of
: the state's, finances will he placed
r squarely" before the heads of all
state department, institutions,
: boards -and commissions, at a
- meeting to he held In the execu
tive department here Monday.
. r" .The conference 1 was , called ' by
1 Governor Patterson -who by tit
tue$of a law; enacted at the last
session of the legislature ts state
budget officer. The new law pro--
Tides" that' the state budget offi
cer and the. state budget lirector
1 shall paw on all budgets of pro
posed" expenditures before they
axe submitted to the ways and
means committee of the legisla
ture. Under the old law these
budgets were approved by the
state board of control.
Strict zSeonomy
iovernor's Goal
ItpTU here today indicated
that Governor Patterson wm ae-
and strict economy in the con
duct otail etate functions during
the ascit two years. In his state
ment to" "be submitted at Mondaf 's
meetlasr-he will call attention , to
the: recent report of the state
treasurer showing that the pres
ent deficit of - the state exceeds
1900,000. To offset this deficit
and - provide funds . t3Beet the
current expense of the state gay-;
eminent it has. been necessary tor
the state treasurer to borspw ap
proximately $1,000,000. !
Of this amount S500.60O was
borrowed from Portland.' banks
while Tie remainder was - trans,
f erred to the general -fund from
e state highway commission
. Mnnr borrowed from
xi draws i H percent in-
while t per cent interest
rowed from the state highway, de-1
I partment.
I Deficit to Be Met, V '
J fteysT3fcasurer . ? ;
The state treasurer said the de
, licit probably will be wiped out
A?4kn the second-half taxes are re-
Ifed In November. Re added.
however, that unless the leglsla-
are makes some-pTvisIon for
new sources or revenue ai me
anuary session, another deficit
may accrue by next April. - Tne
tate treasurer made it plain that
the present deficit was due to a
reduction of the tax base In the
year .1924, and not because of in
creased expenditures on the part
of state officials. ' Governor Pat
terson, said he - was erceedingly
anxious that the deficit . shall be
wiped 'oat.
A: statement for submission at
Monday's conference also is be
ing prepared by Sam A. Koser,
state budget director. It war said
that this statement would urge
uniformity in making up the bud
gets of the various state activi
ties. (Turn to Page 2, Please.)
College Editors I
Leave to Attend
, Big Convention
William B. Smullin and Frank
Lombard, editor and manager re-
' cpectively of the Willamette Col-
legian left yesterday for Berke-
fley, where they will attend the
annual convention of the Pacific
Intercollegiate Press,, association.
Ht49 3i-association is made up of the
J UTcoIlege papers of all state schools
" -4" tn Washington. Oregon. Idaho,
Vcallfornla. Nevada and British
coiumsia, ana aiso inciuaes ian
ford, Willamette and Whitman
college. There are approximately
IS colleges in the group.
At this convention problem of
editors and managers will be dis
cussed In forum groups, and ar-
rangements will be made (or ex
change, of news between the pub-
-llcations of the several colleges
and universities. Mr. 8mullln
said yesterday that he and Lom
bard - probably would return to
Salem one week from Monday.
mrbal Barrage Now at
mits Height in Campaign
Associated Press Staff Writer
The vocal effort ot the presi
dential campaign now is at Its 2e-
t lth, touching echoing neignts
that will be maintained until ibis
; issue I turned over to the elector-
axe on rtoTnr . , : f -
Not tn'njany a. year has so co-
i Ardin'ated an assault been maae
noon this public ,r as that which
i attained its climax during the
ffosln week.. Only a small part
af it came from the prime princl
vs ot tne comesi ou m wmj
air with counsel to guide - the
Cholee. between Alfred E. Smith
and Herbert Hoorer ....
Already staked tf as the field
f Governor Smith's nnai appeal
Direct Radio Communication
Zeppelin and United States Stations; Crowds
Await Dirigible's Arrival at Hangar
By The Associated Press
The dirigible Graf Zeppelin ex
pects to reach its Journey's end at
Lakehurst, N. J., this afternoon:
Direct radio. messages from the
Graf Zeppelin received by naval
stations and Washington and New
York placed- the- ship somewhat
eas tot -Bermuda but differed in
the longitude given. New York
reported the longitude as 62 de
grees west, and Washington as
6 .10 west. 'Apparently the fig
urea had been .slightly garbled in
Lieutenant- Commander Charles
B. Rosendahl, U. 8. N.. a -guest on
this first 'commercial trans-Atlantic
flight, radioed at 7 o'clock,
eastern standard time, last night,
that the Zeppelin was proceeding
comfortably about three-quarters
of its normal, air speed which
would bring it to Lakehurst this
Eckener May Want
Benefit of Welcome
One interpretation of. the m
sage was that Dr. Hugo Eckener,
commander of the dirigible, find
in ' it possible - to . arrive at bis
destination this - morning, had
slowed the speed of the craft la
order not to defeat the elaborate
reception plans which had be on
made on the assumption that he
could not reach LakebUrst before
After Its mishap of the morn,
ing when torn fabric on the port
horizontal fin had reduced the
dirigible's sped for several hours.
it' made steady progress. Tnrougn
the day and evening, American
radio stations were enabled to
maintain frequent communication
with- the big airship while tb
Earonean stations had lost con
tact. ...--. )
Bermuda Reports
Ship Passes These i
Hamilton, Bermuda, had re
ported earlier in the evening that
the dirigible had passed over the
island, indicating
a -considerable
of speed since it was last
reportjrf. Eve--aner-dlrect-dls
patches had. cast doubt on this
report, those who had reported
seeing red and green signal flares
dropped as the airship passea
maintained they had not been mis
(AP) -The naval air station re
ceived direct wireless information
from the Graf Zeppelin tonight
Nominee for Vice President
to Address Democrats in
Armory at 2:30 P. M.
Democrats of Marion county and
its environs plan a rousing rally
at the Salem armory Monday af
ternoon at 2:30, at which time
Senator Joseph T. Robinson, run
ning mate of AI Smith on the na
tional ticket, will be the chief
It is the hope of the Marlon
county democratic central commit
tee, of which Kenneth Bayne is
chairman, that the attendance will
be; large as' Senator Robinson Is
famed .throughout the United
States as a speaker of great elo
quence as well as convincing logic
The Arkansas statesman will be
presented to the assemblage by
Justice O. P. Coehow, of the Ore
gon supreme court.
Although the notice la com
paratively Short, leading demo
crats of this section feel sure the
response on the part of the public
will be gratifying, in view of the
fact that Senator Robinson proba
bly will be the only national can
didate to appear In Oregon's capi
tal during the campaign. There
wilL i of course, be no admission
charge and Chairman Bayne ex
tends a cordial invitation to the
public to come and hear the dem
oeratle candidate" for -Tics-presi
dent discuss the issues of the cam
paign.' :
and Mr, Hoover's next to last
maneuver Ilea the east; the south
has. heard Hoover and some part
of it has seen and heard Smith:
the governor with his speech last
night at Louisville, is treading, his
way through the border strip that
reaches from eastern Maryland to
Western Missouri. And Oklahoma;
both have talked to the farmer
west and Hoover will speak again
in the west on his way home to
vote in California. -
In the regions hna set off He
the electoral : votes for which ' the
keenest fight -is being wagd.
Along. the Smith and Hoover trails
scores of other speakers are en
deavoring to reap second harvests
of good will, an effort that take
nothing tor granted and concedes
nothing to the enemy. -
Established Between Graf
New Statesman's
Press Will Move
Jo lts New Home
. Early this mornlag, . be
fore tbe Scott press which
daily prints The New Oregon
Statesman has time to rest
from Its labor of the 'C Sun
day paper; skilled workmen
will be bnsy preparinsr tne
42-ton giant for a 80-foot
trip to its new. home in the
Btatesman , press room, a
concrete and tile structure
which replaces the old build
ing made useless by the fire
of last August.
' To "move the press, nsech
anlcs will partially dis
mantle it, lifting the three
large sections by Jacks ' to
steel ' skids ' which when
gToased, . will provide a
smooth surface on which to
slide the press.
A crew will be kept busy
night and day making the
press ready . in its new home
so Tuesday morning's States,
man can be Issued without
. J. M. Gaantlett. of Seat
tie is the press erector sup
ervising the work with the
assistant of A. E. Slewert,
local contractor.
that tha airshin expected to
rive here-tomorrow afternoon.. "
"Position at 2400 G. M. T., (7
p. .m., B. S. T.)" Tne message
read, "Latitude 34.40; longitude
52. At present rate of speed ex
pect toreach Iakehurst afternoon
of the fourteenth.
Air official here figured that
the . distance to Bermuda , from
the seven o'clock position was 680
miles, making the total to Lake
hurst between 1200 and 1400
imlle, ' It was estimated that this
ttrouia armr tne snip xa nere
about; $ o'clock tomorrow ; after-
MSbSSSatfMkA" MSksv
Republicans Still Three and
Half Times as Numerous
as Bourbons
Increase of 17 per cent in the
registration in each "of the two
major political parties in Salem,
is indicated by a comparison ot
registration statistics made public
at the county clerk's office Satur
day, with registration statistics
last spring. Statistics for the en
tire county will not be completed
until Monday, and figures as an
nounced for Salem are subject to
At the present time Salem's vot
ers are listed as follows:
Male Female
Rep. ......4.720 4,528
Dem.. . . . . ; .1,387
Prog. ...... 15
Soc . 18
Prohi. 8
Ind. Ill
JiIsc. 22
Totals.... 6.2 81
An exact analysis of these fig
ures in comparison with those 'of
last spring shows that although
each . of tne two panics nas
gained approximately 17 per cent.
the democrats have made a frac
tional proportionate gain too
small to affect general estimate
Last spring there were slightly
more than three and; a half times
as many republicans as democrats
registered in Salem. Now there
are slightly less tnan three and a
half times as many. Registration
last spring was:
Party . Male Female Total
Rep ...4,165 3.722 7,887
Dem. 1,203
. 81
Jrog. ...... 16
Soc. II
Prohi. 16
ind. 106
Mlse. .. 16
Totals,. V.. 5.531 4,900 10,431
Women In the two major par
ties increased in numbers in al
most exactly the same proportion
as did the men.
French Lad Wins
In International
; Oratorical Meet
WASHINGTON. Oct. 18. ..
(AP) Rene Ponthleu of France
tonight won the third Internation
al oratorical contest at the Wash
ington . auditorium.' . Competing
with, representatives of seven oth
er nations Ponthlen with his sub.
lect French. Thought and the
Idea ' of ; Liberty." waa awarded
the Judges decision. The award
was greeted with enthusiastic ap
V" Second place went to Joss ds
Tomaso. of Argentina. His sub-
lect was - me uonrraiernuroi -taea - - . Mhgrtr treets.
Americas- William rxJJ mW'
Canadian entry, jtv place, discussed .
Tammany CandidateClaims
He's "Misrepresented"
in Former Talk
Gives Own Ideas on What is
Wrong With U. S.; PQipts
: to be Refuted
v LOUISVILLE, Ky., Oct. 13.
(AP) The speech delivered, here
tonight by 'Governor Alfred J5.
flmitib will be answered in; detail
tn an 80 minute address by Sena
tor William K. Boran, on. jrriaay
night. October 19, from the same
platform, it was announced today
by Congrejssman M. H. Thatcher,
chairman of the- republican speak-
bureau. -. .
LOUISVILLE. Ky., Oct. 13.-tr
AP) The republican party was
accused ' tohight: by Governor
Smith in an address prepared for
his one and only speech in iwen
ttrcky with having "grossly mis
represented' the1 democratic atti
i n. tha cmefttlon of the tariff.
Ha said in his manuscript he had
predicted at the outset of the cany
naian that this would be attempt
ed and that, he had. lived to see
his prediction realized. .
Own Ideas Are
Elaborated Upon - .
Ths democratic presidential
nnmintA at ths same time out
lined in his prepared address what
he described as a "prescription"
which to his mind for all time
would meet the situation on this
issue. . He argued that under this
hraserfotion . nothing would be
done to "embarrass or interf erf
in any way with the legitimate
progress of business whether It he
big or small." .
Emphasizing a belief that the
"tariff should be taken out of pol
itics" the. aovernor in his prepar
ed text declared that "neither the
Underwood nor any other tarn!
bill will be the pattern for carry
Ing . Into: etf ect" the; principles he
set forth and that the democratic
aartr. iT niaeed in powery would
"be otruesed to any general tariff
bllL . The governor farther de
voted a part of the address to an
Uttack upon Secretary . Jardine,
who be said had ."deUberately and
wilfully misrepresented my views,
to the American people, and then
added that b asserted "with con
fidence" that neitner laoor, nor
industry, nor agriculture, nor
business, had ancything - to fear
from democratic success at the
polls in November.. ,
Five Talks Upon
Program Before
Chamber Monday
Achievements of the Salem
American Legion drum and bugle
corps will be the subject of one
of five brief talks on the saiem
Chamber of Commerce luncheon
program Monday. This talk will
be given by Douglas McKay, com
mander of the legion ppst.
MoseP. Adams, manager of the
Skyline Orchards, the largest
Franquette English walnut plant
ing in the northwest, will tell
about the walnut Industry; Dr
CarJ G. Doney, president ot Wil
lamette university will tell some
thing about the university's af
fairs: Henry R. Crawfor, member
of the state fair board, will dis
cuss future plans for the fair, and
T. B. Kay; state treasurer, will
tell what Is going to happen to
the state highway program if the
Dunne measures carry in the elec
tion next month.
Salem Has 6,175
Dwellings Says
Official Report
There are now 6,175 dwellings
in. Salem, as compared to 3,783
in 1920, according to figures
compiled by the Salem Chamber
of Commerce. From 1920 to the
first of this year 2,199new dwell
ings were constructed, and- 193
permits have been : issued for
dwellings so far this year. .
This, the Chamber of Commerce
bulletin points out. does not In
elude the numerous houses built
outside the city limits, in the
areas north, of the Valley Packing
company plant and south of Hoyt
street and the I. O.. O. F. ceme
tery, i
New Light Plans
For High Street
Being Discussed
. Further discussion of : the pro
posed. Improved lighting program
tor High street was held at a
meeting last week between offi
cials of the P. E-P company and
a i committee ot-the High street
business men, members ot which
were J. Frank Hughes, J. William
Chambers and Lars Bergsvic.
The merits of, ths two
light standards which ih?rc.
Tand e"oth'
I nasi , nuELUsi vssi, s -
ft - fvl
: - ' 'S f& s.
, ' & h b' l
SIS;-!):.' . J j
afJ2-rvmW.iiw Rlrbard
iu. Jiw.v -'s3m. PwtM naiu anpnUMi in trltncs a the start of the
polar xe&uBM. Below Conunaniley Byrd and'someof tha members oflilif Antarctic phrty grbuped on
the-deck of the C. A. Larfn Vt Fan Pedro, CUf ., a brief moment before thai star . te sonthers
ervisew Left to rights (back, (Oi LlMt, palpn Bhro isMrsteswuan jm wc, kuwu uwm, vapi.
Alton Parker, E. J. Demas, Richard Brophy, Com mander Byrd, William Vaaderveer. Bcrnt Balchen,
Harold Jnae; (front row) - diaries
Salem Woman 's Group Joins
Statesman in Sponsoring Big
Popular Home Economist to
Have Charge of Great
"Home School"
JUST one more ween men aai
tem's greatest cooking school!
I Housewives throughout tne
citjr and the surrounding country
already have lndicatea me en
thusiasm with which they receiv
ed word of The New Statesman's
font-day .course in home econom
ics ta be held at the beautiful
Elslnore theatre on October .22.
2S..24 and 25. ?
Of added importance is the fact
that the Salem Woman's club has
Joifled forces with The Statesman
as Tsponsors tf or the big school.
Mrij. A- I Wallace, president of
the) club, declares members of her
organization:: received announce
ment of the plan of co-operation
with much enthusiasm. '
Prises Promised
ot alone housewives, but busi
ness people as well are interestod
in -the arrangements being . made
forf the event. ' Miller's store,
through B. E. Slseon,. Saturday
otunteered the nsa of one ot tne
t ore's fine show windows in which
to exhibit the chief prize to be
offered to housewives who attend
the school. '
This Prize will be a complete;
brand new Hotpoint electric range
of the very latest enameled model.
Additional prizes so many of
them that they cannot, be listed
here will be offered. There will
Hunter Cost In
Mountains Since
Early This Week
PORTLAND, Ore.. Oct.. It.
(AP) Charles B. Drake, mepr
ber of a hunting party, has bn
lost in the mountain on tK ;
per Clackamas river o4nryp"
the " Oak Grove rssgejr
since S p. m. Jr" ,Jd f
to word reced be today. A
sdarchina rty.4ncrwed today
SSarCttlB- tuun k..t1n.
to twen? " ;-ZZ.Z?
;:iTiiuhe rugged.l nrov4:jotn J A"
"country of the Cascades. :
- T-t' u in pHaced woods.
man and it-& beUeved that he
rfrtitt his way out.; His fail-
are to reach civilisation, however,
has now aroused fear that he may
Hate net with an accident. Drake
had fls,i an automatic pistol
and amvva ammunition with, him
heiepsrated from bis com
; ?"v w - " JJ;i'4i
jvf J
m ..fJ iV t- I
; l : T9 'i V y s,
MM ;Vs) t"-A
K. Bvrd and bis doir mascot tn die
lxIgrca, siaran K?nne bctbt,
School October 22-25
"Our Woman's clnb board
as well as the members of
the club itself received word
of the cooking school plan
with enthusiasm." said Mrs.
A. L. Wallace, president of
the organization last night.
Mrs. Wallace is to appoint
man as joint sponsors of the
The clnb , will have
charge of securing prizes in
addition to capital awards
already provided and In ad
dition the clnb will conduct
the sale of pies and cakes
on the dosing day of the
Thursday October 25.
The entire proceeds of the
food sale, said Mrs. WaL
lace, will go to the build
ing fond of the woman's
clnb, to be applied on a bal
ance due on the Cotatge
street clnb house.
be .session prizes and awards for
each day of the school. .
An especially interesting fea
ture of the plans for the school is
the baking contest in which all
housewives are welcome to parti
cipate. The entries in this contest
will be taken in charge alter the
Judging and awarding of prised
by the Woman's club. Proceed
will go into the 'club's building
fund. 1
Remember the Dates"
One of the most important
for the school is to bring
em Miss Williams, one
r or king Day
TOLEDO, Ore.. Oct. 13. (AP)
. Severely criticizing lumber
operators jwho are operating their
mills on a nine or a ten-hour-per-shift
basis, representatives from
all sections of -western Oregon,
meeting here yesterday, voiced
their condemnation. y ' .. v-
Both employers and employes
sevana..aon-4L operations which;
it was declared, were .working
their crews longer than thelLj
. "A general breakdownSot; the
eight-hour dy would eventuaUy
lead back to the old dayf of ,trou
ble. loss of employe, em
ployei and the public alike,'', said
W. t C. ' Ruegnitz, 4L president. -'
4L Bodv Opposes
center of an enthnsiastis threuaj on
Journey - of explerationt-tst -sooth
renj. iwubt, oh,
Valuable Prizes Selected
foKHousewives Who
Attend Classes
standing home economists of tne
Pacific coast. . Miss Williams will
conduct all demonstrations and
lectures in connection with the
event. Miss Williams nas jusi
completed a splendidly successful
school under the auspices of thn
Portland Qregonian.
She has asked that The StatM
man make a special effort to Im-
DresB upon the minds of hoifse-
wives the aates ror me scnooi
October 22 to 25, inclusivs and
to reoeat the announcement thai
the Elsinore theatre, largest and
most comfortable audltoriuui
available, has been obtained for
the school period.
A modern and, complete electric
kitchen will be Installed on the El
sinore stage as a background for
Miss Williams demonstrations.
Salem Citizens Display
im saiem resworn wnu
ior me eamcauua ui raw-
of the New Oregon Statesman
ach- day are always as nearly
right as those who predicted the
outcome of Saturday's Oregon
Willamette football game. States
man subscribers are being provld
ed dally with valuable and relia
ble opinidns. ' ; x.-
I Starting off Saturday morning's
column, Merrill D. Ohling said
Oregon had one -of the beat' elev
ens in the narthwest, and few ot
the spectators at-the game would
question that Ohling; also said
Willamette might score if It tot
a couple of breaks, and' that's just
what happened. One of Ihe breaks
was good football, the blocking
of a punt, and the" other was a
penalty on OregQn.
Then-William L. Phillips said
the game., would be real football
and worth ' the " price of ' admis
sion; and that turned out to be
fact. - Carl D, Gabrielson was c
little conservative In predict in
the score, but Jie was right In his
confidence. that Willamette would
make It interesting. Kernan Mrk
uson . was accurate in predicting
seven touchdowns, - but her didn't
flgare that Willamette J would
make one. of them4 '" ; r . ' '
j George W.- Hug, estimated Ore
gon's strength' correctly and .'was
Address Will be Delivered in
Massachusetts City
Monday Night
lonference Held With Nu
merous Persons, Includ
ing Sen. Steiwer
Associated Preiwi "Staff Writsr
Herbert Hoover closed his desk
toniaht for his trip to New Bn-
lanrt where on Monday night Ae
will speak at Boston, the pra-
cipal city in an area over whose
vote republican leaders have bers
frankly concerned.
The republican presiaentiai
candidate during a busy day, wel
comed a group of representatives
of the trade press and of various
Individual trades and industries
and went into a renewed study of
the general political situation in
a series of conferences with party
Exnressing his appreciation to
the group of trades and industrial
representatives, the nominee wel
comed the members of his ws
ngineering profusion and caik-d
to their attention the new rela
tion of government to buslnew.
Former Associations
Recalled By Nominee
"The presence of representa
tives of the business associations
here takes me back over seven
years of work in the department of
commerce where we have endeav
ored to carry on with you many
enterprises in the public IntereM,"
he said.
"That work has been pamrd
out through co-operation by the
overnment representing public
interest with representatives of
various business" groups of the
-ountrv in the furtherance of mat
ters which are in public Inter?!,"
"It Is in fact a new relationship
f government to business. . 1 feel
that through it we mav avoid a
vast amount of interference .of
the government -with ' business
through voluntary-co-operation .of
business associations to "correct
buses, t further public interest
through the eliminations of wt
and stabilization of unemploy
ment, and In a thousand other di
rections." Vew York Business
men Give Support
The deleeation. bearing trade
banners remVscent of many sast
Political campairns. came from
New York. It Included numy
nrominent business men from var
ious sections of the country.
eaded bv E. A- Simmons, of New
York, chairman of the general
committee in char are of the trip.
Later the candidate conferred
with Postmaster General New.
Senator Steiwer of Oregon, and
Senator Bingham of Connecticut.
The report of the conferences
was not revealed, but each of the
senators brourht favorable reports
of the general situation in their
respective states.
in; whn Auto'
Ties With Train
ANAHEIM, Cal.. Oct. 13.
(AP) Three persons were "killed
and a fourth was seriously in.
jured when their automobile was.
struck by a Pacific electric rail
way car at Cypress, aeven miles
from here today. The dead; Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Gray of Tustin,
and their soD-m-law, Orin Dunn,
who came here from Clariada,
Iowa, a -eek ago. The latter's
wife gfrfered serious head injur
ies ad one foot was so seriously
msagled it probably will be am.
also right In his belief that Will
amette would make it a struggle.
Dr. John O. Hall was a little too
enthusiastic about the Bearcats'
defensive ability, bttt he picked
the, winner.
T. M. Hicks' remarks wera cau
tious but' entirely truthful; ce
knew football scores never would
be predicted accurately. Lars
Bergsvlck knew that his old team
mates would make Oregon get in
and dig; Sheldon Sackett had the
margin between the teams pretty
accurately' gauged; Raymond
"Chief" Ready knew Oregon would
win, although his prediction that
"Pop? Warner ccyild have coached
Che Willamette - to .victory
couldn't be proted. - v
. Miss Beatrice Lock hart, the only
Willamette . student interviewed,
waa commendably confident in her
school's eleven. ; " v
Flames Consume '
4000 Baby Chicks
CALDWELL.' Idaho, Oct IS.
(AP)- Four thousand baby -chickp
eas, were lost- in a fire here last
nighj which destroyed the brood-
er. house of Gowen Brothers. One ,
of ihe oil burners of the, brooder
exploded, causing the Bra.