! . - The tfew OREGON Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning, October 11, 1928 j . . . wmE 'new QREGomsTmESMMm mmmER NEWS AND PROGRESS PAGE 2 A- I 's : i Hf ii ; i r A RECEPTION BY P.T.A.T ONIGHT Teaching Staff of Silverton Schools to be Welcomed With Program SIUVERTOK, Ore., Oct. 10. Sunday School flames Officers I For Next Year HAZEL GREEN, Ore.. Oct. 10. (Special) The Hasel Green Sunday school has elected the fol lowing officers for the coming year: .' ' r Superintendent, Mrs. G. - C. assistant - superintendent, Mrs. C. A; Van- Cleave; secretary, Iola Luckey; assistant secretary, Char lotte Van Clearer treasurer Glen CSpecial The Silverten- Parent-(Looney; librarian. Helen Davis. . Teacher association: .will give the annual reception for the teachers In the Eugene Field auditorium on Thursday evening. - Following a musical program, -1 refreshments will be served. Mrs. Lee Alfred is in charge of the re freshment committee, Mrs. E. A. - Booth is chairman of the program committee, and Mrs. A. W. Kleeb lias charge of the decorations. Welcome Planned Mrs. H. B. Latham will deliver the address of welcome which will be responded to by Miss Brager of the senior high. Musical numbers will be given by the girls glee club of the-high school, a duet by Mssrs. Booth and Smith, and a solo by Mrs. Tate. uunfis Bin n o Clifton Clemens Is attending O- A. C. at Corvallls. W. G. Davis, Louis W ampler and Edward Hashlebacker are on a bunting trip to Klamath county.- Mrs. W. G. Davis has returned from Coquille, where she visited her granddaughter; Shirley Jean, baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Slater. BUT DEER EACH 1 FRUITLAND, Ore., Oct. 10. rsneci&n A. L. Smith has" re turned from a deer hunt trip to outhern Oregon. Although he was unable to bring home any venison, he reported a good -time. He says there were a good many deer, but the woods were too dry. Mrs. Emma Runner of this com munity left recently for Hood Rhfl Is arolne to stay at the home her daughter and son In-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. Massy. Resides having a pleasant visit here, she is planning to work in th anDle harvest. Word, has been received from Mrs. Harmon, who is now staying at -the home of her daughter, Mrs. Gardner, in Hamlet. Neb. As soon . .hp arrived in Hamlet she was a- doctor's care. She underwent a major operation some time ago, and han been in a wheel chair ever since. It is feared hat he will be forced to stay In the wheel chair for sometime MAT S F UNERAL HELD IT T URNER 47TH lIIBSIf OF H i NOTED BROOKS. Ore.. Oct. 10. (Spe cial) Complimenting Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Savage on their 47th wedding anniversary, 25 relatives and friends called to spend the evening October 6. Cards and music were the diversions of the evening. Ralph Sturgis won the first prise among the men with Mr. Ward second, and Mrs. Al Wood was first among the women with Miss Doris Wood second.. At a late , hour refreshments were served by Mrs. Walter Ful ler assisted by Mrs. J. P. Aspln walL Those enjoying the evening were Mrs. Agnes Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Imlah. Miss Ethel Fletcher and Mr. and Mrs. Ward, all of Salem: Mr. and Mrs. Al Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stur gis. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Aspinwall, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fuller, Misses Doris and Margaret Wood, Lucile Aspinwall, Elliott Fuller, Lewis, Elinor and Clarita Fuller, all of Brooka. Figures Reveal School Growth AUBURN. Ore., Oct. 10. (Spe cial) Enrollment at present in the senior room of' the Auburn school is 33. which is five more than at the same time last, year, In the primary room there are 29 pupils now enrolled as compared to SO last year. Four new fami lies are represented. EASTERN STAB Hallowe'en Event Will be Given in "Masonic Hail -- on October 31 WOODBURN. Ore.. Oct. 10. (Special A Hallowe'en carnival is to be' given by the local chap, ter of the Order of the Eastern Star, October SI at 8 p. m. in the Masonic hall. The hall is to represent a coun try fair and carnival where for tunes are told, candy, ice cream and hot-dogs may be purchased and fish-ponds yield their sur prises. - - A fancr worn bootn ana a gara- en booth will be the 'principle fea tures aside from the program. Mrs. H. F. Butterfleld,- in charge of the garden booth .will .have choice belbs and plants for sale. - Committee named The general committee in charge of - the affair is; Miss Gladys Adams, chairman; Mrs. F. G. Haveman. Mrs. e. u. ism- fmett. Mrs. Wayne .Gill. Mrs. Maude Mocher, Mrs. KODeix Scott. The various committees are in charge of the following women: Advertising. Eira L.ywe; xancy work, Mrs. F. G. Evenaon; iisn pond Mrs. Paul Coleman; stunts, Mrs.C. J. Espy; garden booth, Mrs. H.. F. Butterfield; decora tions, Mrs. Ray Gibbons; food. Mrs 'Herman Bontrager. Mrs. B. G. Emmett, Mrs. Wayne Gill; candy, Mrs. L. R. Tweedie. HQMER WOOD DAN Mr. and Mrs. Woodford left Sun day ..for St. Helens, Ore., where they will reside. -. - Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith of Port land visited Mr. and. Mrs. Floyd Shepherd over the week end. , . Mr.- and Mrs. Hugh Mage of Ashland visited their v sons ' at Crooked Finger Monday. - . Mr. ind'Mrs. WiU Looney and daughter Pauline, Ellen and Mil dred, of near ML. Angel, Mrs. T. Maplethorpe, Miss Lorraine Hogg and Ross Hill visited Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hogg on Sunday. . Mr. and Mm." Harry Hicks have sold their place near Scotts Mills and moved back on the Abiqna. The teachers in this vicinity at tended Teachers Institute held in Salem Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Herman Landwing and children were visitors in Silverton Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pounder ofl Silverton visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott Sunday. Quite a number of Scotts Mills folk attended Frank Hettwer'a, sale near ML. Angel Thursday.' Rural Carriers In Semi-Annual County Meeting SILVERTON. Ore.. Oct. 10. (Special) Mr. and Mrs. C W. Reed, M. S. Chandler and Miss Ina Herald of the Silverton post office, and "Daddy". Town, .retir ed mail ' carrier, attended th semi-annual . rural mail carriers' convention . held In Stayton Sat urday night. The meeting, opened with a banquet, followed by a program and a social hour.. The next meet ing, which will be held in May 1929, will peijxaps be in saver- ton. I TURNER, Ore., Oct. 10 -(8pe. out .Tne funeral of Mrs; "S. E wathiaa seed 9 5 was held at the Methodist Episcopal church-Mon day afternoon. Rev. J. J. Micaey 'of Salem officiated. ; G. A. G. Moore was in Turner Monday afternoon for the Mathlas funeral. , . The women of the Christian church helped serve tne luncheon Tuesday at the Harrlson-Ander-. son-Davis sale. , n Surprise Grange wilj hold a special program at the grange ' hall Saturday. October 13. It will be "corn day." An outside speak er is expected. Members and friends are urged to be present. School resumed Wednesday aft er the two day session of the teachers' lnstitnte in Salem. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Thomason are moving into their new home. Mrs. O. P. Given has gone to Seattle to enter a hospital tor a ' major operation. Mrs. Scott Funston entertained - her parents from Portland Satur. - day, and also Miss Grace Funston. Recent Bride Is Accorded Shower SILVERTON, Ore. Oct. . (Special) The Loyal Berlans and the Loyal Women of the Christian church honored Mrs. Ed. Cook a recent bride, with a miscellaneous shower Tuesday af- SILVERTON, Ore., (Special) Mr. and ternoon at the home of her moth-i Fltzgerell and - Mr. Galbraih Farm. gamQccupied AUBURN. Ore.. Oct. 'l0.(SpW clal) The Galbrath fafnv better known here as the C. A. Dowd place, which has been vacant for some. time,, has recently been rent ed by R. Roy- Rodgers, who is em ployed at the Lloyd Lee hatcher. LEVELED DY TwnKPENDENCE. Oregon, OeL. 10 (Special) The large barn be- lAnHnr to Homer Wood, one mile north of town on the Salem Ind f endence highway, was totally de stroyed by fire Monaay evening i fthout 10 o'clock. The barn contained'' 15 tons oi hav. which was destroyed. Several hundred dollars worth of farm machinery, including a large tractor, was- rescued from the blaze, after the fire was well un der wav. The livestock also was rescued. Mr. Wood stated that he had no idea of the origin of the fire unless it was spontaneous combustion in the wet hay. He contemplates rebuilding the barn at once. The building was coveredJy in mrance but the hay was not. rs uepart For Alsea Trip INDEPENDENCE. Ore. Oct. 10. (Special) A party consisting of P. Kurre, Ed Wunder and Ell Fluke, left Tuesday for a fishing trip of several days duration on the AUea. S Literature Meet Plan For Sunday HAZEL GREEN. Ore.. Oct. 10. (Special) The Women's Mis sionary association will hold i's annual literature meeting Sun day, October 14. at 11 o'clock at the church. Mrs. Charles Lanhara will be the leader. Mrs. W. G. Davis will teach the mission study class, using a "book on Africa. . RETURN FROM COAST SCOTTS MILLS, Ore., Oct. 10. (Special) A reception was given in the I. O. O. F. hall Fri day night for the teachers, spon sored by the P. T. A. A short program was given after which refreshments were served to about 75 persons. The teachers are Mrs. Bethel Taylor, -principal; Miss Raycraft, Mrs. Walmer, Mrs Frailer and Miss Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben De Jardin were In Salem Tuesday on bust net. Miss Doris Hogg, a student at Parrlsh Junior high in Salem, spent the week end with her par ents, returning to Salem Tues day evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. Frost of Spo kane, Wash., have moved onto the Hartzler place at Crooked Finger. A surprise shower, was given Saturday night for Mrs. Denny Woodford at the home of her mother, Mrs. N. Schmaltz. Many attractive presents were received by Mre. Woodford, a recent bride. 19 Roy Mrs. er, Mrs. Hanson, on South Water I Floyd Allen have returned from street. 'a week's stay at Waldport. , : -. : Oct. Mrs. and Extension Convenience urges an Telephone -j ... .. Just as you appreciate running water in more than ; ' one room in the house, 10 you would appreciate an extension telephone. Its cost is only a few cents a day; its convenience is great, and sometimes it is even a factor in guard ing the taftty of your' household. This home of two stor ies has its main telephone in the dining room and an extension in the owner's bedroom. - An extension in tho : I owner bedroom is con venlent f or the house- x wife by day, and make thetelephoffe readily srvaflabUbrnirht. - ' The cost U YefysnxalL West Salem News By Helen H. Bodolf hane 24021 Woman Driver Is Forced Of f Road : Mrs, H. R. McDowell of the Capital Tourist camp, was in an automobile accident near Turner yesterday. .She was going along the highway south of Turners when she, was hit by-another car which some boys were - driving, who broke the fender and wheel of her car. Mrs. McDowell went as far into the ditch as possible without upsetting to avoid a . col lision.' - She was accompanied, by her three children. While she was quite badly shaken up no one was hurt. , C .. - Methodist -church. This tea is one of the first of West Salem's social community. affairs, and is eagerly awaited. Mrs. DeLapp lives on Third street just across from the church. ; Ed Brock, who has been seri ously ill with asthma, is conval escing at his home. ; W. D. PhflUps of West Salem is still at Tumwater, Wash., where he is doing carpenter work on the new paper-mill that is being in stalled there. ' Mrs. W. G. Porter, of Junction City, and : daughter," Miss Mable Porter, who is teaching at Cor bett Ore., this winter, and A. F. MeCowenfrom Los"Angele8, were guests over the week-end with Mrs. H. R." McDowell. Mrs. Por ter and Mrs. McDowell are sisters. Mr. MeCowen was formerly a res ident of West Salem. It nas been 25 years since be was here. Mr. MeCowen is Mrs. McDowell's father. Mrs. Ralph Sebern, Mrs. F. A. Miles, Mrs. G. Lee, and Mrs. Dale Lemon bave completed prepara tions for the silver tea to be given at the home oJMrs. Nina DeLapp Wednesday afternoon. This is a benefit tea for the Ford Memorial In the olden days a man won his wife with a club. Nowadays h of ta loses her; by the same meajo. Altoona Mirror. Highway Bridge At Luckiamute , Now Completed MONMOUTH, Ore., Oct. 10. (Special) The new ' West Side highway bridge over the - Lucki amute river near.Helmick park is now open, and all workmen's equipment Is being removed. The bridge was forced into premature service more than two weeks ago. when a car crashed through the temporary bridge causing injury to a- number, of travelers. Autumn is that melancholy sea son when you are fed up on base ball and not yet excited anout football. Klamath News.a Marriage Here Saturday Eveki HAZEL GREEN. Oct. 10. (Special) Miss 7Rosalie WUUam son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Williamson, was married to : Harold Burns of West Salem Sat urday at the parsonage of ..'the Christian church in Salem. , Misi Mildred Williamson bf!Sa- . lem entertained with a dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Burns Sunday. TL guests were Mr. and Mrs. N. V. Williamson, Miss Carolyn. William son, victor Williamson, Louis . Bart ruff, the guests of honor and ihe hostess. A T vi PORTLAND ' W ASHLAND ; 3 One of the mostptctmesque nmtes In Oregon Arn the frnltfolWIl. lamctte Valley with its prosperous farm and thriving communities. The Red-Top-Coach OREGON Stage System offers a stage trip tm equaled for sccaery with the added advantages of frequent schedules, easy tiding and real economy. HaQ I hem at any point on the road between PortUtvt and Ashland. . Travel the bdMCiful McKentU Hightvoy via Orcfen Stages! (Qregon gtages gystem - ' THE RED TOP COACHES Take Stages at Senator Hotel Phone 60S RXD TOP Sttwrfa tli Si4 T tkM f Onp St. Or t . thty hit MTraS Tm Uo mmt feithftiQy- Korth T OO! T:50 .m: then every konr oa th hour 9:00 to 7:00 p.m.; 0:00. lt:3S p.n;.4:10 .. Soatk 7:00. 9:10. H:10 .a; 1:10. 2:10. 8:10; 5:10, 7:10. 9:10. 11:10 p.m. j BaroUr tcMnl to Dallas, Fall City. Independence. Monmouth, Mc MinnTille, Kill Oity, Detrai. SilrerVoa. HI. Ancel and Lebanon. Call the local Stag Depot for Information rerardlag reduced farat U Waaaiagtaa selats a m. s m m m m a W rf ::,V- W . r BP WE PROMISED YOU that it would be and it is one of the most stupend ous furniture events ever held in this city The biggest crowds the biggest values, and the biggest display of fine living room furniture-r But Saturday is the last day the last chance to save Don't put it offl Just a Few Examples of the Savings You know the reputation of lilLTWEIX Futniture- "All that its nam implies" and you know the reputation of this store for greater value-giving, j Here is your opportunity to buy the furniture you want at a REAL saving of money., Famous Biltwell Furniture at Remarkable Savings Call our business office and say 1 want an eoc tenslon telephoni." SV: THI fACIVIC TBLSrHONI t -- ''i-i. -rt rc . AND TtLBGaAPH COiKTAtiX ' .. , . .. . , . - Acidity The common eanse of digestive dlf f lenities is excess acid. Soda cannot alter this condition, and It burns the ' stomach.' Something that win neutralise the acidity Is the sensible thing to take. -That 1s vrhv physicians tetl the public to ase PhllliDa Milk ot Magnesia. . One spoonful of this delightful preparation can neutralise many times its volume in add. It acts instantly; relief Is quick, and very apparent. -4. All gas is- dlspejed; all sourness . Is soon goner the whole system In - sweetened. . Do .try tlIs "perfect anU-acid.. and re. member-tris Just as good lor chil dren, too, and pleasant tor them to take. ..'.-.r r -..'" v.-"-' "t, Any drugstore has the genuine -prescriptions! .product.--' - a k. vaanffar naav . Bk m A Few Other Piltwell Davenports and Chairs Offered in Thia Sale An attractive suite in mo hair with reverse cushions). Davenport and chair. Xuzurlous pillow-arm suite. . large and deep-seated, mo hair covered with reverse cushions. Davenport - and two large chairs, 3 pieces 03SQ Special Credit Arrangements This -Piece Suite is Priced 'Way Below Regular! The hand-carved legs in mahogany finish are a eature of this Biltwell suite, as are the large, graceful arms. Up holstered in mohair, with reversible cushions in beautiful tapestry, it is extraordinarily handsome furniture. Chair is the popular Biltwell 'Xtomfy back" type. A truly re markable value. n iltwell DUAL-USE Davenports in the Sale OflEQeS1 K Uhm mn EXTRA Btrnl -Bill Brazeca't lluac Shop J ThSngi FJusiccl Worthy of the finest living room here is a Biltwell Dual-Use Davenport that leaves nothing to be desired. Large and deep-seated it is luxuriously comfortable either-as davenport or bed. Upholstered in highest grade velour - id 1A C A it is a super-value at , vl IV 0 V Cogswell Chairs Marvelous New Styles at Splendid Savings 5 Easy Terms Withczt -v Interests rfcrrvft )' -,6 BUF-S JSwa- aaa.. (Vl M , H r