The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 11, 1928, Page 2, Image 2

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The Neie OXBCOii Statesuan; Salem Oregon, Thursday Horning, October It 192S
' 1 ' , , .-'.- - '
Proprietor of Small Store
i v Mulcted of Most orHis
" J : I Bank Account
npTi.Ain. Ore Oct. 10
:v m a tmw hoars after be bad
reorted being held nfr and. rob
-Ted of $l,055 by three eeode
lahoe salesmen. Meyer Teres, east
.side shoe dealer, attained to in
spectors Rockwell and Thomas
that tbe robbery report was false,
f Instead of hold-up rktlm. the
Uboe dealer bad been the prey of
,i daring band or, confidence men
who ha swindled Mm oat of tbe
money with the aid of IS glass
Queen Of Beauty
' f' ' '' A"
PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. 10
f(AP) Pretending that . they
would help Meyer Feres. 35. pro
prietor of a small east woe snoe
.store, buy a bankrupt stock of
shoes, three swarthy men per
suaded Feres to draw his savings
tatalfnr S3. 055. from a bank
here, and then held him up and
took the money from him. They
- PBScaDed. Feres said, before he
could- stop them.
The holdup, the store owner
said, occurred at his home. One
of the men produced , a rerolrer
and ordered Feves to "hand orer
the cash." Feves complied. The
men returned several checks.
" Feves did not report the rob
bery until about 4 p. m., two
hours afterthe hold up occurred,
when Patrolman Parker, walking
his beat, happened to drop into
the store to make his daily call.
"I noticed that Mrs. Feves was
crying and Feres Was whitefaced
and distracted." Parker said. "I
asked them what was wrong."
"We're, just been held up and
.lost all our money," Feves told
tha officer.
"Why didn't you call the po-
Jlce." Parker asked.
Mary Ambrose Smith was crown
ed queen of love and bsauty at the
annual Veiled Prophet festival In
St Louis.
Yhreateried "Break-Pown of
Tariff System" :He!d
Menace to Farmers ;
kU la competlUoar wtth tb fro
doeta cf or own f arma'
Tha republican rlea-prealdential
nominee nut in tbe afternoon with
party leaden. Be was-. Informed
that a 'real eontest is on" In. this
state and he told 'the leaden (hat
he was wonderfully pleased" orer
the outlook aa he bad found It la
the Northwest-. In, fact, be predict
ed to newspapermen .an "orer
whelminx republican victory In the
nation and a "break la theaolld
democratic sQuth.", ;
aAHmted Press Staff Writer
sr. PAUL. Aug. 10. (AP)
Republican hopes for a nigner tar
iff an Asrrienltnral imports and tot
early solution of the farm market
lng problem were restaiea ioniii
by Senator Curtis, the party's rice-
presfdeatlal nominee, in nis dhu
appearance In the Nonnww,
the' St. Paul auditorium
where got. Smith, waged the dem
nmtie eanae .recently. Senator
Curtis tonight warned of a break
down in the protectire tarifl sys
tem under democratic rule. - Be
reiterated that Got. Smith had
"indicated hla faror toward the
nnderwood Tariff ' Act ef ltlS.
"which cost . the- farmers- of this
country bllllonsof dollars, because
It permitted fi reign agricultural
products to flood American mar
PORTLAND. Oct. 10. (AP)
Recognition for half a century of
notable serrice in the priesthood
of the Catholic church was accord
ed Rer. H. J. McDeritt ot tne
Church of The Visitation at Ver-
boort, -near -Forest Grove, at a
golden Jubilee celebration today
at the parish church, by residents
of the countryside and clergymen
from all parts of the diocese.
Father, McDevitt is one of the
best known clergymen of his
church in .the state,, having come
here In the early days as a mis
sionary priest. -Most of his serv
ice here, organizing and buildng
churches and eerring- various
Approximately 105 clergymen
joined in the -Jubilee celebration,
including the Most Rev. Edward
D. Howard, archibishop of th
i . r i . t . .
luxuceae ui ureguu viiy. 11 wits iu
It was too late you couldn t fourth golden Jubilee for priests
'do anything," the store keeper
One of the men who took part
.in tbe robbery was known to the
Peeves a "Goldberg." He had
sold them other articles from
.time to time, he said.
The money was drawn from the
,hank when the three men told
Feeres of a bankrupt stock of
shoes at Oregon City that could
be had for 13,000. When Feres
;'drore to his home with the mon
ey, preparatory to going with the
iuen to Oregon City,- th hold up
Qok place.
Burke Case May
Be Appealed to
U. S. High Court
The case, of J. V. Burke of
Portland, who is under peniten
tiary sentence for misapplication
ot funds of the Bank of . Kenton,
while he was. president -of the In.
ttitutlon. probably will be car
ried to the United States supreme
ourt for final determination..
This was announced here Wed
nesday after, the state, supreme
ing a-prison, sentence Mr. Burke
tR. Sorenson and J. .Brown iwM-flned.t500Q.
-Wednesday assumed management lUwas said that one , of Mr.
. 7vr ,,. . 0.,..jBurke's attorneys would arrive
T".. here today in qnest-ef a writ of
VI Caldwell and D. B. Tlbbet own
Valley Grill Has
Change In Owners&S:&ii
in Oregon.
The Singing, Talking
Vitaphone wonder pic
ture, is coming to thrill
us .
Mcdarthy Flad H. McCarthy.
arrested Tuesday night en - a
charga ot intoxication was fined
$16 in mnnlcipal court Wednes
day. -
- . V , . ......
Reekie rue Charged V. ReU
mann. 17 SO South High street.
was arrested " Tuesday night, on a
charge of reckless drtring. -
Aatoe In Crash Two avtomo-
bflea were inrolred in a rear end
collision at the corner of Capitol
and Center streets Wednesday
night. A machine registered In
the name of C. Barrett, Eugene,
was struck when attempting to
make a rererse turn, thrown
serosa the curbing on the south
eaet corner ot the Intersection and
badly .'damaged.' The other car
departed under Its own power,
and . the drirer's name was not
learned. - ?
California's " Governor Re
peats His ; Refusal to
Extend Clemency
fAP).--The: last "possible escape
from the noose, - executive clem
ency, will be denied William Ed
ward Hickman if it is aspitea ror,
Oorernor C. C Toang Indicated
today "upon his arrlral here to
make -" aereral addressee. Hick
man Is doomed to hang at San
Qnentin on Friday, October 19,
for the murder nere oi lz-year-oia
Marian Parker.
"Should something new be in
troduced," Goremor Young said.
"which might tend to establish
Hickman's - innocence in this
crime I would be ready to go in
to the matter. But the chances
in this are remote and I -.will deny
clemency if it is applied for.?
- "The courts hare gone into the
case thoroughly and I see no rea-
aaould be necessary,!
nor aaaee. . . . wn ,
Yesterday In Washigton. Jero
me Walsh, counsel tor the con
demned youth, stated he had tele
graphed Gorernor Toang for an
opportunity to be heard in an ap
peal for executive T clemency.
Walsh's announcement' was made
after he had failed to obtain per
mission tobring the ease before
the United tatee supreme court in
a last minute attempt to stay the
execution. : " ; - .
AUBURN, Ore Oct. 10. ( Spe
cial) Mr. and Mrs. Nat NewbM
are enjoying, a visit at the home
of their son-in-law and daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Smith of Prine
Tille. Mr. -Smith owns and oper
ates a large stock ranch there.
Too Late To Classify
iif nnnpnRATifliJ
Jll UUill unniiuii
Calvary BapUst churchy- w
Salem, with no capital stock., fil
ed incorporation papers In the
corporation department at tne
sUte house" here Wednesday, in
corporators are H. S. Gile, W. T.
Jenks and E. J. Roth. .
The Grorer W. UUfnger-company,
with headquarters at As
toria and capital stock of SIS.OOO.
has been Incorporated by G. ,W.
Utxinger. Basel B. Utxlnger and
Byron R. Wallace. v
Other articles filed in the state
corporation department Wednes
day follow:
v Amelia Held company, port
land; . ,; - :rt.
Mildred Uosner jind B. Jacobson.
BriU Department Store, Port
itMk increased from
tiooo to s jo,o oo. j flVr
Notices of dissolution filed U
the Dayton Eyaporatlng and Pack,
ing company, and the Bailey-Wii-son
experience preferred, for show
Apply to Mrs. Hoyt, room 23.
ttnga Hotel, eeiore l p. m. today.
8 Rooms Furnished, Modern,
Furnace, for 6 mo. $33. J. Lin.
coin Ellis. Phone 1S6S-J.
FOR SALE IRISH Setter dog,
son why further consideration 2 yra. old. Phone 1680-M
t ' i
i .
I i
Today -
"Women They
Talk Abonr
All Star Cast ,
' Special -Vitaphone
Vanderille Acts
,r J'
e case io ue nignest court.
e reunurani ua uave operaiea l RftKhv I.TA.rM .ah nf Mr
It tor the past twp years. Mr Sor-. n, Mn Whitfield, waa eerious-
njlaAn m 'a -Q e lam mm a . ama -hsa ' ' m - - -
io b uotu, uu "iu uar I lyrournea wnen ne ieu into a'Don
operated a. bakery on State street fire at the' home of his grand-
ir some time. Mr. Brown Has mother at Philomath
hen In this city since July, when
he came north from California.
They expect to continue the busi
ness along the same fair lines with
wnlch patrons are familiar. The
grill is open day and night.
SEE and HEAR ;
Charged with shooting a female
deer. Innes Houser, of Bridge was
arrested at Coauille. fined SI 00.
sentenced to jail for 90 days and'
had his hunting license rerokedl
ior tne remainder of th eyear.
See Danny" Malone, the
fightin', smilin, fearless,
honest jcop in the greatest
thrin-O-drama of the sea
son. . .
With ;fr J'
and -: "
Noted SUge Star
Eple tale of - a 'great city's
- battling police force I -
Floors Offer
' . ..-
'! "
Added Beauty for Your
Home or Jusi a Daily
Cleaning Grind
Do your floors chain you to back-breaking:
cleaning-care? You can easily change all
that. We have floors that rid scores of
housewives right here in town of floor-worry
and fret. . . '
To these women our Armstrong's Linoleum
Floors mean greater comfort, warmer homes
in winter, cooler homes in summer and par-'
ticularly, cleaning-ease. Naturau these
women have more time for social entertain
ment, enjoyable shopping, attention to their
children. . j . ..... r
You too, can nave this extra pleasure. And .
get it without bother and fuss, for our ex-
perts cement Armstrong's Linoleum Floors
right down over your, old floorsand a layer
of builders deadening felt. No nails, no
tacks. And it's all done -in few-hours.
We have dozens of new, modish designs on
display. Come in and see them today, or
phone for our representative.
- n. ,.-, ti'u i i m f wn I 'Tl , 'j , ,
jo atSOOO EtwiM
I. li'ra U til
the Million
I HERE t The new, vitalised.
General anti-knock gasoline, fill
up your tank vdih it today ct any
one of -the 5,000 General Indepen-'
- dent pumps located win every town
trom Canada down." Then let your
engine decide I
Violet Bay represents years of re
Search and experiment in the lab
oratories of the General Petroleum
: Corporation. A tremendous inyest-
xnient iiT refineries! and distributing
.. - . - j
lacilitiea stands behind it.
' . i ' 1
Here is a'fjssoline greater eren than
the original General, which, upon
its introduction a few years ago, was
admittedly clhe finest motor fuel on
.the Pacific Coast.
General Violet Ray is worth a pre
rainTTVj bat in order to introduce it
to the Pacific Coast, British Colum-
Hear the "General
' Independent" sing
Tmteint Every Friday night a 8)0 over thm
ffaiiorud Broadcasting Company Network
mad hear thi famous qmartet together uUh
m unique conceit of four pianos. Request
numbers may be turned in to any General
Independent station. Send yours int
bia, Arizona and Nevada, it is being
offered to the motoring public at
the regular market price. - The suc
cess1 of this r remarkable new motor
anelis inevitable. General Violet Bay
is made without fthe, addition of
compounds. It is a high compression,
ond-knock gasoline, free from sul
phur and adds. It U earbOneUmin
oting. Quick starting. Perfectfy haU
- ancedm . ";.
For your protection be sure that you
are getting genuine General Violet
'r. No other gasoline can have
nearest General Independent Deal-
Zty&ity today. Prove
its exnazing qualities to yourselt