' Rca for Preparedness Topic - . of Able Address at J ' . : " "Rotary Lunch , - Rotarf ans of Salem beard 1 an . alaque-t .plea for. national tfre- yaraaness as ueir luncaeoir v eu mmiar. tha speaker being CoL , Carl Abrams, fellow membef of ta club, premljieBt , Legionnaire and veteran of the world war. . ' Colonel Abraras prefaced his re- sarfcs by the emphatic statement f feat , ex-service men are the very . who will keep America out of war If that Is possible. He potat d out that men who hare served ' taetr country In Its struggles to . maintain Its liberty know better ikaa anyone else the horrore, Jkare ships and terrible results , of warr' He pointed out that the most terrible heritage of warfare is the Havoc it wreaks on humanity as - evidenced by s the d 1 s a b 1 e d, maimed and hopelessly stricken jeuag men who fill the hospitals . mt America today. Peace Real Objective i ' Declaring that the chief objec tive of the American Legion and the- Spanish-American war veter - ana today In the prevention of war. Colonel Abrams said that the greatest danger to the nation lies with those who would spread the propaganda that it is wicked to engage in warfare against - any country for any cause. He pointed ut that there are. many nations today who look with covetous greed toward America and who would be glad to take advantage ef an preparedness here. "War i the greatest of crimes,1 Im said, "but until that day when crime ceases to exist there always 1 Is imminent danger of conflict. The American Leglpn is working for a law which will draft the manpower, wealth and Industries of the United States, so that there win be no profiteering, no slack ers, la the hour of need' The national defease act is all that stands between America and the greed of aggressive nations, continued the speaker, who then proceeded to explain how that act , operates. In concluding his re marks Colonel Abrams made strong plea for true preparedness. "Let us not forget the past as a lesson for the future," he urged "Let us strive to make the pac lfist unpopular, so that the preser vation of, the JJnited, Slates will not be endangered: so that the backbone of the nation will not be Sanaa province. China.-were re ceived today by Dr. SL Parkes Cad mas, chairman or the China fam ine relief ' organization fn New York City, in a letter from, Leigh ton l P. Rand. China inland mis sion, at Lanchowfu, Kansu. ' Rand, who Is. foreign 'member of the 'Kansu f amino relief com mittee, appealed to Dr. Cadman to include this ' province in the or ganlaatlon's work of -Christian charity. The -letter: told of the privations and miseries of the inhabitants and; of the earthquake that killed 15,00 last year and - reduced 100:000 to poverty, which Rand said bad been followed by a suc cession of calamities. . The most tragie toueh." - be wrote Dr.. Cadman, "has been added by the insurrection of the Moslems, who form a third of the population of the province. Though starting- In the appearance hero and there : of unorganized, robber bands, it -has spread like wildfire and has now become just such a Mohammedan rebellion as has on several previous occasions in the pastj century" laid waste the prov ince 'and decimated its population. Proof reports already in from the country districts the known mas sacred exceeds two hundred thou sands. , . . . . eaten out by pernicious, insideous i me- ciose oi nis address a motion was passed extending the t banks of the Rotarlans to Colon cl Abrams for his able speech. DUIMEDIS Kl TOTAL OF 11 SHANGHAI, Oct. 10. (Wed nesday) (AP) Reports from the Christian mission in Kansu province, ..western China, indicate that more than 200,000 persons have been slain In an uprising of Mohammedans there. The deaths were attributed to civil warfare and not a massacre. Civil strife has been rampant In the province for many months and was contin uing last August when the latest developments were learned here. Communications between Kansu and the outside world are primi tive. ! Belknap Springs Declared Ideal Autumn Resort INDEPENDENCE, Ore., Oct, 10 (Special) Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Williams and 'daughters returned Sunday evening from a ten days' vacation at Belknap Springs. practically all of the summer vacationists had left the resort but the Williams family reports it an excellent place to spend a few days at this season of the . year, especially for those that enjoy the beauties of nature. CLEAN nes DRINKING BY LOTS OF WATER -Take Salts to Flush Kidneys if Bladder Bothers or Back. Harts NW YORK, Oct. 10. AP)--Re ports of a massacre of 200.000 persons by fanatic Moslems In Eating too much rich food may produce kidney trouble In some form, says a well-known authori ty, because the acids created excite the kidneys. - Then they become overworked, get sluggish, clog up and cause all sorts of distress, par. tlcularly. backache and misery in the kidney region, rheumatic twinges, severe headaches, acid stomach, constipation torpid live& sleeplessness, bladder and urinary irritation. The moment your back hurts or kidneys aren't aclng right, or if bladder bothers you, begin drink ing lots of good water and also get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good pharmacy; take a tablespoonful In a glass of Water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys may then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice,: combined with Hthia, and has been used for years to flush clogged- kidneys and stimulate them to activity; also to neutralise the acids in the system so that they no longer Irritate, thus often relieving bladder disorders. - Jad Salts cannot injure anyone; makes a delightful effervescent llthla-water drink which millions of men and women take now and then to help keep the kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus often avoiding serious kidney disorders, adv. offers the new 1929 A Jtmyjxmtt Ex MODEL 40 now COMPLETE jreadyto operate T w la S alsea ffJ?7Fsy AnlfU- as s A. c. .in 1 1 less 7 M IM Model 40 un 1 neUfylac S A. C taMI SSI 'UlIS is the lowest price at which an Atwatcr Kent ' JL electric set has ever been soldi Yet this new llodel 40 is an even better radio. It has greater range more power wonderful selectivity beautiful.tone. - Everything else you want in fine radio Is here too. Fraction-of-a-ccntn-hour battery leas operation; com pacta ess, beauty and proved dependability. There's a big demand for this new set, fof at this low price it is an exceptional value. Get yours here todayor let us demonstrate It at your ome--free. Drop in or telephone today. ;V--- " ":' CVwVi . . ' ! " . wutimiu z V. L4 r tlO Court Street V ::4 -FHEE! .TEN POUNDS : CAKE SUGAR: FXlEEI--TnunSDAYs rFRIDAY SATURDAY end ! MONDAY- FREE! " SUGAR FREE! I w w a fa 9 w V4 w a 9 o w w w CL I Q Z o 5 C3 Q 9 Q 5 Q 9 1 w (4 mad is rowaea uauy py r eopie Talcing Advantage of this mrawi.rv . - ims store III' riWWW v fcjt, m 0 of the U. S. Cfothing Co. O ' Stock, Portland, Oregon II . THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Efli4pGo Cane Sugar We will give FREE to each customer 10 lbs. of Pure Cane Sugar with each purchase of $5.00 or over. LIMIT 10 LBS TO CUSTOMER It has been our instruction (o wind up this sale last week. ' It being almost a physical impossibility to wait upon the public as we desired to for which we offer our sincere apology. , But owing to the radical reductions that prerail throughout the stock it is of the utmost necessity that we1 are compelled-to keep the overhead expense down to a mini mumand therefore at the request of hundreds of satisfied customers who wished us to prolong the great selling event in order to tell their friends, we will continue the same bonafide values, and 10 POUNDS PURE CANE SUGAR FREE! COME! -I ' - -:;- - : 1FO THE AIlMlf & NAVY GOODS STOIUS The Most Spectacular Price Slashing Event Staged In Many Years Galvanized Water Large size heavy galvan ized Water Palls go at 'each ,;. CIGARETTES Fresh stock Chester fields, Lucky Strikes, Camels and Old Golds, per package BED SHEETS 81x99 You. can buy them here while quantity lasts at each Ladiet' mi Misses' iHisis Holeproof brand, regular $1.00 value, while quan tity lasts,' per pair $4.00 Wool Navajo Robs $1.95 Double large size Plaid Blankets $1.79 I Men's $8.00 Wool $6.00 AU Wool Blankets..... .$2.95 Double Wool Plaid Blankets ....$3.95 Blazers ........$3.95 VOOLSHIRTS Double elbows, lined bosom, regular $3L value ALL WOOL SWEATERS $8.00 AO Wool Sweaters, while quantity lasts 2W Ladies9 Felt House Slippers y 29c Children s Felt House Slippers While they 29 C MEN'S FINE DRESS HATS $5.00 to $6.00 values Charles Thompson, Blue Ribbon Santaellas and Prime Minister brands, fresh stock, while quan tity lasts " $ oc? a - Box of 50 for $1.50 50c and 75c Children's Stockings. .9c $1.00 Silk Neckwear. .-29c 1 $1.50 Union Made Painters' Overalls 98c Extra Heavy Union Made Carp. Overalls. $1.69 Overalls Boss of The Road Tiranrf Qft Boss of The Road Brand Overall Jumper. ,98c $10.00 Sheeplined Moleskin Coats, 36 inches long, ; 4 pockets with belt all around and JC QC Beaverized collar - .1 $DVD $5.00 Black Bear Waterproof Pants QC While quantity lasts . )l.iD $6.00 Black Bear Waterproof Coats .O Af? ' .While quantity lasts $LiiVO $3.00 SLICKER . ia coats : $2.25 SLICKER nn i PANTS HOC I $2.00 Heavy Cotton AO Union Suits - ,., ..VOC Heavy Random wool union suits . C1 QC $4.00 value A ... Pla3 $5.00 and $6.00 all wool Union Suits, (JO Qff while quantity lasts .. u. $LinJ D Men's Silk and Wool Union Suits, QC $4.00 value, while quantity lasts vlfD Genuine Army Wool Underwear, O? while quantity lasts .! a3 C ILES AITIHESIIi (5 AITS $4.95 $9.00 Leather and Corduroy blanke lined Coats i $12.50 'Horsehid.e Leather Coats, blanket lined $8.95 $20.00 Genuine Horsehide Leather Coats, 32 inches long, Beaverized collar, 4 pockets, tft 4 At belt all aroundSPECIAL ' pl4a7a W U I O We carry a complete lirfe of guaranteed waterproof raincloths including such brands as Boss of the Road 1003 Hirsch Weis 53 i i. fa i Q cn a G Can't Bust 'Em - ' Men's Army O. D. Slipover 7A ALL WOOL SWEATERS $9 A- MEN'S TO $4.00 . f1 4P- Brand (PO TIC Sweaters while' quantity lasts..- 13 C Values to-$8.00 $i.UO DRESS SHIRTS ''JLL-J. Jh I 45 SSmSJ"18' UrrU MEN'S OXFORDS ' (1 QC davtc KHAKI ' 7Qf i nn it 4 (T $5.00 value y Values to $6.00.... M.SJ5 PANTS ... .-y 3C $L00Umversal; Vacuum 7m et it " ' " TtTMxr ottc rrTrr $6.00 GENUINE LEATHER do AC? 0 es U JC M.$lUmon ;.;. Cg $SBfr $1.89 CORDOVAN PUTTEES $3.95 Lulich tompIete - y " ": MEN'S WOOL SWEATER COATS jff . . -- 69c $L19 25cQmVM '::';-;; gtSS '"f68 TlIUe9- $3.45 MEN'S LEATHER- : , 6AnC MIes?n . Whipcord aove ..1L3 to e-oo.-t coats $4.95 -v.,:?Ac -wESRT $1.79 ARMY SOAP- c MA Men'.20cDre sweaters V At bar 5C HeavyWool . Socks " V (5 MEN'S J4.00 DRESS Cl y7 lOcWHITE' . c 57 YiO . SHIRTS: 1.1 HANDKERCHIEFS O C - ; PLEASE ? - NOTE LOCATION nag ikmy ( j79-NORTH CofelERCIAL STREETS-BE TWEEN COURT AND CHEMEKETA4 ST. ' : 1 . -;'J 3 Doors .North, of Piggly Wiggly . i IvORTH co:.::.;rcial :: STflET FREE! TEN POUNDS c3-NE SUGAR FR5!THIJ-5dAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY and - MONDAY FREE! SUGAR . FnJt IWI3 it"- - v tss---c? ! w wwwimMmm ' -! a aJdaIi. 'if; ,