The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 04, 1928, Page 7, Image 7

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    ''i J": L
The New Oeegon Statesman, Salem. :OreimtThur8day Morning, October 4, iW
- 7
- 11 - " - - - - - - . . - .. i ......
Pioneer Merchant andXhar-
ter Member of Stayton
Masonic Lodge Dies
STAYTON, Ore.. Oct. 3. Spe
cla.1) Funeral services for Uriah
Whitney, pioneer merchant of this
city and a charter member of tV
Stayton A. Y. A. M. lodge, will
be held Thursday afternoon at
clock from the Stayton Baptist
church. In accordance with Mr,
Whitney's last request, the ReT.
H. S. Wolverton, pastor of the Bap
tlst church, will officiate.
Mr. Whitney was one of only
two remaining charter members of
the Masonic lodge here, which was
organized 50 years ago last June.
The other la ex-Senator Hobson.
Oregon Pioneer
Born at West Boding. Maine
March 23. 1834, Mr. Whitney first
came to Oregon In 1858 and the
same year opened a store at Aums-
rille with the late W. H. H. Darby.
He returned to Maine and came to
Oregon again in 1871 this time
opening a store at Stayton. He re
tired from business some time ago.
His wife died several years ago.
and he has been llrlng recently
with his daughter," Mrs. Lena SU
,havy. He died Tuesday, October 2,
after a short Illness. " "
Two Daughters Survive
Mr. Whitney Is survived by two
daughters. Mrs. Silhavy of Stay
ton and Mrs. Lily Worley of Seat
tle; a step daughter, Lucy A. Mor
timer of Lisbon Falls, Maine; two
granddaughters, Mrs. Naomi Stew
art of Stayton and Mrs. Aqueta
Dowllng of Seattle; four grand
sons. Uriah Silhavy of Stayton.
Byron Worley, Sherman. Worley
and Fred Worley of Seattle; and
two great grandsons. j .
Conditions in Mexico, as he sav
them during a recent brief visit to
that country, were depicted to Sa
lem's Rotarians Wednesday a
-their weekly luncheon by Harry
Stone, executive secretary of the
Portland Y. M. C. A.
Illiteracy, according to Mr.
Stone, Is the southern republic's
chief problem. Seven years ago, he
said, a partial census showed .that
75 percent of the 15.009000 In
habitants of Mexico could neither
read nor write. Conditions since
then have Improved, he added. He
predicted more cordial relations
with America and also a bright
future for Mexico's commerce and
industry. Mr. Stone was Introdu
ced by Dr. Lyman Steed.
Prior to Mr. Stone's address .the
club decided to refer the matter
of endowing a ward In the Sjalem
General Hospital to the board ot
directors for such action as seems
to them advisable. There previous
ly had been raised 1235 for this
purpose, a total or asis ovm i
Th much-heralded Rotary
Onrtftt sane one song, their In
ttial nerformance being greeted
by tumultuous cheers.
Scouts Select
Their Leaders
For Nefc &ear
MONMOUTH. Ore.d Oct74,
rsnci&i-l Local boy scout off!
Ara warn chosen at a meeting fat
1 the high school gymnaslumWed
aesday night as follows:
Junior assistant scoutmaster.
Krnast Calef: senior patrol lead
r -Verl White: scribe. Howard
' r.ood: trader. Norman Roth;
Quartermaster, Chester Chamber
' lain: natrol leaders: Gordon Eb-
wt. Kenneth Roth and Glenn
, W. Bernard Morse, newly elect
ed "head of the high school Eng
lish department, Is scoutmaster,
succeeding Egbert A. Roseboom
who left recently to enter Stan
ford university.
"Certificate For
-Railroad Issued
By Federal Body
The Interstate commerce com-
mission has Issued a eertlflcat3
authorizing the Condon-Klnsua &
Southern Railroad company . In
.Wheeler and Gilliam counties to
operate interstate. The- appllca-
. Uou of the company to retain ex
cess earnings was , denied by the
commission, r '
..The commission has recommen
ded against the proposed exten
sion of the Oregon, Pacific Jb East-
, era Railroad from Bedrock to the
aam ana miunw ot iu auuv
T and Mlddleton Lumber company In
Lane county. The proposed exten
sion would have been CO 00 feet in
length. t i '
Many Register
For Fall Vote;
Books to Close
SILVERTON, Ore.. Oct. I.
(Special.) There were approxi
c mately 300 voters registered dur
ing the month of September .in
.-SUverton. About 36 registered
' on Monday. -...,.
i 'It is expected that at least 200
will . register - between now and
- Saturday, the last day that regis,
tratlon books will be epen. .Ev
eryone 1s telng urged to register
by, October f. the last day tor
Seek Endurance Record
Jack Rand (left), and Capt.
preparatloos at Oakland, CaL, airport for an attempt to set a new
endurance flight record. They most remain in the air longer than
66 hours and 20 minutes to better
3. (Special) North jSantlam
folk who were represented at the
State fair included the Keithley,
Howard. McLaughlin. McCfeUand.
Browning, Bond, Davis, Whitney,
C has tain and Witcraft families.
All brought back enthusiastic re
ports of the falr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Keithley went
to Vancouver barracks Saturday
to visit their cousin, Eugene Ew
ell, who is stationed there.
Mrs. Keithley is confined to her
bed with a complication of ail
ments. Mrs. Stanley McLaughlin wenr
io Corvallis Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs,. Glenn Porter of Salem, to
lew the air derby.
The Miller brothers, Ben and
Jim. with their aged mother, have
moved to their farm near Shel-
burn. The Tripp family, from Los
Angeles will move Into the house
vacated by the Millers.
Mr. and Mrs. Hammerxeturned
last week from a two weeks vaca
tion at Lakevlew. They killed one
line deer while there.
Notorious Bank
Robber Escapes
With Two Pals
(AP). Roy Dlckerson, notorious
bank robber, escaped from ' the
Kltby prison with two other pri
soners by scaling the wall here
last night. His confederates in the
escape were Frank Cook and Ir-
anhoe Silva, both of Birmingham.
Cook was convicted of robbery
and Silva was known as the
"king of rum runners'' of Birm
ingham. Dlckerson has a spectacular
criminal record dating back to
1920 when he with his wife and
some fiTe or six companions stag
ed a sensational daylight robbery
at Phenix City, La.
Anniversary of
Kaiser's Birth:
Is Celebrated
BERLIN. Oct. 3. (AP) AL
though the former kaiser's 70th
birthday Is not due until January
27, plans already are afoot among
his friends here to celebrate the
occasion in great style.
In the Reichsbote. a newspaper
which in pre-war days used to be
found every morning on the ex-
Im serial breakfast table, the sug
gestlon Is made that a public" sub
scription should be raised to erect
a national memorial in honor of
WilUam II. As the republican
government, it is added, would
not be likely to permit it to stand
on public ground, an appeal might
be made to some ot WUllam's old
Intimates for & site in a private
parkaccess to which' should only
be riven to ' "kalser-true" Ger
mans.':-'. -' - -
Chamber Plans
First Meeting;
Highways Topic
SILVERTON, Ore., Oct. 3.
(SpeclaL) The SUverton Cham
ber of Commerce - will hold " its
first meeting ot the season Friday
night, foUowlng the regular 6:30
banquet at the armory.
Robert W, Sawyer of the state
highway commtsshfti wUl be pres.
ent to gire an outline ot the work
being done on the Cascade high
way. He win also discuss the au-
tomoblle tax bill.
Company Allowed
To End Franchise
: The pubUe service commission
Wednesday Issued an order auth
oriztnc the Coo Bay Boom com
pany to terminate Its franchise on
the CoquiUe river In Coos county.
The commission dismissed the
complaint. tf the Oregon Stagec
and Southern Pacific Mote Trans
port company against the apoUea
tlon of the 'Sunset Motor Coach
company." '" .-,." . -
'j Whiskey Is about as safe in a
government warehouse as the poor
pedestrian . In a safety sone.
Terre Haute Star.
: - . .- 1
- - .? v - f XI sir-' m" f I
Roscoo Tnraer as they completed
existing records. .
PRATUM, Ore., Oct. S. (Spe
cial) The -Marlon County Chris
tian Endeavor union will hold Its
annual convention at the Mennon
ite church here October 12 to 14.
James C. Henderson and Viola'
Ogden, officers of the state C. E.
union, will be among the speakers
as well as the Rev. Norman K.
Tully, pastor of the Salem Presby
terian church, and the Rev.
Charles C. Haworth, pastor of
South Salera Friends church.
The theme of the convention Is
"Crusade with Christ' Music
will be in charge orCIark Aydel
ott of Salem.
Roosevelt Picked
By N.Y. Bourbons
To Head Ticket
(AP). New York democrats at
the closing session of their state
convention Tuesday nominated
Franklin D. Roosevelt of Hyde
Park, former assistant secretary
of the navy, for governor and a
ticket of state officers. The
GoTernor, Franklin D. Roose
velt. Hvde Park.
Lieutenant governor. Colonel
uernerx . neonMo, new ivit.
Attorney general, Albert Con
way, Brooklyn. . ,
Comptroller, Morris S. Tre
maln, Buffalo.
, U. S. senator. Royal S. Cope
land. New -York.
Judge of the court ot appeals.
Leonard C. Crouch. Syracuse.
Senator Copeland and Comp
troller Tremain were given re-
Robinson Again
Defends Smith
For His Beliefs
TULSA. Okla., Oct. S.-CAP)
A challenge toMhe voters of the
nation to cite a single Instance
where' Alfred. E. Smith has per
mitted his membership in the
Catholic church to influence his
action as governor was issued to
day by Senator Joseph Robinson,
the democratic vice ' presidential
nominee, upon his arrival In this
state. -
Advised by Oklahoma party
leaders who . met him at Clare
more this morning that religion
was one of the paramount Issues
to be thrashed out. the senator in
a brief speech made from a truck
In the middle ot a street, declared
that no one would know from
Smith's actions to what churchhe
Frye Suspended
As Commander
Macabees Group
DETROIT, Oct.: 3. (AP) A.
W. Frye, Supreme Commander
of the MaCabees. has been . tem
porarily rem oved from office
pending investigation of .charges
of misconduct in office, neglect o
duty and Incompetency, D. P.
Markey, acting Supreme comman
der, announced today.
. .Markey, who resigned as su
preme commander in 1924 in fav
or -of Frye of having held Af flee
13 years, revealed that 99 pages
of charges against Frye' had been
filed with the board ot trustees
by John E. Owen, general counsel
for the MaCabees at a meeting
last Friday.. - S
Lad Is Injured ;
When Gasoline
Tank Explodes
(SpeclaL) Albert Monsea, son of
Mr. and Mra. Monson had a nar
row escape strom serious injury
Saturday when a , supposedly
empty 50-gallon gas tank explod.
3d as he was flUlng it with water.
The. top of the tank wal blown
off, hitting the boy In the- head,
cutting a deep gash in his fore
head. ' The explosion, burned his
face-severely. -
The catch in 'the Chinese decla
ration that all war debts will be
paid la that It doesn't say when.
Syracuse Herald.
0 PlfSIS.
Practice Grid Game Sched
uled - Saturday; Will; ,
Elect Yefl Leader - ,
Monmouth. Ore.,-Oct. J. (Spe
cial.) Yell and song leaders win
be elected at the normal school
this week in preparation for pep
rallies , throughout the football
season. "
The oDenlnr practice game of
the season will be played Saturday
with, the Salem high school team.
A scrimmage with players from
the Chemawa Indian school had
been planned for today, but the
arrangements fell through.
PORTLAND. Ore;. Oct. S
Seven .national banks of Mult
nomah county yesterday paid the
county S161.012.48 as taxes tor
1926 on shares of capital stock.
The payment was made at a meet
ing with the county commission
ers, and in accordance with ai
agreement that followed negotia
tions for several days.
Under the terms ot the agree
ment, the county treasury Is to be
reimbursed 636.154.22 for 1026
state taxes, and in the amount, or
SS4.172.26 for 1927 state taxes
The balance, 91j686 was ordered
distributed proportionately to the
county, city, sehool aistncts, ana
other recipients, on the basis ot
the 1926 assessment and tax ton
This was a compromise settle
ment after the federal court had
held that the shares of capital
stock of natlcfnal banrs wore ex
empt from state tax for 1926.
1927 and 1928, on the ground
that national bank stocks should
not be taxed only on the basis as
had been provided by congress
Plant Here Sold
By Courts Order
The plant of the Kings Products
company, which , was built here
several years ago at a cost of more
than' a million dollars Wednesday
was sold to T. M. Hicks to satisfy
a judgment of 120.533 said to be
due taxes accumulated since 1924.
It was said that other litigation
would result from the order of the
court authorizing the sale of the
plant at the low figure.
Ingram. Pioneer,
Dies On Monday
Lebanon; ore., oct. $. (spe
cial) w. H. Ingram, gl; old res
ident of Linn county and former
member of the state legislature.
died at his home near here Octo
ber 1. He came to the coast by way
of Panama when 7 years old. For
43 years he lived on the farm
where he died. V i
- - i'ji
The new bright c o 1 or sj
and clean-cut patterns of
the Arrnstrong make are )
certainly beautifuL When:
hard surfaced floor coyer-.;
ings are made better, yott';
can rest assured Arm-';
strongs will make them. Mn
Our prices on .
Felt base 9x10-6
Our prices on
Felt base 9x12
Our prices on Li
noleum 9x10-6
Our prices on Li- Ot
noletmt 9x12 - U
Not for one week, but until?
January 1st.' When looking
for floor coverings be sure
to see these beautiful rugs.!
Chambers &
357 N. High SU,
Out of the high rent district
s m m
I I ' i ssnnn ssnt
est Salem News
Helen IL Roddf . Than 24021
Earl Jensen motored to Port
land Monday. He was the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. A. West Johnson
over night. Mr. Johnson la the
manager of the Columbia theatre
In Portland and an old friend of
Mr. Jensen. Mr. Jensen returned
to West Salem Tuesday evening.
Mr, and Mrs. J. H Hughey and
family, who left for Lewistown,
Mont., Monday morning are plan
ning to spend two weeks, time in
Spokane, Washington, on their
way. Spokane is Mrs. Hughey's old
home so they look forward eagerly
to '. again seeing, their , . former
friends. From there they will go
to Lewistown to finish some busi
ness.! They expect to .remain for
two months, at the end of which
timei they will return to Spokane
for the rest of the winter. In the
spring Mrs. Hughey said they plan
to return to West Salem and build
a new home "on the lot where the
one recently burned stood.
R, M. Spencer is doing the stuc
co work and the plastering on the
flew store building In Sclo. He
drives to and from West Salem.
The Methodist minister sup
planting the Rev. F. L. Cannell.
School Closing
For Institute
(Special) SUverton schools will
close Monday and Tuesday, Octo
ber 8 and 9 for the county insti
tute which will be held in Salem
Through the consent of the coun
ty superintendent, a number of
the local teachers will spend the
two days in Portland visiting the
schopls instead of attending the
; ; . . I
who has gone to Bay City for the
year, is (he Rev. M. A. Groves,
from Turner. Mr. Groves preached
ia West Salem at the Ford Mem
orial Methodist, church for the
first time last Sunday. He Is oc
cupying the house where Mr. Can
nell- lived on Edgewater street,
with his wife and three rear old
son Meredith Robert. Mr. Grovesi
Is attending Willamette Univer
sity where he will be graduated In
the spring, receiving his A. B. de
gree. His major subjects are psy
chology and " 'philosophy.
Groves likes West Salem.
SILVERTON, Ore., Oct 3!
(Special) Delbert Reeves Post
of the American Legion and the
auxiliary entertained many frineds
friends at the installation meeting
Monday night in the armory.
New officers installed in the
ladles 'Auxiliary were Ina Herald,
president; Clarice Johnson- vice
president; Mrs. Dee Austin secre
tary; Zetta Schlador treasurer;
Mrs. Allle Heldenstrom, sargeant-at-arms;
Vesta Hamre historian.
Following the Installation of
the legion officers as well as the
auxiliary, a banquet was served.
Girls Pledged
To Sororities
SILVERTON, Ore..- Oct. 3.
(Special) Julia Currie and
Eleanor Jane Ballantyne, Silver,
ton girls attending U. of O. were
pledged in sororities In "rush
wk." Mia Ciirri wi nlndrAd
to Alpha Chi Omega, Miss Ballan-
tyne to Zeta'Tau Alpha.
"where savings
160 N. Liberty
and Young
Yoti Will Find Just the RightWeight,
Color, Pattern and Model to Meet
Your Demands in Our New Lines
Now on Display
Overcoatings in the smart
Double Breasted Box
Model shown at the
Medium weights in
the popular Sirigfe
Breasted Box Model
Sketched at right
Thru and thru and plaid
back: overcoatings in , shades
of tan, grey, brown and blue
in novelty weaves and over.
plaids; :-.;;''" ' -:
Values at
Monmouth. Ore., Oct. 3. (Spe
cial.) One of the 'principal so
cial events of the school year oc
curred Saturday evening when the
Oregon Normal school faculty en
tertained the student body at the
annual faculty ' reception in the
chapel. -
President J.S. Landers weL
com&d .the students in an address,
and Mrs. Landers sang several
groups of songs with piano ac
companiment by Mrs, Sylvia Os
born of the music department and
violin accompaniment by Miss lva
Claire Love of Salem. .-
Miss Louise Woodruff, also of
the music department, sang, ac
companied by Mrs. Osborn.
A ' feature dance was given by
members of the physical education
department, and a solo dance,
"Autumn Mood, by Miss Gloria
Parker.- The occasion" was an au
spicious opening ot social life In
the school for this 3 ear, and was
attended by practically every stu
dent registered.
Woman's Club's
First Meeting
To Be Tuesday
SILVERTON, Ore.. Oct. 3
(Special) The Federated Wom
an's club of SUverton will "hold Us
first meeting of the season on
Tuesday afternoon, October 9, at
the home of Mrs. Ballantyne at
222 Coolidge street.
The winter's work will be out
lined in general, and plans will he
made for the delegates to atten
the county federation meeting
which will be held In Jefferson on
the 18th of the month, where the
SUverton club has been asked to"
Rive a response to the welcome.
are greatest
St, Salem, Ore.
Men Interested in
McKees On Trip'
(Special) Mr. and Mrs. J. R. MK
Kee left Tuesday noon for Corvjj4
lis to visit their daughter, WW
Verna McKee, who Is attendlns
O. A. C. From there they will,.
leave for Salt Lake City. They ek- V
pect to be j gone about two weeks.
Miss Anna Klampe will ' be em
ployed at j the Terminal during
their absence,
Mrs. Lydla Hoyt, Misses Loa
Miller and Estella LUlard trans
acted business in Salem Friday.
Miss Addle Libby visited at thev
home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. ;
Frank Llbby, and family Suaday.,
. j ; ,,t'
Four Beginning
Pupils Enroll
FRUITLAND, Ore.. Oct. 3.
(Speclal)-f-Mrs. Schuls, teacher jot,
the four lower grades, has four be
ginning pupils this year; Clarence''
Fagg, Dwight Runner, Eugene
Schlag and Nellie Smith. Mrs. For
gard has 21 pupils in the upper
grades, making a total of 40 li
Mrs. Evans, mother
ot Mrs.
Schuls. has recovered from
acute uiness.
Dad's Quartet'
Heard At Rally:
SILVERTON. Ore., Oct.' j"
(Special)- T he well-k n o ft
"Dad's quartet" of SUverton sanpf
several numbers at a Hoover ralr
ly meeting, held in the central Ut
brary building in Portland, Monr
day night, v
STAYTON. Ore., Oct. S. (Spe
clal) Mr. and Mrs. Glen E. Foat
and J. WL Mayo were In Portland
Monday on woolen mill business., 3
i -
V2" J I