The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 29, 1928, Page 7, Image 7

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Spectacular Events
Thrill at Horse Show
T ;- . . - "i I ' . - " ' ' ' - " I tl
TTTITH the addition, of a tew
f f Indians and a couple of
laity war-whoops, the Friday
night horse show at the big pa
vilion on 'the fairground would
nave resembled a miniature Pen
ileton round-ap. The crowd was
:cept on their toes with spectacular
I spills, dramatic crashes and unex-
. jected refusals of horses to take
r Lhe Jumps. The big sUkes a Ward -
Td last night brought the crowd
f 'tmmarily to the horse show, but
t was toe Corinthian for hunters
d. the hunting' pairs that drew
'hem to their feet and kept them
; peering. j
- In the hunting pairs, Jlmmie
Moble did a complete flop, with
!ds rider narrowly escaping a bad
Uurt. Mrs. C. D. Starr of Port
land, mounted on Kula Kula, had
a startling spill when Kula Kula
ot excited by a paper hanging
jver the rail and fell ever the
third hurdle. In the Corinthian,
a number of horses positively re
fused to take the four, hurdles
and in and out of the pig pen.
i Those who did take the hurdles
liad their experiences with kicking
ver the rails and banging them
selves up more or less, with the
. -xceptlon of the horses from the
ttahles of Dr. and Mrs. J. H.
i 'lore Prises for Frank
' Siella Vane, the fine! looking
.ntry from the sUbles of Aaron
v. Frank, romped away with the
i olue ribbon in the A. C. Ruby
ilOOO stake for heary harness
horses. Stella Vane has been tak
i ing the blues in every event in
! which she has been enterd. Prin
I ttss Mary, owned by Bridgeford
Bros., of Joy, Illinois, won the red
jr ribbon. The third ribbon went to
fp- Hubly stables of Mason City. 1111-
aois, for their horse. Honey Lou.
The distribution of prises for the
take continued evenly, with
Buckley Vedie of the Frank sta
oles taking fourth, Corinne of the
Oridgeford string taking fifth, and
another horse from the Hubly sta
tues taking sixth.
Uublys Take Big Stake
The Hublys had a big night,
picking up a cool $1000, taking
the entire stake offered for light
iarneB3 roadsters. All entries
were made by the Hubly family,
nit the judges spent a lot of time
tedding which horse was out
tandmg. Ia addition to winning
the entire roadster stake, the
Hublys got third and sixth in the
k. C. 'Ruby stake, and second tn
. the single Shetland pony class.
Robin Hood, W. F. Turner's
prilliant horse, continued his
matchless performance with the
tcquiring of another blue ribbon
in the ladies' flve-galted saddle
I horse class. . Robin .Hood was not
is fine aa usual, as -his. feminine
mount did .not understand dis
playing him to the beat advant-
age. Match Boy, from the prize
winnlng Feeler stables at Beverly
j. Bills, won the red ribbon in the
f'- ladies' flve-galted saddle horse
Z lass, and Yellowstone, owned by
W. J. Hill of Montana, but being
5 -displayed under the Turner col
ors! got the third place,
field Horse Show Class
Horses from the stables of Dr.
t and Mrs. J. H. Held at Portland
scintillated in the jumping events.
In the thrilling jumping pairs.
Flying Fox and his mate got the
blue rfbbon, and The Student
Prince and his mate, both from
the Held string, got the third
Erize. The Aaron M. Frank sta
les acquired the red ribbon for
the event, Mayheart and his mate
taking second. Alex Young, Jr..
with his entries. Hop Over and
Pop Over, got fourth in the class.
The hunters' Corinthian, with
twenty entries, kept the enthusias
tic crowd in a turmoil of evclte
ment. Surviving the spills. Fly
ing Fox and Kentucky Bob of the
Held string, and Pop Over, a San
Francisco horse, had to jump the
four hurdles and in and out of
the pig pen again to place for
third and fourth prises, with the
result that the Held horses made
a clean sweep. The Student Prince
got the blue, Fanwood won the
red. Flying Fox got the white
and Kentucky Bob got the pink
ribbons in the event.
.Driving Competition Excite
j The crowd did not have a
fjC chance to settle to their feet fol.
V lowing the hunting pairs, the third
event on the program, when the
second canto of the driving com
petition for the 11000 stake spon
sored by the U. S. National bank
of Salem was held. With seven
entries of the heavy six-horse
team la the tan bark ring, even
the announcer had to seal the
fence. Twisting, turning, ma
neouverisg his great horse with
uncanny skill, A. C. Ruby of Port
land won the bin ribbon for Fri
day night. The Damascus Milk
company driver was second, and
McCroflkey and White of Garfield,
Washington, were third. The
competition ts being Judge solely
on the skill of the driver. Thurs
day Bright, the Damascus Milk
company entry won, so Saturday
. aight will determine the best
1 river. - Others who won ribbons
in the six-horse competition were:
A. C. Ruby and son entry, fourth;
D. F. Burge, Albany, fifth; H. W.
Merritt of Rosalia, Washington.
Sixth; Andrew Schab of Salem,
, seventh.
Missionary Society
To Meet Wednesday
The woman's missionary , so
briety of the First Congregational
meh will hold their regular
' jgeothly meeting next Wednesday
afternoon, October S. a the home
afl Mrs. W. L Staley. 271 North
aP fc'ummer street. Hostesses asslst
. ing Mrs. Staley are Mrs. Mark Mc
calllster. Miss Oda Chapman; Mrs.
Jay Morris, Miss Leora' Morris,
Mrs. J. W. Pratt an Mrs. U H,
WcMahan. " - -
The Bridgeford Bros., who have
been taking seconds and thirds
since the opening of the show,
added a few more blue ribbons to
the number they acquired Thurs
day night. Their entry In the sin
gle narness ponies class got the
first prise, with another entry
from their stables winning third.
A Bridgeford pony, entered un-
uer ue Frank colors, got the red
ribbon. Bridgeford Bros, also won
the blue ribbons on their entries
la both the harness ponies pairs
and in the single Shetland classes.
The pretty Welty Shetland pon
ies, with silver mainea, that have
been consistent winners since the
beginning of the shows, lost to
Bridgeford Bros. In the Shetland
pairs in harness class. The crowd
was deeply disappointed, and told
the Judges eo in no uncertain
terms. The dainty little' fellows
from the Welty stables took sec
ond and third In the pairs class,
and third in the single class.
John Hubly got the second prise
in the Shetland single class.
Peelers Win Again
The splendid horses from the
Fesler family string kept their
winning stride with adding two
blues and two reds to their color
ful collections of ribbons. The
prettiest sight of the evening were
Beggar's Boy and Beggar's Sister
in the ladies' and gentlemens'
three-gaited pairs, with Miss Lu-
cile F. Fesler and George Howell
of Louisville. Kentucky, up. The
crowd applauded them strenuous
ly, for the two horses were sup
erbly ridden and finely macthed.
Kimberly Mine and Exciter, fam
ous Fesler horses, got second In
the same claos, and an entry by
C. H. Chevelle of Seattle got the
white ribbon.
Kimberly Mine, the finest black
horse shown in the tan . bark ring
this year, won an easy first in
the gentlemen's three galted sad
die horse class. George Howell al
so displayed this mount.
Another Fesler horse, Exciter.
rot second In the same class. F.
ax .
T. HlckoxT Carnation Royal, a
fine-looking sorrel horse, won the
whfte ribbon, and fourth went to
Brilliant Lady from the Chevelle
Interesting Program Planned
Saturday night, the final night
of the horse-show, promises to be
most interesting, with the award
ing of three big stakes and a
Crafton broad Jump for hunters
closing the program. Nine entries
have been made for the Z50
Shetland pony stake, sponsored by
N. C.Xnlbertson of Portland. The
L. "TR.. Banks stake for harness
ponies have been raised to $1000
by the Portland men, instead of
the original $500, and entries
made by Aaron M. Frank. Bridge
ford Bros., and D. G. Welty will
compete for this stake. The final
prixe-winners In the driving com
petition for the $1000 stake spon
sored by the United States Na
tional Bank of Salem will be an
nounced Saturday.
Besides the competitions for
these stakes, the program, will al
so include the following classes:
combination five-gaited. ladies'
nalrs. saddle ponies, roadster to
bike, gentlemen's three-galted
saddle horses, single Shetland
Donies in harness. five-gaited
pairs, tandems, and the Grafton
broad jump, where the horses are
to be ridden over a 3 foot hurdle
with pasteboard boxes on the far
side of the hurdles. The boxes will
be extended until all horses are
' Announcement has also been
made that the final horse show of
the state fair will be held Sunday
afternoon, beginning at 2:30 o
clock. In the horse show stadium.
Classes Meet For
Study Monday
The study classes sponsored by
the applied educational depart
ment of the Salem Woman's club
will meet in the woman's club
house on North Cottage street
Monday afternoon, October 1, at
2:10 o'clock.
Dr. F. G. Franklin will instruct
the class In current events. The
book-of-the-month class will eon
tinue the review of Siegfried's
"America Become of Age" under
the leadership of the Iter. Martin
F. Ferrey. .
All club members Interested tn
the classes are Invited to attend.
Mrs. J." M. Devers is general chair
man of the applied educational
department, and Is also in direct
charge of the study els sees.
The first fall meeting of the Ra
phaterlan club, formerly announ
ced for the first Thursday in Oc
tober, has been postponed to the
afternoon of October 11. Mrs.
Henry Compton will be the hos
tess at that time.
Judge and Mrs. Brown
Entertain Relatives
Guests at the home of Judge
and Mrs. George M. Brown this
week are their daughter and grand
son, Mrs. Thomas McGilehrist and
Thomas, Jr., of Portland y and
Mrs. Brown's mother and father,
Mr. an4 Mrs. A. A. DeUows, all of
Roseburg. The group will remain
at the Brown home until after the
. James Bishop and Tom Bishop
opof Portland.' grandson of Ir.
And Mrs. C.-P." Bishop, arrived in
Salem Friday evening. The Bish
ops will entertain their grandsons
at the state fair Saturday, and the
young men will return to Portland
Sunday afternoon. , . , .. ..-'a,.
Big Reception At
Lausanne Hall
i Saturday '
m11 T. If. and T. W. organisa
tions en the campus at WO
lamette university will sponsor a
reception Saturday evening, be-
ginning at S o'clock in Lausanne
halL The reception, to which all
members of the faculty and all
students at the university are bid-
aen. is especially to honor the new
members of the faculty and the
students who are entering Wil
lamett for the first time.
Dr. end Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney.
wean uiive uani, Dean and Mrs.
F. M. Erlckson. Mis Jean White.
Kenneth Litchfield. Miss Elsie
Tucker and Harold Shellhart will
be la the receiving line. Miss
White Is rice-president of the
student body. Miss Tucker Is
president of the university T. W.,
Mr. Litchfield is president of the
student body, and Mr. Shellhart
is president of the university Y.
The Spanish Idea, with palms.
bright flowers ad gracefully drap
ed Spanish shawls, is being used
as the decorative motif for the
reception by Miss Jean White,
general, and Miss Camilla Gates,
chairman of the decorations com
The program will include piano
numbers by Miss Rosalind JVan
Winkle, violin numbers by Miss
Faye Irvine, vocal solos by Ronald
Craven, piano soloe by Miss Helen
Rice, and orchestral numbers.
Schmidts Entertain
Card Club Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Schmidt
entertained the members of the
Tuesday Night 500 club in. their
home the evening of September
25. Three tables of cards were in
play, with Mrs. W. K Irwin win
ning the first prise, and the sec
ond prize going to Mrs. E. A. Don
Late In the evening, Mrs
Schmidt served refreshments. Big
baskets of asters and gladioli
combined with goldenrod decked
the livlngrooms of the Schmidt
Club members present for the
evening were Mr. and .Mrs. C. T.
Moffltt, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Jones.
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Irwin, Mr. and
Mrs. E. A. Donnelly, Mr. and Mrs.
A. J. Wheaton, Mrs. Charles Bry
ant, and the host and hostess, Mr.
and Mrs. Schmidt.
Bellingham Woman
Visits at Abrams
i e '
onniiT. rtirmiR ' e
- Sunday !'
w.tB .u.m viri
handiwork. First Omgrsgn.
tional ahnrch. 7:10 o'clock.
Salem Garden club. Chant-.
ber of Commerce auditorium,
1:00 o'clock. R W. Cooler of
Sllverton. speaker. Colored
slides by O. M. Pndor, f
Pnnlliin Wn I?
Amaranthus club, Mrs. J.
B. Protxman. 1:10 o'clock.
Current Brents and Booavof-
th month classes of the
Salem Woman's club, club-
house on North Cottage
street, S:S0 o'clock.
Republican Women's study
club, Mrs. C. P. Bishop, 715
Court street, 1:00 o'clock. -
Hon. Louis E. Bean, speaker..
Chad wick Chapter, O. . S.
Masonic temple, 8 o'clock.
Rslem Arta Laarae. auditor-
ium of public library, 7:15
o'clock. Election of officers.
Rlm Ci v. 8. elnb. at
Mrs. Fred Duncan, 15S5
State street, 7: SO o'clock. J
Missionary society of First
Cinnrrn rational r.hnrcb. Mrs.
W. L Staley. 171 North Sufia-
mer street, 1:10 o'clock.
Business and Professional
Women's club, dinner - 'at
Gray Belle, C:10 o'clock,
Mrs. Lois A. Greene of Belling
ham. Washington, who has been
the guest of her mother and sis
ter at Eugene for the past five
weeks, spent part ofthe state fair
period at the home of her brother
and sister-in-law. Colonel and Mrs.
Carle Abrams. Mrs. Greene left Sa
lem Thursday . for her home in
Mr. and Mrs. Earl H. Anderson
returned recently frov Pendleton,
where they motored io attend the
Salem O. N. S. Club
To Resume Meetings
Mrs. Fred Duncan will enter
tain the members of the Salem
O. N. S. club in her home at 153S
State street Tuesday evening, be
ginning at 7:30 o'clock. This will
be the first club meeting of the
autumn season.
Mrs. T. C. Humphreys of Port
land has been a guest of Dr. Fan
nie A. Brown during the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Clark of
Malln are visiting at the homes
of their parents. Mr; and Mrs. W.
W. Hill and Mr. and Mrs. D. H.
Clark, for a fortnight.
At the
Business Women
Resume Dinner
Meetings j
THE. members of the Business
and Professional Women's
club will resume their dinner
meetings after the summer recess,
Wednesday evening, October 3, at
6:30 o'clock In the Gray Belle.
During the business session, the
club members will vote on the
I-roposed changing of meeting
date. f
Dean Roy Hewitt of Willamette
University will be the speaker of
the evening, his topic being wom
en s responsibilities In the com
ing election. Vocal solos will be
given by Walter Kaufman of Wil
lamette University. "
Former Salemite Is
Guest of Farrars
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Hatch
and their daughter. Miss Morean
Hatch, have been guests of Mr.
md Mrs. J. H. Farrar at their
home on Court street, for several
lays this week. They left by'mo-
;or for their home in San Fran
cisco Thursday morning.
Mr. Hatch is well-known in Sa
lem. He was the son of P. A. Hatch
early Marlon county pioneer; a
brother to Mrs. Abbie Farrar an,d
an uncle to J. H. Farrar.
Cecil B.' De Mill, who based his
famous picture. "The Ten Com
mandments." on Mosaic times ana
the tablets of the Law, produced
"The King of Kings" which ts
based on the story of the Gospels
and the life of the Divine Man of
The color and warmth of real
human interest are here, con
joined with spectacular beauty
and the very height of dramatic
power. Mr. De Mine begins with
the quest, by the proud Magdalene
In her sebra-drawn chariot of an
admirer who has forsaken, her
banquet board and followed an
itinerant worker of miracles.
Then the story from the- re
demption of the Magdalene, rises
to the grand sweep of the cleans
ing of the Temple and the attempt
to crown Jesus ae King, of the
Jewish people. The terrific eoun.
ter motive brings forth the" be
trayal of the Lord, the capture at
Gethsemane, and the trial before
Pontius Pilate which Is, perhaps,
the loftiest dramatic theme of
painting or story."- Thenceforward
the grand . events more to the
world catastrophe on Golgotha,
accompanied by eclipse, storm and
earthquake, .
i An ending of wondrous sweet
ness 1 presented by the rising
from the tomb of the Christ on
Easter tnorn and His leave-taking
from the Elevtfh and the - two
With Its myriad great seta of
New "Testament scenes, fine acting
of eighteen stars, fin reverent
sincerity. "Th King of Kings,!
which comes to the Elslnore thea-
a. . - .
ir loaay, na aitractea crowded
and enthusiastic audiences
throughout long New, York and
Los Angeles runs. The film will
be shown her fir consecutive
(Continued from Page 6
Olson, Lester, eeraping. . 81.94
Real, T. A., do 25.52
Shurter, Kenneth, carrying
water 9.30
Volgamore, L. E., shovel
ing, etc 15.95
Kuenzl. H. M. foreman, etc 2C6.72
Market Road No. 4S
Amort, R. O., team work
Arthur, Frank, grading .
Arthur, Ross, do .......
Brown, Homer Jr., dr ...
Brown, Homer Sr., dr .
Brown, Roy. do
Burbee, E. J., scraping. . .
Knower, Otto, grading...
Lux, Joe, checking rock,
Moore, Ike, scraping ....
Nelson, Frank, do
Oberslnner, Albert, work
ing on grade S.3S
Oster, Andrew, do S.38
Park, Lloyd L., do B
Potter, E. M.. scraping . . 5.99
Sanders, D. C, working
on grade 6.18
Schwenk. Christian, do. . 1-11
Slaby, Frank, do M'
Slaby, Joe, do . -3l
Slater. W. F., working on
Thomas, I. D., hauling wn-
ter. ete
Thomas, Lewis, scraping. $1.94
Vearrter. W. H do 6.1$
Market Roads No. 45-47
Alfred, Harold, working
Bartruff, Cecil, carrying
Craven, J. M., working on
grade ...
Damer, Cecil working on
headers, etc.
De Sarti, W.. working om
Fandrlch, Angnst, raking ;
AC 13.38
Fandrlch, Dan, ' shoveling -
A C 9M
Feddern, Herman, dump-
lag trucks
Grimm, R. C. working, on
headers 78.1
Hopf lnger, Jake, , raking -
AC 1,5f
Larson. Ola, working on f
grade, etc.
Maione, L. M., foreman . . 12."
Mllllgan, Nelll. shoveling
Reid, Ed, working on
headers, etc. ........
Rttchey, Chaa., working on
grade .......
Robinson. L. Tn i sanding
pavement, ete. .
Stevens. Qrvul. working on
Stortx, Sam. hauling water
Vanway. W. W working
- on. headers' ..........
Volgamore. W. L, sanding
pavement, etc. . ......
Wagner. Clifford, do.
Warren. O. L, grading. .
Market Road Now 4T
Valley Manufacturing Co.
- aledgo handles ......
Market Road Nov 40
Arthur. R. .W-, cutting '
brush, etc. .... . . ....
Coomler, Howard, team on
wagon . v ...... 1 4 $.7 4
Coomler. Russell, working
. on grade ...... . .'. . . . ; ' 9.56
Dunn. L. . team . on
wagon .............. 128.77
Hook, Marion, trimming I
President of Cheer
Club to Speak
tp Chapter
1TX KRS of Portland, president
of the Eastern Star nhmrr
ciun, will be a special guest at the
regular bi-moathlr me tin r nt
Chadwick chapter, Order of the
Eastern Star, Tuesday evening at
8 o'clock In the Masonic temple,
sirs. Carothers wiU sneak tn
the chapter members of the work
th Cheer club is doing In connec
tion with bringing pleasure and
companionship to the guests at
the Masonic and Eastern Star
home near Forest Grove. Miss
Gussie Nile, worthy, matron of
Chadwick : chapter, requests that
all members of the order attend
the meeting Tuesday evening.
Popular Services at
Congregational Church
The illustrated services that
have been so favorably received by
Salem folks will begin Sunday eve
ning. Sept;, 30, at 7:30 at the Con
gregational church. Center and
Liberty streets. Throughout the
winter these attratdve evening
services will include hymns from
the screen and either moving pic
tures or stereoptieons. A number
of very fine pictures will be book
ed for this winter. Special music
and a sermon, usually In keeping
with the theme of the picture, are
also features of these evening ser
vices. The service this week centers
around the theme "God's Handi-'
work" and is illustrated by beau
tiful moving pictures of Niagra
Falls, Yellowstone Park and Rain
ier Park.
Mrs. Iiouis Fraer of Forest
Grove has; been visiting her moth
er, Mrs. A. B. Hudelson.
Alpha Phi Alpha
h Girls Hosts At
": : i :
oang .i.
Johnson. N team on
wagon l .
Koppes. J.,
fresnosi .
Moores, J. L., team on
wagon i. 140.76
Moores, V. M.. do 146.74
Oddie. H..I ditching 12.76
Rose, J. H-, do 9.57
Stevens, Ellis, team on
wagon K 10.77
Shockley,' G. o:, working
on grade 104.23
Stevens, Theodore, do. . . 153.49
Market Roads Noe. 49-SO-61
Bietz, Geo., shoveling dirt,
etc. . . ;
Dunn. ROy, team on
wagon, ! ete.
Koppes, Edward, ditching,
etc. . j
Rose, Judd, shoveling dirt
Stevens, Lorls, do 15.95
Vinton, Lloyd J , do, . . . . 70.18
Webb, Arden, do 9.57
White. O.i O.. do. ... , .. . 26.71
Vinton, Q. W.. foreman.. 107.73
Market Road No. SO
Battey, Arthur, laying
headers, etc. 39.33
Bolger, H. N hauling wa
ter ..4
Bowman, :J., shoveling dirt
Branch, Ralph, carrying
water i
Brown, Roy L., shoveling
AC. .;
EMBERS of the Alpha Phi
Alpha social sorority at Wil
lamette university were hostesses
at a charming dinner at the Spa
Friday evening, honoring a group
of ten freshman girls.
The flower motif was used dur
ing the dinner, with a great bas
ket of autumnal blooms and tall
green, tapers in crystal holders
centering the table.
Dainty flower place-cards and
corsage marked covers tor the
guest group, the Misses Lois Sher
man, Helen Stiles, Helen Hanke,
Elizabeth Ogden, Marjory Moaier.
Maxine Ulrlch. Josephine Conn,
Lucille Cummings, Wilma Buttles.
Lois Jean Rasch; and for the host
ess group, the Misses Mary Can
field, Irene Breithaupt, Sarah
Poors, Leona Colthier, Gladys
Miller, Georgia Striker, Grace
Henderson? Marian Michaelson.
Bessie Wearer and Margaret
Miss Mary Canrield Is president
of the Alpha Phi Alpha house,
Miss Sarah Voore ia financial sec
retary, and Mies Irene Breithaupt
is alumni secretary.
A Bartlett pear weighing one
pound and .15 ounces and measur
ing nine inches from stem to blos
som eod has been picked on the
Clarence Badger farm on Grand
The quality of . fthe Chinook
salmon being taken in the Colum
bia river is showing improvement.
The run is small.
McMahillJ E. X. shoveling
dirt .. 38.28
Reeves, Frank, do. ...... 38.28
Siewert, Wm.. do 34.00
Smith. Bert, hauling water 77.87
Westley, ; W. A., driving
pins .$ 35.09
White, Gi P. H. S shovel
ing dirt 15.09
Market Road No. OS
Beala, J.! V.. working on
grade 9.57
Cory, C. E., t'm on fresno 11.98
Du Rett, Ralph, work done
by hired man ........ 30.00
Francis, Karl, working on
grade s.38
Habert. N., team on fresno 11.98
Klrsch, J. H., working on
Crude 9.57
La Bran, Chaa., work done
by hired men 54.00
Lelth, Jim. team on fresno 5.99
Manegre, Raymond, do. . . 11.98
Miller. J. D. D., do 14.97
Wells. Lee, foreman. . 17.97
Market Roads Noe. S0-08
Van Wassenhove Sc. Rad
ford, hauling gravel. . .1643.23
Davis, Virgal, shoveling
dirt 50.88
Ferschweiler, Joseph, do. 86.13
Grohs. Chris, plowing, etc 161.73
Manning. John F., check
ing gravel, etc 134.03
Miller, - Forrest, loading
trucks 52.67
Shtvely, Thomas, shoveling
dirt 35.09
Fahey, J. W., checking
gravel 133.73
Market Roads No. 42-43
English. J. M forking A
C, etc 39.89
Fonmal, Le Roy, work on
shoulders 44.66
Ransom, Wayne, working
on grade, etc........ 76.55
Smelser, J. C. use of
truck, etc 119.85
Zuber, John, forking A C 63.84
Miscellaneous Market Roads
Belleque, A. J. Working
on grade 79.75
Bertelaon & McShane,
printing gravel books.. 41.80
Davenport, William J.,
hauling A. C 640.23
Molzan, Fred, do 635.73
Orcutt, Harold, shoveling
Purple Truck Co., hauling
A. C 438.00
Stewart. Fred, do 1055.56
Batllner. Guido, driving
pins 86.13
Brown, I. EL, spraying j
pavement, etc. ....... 82.80
Brown, Roy L., shoveling
A C. etc 100.75
cnristiansen, JL P.. driving
pins. etc. 91.74
Christiansen, Harold, work
on neaders. etc. 86. IS
Crabtree, Wm., lereling. 84.13
KJntz. Dan. hauling water 161.73
LAtenschlager, Ralph.
forking A C 96.25
Larson. John, cleaning
Loomis. L. A., carrying
water 60.48
Loose, C. F., watchman.. -73.37
Mauer, Frank, carrying
water 40.23
Michels. Tony, forking A C 106.93
Minten, Antone. working
on headers 86.13
Mix. Arthur, raking, etc 108.22
Porter, W. A., ahoulderiag 84.53
Riggs, W. A., foreman.. 121.79
Sacre. John. Jr., rolling
pavement 86.13
Sacre, John. Sr., raking
A C, etc
Sherman, Joe, working on
Simpson, B. F., raking
Simpson, J. H., working
on headers, etc
Swanson. Carl, foreman . .
Tangerman, Otto, leveling
Urunder, Andrew, working
on headers
Van Dresschel, John, Do.
Zuber. John, patching
pavement, etc. 20.45
Miscellaneous Bridges
Schmaltz, N. A Sons, nails 13.25
Thomas, Frank, lumber..
Butsch. Clement, working
on bridges ..........
Geddes, J. W., Do
Hassler, Joe, Do .......
Scharbach. Alex, Do ....
Schmitx Paul. Do...;...
Simpson, N. M., Do.
Schmitz. Peter, foreman. .
Bye. Robt., Jr., work on
Leichty, Chester, Do ....
Parkhurst, Clifford. Do . .
Parkhurst. Geo.. Do ....
Robl, Greg A., Do .... ...
Fischer. Phillip, foreman.
Mtocellaneo Accounts
Aegerter's Service Station,
gasoline, etc.
Allen, Geo. E., nails, etc.
Atpm Hardware, shovels,
Arcnerd. Chas., Imp. Co.,
repairing magneto ....
Associated OH Co., gaso
line Atlas Book Store, file,
F'.aker Chevrolet Co.. weld
ing, ete
Barr, Theo. M., flue clean
er, etc
Bureau of Labor, Inspec
tion fees
Bishop, James, hauling
A C 1381.05
Iiurns, W. E., bearings,
etc 58.97
Capital City Transfer,
crude oil 1380.70
Case, L. M., hanling '
gravel 1541.04
Cavender, Fred, tire, etc 16.75
Cladek, Chas., welding,
etc x
Cobbs tc. Mitchell Co.,
lumber "...
Colyear Motor Sales Co.,
pistons, etc
Culver. W. J.. Sal. it
Exps. Co. Roadmaster.
Drager, D. G-, cash adv. for
frt, 2903.32
Doughton Sherwin, ;
chain, etc 12.26
Farmer, Ray L. Hdw. Co.
wire rope, etc 446.99
Freenaugbty Mach. Co.
culvert pipe, etc 292 91
Gabriel Powder it Supply
Co., powder it caps .. 26.35
General Petroleum Corp., i
gasoline 258.00
lolden Glow Dairy, pow
der, etc 54.0jO
Harper. S. W. hauling gra-
Harwood. C. A. do
Hatch. W. J., blacksmith
work .
Hoffman Welding Shop.
welding, etc "
Howe. L N. hauling gravel 5931.02
Johns, Dave Service Sta
tion, gasoline
Johnson, F. O., cash aftr.
for frt. etc
Johnson, F. O., sal. it
exps. dep. roadmaster
Jorgenson, Ira, tires, ete.
Jungwirth Lumber Co.,
Kline. S. Junk Co.. rags
Lambert. L. S. deputy
Latture. J. L. Equip. Co.
cables, etc
Link-Belt Meese Gott
fried Co., chain, etc 216.93
Loggers A Contg. Mach.
Co., crank case, etc 206.98
McGee. J. F., transltman 149.73
McVey Sand & Gravel plant
gravel, teeth, etc 2044.50
Missler, J. H.. sharpening
scarifier 40.85
Moser. Lord, hauling
travel 267.20
Murphy-Gardner Lbr. Co.,
- lumber 289.90
Nag. John, hauling gravel 498.29
Oliver. H. E., do 969.40
Oregon City Sand ft Grav
el Co., gravel .4535.36
Oregon Gravel Co., do... 4452.47
Oregon State Highway
Commission, truck parts
Ore.-Wash. Water Service
Co., water service ....
Pacific Tel. ft Tel. Co..
telephone service
Pohle, H. ft Sons, Inc..
fresno runners, etc ....
Portland Blue Print Co.,
paper, etc.
Portland Electric Pwr. Co.,
power service
Radford. E. V., hauling
gravel 13.97
Rigdon & Risley, gravel. 1558.12
Rigdon Bros., hauling
gravel 618.60
Robertson Heavy Hdw.
Co., steel, etc 84.28
Salem Brick & Tile Co.
drain tile 17.89
Salem Fuel Co., coal.... 12.00
Salem Hardware Co., paint
etc. 57.20
Salem Jron Works, pul
ley, etc 134.56
Salem San ft Gravel Co.,
gravel, etc. 229.43
Saxton ft Looney,Jo ... 3827.00
Scheeler Auto Wreck. Co.
spindl. etc '
Shell Co. of Calif., gaso
line, etc. . . i
Shell Co. of Calif., do
Silver Falls Himber Co.,
lumber . . . j
Smith. B. R., traffic officer
Smith ft Watkins, tire and
tube ,
Spaniol, Jacob, gasket, etc.
Spaulding, C. K. Log. Co..
f , . .
iumDr lay.Ua
Standard Oil Co. of Calif.,
gasoline, ete 255.35
Standard Oil Co. of Calif
asphalt . . .L 12082.80
Starr Hardware Co., shov
els, etc. . . . i
Stayton Hardware Co.,
powder, etc' 16.39
Swart, H. S., deputy road
master Syron ft Van Arnam, lum
ber Taylor. Walter1, chain man
Tweedie, L. R., Hauling
gravel 1
Union Oil Co.. of Calif..
asphalt, etc: 4296.14
Union Oil Co. of Calif..
gasoline, etc
Valley Motor Co., recharge
battery, ete.
Van Gorder, John, gravel
West Coast Powder Co..
powder . . . i
Willamette Equip. Co.,
screen, etc. , 25.61
(Continued on Page 6)
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