The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 29, 1928, Page 6, Image 6

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The New Oregon Statesman; Salem, f Oregon, Saturdtv M onUng, September 29, t9t$
"1 -
JY Tl TT5Y o rrr Tl TITIT Ti l HT1 , M
Firomni Cao
... r
flST BflUT INOIS t Pitchers and Sluggers In Battle ' i ' f Yo, Tl ICS
Sensational Comeback WJy -aC$- VW V MllS ftFTRdlT
Staged by Challenger in : X&T ' VvflirO ULI flUI I
Second Part of Go H-VVJ -a.- JV tth "'.;! :!, M
I I .iiaMllcu W'ASi.'C' . i'cv: I tV Philndelnhia Athletics Now
- By AlAN J. GOULD -"AiwoH41
Pi-ems Sport Ol'tor
NEW YORK. Pept- 28. CAP)
"With one of the moet peca-
nlar finishes staged in man a
dar. Andre Routii. fiery little
French fighter, won the feather
welcht championship of the world
tonicht from .Tony Canioneri.
vpw York Italian, in a. slashing
. f 5-round match In Madison
Square Garden, s
Hopelessly outclassed, knocked
ova once and badly ' battered
hroughont the first half of the
fight. Rontls came back in whirl
wind fashioa to ontpnnch the
champion and. take the title amid
scenes of the wildest enthusiasm
new garden has. seen in some
Tide Tarns In Ktghth 3
Tt was a rensational fight and
close decision bnt the game and
rallant little Frenchman won the
official .rerdiet by the way he
turned the tide- in the eighth
round. From then . on be clearly
, outfought Canronerl, who - tired
under his challenger's relentless
pounding and lost the edge of an
Attack that had given. him a com
manding lead. .
Routis thus takes back to
France the . same featherweight
title that his countryman. Eugene
Triqui. war-scarred veteran, won
from Johnny Kilbane In 192S but
tost two. months, later to Johnny
Dundee. . -
Itontin Keep Coming
. C&nzonerl took tbe aggressive
fn the eleventh. He reopened an
old cut over Routfa eye and pom
meled the Frenchman but could
not discourage his rushes. Tony
was bleeding from the mouth at
the end of the twelfth after a wild
Feriee of exchanges. Both were
Fomewhat the worse for the wear
and tear.
The . champion ripped into
Routis' body in ihe thirteenth but
took two stiff uppercuta as they
rlugged at close- quarters. Tony
was sent back to his heels but in
the fourteenth they clinched and
slugged while the crowd cheered
the Frenchman's rally.
f CRAMENTO. Sept. 2.
- tA P) rSaeramVnto; and " . Portland
'1?ajrd ' ect reproduction -of
, Thursday's game here, today, -even
-.10 the score when Pitcher ' Jack
Knight tilled the bases In the
eighth on intentional passes then
let: con trot and walked -in - the
winning run. Sacramento won 2
to 1.-,
Score': R H E
Portland 1, 70
Sacramento . 2 -7 3
Knight and Rego; Crandall and
IHitrh Rue her Wins
, CAP Sterling pitching by Walt
er "Dutch" Ruether. league lead,
ing hnrler who Increased his sea
son's victories to 27 games today,
enabled the Seals to scor ea 3-0
win over the Missions and remain
- Jn a tie for first place.
, Score:
Missions' i
San Francisco
Nance and Baldwin;
and Sprinz.
0 3 3
3 10 0
Oaks Shade Seattle
OAKLAND. -Sept. 28. (AP)
Oakland came through for a
win from Seattle today. Off to a
good start by scoring three run
in the first and as many more in
the second Inning, the Oaks kepi
ahead of the Indians throughout.
Score: R H E
Seattle. ...w 6 13 0
Oakland 7 14 ' 1
House and : Cox; McEvoy' And
Lombard!. . . ' -- '
Stars Trovnre Angels
- I-OS ANGELES, Sept. 23. -i-(AP)
Hollywood went .on a hit
ting epree at the expense' of thre?
Angel pitchers and walloped Los
Angeles 13 to 4 today to even the
series and to keep Jn the pitch of
the coast league pennant race.
' Score: R H E
-Hollywood ........ ...13 13 i
Los Angeles . i . ... . . . 4101
Shellenback. Hollerson and Ag
jew; Weathersby. Plitt, Gabler
and Norton. ;
J Baseball Data
w. u per t w. u r-
Pae't. 57 S6 .51 3 Oakland 7 Ms.
Missioa -4 44 v5273eattlo
3 57 .37
31 62 .833
V. U Pet.l .
Kl. U BtS .SlSlriaeiB:
I. Y. .SO-itl blra
Chics r 9 S3 86 -aton
ftttau ij oj O 7 .ii'Jj "hiiad.
W. L. P-
7a 73 .517
76 7 .500
50 103 .327
43 10S .285
VT T., p- I
IT. Y. 100 S3 .658 hicaro
llilla i. 7 54 S42l etroit -ft.
L. SI 71 Verer
Waal.. 73 79 .4801 '.oatoa
W. T , T
7t 81 .47
9 84 .447
63 89 .411
54 06 SO
At Sacrameata: Baeramaata 2; Port
end 1.
At Pan rraaeioo: Baa 'Franeitro 2;
iliaaioa 0.
. At Loa An roles: HaUywoo4 -II; 1,0,
Aaceiea. 4. -
At Oakland: Oaktaad 7: Saattla . "
t. " ; . - . ..... . v
At New Tark t Ount 7 i New nr
, At Boston: fit. Laais 10; Boetaa S.
: .Valy two yssaea tm Aastaaal leaf a e
At Ietroit; Bow Tark 11: IVeteoit . .
'At Oh i care: Pbiladakpbia T: Cieat
: . At- jOavalaadl Boston .1 ; Crralsad O.
At su loa: fct. JLiaaus ; Waaaia
a 2. -
r . m - v or ay w r mmm v v-i - - mm mm mm u x .
7 5:W;sn' .. V
I tr i-jnana xsjy-an -.fw , i , l .
I " 1 -ErK .of ' 1
Close flnliihefl la the pennant races may have a parallel in the hot contests for the Taloabie play
er trophies. . Eight men stand oat in the competi tk for the two 91,000 prises. They are Bottom
ley, I Jadstresn, Benton and Grimes In the Nationa 1 and Cochrane, Grove, Mannsh and Hoyt in the
Football Today
Wna Bcortm Wkn Baa Tnw Met Imtt Taar
(By Asaedates rras .
Anhctd Vm. ,
Wet Piat
Bu4ob, Mm.
Nw York .
Hamittoa. X. Y.
ltkm. K. T.
HaanwTC K H. ,
Xrar Yrk
Anmit t. If 'Mtobarr "
Army I8 . Batea "V (0
Botaa Cetlara t. CatKalic Cahreriity
Bnkl RroaykHI -
Oalaaaaia (S3) v. Vmanat (0)
Ootsata a". gt. I.araa 0
:.earaan (41) Cfarfcaaa Tach (0)
Dartamth (4?) va. Karwiek (0)
......... rMM ti. m.' Haumatara -
D. C. Gaarsatawa va. Vmt St. Mary
KmUk. Ft.
LAlaratt vs.
Wlrk (0) ti.
OrotM. Ma.
Aaaapalia. U4.
Kw YtIl
8tat Orilm Pa.
nai (Z7j . aaoa lata4 fO)
Kay (87) v. Iavia-SlkiBS () .
NVw Tark "V J7) va. NUfmra (0)
Peaa 8tot (37) va. UUm ValW (0)
raiiaaaiaua revaayrvaju va. in m .
Pittaaarss Pittaavrga (4S n. TkM (0)
Kaw Bruawick. K. IUtpn va. t. Vaa' .f AaaaipaHs) -v ; :-v-' ;
8rrmm ..i- rre-(11T .' 'Habart' (V --- - - - .
Waalihi.. Pa. v-.WiaTta A JMnaa taiT. Bctaaay, W. Ta. (0)
, ItiadMwa, Con. Waaioyaa ts. Balaa , ; v.t,-iv;
..Maffaatowa. W. tt-iWift Virrhiia 27r va. VrS V. Yrrieyaa'7) V " :
Wilhaamawa. Jfaaa.l Wtlliaaa'TK, ProvMaMa '' -V v
".""' , ''':.,.;-' "': uth. : '
PrvjK)rL-' La, '.l.Caateaary- tk: fioaikwratara -CaiUfa. of 'I ,v -
DaaVUla: Kfr tCcatra.vaBAwtrag -Groaa ' 's-
Ckiiuaooira, 'Tenn.Chuaao)i 18 .. VaadeTbitt (45)
Chpiim,: 8. C.s, Claiaem va. Iavi4aoa
Itianon. Teaa. ...CaabrlaD4, Ts. Ala. Konaal
Kajory. Va. ... Eaory Hanry ) . Caraaa-Sawajan (0)
Omavilia. 8. C. : Kara aa (II). mi Duka () -Osford.
Mti. Miiiippi ti. Arkaaaaa
Maaatoa. Tax. Kiee ( i0) t. ,Hoa(on (13)
Chapel Hill. X. O ;K. Caiw'rna (8Ti Waka Poreat (9)
Iml)v Tax. Soatbara XatkoAiata' 32) va. U award Paya (0)
Kaxvill. Teon. ...;Tbik (7.) , MaryUa (Oj ....
Austin. ' Tex. ;.;Txa . St. F.darard
"r Worta :. ....Tea Christian 7 ra. Daniel Bakar (0) - -
Colleev Station, Tex.Tca -Virgins S1) T.. Soatb western ) .' ' -
New Orieani s..t Tulaao vs. IeuVaiaaa iiomsi
Ixicrtea.. Vs. .; r-.t. (V2 . Bielimena (0V
Blacssaure, Va . Y.' .Pely last. (21 J vs. Raaaeke (21)
Iexiu(ta. Va. tuu Laa (2) vs LyBckboxg- (2)
WtUjkawiburr, Va. "W.lhaia & Miry vs. Marshall.
Mlddla Wait
Chicaro wJ: : Cbtcae ("A"') vs. Soatk Carolina; ("B") Biaaa
letroit ..... tro,t ts. le Paaw
Im rente. Jimjt. ..,,Hakell vs. Simpson , ; ;"
Blooaiisyton. Jnd. Imbsxa ea.- Wabask
Manbattan. Kan Kansas Stala Tt. Metliany. Kas.
;t Lanaing, Mich Micbijsn State 112) ts. Kalamatoo (6)
Farfw. X. 1 Xortli Oakota State (2) vs. Vallty City ()
Sontb bend, lad. ' loo'- N-w Orleans
Atbers. O. ; .. Ohio "U" (20) vs. Ria Graasa ()---.
Te)aware. O. . j . Jttartetia
Sit'llwater, Okla. . Oklahoma Asgea ts. Kefis . "
yoana-stown, O. Westminster 0) vs. Csxnefia Tech (25)
T ' - Tax Wast ;
Provo. Ctah r.rirSsra Toast ts. Idaho Collefn
BrkelrT, Cal. Califoraia (14) ts. Santa Clara (f)
lra-er LcnTer TS. Western Btata
tMikane. Waak. .... utisat-a 0) ts. Waahiaftoa State (13)
t!scow. Idaho Idaho (19) ts. Montana 8Ute (12)
Missoula. Moat. Uoi.taaa (IS) ts. Batte lad. (O)
Eorene, Ore Oreeoa (82V ts. Pscitte "U" (6)
8n Praaeisco fct. lrnslma' 1) ts, NeTada (0)
1 Anselaa So. California T. Utak Arnoa
Palo Alto Stanford 7 ts. Olympic A. C. (S)
! Aneelea . U. of Calif., Los Anf-eles ( IS ) tb. Ariaoaa (1) '
Keattie. Wart u. o( Waskiaftoa (at) ts. WUlamctte ()
Portland, Ore. Linfield (IS) ts. Colombia (0)
Corrallis. Oro. O. A. C. (S4) vs. Cahfornia Acr e (0)
"When wo pet through with
vour ball club Sandav it will be
only a memory, badly faded out,"
declares J. Mickelson, manager cf
he Monta villa baseball club, in a
etter to "FrLco" Edwards, boss
f the Salem Senators who will
play Mostavllla in the last game
it the season here Sunday after-
ioon. ;
Edwards wa3 greatly sorpiised
o read In Thursday morning's
Statesman that Sunday was to be
'Frisco Edwards day," but he said
t was all right with him It the
fans saw It that way. v -
"But I refuse to play every po
sition," the Senator manager said,
.has declining to follow In. th
"ootstcps nf Cowboy Kd-Tomlin
who was . similarly honored : at
Portland last Sunday. ..
Monta villa Idzt to the Senators
here on . Memorial day, but did
not use Johnny Karkias. the Vil
lans' best pitcher, that day. Har
kins, .who ; has pitched IS score
less innings in the last two Sun
days will work "against the Salem
club Sunday. " 1:; .
Johnny; Beck, who" was so over
worked la Portland, that Jbe. could
not bold his own against Bend In
the second game of the champion
ship playoff here, has taken suf
ficient, rest -since, ihen so. that he
should b si kis tent, sxd if 30
7 a i Ti . ;r ir "V ri if T ItMOP: S Y k I
St Joha.' Braafclf. (0) '
another of ths pitchers' duels that
have become so popular here re
cently, is In prospect. ;
Quayle. former O. A. C.;player,
vlll probably be In the Senator
lineup Sunday, taking the place of
Mar low, who was In center field
last Sunday but will not be able
to report for this game. Ollnger
has entered the University of Ore
son, and his place will also hare
to be filled. "... - .
CHICAGO. Sept. 28. (AP)
Jerry '"Tuffy" . Griffiths, Sioux
Cky, Iowa, light heavyweight sen
sation, last night added Mike Mc-
Tigne, the Irish iron man of the
ring, to his string of victims by
stop pins him in the first round of
their scheduled 10 round , bout.
After McTIgne had been knock
ed down and then had regained
his feet, referee Davy Miller stop
ped the contest to save the form
er light heavyweight titleholderf
from a knockout punch. McTIge
was groggy, reeling on the .ropes
and helpless to defend himself.-
Griffiths! finished : the.' caegy
lrl3h tighter much after the fash
ion, that Mickey Walker, did when
the champion scored a. sensation
al one round knockout over him- a
year ago.
,-. Each .boxes .weighed . ; 173
pounds. -,
- Sj
By.tlae Asseciated Press:
With - the American League
pennant cinched by the New York
Yankees, atbantlon-tarned today to
the National - Leacne Diamond
where the Giants still remain In
the running mathematically, al
though their hope is a slight one
A seven-run rally by the Cardin
als in the lath Inning with the
Braves yesterda; gave St.. Lout
the game 10 ,to. S, and put them
tiro V full, games '- aliead 'of 4 the
Giants. " iV-' ; r-; ;.' "
" The Chicago Cubs ' attended to
the ohter half of the change in re
latlons by handing the; Giants tT, i
to 5 setback. The Giants now: ar
Dormie two a pair of games be
hind the leaders and the same
number to play including the sea
son's windup with the Cardinals
on Sunday. ' ;. J
Giants Face Heavy Odd
The New. Yorkers now, must
take the final game from the Cubs
tomorrow while the Cardinals lof
to the - Braves; : then win . the ; de
ciding battle with St. Louis tc
finish In a tie for 'first place. Ont
victory' for St, Louis would ; put
the Giants completely out of the
I Their standing: .
W. I Pet. G. B
St. Louis 94 58 .618 -
New York .....94 60 .605
Games to play; St. Louis at Bos
ton 1; at New York li totil 2
Vev York with Chicago 1; with
it. Louis 1; toUl 2. 5
NEW YORK, Sept. 28. (AP)
Despite a game rally in I the
ninth the Giants were defeated by
the Cubs here today in the third
game oftfie series. The score, was
7 to 5. -
score: R H E
Chicago ......' 7 1$
New York .. 5 14
Bush, Carlson, V and Hartnett,
Gonatales; Benton, Scott, 'and
Hogan.3 ' ' -. 1 I .
- ; Cards 'Whin Boston .;
r ' BCTON,-Sept 28. ( AP)i--It
took fifteen innings for. St. Louis
to defeat Boston here today J but
when that fifteen innings ended
the locals had met defeat by air
to 3 score. At the end of the ninth
the score stood 3 and 3. Five more
innings were played without a
core. In the fatal fiftheenth. the
St. Louis sluggers knocked in
even runs. ;
. Score: R H
5t. Louis ........ ...10 10
Boston" 3 11
IS innings. '. -
Alexander, Johnson and Wil
son; Smith, Greenfeld and Spphr
er. - - " I
One of the severest tests of the
eason Is la prospect for Coacli R.
G. DownJe's Chemawa Indian
school football team today at Med
ford. Last year Medford won 6 to
0. and the redskins have "point
ed" for this game, without any
especial ' urging on tLe coach's
part. v '
Chemawa's lineup will- probab
ly be about as follows: ; ..'! ;
End; G. "Meachem and Alexan
ler; tackles," Brnno and R, Pera-
trovich; guards. Curley and J.
Peratrovich; center, George;
luarter. Smith ; . halvefj Oliver and
Ross; full. C. Meachem. ' . , ; .
back ar CARDS
rucTEOIT. Sept. 28. (AF)
The Yankees clinched I their sixth
tmnrlrui league pennant and
their third fin succession by de
feating the pTigers here today by
11 to 6 in the third game oi me
aerlea. The I Athletics won- from
rwraeo. 7 to 6, but the Yankees
retained a lead o-l two ana one
Kaif rantM with . only two more
to be played by each, of the con
George William Pipgras. a lead-
ins: cor in the Yankees' remnant
of a pitching staff, but a failure
until today s on this trip west,
turned in the flag winning jrictory
The Tigers prodded him hard, but
he had a good lead from tne
start. .
Gibson. Stoner, Smith and
page failed Ho stop the Yanks.
The -Yankees first won tne
Babe Makes It S3 .
Babe Ruth hit his fifty-third
home run In the - eighth lnntng
with Koenig; on base, i Page -was
then In the box for Detroit. Only a
landslide now could give the Babe
enough homers in his two re
maining games for him even to tie.
his major league .record of 60 set
last year -but he may possibly get.
two more to make 1928 his tmra
best seasos.
American league championship In
1921 and proceeded to reel off
three in a row. Then after a sec
ond place finish in 1924. and a
dip to seventh in 1925. the club
regained the top in 1926 for the
start of its? second run of three.
By winning six flags the Yanks
move into a tie with the Athletics
and the Red Sox. each of whom
took six In; their palmy days. ,
Macks Taken Back
The Mackmen moved eonfident-
ily into the Yankee stadium for
four battles' in three playing days
but found the Yankees still pos
sessed their knaek of winning
from Philadelphia when no other
team would yield.
Today's score: R H E
New York S. . . .' ..11 11 1
Detroit- .. J. 6 9 0
Pipgras end Bengocgh; Gibson,
Stoner. -Smith, Page and Hargrave
. A.'s Win Anyway
CHICAGO. Sept. 28 (AP)
The Philadelphia Athletics defeat'
e tne white sox toaay -7 .io.a.
but lost their chance' ta win the
pennant as the Yankee also won
and clinched' the. title. . The 'SoX
got 16' hits off Quinn and Wal
berg while Philadelphia got 14.
but the Athletics made the count
oftenerj " 1" '
The score:! ". ,R H E
Philadelphia .. ... 7 14 -1
Chicago ., ... 6 16 1
Quinn, Walberg and Cochrane;
Adkins,' Cox and Berg:
Red Sox 'Shade Indiana '
One run in the' first inning
was enough to give; the Boston
Red. Sox all to 0 victory over the
Indians here today. :
. The score: " R H
Boston .. i . 1 5
Cleveland r. : -V. . .0 6
Russell and Asbjotnson; Far
rell and Myatt. - i
ST. LOUIS. Sept. 28. St. Louis
3efeatedthe Washington Senators
4 to 3 today in the second game
of the windup peries. General Al
Crowder,. leading pitcher in the
American league boosted his aver
age still higher by today's win.
Score: j R. H. E.
Washington ....3 t
St. Louis .4 8
Braxton and Ruei; 'Crowder and
Manion. ;
:7tvA fat lsaasfa sWsaTisTAiX
7 r S, . Aai fa, '
rU WsiMtlia gTUXlaUS
-ir: meiuuau wtbsteh
Kundreds of Supreme Court
Judges concur in highest praise
cf the work as their Antkorirr.
t- The Presidents of all leading Tjnl-
: vcreities, tollepes, and Ncrmtl
i Schoob give their hearty indorse
; mertt. .
! All States thr.t have adopted s
j Iszgs dictionary a3 standard have
f cslected y'ebttcr's l-icv Liicrn-
: Tlie Schcelboeti of the Courtrr
adhere torthc MctTiara-''ebstcr
. rysteJi cf kiia critics! rnstLs.
. The Government IVIntins CSIce
ct Washington uses it as ttusJioriij.
. TRrrZ for asmpJe race t die New
Venit, src(men cf Kc-jular and liwia
j jV Ti2 aJ - ' ' ' . - - -
mfrnrrrrs, r, i -' r
.- - - - J ' - 4 ' - .. . .!: jf'-fr-'J ' 1 - i fc . ""nSanaBanannBMnBa1a
-.t.-K- - jiei-.-.--;" .-; -.,'j' ---tt -4, - .- , : j . " " . - - K rii: - 4---.-.
. . . !j . . f - - - ,-. .z . . . ' ' , .. ... " '- - L-.. ' v ' - ." ' - - vi f - :-,-'. ' -: t : "-" .t :j . - :v-
i , .1 i I v - , - V
' - . : . " " , i V - " " - r ,5 t t , f ' ' " '
' r'-r - - "J: I " ; - "" v - : ,
- r, .... .... . - --..- - .- - - . -- - ... .......... ... . .... .... .;r.' ".,:..... , .. . -.-j ' . . ; .-....::;
" III, ,1, - -
Griiron Season
Full Swing
AP) All of the big guns of
western football bofm morrow.
Everey coast confere 'even
gets into action to parade it 1928
gridiron wares before the eyes of
anxious alumni and undergrade.
Just -what the southern Califor
nia Trojans have in the way of
rootball trickery may be partially
brought out -when coach Howard
Tones' stalwarts take the field
against the Invading Utah Aggies.
Reports from Los Angeles are that
Coach Jones will start Marshall
Ddffleld, sophomore quarterback,
in place of Don Williams, two
year veteran and the brightest
Trojan light this season.
' Strensth: to .be Saved
As ' the powerful - Oregon State
squad will visit southern Califor
nia's campus a week from tomor
row, Williams may not see much
service unless the team from Utah
becoes unexpectedly threatening.
Both Stanford and California
have busy days listed but inter
est Inclines toward . the latter's
game. It is California's first show
ing and such -has been heard of the
potential strength of the. Golden
Bear eleven. Santa Clara, annual
opening opponent, will be on the
other side of the 50 yard line as
usual. Las year, California barely
nosed out . the Broncos, 14-6, and
Santa Clara is reported stronger
this season.
Cards May Lose
,inford broke even last Satur
day in two games and has a real
early season test scheduled for
tomorrow, when the Olympic club
lines up. The club team is gener
ously sprinkled with former col
lege stars, and has the advantage
of a long training grind. Keen ob
servers would not be overly sur
prised if Stanford is on the short
end of the scoring.
In the north, Oregon, of un
known quality but boasting half a
doxen prospects for each position.
has its warm-up against Pacific.
Its neighboring rival, Oregon State
welcomes the California Aggies.
Oregon State will have three
sophomcrres in its lineup due to
Injuries to lettermcs.
Bulldogs Face Cougars
Washington. State downed Whit
man last-week but is promised
tougher opposition tomorrow from
Gonxaga's Bulldogs. The W. S.- C
j squad is the heaviest in years and
averages between 180 pounds and
190 pounds to the man
other contests featuring coast
I ?."f a - nvf r ii .1
This seal
'the genuine
-'Stands for
! 1
Here Are The Special
FT. Crennine
Gold Seal Ruff
FT. Genuine .
Gold Seal Rug
FT. Genuine
Gold Seal Raff
Congoleum Gold Seal Floor Covering. The same dur
able flat-lying material in roll form for use over entire
floor. Needs no fastening. Satisfaction guaranteed by
the Gold Seal on the face of the pattern, v ,
Gets Into
All Over U. S.
conference elevens. bring out Ida
ho against Montana state; Mon
tana vs Butte Independents; uni
versify of California at Los Angel
es against Arisons, and Washing
ton's Huskies pitting their unde
termined power against Willam
ette and a navy service team..
East Gets Started
NEW YOBK. Sept. 28. (AP)
The 1928 football season in the
east gets under full headway to
morrow with the small colleges
being fed to the big ones in large
numbers but with indications that
the games will ba closer and the
scores smaller than on any preTi
ous opening day.
Uncle Sam's Annapolis mtdship-
mc in their first appearance of
the year take on Davis & Elkins
college of Elkins.- W. V.. which
last week toppled West Virginia
University. Navy mopped Up Davis
& Elkins last season by 27 to 0.
Cadets Play Boston
The Army, which started slow
ly last season with' a 13 to 0 vic
tory over Boston university, ap
pears capable of multiplying that
score by almost any figure, while
Pittsburgh, one of the greatest of
the eastern teams in 1927, figures
to have another romp with Thlel.
beaten last year by '4 8 to 0. Yale,
wnicn snareo wun fit iue uiytu
ical eastern title, Is one of the few
teams, including also Princeton
and Harvard which do not open
the season until next Saturday.
Syracuse anticipates more trou
ble than usual with Hobart wfcicfc
kept the score down to 13 to 0 last
season. New lorn uniTersuj
draws a fighting opponent in Lit
tle Niagara.
The football game whlcb the
Salem high school had scheduled
with McMlnnville for October 1Z
has been called off by McMlnn
ville, J. C. Nelson, high school
principal, announced Friday aft
ernoon McMlnnville reported- their
team had another game slated for
that same day, and as there was
no contract between' ' the two
schools: Salem must now seek an
other opponent for that date.
OME to us
Rugs. All sorts of novel, artistic
effects arc available wibich wiilc
brighten up any room in your homCa'"
Pick out your rugs early this week
at extra special bargain prices.
Awrl'O FT. Genuine
7X1 Gold Seal Rug i
Other Sizes Ranging down io
the iy?x3-ft. Rujrs at
Gienna Collett and Virginia
Van Wie Play for Golf
, -'-4
Associated Press Sport- flS f
HOT SPRINGS, Va.. Sept. 28. -V
, TLTwn lotxr hitters. Gienna
Collett of; Providence and Virginia
Van Wie or uuicasu. ... y
j. in the woman s golf
-hampionship tomorrow witlK the
.1 the not of gold at.
he end of the ram now. .
Both women can bit a golf ball
farther than tne averase
ilayer and they meet ior w e
-hampionship as; a result oi meir
victories today In the semi-final.
Miss Collett his won the cham
pionship twice in 1922 and 192 r.
while her 19 tear old opponent
from Chicago is knocking for the
first time at the women s gou
hall of fame.
Beats Mrs. Stetson ,
The former champion won the
right to bid for the title again by
lefeating Mrs. G.. Henry Stetson,
Philadelphia, who has also worn
he crown, four i up and three to
iay. Jaf iss Collette played a high
jrind of golf as testified by her
;core over the first nine she was
mi in 36, even four's and one
ver men's par. I Her medal score
vas six under the more liberal ai
owance for women. She was
even up at the; turn, Mrs? Stet
on's best having been halves ,
.wo holes. j " jr
, Finish Is Close
Coming Jio'me. Mrs. Stetsotr
played. six holes two under wom-3a'alP.-aL
;by winning three
holes Vnd haXvVng two carried tiio
matcK -tpAithsJ,. vanity fair" fif
teenth hole in front of the club
house, before she could be shaken
off. j
Miss Van Wie in the meantime
was' having to work for her vic
tory over Mrs. Dorothy Campbell
Hurd, the sterling Philadelphia
player, who has; been three times
champion of the United States
and in addition twice held the
title In her native Britain. Mrs.
Hurd fought heroically to the last
but thlsvwaa. no novel experience
for the slim, young western girl
and she came out victorious. Miss
Van Wie. has had only one east
match In the title hunt and was
well acquainted with the 18th
reen as a finishing hole
to 6 Only!
for your Congolcura
FT. Genuine
Gold Seal Rug j
Two yards wide rft
Per sq. yard . OVC
Per jiTiVi OG