The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 29, 1928, Page 2, Image 2

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Parents Advised Regarding
Readmission of Pupils
1 After Absences
4t Elsinore Tonight
A new set of rules governing
re-admission of Salem school
children to school following ab
sences has been drawn up and
following a conference between
school and health authorities Fri
day morning, the new regulations
were announced by Superinten
dent George W. Hog of the Salem
Those In attendance at the con
ference were: County Superinten
dent Mary I. Fulkerson, Superin
tendent Hug, Superintendent Rob
ert Coetx of SUrerton, Principal
, Vera D. Bain of Woodburn. Dr.
Vernon A. Douglas, county health
- officers. Mrs." Herman Kehrli of
the demonstration. Miss Carlotta
Crowley, elementary superrisor of
the Salem grade schools, Miss
Fern Goulding and Dr. Courtney
Dinwiddle, both of the demonstr-
Parents Advised
Parents should bear the follow
ing in mlndwhen children have
been absent f ttns school :
First: all children who hav
r been absent for any cause must
hare an excuse from the parent
or guardian stating the reason f 01
the absence. , .
Second: Children who hare been
absent less than three days be re
admitted on parents' excuse alone.
provided the teacher is satisfied
the child has returned to a condi
- tion she recognises as normal for
that child.
Third: Children who have been
absent more than three days due
to contact with any of the follow
ing communicable diseases must
have a permit from' the school
nurse or school physician for re-
admission: chlckenpox, smallpox
scarlet fever, measles, Germar.
treacles, diphtheria. mumps
scabies, ringworm, typhoid, colds,
influenza, sore throat, tonsilitin
and impetigo, or other known
communicable disease.
Other Absences
Fourth: Other absences of more
than three days due to other ill
nesses or accidents may be read
mitted without permit.
Fifth: As a rule, all children
who have been absent due to quar
antinable conditions will be given
permits when the quarantine is
lifted. Otherwise, permits must be
secured from the county health
unit offiee, 434 North High street,
daily from 8:30 to 9:30 o'clock in
the morning or at school from the
school nurse or physician. j
The announcement further ad
vises that all teachers should not
hesitate to refer questionable cas
es to the school nurse or physician,
and that the county health officer
'will rely upon decisions of the
teacher who is woll acquainted
with the condition and peculiar
ities of her individual pupils.
, ' 'J
f-'-r -: j
? ... I.
. . . . l a t . V-
; -K :' - - V
it - y i "
It - ;M V,
Dr. . Douglas, Chief Speaker
at Luncheon, Tells of
Work tfere v
Jncne from "The'lvtng of Klng numreleas film play which be
gins a five day run In SaJenrs beawtlfal theater tonight.
Directors Agree to Hold for
Thousands Still Eager
to See Big Show
- (Continued from Page 1.)
the juvenile club work at the fair
completing one of the greatest
competitions 'ever engaged in by
ooys and girls in Oregon. There
were over 1300 different exhibits
n the 4-H club work and approx-
mately 300 different exhibitors.
)ver 400 head of livestock alone
vere shown by boys and girls.
' Awards in 4.H club work in
clude the following:
Shropsfcirn: Ram lamb. Ellis Wallinr
Polk: rwe Iamb. Jruia Wa!l-nr Pnlk-
fat Iamb. Hilda Bahnaa. Marian: Tar-
liar. lora Sbtlooo. Lino.
Hampshire: Lamb. Bob Huron. Cnion:
'at lamb. Marr Gsh. Wiuo- v.rlin
Ohlon Starr. Yamhill.
Atedinm Wool Mrrri: Lamb. Chmtrr
low. Marion: fat lamb. Glean Harwood
Lane; yearling. Leonard ClrUtensei.
Lone Wool Breeda: Lamb. Jark Rtwl
dard, Yamhill: fat lamb. Newton Fruit
Yamhill; yearling, Wilmer Harma, Clack
Wilmer Harma,
shoot without determining what
they are shooting are criminal
It Is purely a - case of man
slaughter and they should . be
prosecuted as such. . Hunters
can, however, protect them
selves to .some -degree by. wear
ing red caps. Personally, I al
ways make sure what I'm shoot
ing at before I shoot. A deer has
to have horns in order to be le
gally hunted, and you have to
have a pretty close view of a
deer to determine whether or
not they carry horns. There Is
really no excuse for any man
to be shot while hunting, and I
think a few good stiff prosecu
tions would help a lot toward
eliminating that danger. If that
doesn't help, then try a few
shots on the shooter. Tbat'd set
tle him."
Dick Dudley, owned by H. V.
Ad lx or Gresaam. Oregon, won
three straight heats in the 2 20
trotting event on the state fair
racing program Friday afternoon.
ZThe race was for three one mile
heats with a $700. parse. In the
second harness race of the day
Charles W. owned by J. P. Meyers
of Tacoma cam home a victor in
three successive heats to capture
the 2:14 pace parse $700.
Three running rases completed
the program. Kid North, owned
by J. Doran, off San Francisco
whining the six furlong race for
alt ages of horses that have start
ed in this meeting and not finish
ed first or second. Shasta. Graney
K Smacrt of Calgary, owner,
romped home la the five furlong
speed event for non-winning own.
em t this meeting.
The fifth race, a mile event for
a ?200 purse with entries confln-
' ed to non-winners at this meet-
tog went to Yorkhome, owned by
C. Ttrnrman of San Diegov .Joe
Derora was up.
Good Cr4 Today tj
Races today tactad a free-tor
all trot, thres In five, a fre-for
all pace, three la five, and two
running races for non winners
The third race, running event
will be the New Salem Hotel
arse for fire furlongs. Entries
are Kentucky Bine Picnic, Chat
ter Boy. Sparrow, Valley Jo
Dandelion. Brass Band. Kid
North. Hasel Miller. The fourth
r ' race the New Argo Hotel parse,
six furlongs has the following ov
ernight entries: Minnie Meadows.
Tar Box, Carlisle. Forebec. Shasta
Oraney. Combat. Frank: Gailor.,
Frank S. Skootin. Manoa.
: Friday's Summary:
lit trot; thro ao-oiin naata. mvmry
fcoat a raao; pnrae S70 .'Die Tmaij
. lTlaJ) 1 1 1: Prlnoaon Tat (WiMsv
mmm tl 1: Bob ilUmol (Morrill)
III: KlM Torirt (Hir-o) 4 S 4;
iX4 sm: throo otio no koah. vary
boat a raoa; fmrm fTS: Okarlos W (WTV
KH tl iii; I"""" TT .
. TalWo Olof (Dvte I : C f H.
Wilooa W01teaMM T t;
(Howitt) 4 S BJ UUI umn
v. 4 S; Todd Moa (Johaaoa) S;
wH Idtcui iO. Mmnm( I I It Br-KKalo-.
(DaJoJa) S 4. Tim S:11K :
- - -8U
fHoa ram. far all sar
tl SO: Pint. KM Korlk frnlooah m
o4. Ombot (Blair) $ - third. DaadolUa
CRowito) : ttmrik. Laky Utm tCHHav
flM. Tiato 1:1. - -
9br farkmcs, for S-yaarUs had U
r: rana S1SO: , "Ira, ghaiaa Oraoaa
frirUfanoa); unit Tar- (aaaa
Wit; Ikiii Sfmi Rut fOritoaitotijt
Smartk, , Mom (Koaaia). Ttmm 1 14,.
' Ono miU, for 4-year oT saw ablar
IW! rtrmt, Taraaiml (P Mn a 1
Sheep showaaiuhiD.
tactiaii, first.
Du roe -Jersey : BreoaSng litter, Wilmer
ATernon, Laaa; marketing litter. Oil. Llaekamaa: fat hoc. Pearl Aer-
boff, Lian; Junior tow pig, Donald Comp
toa. CUekaauta: apoeial S25. Donald
fo!and Uhiaa: Breeding litter. Lolaad
VrClaia, Liaa: marketinc liuer. How
ard Loo, Marion: fat hog, Quintoa Bow
man. Union: janior sow oic. Eldon Me
71in, Liaa; special. Lolaad MeOaia.
ttorkahirea: rat hog. Earl Thomas.
Marioa; janior sow pig, Clovo Groose
Mnckmaa; markoting fiUtr, Raymond
Sean, Laaa.
Chester Whitos: rat hog. Elisabeth
Muessig. Clackamas; janior sow pig.
Alice StaageL Clackamas; $25 apoeial.
T f k. - . . . m .
nanpuirw; umr, LSTI XTalOTO.
LiaaV fat bog. John Witts. Mnltaomah;
junior sow pig. Loot Tralovo. Liaa.
Hog showmanship : Wilmer Aerhoff,
Liaa, first.
Jerseys: Jnaior heifer calf. Hetoel
Poyreo, Polk; senior heifer calf. North -nap
Batoa. Marioa; jaator yearling aasf
er, Roberta Boll, Union; senior yearliag
hoifer. Gordon Aadraa, Claehoasaa; pro
daring cow, Gertrode Bell, Union ; Liaa
trophy cap. Grtra4a Bell. sbowsMaship.
GertwU BelL
UoUteins: Janior hoifer calf. Trod
Braaell. Coos; senior hoifer calf, Traeoy
AadererK. Malfomah; janior yoariiag
heifer. Llord Orimea. Liaa: asaior i.
ling aoifor, Ciao Orisaos, Liaa; paaaae
stg cow. Unr Orimea. Liaa: ahowmaa
ship. Edgar Grimes.
UatoraaoTs: Jaaior bwifer ealf, Haas
leataoid. Tillamook; senior hoifer calf.
iwcaaro a.angoi. ciacnaosaa; yeartiai
oeiier, narne neccmaa. uackaaaaa: are
doeinr cow. Carl Zweifel. Tillamook-
SwowauMisaip, rioy BM9ora Maltaw-
Browa Swiss: Heifer ealf. Alice Met-le
ClaekaasM; yearliag hoier . Anne Boeck
li. Mnltaomah: vrowaeiar cow. Paul
Boeekti, Mnltaomah.
Beef: Steer. Alloa Mills. Union ; eaJf.
Herbert Blehiaad. Union ; yearling keif
er, Alfred Bloalami. Union.
Browa Swiss am beef showmanship,
Paal BooekU,.kfaltaesHia.
EARL SHAFER, attorney,
said: "Well, really. I'm not a
hunter, nor even a disinterested
observer, because I haven't ob
served that subject at all. How
ever, it seems to me that a
campaign of education and lib
eral use of propaganda would
help to keep a hunter from
shooting at moving bushes and
a bobbing hat that is minus
horns. An intelligence test or
eyesight test for hunters would
be ridiculous, for hunting is a
sport and as Buch shouldn't be
SIM ' PHILLIPS, in charge of
the United States employment
bureau, here, said: "I think a
man before he shoots should de
liberate a little and be very
sure he is shooting at a deer or
any other animal."
Salem is at least 2S years ahead
of other communities of this conn.
Tf which have been trying to
work out their own health prob
ems.. members of th Lions elnb
vere told at heir luncheon Friday
by Dr. V. A. Donglas, in eharg
f child health' demonstration
work - In this locality aader the
sattonal health service. Dr.
Douglas, who. was the- principal
speaker of the day, fooad th Um
limited in which to ontlin th
wonderful work being don here
under - the Commonwealth Faad,
ut presented some of the salient
facts in a concise , and forceful
ray. - v
' First emphasising the valne of
discoveries by science in th field
ox - canso and prevention of dis
ease.; Dr. Douglas said that the
first aim of the child health dent
onstration work is to teach the
public the Tain of applying these to their everyday
uvs. -
Service Not a' Fad
PabUc health service, he de
clared, is not a fad. but a serious
plan for the conservation- of the
vital resources and-life of the na
tion. He Quoted authentic Mar.
ures to show the astonishing in-
uuauu iu ueaviia stanaarAa
throughout the country in the last
ten years, due lo educational work
In .disease prevention.
among children and declared that
a continuation of this walk
through cooperation of all
aeni oi me community, is neces
sary for mutual benefit of all eon.
cjrnea. The United States now
spends only SI a year per child
tor neaun conservation and si en
a year tor education, he nofntsM
Olsea Plarcra Comlae
At the close of Dr. Donriaa t.iv
rrana: is. weer. of tha . &.i.m
school board, urged preparation
for taking over the work
done under the direction of the
child health demonstration
time the Commonwealth fund
passes operation here, which will
we in aoom a year.
Harry Scott, at th
"9 clu President, called atten
tion to the fact that th t.
viwmans wui unite this vpr in
sponsoring the sixth annual sea-
VU ,u aiemxt the Moroni Olsen
Players who will nru.i
dramatic production i
rn j 7 . " " 'UM
'ai ana winter, these Mine-
pressing WUlie." "Autumn Fire,"
"dOWR Whl Every Woman
KnOWS." Plana are
J1e.",d' or detailed announce
rnent as to dates and other re
laits. A united niuutn i
clubs membership was urged.
it.- . ,
ArcHert! Company .Will Ship
450,000 Pounds East
in Near Future
(Continued from Page 1.)
way without killing any men
so far. He has bragged about his
method and his luck to several
people, including myself. Anyone-can
see, however, what the
result in tb long run is hound
to be."
(Continued from Page 1.)
government." the American reply
conunnes, "it appears that:
VThe limitations which the
disarmament conference will have
to determine will deal with four
classes of men-of-war:
Capital shins. L e.. shins
of over ten thousand tmn or
with guns of more than eirht inch
calibre. (Copy of British note.)
(2) Aircraft carriers of over
iu.uoo tons. -(S)
Surface vessels of or be
low 10.000 tons armed with guns
of more than six inch and up to
eignt men calibre. (Cojpy of Brit
isn noxe. j
News Briefs
Nearl 450.009 pounds of red
and ahrik clover-seed. which Is
said to be more than has ever be.
ford assemblwd in on plac on the
Padfie coast, is housed m tne
wardrooms at ;j tne jnariea n.
Archerd Co., In Salem this week.
This seed which will return more
than-IWO.OOO oto farmers In the
vicinity of Salem,' where it was
virtually : all produced. Is, being
cleaned and shipped to eastern
markets, ' ; v. - --
Due td an exceptionally fine
season, for growing, this year s
yield of clover seed ' has been
greater than ever before, it is said.
and it continues to come into tne
Archerd warehouse In such vol.
ume tnat th company has been
forced to add another cleaning
mahine to Its present battery or
five machines, i which' have been
working 24 hoars a day daring
the harvest season.
j - ; Ooinblave Employed
Mr. ! Archerd points out that
two-thirds .of the present crop
harvested with a combine har.
vester, aV used tn wheat harvest,
with a clover attachment. This
is an Increasingly popular method
of harvesting in view of the ma
terial sating it effects-in harvest'
cost for th farmer.
Seedsmen declare there is no
clover seed in the nation to excel!
Itnd. of Maeklla. Saskatchewan:
and Mrs. Hartman of Salem.
Twenty-one grandchildren : also
urviv. The body is at Rigdon
Mortuary. Funeral services will
be held Monday at 1:50 at Rig-
don's chapel with interment In
Cityview cemetery.
Flint ;
Albert J. Flint, aca 72 rears.
died at his horn Wednesday eve
ning, September 24, 1495 North
Commercial street. Survived bv
hi widow. Viola, two sons, -Arthur
of Salem and Walter of Cotton
wood, Ida.: a brother. Joe H
Flint of Casey, nilnols: and a
sister, Mrs. Frank Barr, of Peoria,
tiunois. JTuneral service will tut
held Satnrdar at 2 n. m at tha
dough-Huston chapel. Rev. Howe
officiating. Interment in City
view cemetery.
At The
mar nssxtrsxxAM' Chtjxch
. -. nw " a Ohemaketa aad WinUr
streets. Br. Norma K.-Tally, pastor.
8aaday aekaal at S:S0 a. as. Morning
worship a lt'lok. 8onaoa, Tho
fmmlmiom ml a Oroat tnsnnc." The
reaagv Poople s sooietioa will meet at
VS9 a. am. r. Teams; woranip .w.
Tse finieia ei
, n ! Por. Saaday school
v Jr' """wt la ftotk the Oer
4 fcflirt Jaataacne a 11 'dock
oiKjvci, me Untrnota.. w. v
v"y urast to these ferric os.
uostare and rhmfc.t. r
Martin V. Vfmv ::.u 'r
1""". . - Uraded iastrartio
7"uo"' oerrtoes at 11 a, m. Sabject
of the itraK, "giilo.-; Mrs. M. Fertwy
"ill "Spirit of
'J nosusfsr, mrs. w. A. ientoa
ue orgao.
.rraar oebmajt baptist
ioaieatioa nmcw at new ohnreh.
j-oe7s ana V streets. S:S a
ns.. soaieamoa arnun W Rv I ir,
O. p., Portland, 10 a. . Serrices in
f-ncima s p. m., Bar. Williom Oraf. of
notkaay. offieiatiaa;. Broaia serrices
-v p. n. OCT. U. W KBftMh 1m m
All are iaritod.
that produced In the Willamette COrr.T mmm M
valley and that market, are wait- Cc !I??tLCH f'fJ
tng xor ail tnat is proaueea is at
tested; by the statement of Mr
Archerd that an average of a car
load a week is being shipped east.
Seed shipped from Salem is 99
per cent or more clean and is In
constant demand in such impor
tant markets as New York. Mil
waukie, Chicago, Baltimore and
Toledo. It is said local clover
clover seed has a superior color in
addition to its other high quail.
Seed , Is still coming into th
warehouse and each day's receipts
are Insured as they are added to
the hundreds of thousands of
pounds going through the chan
nels of cleaning. .
At a local hospital. September
28. Dorothy Fisher died at the
age of. 21 years. The remains
will be forwarded to Portland by
Rigdon and Son.
p.'Tt Wmiv 10 Visit Mrs.
Ralph J. Squires of Spokane will
arrive here today to spend tha
week-end with Mrs. R. a. Fork
ner of this city.
Two Couple Wed Marriage
licenses were issued Friday to Don
rJh,rer and Ver Smith, both
of Salem, and to Carl Leo Walker
Z3, aad Frances Cummin- i -i
so of Salem. '
was fined f 250
Albert William Sahll. aged five,
died in this city, September 26.
Survived by his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert William Sahll of Ger.
rais. sisters and brothers. Virgin
ia. Lorraine. Dorothy, Frederick
and Russell Sahll; his grandmoth
er, Mrs. Cora Sahll of West Tim
ber; and four aunts, Mrs. Claude
Helsler. Mrs. Peter KUnker. Mrs.
Amanda Biggins, and Mrs. Martha
Perringer. air of Portland. Fu
neral services will be held Satur
day, September 24, at 10 a. m. at
Rigdon' Mortuary, with interment
in the Pioneer cemetery.
minister, 144 8. 19th. Rally day! The
bcnoot win oDserre Kally day next
usj. a noon program will be
Siren daring- the Bible school hoar. Vs
csttoa will bo a thing- of the past, the
'r win oe over, moat af tk nrmnt -rn.k
of ranons Starr sets wiU bars beea com
pleted sad the people hock in the rou
tine of life. Under these eirenmstsnees,
all members of the Bible school snd
church shonld. make tt a eofinita noint
to attend without roil. At uni.,
-"v mm umn oi us serasoa win be.
The New Birth." Eranin worWkii.
will becia at 7:30. Lot m rallv to thi.
sorTieo likewise, makinf It the beat of the
year. An evangelistic sorrice will be
conducted, sermon subject. "Whr Re
peat I" A most cordial invitation is ex
tended to all as alvsys.
Corner Marion and Lihartw itrui.
Robert L. Payne, minjster. Fred Broer,
Sunday school noerintendent and direr-
tor of anisic. Ivoaise Finley, organist.
8aoday school. 9:45 s. m. Morning
preaching service, 11 o'clock. Sermon
topic. ".The Office of Deacon." Two
yonng people meetings, 6:30. Evening
presetting service, 7:3U. Sermon topic.
"The Lw, No Babbsth No God." Ser
moneHo ior sauoren at tbe morning
semcea. rTsyar meetiag 'norMtjr eve
ning, 7:30.
40 State -street, apstisrs ovoa the
Mans' Shop." Ralph D. Balktek. Das-
tor. 480 S. Cottage street, phone 93S-M.
Services, 2:30 snd 7:45 d. m. Snndav
school, 2:30 p. m. Weekday services:
Kvaagsliatie services Wodnesdar. Thara-
dsy sad Sa tarda y aigtu at 7:45.
Joraer Hasel aad Aaadamv streets
Saaday school at 10 a. m. Mornins
preach ing serviee at 11. Dr. A. C. Kaooa
win preach in tbe morning W Brothm
C. D. aaoey ia tha evenioc- at 7:30. Mid
weak prayer moetinx Tkarsdsy eveainc at
Highland eaae.. Edgar P. Siaas. pas
iw..iuU sisua. aWvieoa. 11 a. am-
aaj S p. as. Bible sckool, IO m. sa.; Jay
1 Gardner. Kant. Junior C. K S P. as.
Soaior C. iL. t p. av irayer moetiag
Tkarsdsy st S p. . m. a staay ei
Koistie of Paal te the Pilippiaas by
suim an time ormits. Efficient teach
era for aU classes. Seatar- Bible class
osad acted by poster.
Snecial dedicatwa serricea Saadar.
Moraisg worship 10:45 a. as. Sermon,
"The tilenens Temole" by Bev. U B.
Dock. lwaieaioa srocram 8 :SO P.
tedieatery sermon. "Ike Stability of
the Church1' by Kev. f. W. H. Fred
crick, presideat of the Pacific SyaeC
tastailatiea semes 7:h0 p. am. Fuimal
astaUauea of Be. P. V. Briksea as
paster by the presideat of the racUic
byaod.. The puuiic is invited.
At High sod Center street. D. J. Hows,
paatori 05 a. Cottage. V:45 a. m., Bible
-csjoL Promotien aay' exeroises at 10:S.
stauy fcay aaay. Oct. 7; "SOO
otUaiiaace is the stuu 11 a. aa wor
uip Sermon by the pastor, "Oar lt
te the Yeaag." tf:u p. m., Teaag Peo
ple s Hour. rhrec C. e. societies meet
nd wiM hsve keiptul programs. 7:30
a., praise service followed by sea
Art Then H. That HhouWS Ceaaef
wpocial aambors of maaic at sack . serv
co. Victor n ells is ckarwo of ekeir
All are cordially ivvited to tkose serv tees
strangers wLU find a hearty welcome.
rzasT STAjroxxjcAi. chttbch
vocaar ei Ldaertv aad Cssur mtmIl
A. P. Leytea, pastor, saaday school at
:45: i. !. 'inorntoo. HaoL. worahin
o uoi auoject, X so TillA cipar
row. Ckristiaa aadeavor at S:30: to
pic. "The tteals tor Oar Society." Wer
shtp at 7:SO; sabject. "The Atea wo
All By Waitiag." Prsyer meeting
ua Tkarsdsy evening at 7:s0. "The
ckristiaa life is Like aa airolaae: whoa
7v yVm are sees. - ua. Ass tao
uait at ruajtiag past the stop sins be-
tviv is siovs aowa.
Tbirtocatk sad Center .ti-o.1. J 3
sohaort. tutor. T7s K. Wiiu, .trut
pkoae SBO-M. Servicos. 11 a. m anu
9. m. sexmoa tonies.: A lir..t
rniUHV fc m.; "Addiag- te Paitk.'
ttaaday school. 10: MArtin Hehr.1
her. Sent. M'sisr noonle'a ' mMS,
league aaeetinr 7 D. m. Wonk-wnv mm'.
ices: Prayer meeting Wednssdsy st 7:45
p. m., ia ise some of Martin 8-hrih.r
1110 21st street. The Indies' Aid society
wiU moot Tkarsdsy st S:0 p.. m. The
P'sce will bo snsoonced at the morning
.....v.. i.u casres ex lends to the pub
lie s cordial welcome to all of its serv
Pstrik N. Tlit Klin o . n
- cnvi. w.
"" "'"S worsmp, 1 1 o clock. Sermon to
pic inon and Life." Church school,
a. m.; Miss Ksther Encktoo, Supt
Ep l?sgue. 6:30 p. m. There will
oe . , discussion on tonics if int...
est to iople. All the young peo
ple of the community who are not at
tending league elsewhere sre invited to
join in the meeting and in the socisl
hoar that foUows. Wednesday evening,
,,'r.3,-t',a..r!uUr "ii-week service
W!ji v h?!S tThe lPic for eonsideratlon
will be Technique ia teaching." On
Friday:, evening, October 5, there will be
s package sale st the church. This will
be precedded by a short program. Sat
urday afternoon st -2 o'clock there will
be the nsual story hour for the pre
school children. There hss been so in
ereasec attendance lately and the moth
ers are invited to send thir children from
- w a p. m.
ChHstia Scionee" will be tha ..K.
jeet of the Isassa serasaa ia Pint Ckareh
of Christ, eesewtis which Is a brack of
the Mother Chwreh, The First Ckarek et
Christ, SeientiUt, la Beaton, Mass. Serv.
ieos sre kold1, Saaday morninr at it
e'eieok. aad Ik the bvwaibc at e'sWe.
Saaday school st 9:45 Cor tx.
elder classes sad at 11 o'clock for the
yeaagar crmaoas. Wednasday evening
meetings are kelA at S o'clock aad ia
eladec tostlmoaies of assliar. erperlenca
aad remarks e Ckristiaa Scieace. The
ding rooor is mAissaiaod at 40 Ma
le Temple where the Bible aad ail
aatkertsed Ckristiaa Scieace liter stars
v bo rood-, borerwed er parch seed. All
sre cordis 11 y iavitea to attend the serv-
ieos aad te ase tne ressiag room.
SSS 'Ferry street. Saaday school
Eiptly at 9:4A; Walter W. Wells.
Preaching servica at 11 o'clock,
eet ef: moralnr lassssga, "Ooinr
Tkroagk With God. Evening- service st
7:90. aakjeet, Sae4 Time aad Harv
est." Ooed coagregstieaai singing st
both Bseraiar snd rreaing- services.
Tneadav eveatnr devoted te prayer for
the unsaved. Friday eveaiag Bible study
sad prayer mooting. This week's lesson
is ia tha elesiac verses ef the eighth
chapter of tbe Gospel af Joha. Tonne
People's nteettaf ea Sa tar day eveaiag at
7:30. At this serviee tke psstor win .
briasr a special message te the yewaa-ar
doodI. We aaraeetty invito yoa te oil "
these serricos. J. O. Mlatoa, paavor. S70
N. 13th street. Pheas SS39-J.
(Methodist Bptsesaal)
Booth Commercial aad Myers streets.
8. Darlear Jokaeoo, paster. S4S B. Myers
street, phono 3TS4. Morwing wot ship 11
a. m. Anthem "Stem by Step"
(O'Hara). Sermem, "Oeaieieats Bekees."
Happy Eveaiag Hoar at 7:80, "Oa Oar
w.v. Rt WkiUer BwaaaV' Ckareh
school at 9 :45 a. at, will observe Promo
tioa Saaday witk aipprepriate esereisos.
Cvery eekoler ia arced ke be preaeat and
get raedy far a' start am Ska aew less s.
Epwartk leagae ia Leslie Hall a :90.
topic. "Eyes Freat.' All yemng folk
Sre rerdieJly iavited. Kete that eveaing
services begia SO minutes earlier thaa
formerly. Rally week will be observed
aest week as follows Meaday, Ladsrs
Bight. Joint aseetiag of official groepe
in Leslie HslL Tuesday, Mob's night
with hrulhnrhasd dlaaar aad program.
Thursday, day at visitstioa- sad prsyer.
STeatiaa- far prayer aad fellowship st
7 :0, topic. I The Flaaa of Prayer ia
tko Saceeas I of oar Taar's Program."
Priday. Young People's day with rally
parties by greapa. 8a tarda y, Okildrea s
day witk parties aad -story hours for
Beginners. ' Prisoary sad Jaaiors from 3
to a. Saaday, October 7, raily day.
8tate aad 18th street. Bev. A. U
Heine, psstor. This will be oar snnnsl
Mkwioa festival day witk services ia the
forenoon and afternoon. Ber. Wax.
Schooler. Lutheran stadent pastor ef Ore
gon, will preach at the 10:30 a. at. serv
es aad JOav. tt. Man or nomngnan.
Wosh.. wiU preach st 9:30 p. m. serv
ieo. Tke forenoon serviee will ho ia
English sad the afternoon service will bo
in German. This order of services in
the opposite from that announced last '
Sunday. There will be, a special offer-
ng.takea ap at these- services tor tne 4
benefit of missions. Sunday schoc. will
be st 9:40 a. in.; Martha Bettermae,
Sapt. The ladies of the rongrecstton
will serve the dinner in tko ckarek ata
inr room. Na Lather leagae meeting.
On October 2 snd 3, we will ba bosts to
the Pacific Const conference et ' the
Northwestern . District of Joint Synod of
Okie, snd in; the evening of October 2,
there divine services wun jvct.
E. R. Pflueger ef Veneouvcr, Canada.
Dreaehina- the German and . Rev. .
Theoer of Victoria, Canada, the English
sermon. Services will begin at 7:45 p.
Confessional servicos will begin st
:15. The Lather league business saeet-
ti- w'i Ke held on Friday eveaiag. Oc
tober 5, beginning at 8 p. sm.
Corner fU"te snd Church. T. C. Tay
lor, pavtor. 3ft State, phone 974. Direc-
. - a . . . . . f k.
rn-rn ti ttt ' m nTrr-mm . ior Tt liosl easniwn. juavrgares A. osm-
CHTOCH (Zblacapal) Urlsnd. phone 872. Services. It a, m.,
Charch stroat mt n..i.i. r I.j t.h nwrt.
Unnesn Cnsmbem. reeSnr: lltrv... . ,. With llnA " a. m "(Vs r5hriatians
snd Bally day. The serviee of thsnks-IConqnerf" p. 'm. Specisl music: 8olo.
Ireo ia tko Holy Kuehsr-1 Kiss Francis MeGilvrs "Ia My Fsther's
... wui oegin tne day st 7:80 a. m. in I House, Wsrd Stephen. AaUsma:
William O. Hayden, S. died
suddenly at the State fairgrounds
Thursday a. m. The only living
relatives are two nephews. Miller
B. Hayden of Salem, and Ben L
Maxwell of Eola. Funeral ser-
wta wttt sa olt Sitnriliv nftr.
x-iora a. Green I aoon at 8:00 o'clock at the Big
hrnne-hr K-- ," 7. -iaon Morxaary cxistrox.
w aiw jiuues nr . A
Peace Small Fridav ii.
unlawful sale of intoxiInw .. I Zmrxbt
quor. " I Ferdinand A. Zurcher. 40, died
One block south of Center ea 19th, L.
U. Snsltk. pastor, phono 2940. Snndnv
scnooi, w:a a. m. "Tke Hsndsy senoo
witk a heart." Caaases for all aad good
tsa soars tor eack class, dome saw
with as I Frank Litwillar. ssmerlatandant
a cnargv. Morning worsnrp 1 1, sermon
subject "Doing Exploits." Mrs. Hsttie
- w... k Mrs. itwir
lor is one of Ged'a sweet singers, yoa
wiU waat to Bear bar. Tke revival nsav
fg ear yonng people aa holding ia tke
Pnng valley caarek at Zona. Oregon,
will continue eack evening at 7:45 aad
Saaday afternoon at 3:30. Do not miss
these ksppy young- peoples gospel meet
logs. Xeaag- people s meeting in the Be
en- ckareh at 640. lfiss Thaa Sampson.
president in charge. Mrs. Clyde Hwffer.
will amg t solo. Btreaiag evaagelistic
service at T:80. smnsa sabiea. "Tke
Qaestioa ef tko Honr." Prank UtwiUer
will sibc a solo. Prayer meeting WedS
a as aay evening; as 7 :,
Thirteenth aad Perry streets. Bev
the Wild Billow."
My SoaL" Tcheooff.
the chapel. Bally day will take place ia
tne enures aenom t m-A . v
su tke students sre expected to be hack, (school. 9:45 a. ax.: classes for all grades
Announcement will be msde of the work and ages: H. F. Shsaks, Sapt. Epwerth
for the winter months. At the 11 a. ks. leagae: University Cbspter Lewder, Vir
serviee the elrureh wilt be decorated witfe giaia JSlusssr; topic, The Soaring Amer
fnuu snd grsins. The rector will preach ice." First Ckarek Chapter meets ia
ths sermon and the res tow choir will church aaaez. Week-day services : Bally
7.V mm npeeisl masie. Ths anthem week will be observed threaghoat tha
T ' . 1T Tbankr Uato ths Lord" entire week. Charefc school board meet
by Fsrokrother. A duet by Mr. sad Mrs. ing Mondny night at 7:30. Tuesday sf
lrr"0" Love Deviae AU Love Ex- toraooa the mother and children of the
gelling, by Stsiner. Also proeessioa Orudis Roll snd Beginners departmeats
d ,re 01- Tha Rev. J. D. Rice of wil1 gsMier for a social hoar aad pro
fortlaad will be la charge during the Kvaax. ' Tuesdsy svening s pwt-fack sapt. t. .
sbseace of the rector at the general ana- Pr for all the adult Bible slhaaoa of tko M
veatioa ia Washington, D. O. school, followed by a psgeaat, The S
JABOaT XXX MEMORIAL M. E. CHTTBCH I "J executive meeting. Thursday ttXRmi" JL
Coraar North Winter and Jeffersoa l sa homos of the pupils hy tha teach-
exieacs to tne pubi c a rlad -mml. I" 7T wweta; ;, swpic
eoare to ail of Its services on thVminr "" ia tie CTrurch Behool."
Lord's day. Mr. Acbeson. who hsTbiei Trii' .avoBia. a "Fall-la Party" for
paster of this church for the past ten th 8aior iepBrtmeat af 9ho B. B., spon
rears will be present st both mwl-Z a red by the First Church shop tar of the
present iadicatioas sre that be. will preach
icesj Osmday school. 9:45 a. ax. We ia
vatrdav on his farm east of Pra- lv..i w t :i n
speattle Woman VWJt. ui.Jlnm Snrrlrfd bv his wife. AJma 'keta sires t. nhoao 1811-J. - Bnadav
MWWi J I s-k - W IBP or ' w 1. . a ' . L
(4) Ocean gains snhmarinM nn Showalter of Seattle is I May, and three children. John,
over 600 tons." iviswyig nere at the home of her I Ferdinand. Jr.. and Byron, ana
The first categories of ahfna lcounl' Mr- - A. Forkner. T his parents, Jdcob aad Anna
capital shins and aircraft mmiI . IZnrcher. Funeral servloes will be
over tea thousand tons ,n.l . "?c--CouBty
missed by the American. nat nl smith and Porter went I nonite church at 1:10 p. m.. wUh
already regulated by the Wash-1 L nd to Silver Creek I interment in the WUliam Kaaff.
lngton treaty. That would leave I Zlt ,TiaT to inspect work done I mn cemetery tour muss north
ine franco-British nronosml if Aa-l'Tl'"11' n county roads. isast oi i-ratum.
ciared. as restricting only types t ... ... .
cruisers peculiarly suited to thLrtr IIT w"n1 - CamiAadl
DMIM Af tha TTnll ci.. . iiu us xasVUer fxT tha n t- a r- v.n mm
.77 " . . . OSf-l-e tk-.... - - v, rU. 8B
tmctioa peiween types of curtaee iJf i- Z T 3L1- uorion was I died at a local hospital Septem
TOB, crait- the British pro- " n,,DB Tiaay. iher 28. He is survived hy
POSBJ. 11 aeclarsd. an mnf rlrln I I hr nth or Tnhn rsmnhall llvtnw I
umf IPCI OI cnugeri -nanl iriv - "W decree i Mlnmnrl snd n nlntor Ifro Mis.
. t. . . . . - nr oivavm wsi j . I , -m.
o-.tosx to xam aeeos or tha United U.t"I"" vT. 17. .wu late. Erlckson
n .... : irnir ms 1. iuj . . - - - vw,,
owtanj,.m distinction fcetasss . vr"" u IB tbt loH Serrlest t ths nAnrh.(In.ln
attorney, said: "I think a so
called hunter, who cant tell the
difference between a man and a
deer has no business in the
woods at all. Certainly he h'as
no business carrying a gun."
TAII SH1X.TON'. prominent
sportsman, said: "Deer hunters
who shoot before they see a
deer's horns belong in the pen
itentiary. I ought to know, for
several years ago whtte hunt
ing in southern Oregon, several
rifle bullets whistled past my
ears. I . found that they -cams
from a group of hunters about
S00 yatsn away, and they, shot
because they saw ths brush
moving where I was walking.
WrnekWa tSnsixk third,
fCHtehisM)f feortk, Beaak
was4sxWsi?w aaSxhl""o SSx
If ORRIS RApB, member of
the Salem Rod and Gun club,
said; "Two Salem hunters have
told me within tha last year that
they killed deer fty shooting at
moving brush. , Those daer
could have been does status,
horses or men. Hunters wha kill
man by following; doss tactics
should ba prosecuted for man
slaughter, with no mora eonsid
eratlon than thoso who kill
through earslsssnass la aay oth
er way.
. 1 """Ihn.t.. . T 17. I "'kW svt. me
vtkcw o sunaee rnrahar ,k.i iuk - oar tea Ltmasinsi uow t t a - n .v.
ouiivs cHDoi geespi." IZZZr. 7-vi h. "aa; .at.. Dodge., Rev. Mr. Mia ton in charge. In-
ZZ Z -.J. xreaunent had I terment; ia. Cityview cemetery.
vuw vans i us SUIC '. I u rt
rinss O a ' , .'. r-" f C-MxUllforfl
ITTIII II 111, i mnn f -mml i M . m . . . . -
j . . -ui i urace 1. xaamiora. aea is.
uou appearaa in Joatlce, eoari itmA . v-.f-i o..v"
I flVII TO ."f -te.eed f.K 1 ir7 WwlSowl
I III ill I I U-rf ,7 IU,e or W :r. 1 Body at Cough-Hoston mor.
hwWiiUel 1 1 unvcr a license re-iutary; j mnerat announcements
jwaea ior six months for rockiest I ater.
Orr OAS twr.1 ... swxi?oco WSS PSSSed I ; 3
" W W TV UWUITTLIH DfllTffrairTIAfl BfllAtVmm .h. It sm m
.tiM. A .r """' warge against him. I ' cnuta
ern Paelfte station pvt., i:.. uretUB5 aiaas on the put I tscnuits. sz, died
.,rridy orn- Ue highway. Gordon brnk. . .1 Thursday a. m. at the home of hi.
ball team a ronsine aon do f4 f tle 011 the P-anint at the time Qf 1 1uhter- Mr- Kaheth Hartman
present declared that the crowd in" th n- t"firm "e.J!,"ra
was tne larrest iIiim ..- v.s HM"" uquor. . I . ' . """.
been la hool. an '.w' .... : Snults. of rarmington.
spirit was zhlhltaH h.7VL. xT Z r"Pa orncew-Enri Shafer. sonlmn-: JonB Bcnults,. of Lead,
seen ollmnnr Mr. and Mra. Frank E. hS? DakoU; Mrs. Emma HeaeT-
'v LM CRAWPORD. attorney
aad saretary of ths Rod aad
Gob elub. said: t Tluntors wha mostly of UtUfx-ea ha dlsiyeX
srogri of yells and aonr.l: . . . rr " aner se-
was to charseNnf l.irM r.Clcurio Dl uud. degree at Har.
winalow. yen kla4 vara, last year, and Is opening e
uiy, crevn prince and Fran-1 u hjo irsi nauona
fes MeOlrrra. song aaB.:'MAt.BaBk In the same suitt
though the 4:rain wa. e -.1 ... I of rooms used hv nri p,.
I . " axeem dh SF Bad 1A4 U Oel I V a nV ASB i ,
late, the cheering continued al- Sbf' ot his 'A.SS.- degree at the
wiinoui a break. A' short "-rsity ; or Oregon four yearr
OJ fJOacn ROT "fitiee- trn.laitO. He id a -rnrfn.t. .1 e.i.
tmmm IV. .. . . . ' , e- I - . aswui
lMrth T 7 n wmissioa of aay I scnooi and was on the all
--r - : I ILalll - ' TtBBxrflTriSll amm S . a
avawgva.Byem bxbs- UBlsnrxl Saw. Sa aaaV I Vankak eanr OJSw w. Il att. Jl .
the 17x7t.Ve.i7. u ptayiaiao maae a coast-wide reputation
Hakli?,?,.l?...0.L basketball at the
1 "na mucsuUUU. SSL ninnneiMMIninanlta . -
of Wniamette. iooteT .m n
haad. i . 1 MU
Coach SBOe' ITesmn, In tin.
before leavlnc that ha mt. I
777. .w"ir!,amn "CP. heliering
ireaninan team u atrong
sr defensively than ths Mn.
aMaougn lacking the offenaiv
drive tant the- foam eanaaaM
for adults in tke chares f:
cwrn et WOSena Hirkw Vmm ;u
joy tko fellowship, stkueissm, aad the
viU aay ponoa that doesa'l attend Ban 1 :k.s7 n." n'"'.1".'7 -"Sloping
day school aay plaae to eeaxo aad ho earn I " ie-no wita yea.
of as. laJtowahip aad penis I ssi insl TTUV mtiinnirMvi,
sszzzz t xSrTaxS"L.e?j" c1- - w.r.
xeJaoioaary rrOt
ins UOSI of Sitnantni. a . I
Rpworth leagae. aad a Junior hicVtoertr -.-w I in charge of Miss Otrry aad helpers.
meets M 1:11 t. a. with ssvea tenant ardsy sfteraoea the taothora aad ehil
JepartmenU functioning-. Harry CaroaV I ttr "T depsrtuxeot wiU meet
tor is saperiateadeat. reblie worshlolfor rnm patr. sloo the Jusior
h swhisrkn .1 Ta ana giria win meoi ior a jony-wp in
The w. 11. M. s.
day afternoon in the
SO. V Mrs. J. F. WJ-
ehanra af the aWvotiona.
did epporUaity for high sehooL ellla "4 "abeU Baker will review the
sad bssiaasoaaa- noonle. .. .11 1 '" eaaptar la the aew stady book.
What Most la Heme alias ions t"
Cominc tto
rrma eal soar xals missionary
Week aigkt asi liens Tuesday
saw Tharsdor oveninr S a. ax.
people's mooting- Sasnrday eveaing
m iaiiis Tinsniv , 17 " Mmwe wui eo Beta xa-
. .WAM w m w 1 1 ! Ml i mtJ n . . . I
B..1. ..J X WW n-wm. mm- I - - f . K" S- OSSSiT SOBOOL I
ammmmr eemw, w -- dwikot, I eeoe's xenexiawa-- Tfc-. V-dTZ.- T ...Tl . . ...... ,
aw Uaraxaaw Fortairhtlv .Lk -ni JLJJl7Zl I "1 UUnLa. AieaiCUie Ior tbe
-w " . ...
English; 11 s.
rortnightly slab will T:0 for worship aad a socisl
vsiivsai nsriisz vnssvn I l..' v . . - - -"
fOraad Opera Hoasa) Cbraer Courl I'T 1 .T."""""" "
sad Hick streets. S. JL 9:45 a. a ll-o..? ".".rV W:
i. -ii . - " o I - J. ai . oanssxer Street. Waan
mmWrC1 tVo ZZT-UZZZ. . !? PorU of the
leo will begin at 100 oclosk and the J7 Larf 'rf xL "SZZ WV
awhiaet will ks 'Th. Power af tha In-(?::" P1 the pregnant of the
viaibJe." There wiU ho an aathom by .L w?"-.0.r aad
the ehoms choir. The evening aorvice I i-v.sea so axxoaa.
tk a
will hee-ia at 7:10 o'clock wil
alar gospel sing service. If yoa enjoy
naging yoa ought to like this service
where TeryoM takes part .The sabject
for . the evening sermoa wiTl bo: "The
Bor at the Fir Treat.' This will he
the . third ia the series entitled .The
Ber Problem " Yoa owe -most welcome
to those servieea. Oar prayer meetiae-
wiB ho held en WoCaeeday eveaiag ana
choir rehearsal oa Thursday vening. w
srl Cbchraa, pastor.
Corner of Chomekets sad K. 17th. O.
tnkat n net or. 36S H. 17 th etrMX.
phwno. lOOS-W. Servioos: 11 a. bl. sb
SO p. xa. - mermen sopica: morning w
pie, "wneni voa v-iseaw xxenao. n.v
nine. "Hear Called. Bat Few Chosen
gaadey school: -10 a. -m.: O. B. Straas-
haairh. Saps. Chrtsttsa saasavor. e:u
Waldoa Martin, leader, htid-week pray
Tkaraday eveaiag at
Batswdajr Only" '
MILTON SILLS in i ;? -1
., j . ., j
Dedication Services
First German Baptist Church
K. Cottage and D. Streets will
be dedicated oa Snnday, Septal
SO. The contractor Mm Fred!
Erlxson will unlock the doors
of the new edifice at i :4i sm.
after a brief devotion led by the
pastor, a mil program of good
things is in store for. everyone.!
Ten visiting ministers from out
of town churches besides the
pastors from our Salem Bap-i
tist churches will take nart in
the day's program. Rev. Jj
Kratt D. D.. Portland, wilt
preach the dedication sermoa
at 10 a.m. Rer. WiUlam Graf
of Bethany aad other visiting
ministers -will use the English
language in speaking to us at '
2 p.m. A historical reran r
ths church and Its financial
standing: aader present drcumj
axances win be rend in tha af
ternoon, RerTJ. A. IL WuttW
Portland, is tha sseavkar A, .hav
evening at 7:iftV i
KrangdfUUc meetinra fn tvJ
main aadltortam of th .hMMw
from Monday to Tkunti.
U!!ln5 IL RT B. Wj
iiiHima; ; . KST.l Fred
Buerrmaa. Stafford fi -7?
Eyinaa. Dallasand Ber. R. in"
Reschka. Bait CTwk ?7rU?Ii-r
kldtar!tsd to aa msotlail
siysisg avna mUSlC IS
t promissd . "!
past fifteen years
WiU be at
Tuesday, Oct. 2
Office Hoors: 10 a.m. to 4 pan.
No Charge for Cofwultation
. Dr. Menenthia is a regnbtr grad
1 mediciao aad avrgrry and
U llcevtsod by the state of Oregon.
He does not operate for rhmnic
Waicia. gall stoaea, nlcors of
coaaua or adenohls.
Ho has to his credit wamdesrfnl
rossdts ia diseases of the stomach.
Urer, bowels, blood, skin, nrrvc-,
hcsvrt, kidney, bladder, bed
Uag, ralsvrrh. wesvh: hisn
rrUaxa, sciatica lee nlcers and roc
tat allmestta. ---V;.;;..
ofhta many satisfied patlonU in
Ureo1 who have beea treated for
oae or tha oihrw of i
Jo SbaxjaWps, CUhboa.
Mrs. Walter Scott, Scotts MIBa.
liw. John. Vasi Severest, Baker.
. X WagcgOUt, lSrtUad.
lira. 11; Rl
aad his
above- date. tlxaA eaaa.' i
m thl trip win be frse
prt is dllYettsxt.
farrlcd wcxw v. '
rsded by Uhsir htutommOiZ i .
2 Drgsdlrery Bid..