The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 23, 1928, Page 12, Image 12

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The New Obegon Statesman, iSalem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, September tS, 1928
Graduate of 18 Years Ago
Among Those Respond- i
V ; tag to Roll Can
WOODBUBN'Ore.. Sept. 22.
A graduate of 18 years. ago was
Present Friday the fourth annual
homecoming: of Woodburn high
. scUool, held In the hlth school
- auditorium. .- Other jrrads werw
present from lilO to ISIS with
practically every class represent
ed. Mrs: Marie Skel SimmoM, one
of the fire girls who eonrposei
the class of 1910 answered to roll
call. The largest number from
any one class was 12, from the
class 6f '28.
Ooach Is Speaker
"A ' quitter never wins and a
winner never cults' waa tho' sub
. ; ' Ject of a. brief pep talk and sport
owtlook for the coming football
, u-asoa by Coach Ray Wolf. He
V complimented the student body
' - on its support of the teams and
' X spoko vividly of the "never die"
" - spirit and good sportsmanship of
his players.
V. D. Bain, superintendent of
- Woodburn - schools, also stressed
'sportsmanship In -his addresses on
"Things for which Woodburn
high school stands. "Sportsman-
"i 'fh'P - much more to be desired
than the mere wfnntng of game:
True manhood and 'wpmenhood
are- the- things that are really
worthwhile." said Mr. Bain.
k r Program Presented
The program of the annual
homecoming assembly was as follows:
Piano solo -Wllma Morrison.
Call to order, Wlnton Hunt,
; president of the student body,
i Duet vocal Juaaita Hicks
wid Ruth Geer.
Welcome, V. D. Bain, superin-
a tendent and principal.
Response in behalf of the alum
ni. Maurice Bogard, 'it.
Roil call of 813 graduates by
- - classes. Vera -Garrett, secretary of
student body.
. Instrumental duet, Ralph Hul
, bert and Fred Kins.
. . New yells and old. Tell Kings
John Nelson sad Staiitor Strk.
Address. Mr. Bain.
, introduction to the. alumni of
the executive board and student
School songs, led by song
queens, Hasel Steinboff '28 and
Peggie Sadler.
Introduction of all football,
basketball and track letter men.
with talks by the captains on this
year's prospects.
k Talk. Coach Ray O. Wolf.
' History of the "Wireless" bi
monthly newspaper Warner Guiss.
. History of the Wohiscan, an-
nual publication, Elma-Doris
Ifavemann, editor.
Jfi traduction of the faculty to
the alumni.
Awarding of yell king letter to
Warren Conine, '28.
Helping the
Evening Refreshments
Crabflake Salad
Date Bread Sandwiches
Pineapple Sherbet
Chocolate Nut Cake
Coffee Hard Candles
rrabfUk Salad, Serving Eight
( For variety serve in chilled
tonv&to cases).
2 cups-erabflakes, 2 cups diced
JklAW 9 a n k . . 1 . .
f, - v , cvvtni sss, icea.
cup chopped sweet pickles, ft
, r, teaspoon salt, teaspoon papri
; ka. 8 pimiento stufBBd olives. 1
cup stiff mayonnaise.
V Mix one-half the
with all the ingredients, accepting
I airalesto stuffed olrrea. Chill
mixture. When ready . to
serve, place portions In cups of
crisp Itttueo loaves and top with
the xfct of the mayonnaise. Place
the olives la tho centers of each
service. Serve at once." ,
Crabflakes contain many fine
bones as thin as cartilage, so be
very careful to remove them dur
ing the preparation It Is best
to. take the crabflakes up ia the
fingers aad pull them apart. Any
of the fine bones will be easily de
tected and many be pulled out.
v Date Bread T
2 iups flour, V cups Graham'
flour. 2-3 cup light brown sugar.
1 teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon baking
powder. 2 teaspoons soda, 1 cup
. chopped dates, 1 cups sour
If roa could
the. dust and dirt your,
garments can absorb
m say three months
you would ' hart them
: cleaned mors often.
We call and deHvur
Wo CaH and Deliver
- .--- '
. .... t
455 FEItllT STSSEf.
Tolephoao TZ3 " .
rZ&lpf 1
1 1 J Dtmmmd
l tSSr if rrtxjtmt
Comfort FcaitinxxbrhiG Small
' - j . 'Wmw m to mmm mk
mm w m ttnnT
rDUR-ROOM houses are smaller than
most home builders are content 'with in
, this . day of exaggerated ideas but it
Often happens that such a home is adequate.
For sueh cases this little home offers special
inducements in both cost and comfort. Using
jcommon brick, it can be built at a cost well
within the reach of the man of .average in
come and the expense of maintaining it will
never prove burden-,
some, its rooms art
ill large, well lighted
and cheerful, insuring
inaximum comfort.
And its arrangement
and size are such that
it cannot but be a
saver of steps for the
1 The living room across one entire end of
jthe house will always be the life center of
this home. It is amply large to accommodate
comfortably all the members of the. family,
and it is. so lighted by windows on three sides
that it will always be cheerful. The dining
Jalcove to the rear-off the kitchen is ample
ifor the needs of the family and dispenses
TW Co-amon Brick Manafcturrm'
Interesting Show is Scheduled to Open fn Meier &
Frank Auditorium Monday Showing
History of Building
j Architects and architectural
students, together with all who
are interested In construction dew
velopment with particular refer
ence to brickwork, will find much
of interest in the exhibit of medi
rel and modern brick architecture
In Germany which is to open in
Portland at Meier Franks Aud
itor ium beginning Sept. 24 and to
continue, free to the public, for a
j period of one week. It Is prob
ably the most complete presenta
tion of architecture in any one
material that has ever been ac
complished, and traces the pro
gress of German brickwork from
the 11 century to the present- It is
being offered under the auspices
of the Common Brick Manufactur
er's association of America.
.This group of photographs,
more than 500 in all. was collect
ed under the personal direction of
Privy Councilor Dr. Edmund
3-Piece Bedroom Suife
' A IJeal Buy at .
This charming set is beaatifaUy decorated in Nile
Green enamel three pieces, bed, chiffonier and vanity.
- Come in today and see it.
Market Furniture Co.
We Deliver
A New Method of '
Saves You Money Adds to Comfort
)Ce aeW to rusovs your old roof 11
If Kod Cedar Ehlacs right over
"A dMrourVf practkat autW hat
loca worked - out ssvss reatoviaf ri
eli roe, jvrfifa litter, improve sp
of bouse, adds auwaiualy
aad ooauoct.
WaH be glad to supply details. Qua
trsted ioldsr, csriiasu also t&e
t skfaglca, e aeovtde a casiplcte
enlwgtif aad te-stafjiag service.
Doai roof uotfl you Javestfpte.
J.. W. Cppaiand Yards
Tarda ia XTeat Salem Alaa'r Leaia nabbard, TarnhSl,
ance of ' the house.
And they dress welL
Small homes, homes of this size in fact,
are the most difficult of them all to make
expressive of any distinctive architectural
type or charm. Yet the more you look at
this design the more it grows upon you. It
is possibly the cut-in upper windows with
the unusually steep roof that impress one. -
Arwitl . Ow-lans. OkK mm hnU
Schusler, of Berlin for several
years prior to the World War an
attache of the German Foreign Of
fice and architectural advisor to
the Foreign Minister who directed
the erection of Germany's embassy
buildings in foreign countries. Dr.
Schueler wss likewise instrumen
tal in the collection of the Ameri
can architectural exhibit which
for two years has .been ia Ger
many, on exhibition periodically in
different German cities. This is
merely a reciprocal effort. Ereiv
tually this collection will be do
nated to some American architec
tural college.
k Five Groups Shown
Five distinct groups are shown
in the collection, tracing the pro
gress of German brickwork devel
opment with striking fidelity from
the 11th century to the present
day. Four of these groups are de
voted chiefir to medieval con-
"At The Market" H
Commercial and Marion Streets
A t&ctfeal ana
yrcYtn method
Fbhilly Hbrno
with the need of a dining room. The kitchen
is large enough for a house Of twice its di
mensions, a feature with which no complaint
is likely to be found. The inclosed rear porch,
with icebox easy to the iceman, is another
economical convenience.
On the upper floor are only two bedrooms
but they are large, each supplied with a good
sized closet, and each is well lighted. The
cozy nttle bath is con
venient to both. There
is no attic. The dou
ble windows in this in
stance serve not only
to increase the cheeri
ness of the rooms but
to add immensely to
the' outward appear
plU drawings far tkia
ftrnction. These show structures
of defense, churches, public build
ings and the early type of burg
hers' homes, and represent the
early stages of the renewal of
city building following the Ger
man route of the heathen Wends
in that century. The fifth group
is devoted to tho last 200 years,
with especial attention to the new
er and more up-to-date work of
German architects, then whom to
day-there are none in all Europe
more ingenious and darlng. J'
Brickwork came first t6- .jCer
many with the Roman invasion
early in the second century A. D.
when the eastern seat of tho Ro
man Empire was for something 1
more than two centuries ia the old j
town of Treves In the valley ot tnei
river Moselle in Rbenlch Prussia. J
There to this day are the ruins or
their wonderful, old palaces built
Roberts, Inc.
Residence Loans
Straight or Monthly
" 205 Oregon Bldg.
? . - I 1 ND it's a business in which we are well I I
. . r J qualified to serve youfrom experience j
y V ; V - ? from the quality of "our products; from the I
j Ltsffyy ' skilled workmanship of our employees; from . I
AW' 'Vm ' the policies we pursue Of conscientiousness, , . I
c- ; price moderation and prompt . service. Take i
T I - -f ' V I - advantate of our free consultation service. in.
1 - -CY)'- fha liand't)f interior desigrdnr expexU and II
I " iltitC artists who will completely plan with you to 1 1
. ' SjJ' 'f - ward effecting-the most pleasing- and h- ;
' Vmohious schemes of home beautify injf.- ! .r
' " .' ' '.-.V'" ' i" ' r
- 455 COURT STREET N I :; PHONE 485 ."l
of alternate layers of ' common
brick and : limestone wtth palatial
sunken gardens and baths and a
surprisingly developed excellence
of architecture Those were, des
troyed by the Gothswhen they ov
errun that section early In the
fifth century driving the Romans
back across the Alps.
Germany's allegiance to brick
work began with the building of
their in the newly reconquered
country of northern "and eastern
Germaity in the 11th century, fol
lowing the driving out. of ' the
Weada. Active In directing - this
construction work were the Cls-
teroian ' ad : Promoastratenslan
Orders of monks and the Order of
Teutonic Knlghtsy the latter pet-
haps exercising the greatest Influ
ence. At' the time the Grandmas
ter of the Teutonic Knights had
his seat in Venice. North Italy at
that time: being united with Ger
mans. Naturally the Italian Influ
ence' predominated In .. the : eon
srtaetioa JDjLthe new German cit
ies, just as It was. effective in the
architecture and brickwork.
This doubtless accounts for the
frequency with which I the , brick
walls of .this older buildings In
these sections are found to be cow
ered in part with plaster contrast
ing sharply with the natural colors
of the-hrlck. That was common
practice in all the erstwhile Ro
man Territory in that period.
Likewise if explains the .resem.
bianco- of German architecture . of
that day to that of North -Italy.
This persisted! for more than a
century in the church and public
building y construction. Defense
structures were along practical
German lines. And eventually the
burghers stepped in and fashioned
PHONE 1812
Frank H. Struble
512 Bank of Commerce Bldg.
'Yours for better buildings in the Salem district"
iWelare equipped to handle your city or country work
ecickly and econotukaily.
We abo boy and sell buildings to be moved or wrecked.
Cal on es at once. Yon win find that oar work win be
satisfactory and ear prices very reasonable.
We Rent
2171 State Street
a new typo distinctly their own,
with attached houses tai lone sows,
churches to accomodate the peo-
plo aa-well as the clergy, and a
different type of assembly haTL
But architects wfB Cad great
est interest in the now 4 concep
tions of the contemporary Ger
man architects, new aad unusual
and extremely daring,, with. - a
blending of craftmanship and in
genlty encountered so pronounced
ly nowhere else in an Europe. -
The exhibition is being sponsor
ed by the Oregon Chapter of the
Mr; A. Glen Stanton is chairman
American Institute of Architects,
of the exhibition committee.
C. H. Harrison tb
Lead Church Body
, PORTLAND, Ore.. Sent. 22.
(AP) Dr. C. H. Harrison of
Portland, secretary of the Oregon
Congregattoaallst conference, has
been elected the new, head of the.
Pacific Slope Congregational con
gress at the closing session of the
three-day convention here.
The question of selling Caaby's
light and power an water sys
tems to the Portland Electric
Power company will probably be
submitted to the vote of the peo
ple fa the November election.
. ADoroximately 115,000 choice
daffodil bulbs "have been recently
shipped to New Tor k and other
eastern .points by William Martin
and Robert and Jean Warrens of
Washington county. The bulbs
were ior me most pan 01 me
Golden Spur and Victoria rarie.
us House Wreckxxig
Heavy Machinery
Foundation Work
Stack Raising
Industrial Board
Reports Mishaps
There were three fatalities due
to Industrial accidents in Oregon
during the week ending September
2ft, according to-a report prepared
Practy Cal Say
. This is no news to practical builders
who know the int and puts of the
building material business.
and All Building Materials
Gabriel Powder &Suppiy Co.
Office. Yard and WarOhowso
010 North Capitol TelMpboute 824S
Ask Your
Do you know why some bricks will hold firm through
year after year without cracking? Do you know when
you are getting good value in the bricks you buy? It
is not surprising if you don't But your contractor does
That's his specialty. Or better still.
is the man who; if
you ask him if the Brick Home
costs too much touild, he will
You pay for a brick homer
Why not own one?
Homes of
Brick-How to Build &
Heart of the Home (Fireplaces)
, .W3 Arctic Bld Seattla '
"In 'Salmi Solcm Brick & Tils Co,
hero today , by the state Industrial
soddent commission. The victims
were 'Jamesr' D. Schorn, Westlake,
ehokersettfri Iraa Bllck. Eugene,
whlai:pWik and James McGhee
han, - qryffm CfcV. bck tender.
There Srerea total of 041 accl
lents reported to the commission
during theyweek.
Lasting Charsa ,
. -25c