The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 22, 1928, Page 8, Image 8

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Salerri, Oregon, Saturday, September 22, , 1 922
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Iras Fear
: PreviousM
Is Fair
o Pass
With Complete Program Arranged for Every Day, All Ex
hibit Spaces Filled and Attractive Horse Show
Events on Night Cards, Success is Sure
WITH all plans completed for j the greatest event of its
kind ever held in Oregon, the State Fair will throw
wide its gates Monday morning, the initial day to be official-
ly known as "Community Club and Children's Day," accord
ing to announcement Friday "by Mrs. Ella S.' Wilson, secre
tary. The fair board has decided! that all children under 14
will be admitted to the state fairgrounds free of charge on
Monday. ' . . ... ;
- The community club competition is a new feature at the
state fair and was arranged at the request of Dr. P. O. Bailey
of Hubbard, president of the Marion County Community
dubs. Community bands al
ready entered in the competi
Attack by Democratic Party
Must be Averted Nom
inee Declares
tion include those of Hood
Riven Oregon City, Hubbard,
Mt. Angel, Albany, McMinn?
ville and Irigon. It was said
that other bands would be on
the grounds. There also will
be community singing and
chorus competition.
The opening ceremonies will be
In charge of the state fair board,
who will be assisted by Governor
Patterson and other members of
the state board of control.
Races will be held each after
noon, with the events all filled.
Both the mile and half-mile tracks
wilrbe used, with free attractions
in front of the grandstand be
tween heats. The American Le
gion j band of Albany wiU furnish
music -both at the races and at
the night horse show. A fire
works display also will be a fea
ture of this year's fair. This will
take' place in front of the graneV
stand immediately preceding the
night horse show.
! All Space Occupied
Every inch of pace in the ma
chinery and automobile depart-
SHERIDAN, Wyo.. Sept. i 21.
(AP) Senator Curtis, the re
publican rice presidential candi
date, carried the republican pro
tective tariff campaign Into the
cattle ranges tonight, blaming the
"flood" of farm importations last
year to much of the farmers"
troubles, In ah address here.
Renewing his pledge of higher
tariff rates on agricultural impor
tations, the senator questioned
the democratic attitude on tariff
and declared that Gov. Smith, the
democratic presidential candidate,
"apparently" has the Underwood
bill of 1913 in mind as a tariff
"Then, I need not spend time,"
he declared in a prepared address,
"to convince . you that - agricul
ture will receive no tariff protec
tion from the demcferats. Listen, to
some of the products on the free
list In the Underwood hill; Bacons,
hams, buckwheat, cattle, ... corn,
cream, eggs, hogs, lambs lard
milk, potatoes,,, rye, sheep, and
goats, wheat and wool."
Reaching Sheridan Jate in the
day the Senator crossed Nebras
ka and South Dakota in coming
into Wyoming. -
He appeared on the back plat.
form at stops in all states and
left the train at Edgemont, S. D-.
to speak to a crowd in the rail
road yards during switching oper.
ations. He talked high tariff and
Herbert Hoover in these places,
also and was given a good hand
by his audiences. -Increase
"Our tariff rates must be rais
ed," he stated In his Sheridan ad
dress, "to shut out foreign . im-
The night horse show at tbisjments of-the fair has been sold
year's fair promises to eclipse all
previou events of its kind held in
the Willamette valley. There are
seven $1000 purses, together with
other prizes which will boost the
aggregate to more than ItQjflOO.
Entries in the horse show include
a large number of outstanding
animals from California, Washing
ton, Illinois, Iowa, Oregon and
' Canada. The Oregon entries will
Inclnde several horses belonging
to Aaron Frank of Portland.
These animals recently returned
from California where they won a
large number of competitive
Counties to Exhibit
Fourteen counties are arranging
exhibits at this year's fair. These
exhibits will feature agricultural
and horticultural products from
all parts of the state. Augment
ing these exhibits will be displays j
arranged by the boys' and girls I
clubs from virtually every county1
in Oregon. The livestock entries
are larger than everbefore and it
has been necessary to erect 'an ad
ditional barn to house belated en.
trants. There is a possibility, it
was said, that temporary struc.
teres will have to be arranged to
care for the overflow. Similar
conditions exist in "the poultry,
pigeon and bee departments.
and belated entrants will find it
necessary to house their exhib
its in temporary tents near the
motor vehicle pavilion. The con
cessions will be more numerous
than ever before.
The camp grounds, near the
main; entrance of the fairgrounds,
are tinder the direction of Albert
Tozier caretaker of Champoeg
Park; and one of Oregon's best
known pioneers. Virtually all
space; in the camp grounds has been
reserved and It may be necessary
to acquire more space. The camp
grounds parade this year has been
set for Friday night.
The fairgrounds will .be ade
quately policed this year, while
plenty of parking space has been
provided for automobiles. No
games Of chance will be allowed
to operate during fair week.
O. A. C. Exhibit Huge
The Oregon Agricultural col
lege will have a large and instruc
tive exhibit at this year's fair.
Canada also has sent an exhibit
which probably will be one of the
most attractive on the grounds.
At the request of the state board
of control all state institutions
have arranged exhibits for this
year's fair.
The state penitentiary will fea
ture flax, which is one of the
leading industries in this part of
the state.
A miniature flax mill will" be
W. B. Bartram, state flax expert,
installed under the supervision of
In event of fair weather, this
year's state fair will be the larg
est and best ever held in Oregon.
porta which congest oar markets
apd every avenue and channel of
trade. LastVear we sold to foreign
countries a slice in jour dairy
market worth $36,964,435 for the
sum, of $8,782,556 in! duties col
lected. "We Imported hundreds of mil
lions of pouhds of vegetable oils.
Add our enormous cheese hnpxrts
to the portion of these; oils that is
made Into butter and it means the
displacement of about 800,000
cows that might be making a
home market for alfalfa, corn
and other feeds. '
"tn addition, we Imported
more than 8,000,000,000 pounds
of sugar .the wool clip of 26.000,
0QO sheep, and eggs yieia oi sev
eral million: hens ruthlessly nar
rowing the home market of our
own farmers for these products
and cutting down the opportun
ity for diversification on the
farm. 1
Stayton Family
Moves to City
STAYTON. Ore., Sept. 21.
(Special) Mr. and Mrs. Calvin
Steward and baby have moved to
Salem where they will have charge
of the Miller apartments which
are owned by John Dozler, father
of Mrs. Steward. .
En os Conger, Civil war veteran!
anri urcll Irnnvrt rostriont nf .Tnrfr '
son county for SI years, died in a
Medford hospital following an ill
ness of only two days.
See Our Demonstration Of
Acme Quality Paints and American
Karap-Kook Gasoline Heaters & Cook Stoves
At The Fair.
120 N. Com.
Get One Of Our Novelty Favors
2nd Floor, New Pavilion, Fairgrounds
Hollywood Top Shop
Jack Wise Prop.
On Ford Tops
Now is the time to repair ytrar curtains. Best prices on
celluloid. We do all kind of top work, seat covers, also
repairing: sedan glass and glass inclosures.
iSinger Sewing
Machine Co.
531 Court
Phone 441
9 AoaoErrs
OH j ;
ACCIDENTS wijl happen
in crowded thorough
fares; they can hardly be
avoided. If your car gets
bumped, send for us. We
will repair it, to your satis
faction, and at a minimum
cost. I
will exhibit on the balcony of the new
pavilion during State Fair Week
We invite your visit to an interesting display of
modern methods for an old necessity.
See Iw Our fcwipiprt
I You are invited to call at our booth at the Oregon State Fair 4
and see a
I -
1 ..
1 11 . I
: Davenport Constructed
Also we have a interesting demonstration of the new
j Bridge-Beach Ranges
. Circulators and Heaters r .
No Interest
ate iranr
Ella Schultz Wilson, Secretary
Monday Community Day
All Children under 14 FREE
na Feature Attractions lO
Horse Show Starts Tuesday Evening
Industrial Elxhibits
Boy's and Girl's
" Clubs
Dairy Products
' Poultry and Rabbit
When Y ouPlan to Spend the Day
t '