The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 21, 1928, Page 7, Image 7

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    This Guide To
Economy Goes to
AU Salem Homes
From the Habit
I! Of Watching the j
Friday Green
The Shoppers' Guide
Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, September 21, 1928
Back to School Lunches
Salem Offerings In Fruit and
Vegetables Now Cover
Wide Field
Salem wholesale houses are tak
ing on a true fall air, what with
me arrival 01 mure uimc a
plea, more varieties of pumpkins
and squash, bigger 'and better
grapes, not to mention th big red,
ripe tomatoes coming In from the
local gardens to supplant those
cot so tasty that have been with
us for weeks. Cranberries, oo, tell
of the approach of the cooler
Grapes are more plentiful than
the demand and are- accordingly
quite cheap. Also all varieties are
of excellent quality, provided the
buyer is careful to see that he or
she does not carry home those
which have waited too long for a
purchaser. The following varieties
are now available.
Grapes Ra.onAble
Humphrey's Lady Gingers, at
$2. 50 wholesale.
Fresno Seedless, 9 0 cents.
Red Malagas at $1.35 and white
malagas at $1.00.
California Tokays, $1.75.
Cornlchons, $1.75.
Zlnfandels, $1.00.
Local Concords, 65 cents.
Besides the Concords, the only
other grape offered by local grow
ers are a lew DeLawarte, which
resemble the muscats.
Apples of all varieties and packs
are now in. the warehouses of local
jobbers. Most of these are coming
In from Yakima valley, with the
exception of a few King and
Gravensteins offered from the lo
cal orchards. Local Gravensteins
are quoted at ; $1.75, with the
Yakima Gravensteins bringing
$1.75 and $2.50.
Among the apples from Yakima
are the Jonathans, at $1 to $1.75.
and Pippins at $2 to $2.25. Si
berian crab apples in the 40-pound
boxes, are also available, at $2.
Quinces on Market
Portland local quinces are now
6 cents per pound, with the first
shipments of any quantity arriv
ing this week. i
Tie early season shipments of
cranberries show large well color
ed and sound berries. The bettei
grades are quoted at $6.50 pe
box. equivalent to one-third a U
S. standard barrel.
Pears, in practically all varieti1?
In the different packs and grades
range in price from $1.75 to $2.-
7 5 per box.
The peach reason Is gradually
coming to an end, with about the
last of the Yakima offerings now
on the market. At lea tit one more
car of this fruit is expected by lo
cal retailers to care for the late
requirements. These are expected
to sell at the same price that pre
vailed during the peak of the sea
son. A limited supply of The Dalles
J. H. Hale peaches and Clings are
still on the market, with prices
for the latter from $1.25 to $1.50
per box. These are running extra
fine, the size being particularly
Washington 'huckleberries in
good quantities are available yet,
the price remaining at 12 cents
per pound.
Vegetables Now Plentiful in
Salem at Good
Washing of Canned Peas
Still Puzzles Housewife
ACK. to school means back to
school lunches.
Fortunately, the innumer-
ble excellent prepared foods on the
niirket make it comparatively easy
tor mothers to solve the school
unch problem effectively and inlel
igently. Be sure to have a vacuum
bottle or other container iq which
nSIk can be kept cold, or hot co
coa, soup or a hot creamed dish may
bf earned. A firm baked custard
or padding made with milk may be
carried in a custard cup.
1 Vttamia Foods mrm Needed
j Foods rich in vitamins should be
a part of the school lunch. Among
the prepared foods always available
that are good nutrition sources are
canned beans, carrots, cabbage,
grapefruit, peaches, peas, pineapple,
spinach and tomatoes. These can
ned foods may be carried, moistened
With a bit of salad dressing, in paper
Hereare several school lunch
Cheat and Pmuafplt Sandwich:
Mix together one part cream cheese
to two parts crushed, drained Ha
waiian pineapple. Spread between
slices of buttered whole wheat
SwtU Ptoch Sandwich: Mash
drained canned peaches. Spread on
slices of buttered bread, sprinkle
lightly with chopped nuts, and
spread with mayonnaise.
Lunch Custard: Beat two eggi
slightly. Add one-fourth cup sugar
and one-eighth teaspoon salt Poui
over slowly one cup evaporated
milk scalded with one cup water
Strain into custard cups, sprinkle
with nutmeg, and b'e in hot water
in a slow oven. When beginning
to set sprinkle top with one tea
spoon moist canned cocoa nut and
finish baking.
Younger School
Children Given
j Tests By Expert
Miss Carlotta Crowley, ele
mentary supervisor of the first
six grades in the Salem schools,
has been busy the last few days
giving intelligence tests to pupils
under six years of age who seek to
erite.r the Salem schools this year.
By this evening some 12 children
will have taken the tests.
These mental tests are requir
ed of all children who desire to
enter the local schools for the
first time, but who will not be six
years old until between Nov. 5 and
Uan. 1. Otherwise, all students en
tering the lb class must be six
years old at the beginning of
school or within six weeks after
school starts, or before Nov. 5.
"Chemists To Farm Rescue" ex
claims an editorial caption. Gas
Local tomatoes are now carry
ing the trade for that commoditv
and are exceptionally fine, both
in sixe and appearance, with the
real tomato flavor that was lack
ing In 'he bulk of Imports. The
rains of last week, however, caus
ed considerable damage to the
crop, many otherwise fine toma
t OS being cracked about the bot
tom. Sixty-five cents is the pres
ent quotation per box.
Yakima Dotatoes. in combina
tion trades at $1.75 per hundred.
continue to be the bost of the of
ferings The local notato sells at
from $1.25 to $1.50, according to
Green Beans Plentiful
Local ereen beans are plentiful.
with a demand considerably lcs
than the supply. These are sun
5 cents,
Th lAke Labish onions are
taking the place of all other var
ieties, with the price firm at z.
75 per hundred on the U. S. No.
l's and $1.85 on the No. 2's.
, Cabbage, of fine firm heads, is
3 cents per pound.
Peppers look splendid and the
supply is practically unlimited.
They are 5 cents a pound.
There are a few red peppers, on
the whole not bo large as the
bells, but also of good quality, at
20 cents. Pickling onions are lim
ited, the price now 8 cents. Local
spinach is offered at six cents.
This is of eood variety.
Pickling cucumbers have under
gone no change in price, nor have
the root and bunch vegetables.
Tacoma cauliflower is plentiful,
the best grades bringing from $1.
85 to $2.
Radishes Appear
Local radishes, the long red,
round red and round white tip var
ieties, have made their appear
ance recently and are all quoted at
45 cents a dosen. Pomengrantes
are $2.25 a box.
To wash, or not to wash canned
peas! That is the question that has
troubled cooks and housewives
without number since the days
when the canning industry was in
its infancy. Today the washing of
canned peas has become, with
many, one of those sacred tradi
tions that cannot be traced back
to its origin. But like The Ivory
Door, in the play bv A A Miin
!t is one of those legends which
one does not care to deny.
Apparently even th hsr
book makers dodge-the issue. Of
ten an author will advise washing
canned peas in one recipe and will
-usgesi using them as they come
from the can in another recipe.
Are we to believe that canned
peas should be washed for one
recipe, and not washed for an
other? Or are we to investigate for
ourselves, and reach our own con
clusions, haspr' nn foot TV, ?
... 1 J1C 1UI-
lowing facts s,: I t'.iw canning nf
peas have bee.. . dieted to nahi
telligently, one aad for all times
to the perph- ng question of
whether or not canned rws cknnirf
be washed before using.
From Vine to Can
In the largest
the world there is only a two hour
nrai Detween the time that the
peas are growing in the field and
the time they are sealed in cans
Here Is the history of those two
The pea crop is harvested with
mowing machine, and is trans
ported, on the vi
vine. .-.! ' -iicu ii viil tilt
...... ocuuua not more tDan fiye chambers- TheQ tne covers
uiu, irom tne field. Here th nlaH r iho .nrf th.
hermetically sealed ready to be
Cooking Stcrflixcs
The sealed cans are -placed in
iron cages and electric conveyors
carry them to the cook room
More than 1.000 cans at. a time
are placed ln a mammoth retort,
a lid is damned down nd tha
hulling is done by large nfaehines
-railed viners. Huge cylinders
uj'CU HID vua UU LAI I J j tw f U tilt?
away the empty shells and vines. i;eas are cooked under scientific
i nr: siiciicu rc carrieu me
chanically to another machine
which screens and fans out split
peas and bits of stem and leaves.
Peas Get Many Baths
The hulled peas are. put into
bcxes holding about 4 0 pounds,
and rushed by motor truck to the
factory. Immediately upon their
first cold water bath, and are
passed through a machine where
any leaves or stems still remain
ing after the first cleaning opera
tion, are floated off.
The peas are then elevated bv
machinery to graders, which are
huge cylinder-like affairs with
holes graded to the 16th of an
inch. Passing down throuzh
Mitns ana penoraiea graders the oas
par are automatically washed a
second time and graded in from
three to six sites. The next step
is a blanch, or a Drecook. which
gives them their third wash. This
blanch is a quick hot bath, with
the temperature of the water at
190 degrees. They pass from the
blanch to a cold water spray, for
their fourth bath. From the cold
spray they pass down. thinly
spread over wide, long white rub
ber aprons, where they are given
:lose human inspection. Then they
are fed with the cooked sugar,
water and salt into a machine
which feeds peas and liquor into
sterile cans that have just emerged
irom the ltvesteam sterilizms
ontrol, at a uniform tempera
ture, for a specified length of
cime. Next the cans are given an
external cold water bath to cool
the contents so as to insure safe
storage, and they are then stored
in the warehouse. The labels arc
not put on the cans until the peas
are to be boxed and shipped.
And so fact, and not legend, de
cides the point as-to whether can
ned peas should be washed or
not. For there is no more rime nor
reason in the washing of canned
peas after taking them from the
ran than thrre would be in wash
ing canned peaches, or canned to
matoes or any other food that Is
prepared and canned under mod
ern scientific and hygienic meth-
Savc Nourishing liquor
The liquor covering the peas is
rfch in food value (it contains the
soluable vitamins from the peas)
and it should be preserved to use
in soups or sauces. The peas are
clean, since so much water is
used to wah them that a pea can
nery Is the wettest yraco in the
world. Peas used just as they come
from the can are sweet, full of
flavor, sterife and wholesome.
Rickey Family
Returns After
Extended Tour
RICKEY. Ore.. Sept. 20.
( Special) Mr. and Mrs. Irvin
Caplinger have returned from an
extended eastern trip.
Frank Harris, who has been 111
at the home of his sister, Mrs.
M. M. Magee. was able to return
o his home at Grande Rbonde
Miss Grace Humphrey of Po-t-land
was a week end guent of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs W. II.
M. M. Magee who underwent
an operation last week, is recov
ering satisfactorily.
Miss Margaret Fitrpatrlck be
gan teaching at the school near
Sublimity Monday. '
Friday, Saturday and Monday
your choice of
114-pound Bar Padre Lemon Soap
1 Vz -pound Bar Berti Castile Soap
For Thre DaOnly .
on Special Sale at 27c a Bar
HfXr Senator Rldg.
Phones 48 and 49
155 N. Com'L SU
According to the latest federal
market reports, the 1928 prune
crop is only about one-tenth that
of last year's and accordingly the
shortage is reflected In the prices
growers are demanding for the
fruit. , b
The better grades of Italian
prunes are now quoted here at CO
cents a box of 15 pounds.
The orange market has taken its
customary fall rise, with this
week '8 jump bringing the whole
sale figure to $9. Oranges will tra
vel upward In price from now on
until about the first of December,
jobbers say. with a drop to half
the prevailing figure usually the
procedure at that time.
HanjlnA Standardised
The staple banana has again
reaehed its old standard price of
8 and 9 nts, following weeks of
flcklene. .a the market when this
commodity reached a low level of
less than a nickel a pound.
The last of the Klondyke mel
ons have been placed on the mar
kets, jobbers believe. There are
still some local Ice cream melons
and muskiuelons in the warehous
es, but only in limited quantities.
These are quoted at 2 and 3 Va
cents, respectively.
There is also a limited supply
of Persian melons and casabas,
these billed at S2.25 and 3 cents,
Freeh California figs are now
$1.50 a tray.
Mexican limes are $2 a carton.
A two hoar entertainment by
leading artists. Is being arranged
for the Radio Industries banquet
to be held in New York the eve
ning of September 1$, Chains ex
pected to number more than a
hundred stations are to broadcast
IIm ntnt 1 rtiili wilt Inrl ndt
lime. S humann Heink. Paul
Whiteman and hie orchestra, John
Charles Thomas, baritone; Fan
nie Brice Vincent Lopes and hht
orchestra. -Moran and Mack and a
Bomber of o: hers.
fal ' --
Oar Lines are Complete and our
Prices are always Money Saving
for Better Quality. Our Service is
Time Saving for you.
In Our Front Window
Crisp and Fragrant from nearby gar
dens, Quantities of Fresh, Clean Veg
etables, displayed in the fresh open
air. Eat More Fresh Vegetables, they
are Healthful. Let as help you by se
lecting the Best
Special for Saturday
2 Full Boxes 25c
Heinz Catsup
Friday and Saturday Only
2 Large Size Bottles 45c
Maxwell House
Per Pound
Always the same High
Per Pound . 45c
2 Pound Can 89c
Blended for Flavor
Priced for Economy
Our Breakfast
3 Pounds
The preference of hund
reds of our customers for
"Our Breakfast" has de
veloped a tonnage that
makes its low price pos
sible. RICE
Extra Fancy Blue Rose
Long whole grains
29 c
Fancy California small
White. Finest baking
beans to be had
ej Pounds . 25c
Genuine Rocky Fords
Nice sizes
4 foT 25c
Nice big juicy, well-ripened
Tomatoes, for can
ing purposes IQ
PerBu P 1.17
Golden Glow Brand. Mill
ed from the Best Valley
Per Sack .... $1.49
Pancake Flour
No. 10 sack rn
Cherro OZC
Swift's Fancy Lean, for
frying or
Per Pound 00 C
New crop Seedless Rais
ins from MoDesto, Calif.,
i " Pound pkg. 25c
4 bars Fancy MiD- QQ.
ed Toilet Soap . OOC
- A Peet Bros. Product
Rice Krispies
KeDof&'s Latest Break
fast Food
U Pkgs. 25c
Monarch Wheat
Cooks quick, tastes bet
ter. They are Toasted
Per Pkg.
(!, lb.)
Monarch Food of
Milled by Special Process
from finest selected Dur
ham Wheat.
Large pkg.
Creamy, Rich, Yellow
American Cheese, aged
to jlre it a slightly snap
py flavor. .... Ofr
Per pound wUC
2 Pounds 55c
Selected Standard Fggs
Per da. 40c
2 Doz. 75c
Busick's Commercial Street at Court and Busick's at the Market Serving
thousands of families Economically.
Crown Flour
49-lb. sack, milled Q Of
from old wheat tPl.OO
White River
A fancy hard wheat, bleached
49 ib. sk. $1 .85
100 lb. sacks of nice d1 OP
smooth potatoes, sack vltbJ
Milled from choice valley and
Waldo Hills wheat, at .this low
price this flour is a good buy.
49 it. $1.45
C&H Sugar
Packed in 10-lb CJ
sacks wit
Packed in 25-lb. Cl A9
sacks ... - V
U Bars 25c
Baking Powder
1 .b. 29c
Wesson Oil
Quart tins 49c
3 pks. 31c
Alaska Salmon
Baking Powder
12 ox. 43c
Baking Powder
16 oz. cans Cream of iO.
Tartar lOC
Vanilla, Lemon
Post Toasties
5 Pk.39c
Corn Flakes
O pks. 39c
Oregon Milk
Solid pack
large cans 25c
Freshly packed
2 pks. 45c
large pks.
Large pk.
20 c
Ginger Snaps
2 ibs. 35c
10 Bars 59C 4 cans 35 C