The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 21, 1928, Page 6, Image 6

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    .The Vw Oregon Statesman. em?6rgo:Fndav Morning, September' it, I9t9
I Bffl
PORTLAND, On?. Sept. 20
(AP)- Oswald West, former gov
ernor and pTeeent democratic na
tional committeeman from Ore-
iron, said tonight in a speech be
fore the Smith-for-President club
that he will not allow "minor dif
ferences" between his views and
those ; of GoTernor Alfred E
Smith, keep him from Toting for
the democratic presides' i;l candidate.
Mrs Northcott Admits
By Canadian Officials
"Some of irr
ine how I can b
port Smith af '
the primaries "
answer is th
and that I lor'
as 4 he place to
ties as to part
;nt" in
I. "My
the primaries
e Me all dlffical-rndidates.
I preferred Walsh becaase of
his views on the liquor question.
I didn't get him so I accept
"I am not in accord with Gov
ernor Smith's personal riews on
the question; yet I look upon them
as news oi an noneei ana tear
less man who recognizes the evils
which prevail, today, and who
.hopes to provide a remedy."
West said he still believes in
the prohibition law and feels it
has not had the benefit of con-
.. scientious enforcement.
VANCOUVER, B. C, Sept. 20.
(AP) -Shackled to a provincial
police constable and heavily
guarded by officers, George Gor
don Northcott .arrested yesterday
at Vernon!. B. C., by British Co
lombia police on a charge of murder-preferred
by Riverside, Calif.,
authorities, was tonight brought
to Vancouver on a Canadian Pa
li. C, by train in charge of a pro
vincial rttctr ha arimittMl . hi
Identity, while the woman, who is
said by police to be Mrs. Sarah
Louisa Northcott. held ia Calgary.
Alberta, has persistently refused
to , admit 'she ';; was Northeott's
mother. . A . .
'.Police Telia Story
ne was taken Wednesday soon
after his arrest. The train arrived
here! tonight at 8:10 o'clock and
Northcott was Immediately taken
to provincial police headquarters
for identification and questioning.
' ."The rain," contentedly reflects
Ine Monmouth Herand, "has re
lieved the hunters, made the hop
w en. neAfS 'amoq v 1J sjasfd
touch of Autumn, revived vegeta
tion and disabused the minds of
many of the suspicion that Nature
might" have forgotten how to pro
duce anything but dry weather.'
cificj train from Kamloops whereiud hU IdeaUt to me QhM
of Polled 1L N. Clerke of Vernon.
'He made no bones ot it when I
talked to him although Constable
Morely Green told me that North
cou aenied nis identity on -e
train when he was placed under
- "He appeared very nervous and
upset, and was -not at all talk
ative. ' He did not make any con
fession and he was not asked for
one, as this is not the function of
a police officer. When questioned
by Constable Green about the
whereabouts of his mother, he
readily consented to give her ad
dress, and this was communicated
to Inspector Forbes Cruickshank
of the British Columbia provincial
police at Vancouver.
No FirearaasCaxried
"When Constable Green arrest
ed Northcott he found him un
armed and he submitted quietly.
Constable Green at once got into
touch with Inspector Cruickshank
and received instructions to. take
CALGARY, Alta., Sept. 20. .
(AP) Mrs. Louisa Northcott. ar
rested here yesterday afternoon
for Riverside, Calif., authorities
on a murder complaint ia connec
tion ' with the Northcott chicken
ranch killings, tonight admitted
her Identity to Calgary police of
When told today that "her son"
Gordon Stuart Northcott. alleged
wholesale murderer, had been cap.
tared at Vernon, B. C, the woman
declared, "Don't bother me with
such; rot. I don't know anything
about him."
The woman steadfastly refused
to answer questions and insisted
that; she Is Mrs. J. Black. Polios
PLYMOUTH, VL, Sept. 20.
(AP). After a hard day's travel
through the regions of -Vermont
which most suffered from the
Hoods of last fall. President Cool-
id ge turned to his bative Plymouth
late today for a narht's rest before
Inspecting .more of the rehabilita
tion work-in his state on the war
hack to Washington.
Greeted by enthusiastic crowds
at all the numerous stops he made
on his way across the state, the
Chief Executive abandoned his in
spection tour for an hour at Bur
lington to accompany Mrs. Cool
idge to the cemetery to . deposit
flowers pa the tomb of her fath
er, the late Captain Andrew I.
Goodhue. ,
Earlier in the day, on the way
north, from Washington to Ver
mont, Mr. .and Mrs. Coolidge stop
ped for a brief call at Northamp
ton, Mass., t visit Mrs. Lemira
; ; At the
The packed house at the Klsi
nore Thursday evening leaned
back in their seats and chortled
and laughed and guffawed and
had minor hysterics over the Man
hattan Player's offering, "The
Whole Town's Talking" .and it
is positive : that the' whole town,
and. least those who saw the John
Bmersoa-Aalta Loos comedy, are
talking about It.
Incidentally, in addition to
having the most lively and finest
vehicle that the Manhattan play
ers have had to date for the dis-i
play of tfce'r ta'"-it. the setting?
for the plsy vf re bjst yet put
out by t o ; .e manage
ment. w:?oov r i . - s "The Whole
Town's Tal'clns" v. ill be left out
of all the worth-while smart gos
sip o tUe week-end.
Homor McDonald, at the-organ
I QUICK he m
Q Nurse Assigned
IU 3 To Serve Area
Around Stay ton
Goodhue, mother of Mrs. Coolidge. k sided during the intermissions
at the hospital where she has been f id continued the vein of hilarity!
cnnoiiij ut mr uisuj iuqdibs. i;u a inenaiy, laKe-cne-auaience-to-
Apart from these tw i , our-beart manner.
tions the Journey confined itself The feature picture. Ramon Na
to aa inspection irom the observa- arro in "Forbidden Hour n.
tion car of the ravages
year s high waters.
of Uel
said they were positive she is Mrs.
Northcott. suspected of complicity another guard with him and pro
la several murders at Riverside. iceed hv motor mr tn iran.itM
She Pleaded To Save
Her Lover's Life
' A Dramatic Story Of
A CirVs Faith and
Last Tines Today
A photograph of Mrs. Ndrthcott
in a Vancouver naoer. which
reached here late this afternoon, is
declared by police to compare
cioseiy wun tne woman held in
Jail ; here, a photograph sent
irom Vancouver. by the provincial
police has not yet arrived.
i Extradition Planned
RIVERSIDE. Cal., Sept. 20.
'AP While Riverside county of
ficials today prepared naopn for
the extradition from Canada of
Gordon Stuart Northcott. named
in aj murder complaint as the slav
er of young boys on his Riverside
county chicken ranch, investigat
ors .who have dug up a collection
of fragmentary bones identified
as those of humans, marked time
pending further developments
from the south.
Cjounty Sheriff Clem Sweeters,
who had directed the pick and
shovel' search' for human remains
at the Northcott ranch, made prep
arations to leave for Vancouver. B.
l-., by airplane. He will carry the
necessary papers to return North
cott and his mother, Mrs,. Louisa
Northcott to the scene of their
alleged crime.
j Yowtb. Admits Identity
Vancouver, b. c. sePt20.
(AP) After one of the most
dramatic manhunts in the Crim
inal annals of British Columbia, a
boy and a woman, believed to be
his; mother, were in custody of the
provincial police today in two
widely separated parts of Canada,
iccused of operating a "murder"
farjm at Riverside, Cal.
the youth. Gordon Stuart
Northcott. who was on his way today-
to Vancouver from Kamloops.
) 'Last Times Today
Richard Barthelmess
"The Wheel of Chance"
ceed by motor car to Kamloo Da-
there to take the train today for
Although no questions relating
to the series of alleged murders
on the California farm were put to
Gordon Northcott, efforts were
made to learn from him what has
become of Mrs. Winifred t Clark.
his siste, who was with, the youth
and his mother when they, lay In
hiding in Vancouver.
Wanted As Witness
It is known that Mrs. Clark was
with the Northcotts when they
left a rooming house here at mid
night Sunday. Since then no trace
of her has been discovered. Mrs.
Clark has not been accused ot any
connection with the murders but
is wanted as a material witness in
the case.
Up to noon today Northcott had
not been told of his. "mother'"
arrest in Calgary, not did the
woman know that her son had
been captured.
Inspector Cruickshank
hat the British Columbia author!-'
ies wouia make no effort to bring
.he woman to Vancouver. Dis.
1 EG
DENVER, Sept. 20. (AP).
Struggling vainly to keep back the
tears that welled to his eyes,
John Reese of Broken Bow, Neb.,
today was elected unanimously
Commander in Chief of the Grand
Army of the Republic at the clos
ing session of its 62nd annual en
campment. He succeeds Com
mander Elbrldge Tawk el 'Sacra
mento, Cal.
Portland. Maine, was chosen as
the 1929 encampment site over
Secramento, the only other city
extendnig an official invitation to
tne oraer. Before tne encamp
ment opened Wednesday, rumor
had it that this one might be the
last, due to the inroads which time
was making on the ranks of the
G. A. R. The floor arguments
alone on next year's encampment
city might well have dispelled any
doubt that the veterans contem
plated dispensing with the annual
deavors to be a ; miniature "Stu
dent Prince" minus the pathetic
ending, and- affords admirable en
tertainment. RUTH MAE LAW
Sons of Herman
Hold 1928 Meet
ASTORIA. Ore.. Sept. 20.
(AP) Between 250 and 300
members of the Sons of Herman,
representing that organisation in
every section of Oregon, will con
vene here Saturday for a two-day
convention. Election of officers
will be the principal business be
fore the delegates. " 1 ''
PORTLAND. Ore.. Sept. 20
(AP) Evelyn Warner, four years
old, was burned, perhaps fatally.
late today when she fell into
tHghtcfoot rat of hot quick lime
at a mortar mixing plant here. She
was taken from the tank by Wil
liam Payne, plant foreman, and
hurried to a hospital where it was
said her condition was critical.
She suffered serious burns about
the eyes, face and body.
Although the accident was not
witnessed, it was believed th"e lit
tle girl toppled from a platform
Into the vat while playing with an
unidentified companion.
Payne told police he was mak
ing the last rounds of the day
when he saw a small hand pro
truding from the limes. He imme
diately grabbed it and dragged
the unconscious child from the
hot liquid.
Fearing that Evelyn's playmate
also had fallen Into the lime, the
bottom of the tank was dragged.
The search was futile
MKBSKE Af the home, four
miles east of Salem, early Thurs
aay. September 20, Mrs. Wilhel-
mlna Meeake, age 72 years
mother of Will Meeske, of Min
nesota. Amelia Uppendohf of
Woodburn. Louis Meeske. of Ver
nonia. Ore.. Emil and Lillian
Meeske of Salem; sister of Char
ley Arndt. of MiHford. N. Y.. and
Mrs. A.W. Krengel. of St. Paul.
Minn. Funeral services Saturday.
Sept. 22, at 1:30 p. m.. from the
St. .Johns Lutheren church. IStb
and A streets, the Rev. H. W.
Gross officiating, interment in Lee
Mission cemetery. The remains
are at the Rigdon Mortuary.
STATTON. Ore., Sept. 20
(Special) In line with its new
policy adopted with a view to
avoiding duplication of mileage
and effort, the Marlon 'county
child health demonstration has
assigned Miss Verna Lang to
6erve.this section or the county,
and she will spend part of her
time here and part at Mill City.
Other nurses working outside of
Salem have also -been assigned to
particular districts.
Miss Lang I C hirhly rec
ommended is anxious to assist
anyone who mav be in need of
health service. Miss Freeman, who
formerly visited this district, will
now be connected with the Salem
headquarters ot the demonetrar.
(AP) Mrs. Ora May Merrltt.
Hollywood dancer and estrange i
wife of Louis N. Merritt, Califor
nia capitalist whom she charged
icft her because sbe played th
wrong card in a whist game, tr
day was awarded $250 a mon' i
In her suit for separate maintenance.
I The court al?o allowed her the
use of Merrit's 25 room mansion
in Pasedena, Cal. Merritt was not
n court to contest the anion.
Mrs. Merritt took the witness
itnd and denied charges made
in a divorce suit filed by her hus
band shortly after their marriage.
Ln rM
Whether your shoes are honest
ly built qr slighted in vlaces
where vou can't see it.
We Guarantee
Central Shoes are honestly built of
Solid Leather Throughout
posal of the woman is in the hands
jf the Alberta police and Los An
;eles authorities.
Picture Taking Reseated
"You can't take any photo
graphs of ine," said Northcott as
strongly guarded provincial po
lice car drove him up to theCa
aadlan Pacific railway station at
Handcuffed to a arovincial of
ficer, the prisoner looked a very will compete
ordinary youth of 21, dressed in a Round-Up.
nonaesenpt lounge suit, much
creased. As he left the automo
bile for the train, he smiled weak
ly and was obviously nervous.
"There has Peen enough public
ity," he remarked as cameras
clicked and a small .crowd pressed
As the train pulled out ot Kam
oops with its heavUy guarded
juarry. It was seen that the pri
soner, still handcuffed, was much
Interested In newspaper accounts
of his case.
Foreclosure Proceedings Ma
jor W. P. impson is named de
fendant in a foreclosure suit
brought in circuit court here
Thursday by the Union avings and
Loan association. The association
alleges that Major Simpson bor
rowed $5,098.80, and that he still
owes $3,4 S 1.5 5. Major Simpson
was secretary qX the state bonus
commission uring the adminis
tration of Walter Pierce as gov
ernor. .
About 40 riders and broncno
busters from the Ukiah- district
in the Pendleton
42 Piece
Dinner Set
Special Offering for
Blue Willow pattern distinctive and serviceable.
' Special for this Saturday only.
Market Furniture Co.
At The Market
We Deliver
Com'l and Marion
Today and
Matinee and
Present One of the Funniest Farce
Comedies of the Year
See this sturdy school
oxford, tan or black
patent in d0 "Qf
sizes 2y2 to 8 vO.UO
Other Oxfords at $4.85 and $5.85 .
Central Jbe
Cwpaiy .
33 1 State Street
Shoes for the Family
:-r -
e cyt
Under walls
Prodnced and Directed by
- ! j
fftffiiti:., J ON THE SCREEN
9 S
ssA 1 J
mm 'L- . . m m . ssv- -i sr j i n -
5 I 'mSij: ' . With Rehee A'doree "Ir T
I X. . BEAUTIES. ' S - ' " T T -f
Reckless romance and
young love in the shit
dow of the throne.
A great picture with
the star of "Ben-Har",
"The Student Prince
OUT OP THE CRANKCASE, when you drain it, comes 2
thin bkckishffuid not the rich oil you bought five
hundred or a thousand miles bock.
Full of gasoline you bought for power, for mileage.
4 Wet" gasoline that didn't explode, that trickled down
thecylmdJwallsr-worse than wasted for it has ruined
your oil!
Yet lubrication men say they are finding many crank-'
cases in which the oil is surprisingly free from dilution !
Connect that fact with this: -3
More and more, drivers are careful to buy only Shell 400.
Refined to an exact point, Shell 400 goes completely
vaporized into the motor a
"dry" gas. It explodes cleanly,'
swiftly, leaving no ''wet" par
tides, no waste. And so the
words "more mileage," "more
power," have at lasf taken on a :
real meaning! .
Ful with Shell 400 today. Use
it exclusively. It costs no more
than ordinary gasoline.
in startmg, SheU 400 tequircs
lcsChol$xha.rrwct gis 40
vui can nana more
Without sousing
into y
V if
1 M 1 a 11 "" 11 1 wry A
jf.' :
--- - " j - a w .......
An ex Amble of what a
thousand miles of ordinary
can do oil si"gasolinc
thinning caused by inconv
plete explosion ofut" go
SheU 400the "dry gas ro
duces oil thinning to a mm
imum.'TXice this example
ob 9-3 in a ousanl
miles of ordinary driving
'4 ' fci
: ? ? thaHbrms lc car
KLrT 13 iaeaa runnmg mate for Shell '
4co.rVcset thefgood effects Sf Shell Tooby .
jusmg in ofl kss &e than improvS SheU Mo1o?o5