The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 21, 1928, Page 12, Image 12

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    The New Osbgon Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Friday Homing, September 21, 1SSS
Ffcrmers Double Crossed by
I Leaders, Republican
Senator Asserts '
ES MOINES. Sept. 20. (AP)
enator Smith W. Brookhart of
; Iowa, republican, charged thai
th$ farmers had . bee a "double
crossed -by three farm leaders
who hare Indorsed the democratic
- presidential ticket, in a speech be-
. f ore the convention of the Iowa
" ' Fal-meTs' union here today.
$peaklng in support - of the
' HOjbver-Curtis ticket. Senator
Bcbokbart charred that George N.
Peek of Moltne, Ills.; Frank W.
Murphy of Wheaton, Ills., and
William Htrth of Colombia. Mo.,
hire not acted la the best inter
: estsof agriculture. The trio nam
, ed': were active supporters of the
MtNary Haugen bill and have ap
proved vGerernor Smith or New
York as a presidential candidate.
"Brookhart was applauded when
he" finished his speech and left the
convention hall, but the Iowa
" Farmers' union immediately pass
ed:, a resolution as a "protest of
the American farmer at the in-
suiting and high handed manner
In? which the republican national
convention turned a deaf ear to
' tfelt pleas for justice for agricul
ture." .. .
The resolution called for Hoot
er defeat but did not mention
. Governor Smith.
tJ ' - . '
. .. .
CHICAGO. Sept. 20.-r-(AP).
- George N. Peek, denounced today
Ina speech by Senator Brook hart,
, republican, replied tonight that
the "action of the Iowa Farmers'
anion is answer enough for me.".
ifll Ivl jtiL
ZIjOS ANGELES. Sept. 20.
(AP) Russell St. Clair Beitzel.
young Pbiladelphian, today was
found guilty of murder in the first
degree for the alleged slaying of
Barbara Mauser. IS. waitress of
.the Pennsylvania city. No recom
mendatkm accompanied the ver
dict making passage of the death
sentence mandatory.
Tbe verdict was reutrned short
lyafter 2:30 p. m. the case was
given the seven men and five
women at 11:50 a. m. before de
liberation began the jury was
taken to lunch and the 'Verdict was
read hi less than an hour after its
"The verdict was returned short
iBeitsel. charged with shooting
the young woman to death, after
having lived with her unwed in a
Hollywood bungalow, had been on
trial tor a little more than a week.
H was accused also of the mur
der of Miss Manger's unborn
efcld. The body of the young wo
man wa- Vund at the foot of a
cliff in ' ne canyon, not far
frm H "ood.
are suggestions for a
Birthday Party that
dehcht any one whose
birthday, is to be celebrated this
Purple astes and autumn leaves
makef gorgeous decorations. Tiny
purpi asters may be used instead
of birthday candles on a white birth-
da cake. Or yon may bake the
cake fa a tube pan aad place a vase
of asters m the center after the
cake fhv frosted. Have tall candle
sticki on snaatels and tables, with
purple candles Id them. For the
centerpiece o ue wit, snak a
lavender aad purple crepe paper
Jack Horner Pie, aad ia h place the
Dinnoay guts, ai wrapped ra Uv
ende tissue aad, tied with purple
ribboa. When possible, gifts should
haiaja suggestioa of purple about
tbent, .Scarfs, perfume, silk or linea
priotd handkerchiefs, bath salts,
boutojuderea, pictures, aad books
may tall be selected so that there
is at; lea a hint of royal purple
ftbou them. - ' l
Is royal, mcao for the
Ryl SmdvcUt
Qfunt OUmt
-. Chichi eUKmf
syl Rtytl ". BwtUoy Cmhs
Ryl ku Mix and force
through a meat chopper one cup
canned shrimp, oae cap chopped
chicken lirers, oae canned pmneato,
and oae email Bermuda onion. Sea
son with salt aad moisten with may
onnaise. Spread between thin abets
of buttered whole wheat bread, re
move crusts ana cat fa
PmU Xewsf; OS canned
sliced Hawaiian pineapple. Arrange
a slice on each plate, place on top
round aUce of strawberrr. or van
illa ice cream, cover with whipped
cream and top with a
cnerrc . . ..
Chemawa Indian Squad Is
Ready For Bitter Games
h2 s
GET S75.00Q S!i?,1
)S ANGELES, Sept. 20.
(AP) Official award of more
ttn $75,000 In cash prizes to con
testants in events of the national
all races here were announced to
night by the California race asso
ciation. -
tThe largest Individual sum,
112,410, went to John Livingston
CAurora. I1L. who was given
tfstX place In class B transcontin
ental derby, as well as winning
several special prises. '
SKarl Rowland of Wichita Kan..
;ws the second big w:nnerwith
. $ Ml 9 of which 17010 represent.
& his race' and lab prises as wln-
. nt r of the class A transeontinen
" tU raceRooert CantwelL winner
cP the Class C transcontinental
race collected S7.1SS for nil
fLtht across country and in addl
tin' colleeted ISOO won In a field
v"5 - . , ,
Uorest Flames
Uiyeeping Toward
; I SANTA RXfcA, fiepC20(AP)
.. --A.. seors. of - ranch -houses And
veral .Nana, county racatlon re-
' aerts were In. the path of. two for-eets-
flrea sweeping the" slopes of
itfntfc! Helena-this- afUraooa.
4 f The ranch home of Louis Molas.
ee-was reported destroyed and the
icirter Spring Hotel was ertou-
One' tire was burning fiercely
ly i threatened! -.: ? ,-, -; ,
op a. two-mile" front. The heat
cinld be lelt In Santa Rosa and a
slower of ashes fell upon the city.
- TheCailstoga fire department
rished to the scene and hundreds
or. volunteer fire fighters were re
cruited In Sonoma and Napa coun
ties. ;; - ; : ,:
The lack of veteran material for
ts 1929 football machine has not
lampoed the spirit of tbe Chema
a Indians nor their coach. The
rounclng they received at the
"lands of the busy and veteran
Washington Hgn eleven In Port
1 nd i week ago only whetted their
ippetk for real football and for
the . fast week they have been
sharpening their tomahawks, so
to speak, to give .Benson some of
me snappiest football the meehan
cs will see this season.
Francis Ross, a 165 pound half
back lis being groomed to fill th
place! of Lawrence Pratt who grad-
uaieq lasi jnne. Ross has speed
ind elusiveness and drivi
that (makes him a hard man to
Jowns. Ross is a track man. J
Several CaodkUtes
Jaines Oliver and Warren Wild
er aip the candidates for the left
half position left, k o-,
. who jo graduated last
June. Of the two. Wilder appears
to have the edge. Wilder has only
one arm but that does not hinder
his tackling nor pass receiving
ability. Wilder weighs 155 pounds
and can run.
Clifford Meacbem, one of the
lightest men In the back field is
filling the place of Peter, Cemlno
who is "soaewhere in Montana.
Meacbem la the tripple threat man
of the Indian eleven and does all
all three well.
Leander Wilson, Julian Smith
and Dowd PraakUa are calling the
signals and studying the duties of
the quarterback position and each
one has many of the ear marks of
the man who Is to direct the at
tack of the Indian eleven which
has been the duty of Jake Atkins.
who graduated along with Fleury
and Pratt.' Kj'r.-.
. .. ' Oaptain Shifted
Roy Peratrovich, captain, has
been shifted to tackle to fill the
place A!: at has heea very well ta
ken care of by Peter Rassmuaeen.
Peratrovich weighs 170 and Is ar
rets! ve and fast aad4ias the knack
of Instilling fight and determina
tion into his teammates on the
field. --'vr' '
SUdred George has been shifted
to the center position tjiat waa also
left aveaat y graduates. Though;
this is George's first attempt at
passing the ball from the difficult
position wKh men Jabbing his
bead and nose into the ground and
climbing and charging over, in any
and every fashion he gives prom
ise .of being a "real" center.
Against Washington last week hr
came through with out a bad pass
and on several occasions was the
first man down on the kicks.
As a team the. Indians are light
averaging around 160 or 155 but
they expect to make .up for that
In spcd and are goiag to open up
little more against Benson than
ey were able to do against Wash
ington. With only a couple days
practice before . the .Washington
game their plays were poorly ex
ecuted hut now they are getting
a little shine on them and are fast
rounding into midseaaon form.
The schedule follows:
Sept. 22. Benson at Portland.
Sept. 29. Medford High at Med
ford. . f-,
Oct . Franklin High! at Che
mawa. Oct. 12. Albany High at Albany.
Oct, 19. Corvallis High at Che
ma wa.
Oct 26. Open.
Nov. 3. Columbia U. High at
Nov. 10. O. S. C Rooks at Cor
Nov, 23. West Linn High at
Went linn.
Alleged Bootleg
King Surrenders
To US. Marshals
PORTLAND. Ore., Sept. 10.
(AP) Roy Moore, dubbed by
police "The, Oregon Bootlegger
King." and his wife, surrendered
themselves to Deputy United
States Marshals today to answer to
a secret indictment' by j the feder
al .grand Jury charging them with
conspiracy to violate the prohibi
tion laws-
additional ball of 11.000 was
demanded of Moore. He had been
at liberty under 35.000 bond fol
lowing his arrest September . 13,
on a commissioner s Information
charging conspiracy. Bond on the
Indictment Charge ; was set at
$2,000 for Mrs. Moore.
Money For Salem
Postoffice Goal
The federal treasury department
at- tne next session or congress,
will, attempt to get a supplemen
tal appropriation with which to
enlarge tho Salem postoffice. ac--ording
to a telegram received
Lere Thursday by Senator McNary.
When bids were opened recently
for the construction of an annex
to the Salem postoffice it was
found that tbe building fund had
been exhausted. The bids were re
turned to the contractors.
Mrs. h Ai Eakin
Of Astoria Dies
Word was received in Ri.
late Thursday of the death in As-!
wri vi jars. j. a. Kakln wife, of
Circuit Judge Eakin or that city
yesterday. Mrs. Eakin. who was
Miss Clara Adams, was well
known In Salem and this entire
section. She wad the mother at c
IS. Eakin, city editor of tbe Al
bany Democrat and was an a tint
of H. E. Eakin j of, the First Na
tional bank of this city. No details
have been learned as to arrange
ments for her funeral.
OUR MOTTO: "Find the Casse First"
The Lewis Osteopaths
Specializing in Diet, Diagnosis and Specific
-Lesion Osteopathy. We correct foot troubles
Phone 2550
407-8-9 Oregon Bldg.
Ernest Thayer.
Is Bound Over
Stayton, Ore.; Sept, 20. -(Spe-clD
Ernest Thayer, who was In
jured when his automobile collid
ed with that of Otto Tonker near
Mehama Monday night, was bound
over to the grand Jury following
a hearing here Wednesday. Bond
was set at 3200. Thayer, who was
badly cut and bruised in the col
lision, was charged with driving
while intoxicated.
(feodirt 00ihrmdic
for the ourierc
ISE" mothers choose
these shoes for the
youngsters, k n o w,i n g
their careful construc
tion, their long wearing
quality. v
For little Sister we
present dainty slippers
for school and play wear.
For little Brother are
many styles in sturdy
oxfords for outdoor and
indoor hours.
Presents ";.
Given to .
the Children
'H1,H'tt1fiTI si ITI
The Price Shoe Co.
Htmter Kills Big h
t CouzttlrfWobds
' Evidence of the prowess of A.
' T. Koeneke as a hunter Is on dis
play at Ken Brown's sportlBg
. tioda store; tho cougar measur
lag six feet In length which Koen-
- eke killed in the vicinity of Moun
. . f iln Rock on the north fork of the
-' Cantiam river Tuesday.-.. Koeneke
. feported that the cougar, which
i ptL chasing a deer almost ran
' tattf htm, and that contrary to the
- popular belief that a cougar does
' tot utter a cry aar da other mem
I ters of the cat family. It teat forth
" a howl so high pitched that he
' thought at firtfc before seeing the
animal.; that It was a call of .a
v- J-irgrAltd. -The cougar wa only
bout 29; yards away when-Keen
A Real Reason
HP HERE are a great many good reas
ons for having a well-tended savings
r , account in this bank but there is none
better than a baby. Babies need so many
things and always the best opportunity
that parents can give them, which in
these' days means a good rind expensive-
. . ... . .
A savings account started for baby nov
and added to regularly will grow" as ba
by grows ajad be.ready to provide that
education and opportunity. Iti a simple
plan easy and it works. Come and
open one for your child soon.
ri. Bank
V - ei. , . -,
: i &
Every One Made to our Order ,
to set ai,New Standard of. Quality .
w JlrtUs Very Special Pji
i Large Assortment of Sizes in Brown, Blue or Black i
i Novelty Designed Backs Regularly $29.00 Coats
Also some models trimmed in other loVery furs at this Price Wide range of sizes Relarl i2r0
AH 'onr higher grade
Cods equcUy reisced
lor Far Ueelu
f. 1 m A
shipment cfFcU
$ZJ0B to $7.05
Phone 180,
' w."ti
4G0 State
r !
W. !
- '
shot it through tho shoulder.