The New Oregon Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, September 19, 1928 FOR RESULTS USE CE 9 K NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby siren that toe undersigned has filed in the Coun ty Court ot the State ot Oregon for the County of Marion, her duly verified final account, as ad ministratrix 'of the estate. of Seth R.-Maseey. deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the -2nd day ot October, 1928, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M., of said day. as the time, and the County Court Room In the County Court House at Salem, Marion County, Oregon, as the place for hearing said final account and all objections there to: LIZZIE J. MASSEY, Administratrix of the estate of Seth B. Massey, deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER. Attorney for Administratrix, Salem, Oregon. A2-S.5-12-19-26 NOTICE OP FINAL Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed; in the County Court of the State of Ore gon for the County of Marion, hia duly reruled Final Account, as executor of the last will and testa ment and estate of Louis Peter son, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 25th day of September, 1928, at the hour of ten o'clock A. iM. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room in the County Court House at Salem, in Marion County, Ore gon, as the place for hearing said ,'"&! account and all objections theretav Dated at Salem,' Oregon, this Z2n& day of August, 1928. N. P. WILLIAMSON, Executor of the last wilk and testament and estate of Louis Pe terson, deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER. Issued Dally Except Monday by &Uttfman $u9UfbingCo' tli So. Commercial St. . I: Member of th ' i ASSOCIATED PRESS IM Associated Press la exclusive ly entitled to ths'use for publication of 'all news juspatcbes credited te It or not otherwise credited In this paper and also to Uw local news published hereto. . Busntsss Omen , Pacific Coast Reprcaenta tires: Actum W. btrpM. lme Ssrarity Ittds?-, Portlraid ; Fharon Bid.. San OTancisco; til Western laci Bid.. Los Aocelea. TEIXTHOHXS . 23 or 583 'Society Editor - - IDS Entered at the Post Office In Salem, Oregon, as second class matter. CTTBSCKXPTIOsT BATES Daily and Sunday, by mall. per year 5. Dally and Sunday, by carrier monthly .IS CLASSIFIED ADVXBTISXVO Reading; notices, per line 2(4 12 line minimum charge) Classified Advertising, per line 10 Classified Advertising, per line 3 times w 20 Classified Advertising, per lias lines : SOe One menth, daily and Sunday per line $1.09 POXTXACT CXASSirZEX) 0 months contract) S ' lines dally minimum per month. 4c a line (10 reduction for minimum of 10 lines daily) SCHOOLS TOUR FUTURE ASSURED Good paying positions always available for trained - men and women. ENROLL ANY TIME. Railway Telegraph Institute. Rail way Exchange Bldg.. Portand, Ore. - . :'-. BUSINESS OPP. FOR SALE RESTAURANT, good business. 122 W. 2nd St., Corrallls, Ore. LISTEN We hare a dandy little Service Station and Camp Ground In good lire town to trade for small house or business. Price $5560 and worth it. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 FOR SALE Real Estate Walla Waila college has laid a strict ban on cigarettes, liquor, low necks, jewelry, cards and au tomobiles; besides setting a skirt- length limit Poor little co-eds! Attorney for Executor, Salem, umaently they are expected to Oregon. A22-29-S5-12-19 study ub there. THREE WONDERFUL BUTS Well-located home of 5 nice rooms in S. Salem, built-lns. fire place, basement and furnace, gar age, nice lawn, with shrubbery. Price 4500, cash 2500, bal. easy, or will take good car as part. 5 room Stucco home of English type, nice liring room with fire place, kitchen has plenty of built- ins, basement and furnace, gar age. E. front lot on pared street. Price reduced to $3700 with splendid terms. JUST COMPLETED beautiful 4 room Cottage on pared street and bus line, plenty-of built-lns, fire place, good plumbing, garage and woodshed. Priced for quick sale at 12850, only $300 cash, bal. like rent. All of these homes are vacant and you can have immediate pos session. For Good Buys in Homes SEE LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 . -ASSORTMENT OF BARGAINS Choice lot. Paving paid, $500.. Houses $950 and up. Fine 5 acres, good bldgs. $3800. Fine 147 A. farm, good bldgs., $75 per acre, a real snap. A good restaurant confection ery service station. - To Buy Sell Rent or Ex- chang Property See Bechtel Sears, 341 State St. Room 4. 100 ACRES 60 acres cultivat ed. Balance timber and pasture. Will trade for a larger place. Nice modern home in North Sa lem, 5 rooms with basement. Large lot facing on two streets. All paving paid. Only $4250.00. 40 acres valley farm, stocked and equipped. Good gravel road. 7 miles from Salem. Price is right. Will trade for larger farm or Income property. 6 rooms and deeping porch, modern. 2 nice large lots. Nice fruit trees. . Splendid view. SotHh Salem. Ulrich & Roberts Realtors 129 No. Com'l Phone 1354 DANDY little btand new home for young couple. West Salem. Bed Rock price and .verjr easy terms. O. K. DeWitt, 13 13 Edge water St. Phone 1643. WHY PAY RENT? When you can buy a nice 4 room Bungalow all furnished for $2500. Located on corner lot, one street paved and paid. This is a good place. See it. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 . -rdj-u uruu jin -r" J 1 ll - $1950. Neat bungalow, 3 rooms and nook, bath, garage, paving $200 down. $2300. An attractive bungalow, 3 rooms and nook, fireplace, paving, close to bus and school, $300 down. $4000. An up to date 5 room English type home, garage, pav ing, close to bus and school, $250 down. $3750. Modern 5 room bungalow in N. Salem, lawn and snruo- bery, $00 down. $4000. Furnished, 8 room subur ban home, fine lot and lawn, electric water system, basement, furnace, close to bus, $750 down. Private money ,or monthly pay ment loans. Auto and Fire Insurance. MELVIN JOHNSON -320 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 637 15 ACRE modern suburban home for sale of will take mod ern city property in part payment. Phone 9F14, Owner. YOUR NEW HOME Just the kind you uave been wishing for, modern and beautiful. Large living room and dining room with oak floors, fireplace, 3 nice bedrooms, large bathroom,' best of plumbing, large kitchen and nook with plenty of built-ias, basement, furnace and laundry trays. Price $6500, cash $1000, bal ance easy. Let us show you this home to day. LEO M. CHILDS CO. 20 State St Phone 1727 20 ACRES, 7 miles from Salem on paved Silverton highway. Mod ern improvements and fruit. Stock and machinery For sale or will trade for good Salem home. Place Mathis, 715 First Nat. Bank Bldg. known as Cherry City Nursery. Tel. 2205, Res. 10F4. ' FOR SALE 5 room modern bouse North Salem. Call Own er 2710-W. FOR SALE: THREE BARGAINS $6,500 Farm of 152 Acres 10 mile from Salem; 70 acres in cultivation; bouse and barn, sheds, etc., spring and fine creek; lots of fruit; horses, cows, hogs, chickens and all farm implements. Everything goes for $6,500. No trade. $3250 A fine 5-ere home one mile from Salem; good 5 -room house, garage, chicken house, all kinds of fruit walnuts, , grapes, berries, etc., spring and well. See this if you want a home. $2,000 27 acres 5 miles from Salem; 12 acres in cultivation, balance , timber and pasture; fine spring water; lots of fruit grapes, apples, plums, peach es, etc. No trade. U. S. REALTY CO. 442 State St. Tel. 2660 Consult Our hsdsh eifvac i-1 , J Arv On Your Advertising Problems We Will Create A Plan, Prepare and Carry Through All Details Without Cost To You. The Health and vitality of vour business requires as expert and skilled treatment as any of your personal ailments. Bad business can become chronic if left to fend for itself. Or it can disintegrate from lack of proper stimulus. According to conditions, it may need only a tonic Or it may re quire a major operation. Or it may be in good shape, needing only consistent and persistent exercise and persistent exercise to keep it fit and functioning with activity. In any of these situations we invite you to make use of our PERSONAL SERVICE BUREAU, a department manned by advertising experts spe cialists in merchandising, planning, layouts, copy "and art work. The ser vice is free to all bur advertisers, pres ent and prospective. Kew Oregon Statesman manflj A Phone Call JVHl Bring One of Our Representatives The starting point from which to enlist this Free Service is to ; call one of our representatives to discuss with you your individual problems, and then to set into motion our service machinery, as stiring a degree of advertising efficiency as only a highly special ized staff can develop. Consultation is without obligation on your part. ' k, , . " : - V, .... 'amm tr ' . - ., ADVERTISERS SERVICE BUREAU SALE OR TRADE EIGHT ROOM HOUSE, semi- modern Corner lot 60x125. Room for another house. Both streets paved and cement walks in. Fine location. North Salem. Price $3700. Exchange for modern 5 room home to $4 500. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street Ground Floor NEW HOME FOUR ROOMS Cement base ment, nook, garage, paved street and cement walks. Lot 50x120. Price $2900. Terms. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street Ground Floor "Headquarters for Homes" ' : Small home in East Salem. Price $1700.00; $150.00 down, balance $15.00 and interest per month. See u before it is too late. Homyer with - W. G. KRUEGEU Realtor 147 N. Com'l Phone 217 REDUCED TO $4 500 strictly modern 5 room house with room for 2 more rooms upstairs, pipe furnace, elecjic water heater, garage, large lot, 955 Tamerack St. BECKE & HENDRICKS 189 N. High 20 acres fruit and nuts close on good road. REAL BUY at $90.00 ter ae:e. 400 ACRES fine land' for sheen ranch, good road, river, creeks running through place. On ly $5000.00. Capitol Realty Co. TIMBER Fifty thousand acres fir and pine. Well located for logging and manufacturing. Rea sonably priced. Investigate this AT ONCE. Completely furnished restaurant doing fine business. A REAL MONEY MAKER for only iz&uu.- 00. - B . Some wonderful bargains in city, country, and business prop erty. See us NOW. WANT Private money for first mortgage real estate loans. A, RARE BARGAIN 3 finej East front lots for $800.00. CAPITOL REALTY CO. 216 North High Phone 1143 6 ROOM house and 2 lots. In good location. Call 2075 Center St GOOD six room modern houe. 625 BreysAve. Phone 32F11. ' FOR RENT: rm. bungalow $25. 5 rm. cottage $18. Large house close in $35. Large house, 4 garages close in $40. 7 rm. house, close in. garage, $27.50. , For Lease: Large corner for oil station. 10 rm. house all furnUhed, $75 per mo. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 484 Court Str. 5 ACRE fruit tract, good five room house, good well and spring, outbuildings. 6 mi. S. of Salem. Phone 36F13. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Camp located north, furnace, fireplace, hwd. floors, large lot, trees, $4800, cash $500 and easy terms. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 175 S. High St. LOOK AT THIS! Modern 6 room home in East Salem; 100 foot frontage; on pav ed street. All kinds of fruit. Will sell at sacrifice. See Homyer with W. G. KRUEGER Realtor 147 N. Com'l Phone 217 LOT BAGaTnss! Church St. between Electric and Hoyt Sts., large East front lots must be bold immediately. If interest ed in lots see us at once. BECKE & HENDRICKS 189 N. High WANTED Real Estate REAL ESTATE WANTED There are beginning to be calls for farms and small acreage, both for sale and exchange. I want more good listings. Can't sell you out if I don't know you want to sell. Please list at once. O. L. FOSTER 462 State St. WANTED to buy a house six to eight rooms, prefer North Salem, must be easy terms. Phone 794, from 9 to 5. 9 . .... . . LOTS Highland Ave. between Myrtle and Laurel Ave., pavement paid. Two lots $700 each. BECKE ft HENDRICKS 189 N. High 20 ACRE SNAP Most ideal for chickens, well lo cated, only one mile of a good town, on fine gravel road close to paved road. Not far from Sa lem. Owner must sell on account of ill health and age. Price cut from $2500 to $1500. Some cash down, balance on easy terms, has 4 room house and barn, good well water, chicken house, well fenced, nice young bearing orchard, hur ry and see Bechtel or Sears 341 State St. Room 4. $2400 BUYS new four room house, good location, well made, garage, and woodshed, terms to suit. $4500 for an extra fine 5 room house, selling for $500 less than paid for place. All modern, east front, large lot with plenty of fruit, would take in good lot on equity, East Salem. To trade 12 room apartment house, occupied, close in, good rental. Will take smaller home in Salem for equity. This place will stand inspection. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. 202 U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. NEW house, 3 rooms, bath. hardwood floors, fireplace, cup boards. All finished nicely.- WU1 sell for $2100 if taken this month. Cash or terms. Inquire of owner. 245 D St. - Trv-''iu'vrinjJj'xnjTnri GROCERY store, a money ma ker, 3 beautiful living rooms, rent $35 month, just invoice the stock, about $800. Store clears $200 monthly. See rep. ARTHUR L. SCOTT 415 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland, Oregon. EXCHANGE Real Estate WILL TRADE FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY 6 rooms and bath, large corner lot with fine Oak trees. East front, close to bus and school. SOCOLOFSKY & SON 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. FARM SALE OR TRADE Fine dairy farm tlx miles from good valley town; 112 acres; 55 under plow; fine pasture; good eight-room house; stanchions for 15 cows; horse barn, hog house, cbicken house, granary, etc. Sell or trade for Salem town property. Price $7,000. Easy terms. O. K. DeWitt, 1313 Edgewater St. Phone 1643. West Salem. EXCHANGES Have good improved 7 acres near Hubbard to exchange for Sa lem or Seattle residence. What have you? Also will consider land in or near Salem for good walnut and filbert land. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Realtor Loans Insurance 147 N. Commercial St., Salem, Or. ACREAGE FOR RENT or . SALE TWO GOOD FARMS near Cor- vallis 192 acres, two miles out on pavement, other 212 acres 4b miles north. Modern house Apply J. T. MORGAN HARRISBURG, ORE. Route 1 5 ROOM bouse with garage. 1357 Market. Phone 427-J. CHEAP RENT. New 4 room house with garage and woodshed. To keep fire insurance in effp.-. this must be rented Immediately $15 a month. Phone 170 or 2iu U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. HOUSE for rent with rang . uilt-ins, convenient. Also Api. 1396 N. 4th. FOR RENT 5 rooms, nicely furnished, fire place, furnace. Very close in. A-l condition, $35. " NEW, 6 rooms, dinette, bath. Unfurnished. Hardwood floors. Garage. Will lease. $35. SOCOLOFSKY & SON 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. ,NEW 3 room house. Adults only 150 E. Bush. FOR RENT 5 room house 37 8 Richmond Ave. Modern except basement, $25. 5 ropm house, furnace, fireplace, 54 6 Statesman (N. 16th) St., $27.50. 5 roome, furnace, garage, 1098 Brey's Ave. (N. 21st) corner D, $20. 5 room house, strictly modern. 215 S. 23rd. $35. BECKE & HENDRICKS 189 N. High SIX LARGE room semi-modern cottage on paved street fur nished complete, garage, base ment, $30 a month. Tel. 1110-W after 6 o'clock. FOR RENT 6 room plastered house with garage. Located at 2478 E. Nob Hill. $25.00 month. GASKILL & EARLE REALTORS 166 S. Liberty St. Phone 2242 FOR RENT, Houses and apart ments. F. L. Wood, 341 State. Phone 794. 12 ROOM HOUSE For rent. Close to all schools and business. Located 686 Center street. Fur nace and two fireplaces. Extra plumbing. Immediate possession. BECKE ft HENDRICKS 189 N. High Street FOR RENT 4-room furnished house with garage. Tel. 1390J. FOR RENT Apartments 3 ROOM partly; furnished apt. 2183 State, , HEATED a 14th. 3 ROOMS, lights, water, and garage furnished. $16.00.. 412 N. 21st. Phone 1937-R. FURNISHED Apt.. $25.00. Gar age, heat, etc. Private entrance. Phone 843. DAIRY FARM: 150 A. located 1 mil from town In Marion Co. 125 A. un der plow 25 A. timber and d as sure, fences and Rlde-s n fair condition; 2 silos -room for 40 cows; spring water. Absentee owner will sacrifice and accept some trade. O. K. De WITT 1313 Edgewater Phone 1643 FOR SALE Lot 108x267, East facing, with good barn. Price only $850.00. Three hundred, down, one year on balance, 7 Int. 30 acres close in. Modern build ings, stock and Implements. 15 acres in cult. Rest in timber and pasture, rich black soil. Price $6000.00 cash or $7000.00 terms. 2 ; acres - with all modern Bldgs., electric lights and power water. ' Price $5,856.00. BUNGALOW REALTY -' 143 N. High St. " sriJtriPLiuuLrinrL FOR SALE Nice little home in East Salem. $1800,00 and assume paving. Small payment down; balance like rent. . See Homyer with W. G. KRUEGER i i Realtor 147 N. Com! Phone 217 A REAL home in South Salem ith shrubbery, fruit, berries. fjowers. old fashioned large rooms, spacious hallway, screened In porch, mountain, city and val leys view. Everything clean, homelike and restfull.' 2 lots. All tor $4500.00. i v - l . . A.. C BOHRNSTEDT : Realtor Loans Insurant 147 N. Commercial St. Salem. Or. ; win FAT RENT7.. we can seU yen a good rd room house . for $2,000.00: $100.00 down and bal ance like rent; splendid location. Street assessments and - -walks pad, come in and ee as before buying. -V - V SHIELDS ft PERKINS 381 State St, Salem, Ore: FOUR t Room . . house, - paved street, practically new, basement. bain-inn.- . Total - price including paving paid. $2300. Terms so yon can pay.r Owner 2538-R. .- . ittJSATEST Trad In r nrnnl.a. uon on me racing cor w. -.. over 3000 properties listed for ex- cuange. isvery kind of property, every! price. everv: loat can match your exchange exact ly. If you would like to trade yonr property today, come in today. See a r w v si -mm a w vie . . uAaaiUi sr jsu.nxisi, iteaiiors 166 S. Liberty Tel. 2242 10 A. Tract near Salem. Bldgs., fruit, berries, $2500, terms. . 30 A. farm, all new, modern bldgs., . fruit, berries, . sacrifice, $6500. . 10 jJL close la, f Al berries, small act bldgs. Snap,. $4750, terms. 100 A. farm, . fine soil, near highway.' SI 00 oer A.. terms or exchange. : For rent 6 room : bungalow, $25. - PERRINE ft MARSTERS . 212 Gray Bldg. sa sa si si s - yrlai tT"ltTMnJX 11 ACRES, good bouse and barn, four miles from Capitol Building, paved road, productive soil, suitable for berries, nnnltrv or would be ideal for small dairy. or sate by owner on easrr terms. Phone 2538-R. FOR RENT 8 ACRE' farm 7 room hnn Close in. 275 N. 20th. ---"--. -t-arsT lasWL FOR RENT rams 228 acres, implements for ul IK .m cult, no bldgs., for $75 per year. Aiso 11 acres cross the road with rood bldrS for 12 & nor mnnf S Or 400 acres, house and bam for per year, or 10 acres pas tar with inlii ttmm V " - nyvi, M M (VUUl house, weU rent. $ 1 0- month. You can work on place for part of rent. See Bechtel or Sears if you wish rem srrarm or a nous la town. $41 State St Room 4. . : , FOR RENT Houses FOR RE?fT H"!t c vaam hOOM it tU -Hm4vO . ll.. m room bungalow.- Melvta Johnson. r none f XT. ',:i.;;-'ri:V 5 ROOM HOUSE 1176 Marlon t2. Phone-1 Stf-a. ; :, . 3 ROOM, partly furnished apartment. Private bath. Palace Court Apts., 249 S. Cottage. TWO-ROOM apartment partly furnished $8. 1815 Fairgrounds Road. FURNISHED cottage apartment and unfurnished 5 ; room house. Each $25. ,920 Mill St TWO 2-rm. apts. completely furn. 555 N. Wintar, 289 7-W. CLOSE IN 2 andi 3-room apart ments. First floor,; electric range, garage. 1047 S. Com I. PRESCOTT'S furnished apart ments, furnace heat 1064 Oak sc i Ambassador Apts. Electric Ranges and Refrigeration Radio High class residential district Cheerful, attractive and light 3 Room furnished j. ...... $50.00 2 Room furnished! $37.50 ft $40. 3 'Room unfurnished $40.00 2 Room unfurnished $32.50 ft $35 Children Welcome 550 N. Summer 1972 -THREE room Apt. furnished, upstairs? Prirate entrance. 4 89 N. 14th St . , . . PATTON APARTMENTS Cosy. clean, comfortable! nicely fur nished, private bath1. Steam heat. Down town district. Reasonable In price. For Inspection call. Pat ton's Book Store, jj assjsaaSaSaSBSj Nr,ssaassssaswa FURNISHED and unfurnished 1 room apartments. Virginia Apartment. 87$ N. Liberty. FOR RENT Rooms 3 ROOM cottage. $9.00 ner month. Phone 1390-J. jt-ljsasant room garage. TeL 427-M. for gent LARGE furnished doable room with private bath. Women pre ferred suitable for two occu pants reasonable rates. ; Phone Z018-J. 1511 SUts St. FURNACB heated room. 24' N. Church. Phone 2522-R. NICE larre room : In nrivate home, close in. - Phone &S5-W FOR RENT On harfriMm lti cooking privileges. Adults only. ass Manon St. V .: : ROOM and BOARD BOARDER and riMmw . till 8tate St. SLEEPING mi. forn hnt mnA cold water la each , rm. Can be connected if two people car to be . t : i . -.' i-K-