"... . . i i ' ' - The New Oksgon Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, September 18, 1923 SALEM JURIST POINTS OUT CHANGED CONDITIONS TODAY Judge V H. McMahan Writes Frankly of- Court's Attitude Toward Present Day Evils and Trend of Youth Toward Divorce By JUDGE L. H. McMAHAN The average citizen has the er roneous Idea that a Judge can grant or refuse a divorce at will. The fact is, the law provides spe cific grounds upon which, when proven to exist, a divorce must be cranted. It is the law and not the judge who grants divorces. All a judge can do is see that the proof is sufficient. In all divorce cases the state is always represented by - the orosecutlng attorney, who sees to it that no conspiracy to obtain a divorce exists, between the parties and that rood and sufficient cause is proved. In all these cases every precaution is taken to prevent tne granting of a divorce unjustly. s Nearly all of the cases are de fault cases. That is, the defendant makes no appearance. In most of the cases, I find that romantic 'iris and silly boys get married with as little serious thought as tHey attend a movie. Here we have the urge of sex, plus, very often, a quantity of moonshine, minus any serious regard for the sten taken. Again, divorce is no longer disgraceful t is fashion able, like petting and moonshine parties. Drinking and Petting A few years ago if a boy carried whisky when he took a girl to a dance he would be disgraced there by and the respectable girls would have nothing to do with him. Now if he doesn't take whisky he is disgraced and few girls will go with him.- In those days, petting parties would damn forever all girls taking part. Now, like moon shine, no party is a success with out some. Many girls from 15 years up chase around noodle joints and dances at all hours of the night with boys as irrespon sible as they, and the parents of neither object. y Married, many of these silly Aids buy a little furniture, 'cloth ing and an auto on the installment plan and pay out their cash for movies and moonshine parties. Their income is Insufficient and in a few months one or the other: slips out, is gone a year and then! West Salem News By Helen H. Rodotf Phone 24022 Runaway Youths Sent Back Home Waiter Gerth picked up two boys, each 13 years of age, the other night, who were looking for a place to sleep, having run away from-their parents. Mr. Gerth took them to the Salem jail for the night, and the following day they were removed to Dallas, from where their families were notified. Mr. Gerth said that the parents of each were picking hop and the boys did not want to work. Benton Delivers Hoover Address J. R. Benton delivered an ad drees in Drain at a union political meeting. He was speaking in favr or of Herbert Hoover and com pared the two candidates for pres ident as men, discussed .their past accomplishments and their fit ness and training for the office. Dr. U. S. Crowder, retired Metho dist minister of Salem, spoke the latter part of the evening on Mex. ico. C. F. Temple spent the week end with his family in their home at F?Jr Oaks. He is working at the Chevrolet agency in Wood burn which opened a week ago. H. Sooyemlth from Portland was a Sunday visitor with Earl Jensen. Mr. Sooysmith, besides his insurance business, is super vising the. selling of some import ed, hand-chassed Korean brass, which is said to differ from all ether brass in the world in that It is non-taraishable. f The West Salem branch of the Northwest cannery has been so rushed with the canning of prunes that it has been running every sight and was open all 'day Sun- lay. , Miss Anne Englehorn who works in Roth's grocery store is u her home for a few days dne to illness. Elton Riley, from Manitue, Col rado, is visiting Harry and Leon Williams, having driven here the latter part of last week. Mr. Riley and the Williams boys were child, hood chums in Clayton, New Mex ico. Mr. Riley may remain in West Salem permanently. Scaffold Falls . Three Men Hurt , AUMSVILLE, Ore., Sept. 17. (Special) Three men were In jured this afternoon about 4 o' clock when the scaffold on which - they were standing 1 while re shingling a local church build ing, broke and the men dropped ,30 feet to the ground. John Mix suffered a scalp wound and other 'Injuries, Hugh ; Wheatland a , body injury and Carls Jensen was .badly shaken up and . bruised. Harry Prank escaped unhurt. , A fitaytoa physician dressed the ln- Juries. , : . - . Aldea Baker, pilot who ' was killed in an airplane crash at L4s Angeles was the son of John Baker,. Coos county rancher. He .was born near Ash, where he had spent most ot his life. i Gene Tunney has one big1 - ad Tantage. No one bothers him 'about 10s status as aa anateuJV Trsnton Times. - - a divorce is granted on the grounds of desertion. A few years ago we had Good Templar lodges all over the state. We had Blue Ribbon clubs and we Imported temperance lecturers. Temperance was then a moral issue. In these days, no citizen ever thought of putting on a par ty at his home. To do so would have been a disgrace too great to be faced by any person. In the case of a business man it would have ruined his business. In the case of a church member, he would have been "churched" and kicked out of the church. Temperance Political Now we have- no Good Templars, no Blue Ribbon clubs, no temper ance lecturers. We have given them all up although they aroused the sentiment which made prohibi tion possibler Temperance, in stead of being a moral issue, is now a political issue only, a thing to be enforced with a billy club and a gun, and against only the poor devil who has no political. In fluence. At Silverton, 30 and more years ago, no young man ever went to a saloon. If he bad, no girl would have gone with him anywhere and no home would have been open to him. Such was the effect of moral suasion as represented by temper anpe clubs. Today Silverton is no better than Salem. The billy club and gun are a poor substitute for temperance sentiment. The divorce evil is but a symp tom of a low social plane. The average man and woman has only one object in life, to make mon ey.. No man and no woman who devotes all of life to the one ob ject ot getting money is ever go ing to refine character in them selves or their children. Salem once had Shakespeare clubs, Phil idosian societies, debating clubs and temperance lectures. None ex ists here today. The old values have been discarded and one of the disastrous results is the di vorce evil. Don't Damn the courts for It, but rather take it as a con dition brought about by trading the decent things of life for mon ey. The speed cop tnat the West Salem council ordered put on has been busy - picking up speeders. cars in which the llgnts are not properly adjusted, and other transgressors of the law. Miss Margaret Binshadler, who has been visiting with Miss Ber nice Sloper for the week, return ed to her home In Lebanon Mon day. O. K. DeWitt and J. R. Benton made a business trip southeast of Silverton Sunday. W. R. Peterson and family spent the week-end at' Newport, where Mr. Peterson caught a four- ponn'd salmon. Mrs. F. O. Needbam is recover ing from her recent illness. Mon day she was able to walk out into the sunshine a little while. W. J. Kibbe, who spent part of the week at DeLake, says that Wednesday it was raining hard and the ocean was rough, but the rest of the week was sunshiny and warm with the ocean calm. Ralph Benton, known to all of his friends as "Bud," is tearing this week for Dorena, Ore., where his - sister Barbara , is' teaching school. He will spend the winter with her, and go to the high school there entering his sopho more year. C0UIDNT HE BETTER." f CUED CCMDWN GASOLINE Pw9A0 01 L COMPANY Of- CAUFOslNlA Qf&fpr. TU Sew eat Cmsbf rial Saras n the faisr State - k taereuab cultural aad prersmliasi ' aehoiarahlp I the aatstandlaa ewar sartarietie of the State Usvetwr ; . Tratesaa ered s . B depsrtneats f tad Cneft ' f Literature. - Science f and the Arts ;,; . . .- "ArtkHeetiwaaJI vAUied Art-v Basiaess Admiaistratioa - Eda- -: . satlea Jdarattisni Graduate Biavlj Lav U Hxlae Mai Psjfiesl. E.1eatia Moeiei- ery 8oeiat Work CoUasioa v DitWIm. ;... : :i 2 CuOags Tear Opaaa SewC U. Ttt Vassevswa af M .dsW mt w T ai I T Jhet-m r I 'a. .lafHM-VII lull Judge Rossmah's Sister Is Killed In Traffic Crash Mrs. Conrad Waech of Tacoma, Wash., sister of Justice George Rossman of the Oregon state su preme court, was killed in an au tomobile accident yesterday, ac cording to a telegram received here Monday. The telegram Indicated that the automobile in which Mr. and Mrs. Waech and their eight year old son was riding, skidded from the highway and overturned. Neither Mr. Waech nor the child were In jured. Mrs. Waech had lived in Ta coma for a number of years but was well known in Portland where she had visited frequently with Judge and Mrs. Rossman. General Markets DAIST PORTLAND. Ore.. Sept. IT. (AP). '.airy Excuse, net price: Batter: extra 50e; tUadaras ate; prime firsts 48e; firsts 46c. . . - Elsss Extrsas 45c; firsts 39e: saeati extra 5c ; medium tint SOc ; anCer- pncea z&e. - " HAT ' PORTLAKD. Ore.. Sept. 17. (AP). Har-bnyinx price : Eastern Or area tins Hit. S2O.SO021.OO: valley. S17O17.50: nUala, S1717.50; clever. $14015; Oat ay, S15015.5O; straw, B7.50 tea; Mil ins price. $2 tea sacra. POXTLAKD OKAIJI PARTT lKn o at it l p Caih train: Wbest Bir Bene btoesteav hard white 91.38; sofa white 1 1.14 westers white SI. 14(4; hard winter, 11.09; northern spring $1.09; westers Kea si. 09. Oats No. 2, SS lbs. white $32.50. Barley N. 2. 45 lbs., B. W., $32.50. Cora Ma. 2, E. Y. shipment 944.50. Millron Standard. $26. a PRODUCE PORTLAND. Ore.. Sept. 17. (AP). Uilk steady, raw milk (4 per eeat) $2.15 ewi. Delivered Portland, lass 1 per cent. Batterfst, atation, 51e; track, ase; delivered at Portland, see. Poultry steady (buying; prices) Alive, henst aver 4 pounds, 25e: 4 to 4 pounds, 2022e; 3 to 4 pounds, 18c; 3 pounds and under, loc; spring- and Litg horns, ever 2 pounds. 27c; aader 2 pounds, 30c; young white Pekin ducks, 20c; young - geese, alive, 20c; turkeys, alive, 25(8" 3 5c. Potatoes steady, quotations on basis of 100 1b. sack, local $1.00 1.23: Yak ima Netted gems, new stock, $1.40 1.50; Idaho cobblers, new, $l.251.35; Yakima ran, eld. U. S. No. 1. oOtf 75c; combination grades, 2550e. LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 17. (AP). Cattle and calves, stady, receipt esttla, 2520, calves 150, including 65 csttla direct or through. Steers (1100-1130 lbs., good. $11.50 012.35; (950-1100 lbs.), good $11.75 12.35; (800 and up), BBediuca, S10.75Q 11.50; common, $9. OO 10.75. Heifers (50 lbs. dowa. rood $10.00 10.65; common to medium, $8.75 016-6: cows, good, $9.00 9.50 ; common and medium, $7.009.00; low cutters, 95.007.00. Bulls (yearlings exeludet), good beets, S7.50ft8.OOr cutter to medium, 96.50ft 7.50. Calves (500 lbs. down), medium to choice. $10,06612.00: cull to common. 7.5010.00. Vealers, milk-fed, good to' choice, 913.506) 14.56; medium. $12.00 13.5V; call to common, f 9.0OC 12.40. Bogs, reeelpta 4276 iaeludmg 1081 direct or through. Batcher classes 90c lower. ileavyweirht (2-0-350 lbs.), medium to choice. $9.75 11.75; medium weight, (ZOO-259 lbs., me lam te eaeice aio.au 412.00; light weight (140-200 lbs), me dium te choice 911-75 126; light lights (130-160 lbs.), medium te choice 910.50 41 12.00; packing sows, rough kmii smooth S.50aa.60: shMgbter sin (96-186 Is), medium to choice. $ 10.50 11.56; feeder and seaeker pig (76-1S0 lbs.), medium to caetee, fio.eoo n.wo. (twit or any hogs aad roasting pigs excluded ia above quotations). cmaea ana iambs, eeey, receipts 410. Lambs (94 lbs. down), rood to choice, 9U.0OQ12.50; (62 lbs. down), mediam. I9.75UU.OO: (all weigatsi. call to com mon, $4.60 9.75; yearling wethers (110 lbs. dowa). modem to oaoice, (.ou (fl 9.00; ewes (126 lbs. dowa), medium to choice, 94.50 4-50; (120-156 lbs.), me dium te choice. 93.S0.00; ((all walghu), emll to common, 93.0Oii3.50. CHICAGO GKAXhT CHICAGO. Sept. 17. (AP) . Despite stubborn opposition, wheat prices yield ed today ia soma degree te press are at bereaving supplies. Closing eavetationa aa wheat were un settled, e t e net lower, corn fin ished Ke to 4e dowa aad eats unchang ed to 3-8c higher. KEW TOBX STOCKS NEW YORK, Sept. 17. (AP).- Es tablishment ef new high price tor the year by Geaeral Motors and U. 8. Steel eemmea features the resumption of the upward price movement ia today's stock . 4 i -: si l8 i v WEIL OR MONEY BACK Vaw Pfsa sSsalaated or fw i sfmadsdHsthc OTtnTEN ASSURANCE wc gtveta srimlnlitcr- sag ta Dr. C J. Ocaa tsmout snsOisa at trcat- liscd by a czckarvely) vein Scad TODAY fa FREE 10O- ! booa afrinc details aad .DEAN' oil colon curiic aCATTI n t Tip I -svrnaxz iurmoiaTf VEBSTER'S ' HEIV INTERNATIOriAL DICTIONARY THE MERRIAM WEBSTER Because Hundreds of Supreme" Court Judges concur in ntghrt praise of the "Work as their Authority, .The Presklenrs of all leading Uni versities, Colleges, and Normal Schools ghre their hearty indorse ment, All Seaeesihat have adopted a large dictionary as standard have elected Webster's New Interna 'tlonaL 4"-- ' " ' The Schoolbooks of the Countrf adhere to the Merriaro-'WebcteT system of diacritical marks. The Government Printing Office at Washington uses it as tuahoritj. tnUTS far sf ssairlc peaa at tW N W'eaii. sturhrun erf JLngulsf aad ladia Paawrs. HLEE. a AC ti i i ri i ii Mir r 3& I. Baring- ardors were agaia. cle aver a bread list weta the elr- eepper. asm, foods, motors aad presenting . oatstaadin; points . ef U. 8. Steal ussimia touched a peak price st 160 S-S aad then dropped back to 159. uachaaged aa the say. Goa- eral Mo Vers closed 1 . points higher at 208 after establisMag a new peak at Heavy aecamaiauo at law copper bares waa ia direct response to the in crease is red . metaia prices on Bator day. Federal Misisg Smelting soared 23 points to a new peak at 157 aad then eased to isi ft a ueire s rasa was bid ap 6 5-4 points te 1O0 1-8. both maw high records. . .' Oils cnancoa aan&a M tresnendoaa vol ume. Pierce Oil preferred ran up 8 points to a mew high at 32 aad ceoeed st the top. Atlantic Refining. Skelly, Whtie Eagle aad Bsehfield also moved into new high ground. Btodebaker and Chrysler climbed to new barb, prices, bat were unable to re tain all tneir gains. Motor products showed a act loa ml points at 183 af ter having soared to a bow peak at 193. Brigs. Timkea aad Murray corporation recorded subieanficl gains. Listen In TUESDAY , MCOSKIMa 7:00-9:00 KXL. (220). Household pro gram. 9:06-10:00 KEX (278). Better Homes girl. . 9:00-10:00 KWJJ (250). Concert. 9:30-10:30 KTBR (229). Women's pro gram. 9:00-12:00 K.WB8 (200). Housewifs's boar. 9:40-12:00 KOIN (319). Household helps and mueic. 9:45-12:00 KXL. Early Birds, home economics ana music. 16:00-11700 KWJJ. Birthday hour. 10:00-11:00 KPEC (214). Beouest pro gram. 10.-00-11:30 KG W (492). The Town Crier and Happiness ' program. 10:60-12:00 KEX. Devotional service sa& naoppiag guide. 11:00-12:00 KPEO. Talks and music. li:00-12:00 KWJJ. Oregea information TUESDAY AITEaUIOOV 12:00-1:00 KOIV. Organ concert. 12:00-1:00 KJTC. Semi classical am sic (12:52, ae-ws items aad weather reports.) 12:00-1:00 KEX. Music. 12:00-6:00 KXL. Afternoon presenta- tioas. 13:00 6:00 KWJJ. Studio program. 1:00-2:00 KKEC. Laocheon concert. 1 .00-2 :00 KTBR. Music. 1:00-3.00 KEX. Concert ensemble and vwealistc. 2:00-3:00 KFKC. Varied program. 3:00-4:00 KFEC. Pipe organ and (3:30). beauty talk. -3:00-4:00 KOIN. News and music. 4:00-5:00 KEX. Concert ensemble. 4:00-5:00 KFEC. Studio concert, talk and book chat. 5:00-6:00 KEX. Symphony. 5:00-6:00 KFEC. Populsr music and (5:45) stock reports. 5:30-7:30 KGW. NBC radio industries banquet from New York. TUESDAY NIGHT 6:00-6:30 KXL, (220). Organ concert. 6:00-6:40 KTBR (229). Dinxr concert. and road report. 6:66-7:00 KWBS (200). Semi-classical arocrsm. 6:00-7:00 KEX (278). Utility an ma nic. 6:00-7:00 KWJJ (250). Dinner con cert. 6:00-7:00 KGW. Radio Industries banquet from New York. 6:00-7:00 KOIN. Organ concert. 6:36-7:00 KXL. Children's program. 7:00 KFEC. UtiHty. I 7:00-8.-00 KWBS. Popular music 7:00-8:00 KEX. Dinner dance concert. 7:00-8:00 KXL. Studio program. 7:00-8:00 KGW. "Memory Lane" (PON). 8:00-8:15 KOIN. Plower talk. 8:00-9:00 V'FX. Studio prorram. . 8:00-9:00 KXL. Courtesy program. 8:00-900 -KTBR. Varied featurea. 8:00-9:00 KGW. NBC program. 8:00-10:00 KWBS. Studio program. 8:18-9:40 KOIN. Venetian hour. 9.-00-10:00 KXL. Hawaiian hour. 9:00-10:00 KGW. Program from KOMO 9:00-16:60 KTBR. Program. 9:00-10:00 KEX. Badio Kaigfcta eon cert with tenor and soprano. 9:00-12:00 KWJJ. Party service. 9:40-End KOIN. Fight broadcast. 16:00-10:30 KXL. Special music 10:00-11:00 KWBS. Request program. 10:00-12:00 KEX. Weather, police re verts.' news flash aad daaec hoar. 10:00-12:60 KGW. ' Daaec program from KOMO. 10:30-12:00 KXL. Variety hour. 13 :0O-l .00 KXL. Popular aatortain- OTJTSCDB STATIONS PCX 5:30-7:30, Radio industries ban- euet; 8-8:30, operetta; 8:80-9, music ; 10-12. dance music. KOMO Seattle (SOvK 6, coaeart; 7. PON; 8:80, orchestra; lO-l?, 4a nee music: 12-12:30. news aad tenor. KTC La Angelas (469). 6, symphoa- ette; 7, detect visrteioe zin ette; 7, detective storiea; 7:30, fea ture: 8. PON: 9. orchestra; 10, PCN. KEJ Las Angelas (400). 6. doiags; 6:15, mune; 0:43, news; 7, ptayioi; 8, concert; 9, club; 10-12, orchestra aad trio. KPO Saa Francisco (422). 6, music: 1, concert; 8, PON; 9-10, io:so-iz, run. ELSINORE COMING SOON NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT OP EXECUTRIX Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion, as Executrix of the Last Will and Testament and estate of Alexander Turnbull, deceased, and that "he has duly qualified .as such executrix; all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to me, at the office of Ronald C. Glover, my attorney, 203 Oregon Building, Salem, Marion County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. L Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 18th day of September, 1928. HELEN D. TURNBULL, Executrix of the Last Will and -Testament and Estate ot Alex ander Turnbull. deceased. RONALD a GLOVER, Attorney for Executrix, Salem, Oregon. S.18-25-0.2-9-16. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ! NOTICE is hereby given that: the undersigned, by an order of the County Court of Marion Coun ty, State of Oregon, duly made and entered on the -17th day of August, 128,: was appointed ad ministrator of the estate ot - Ja cob Henry Hudel, and that he has duly qualified as such. All per sona .caring claims against said estate) are hereby notified to pre sent the 'same, duly verified as requird by law, at the office of Percy A."-Cupper, 411 v Masonic Temple, in the City of Salem. Marion County, . Oregon., within six months from the date of this notice, to-wit: August 21,-1928. ALBERT THEODORE HUDEL, - Administrator of the estate of Jacob Henry Hudel. PERCY A. CUPPER? - Attorney for Administrator, 411 Masonic Temple. Salem. Ore raxL A21-28-34-U-18 scssiii mm CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Iaaued Daily Exeept Monday by txtje gttcman J)ubUhtnj Co tlS So. Commercial St. Member ef tk ' ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusive ly entitled to the use for publication, of ail, news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited la. this paper aad also to tee local news published herein. . : Bosinasa Oftjcbs pacific Coast Mepresentstlves: Arthur W. 8 types, lac Serarity Bldav Portland; Fharon Bids.. 8an Francisco; 11 Western Pacific Blda Loa Anaeles. TXLEPHOHEa 23 or 583 Society Editor Entered at the Post Office In Salem, Oregon, as second class matter. TJBSCXXPTIOX BATES i Daily and Sunday, by man. per year la. 08 Daily and Sunday, by carrier monthly , Jt9 rrr.aaarmm ADVESTISmO Readins notices, per line . 25 it lino minimum chajxe) Classified Advertisioa, per line Is Classified Advertisins, per line t times i. 29a Classified Advertising, per lias lines I SOe On month, daily aqd Sunday per Una 1.0 COHTXACT CXASSITTXO (8 months contract) 5 lines daily minimum per month, 4c a line (18 reduction for minimum of 10 lines dally) SCHOOLS YOUR FUTURE ASSURED Qood paying positions always available for trained men and women. ENROLL ANY TIME. Railway Telegraph Institute, Rail way Exchange Bldg., Portand, Ore. New Statesman Want Ads bring results. FOR SALE Real Estate NEW 4 room, modern house. with garage. Accept vacant lot or second hand Ford. Balance, terms. Inquire 651 Kingwood Ave. -ASSORTMENT OF BARGAINS Choice lot. Paving paid, f 500. Houses 950 and up. Fine 6 acres, good bldgs. $3800. Fine 147 A. farm, good bldgs., $75 per acre, a real snap. A good restaurant confection ery service station. To Buy Sell Rent or Ex- chang Property See Bechtel Sears, 341 State St. Room 4. 20 ACRES, 7 miles from Salem on paved Silverton highway. Mod ern improvements and fruit. Stock and machinery For sale or will trade, for good Salem home. Place Mathia, 715 First Nat . Bank Bldg. known u Cherry City Nursery. Tel. 2205, Res. 10F4. 15 ACRE modern suburban home for sale or will take mod ern city property in part payment. Phone 9F14, Owner. FOR SALE 5 room modern house North Salem. Call Own er 2710-W. TOUR NEW HOME Just the kind you have been wishing for, modern and beautiful. Large living room and dining room with oak floors, fireplace, 3 nice bedrooms, .large bathroom, best of plumbing, large kitchen and nook with plenty of built-ins. basement, furnace and laundry trays. Price $6500, cash $1000, bal ance easy. Let us show you this home to day. LEO M. CHILDS CO. 320 State St. Phone 1727 NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION 12 Good homes. AH are vacant ajid you can have immediate pos session. Part are new and mod ern, balance in good condition. Priced from $2000 up to $7250, with splendid terms. If you are thinking of investing In a home let us show you these. LEO N. CHILDS CO. v 320 State St. Phone 1727 1 ii - 7' pMll Where Are You Going to Live this Winter? Are you lookinp; for an apartment? If so you will find one suited for your needs listed in the f For Rent Apartment di- t -vision. . w' . p CLASSIH1ED ADS -1 .. BUILDING LOTS AND SMALL ACREAGE ON EAST TERMS $1575 Fine five acres located east on paved road near school. $25 down, $10 per month. $1000 Fire acres best of soil, lo cated east Vt mile from pavement, $25 down, $10 per month. $3150 Ten acres good soil, -new barn, young orchard. no house, located on pave ment near school, $650 down, balance $20 per month. $1000 One acre with- excellent view located south near city' limits and bus line $25 down, $10 per month. $ (50 One acre all in bearing ap ples, $50 down, $10 per month. $ 700 One-half acre with city wa ter, electricity, near, city limits, $10 down. $10 per month. Building Lots $ 310 Fine lot 50x100 on paved) street, pavement extra, $10 down, $10 per month. $ 225 Lot 50x137 feet, east from on N. 20th St. near Mar ket, $10 down $10 per month. $ 500 Lot 50x100, south Salem, good view, pared street, paving extra, any reason able terms. $ 700 Plus new paved street, one half acre on N. 21st St. near Market. $400 down balance mortgage. $1250 Nice corner lot 50x100 with both streets paved, good view, located on FAIRMOUNT HILL. SEE US FOR BARGAINS. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St., Phone 515 HOUSE BARGAIN: Three rooms with plumbing, full cement basement. Price for quick sale $1800. $50 down $20 per month4 to include int. at 6. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 134 S. Liberty St. 100 ACRES 60 acres cultivat ed. Balance timber and pasture. Will trade for a larger place. Nice modern home in North Sa lem, 5 rooms with basement. Large lot facing on two streets. All paving paid. Only $4250.00. 40 acres valley farm, stocked and equipped. Good gravel road. 7 miles from Salem. Price is right. Will trade for larger farm or income property. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, modern. 2 nice large lots. Nice fruit trees. Splendid view. South Salem. . Ulrich & Roberts l Realtors 129 No. Com'l Phone 1354 $1300. Bungalow, 3 rooms and nook, bath, corner lot, close to bus, $200 down. $1800. 5 room home in fair con dition, bath, garage, $100 down $25 per mo., interest included. $2300. 4 room bungalow, base ment, garage and paring, $100 down $25.00 per mo. $3250. New 5 room English type home, modern, garage and pav- ' ing, $300 down. $3250. Stucco home, close In, 4 rooms and nook, modern, gar age and paving, $250 down. $4000. New 5 room seraEnglish type home, modern, nice lawn, fruit and paring, $300 down., $4200. New bungalow, 5 rooms and attic stairway, modern, gar. age and paring, some trees, $500 down. $5250. New English type home, 5 rooms, attic -stairway, all oak floors, modern in every way, fruit, close to school and bus, $500 "down. We have any priced houses you want. $2500 6 money. MELVIN JOHNSON 320 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 637 LOOK HERE! A chance to get your suburban home. One acre not far out on paved road. New 4-room bungalow large living room with fireplace, 2 bedrooms with closets, large bathroom with good plumbing, kitchen and nook with plenty of built-ins, nice light fix tures, house wired for hot water heater and electric range, good well, garage and woodshed. - Price $3200, cash $300, balance easy. LEO N. CHILDS CO. 320 State St. Phone 1727 jrjnn DTTotvroa nniT.nrvfS Well located, leased and bring ing good Income, price ngnt, see W. H. GRABENHOKBT t 134 S. Liberty St. SPECIAL a-Rnnm nlaatered house mod ern except basement, screened in ... m a. back porch, nice lot witn iruit, earaze and naved street. Price $2300 with furniture. Nice 3 -room plastered house; has lights, bath and toilet, close to school and bus line; a good buy for $1200. 4-Room plastered house, garage,. large lot with fruit, for $1400. Nice modern home in South Sa lem, price $400; will accept car as first payment. SEE Thomason with LEO N. CHILDS CO. . 320 State St. Phtfhe 1727 ATTENTION BUYER! Small home in East Salem. Price $1700.00; $150.00 down, balance $15.00 and interest per month. See ue before it is too late. Homyer with W. G. KRUEGER Realtor 147 N. Com'l Phone 217 REDUCED TO $4500 strictly modern 5 room house with room for 2 more rooms upstairs, pipe furnace, electric water heater, garage, large lot, 955 Tamerack St. BECKE & HENDRICKS 189 N. High LOOK AT THIS! Modern 6 room home in East Salem; 100 foot frontage; on pav ed street. All kinds of fruit. Will sell at sacrifice. See Homyer with W. G. KRUEGER Realtor 147 N. Com'l Phone 217 "TltbargaI St. between Electric and Hovt Sts., large East front lots must be sold immediately. If interest ed in lots see uat once. BECKE & HENDRICKS 189 N. High LOTS Highland Ave.-between -Myrtle and Laurel Ave., pavement paid. Two lots $700 each. BECKE & HENDRICKS 189 N. High 20 ACRE SNAP Most ideal for chickens, well lo cated, only one mile of a good town, on fine gravel road close to pared road. Not far from Sa lem. Owner must sell on account of ill health and age. Price cut from $2500 to $1500. Some cash down, balance on easy terms, hasl J -1 . J 1 I Al 1 1 room uuusc uuu uai u, Buuu wen water, chicken, house, well fenced, nice young bearing orchard, hur ry and see Bechtel or Sears 341 State St. Room 4. 400 ACRES fine land for sheen ranch, rood road, rirer. creeks running through place. On ly $5000.00. Capitol Realty Co. $2400 BUYS new four room house, good location, well made, garage, and woodshed, term to suit. $4500 for an extra fine 5 room house, selling for $500 less than paid for place. All modern, east front, large lot with plenty of fruit, would take In good lot on equity. East Salem. To trade 12 room apartment house, occupied, close in, good rental. Will take smaller home in Salem for- equity. This place will stand inspection. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. 202 U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. NEW house, 3 rooms, bath, hardwood floors, fireplace, cup boards. All finished nicely. Will sell for $2100 if taken this month. Cash or terms. Inquire of owner, 245 D St. GROCERY store, a money ma ker, 3 beautiful liring rooms, rent $35 month, juet invoice the stock, about $800. Store clears $200 monthly. See rep. ARTHUR L. SCOTT 415 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland, Oregon. AAvrhavnv FOR SALE Lot 108x267, East facing, with good barn. Price onlv 1850.00. Three hundred down, one year on balance, 7 int. 30 acres close in. Modern hulld. lngs. stock and ; imnlements. IS acres in cult. Rest in timber and pasture, rich black soil. Price $6000.00 cash or $7000.00 terms. 2 Vm acres with all modern Bldgs., electric lights and power water. Price $5,850.00. BUNGALOW REALTY 14 if. High St. t FOR SALE Nice little home in East Salem. 31800.00 and aaanmn mrlnr Small payment down: balance like rent. See Homyer with W. G. KRUEGER Realtor 147 N. Com! . Phone 217 A REAL home in South fistsm with shrubbery, fruit, berries, flowers, old fashioned large rooms, spacious hallway, screened in-porch, mountain, city and Val ley view. Everything . clean. homelike and restfull . z lota, ait for $4500.00. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT: Realtor Loans Inanrana 147 N. Commercial St, Salem, Or. ocasan. nraTsfVVVtXrXA NEW HOME W FOUR ROOMS Cement base ment, nook, garage, paved street and cement walks.) Lot 60x120. Price $2900. Terms. ,vy' TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street Ground Floor "Headquarters for Homes' WHY PAT RENT? Wa ca aell you a good 1 4 room house fox $2,000.00: 3100.00 down ant bal ance like rent, splendid location. street "assessments - and walks paid, coma; lrr and sea us before buying. i " .".j. -a ISl State Stv Salem. Ore, . - FOUR Roam .hmis street, practically new, basement. uuui-uu. ioiai price including paring paid, $2300. Terms so you can pay. uwner zvs-K. 20 ACRES Land, House. Barn, Garage. Water System, Fruit, all under plow for sale or will trad for good Salem home. Mathis, 715 First National Bank. Phones office 2205, Res. 10F4. Privai. Owner. 20 acres fruit and nuts close on good road. REAL BUY at $90c per acre. TIMBER Fifty thousand acr fir and pine. Well located for lunch located just outside torn. on Pacific Highway. Want honi.- in Salem, or suouroan. r i,. Wood, 341 State St. Court 7 r&bins with store ani loraing and manufacturing. Rea sonably priced. COMPLETELY stocked and nuinned ranch. Good building Some- registered Jerseys. Can take some trade. ? Inregtirata this AT ONCK Completely furnished restaurai,: doing fine business. A RE A I. MONEY MAKER for only $250" . 00. WANT Private money for fiot mortgage real estate loans. A RARE BARGAIN 3 fn. East front lots for $800.00. CAPITOL REALTY CO. 216 North High Phone 114 3 6 ROOM house and 2 lots. In good location. Call 2075 Center St. 5 ACRE fruit tract, good five room house, good well and spring, outbuildings. 6 mi. S. of Salem. Phone 36F13. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Camp located north, furnace, fireplace, hwd. floors, large lot, tree?, $4800, cash $500 and easy terms. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 175 S. High St. WANTED Real Estate EXCHANGE Real Estate EXCHANGES Hare good improved 7 acres near Hubbard to exchange for Sa lem or Seattle residence. What hare you? Also will consider land in or near Salem for good walnut aad filbert land. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Realtor Loans 'Insurance 147 N. Commercial St., Salem? Or. EXCHANGES FOR WILLAM ETTE VALLEY AND SALEM PROPERTY Lots in Yakima. Houses In Portland, Seattle, Eugene, Albany and Corvallis. Strictly modern duplex hou?e in Roseburg. 435 acre ranch iafTiVebraska. owner rery anxious to come to Oregon. Will gire someone goxl deal. SOCdLOFSKY SON 1st Nat l Bank Bldg. ACREAGE FOR RENT or SALE TWO GOOD FARMS near Cor vallis 192 acres, two miles out on pavement, other 212 acres 4 Vt miles north. Modern houe. Apply J. T. MORGAN HARRISBURG. ORE. Route 1 sSavvavaaa an. sa m as ee sa s lrVyyVVlArLn.MJUs. DAIRY FARM: 150 A. located 1 mil from good town in Marion Co. 125 A. un der plow 25 A. timber and pas ture. Fences and Bldrs . in fair condition; 2 silos room for 4 0 cows; spring, water. Absentee owner will sacrifice and acc pt some trade. O. K. Do WITT 1313 Edgewater , Phone 1C4.1 GREATEST Trading organ Na tion on the Pacific Coast. We ha7 orer 3000 properties listed for ex change. Erery kind of property, erery price, erery location. We can match your exchange exact ly. If you would like to trade yonr property.today, come in today. .See GASKILL & BAKLE. Realtors Tel. 22-13 166 S. Liberty 10 A. Tract near Salem. Bhipv, fruit, berries, $2500, terms. 30 A. farm, all new, modern bldgs., fruit, berries, sacrifiru, $6500, 10 A. close in, 6 A. berries, small set bldgs. Snap, $4750, terms. 100 A. farm, fine soil, near highway, $100 per A., term r exchange. For rent 6 room bungaU w, $25. PERRINE c MARSTERS 213 Gray Bldg. 11 ACRES, good house and barn, four miles from Capitol Building, paved road, productive soil, suitable for berries, poultrj or would be ideal for small dairy. For sale by owner on eaay terms Phone 2538-R. FOR RENT FOR RENT Farms 228 acres, implements for sale. 25 acres ai: cult., no hides., for if J ner rear. Also 11 acres cross the road with gooa biags., for $25 per month. Or 400 acres, house and barn for $375 per year. ; Or 10 acres rap ture with garden spot, has 3 room house, well, rent $10 month. You can work on nlaee for nart of reiki. See Bechtel or Sears If you wish to rent a farm or a house In town. 341 State St Room 4. FOR RENT- Houses 5 ROOM HOUSE 1176 Marion $20. Phono 1 5 5 l-J. - GOOD six room modern houe. 625 Breys Ave. Phone 32F11. TOR- RENT; na. bungalow $2 5.v - . 6 rm. cottage $18. ; Large house close in $35. - Large house,' 4 garages close in $40. : . r, 7 rm. house, close in, garage, t9t KA For Lease: Large corner for oil station. . . ,: 10 rm. house all furnished, $75 per too.,-' GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 434 Court -Str.