The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 12, 1928, Page 4, Image 4

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Earl C Bsownleb
Sheldon P. Sackett
Salei. Oregon
M2. 11,28
'I !
nw Disnlav
VriHE third annual window
.1 ... .
JL of the Salem Aa ciud opens waa eveums wu
tinae till Saturday night ;
PartieiDated in actively by more than a hundred mer
A chants and concerns of the capital city, and In some measure
The sponsors of this event heralding the fall opening of
r business in Salem give emphasis to pie value of advertising
v in making Salem a better and bigger city; meriting the ex
panding trade that depends upon our business people to sup
ply its needs.
Time was, in the mossback days of the ancient past, that
ISaleawas considered a poor advertising town, as compared
with her ambitious neighbors, in the other valley ciues.
' But Salem is getting over it ; living down that unenviable
..ofinn Vnr n thimr. she has more to advertise; and
that is one of the requisites
town" to be able to live up
the nrinted word.
Every good advertiser,
. a
back up his announcements,
He keeps trade at home, ana Dnngs more uauc iium y T
Jug territory. This makes for the employment of more labor;
Indirectlv helos every one. ? .
xr ii -ara eoto ftf otihirf
C ttu unv e.
stantial acts in the way of patronage.
Romance of Aviation
ONE of the romantic developments of the age is the rapid
'trM aviation is makinc in the United States. During
I the past eighteen months more than $300,000;000 has been
appropriated or expended lor
v country. At this time there
1 commission or under construction.
1 The Pacific coast with
future promises a great increase in number of planes, avia
inn fiplda and ceneral exDansion in the industry that links
earth and air almost "the
'trips are now fceing made out of several cities of the coast.
The triweekly service from San Francisco, Portland and Seat
tle has been in operation some time, and on Saturday this
J service will be increased to a daily schedule. On the same
1 date schedules between Portland and Seattle, now giving two
daihr round trios, will be increased to focr. Demands for
reservations on several coast lines, including those to Los An
geles, are beyond the constantly increasing equipment. v
Salem will not get into line with this development any
too soon, with its already authorized airport.
Immigration From Mexico
V suggests that immigration from any country south of the
32d parallel of latitude, which corresponds with the Mexican
border, shall not in any year exceed emigration of citizens oi
the United States to that particular country in the preceding
' year '...,..
Which would cut off nearly all the people coming not
only from Mexico but also from every Central and South
American country.
There are protests from California. The Stockton Rec
ord says that in the case of Mexicans a recent check made in
that state indicates no flood from below the Bio Grande; the
official figures showing a decline in immigration from that
country, notwithstanding much' talk about the inefficiency
of the border patrol
And the Stockton papef says that among many Califor
nia farmers and growers this
to the state; though the other, side of the question is not
without its advocates. A
" $ ...
I Why Women Are for Hoover
MRS. THOMAS G. WINTER, former president of the Gen
eral Federation of Women's clubs, is a staunch advocate
of Herbert Hoover for president. In a recently issued pamph
let, Mrs. Winter gives as the
Want Herbert, Hoover" the fact that he has been a standard
bearer of the American flag all. over the world: because he
does not talk politics, he lives statesmanship; because he is
the very type of an American because of Tjtfhat he is doing for
homes and children; because he knows the actual tasks ol
government; because of his
labor; and because he is the
the world has ever seen.
Major Charles Bolton Hamble deserved the first full mil
itary funeral ever held in Salem, which honored him vester
i day. His untimely death came on account of lack of reserve
strength, due to hardships suffered in five enirasremenU in
: the World war overseas, in the Meuse, Argonne and St. Mi-
hiel drives. Let none of us ever fortret the hivh fiinira nf
f gratitude and patriotism with
l parture of our boys from the homes and loved ones to do bat
tie for world democracy in the times of stress.
j The rains came m time
oi me aeer mincers Wlin ue
loresis against lire, jgyerypoay is satisfied;
According to some of our
Europe lends money to South
1 t. T T 1 - CI 1 1.
i wiicu uikk oam jenos money io jsoutn America it is imper
Sialism. . -z : : ; j -
$ , ! be judged from his recent political statement
that Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler wants the liquor strong and
A Vancouver, B. C. man
K charge of driving while intoxicated. There ia &n nripnf nam
ttuuut Kxuijuw cuais io iMewcasxie.
All the disinterested observers arp mnvimwi f ai
g viuviSu iuaxiager, in
f ui a iui oi lerritory.
i ; Some one sagely opines
tj are and all,Tnore men have been lost at the seaside this year
The Statesman's 'Fourteen Points'
A Progressive Program To Which This Newspaper
la Dedicated
, 1. A greater Salem a great
er Orecon.
2. Industrial expansion, and
agricultural development
of the Willamette Valley.
. 3. EfTJcKpt republican, gam
eminent for nation,- state
county and city.
4. Clean news, . Just opinion
and. fair, practices. ' - -.
5. Vpbsilding of "Ca-egda
: yonns Unn tnOnstcy, v i
6. A modern city cbarter for
' Salem, 7 adopted after ma
ture consideration 17 aU
7. Helpful enconrafement to
, beet sugar growers and
oUker pioneers In agrieni
, tural enterprise. -
8 Park and . playground de- i
Week in Salem
display week under he auspices
it" . ..J n11 mn
of being a "good advertising
in offerings and attractions to
with the goods or the service to
a. ... v Tvom
is an asset w au
tr our irood advertisers ; sub-
new airports inrouKuuui
are more man oiw aixiiww m
this development and the near
sky is the limit." Daily round
of the state of Washington,
decline is being termed a loss
reasons "Why We Worried
service to agriculture; and to
greatest practical humanitarian
which we.witnessed the de-
to pot a quietus to the dispute
autnontie seeking tn mv t h
best internationalists, when
America thai ia huxinp..
a . . ... '
has been i ailed at 1vp
ciaimmg electoral votes,
that, with the stvle wint tWv
3iopment for all people.
O. Centralixatioa within the
capital city area of all atate
offices and instltuUona.
10. OumprehensiTe plan for Cbe
development of the Oregon
State Fair. '
11. JnaerTmtion of natoral re
sources for the public good.
12. Superior school facilitles
encouragsment of teachers
and active cooperation with
Willamette vniTeraUy.
lS.,Praternal and social or-
(ganrurtion of the greatest
poesioJa nnmixr or
14. Winning to Blarlon
ty fertile lands the high- ,
est typo of cttlsenshlp.
l ; - ".BonVSysi.. I
A Washington Systander
-By Kirk L.
WASHINGTON. i-Whlle the
rsnopers of Uncle Sam's cavalry
have bad their noses put more or
lens out of joint by that new corps
d'eltte of tho military world, avia
tion, there Is one field of notable
sporting and
social promin
ence where the
boss . soldiers
rule supreme.
Nobody has yet
invented air
polo. The only
against t h
cavalrymen are
the officers of
gun regiments
that still boast
horse batteries
instead of puffing, stinking trac
Army poloers are mighty busy
iround Washington Just now.
They are hoping for a third go at
their twice defeated rivals of the
British army next year. Every af
ternoon sees them surging about
the huge green polo lot down be
side the placid Potomac fighting
it out in hopes of getting a crack
at the Britishers, if they should
challenge. ,
And they have solved the ques
tion of referee to their own com
plete satisfaction. The job has
been intrusted to a general offi
cer. Brigadier General E. E.
Booth, chief of the G-4 section.
General Staffv That assignment
fixes It so there will be no sand-
lot disputes about always doubt
ful polo foul " calling. Who of
smaller military fry would dare
cuss out a general and an assis
tant chief of staff at that?
Even Brigadier General Frank
Parker, GS head and also an as
sistant chief of staff, and who
rides wKh the polo gallopers, ac
cepts fouls assessed against him
by Booth with the army "Tes,
General" equivalent of the Navy's
Aye ays sir. although sometimes
Old Oregon's Yesterdays
Town Talk Prom the Statesman Our Fathers Read
12, 10OS
Superintendent G. W. James
a roruana Tisuor yesxeruay.
County Judge John H. Scott
went to Portland yesterday, for th
purpose of conferring with Judge
J. E. Magen the secretary of t he
good roads measure . .
Dr. Woods Hutch enson, stele
health.' officer came up ' from
Portland yesterday on the local
train and will spend a day or two
in this city looking over ths gen-
oral, sanitary conditions. :
: lieutenant Carls Abrams return
ed from ths encampment at Gear-
hart yesterday to resume his du
ties on his reportorial staff of the
Statesman. i
Mrs. Cooke ' Patton and
daughter, Iiuels returned yester
day from Newport where they have
been enjoying a vacation of
era! days.
v Dr. C W. Keen stopped over
In Salem between trains last eve
ning enroute from SUverton to
Medford where he gees on busi
ness, lie expects to return to Sll
vctrton tomorrow and on Monday
will leave ' with his wife for- the
east where he will take a course
in tome medical college for the
coming year, . ;
Dr. W. T. WHTIamsnn went to
Portland yesterday for ft short
business trip. -
"Buff Iraeaa, fha Southpaw
baseball twtrler,' - returned from
ths encampment at Gearhaxt Park
oa ths local train iaat sight. '
a a a . s - m - a - . bf. a a
a bit red of face. So rank helps to
make Booth an actual as well as
a theoretical cxar of polo fouls.
Unlucky on Wheels
But civilians show no such re
speet for the general. Recently,
riding- from Virginia back to
Washington in his own new and
shiny car. he stopped at a nctdog
stand for refreshments and park
ed well out of the road to the
rirht. His nrecantions were use
less. Another motorist whooped
around the corner in a round
house curve and chewed off all
the left side fenders and a wheel
on the general's oar. That was
bad, but a week or sor later when
the restored and revarnished ma
chine rolled up to the war depart
ment, Booth embarked at once for
the polo battle ground. When ne
got there he drove the machine
well ud on the grass to avoid fur
ther possible damage and went to
It was "useless. In ten minutes a
loud "blam" from the region or
the ID-fated Booth car announced
new disaster. The general gallop
ed over to find a strange automo
bile deeply imbedded in his car's
rear construction and a perspir
ing, apologetie driver who told of
a polo-excited wife nuagmg n
elbow Just at the wrong moment.
Saddle a Veteran
The high ranking polo foul crar
is quite a sight when he mounts
for action. In these non forma
tion forays, he insists on using a
much prised Saumur bridle with
the embossed seal of that great
French cavalry school shining
like a breast plate on his horse's
chest. He has used it, and the
same horse, since his days as
commandant t the Fort Riley
cavalry shcools and ribald com.
ments by his cavalry colleague
that it looks more like mooring
tackle for a battleship than horse
furniture move him not.
Professors Frank Rigler a ad Di
A. Grout returned to Portland
yesterday afternoon after attend
lng tho three days session of the
Marion county teachers institute.
Miss Gertrude Stanley returned
yesterday from a trip to Portland.
r reocu i or uoTsrnor gava a
sign on a Washington auto. Well
bite, what is French for Gover
nor! Just when the deer hunters
were nursing a wonderful rroueh
and- breathing an sorts of dire
threats, ths weather man turned
on the rain. -
With ths first rain the esteem
ed Oregonian has ' an excuse for
reprinting' thai standing editorial
aboat how glad everybody Is to
see, ths wet weather,
Well! Weill. From here ft looks
as though tho boys In Mains sort
of romped on the democrats.
Just a foretasta of -win Novem
ber will bring. . ,
A professor fa Washington. D.
0L, calculates the age of ths earth
as between 13,40s, 000,000 and
80,000,000)000 years. And yet
onr school books used to declare
thai mathematics Is an. "exact
science. . .
Coal Shortage Feared head
lines the- Oregonian, And cut at
our house a wood shortage threat"
Have you made sure that you
are qualified to vote in Novem
Salem merchants are all set
for tonight's window display op
ening In connection with the Fall
Fashion Show. There ought to be
a good crowd from nearby terri
Hard luck appears to pursue
Hassell and Cramer. This time
a motorboat sank beneath them
but they escaped drowning.
Ton can't blame those demo
crats from refusing to enter the
election in Oregon. Nobody wants
to ride to sure defeat.
Oregon Is too modest, accord
Ing to Dr. W. L. Whittlesey of
Princeton university. It is dis
couraging to toot one's horn
against such a siren blast as
emanates from onr sister state
to the south.
Evidently Salem citizens think
modern teaching methods are ell
right provided the children learn
Probably a lot of Oregon deer
were disappointed at being denied
their annual fall company
Oregory, of the Oregonian, sug
gests setting the deer season date
further along in the fall, to In
sure its arrival after - the rains.
That sounds like good sense.
What's, the matter with Os
West, national democratic com
mitteeman for Oregon? He isn't
turning loose anything red-hot for
AJ Smith.
S&me of Al Smith's typical
"friends of personal liberty" bom
barded a minister the other day
for making an antLSmith talk.
Isnt it about time for some
Oregon farmer to come forward
with an egg bearing Herb Hoov
er's initials?
Everybody admits the popular
itr of "loud speakers", as evi
denced by the increasing number!
of marriages.
Bits for
By R. J.
"Full of prases
All the Salem canneries. And
most of them also full of pears.
They are putting into cans 300 to
254) tons a day of pears maklar
8000 to 10,000 cases, and payingtthumplng , republican majority,
one anout xtuoo a nay in wages
on this canning operation alone.
S k
All these pears are coming from.
eastern Oregon and Washington
and southern Oregon. This is an
item showing what aa advantage
Salem has In being a canning cen
ter. Will be more . and more so.
Industries are gregarious. "Him
that has, gets."
The rain wffl not .hurt ths hops.
Just makes Jit hard on the pickers.
And It takes a little longer to dry
wet hops. But there are many
pickers In tho yards who will
work during moderate showers
like those of most of yesterday.
V S "W
The news of html Ing season ac
cidents has begun to come in. One
man dead In Jackson county from
a bullet discharged accidentally
from the gun of a feRow hunter.
There sxs good sportsmen among
tho hanters; they , predominate.
But there are many out In the
forests with guns who ought to be
at home.
-1 ,:- A r .!."-
Hadid broadcasting stations
havs Just been given a permanent
assignment of power and ware
length; 369 of them, and it Is ex
pected that ..this will materially
improve . the service throughout
tho country. But there are a lot of
difficulties of perfect receiving yet
Totals Well Below Those of
Two Years Ago Says
, Secretary of State
Registration of voters in Ore
gon to date, with less than a
month in which to register for the
general election, totals 316,113
members of all parties as compar
ed to 359,236 registered prior to
the general election two years
ago, according to a statement is
sued Tuesday by Secretary of
State Koser.
Of the total registration 221.-
465 are republicans, 82,963 are
democrats, 552 progressives, 842
prohibitionists, 1275 socialists and
9017 are classified as miscellan
While the figures may not
agree with those of county clerks
in the various counties. Kozer
points out that the state figures
probably are more nearly correct
as they represent the bona fide
registration after the dead wood
has been eliminated through the
cooperation of postmasters in the
various towns.
"In some of the cities and towns
as many as 25 per cent of the
voters pamphlets are undelivered
by reason of the removal of the
voter from the county," Koser
points out.
The registration by counties
and by major parties follows:
Crook -
Uathoor -
Washington ,
Classes in art, education, Eng
lish, psychology and philosophy
will again be offered by the Uni
versity of Oregon extension serv
ice here at the opening of school.
September 24 at the Salem Sigh
Regular? university credit will
be giventhose whose work is sat
isfactory. Superintendent George W. Hug,
of the city schools. Professor W.
G. Beatty and Thomas Gentle, for
mer head of the Monmouth train
ing school, will teach education.
Those classes will be held Monday
and Thursday nights. Professor
Nowland B. Zane will hare classes
in art analysis and poster design
Thursday nights. Monday night
Professor Beatty will offer classes
in educational sociology. Super
intendent Hug will give a class Jn
curriculum making on Thursday
Professor Gentle will conduct a
class in the technique of teaching
social science. This class, how
ever, will not begin until the win
ter term.
Dr. H. C. Kohler of Willamette
university, will teach the English
classes which will include a course
on great literary books and on
the poetry of Shelly and Keats.
The winter term will include a
course hi the work's of Browning.
Dr. Charles Sherman, also of
Willamette university, will teach
a class on the IntrtxrucUoo of phil
osophy and a class in psychology.
These classes will bs on Friday
nights. .
to be solved with respect to weath
er and other condtlons.
"Maine went, bell bent, for
Governor Kent," as usual, with a
Ths democrats who reason with
themselves that this was expected
are reminded of the old saw of
ths farmer who- said his crops
were not as good as ho expected
to be, and "did not expect them
to be, nuther."
Old Salt: "Bit of a. swell today.
Seaside Visitor: "Nice of you to
say so hut yon ought to see me
on Sundays."
Lady: "I want a nice book for
an invalid.
Bookseller: "Yes, madam.
Something religious T
Lady: "Er no no er he's
convalescent! "
The pleasure of vacation days la
very largely determined by the na
ture of the weather. Bars yon had
anything like ths following;
"Boasting! cries the turkey)
"Chili! saya the sauce;
"Freezing! moans the ios cream;
MUdl calls ths cheese across;
"Frosting! ths caks declares It;
'Clear 1" tows the Jelly bright;
Tom lag! ths coffee gurgles.
Now which do you think Is
A. writer has told' ths story of
the Crrfl war In aa 80.000-word
poem, War Is aa awful talngi
Boanoke Times.
A New Yorker afrLarge
Br G. D.
Twenty million,
theater tickets are sold every year
to plays and musical shows in New
York, bringing through box office
windows, as nearly as anybody can
estimate, more than $50,000,000.
Eighty theatres, with seats for
more than &0.000 persons, are de
voted to the drama; nor does this
take account of any of the scores
of motion picture and vaudeville
Some seven thousand players,
from stars to chorines, earn their
living In New York theatres, com
prising the casts of the 300 or
more productions generally un
veiled here in the course of a year.
Yet the theatre business is so
uncertain that compared to it,
speculation in stocks or drilling
for oil seems almost a sure thing.
A Game Of Ctuuiee
The figures tor the theatrlcalj
year or 1927-2S Illumine the
Broadway axiom that the show
business is no place for anybody
who Is unwilling to take a chance.
The season brought to New York
stages 235 dramatic productions
and 69 musical shows. Of the
dramatic productions, Billboard,
theatrical trade magazine, reckons
that ' four-fifths were failures.
leaving deficits or terminating
Ithout considerable profit. Of
the music shows almost half
failed, and musical failures are
more costly than dramatic failures
because of the greater expense of
Veteran producers figure that
season after season will show fail
ure for four out of fire dramatic
presentations, and In some years
for as many as nine out of ten. As
-! - - By Mrs.
RENTS must stand together
When fathers and mothers
disagree In matters touching
the lives of their children, the re
sult of confusion, and ths objec
tives of neither parent are at
In a certain home ths parents
differed radically in their atti
tudes toward schooling. The
'mother had sent the children to a
modern school. The father
thought new fangled educational
ideas were all nonsense. He fre
quently voiced his disapproval of
his wife's choice over the break
fast table. In the presence of the
youngsters.- Being accustomed to
respect the opinions of both par
ents, tney were bewildered. Their
enthusiasm for school was damp
ened. When lessens were not dons It
was a fine excuse to sar that
school was no good anyway. Their
interest in their studied and their
wholehearted participation in
school life suffered as a result of
the conflict at home.
One mother exacted strict obedi
ence of her little daughter. Her
father on the other hand always
pleaded for lenience. Occasional
ly the mother gave way to this
pressure. The child could never
be sure that disapproval and pun
ishment would always follow her
transgressions. She knew that it
depended on whether it was father
r moiner wno was in ths
assertive mood.
1 IS-.
Annuals A Specialty;
Kodak Finishing
Experts in Photocoloring
Framing- .
Hand Colored Oregon Scenes
Framed. Special $1.00 and up.
First National Bask
New Shipments Just
Imported Canaries
Yellow Top Parrots
Bird Cages and Accessories '
Japanese Gold Fish
Aquariums 5r; Supplies
Pups Piips Pups
Under New Mentimeni
273 State
for the. mnsical shows, it is regard-
ed as a good season when half ut
them"' make gyjed.
' ss i
Let's Back a Show
It does not follow, - howetv.
from these. unhappy statistics,
the experienced .producer mu-t
risk lose ott four of every five von.
tures he sponsors, nor on halt of
them, whether they are musical or
dramatic. :t Often the play he re
gards as. a. sure hit fails to draw
for more than a few weeks and
finally Is ranked with the flop-:;
but It is among the novices in tho
producing business and there aru
always plenty of them that tho
toll Is preponderantly heavy.
Every season dozens of pn
who have mads money In other
businesses or who have been the
atrical agents or playwrights turn
to producing with the same avid.
. t a. - .
lty wna wnjca oiaer men, ubt un
made fortunes, buy strings oi race
horses or start playing rne mar.
ket. Some of them are willing to
lose a few thousands for the priv
ilege of traveling, even briefly,
with the theatrical folk; but most
of them are lured by the hope of
backing a hit which will return as
much as half a million dollars on
an investment of a nunareatn of
that amount.
Last season 193 producing or
ganizations were represented i i
the New York theatre, with i :
presentations. Of these but :;j
were plays that made anyimpor.
tant money. For the inexpt r
ienced dabbler in the show busi
ness, these figures indicate hardly
one chance in ten to profit, but it
is that one chance that keeps them
coming; back for more.
Your Child
Agnes Lyne j
The evil effects of such cross
purposes are apparent. Differenc
es among parents are reflected in
the confusion of ths child. How
shall he know what is worthwhile
and what is foolish, what Is right
and what is wrong? To put this
burder of -decision on ths young
child is most unfair. For during
his early years hs needs nothing
so mnch as the assurance that his
parents know what is right. If
they disagree among -themselves
the child's world becomes a wil
derness. Parents, being human, are
bound to differ now and then In
their ideas of what Is wise for
their, children. Certainty, these
differences are worthy of discus
sion. But parents most thresh
them out in prirata untn they are
ready to enter upon a course of
action that looks consistent and
harmonious to ths child,
Nicaragua Riots
Nipped By Guard
MANAGUA. Nicaragua, Sept.
11 (AP) Ths first serious out
break in connection with the ap
proaching election was quelled to
day by the National guard in the
i TV I n Caw W 1 MAMAna
conservative sympathisers stormed
-. . . t
a linerai campaign buks, .
arm I
11 A- JK M
1 - . - I sn
w TM :,MAA I S-V