The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 12, 1928, Page 17, Image 17

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    The New Oregon STATESMAN,-Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, September IS, 19! 8
Home Appliances
Of Many Varieties
Make Work Light
.Modern Science and Inventive Genius Join Hands to
Lessen Labors of American
Housewife Today mi
Vf 71 thin the memory of one generation, complete revolu
V V tion has occurred in the popular attitude toward
hrnMwnrk. the- kitchen laboratory, and the general unkeen
and cleanliness of the home; and illustration of this is con
tained in the treatment of the rooms in an old residence.
This generous old house was built in the pioneer days
; in Illinois and served not only as a home for a large family,
but as center of the. farm activities as well. The kitchen was
larger than the usual living room of today and was supple
mented by a good sized pantry and an entry where the men
could wash before coming in. The floor was rough wih much
wear and many scrubbings. The dining room was much
smaller. 1 j
Smaller Kitchens Now
A new generation arrived: The old folks were laid to
rest. The new family considered the endless trotting neces
sitated by the huge kitchen and the work of caring for the
floor. The dining room was turned into a kitchen, a very
great savin g of teps and work.
The kitchen became a sort of dining-living room. Its
floor was covered with linoleum with rugs over it, the din
ing table made a fine place for the youngsters' school work,
artd there was still ample room for several large restful
chairs for the rest of the family to enjoy in the evening.
Just as complete a reversal has come in the attitude to
ward housework. It, has changed right about face. A good
housewife felt it her obvious duty to make as much work as
possible of it, . and now it is her desire to make as little as
possible, so that she may be free for other activities.
'' IV a Different Story
It used to be considered a sort of disgrace or laziness,
to think out ways to save steps of work in connection with
any one part of housekeeping. Now schools and institutes,
factories and laboratories spend their entire time on the
subject. .1 . i
One of the new development is designed to save steps
and work, and also because' of 'the small rooms in apart
ments, to save space. It is a kitchenette table and really con
tains every thing necessary for a meal except a sink in which
to wash the dishes. It is about the size of a large kitchen
table and the legs are on casters. The top opens up at one
side and is supported so that it becomes the table top on
which the meal is placed.
Inside is a four-way electric outlet so that several
things may be attached at once. The percolator, the toaster,
the grill, the waffle iron all are on the shelf space, ready
for service. Enough dishes to serve four may be packed in
side. Drawers below take care of the flat silver and napkins.
' Color Important Noiv
While serving in so useful a manner it is still an at
tractive piece to have around, painted a soft cream or grey
with a line of color for accent.
Color plays such an important part in the scheme of
things today. At the same time that any one piece an the
kitchen is designed so that one may clean under, over, and
inside it as "well as serve mapy puroosea in one spot, it
must now add pleasant color to its surfaces in order to keep
up with the times. . i
Color is "shown in kitchen sinks, in ranges, in ice-boxes,
in gay enamel ware and in the ever useful kitchen cabinet.
A cabinet that would be sure to please any woman was
shown in a small kitchen in a model house. The center sec
tion had the usual doors to the upper part and round con
tainers for flour and sugar below. The tile shelf projected
about three inches from the rest of the cabinet and could
be pulled forward, besides. The drawers below also project
giving additional depth.
Uses Two Upright Cabinets
. Either side the center section were two upright cab
inets. One of these was shelved for storage of china. The
other held a complete set in green, a broom, a dust mop, a
Ismail brush and small mop green as to handles and at the
working end, either the bristles or yarn was green.
This model kitchen would be an inspiration to any
housewife. It was painted in cream color with a border over
the rail, of triangles in apricot. The sink was cream and the
range grey and white. The ice box was white and the cab-
met cream colored with lines or apricot, underneath the
window sat a pretty drop leaf table with chair painted to
match the walls. It was set with gay French potetry.
Some small features helped give it charm. One of these
was a small set of shelves, and another a wall clock in col
ors. A set of shelves for cereals and spices decorated one
wall. '
There are several new devices designed to assist in ease
of work about the kitchen. One of these is a bean cutter and
the other is a pea pod opener. An aluminum rice boiler, like
an over size tea ball is another help. A small steak broiler
is made so that the fat drains off into a pan below and will
not catch fire. Asparagus has its cooker with an extra tray
so that the stalks will not break when lifted out.
A house cleaning tray fills. a long felt want. It has a
handle like a basket and compartments for brushes, polish,
cloths and so on. There are no end of these devices to render
Care of Infant's
Feet Commended
NEW YORK, Sept. 11. (AP)
Safeguard your children feet,
is the advice of Miss Jane Bel
low, & former Y. W. C. A. health
Freedom from foot ill in later
life depends largely upon the care
and protection of the feet during
infancy and childhood. Miss Bel
lows soys, and for that reason she
has issued a guide for mothers
and teachers.
Short bed and go-carts for chil
dren who hare outgrown them,
can cause future painful trouble
in transverse arch, she says. She
also recommenrs watchfulness
that a child's shoe or stocking is
not too quickly outgrown.
Bedding which is too heavy or
tucked in too tightly is considered
dangerous for small and tender
'eet it is suggested that a bol
ster be put under heary bedding
to relieve the pressure at the foot
of the bed.
When a child complains of cold
feet, look to his shoes. Miss Bel
lows suggests.
f Few people." she says, "would
complain of cold feet is they had
room for every toe. The crowding
deprives the toes of their natural
activity and also of adequate
blodo supply. Circulation also
suffers from pointed-toe shoes,
shoes too short, too narrow, or
too high in the heeL"
Another hint for mothers is to
teach children to keep the foot
flat on the stair-tread in going up
or. down stairs. This allows
stretching of the calf muscles and
saves the arches of the foot from
ih en
(AP). One alleged gangster was
shot to death and another serious
ly wounded last night in what the
polios- declared was an attempted
"shadedown." probably used as a
cloak for intimidation because of
bootleggers' nervousness over the
grand Jury's investigation of their
While Pasquale Llvor, 35, pro
prietor of the Atlantic Bottling
and Supply company, was in the
offices of that concern, on South
7th street, an automobile, driven
by a girl, stopped at the door.
Two men entered, while, the girl
and two others remained In the
One of the men who entered
brandished a pistol, threatening
Livoy. while the other took a ring,
$48 and a watch from him.
Livoy, police said, picked up an
automatic shot gun which he had
behind a counter and shot the
man with the pistol dead. The
victim was identified as Amrlla
Scarano, 36.
The other man fled, with Livoy
and finally the fugiUve fell with
both arms fractured by shot gun
bullets. He was identified at the
Pennsylvania hospital at Jamei"
Flora, 23.
The girl and two men fn the car
abandoned it and escaped.
John Constanxo, 38, and Law.
rence Redman. 25, were fatallyjn
jured Tuesday jrhen a boulder tell
from the roof of the Great North,
era tunnel under construction at
Scenic, striking them on the head.
- - - jt
Felts and Velvets
The secret of the charm of most of the NEW
HATS for Fall lies in the shape of the Hat
itself for trimmings seem incidental . . ?
Brims turn up off the face and Sports types
Jiave narrow and becoming scoop brims that
are deeper at the -side than at the front and (
back all new Fall shades. "!
387 Court St., Across from Miller's
if ' - fSQi
. . m j.
' : ' '
if you go via Southern Pacific,
through California and cirri
back over Northern lines.
This summer get more for your travel funds. No m
rex whit your eastern destination go one mj, return
another. You can see the whole Pacific Coast and much
ci the United State at only slightly higher fare.
Fiat to California over the ipccrsraU r Shasta Routk.
Enjoy cosmopolitan San Francisco, Los Angeics, Holh ,
wood, San Diegci, world-earned beaches and resorts
can be in the enchanted circle of 700c trip ease
From California, to eastward over any of the follow
ng iwca, wun ana oc routes returning nai
united states or Canadian lines.
The Sunset Cirri
J Round the rim jf the United States. First 00 the
nnset tissued' famed 'found the world, via Q
lHso and the old Sooth to quaint, romantic New 0
J0- Tfcea by tafl, of sfho more cost (meals and bcr&
bended in root nOJut) enjoy 100 golden bona at
4 HiNew VedcbCuthcmincSRamshjnw .
Tb Golds State Orel
From Los Aneeles to Chicago "Golden Srre Tfaw
feed" in its 61 hours, spreads before rou the historic
Southwest; sjriimpse of Old Mexico at Juarez. 3
CBncres from H Paso. Thence to Kansas City, Chicago
It midwest points.
The Overland Cirri
From San Francisco foUow the Overland Trail of '4?,
Tla LakeTahoe, the scenic Sierra, to jour Colorado of
Utah destination. Or direct ta CtucifO-en (be "Siui
eccszsioo ares on and after Ma 22. Remm
bcr JL Stowovess aarwbere. Your choice el
LeTJoor local agent hdp 70a plan joar trip via -
City Transit Offlc
1M H. LOertr
paten,. , ..i vwcw
Cut steel ornamjents.
Unless the best designers in the world
of fashion have made the mistake of
their lives4you are going to get some
pleasant surprises here. j
Pumps, low or high cut, new strap ef
fects and ties in either sport or dress
models. Leathers of reptile, colored
kid and patent, plain or tastefully
trimmed, heels either medium or high,
give the discriminating shopper al
most an unlimited assortment from
which to choose .
In block satin, or black patent
In black patent, Jaw brown" kid
with suede quarter.
"Tou just know sks wears tkemT
picot edge.
all silk
beautiful texture
long wearing
in all the newest shades
for fall.
in. 1
In 1. . u urottm kid vr
black' patent leather.
$2.00 the Pair
Box of 3 Pairs $5.50
, 1