klVVE? B WEATHER 1 24 Pages JUI today; Fresh south, winds; Cooler tentperM.rea. Jta. Mitai yesterday 00; Mia. 4; Wver.2.o; Rain .40. ' -1 TODAY No Favor Sxsays Us; No Fear SheU Aae Mare It. 1U1 (nKa II V 11 f .- I I ' -Til f I I 1 1I ll I I I Ik ' . I ' . 1 X-I 1 1 I I I I 11 l 1 . I II II 1-1 II I I II - SEVENTY-EIGHTH YEAR TLEY LEADS trresent Governor of -. State Has Substantial Edge on E L- French- Congressman Albert Johnson May be Defeated by Tacomd Lawyer SEATTLE. Wash.. ScplT 12. :'AP) With the ppasibility f Congressman Albert Johnson be lli defeated for the republican nomination from the third dis. trlct an nnforseen upset and a close fifcbt for the republican nomination between Governor Roland H. Hartley and K. L. French, with the chief xecutire holding the lead, the Waahington ftate primary had turned into a heated battle early today. Homer T. Bone. Tacoma. law. yer and former state legislator, polled a, lead of 728 rotes over Congressman Johnson, Int 29 com plete and 20 Incomplete precincts HAR INI1NM EARLY RETURNS out or 627 in the htird district. The vote was Johnson 2425' and Bone 2898. Lead Not Commanding ' , Returns from 501 complete and rS6 Incomplete preclnta out of t 2561 in the state gave Governor jpHartley a good lead but not a positive hold on the nomination. As returns trickled in during the night Hartley slowly added to his total but often slipped a few notches when French, his chief opponent collected more votes in some counties. Hartley bad 38, C03 votes as against 32644 for French and 4071 for Claude Ban nick. A. Scott Bullitt had nearly a two to one lead over hrs nearest rival, Stephen J. Chadwick, for the democratic gubernatorial nomination. Bullitt had polled 818 rotes compared with 3583 for Chadwick. ' MaKenzi Cotterill Ont Two other democrats. C. L. yiarKenzie and George F. Cotter 111. were out of the running. udge Kenneth Mackintosh re ceived more than a two to. one lead over his chief opponent. Miles Poindexter. for tbe republi jcan nomniation for United States senator. Austin E. Griffiths followed r'rp on the heel3 of the former rcnator and ambassador to Pern. In quest of the seat occupied, by ninr r. rv mil. democrat. The i6?vrt in 438 complete and 34 In- fr complete preclncta In the tate. .-.au HarVlntosh 28.047: Poindex. lor 13,364 and Grirntns m me Democratic race for the senator ial ration. Dill, the incumbent, was running away from his only!: opponent. Cleveland L-ongsireei.. V f Tnooflp Tintf ( Jf3ie 1 UabtTd J, Mliy - Dirigible About With Small Harm DETROIT. Sept. 11. (AP) The semi-rigid dirgible "Puritan" ' owned by the Goodyear Tire and Ttuober company of AkronJ' Ohio was safely moored at the Ford alrr port here tonight after riding, out a terrific wind and rain storm that broke as the ship approached the city. - The ship was tossed about by the wind for 35 minutes, complete ly turning over once when the storm suddenly lifted and the Pur itan was able to make its way to the airport. ; Dixon Loses Out 2 To Mike Hector In Portland Bout PORTLAND. Ore..-Sept. 11. AP) Mike Hector. Los Angeles middleweight, took a 10 round de cision by a wide margin over Ceorgie Dixon, Portland here to night. Hector won eight of the 10 roud: 'i f ' Ray,' McQuillan, Oakland mid dleweight, won a six round deci sion over Bill Lang. Tacoma and 'prank Warneke, Portland middle- weight decisloned Dewey Beachy, vember election, were not opposed Tacoma in the two preliminaries. (Turn to page 8, please) t , 1 1 1 , , . Public Eagerly Awaiting Window Display tonight '' ' -i: Ninety-nine stores will present of the buying public will be at- special window displays 1 tonight for the third annual fall opening fori&e-crowds coming to Salem fffom the trading area in 'Marlon S and Polk counties. Six industrial 1 firms are setting up exhibits itiow I jng products manufactured ; here. -A treasure hunt and dance bave - Iteen arranged as amusement. En tertainment will be supplied by drills by m the American Legion drum corp's and the Chemawa In dian school band. With fully 50 per cent more Mtruslhess men backing the' event fvjhan in. former years, the Salem Ad cluo, wmcn is sponsoring the opening, predicts the most success-, f ul display event put on by mer chants here. -.With the representa tion of more lines of. business by special displays, a creator number I S . " -. , . - SUBS SSB1 UUUUauaul aUBWBMai a i-MMM MM voSSSSSSSMI Three Groups A w a it Starting Signa I In Race Over Continent One, Aviator Crashes : With Serious Injury oh Next to Last Lap SALT LAKE CITY. Sept. 11 (AP) Fear that W. D. Morgan. pilMingr a Martin plane in the In ternational air derby, may have t rashed. In tbe hills between Rock Springs r and this city, was ex pressed tonight at the Salt Lake airport when b failed fo reach here at 7 p. m. He left Rock Spring early this morning. The pilot of a Buhl aircraft se dan, .which arrived here this after noon, reported -sighting Morgan's plane about : 45 p. m. in-lhe hills southwest of Rock Springs. J. L. Bake,, - the- pilot said Morgan seemed to be headed this way. LOS ANGELES, Sept. 11. (AP) In a country of mountains and desert and poor communica tion but just one day from the Los AnrrlM' terminus of tneir long flights, three groups of air racers tonieht waited tomorrow s starl ing signal. A crash oNone racer with the serious injury of a passenger, marked the flight of the Class B and Class C tram-continental fil ers to their Yuma. Arizona, over night stop. At that last might resting place of the fliers it also was found that a leader in the Class B division. E. E. Ballougb of Chicago, might be forced out of the contest by a valve that dropped out of his motor just as he topped the mountain pass for the drop into Yuma. Passenger Injured R. E. Herron of Milwaukee, a passenger In the Waco biplane of Stuart F. Auer of Milwaukee, was injured when the ship went into a tail spin and crashed at Wellton, Ariz., 42 miles east of Yuma. It was the second ftme. that Auer's plane had been damaged, the first having been when caught in a fog while crossing Pennsylvania. This time it was put definitely out of the race. Ballough. . despite his. engine e head I trouble, reached Yuma at .the head! of the Class B fliers, at 10:04 a. m. John II. Wood of Wassau, TO KEEP PLACE Primary Elections Held Vermont and Numerous Other States in MONTPELIER. Vt.. Sept. 11. The. renomination of Gov. WaoIt renuhlican. in to- primary appeared assured on f returns from 178 of the 24 8 cities !and towns in the state, which gave jnlin a ,ead of 8500 over Mayor Edward H. Deavitt tf Montpener. The vote was Weeks 20,945, Dear vitt 19,406. This was the only contest for a major office in either party. Colorado Votes DENVER. Sept. 1U (AP) Sixty precincts, representing a scattering of rotes in 16 of the 63 1 counties of Colorado, showed At torney General W. L. Boat right. leading Clarence P. Dodge of Col orado Springs by nearly two to one in the republican gubernator ial contest. The vote in the 60 pre cincts gave Boatrigbt 1434; Dodge 791. Incumbents Nominated PHOENIX, Ariz., Sept. 11. (AP) Governor G. W. P." Hunt, seeking nominaUon for his seventh term on the democratic ticket, and Senator Henry F. Ashtfrst. democratic incumbent, took the lead in the contest at the Arizona primaries tonight when 23 of the 503 precincts . had reported. - Ralph R. Cameron and. Judge John C. Phillips' assumed an ear ly lead for the republican nomina tion for Senator and Governor re spectively. Congressman . W. L. Douglas. democrat,, seeking re-election and Guy Axline, republican, seeking the right to oppose him In tna No- tract cd to visit the streets A special dance at the armory is being put on by the Ad club as the only paying factor of the fall opening. The seven piece orches tra from the Mellow Moon djKnce hall will play for 9 until 12:0 o'clock. Admission of 50 cents will be charged the men while the women will be admitted free. ' With the uneviling of the win dows at 7:30 o'clock tonight th a treasure hunt will begin. Cards I the windows of some of the mer chants . backing the affair will bear numbers calling for a prize. The, person having 'a ticket with the corresponding number will be given the prise. Approximately 30.000 tickets will be distributed by merchants to customers for the treasure hnntf:,' -v----, IEEKSCH05EN of Planes Wis., ' in a Waco biplane was sec ond and John Litlngston of Au rora. I1L, believed to be leading be race in .elapsed time, was .hird. x Whole Group Safe All of the thirteen planes re maining in the "Class B race had arrived at Yuma tonight. Ray mond Merritt and Matthews Whit all, the last to arrive id the class came In late but safely. Maurice Mams landed at 12:45:13 p. m. and O. C. Ousick at 1:05:15 p. m. - Roburt W. Cantwell of Duncan, Okla., who landed first of the Class C fliers at Yuma today also was believed to be leading in elapsed tiine. Cape C. B. D. Coll-1 yer of New York and Edward! Brooks, piloting a Pokker, the other two contestants of the class followed him in that order Difficulties of communication tonight made it impossible to ver ify whether Kennedy Whyte's Motn . piana and Wm. Drury's Waco, flying in tie international race from Windsor. Ont.. to Los Angeles, had reached their des- xmed night-stop at Las Vegas ev. They took off from Rock Springs this morning and made a oner stop at Salt Lake City. Utah, oeiore continuing westward. COP. Victory in Maine Heaviest Ever Recorded PORTLAND. Maine. Sept. 11. (AP) Scattered returns from small upstate communities, receiv ed late today, increased the lead of William Tudor Gardiner, re- puoiican gubernatorial candidate, to 84,891 over E. C. Moran, Jr.. his democratic opponent, in the Maine state election held Yester day. The majority is the largest ever given a rubprna.tnrint anH date in this state, Onlv 17 nrHntn k f 633 In the state remained to be recorded Mr Rrrfin ..r.: recorded. Mr. Gardiner carried every city in the state with the exception of Biddeford and Lewis ton, both of which are normally democratic by wide margins. The senatorial contest between Frederick Hale, republican and Herbert E. Holmes, democrat, "re sulted in a margin of 80,004 for the republican candidate. The republican victory of yes terday swept the last remaining democrat from the Maine state senate, according to the figures compiled thus far, making that body unanimously republican in the next legislature. The demo cratic membership in the house was reduced from 22 to 16 or 17. depending upon missing returns from two Knox county towns. There will be three women sen ators, Mrs. Dora B. Pinkman and Mrs: -Auburn, chosen for the first time. Mrs. Folsom. Mrs. Maude Clark Gay and Miss Laughlin, were re-elected and Mrs. Lena M. Day ; was elected from Gorman, Cumberland county. Contrary lo predictions of a heavy vote, freely made during the campaign, the total was about 35.000 less than that cast, for governor the last presidential year. Four years ago. the Democrats carried five cities for governor. Bangor, Biddeford. Lew Is ton. Old Town , and Waterrille and one county, Androscoggin. Yesterday v (Turn to page S; please) BY KEllEV IT TRIM. - LOS ANGELES, Sept. - 11 (AP) Charges of. a "frame-upri by the prosecution were hurled by Leo P. Kslley from the witness stand today In the "butcher boy's" testimony in his own defense at his murder -triaL "They are trying to frame me; they haven't told the truth." de clared Kelley under cross-examination after her had told his version of ' the ' flTo-year TOmance with Mrs.' Myrtle Melius. Ihis " wealthy sweetheart whom he is accused of brutally slaying. 1 " "Who'do you think hasn't told the trath?". demanded deputy dis trict attorney Jas. Costello. . ''Frank Melius (the slain wom an s husband) nasn t stora tne and llaggie Ferris and Officer Arthur Stoll," replied Kelley sharply. -T , He said Melius was not frank about his physical condition of his wife's . heart and her reported fainting attacks. The young meat cutter said "anybody in the court room" could tell that the testi mony of Maggie Ferris, the Mel ius negro . maid, was influenced. Phi Beta Kappa Holds 1928 Meet DELAWARE, Ohio. SepL 11 (AP). Dr. , Clark ; S. Northup. professor of English at Cornell university, Ithaca. N. Y Ji today was elected president of Phi Beta Kappa at ' the sixteenth national council of the honorary scholastic fraternity in session at Ohio Wes leyan university here. A charter was granted to the state college GEO ot ' Washington -. Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, September 12. seIsiw Various Salem Plants Using More Than 200 Tons of Fruit Daily Aggregate Payroll Close to $6,000 Every Day With 3000 at Work Advantages to Salem in being a cannerv center are clearly snown from the pear packing operations going on here now. Canneries are nackin? 8.000 to 10.000 cases of pears a day. It takes about 40 cases for a ton, so that they are using 200 to 250 tons of pears daily. Practically all the pears come from southern and eastern Oregon and Washington. Salem gets the Industrial benefit of. this operation bv having the canneries. The Salem canneries are perhaps pay Ing out as much as 16000 a day in wages in the packing of pears alone. The canning of prunes is com ing on in full blast in the local canneries. This will last about two weeks. Quite a tonnage of prunes is coming from nearby and valley points, and some are being shipped in from the Milton and Freewater districts in eastern Ore gon. The rains or yesterday win have a tendency to. loosen up the prunes on the trees ana mate them easier to pick. There may follow some injury from cracking. Is At the Peak Cannery operations in Salem are at the peak for the year, with the possible exception of a few days in the late strawberry season, with raspberries, cherries, etc., also go ing through. There are more than 3000 per sons now working in the Salem canneries. J Then will come vegetable can ning at the Paulus plant; carrots and parsnips, and a few onions. The beet pack was finished af that plant some weeks ago. This plant is using pears days and prunes nights. - A lot of apples will be canned In Salem; local stock, and apples shipped in from the . east - of the mountains and. southern Oregon. The Hunt cannery will he packing apples until into December. This plant is running on pears with a day force and on prunes with a night force now. Two Shifts Working The Oregon Packing company is running on pears and beans in its 12th and 13th street plants in the day time, and on prunes in the 12th street plant at night. Beans will keep coming till frost. Then pumpkins will be taken on, in the 13th street plant. A frost would stop bean canning and commerce (Turn to page i, please) L Douglas McKay, prominent in American Legion work in Oregon since the first post in this state was organized and during the war an officer in the 91st division, was the only nominee for commander of Capital Post No. 9 at Tuesday night's meeting. Nominations for all offices will be reopened at the next meeting," September 25, the election being held on that date. Walter Zosel and Newell Wil liams were nominated for vice commander, Raymond Bassett for adjutant, the office toe has held for several years; .Captain Wil liams, local Salvation Army of fl eer, for chaplain J L. A. Hamilton for;historian, Jacob Fuhrer for ft nance officer, Don Wiggins' for quartermaster, Lloyd ' Demarest, Bert Victor and Ernest Bonesteele for sergeant-at-anns. For the five members ot.the ex ecutive committee In addition to the four highest officers, the foL lowing were nominated: Carl , Gabrielson. Paul. Burr Is, Herman Brown, Don Young. Ted Irwin. Newell ' Willtems, H. G. Maison; ? Gall Hathaway, - L. . P. Campbell,; Lewis Stanley. - Frank Cain. Frank;1 Moore abd John Rot- ue. .- .. ,. .- - . . A committee was -named to in vestigate .the desirabHity of in corporating- Capital post, and an other to frame a resolution urging air legal Toters In Salem "'to reg ister before October . Plans tor ' Armistice- day.- and for the trip which the' drum corps will make to San Antonio. Texas., for the national convention were discussed. Eugene Has Hard Rain Yesterday EUGENE, Ore., SepL 11. (AP) Eugene experienced its first heavy rainfall since April 1 today when .66 of an inch of rain feU between 8 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. A few showers have been "re corded here since April i; Gerard Dehroekert, : weather . observer, pointed out," hut none . kot them have. , been productive ' of much precipitation. The rain was gen eral ln.thjs locality, both Cascade and Siuslaw - National forcats" re porting fairly heavy precipitaUon through their areas.-- .--. - Ml i r v'f-';k--v.-n--::.-.-.! ; - ,k . - 4 i v . r 1 . . V . - Photo by Major C. Bolton Hamble's body eseorted to mausoleum bv fellow downpour of rain which rendered man was able to obtain the above in Salem. The photography shows ing behind the catafalque, moving office. STILLSTAND5 Rain Not General Enough to Warrant Action Yet, Governor Learns Rainfall which Tuesday brought smiles to the faces of local deer hunters at the prospect of early withdrawal of the ban on hunting, has not yet become general over the state, according to a statement issued that afternoon from the executive department and until Governor Patterson is informed that the fice danger has ended in all forest hunting areas, the post ponement of the season opening will not be terminated. The governor is being advised in this matter by the state forest of fice, which has weather reports from all parts of the Btate avail able. Central Oregon Dry Some ; rain fell Tuesday in southern Oregon, and there was a light precipitation along the coast. Some districts in eastern Oregon reported rain, but central Oregon is still dry and cloudless, and the federal forest service has not withdrawn lis ban on camping in the national forest areas there. Guards have been placed at stra tegic points on the highways run ning through the Cascade and Des chutes forests, to enforce this pro hibition on camping, so that it would be practically useless to per mit hunting until this emergency regulation is withdrawn. Hunters are Hopeful Nevertheless hunters who sor rowfully observed the governor's proclamation by refraining from starting their hunting trips Sun day, were oiling their rifles and collecting camp outfits Tuesday in anticipation of an early withdraw al of the ban. That a number of hunters did disregard the proclamation and warnings which supplemented it, is attested by the reports of- per. sons arrested for hunting deer out of season in many parts, of the state. Salem hunters who were ar rested in Linn county are Curtis Ferguson and Paul Riffey, accord ing to reports from Albany. Three other members of their party also were arrested. - : 91 TO MEET ! SALEM EUGENE, Ore., v Sept. 11. (AP) William i E. Nusbaum. chief of the Eugene fire, depart ment and president of atate fire Chiefs' association, announced to day that he had called a meeting of the state association legislative committee to be held in' the office of the fire marshal, n Salem, next Saturday at 2:30 p. m." : Chief Nusbaum said matters of legislation.' affecting municipali ties In Oregon, and which will be brought; before ,tb state legisla ture at the next session, would be discussed at the meeting. These matters involve the standardiza tion of, such apparatus and equip ment as has nofral ready been stan dardised under the law. and also uniform training policies.'- t ;,: . The meeting will precede Nus baum's departure Oct. 1 for Sac ra montn tn attend th National! Fire Chiefs' association conven tion, to which he is being sent as an official, representative .of the city as j well as the president tf the state organization. . Another Bourbon Supports Hoover ..DENVER Sept,,:lL-(AP) Former -, Governor William E. Sweet, democratic. dry announ ced today that he - will support Herbert' Hooter' lor president in the coming election. He intends to back the rest of the democratic HUNTING BAN CHIEF S MP ticket,: he asserted. .-v v 1928' Military Funeral Held In photography exceedingly difficult, the New Oregon Statesman staff remarkable record of the most Impressive military funeral ever held the field and stiff officers of the Oreeon National Cuud. march. south on Commercial street juxt What They ThinkOf Trolley Cars as Compared to the Automobile Bus VISITORS to Salem persons who have not been in this i ii j iwr two or mm j-m, immediately are struck with the fact that the trolley-cars have disappeared and that the streets no longer arc split in half by street railway tracks. Many voire astonishment when told that motor buses have sup planted the streetcars and that they run on regular m had u lea just as did the trolley-cars. Some people like the change. Others do not. Recently a spirited argument arose among gentlemen gathered at a lunch eon, at which time some inter esting views were voiced. Just to get a line on what Salem residents think, the same ques tion was put to a number of citizens by the New Oregon Statoptnan. This is how they view it: MRS. NONA WHITE, county Juvenile officer, said: "I would hate to have to tell you what I think of those buses. Ordin arily I'm perfectly good natur-. ed, but when it comee to rid ing on thoee buses, or even talking about them, my dispo sition is ruined." JOHN H. PORTER, Marion county commissioner, said: "Personally, I think that for a city the size of Salem buses are far more satisfactory than street cars. They make less noise, take up less room, de velop more speed, and are pre ferable all around. I would oay, however, that for a city the size of Portland, . where there are long runs through crowded business districts, it might be better. from the pas senger's standpoint tohave the old fashioned street cars." DR. JOHN D. MeCORMICK, dean of the Kimball School of Theology, said: "The buses are certainly quiter than the street cars were. They do not disturb our classes here as the rattling cars did.". L. A. TILSON. a daily rider of buses, said: "The buses get there faster than the cars and they are more comfortable to ride in. . Their schedule is as regular.il not more regular." ' " " t . . ROY GLOVER, .cigar store operator, said: "The buses do not tie up traffic on the corner (Commercial and State street) as the Old street cars did. Yes. .(Turn to page 8, please) Flax Souvenirs To Be Prepared For Corps9 Trip Flax grown in the. Salem vicin ity and linen manufactured In Sa lem, were favored by representa tives, of the city's service elibs and the " chamber of " commerce w"ho met Tuesday night with Vie MacKenzie, .representing Capita Post No. 9 of the American Leg ton, as the most - representative samples of Salem's industries which the local post's drum corps could distribute to advertise this city, when it makes the trip to San Antonio for' the national leg ion convention next month- . It wa; explained that Wag fiber flax, is the one product grown in this region which Is not produc ed' Successfully anywhere -else. The . plan tentatively approved is to supply skeins of flax sewed on linen badges, together with print, ed Information about Salem and th is unique in d ustry. v . : ' '"The chamber of commerce and the service, clubs , will -. . provide these souvenirs, the legion, post being unable to do so in 'view of the heavy. expense of sending -the sausjcalBS to San Antonio. . 1 Salem New Statesman Staff Ptwtrnplfr. imardsmen Turatlm IWnnitu a in front- of The New Statesman's AMPLHEETH' City Attorney Says Prison Yawns for Those Who Raise Jungles Adequate provision for enforc ing the cutting of weeds in Salem is Included iir: the present day ordinance, and all that is lacking is someone who has time to attend to it, Fred Williams, city attorney, said Tuesday in " discussing the proposal of Walter Low, street commissioner, to amend the ordi nance. The first two sections alorie pro vide "teeth" sufficient to bring about compliance, the attorney claims. They empower the street commissioner to swear out war rants for the arrest of property owners who fail to cut and remove the weeds after due notice, and provide also for fines and impri sonment as a penalty. Ordinance Has Teeth In case the property owner Is not a resident of Salem, the ordi nance provides further that the owner's local agent may be sim ilarly arrested and either fined or imprisoned, Mr. Williams points out. If there Is a "for ale" sign on the property bearing the name of some real estate dealer, that is, in the city attorney's opinion' suffi cient evidence that the realtor is the person in charge of the prop erty and locally responsible for it. "Assess a few of those fines and you will find that the rest of 1 the property owners and agents will get busy and comply with the ordi nance, and there will also be enough collected in fines to pay for cutting a lot of weeds where neither the owner nor the agent can be found," be declared. FIRE HITS EASTERN 0RE60NC0UNTRV BAKER. Ore., Sept. ll.-r-(AP) The town of Haines was .threat ened by fire today when flames in a sawdust pile spread to the Rtor. das planing mill and the grain warehouse of D. W. Hearing. A high wind made the battle diffi cult for the flre-flghtera who were aided by five Baker, firemen who used 800 feet of boss. The firemen succeeded in get ting the blaze under control after fighting from about, one o'clock till 2:30 this afternoonToiding the fire to the area covered by the planing mill -and the, adjoining warehouse. The loss was estlmatvi ed at ' from 825.000 to 835.000. most of which was In the planing mill as the warehouse fortunately was nearly empty. ' Haines, a town of about 450 population 10 miles north of here. was cut off from the rest of the world for an hour and a half when the blaze severed all telegraph and telephone lines as well as power distribution. The town is on the Old Oregon trail and within a few minutes after the fire blocked the highway a thousand automobiles ere blocked in a traffic jab, Sher- .xr, Mcxinney and, Deputy Sheriff Llttlefleld relieved the traffic sit. uatioa by detouring traffic around the town. .The only loss in addi tion to the warehouse and th planing mill was the loss Of one car of finished lumber and dam. n . ?1 I . i mi i m , . w iue uuioa rcmc iiainj. WEED LAW HAS 11,714 Copies ' This Issue! . This, morning's fall opening number of the New Oregon; Statesman has the widest distribution of any similar newspaper edition ever circulated in Salem. - ? - ', - All houses in Salem and 4000 additional homes in the Salem trade area are reached by today's issue which has a total cir culation of 11,714 copies. - y yi - Meanwhile, the circulation increases of the New Oregon' Statesman continue with the rapidity whclb marked the advances of August. Yesterday's gain was 61 subscribers while the aver age number of new subscribers this month has been, mors than' 40 a day.' . ' h . " -- ; . - -' . - ' TTTT iHwwv - LE BURIED WITH FULL HONORS Impressive Military Rites Conducted in Armory For Salem Officer City Sees Salem Spectacle; as Cortege Marches to Mausoleum Full military honors with the largest' formal official attendance of any funeral-ever held in Ore-" gon marked. the final rites for Ma jor Charles Bolton Hamble, audi tor in the offices of Brigadier General George A. White here Tuesday. Major Hamble died early Sunday morning following an operation for acute appendici tis to which he submitted Wed nesday. Chaplain Gilbert, from Astoria, long a comrade and friend of the dead officer conducted the serv ice. Preceeding the funeral, which was held In the armory at three o'clock, the body lay in state from 12 o'clock. Four enlisted men from the Salem company, Oregon National Guard, were detailed to guard the bier. Two other guards men stood at attention near by. Flag Drapes Casket The casket which was placed in the center front in the armory was draped with the American flag, the highest tribute that can be given to an American citizen. Ma jor Hamble's cap rceted on the bier. Entirely across the end of the armory were hundreds of flor al pieces banked high. Tall stan dards and baskets, wreaths and sprays were sent by many in re spect to the dead soldier. Oao noticeable piece was a shield Of red. white and blue flowers. The 45 piece ISCth Infantry band from Portland played two numbers while the staff and field officers of the guard took their places in the center of the arm ory. Members of the National Guard and the battalion brought down from Portland took their places, all wearing the symbol ot mourning for their deceased com rade. Members of the Masonic order, of which Major Hamble was a member, came in. Chap Iain Gilbert and Chaplain Blink enshop of the 186th Infantry of Portland took their places on the rostrum. Music Marks Service The six guardsmen on duty at the bier were relieved by another detail of six and accompanied by the 186th Infantry band. Chap lain Blinkenshop sang a solo. Chaplain Gilbert readya history of the life of Major Hamble. Ma jor Hamble was born in Bolton, Indiana. 41 years -ago and came to Eugene at the age of five years.: He graduated from the Univeraily of Oregon in 1908. He was a member of the Oregon National Guard for 15 years and at the time of his death was auditor In the offices of General White. "Well done thou good and faithful servant!" was the scrip ture from which Chaplain Gilbert took his text. ' A prayer was offered and Chap lain Gilbert paid tribute to Major Hamble as a soldier, as a man. and as a husband, father and son.' "The love of country is the great est thlag of a man's life and the devotion in life of Major Hamble to his country stands forth in the minds of everyone present today," said Chaplain Gilbert. He com pared the life and death ot Ma jor Hamble to the verse "I have fought a good fight.- As a soldier Major nam Die left a record without blemish, he stood true always and he had lived and gone through times' in his life whan characters are test- ed said Chaplain Gilbert. 1 Salem Masons led; by . Elmer MeKee. gao their perrice Md Dr. W. C. Kantner led In prayer. t The' Infantry band played as the officers left, followed by the guardsmen. . The members of the Masonic order followed anu tne as tne inraniry dho pju Nearer, My God to Thee" the pall fiearers eaiwiod the body of Ma- Jor Hamble' to the hearse tor e. taken to the-mausoleum for: its fina-xesjinirplaee. - (Turn to page 8, please) v.. Power Companies Inquiry Ordered In response to a-request- from the city commissioners, of Port land the public service commis sion has agreed to a conference with the eonncil relative to prob lems arising out of the investl cation of the rates snd practles of the Northwestern Electric com pany and the " Portland Electric Power comnanv. The coniereucw - will b -held in Portland on Sep . tember 15. ' . t IJORHI rz.ift:?& ci-. . --: i r..: .'it i.''-