The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 07, 1928, Page 13, Image 13

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    -The New Oebcon Statesman. Salem; Oregon, Ffiday Morning, September 7 1919
Here From Wsldport J. P.
Burtla, a real estate .dealer of
Waldport sras a business Tlsitor
la Salem Thursday.-
Portland Woman VWt Miss
Grace E. Hall of Portland, known
as a writer and poetess, visited in
this city Wednesday,
Goes on Vacation J. Weinstein
manager of the Army & Nary
store, is taking a brief rest and va
cation. He will motor to southern
points before retaining to Salem.
Back From Beach Professor
and Mrs. E. C. Richards, of Wil
lamette university, have returned
to Salem after a pleasant vacation
spent at Long Beach.
' Returns to Work Lyle Rains,
city salesman for the Paeifie Fruit
and Produce company was back
at work Thursday after an illness
of several days.
Given Operation Mrs. Carrie
Fuller of Brttoks was given an op
eration for appendicitis at the
Deaconess hospital Thursday
Driver Fined E. J. Betholmey
of Portland was yestreday fined
$15 when he appeared before
Justice of the Peace Small to
answer to a jcharre of reckless
driving on the highway.
To Spend Winter Here Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Schmidt and
children of Canton. Kansas arriv
ed in Salem Thursday and will
spend the winter here. They are
cousins of Sister Mane, neaa
nurse at the Deaconess hospital.
Howletts Are Guests Mr. and
"Mrs. William Howlett. of Portland
with their son Leonard and
daughter Ooa, were overnight
guests of Mrs. Tpm Akers, 1979
North CapltpJ street, . Mrs. Hew
lett and Mrs. Akers are' sisters.
Threw Charges Faced W. M.
Ruprecht, whose address was giv
en as Oak Park dairy, was arrest
ed Thursday night by a city traf
fic officer on charges of speeding,
failing to stop at a through street
Intersection, and having no tail
light burning.
MLw'.CoMwek In Portland-
Miss Nelf Coppock spent yesterday
visiting frjenda In Portland.
' ' '
A. II. Malcolm Here- A. H.
Malcolm of Seattle is at the Mar
ion hotel while in Salem.
Business Tlsitor B.I Waldo of
San Francisco la making, a brief
business visit In Salem and is at
the Hotel Marion. . "
Here From Chicago Tom Bar
on of Chicago Is in Salem on busi
ness for several days and is reg
istered at the Marion hotel.
Jones to Portland J. F. Jones
of the state weights and measures
department spent yesterday in
Portland attending to business af
fairs. Simeral Oat Again L. J. Sim
eral, member of the Salem school
board is able to be out again af
ter an illness which kept him con
fined to his home for over a week.
At Marion Mr. and Mrs" E. C.
Berg of Los Angeles are at the
Marion hotel while in Salem. They
are motoring throughout the
Returns From Visit Mies Ag
nes Bayne has returned from a
two weeks' vacation which she
spent at the Coos county beaches.
Miss Bayne is In the secretary of
state's office.
Marqnam Pastor Visit The
Rev. and Mrs. Wayne Wright, of
Marquam. called at Kimball
School of Theology i Thursday
morning. They were in town on
a business trip.
Final Account Filed Final ac
count was filed in probate yester
day in the matter of the estate of
the late Louise J. Vibbert. The
report also asks tfhat a"date of "fin
al '-hearing be . v
Iowa People Visit Mr. and Mrs.
Roy L. Jones of Spencer, Iowa,
re visiting with the Rev. and Mrs.
Fred Taylor of Salem. They will
leave within a few days, making
their way south to Oakland.
sirs. Kehrli Here Mrs. Herman
Kehrli (Helen Pippy) former sec
retary at the Marion County
Health Demonstration
Instructor Arrives F. D. Lea
rner, who will take the place of
Professor E. T. Brown in the
physics department at Willamette
university, has arrived on the
n-aiiiyua. mr. auu rs. Lieamer
spemi ... . . k- v c.ji
TillDre!:lapaVtmenu;,' 7"
home at Oswego since her mar
riage in August.
Programs For School R. W.
Tavenner, assistant principal' of
the Salem senior high school, is
busy making out programs for
the students who registered at the
hlg"h school before the tclose of
school last spring. Mr. Taveomer
says this generally takes about
two weeks.
Marriage License Issued A
wedding license was Issued yes
terday by the Marion county clerk
to Frank Edison Davis. 57. of
109 South Commercial street, and
Lillian C. Cannon, "of legal age."
resident of 585 South 12 street.
Mr. Davis gives his occupation as
publisher and editor. The mar
riage Is his second and her third.
Schlag Too Rough 4A hand to
hand altercation between Ben
Schlag nad William Boginski.
both of this jplty, wound up in Jus
tice court yesterday afternoon
when Schlag entered a plea of
guilty to assault and battery. He
was fined Jz5 by Justice of the
Peace "Sipall. Boginski swore out
the crjtn&l complaint.
Delta PhU Entertained Mrs.
Sheldon Sackett and Miss Pauline
Remington entertained tor a
group, of 0mnae members of the
.Jelta'Chl sorority at Willamette
p4ersity at the home of 'Mrs.
- gjffetl Thursday night. This was
' nlaiCSdras a general get together
nPtirfof the members before
sbp1r them' leave for school for
t Wedding Held Here Joseph
con, 26,. and Lena Sananess,
9 Mtth f Oreron city, were
married at the home of the Rev.
FC. Taylor of- the -First
"Hnlhftdist church here last night.
TheRer. Taylor performed the
Mr. and Mrs. W. J.1
Howe i of Oregon City acted as
""""ViUiesses. The marriage license
was issued from the office of the
Tarion county clerk yesterday af
. tern9MU
Divorce Demanded Suit tor dl-
Torce was filed In circuit court
here yesterday by Mary Eckardt
against Samuel Phillip Eckardt.
She charges cruelty and inhuman
treatment, extending over, a long
neriod of time. He swore at her
and otherwise abased her. she de-
" elores. On January 12 of last year
he was injured while working in
tb local mill, and subsequently
became mentally deranged, she as
serts. They were married In Aug
ust. 1909. She asks custody of a
minor eaild. Eldon Ray Eckardt.
w ... . . ..
Pastor Returns The Rev. Pa-
trik Dahlin of the Mill Street
Methodist church, returned Thurs
day form eastern ! Washintgon
where he has been working in the
harvest fields and mills sincH
June. Mr. Dahlin will leave in
a few days for Los Angeles where
ne win attend the Pacific Swe
dish mission conference of the
Methodist Episcopal church.
Snperintendent Bust The of-
nces or Superintendent Georre
W. Hug at the high school build
ing are busy- this week receiving
applicants for the vacancies In tbx
Salem -school system. JThere are a
aumoer or grade teachers, several
junior high school teachers and
two teachers for the senior high
school to be secured. There Is
still a vacancy in the history and
commercial departments at the
high school.
Dr. DcKlein Returns Dr. Wil
liam DeKlein. former director at
the Marion County Child Health
demonstration arrived in Salem
Thursday from New York. Dr. De
Klein was called east two weeks
ago for a conference and during
his absence his resignation was re
ceived at the local demonstration,
Dr. De Klein will leave in a short
time to assume his duties as direc
tor of the American Red Cross
health department.
Chevrolet Mam Here N. K.
Colty of the Chevrolet Motor com
pany of Portland Is in Salem on
business and Is at the Marlon.
iMghllna Visitors Mr. and
Mrs. Barkley Laughlln, of Port
land, were recent overnight guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Akers of
1979 North Capital street.
Hawley at Silverton Congress
man W, C. Hawley returned
Thursday night from : Silvetron
where he attended the Silverton
community fair as a speaker.
Citizenship Class Meets More
than 12 persons met in the Y. M.
C. A. Thursday night for the
work covered by the citizenship
classes last winter. These people
will take the preliminary hearing
today for their first papers.
Hntton Home Entered The
home of Fire Chief Harry Hutton,
642 Ferry street, was entered
Thursday afternoon by a bnrglar
or burglars who took $42 from a
parse. Entrance was gained
through the back door.
Lost Shirt Mystery Some Sa
lem boy went home Thursday af
ternoon without hia shirt. More
or less mystery surrounds the
case, but the police have asked
that parents of this boy call at
the police station today. Except
for that request, they have not
divulged "what ft Is all about."
Divorce Suit Filed Suit for di
vorce was filed yesterday against
Delbert Blackburn by Ruth M.
Blackburn. She charges that he
deserted her with reason on Feb
ruary 15. 1927i They were mar
ried at-Hillsboro in May, 1912.
She asks custody of two minor
children. La van a, 15, and Velma,
13. .
Gridiron Repaired A layer of
fine sawdust is being put on the
Willamette university football
field as one of the final touches
before the fall training begins Sep
tember 15. The field was plowed,
disced and graded to mix, the dirt
and sawdust of. former yeard.. Fre
quent sprinkling Wiif help pack the
new surface 'of. the'grIdiron. '
Sclo Route Extended Con
gressman W. C. Hawley is In re
ceipt of a letter from H. H. Bailey,
assistant postmaster general stat
ing that an extension of rural pos
tal service on rural route number
4 out of Scio, Oregon, has been
made. The extension is 2.3 miles
long and will, be put into opera
tion. September 16.
Cabins Started The founda
tions and sills for the' six new
cabins to be erected in the muni
cipal auto park are in position
Room for two double beds will
be provided In the two room
buildings which will be equipped
with a garage. Cement blocks
have been put down for the sills
to rest upon.
Swim Winner
Shop Improvements New
drawers for work benches in the
machine shop, -replacing the old
ones which have worn out, were
completed Thursday, at the Salem
high school. Drawers for the
new auto mechanics shop were
also, installed Thursday and the
auto mechanics shop is almost in
readiness for the opening of
school. September 24. There are
60 students who have registered
for this course.
Ex-Salem Pastor Dies The
Rev. William Rollins, pastor of
the First Methodist church here
in 18S7 and 1888. has died at
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, according
to word reaching here yesterday.
Death took place last week, it
was indicated. The Rev. Rollins
was awarded a D. D. degree by
Willamette university In 1889.
He had been on the retired list
for 10 years before he died.
T' Rally Sunday A "pep"
rally" has been scheduled for Sun
day afternoon at the Wallace
farm in Polk county by the Salem
Y. M. C. A. Outlines of the pro
grams for the various divisions
will be given by the leaders.
Speaches will be given by Harry
Stone of Portland, Miss Ruth
Stone, who has recently returned
from Russia; and Lester Adams,
secretary of the northwest confer
ence of the "Y."
Salem Heights School Opens
The Salem Heights school will
open Monday. September 10, for
the fall term. The school build
ing is now being slightly repaired
and made ready for the fall open
ing. The same corps of teachers
will again be at the school. Mrs.
Etbel McCoy wilt teach the first
and second grades. Mrs. Harriet
Zosel will teach the third and
fourth grades, while Mrs. Agnes
Booth will teach the fifth and
sixth grades. Miss Cecile Wie
gand will teach the seventh and
eighth grade.
Chicago Dealer Implicates
"Boo Hoo" Hoff, Prom
inent Sportsman
(AP). Max "Boo Hoo" Hoff.
sportsman, with a stable of prise
fighters, was alleged. In a state
ment made by Edward S. Gold
berg, proprietor of the Military
Sales company, to District Attor
ney John Monaghan, to have been
the purchaser of machine guns
and bullet-proof vests such as are
used In gang shootings and boot
leg activities.
Similar weapons and vests were
used In gangster warfare and the
liquor racket now under investi
gation by the grand Jury, the
prosecutor declared. He said be
regarded Goldberg's signed state
ment as "highly Important In link
ing Hoff with underworld activi
Goldberg told the grand jury
yesterday he did not know who
had bought the weapons, and he
was arrested on a charge of per
jury. Today he informed the dis
trict attorney he was ready to tell
"Goldberg said, he had lied at
first because he was afraid to tell
the truth," said Assistant District
Attorney Schofield.
Goldberg was at liberty tonight
under $10,000 bail, after a pre
liminary hearing on the perjury
Mr. Monaghan announced that
documents seized by his office in
dicate that Philadelphia was one
of the "pivotal points" for the
distribution of alcohol throughout
the country. He said that 350,-
000 gallons of grain alcohol had
been diverted the last two years
from : one Philadelphia distillery'.
25c Bargain Dance at Mellow-
Moon Every Saturday nlte.
Old Time Dance Crystal Garden
nrrery wed. and Sat. night. .
Gypsyland Kindergarten
Open Sept. 10. Call Mrs. Sund-
quist, tel. 1428 J.
Dollar Dinner
Every nisht 5:30 to 8 at the
Marion hotel.
Furniture Upholsterer
And repairing. Giese-Powers
Furniture Co.
Old Time Dance, Mellow Moon
Friday night. Good time for
Those Big Black Grapes
Now ripe at Tiala Vineyards.
Elberta Peaches "From
The Dalles. S2.00 bushel. Roth
Grocery Co.
Ton Can Now Have-
Observatory time from vonr
light socket with the new Tele
chron all electric-clock handled
exclusively,, by the Eoff Electric
. 'i - - -'
! ft n :
f M
i I?.
i f I -
s J: i
I v.
I-' - ; '
Ethel Hertle, 30, of New York,
is richer by $ 10,000, her priae for
winning the lO-mile Wrigiey mar
athon swim from a field of 33 entries.
Huge Machine Dives Into
River; Illinois; 4 Pas
sengers Hurt -
One of the most remarkable
motion pictures produced in this
age was recenlty given a pre
view here at which Governor Pat
terson, ,State Engineer, Luper, Su
perintendent bfjEitytltioii How
ard and' others prominent in the
city and state were present. This
picture showed the great St.
Francis dam disaster in California,
which last March took a heavy
toll in life and property.
The film, prepared by the Fish
er Productions company, of which!
Nat Fisher' is president, was re
markable in many ways, showing
as it did not only the cause of the
tragic break in the big dam, but
the terrifying effects of such an
inundation. Incidentally it was
used as evidence at the coroner's,
inquest into the disaster, this be
ing the first time, so far as
known, that a motion picture has
been given such distinction. Mt
was shown at the Oregon theatre
here, those present attending by
special Invitation from Mr. Fish
er, who was present and gave a
brief, explanatory lecture prior to
the pre-view.
It is planned to release this re
markable film, said Mr. Fisher, in
the near future. Meanwhile, he
has received complimentary, let
ters from hundreds of prominent
persons to whom the picture has
been exhibited.
ROCKFORD. . Ills., Sept. C.
(AP M. E. Headley. world war
lieutenant In the 28th pursuit
squadron A. E. F.. and pilot of
the Stlnson-Detrolter monoplane
of the Packard Electric company.
Warren, Ohio, was killed today
when the ship dived into the Rock
river. Four passengers, all Rock
ford men, were injured in the
The accident occurred near the
place where Bert Hassell and
Parker Cramer crashed on the
first hop: off on their 111 fated
flight to I Greenland. Headley's
plane was a sister ship to Hassells'
greater Rock ford.
The injured are:
Charles Ives, skull fractured,
internal Injuries, right leg broken,
probably will die; Horace H. Tuck,
broken ribs badly bruised; Dean
Pringey, broken jaw and shocked;
Paul Charn. badly bruised.
Headley was flying at an alti
tude of 200 feet when the motor
failed. The pilot attempted to
make an emergency landing but
the ship : crashed into an electric
wire and toppled into the river.
Rescuers worked half an hour be
fore they freed the injured.
At first reported dead but later
safe in Rockford were N. A. Wol
cott. president of the company
which owned the ship and B. N.
MacGregbr, salesman, both of
Warren, Ohio.
They had been accompanying
Headley on a 10.000 mile reliabil
ity tour of the United States, with
an itinerary of 31 cities. The
flight, which, began August 6 at
Warren, Has to establish a record
for commercial flying.
Held In Plot
Senorita Maria Elena Mauano
as she testified at San Angel, near
Mexico City, on charges that' she
had been chosen by conspirators
to poison President Calles and
General Obregon, who was
Hollywood mentions a picture
actress as on her way east to mar
ry a chap described as a sports
man. And we can all agree off
hand that he is. Cleveland News.
Albert Stratum died at the Old
Soldiers' Home at Roseburg. Ore-,
September 6, at the age of 84
years. He is survived by a son,
Julian Stratton, of route 1, Sa
lem. The remains will be for
warded to Clough-Huston com
pany. Funeral announcements later.
Coeds Drive Men
From University,
President Says
CHICAGO. Sept. S. (AP)
Co-eds at Northwestern university
are driving young men away from
the institution, it was admitted
today by President Walter Dill
The situation has become so
serious that President Scott an
nounced that hereafter only wom
en ranking in the upper one
fourth of their high school class
es would be allowed to apply for
Trustees want to keep the uni
versity co-educational, but they
say men won't attend a "wom
en's school."
Mrs. Lydia Sarff died at her
residence in Salem Heights, Sep
tember 6, at the age of 86 years.
She is sirvived bv one dsurhtes.
Mrs. AHcelWhttesell' of Salem,
three sons, Clem Sarff of Cottage
Grove, Ore E. O. Sarff of Rose
burg. Ore., Arch Sarff of Sedro
Wooley, Wash. The remains are
in the care of Clough Huston com
pany. Funeral announcements
A crushing victory for the dry,
cause was consummated here just
before noon today when the last '
bottle of liquor seised from the
cargo of the Canadian rum run- :
ner. Pescawha, was tossed into a '
rock crusher which since Wednes
day morning has been operated by
United States marshals, customs y
guards and Inspectors engaged in
the work of destroying the seiiure,.r:
A complete check or the liquor. ?
counted bottle by bottle as it was
taken from the sack or case show-
ed. according to Clarence J. Knox,
deputy marshal. 8C4 sacks and 18 .,
cases or a total of 1053 destroyed.,.,
This Included 11,026 quart bot
tles, 2,736 pints and 240 broken,,
bottles, which were counted by,.
Seals. "I:
This totaled 12. 61 quarts. Knox
stated, or just two quarts less, I
than 12 to a case, which each was
presumed to have contained. The,
report made by Dr. Earl C. Me-,
Farland. then ; collector of cus- .
toms when the Pescawha liquor, k
was turned over to him in rebru
ary of 1925. did not attempt any- )
thing but a report that 1049 cases A
were taken from the vessel and,
four later forwarded toy the com- "
mander of the coast guard cutter ,
Algonquin, the vessel which seixed
the Pescawha. ' v'
Edward M. Crolsan, present
collector of customs, and all em-"
ployes of his office drew a huge
sigh of relief.
We have a 1927 Whippet C
Coupe fully equipped 70 per
cent new rubber, has had the
best of care and looks like .a
aew car for fOOO.OO.
-The House That Service RulU"
Lawrence Conella. 19. is In a
hospital at Astoria with a com
pound fracture of the right leg,
suffered when he was struck by
an auto driven by Henry Welland
of Portland. Conella's home also
is in Portland.
Alex Hespack died at a local
hospital September 6, at the age
of 61 years. He is survived by
this widow, Mrs. Mary Hespack,
and oae son. The remains are in
the care of Clough Huston com
pany. Funeral announcements
John J.Rotile
415 State St.
Expert Shoe Fitter
Peppermint Oilv
cod Caanrrs Hark
- W. J.UitOt ov
Board of Trwle
Omr n
ii. srsDntoar
Omso Bargain Bowse
Gets Rhcumatie and Neuritis
Sufferers Out of Bed
Tsa tW fcv Mas vrjrtfca
wtthMk tonnt wUk.flaa OuirU
Us mtia niy tk mtt tarU
tag Cisco wry mt rvcaot tiaaa for
ftiu t rtsuutiam, sMrUa, Ms
nlta. MlaUe. tombac. Taw tmUmt
Is snick Mi nrt, rBea paim sa4
tmilhnt tarasga mme jkUmb a
th ktoaack. nv aa kldjs.
SoU a farant by Kla :
Aaat JMsg Jt,
Nelson & Hunt Drns Co.
Corner Liberty & Court
Office Phone 125. Res. 2061
Dr. F. Don Baylor
Osteopathic Physician and Sur
geon, General Surgery and
Offices 304 Oregon Bldg.
It's often hard to tell whether
one of our socially prominent ath
letic girls is dressed for the Dartv
or the high Jump. Ohio State
. Chow Puppies
Special prices in Petland
boarding kennels
' Rt. O. Box S
uoSaio paTVd
natJVWiO M Smivsj.
riKE TORIO ivsding him. W I
ai roar flaaasa agsi" brkafa,
Kxaminatiaa to.
ThompronGlutsch Optical Co.
110 K. Oob'I St.
Levi Strauss
Two-Horse Brand
Waist Ovferalls
For Men and Youths
Tfyiv from
185 N. High
Between State and Court Streets
Rewound and Repaired, New
or Used Motor
Things Electrical
191 South High Tel. 21 13
These sell regularly at
40c a lb.
One lb. 25c
Or two lbs. for, 45c
This candy special sold only
in lb. lots at this price.
135 North Commercial SU
Phone 197
Original Candy Special Store
Penslar Agency
Capitol Bargain and
Junk House
105-145 Center
TeL 398
All Kinds of Junk
Bought and Sold
Anything from a Needle
to a Steam Engine
with ,
Red Grown
Two-Horse Brand
Bib Overalls
For Men and Boys -
Hare been the standard for
over 55 years. They are built
for honest-to-goodness wear
and will give yoa morereax
per dollar than any other over
alls made. Buy a pair today un
der the iollowmff guarantees
A New Fair FREE if They Rid
AO first-clasa dealers wfll teU
you wa make good - on our
guarantee. . X ; J.:..:- ,
Wxh'by lrl Strauss Jk Ca, Sa FrwAc
Levi 8traasaw Two He
. brand Overalls for sale by
Z 240 X. Commercial
The "Silver Grays
To Portland 7:0. S:30.
9:30, 10:30, 11:30 am.;
12:40, 1:30. 2:13, 3:30.
4:30, 3:30, 7:30 p.m.
To Corral li-9:40. 10:40.
11:40 sjn.; 4:40, 6:40.
7:32 pjn.
To Eugene 9:40. 10:40
am.; 3:40, 4:40, 7:32
" To Roseburg 10:40 s-m.;
3:40 pm.
To Ashland 10:40 am.
To Independence snd Moo-
month 7:00. 8:20. 10:40
am,; 12:40, 2:40, 3:40. j
To Dallas 7:30. 10:35
ia; 12:40, 4:35. 5:40 t
To Falls drf 7:30 sjn.;
4 4:33 pm, ,
To SUvenon 7:00. 10: 35 ;
sjn.; 5 pjn.
Swiday oaiy. fSttu a4 Sm. j
"2 sly. . i.
ILADD & BUSH, Banlter!
Established 1SGS
Office Hoars from 10 a. m. lo 3 p. at.
Oak Parlor
Trade in your old heater as part payment
Heats by circulating warm, moist air to aU parts of
the home and will not only give you REAL solid
comfort, but will soon pay for itself in fuel saved.
Come in for demonstration today
mnmunmra I
3 f
IFiuiinuiiiTtiiiLir C JS
467 Court St.
Phone 1142 S
Oty Ticket Office
184 If. Liberty St.
Phone 80
and get a fine all-wool Oregon made Auto Robe
size 54x72 in various patterns and colors at an
exceptionally small cost.
Sniper S