CONFIDENCE To saeeeed, 'a Newspaper Ul hv rrftafUtoam of it readers. The New States- meriU pnbllc Trust. "No Favor Sways Vm; No Fear Shall Awe" Ma, March 20. 1651 mm -mm m .ensar n ti ... v mn v .r- .v- ..--nr.., - - - mm mm . - at ha iii AndMMw of ii lr i i i i ' I I i i i ii I -1 r ii ii m iv . it'-sy t;r-i r Yi vi i-i i-i i i r i i s i i 1 1 1 1 i i i i i i 1 1 i u --- . . 1 a SEVENTY-EIGHTH YEAR CITY COUNCIL ACTS TONIGHT D HflCIuf r Randall and Albin Urged By PrionHc. Ac Snitahlp ivi M w ' r w w we w For Position Action May Have Bearing On Plan For Submitting v I New Charter ?-- -- ; ' ' ,-, - Eeetien of a councilman from i the fifth ward to fill the vacancy .created; by the resignation of Oeorge-iThompson." is the prind- pal business slated for tonight's city i council meeting, it Rumors were current Monday J that this election on the part of the-council may have a possible 1 bearing ; on the fate of the pro- posal to put the council-manager f charter on the ballot this year. Candidates mentioned so far in ; elude Kenneth L. Randall, attor i ney who is prominent in the activ es Mies of the Hollywood community 3 organization, and C. E. Albin, for mer Salem mayor. Mr. Albin was a member of the committee appointed by Mayor Livesley to draft the proposed charter, and Is presumably in ac- 4Ctrd with the other members of that group who favor submitting it t to a popular vote-in November. r Mr. Randall's attitude on the 1 question has not been made public I but the, report Monday was that Mr. Albin was the candidate of the council members who want the new charter submitted in its pres ent form, and that the council would divide on that issue in elect ing a member from the fifth ward tonight. It Is hot believed that the pro posed charter wU be brought up for the council's consideration to night, but if the forecasts are authentic, the fate of the chartrl. so far as this method of getting it before the voters is concerned, will be fairly indicated by the vote on filling the vacancy. The matter of mileage for the city bridge engineer and his as sistant in driving their automo biles between their office and the various bridge jobs, may possibly be taken from the table and de cided at tonight's meeting. It was tabled two weeks ago when some of the councilmen objected to the rate of mileage asked. ii'Diinnnni in n iiuiiuii ann r? flL U llllllll STAND UNutK rlHt CHICAGO, Sept. 3. ( AP) Senator f Smith W. Brookhart. of Iowa, stated today at a Cook coun- ty republican rally at Riverview I Park that the American laboring I man is interested in the presi I dential; campaign because of the issues of im 'nitration, the tariff I and the! iis. of injunctions in la ir bar disputts. "Immigration," he said, "is an issue in this campaign only be I cause of Governor Smith's attack upon the law as it now exists. The republican party accepts full re- tponstbility for its present law re .i utricting cheap labor from the i American labor market. -The re 1 etrictive measures in the immigra- tion law form what amounts to a : tariff on the price of labor and is - a definite compliment to the pro I tectlve tariff for "which the repub I lican party has always stood." Senator Brookhart said the $ anology between protective tariff and restricted immigration is clear, the protective tariff offer ing protection from the product of cheap labor abroad with the re & etricted immigration law protect ing the American laboring man from the product of cheap labor at 5? home.- Hassell and Found Ten Objective ROCKFORD. 111., Sept. 3 (AP) The rescue of Bert Hassell and Parker Cramer. Rock ford to Stockholm - aviators, from the arctic wastes of western Green land continued to be the chief topic of interest here tonight and added zest to what perhaps would have been just an ordinary Labor Day celebration. While awaiting full details of what had happened since the co pilots of the plane Greater Rock ford disappeared two weeks ago, the fact that they were safe and unharmed was sufficient to arouse Rockford to the greatest pitch ofL excitement the city had seen since the armisitce ended the world war. Details Awaited u Virtually the whole community was waiting anxiously for fall par ticulars of the rescue and the ac- count of what had taken place since the morning of August 19 when the two fliers were laatf f heard from as they soared over northeasern Canada on the second leg of their proposed flight from Rockford to Stockholm, Sweden. v The tact that most of the dtl sens had given up hope for the - lost fliers made their reception of v . the news of their rescue even more President of Federation Of Labor Sounds Call to Members to Cast Ballot William Green Surveys As pirations and Achieve ments of Kis Group CLEVELAND, O.. Sept. 3. (AP). Representatives of organ, ized labor from northern Ohio and surrounding territory gathered today at Geauga Lake near here to hear William Green, president of the American Federation of Labor, eound a call for their ac tive participation lu the forth coming national election. Making clear the nonpartisan attitude of the federation itself, Green told his hearers that labor "possesses a potential power in the political and economic fields" which can. If made active and cen tralized, exercise "the balance of power on such decisions as may be made." Serious Thought Urged The federation president urged labor as a group to give most seri ous consideration to the formation of the next congress, promising that all available information on the records of congressional can didates will be gathered and sup plied by the federation's nonparti san political committee. Extension of the fiy,e-day week was characterized as the outstand ing accomplishment of labor in the last year by President Green who declared that "the public NEW YORK. Sept. 3. (AP) Alfred P. Sloan. Dresident of th General Motors corporation, to whom John J. Raskob and Pierre S. Du Pont offered their resigna tions because of their activities respectively in the presidential K. . , "r '.r. V .I., ... ' issued a statement today endors ing Herbert Hoover for president. In making that statement." be said, I want to emphasise that It is my position as an isdiridiiAl and has nothing to do. with- anv C. M. C. PRESIDENT SUPPORTS HOUR business enterprise la : which Udi may be connected." ; "Having been Intimately tovr nected with industrial problems fox many years I am thoroughly convinced that prohibition has In creased our national efficiency. has added to the purchasing pow er of the people and given us an advantage in our competition for foreign trade," his statement read. "At the. same time I recognize that conditions respecting the obser vance of the law are far from sat isfactory and time may prove the necessity for some adjustments. If so, I am for having those adjust ments brought about by an execu tive in sympathy with the econ omic benefits that the closest possible adherence to the prohib ition idea is sure to bring about. HEALTH AUTHORITY Dr. Courtney F. Dlnwidie, of New York City, director of the Child health demonstration com mittee of the commonwealth fund of New York city, arrived in Sa lem last night to make his semi annual visit to the Marion Child Health demonstration which is sponsored by' the commonwealth fund. Dr. Dlnwidie will spend several days here inspecting the progress qf the demonstration and assisting In formulating plans for its win ter work. Shortly after his arrival tast night Dr. Dinwidie conferred with Dr. Estella Ford Warner and )ther members of the staff, of the Marion county child health dem onstration in regards to the work. Companion Miles From in Greenland enthusiastic. The finding of the two pilots across a fjord ten miles from their Greenland base at Mt. Evans yes terday ended the two week's search- wh'ch had extended across part of Canada, ever the north Atlantic and most of southern Greenland, a party fr6m the Greenland expedition of the Uni versity of Michigan found the riiers after following a smoke signal sent np by the two men. I Condition Is Good While hungry, neither Hassell nor Cramer appeared, much the worse for their adventure. They were taken to the base of Mt. Evans but what they bow plan to do has not been learned. They said their! plane was not damaged when tkey were forced, down by lack of fael. Somewhat off their coarse, it was necessary to chose an Ice arm oft Point Sok kertoppen on which to land. That was on August 19, not many hoars after they had broadcast their last radio signal from off Cape Chld ley, Canada." '-. The fliers had begun., tfek to ward their base and had covered many miles of the arctic lee before the party answered their smoke signals. - H SPEC! ON TR P mind has accepted the change and placed upon -it the stamp of ap provaL" Hundreds of thousands of working people have obtained the five day week, he said, and added that the complete estab lishment of the plan would con tinue as one of labor's chief ob jectives. High Wage Held Xeedol Green declared the theory of "low wages and cheap production has been exploded" and that "an increasingly large number of peo ple are accepting labor's point of view regarding wages." He di- (Turn to page 6, please) Philadelphia is Ordered Closed After Jury Quiz PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 3 (AP) Mayor Mackey today or dered the police to "close up" Philadelphia within 24 hours. Every speakeasy, and the mayor once said there are about 13,000 of them, every gambling house and every resort operated by racketeers and vice-rings came within the scope of the mayor's order. Forty-five police inspectors and captains, called before the mayor after he had held a conference with director of public safety Har ry A. Davis and superintendent of police William B. Mills, heard the mayor's order. "I direct you to go back to your districts," the mayor said, "and make the most thorough investi gation. This must be real and not perfunctory." Padlocks Ordered "In 24 hours, if any places giv en over to lawlessness now exist, I want this city closed and sealed against such places. This means everything with no exceptions. I know you can da it." f The present situation in Phila delphia, from the viewpoint: of pouae. the nayor said, as it has developed . from the grand Jury r: making revelations of a gigantie rum ring and the district attor ney's statements that police and public officials have been bribed by big bootleggers, rests on two points: Need for cooperation with the district attorney and con nection between police and crime. Huge Stuns Paid Books of an accounting firm seized in connection with the grand jury's investigations have revealed, the district attorney de clared, that sums ranging down ward rrom thousands of dollars have been paid for police protec tion. Names and dates will be re vealed at the proper time, besaid. . The grand jury, which was sum moned two weeks ago after two gang murders, will resume its ses sions tomorrow into gang, shoot ings, bootleggers, hijacking and other activities of so-caiieJ rack eteers. The jurors, in a preliminary re port last week, said the investi gation thus far had disclosed con anions which they described almost unbelievable. as LE BOURGET, France. Sept. 4. (AP) Two French airmen hop- pea oir rrom Le Bourget this morning in an attempt to fly to Rleo de Janeiro. Sergeants Jean Assolant and Rene Lefevre who had earlier announced they would fly to New York, changed their route at the last minute owing to headwinds. To sustain themselves, the air men took aboard sandwiches, roast beef, two cold chickens and cold coffee. Their plane was dubbed the Canary Bird on account of its col or. Officially it is nameless. It car ries these markings on the rud der: "A Bernard type 191 or his- pano suiza 00 cv." The flyers took as a passenger Arm and Lotti, backer of their flight and the son of a Paris hotel man. Lotti not wishing his par ents to know he intended to make the flight concealed his identity under an assumed name. He slip ped into the plane yesterday un observed but when it stopped af ter a false start he was obliged to alight and the secret was out. The plane will go to Rio Janeiro by way of Dakar and Pernambuco. Two Salem Men Figure In Crash W. 8. Dustin, local sign paint er, and 'Scotty Speight, proprie tor of a local market, were both Injured when a car in which they were riding ran off the highway and overturned at a- point near Quinaby late last night. Dustin sustained . fractured' pelvis and other injuries. Speight was slight ly wounded in the scalp. Both were taken to the Salem general hospital, where Dustin found It necessary to remain. Speight was able to go. home as soon as Mr W4und waa dressed FRENCH FLYERS HOP FOR SOUTH AMERICA Salem. Oregon, Tuesday Morning, September A, 1928 STAGE HANDS ,( AT E110RE STILL OH JOB Threatened Strike Averted Pending Arrival Of Union Official Eddie Peabody Assists In Effecting An Armistice Between Disputants Despite the fact that Salem's amusement houses for a time Sunday faced a possible strike by stage hands, an actual break, was averted and an armistice declared under which business will pro ceed as usual pending final ad justment of differences. A repre sentative of the union's national body has been called to Salem to aid in straightening out the situ ation Information from employ ers and union officials Monday night was that no move would be made until this representative has arrived. This, it was intimated,! might not be for several days. While it generally was nn that contracts between the Salem theatres and the union expired September 1, there was no inti mation that a strike wae impend ing until Sunday morning, when union stage hands at the Elsinore refused to handle the Fanchon Marco show. Demands Turned Down. Prior to that time a committee had waited upon Manager George Guthrie, of the Elsinore ana ure gon and Frank Bligh, proprietor of the Capitol, and asked for a decision on a proposed contract embodying demands wnicn me union men were iniormea couia not 'be met. These demanas in cluded n six day week instead oi one of seven days, together with other flat increases and time al lowances and salary advances con sidered exorbitant by the employ ers. The committee informed Messrs. Rlleh and Guthrie that it had no authority to negotiate but merely was empowered to present me un ion's demands and report ' back. They were .toformedlthst the de mands would not be met as they were considered unreasonable. It was with some surprise, then. according to Mr. Guthrie, that he learned of- the -refusal" lot union stage hands to handle the Fan- chon-Marco show. Peabody Aids Adjustment For a time there appeared a strong possibility that there would be no show. A hurried confer ence was called, however, and af ter jome discussion an agreement reached under which the union men work on the new scale cover ed in their demands, this condi tion being temporary and pend ing arival of their national repre sentative. Eddie Peabody, himself a un ion musician, did much toward patching up the peace between the emnlovers and workers and Man ager Guthrie said Monday night that the clever musical siar nao. helped to avert a serious break and possible discontinuance of his performances at the Elsinore by his timely counsel. "It is too early yet to predict what would happen in the event the union eticks to its demands," sad Mr. Guthrie Monday night "It would be a pity to curtail Salem's amusements and I hope it will not prove necessary." "As matters stand just now, we have agreed magnanimously, I believe to meet the demands of theanion temporarily rather than see Salem deprived of high class shows -already booked." And there the whole thing rests. Body oi Missing Hotel Man Found In River Drift INDEPENDENCE, Ore., Sept. 3. (Special) The body of Moss Walker, 54, Independence hotel man who had been missing since last Thursday morning, was found in the Willamette river Sunday af ternoon by Theodore- Zosel and Dick Roberts of Salem. They are believed to be In to receive re wards In considerable sums for the discovery. The body had odged against driftwood in the river Just above an island near me Miioma uuj ranch, four miles below Indepen dence. It was removed from the water by Dale . Pomeroy, L. A. Guthrie, and employes of the Keeney undertaking parlors. Mr. Walker had been in poor health for a long time. Burglars Enter a v Business nouseAufn !rmn C.Mn Wnnd'n Anto Too shop, 545 Chemeketa, was entered by burg lars sometime Sunday, and the safe and cash register looted, the loss amounting to about $50, ac cording to a report made to the police. The burglars entered through a rear window and forced the combination of the s.e. Or- dlnarily this shop is not closed on Sunday, this being only the sec ond time since the shop has been -tested in Salem that. it. has been t- for a day. . t , . . I It VkT - Historic! Satber Gate was the Its historic boatmen on their return from Amsterdam with Olympic honors. Miss Margaret Benton as home-roming celebration. E At Wednesday's meeting of the state board $f control a commun ication will jbe delivered calling attention to the obnoxious condi tion of the state's sewer, if a mo tion presented before the city council tonight is carried. E. B. Grabenborst, chairman of the sewer committee of the council, will jstate briefly the find ings of a special group that in spected the sewer last week, and will ask tha the state be notified officially, according to announce ment made by him. It was indicated last week that the board o control expects to be given official notice before it authorizes an investigation of its own. f The state! flax retting plant te the source cf the dor which tor weeks has been causing violent protests from residents-along' Wa ter street" Gear the' Marion-Polk county ' bridge, U is stated defin itely by Mr.lGrabenhorst and oth ers who conducted the investiga tion. j The fact Chat the gas generated by the decaying and fermenting flax is unusually heavy and cling ing is the only thing that keeps it from being emelled by resi dents of the whole city, according to members.' of the city engineer's staff who have made a study of it. LONG BEACH, Calif.. Sept. 3 (AP). Three women and a four year old lrl were injured today when the dome of the Palace of Fine Arts building at the Pacific Southwest exposition here collap sed, hurling timbers, plaster and wire lath on the numerous specta tors beneath. Those injured were: Mrs. Majj Dodd of Los Angeles, believed to have received a con cussion of the brain. Mrs. Kafherine Wlls of Long Beach, cuts and bruises. Mrs. Vivian Rwell, of La Cres centa, Calif:, cuts and bruises. Betty L041 -Maswander, A, of Pasadena. cuts and bruises on face and head. Several f heavy six-by-twelve inch timbers supporting the dome fell, but fortunately 1 struck no one. The avalanche fell in such a way that- only the four persons of the many in the building wore struck by the falling material. The building, like the other ex position structures, was I of tem porary construction, but building inspectors Said it was solidly built. S 7 Lisle Appoirited AtBoys? School C J. Lisle, of Salem, for a long time connected with the Oregon Statesman and more recently in magasine work here in an editor ial capacity, has been appointed probation officer . for the boys' training school near Woodburn, became known Monday. Mr. Lisle is a I Spanish-American war veteran and also has been active in support jof the cause of prohibi tion. He! is well known in this section. 1 I i Building Starts Work of moving the tent houses ri the south side of the city auto feamp was started yes terday.. New cabins will be built on the old location of the tents which will be put-in line with the tents now In the north part of the grounds. Cabins said to be an im provement over the present ones "n the camp are planned. H. S. PoisaL minager of the camp be- :ui thai tttm camn lost manv patrons this season through a jjbortage f cabins. ' ix . MY T IK STATE M TEJ SIC B1DMG TUMBLES HURTING 4 PERSONS California Greets Victorious Crew center of the lust y welcome that "Miss Berkeley" rode a Uokleu lWr as part of the pagentry of the What They Think Of Selling the Block Occupied by the County Courthouse E , VERY now and then some one bobs up with the sug. grotion that the Marion coun ty court house property be sold for business property and tliat another Kite be selected for tlie courthouse. Arguments are apt to be beated when this topic is broached as nearly ev eryone in Balem baa decided Ideas on this matter. Tlie Now Statesman felt Justified In put ting the question before a num ber of persons with the re quest that they speak right out and give their views. Here is what some of them said: W. W. ROSEBRAUQH. - manager of the Rosebraugh iron works, said: "The Marion county courthouse is a distinc tive building, not equaled in its architecture by any other struc ture in the west. Architects come great distances to see it. From a strictly business stand point, perhaps, it would be well to turn over that property to business use, but on account of its value as a part of the civic center and its associations, it would be unwise." HAL D. PATTON. bookstore proprietor, said: "Never! The people will never permit the re moval of that beautiful build ing and the ruining of Salem's civic center; and as for allow ing room for business to ex pand,. Salem has enough busi- ness bouses for the present." MRS. IRA JORGENSEN, of the Ira Jorgensen Supply com pany, said: "I would be . very Borry to see the Court house block offered for sale as a busi ness property, because it is very beautiful as it is." JUDGE J. C. SIEGMUND, judge of Marion county, said: -"I am not in favor of selling any part or all of it for a busi ness block. Of course the peo ple would have the say about it." DR. GEORGE H. ALDEN. head of the history department at Willamette University said: "The courthouse block should not be sold for business prop erty under any consideration. Such a utilitarian move Is un necessary at this time. The block is a vital part of our civ ic center known and appre ciated not only locally but throughout the state." R. L. STAPLES, night oper ator at the Postal Telegraph office, said: "The last thing they should do is sell the court house block to private Interests as that will delay in getting new buildings on the property." M. W. SAWYER, 1272 State street, salesman for the Stan dard Oil company, said: "The county ought to build a large building to cover the whole block, the two lower floors to be rented to business interests, the top floor to be used by the county and the intervening floor space to be rented to the state. The rents taken in would support the building and would pay the debt of its construction. The county would have central ly located offices, the ; state would have downtown offices and 'the town would have an. other attractive boll ding." Newport Shaken By Slight Quake NEWPORT, Ore., Sept, S. (API A slight earthquake shock was felt here at 8:49 this evening. Thm a hhv hotel was shaken hv a tremblor that lasted apparently bat. two or three seconds. V the University of California cave and world championship rowing T Typhoid fever may occur at any time during the year, but it is most prevalent in the United States in the late summer, and during the autumn months, warns the public health service. Ty phoid germs are taken into the body through the mouth with the food or drink, or by means of di rect infection with flies. Well cooked foods or properly pasteu.d or boiled milk or milk product? are safest from the dan ger cf conveying typhoid germs. "Carriers," although not sick themselves, harbor and discharge the germs of a particular disease and cooking is no protection from carriers. The part played by the fly in the carrying of typhoid germs should always be kept in mind. Germs Hard To Kill -germs may - live for some" time outside the body and in the milk which is allowed to stand for some time in moderate or summer temperature. They will increase in large numbers within a few hours, as milk is an ideal food for their growth. -Flies may carry these germs on , their feet if they have had the oppor tunity of getting them. The necessity of innoculation against typhoid fever should be emphasized at this time of year. It is especially necessary that the innoculation be done before the vacation period begins. For dan ger lurks in rural districts, the cities and in foreign countries. Salem Motorist Alarms Stayton Strange action? of C. Hyiand, said to live at 1043 Market street, Salem, caused Constable Henry Smith of Stayton to be called to Aunisville Monday night to take him into cutsody. When the of ficer arrived there he found that Hyland's automobile had burned, and when he attempted to arrest the owner, the latter got into a Ford roadster, ownership of which has not been determined, and started for Salem. Smith tele phoned a description of the man to the police here and asked them to be on the lookout for him. Of ficers later reported he had not returned to bis hp me. 1 Charles Anderson Wins Salem -Portland Jaunt In Record Breaking Time PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 3. (Special). Setting a new record of 9 hours. 17 minutes, 48 sec onds for the 52 miles, Charles Anderson, 24, Sherwood farmer, won the annual Labor day hike from Salem to Portland.. Perry Stone and J. F. Ramsay tied for second place, having walked to gether all the way from Salem by agreement Edward Aho was fourth. Youngsters who were more or less dark horses set such a kfTT ing pace In today's race that the favorites, including Paul Smith, E. L. Sadler who led as tar as Woodburn, and Harry Floeter. were forced out. Salem end Marion county resi dents tuned out in large num bers t r'tness the start of the Labor M-y walk and to watch the hikers alo-u te early part of tha race. . v Jack L. Cutler, night desk . ser geant at the, local police station, fired the starter's gnn at 5:14 a. m., Monday sending U. 1(2 bikers on their way.; .:. The "racers this , year were bet ter trained and more experienced, tn general, than the entrants in the ' two t previous affairs of - the kind, ' and the namber dropping ,oui eany .was niur. wx muw lout, where before. a large number PRICE FIVE CENTS 2 LOSE LIVES Hop Picker Drowns In River But Body Is Quickly Taken From Stream Aged Woman Killed When She Is Struck By Auto On Pacific Highway Two deaths, one by drowning and the other in a highway acci dent, marred a Labor day week end which otherwise was remark ably free of serious mishaps. Frank Caetana. Jr., 23, of Ar eata, Cal.. was drowned in the ' Willamette river just above the Independence ferry, on the Mar ion county side, Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Caetana, a novice as a swimmer. After venturing too far out into the current, became exhausted and sank. His body was recovered by persons who saw him go down, tit is probable that the body will be shipped to Caetana's home in Cal ifornia. He and his wife and father-in-law, James McDonald, had come to Oregon to pick hops and had been j working at the Pearl Cooper hop yard near Indepen dence. In addition to his widow, Caetana leaves a son eight months old. . Auto Hits Woman f Mrs. Alice Palmer, 72, a resi dent near Hubbard, died about. 10:30 o'clock Sunday night from injuries received an hour earlier when she was struck by an auto mobile driven by I. W. Brown of Portland, on the Pacific highway iiear her home. According to Coroner Lloyd T. iligdon, Mrs. Palmer and her hus band, William Palmer, were cross- .ng the highway on their way iome from a neighbor's. Brown . applied his brakes and made every effort to avoid hitting the wom- in, without avail.. She suffered, a bruised chest, a badly crushed ight ankle, and internal injuries, shock also contributed to .ner ieath. s Mrs. Palmer is survived by her . widower; three brothers, Charles Mills of Ford. Idaho; Forest Mills ind Henry Mills of Aurora: and a ister, Mrs. John Blosser of bard. ' J " Girl Hurt in Fall i Miss Wilma Horn, 2210 North Liberty street, was taken to (Turn to page 6, please) t Traffic control lights at' Salem busiest intersections, frequently urged as a necessity in recent months, will be installed before - the end of the present month tit IN ACCIDENTS OVER HOLIDAY ( 1 HAWKINS II TRAFFIC the city council carries out plans which Alderman Harry Hawkins ir.nouneed Monday. i -5- It is probable that the type t signal chosen for Salem will be4 a light box suspended in the center jf the intersection, with red and green lights showing on four ,ides. ; " Alderman Hawkins proposes In stallation of these controls at State and Commercial, State and Liberty, State and High, Court and Commercial, Court and Lib erty, Court and High, and at Fairgrounds Road and Silverton Road; and he is urging that they be installed before the state fair. brings eyen more congested traf "l(y than ordinary. - This matter will be brought P it tonight's council meeting,. Mr. Hawkins says, . had already retired, everyone that started was still going strong. ' Sadler Mile Ahead ' Sadler, winner two years ago, at this point was three-eights of a mile ahead of his nearest com petitor at this point. Percy Stone, J. F. Ramsay and CV A. Lamont were together in second place. and Anderson was fifth with W. B. Eubank s and Dean Mttr dose behind him. Sadler passed the Checkerboard service station, 12 miles out. only 30 seconds ahead of Stone. Ram say, Anderson and Eubanks. Oth ers near the lead were, in order, Lamont, " Harry Floeter,' K. F. Kruger, Paul Callicotte, .Stanley G. Hooper, Edward "Aho. Paul Smith and Ted Mover. Anderson Takes Lead - At Woodbnm Anderson over took Sadler; Stone and Ramsay were 70 yards behind them.' Pan Smith was 'going strong at thij point, having gained a minute and moved up Into eleventh place he the last two miles; but through out the race he showed signs ot mn scalar distress, and h dropped oat near Oswego. .. . When the leaders ? , reach Woodborn, the procession had ar ready strung oat w mues w length. Z. The one woman entry. . Kiss Lucille HnbbardVwaa sixth from the last, bat plodded aheadl determinedly. : '"--