The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 02, 1928, Page 7, Image 7

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    1 s"SSSSSSSBnnBnsnBnBnsnannnnsnnnnnsnJBni
, M
Will be
or on
43 Minutes Needed To Win
Finals In National Dou
bles Tournament
Russell and Fortier Likely
Principals In First Game
At Linn City
Jrnk, ei
Me Reynold!, lb
Wol.Vr. If
Hecker. II
Pttefon, rf
rilrtlinatrr, 3b
Hf-frldt, 2b
Wiikinaoo. e
Kortier, p
Snlliran. 2b
Krbrr. 3b
VS. Sulliyan,
M. rf
Olingr. U
Hiian, cf
Edwards, a
Every time th Salem "and Al
bany Willamette Valley league
baseball teams have met this sea
son, the interest has centered pri
marily in the pitchers duel be
tween Johnny Beck of Salem and
Kaiph Coleman, the Albany fling-
Todars game will be different
!n that Beck, at least, won't be in
the lineup, and the indications are
that "Red" Rupert. Albany man
ager, will adopt like tactics and
reserve Coleman for the Labor
day game.
At that it will be pretty much
a battle of wits, for if either of
the managers finds a moment
when he can slip in his star tyirl
er to advantage, far enough along
in the game that the pitclierWill
not have to exert hiniseff too
much to be in shape the following
day, the chances are he will do it.
Pitchers Effective
It's hardly safe to predict, how
ever, that this game won t De a
tf the others, for both Russell and
Fortier have done effective mound
irork this year: Russell had the
House of David sluggers guessing
when they played here in May,
and it was Fortier who held Bend
to two runs in the famoue game
that never was finished at Albany,
about the same time. Since then
they haven't been called on often,
bu each has performed capably
when he did get the chance. Rus
sell pitched the best game at Bend
that any of the valley league
pitchers have negotiated, and if
his support from a patched up in
field hadn't weakened, the Bend
team's record of no defeats at
home might have been spoiled.
Half Title at Slake
At any rate the long delayed
first half championship of the
league will be decided either to
day or tomorrow. Incidentally,
the actual championship of the
Willamette valley is at stake, as
Bend, though a member of the
league, isn't a valley town.
Except for the absence of
Quinn, who found it necessary to
leave for Pendletoa to begin prep
arations for his coaching work,
the Senators will be at maximum
strength here Monday, and the
final game of the series, whether
is the deciding game or just an
xniDiunn. ouent in rw rai h,i-
ball. Beck and Coleman will rc-
ume meir neriodirai rinpi in ux
which can fool the greatest num
ber of opposing batsmen, with the
"dope" slightly favoring Beck on
account of his 15 strikeout rec
ord uet last Sundav. '"
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 1. (AP)
Johnny Couch held his former
team mates, the Portland Beavers,
to six scattered hits here today
and pitched the Hollywood Stars
to a 10 to 0 victory.
While Couch pitched effective
ball his Hollywood mates pounded
Jack Knight and Tiny Good bred
for a total of 14 hits, which com
bined with four errors contributed
by the Beavers, gave the Stars
their easy win.
Score: R H E
Portland 0 6 4
Hollywood ;....10 14 0
Knight, Good bred and Whitney;
Jouch and Bassler. ;
Sac Whip Angels
Sacramento stepped ahead in
the series with Los Angeles here
today winning 4 to 1 with little
effort. Laurie Vinci had the An
gels shackled all the way yield
ing but five hits.
Score: R H E
Los Angeles 1 5 0
Sacramento 4' 10 0
Barfoot and Hannah; Vinci and
Indians . Drop One
(AP) Harry Krause and Andy
House, an old and young alumnus
of St. Mary's college, opposed each
other on the mound today and the
former won when the Missions de
feated Seattle, 7-5.
Score: R H E
Seattle .: ..5 7 2
Missions 7 8 0
House and Ainsmith; Krause
and Baldwin.
Seals Crash Oaks
OAKLAND, Sept. 1. (AP)
Tbe Seals lined up solidly behind
Elmer Jacobs today and pounded
out 11 to 5 wla over Oakland. A
five run rally In. tbe fourth put
the San Francisco team in the
lead while three more counters in
the sixth added substantially to
the margin.
Score; R H E
San Francisco , 11 11 1
akland 6 13 3
4coi uu oyriua, one avuw
Lombard!. ' . '
It requires a lot of. people to
make an automobile bat earning
money to make the payments on
It usually falls to the lot of jut
a man. Satfeerlin Sua.
. . .1 .. ' : -.
: - - .-it. " - -
Bearcat Gridsters Will
Begin Coming This Week
To Await Practice Call
Prospective Bearcat gridiron i
warriors, anxious for a glimpse of!
the sawdust field where they will;
vie for places on Coaen "Spec"
Keen's eleven this month, will be
gin arriving in Salea early this
One of the first will be Albert
Keidel, fullback on the team of
three years ago. He Is iscUetluled
to reach Sa'em Tuesday. When
this lanky youth was on the team,
tie distinguished himself particul
arly as a passer of exceptional
:iiipmfrnt anI Hi'Ciirav nnl n 1 r
- wrt " -J .-v. i
as a capable line plunger. Two!
years ago he was unable to play
football of an operation
a month before the season opened,
and last year he attended a Cali
fornia school but did not partici
pate in athletics and so will be
eligible for the Cearcat team, f
Another earfy arrival will be
Dick (rink of Hpnrf a freshman
weighing close to 200 pounds, who
will be a likely candidate for
tackle; and still another will be
Walter Sonsken, who is coming
all the way from Manning. Iowa,
to enter Willamette s and trv to
make the football team.
Several of last year's lettermen
are already in town; but they
have been here all summer. This
list includes Bill Mumford. end
and kicker, who is working at the
state highway laboratory; Howard
iiort. guard, and Willard Rnch.
tackle, who have qualified a?
painters and have been tighten
ing up the city.
The rest of the lettermen will
soon gather from various summer
activities; ' eight of them have
been working In the harvest
lelds. and will need Iittl nro-
liminary conditioning. Three men
who are counted on to fill the
tackle berths are among this list;
Versteeg. Flock and Klindworth.
The others are French. Page and
Massey. backfield candidate md
Betta and Van Nice. end.
Players in Shape
Charles DePoe and Haldeano.
Chemawa youths who play quar
SYRACUSE, N. Y., Sept. 1.
( AP Ray Keech. who attained a
-peed of 208 miles an hour at
Florida last winter, today wrest
ed the 100 mile dirt track cham
pionship from the youthful Rus
.ell Snowberger, a brother Phila
Jelphian.. before a crowd of 70,000
persons. : His time was one hour
19 minutes 40.55 seconds.
For more than half of the cen
tury Snowberger, piloting Ira
Vail's speedy Miller special, ap
peared a sure victor but after a
thrilling battle the veteran Keech
cut in ahead of him and rapidly
widened the gap. Snowberger was
nearly half a mile behind when
the race ended.
Two Cars Crash
The huge crowd was treated to
a thrill early in the race when
three of the speeding machines
crashed near the three quarter
pole. Miraculously no one was in
jured. The accident occurred when
Charles Cahung of Katonah.
blinded by dust at tbe end of the
back stretch, crashed through the
inside fence, rebounded and turn
ed around twice.
Tbe white Stutz special piloted
by Louis Meyer of Los Angeles,
glanced Ganung's . rear end and
skidded into tbe outside fence,
while Farmer of Philadelphia
trailing in bis Marvel special hit
Meyer and also crashed into the
outside fence. Ganung escaped
with a cut on one band, while the
other drivers were uninjured. The
order of finish was:
Places Listed
Winner, Ray Keech, of Phila
delphia. Simplex piston ring spe
cial 1:19:40.5b.
Second, Russell Snowberger of
Philadelphia, MUJer special 1:2.0:
40.18. Third, Chester Gardner of Los
Angeles, Miller special, 1:25:54--70.
Fourth, Zeek Meyer of Phila
delphia, Miller special 1:29:05:
74. Fifth, Dave Evans, of San An
tonio, Texas, Miller special 1:30:
0S.4ff. CUff - Woodbury. Chicago, led
the contestants for the first quar
ter untll trouble forced him to
drop out. for several laps, ruin
ing his chances of victory.
Ralph De Palma, veteran of the
dirt track and favorite with Syr
acuse fans, who was handily de
feated by Frank Lockhart in last
year's Century, was forced out on
tbe lth lap.
A privately owned Dodge' re
cently completed a transcontinen
tal trip in a fraction orer 76
honrs.- The owners reported no
aechanlcal trouble of any kind.
When, the gasoline station at
endant wipes off your windshield,
ash htm to- wipe off yoar bend
lamps .too. -This Is Uralnabia for
niflU diiTisV
terback and end respectively, have
been fishing for a living all sum
mer; Mcllullin, fallback, has
been getting plenty of fresh air
as a forest service fire patrolman;
Cardinal, who played end last year
but will be shifted to the back
field, is working in a logging
.-amp; t'ranor. all-Northwest con
ference halfback, has been mixing
cement. Philpott, guard. Is another
expert with a paint brush; and
Emmons, another guard is tbe
only one of the veterans who
hasn't been working hard all sum
mer; he took a trip to his old
home in Iowa.
Coach Keene has sent out let
ters to all of his prospective can
didates, notifying them to be on
hand on the afternoon of Friday,
September 14, to receive equip
ment so that they will be ready to
start practice the next morning.
Local business men have re
sponded generously to Keene's ap
peal for more jobs which his ath
letes can fill, but a few more
would be welcomed, the Bearcat
mentor says.
NEW YORK. Sept. 1 (AP)
The Giants broke their losing
streak of eight .straight here to
day when Fitzsimmons shut out
the Robins 1 to 0 with four hits.
Score: R. H. H.
Brooklyn . 0 4 0
New York i 1 S 0
Petty and., Deberry; Fitzsim
mons and Hogan.
Cards Kliminatcd
The St. Louis Cardinals tram
pled on whatever hopes the Pitts
burgh Pirates may have had of
winning the National league pen
nant today by defeating the league
champions, 4 to 1. in the final
game of the series here.
Score: R. H. E.
St. Louis 4 8 0
Pittsburgh 1 7 1
Sherdel and Wilson; Hill.
Brame and Hargreaves.
Reds Get Bat One Hit
CINCINNATI. O.. Sept. 1.
(AP). Blake limited Cincinatti
to a lone hit here today, a double
by Long George Kelly in the fifth
inning, and Chicago defeated tbe
Reds. 1 to 0.
Score: R. H. E,
Chicago 1 7 0
Cincinnati ...0 1 2
Blake and Hartnett: Kolo and
Phillies, Braves Split
BOSTON. Sept.1 1. (AP).
Philadelphia and Boston divided
today's doubleheader. the visitors
taking tbe second game, 7 to 1.
after the Braves had won the
opener, 5 to 3.
First game: R. H. E.
Philadelphia ...3 11 2
Boston 5 9 3
Willoughby. Walsh and Davis:
R. Smith. P. Simmons and Spohr-
er, Taylor.
Second game: R. H. E
Philadelphia ....7 7 2
Boston v...l 4 0
Benge and Lerlan; Brandt
Clarkson. Boggs and Taylor.
West Salem News
By Helen H. Rodolf Phone 2402J
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Benton had
a Visit from relatiTes. Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Ashford from Chica
go, who had motored out. Mr.
Ashford is Mrs. Benton's broth,
er. The Ashfords Lad stopped in
Portland and picked up Mrs. Bar.
bar a Ashford. Mrs. Benton's
The Willamette river bridge is
receiving some fresh paint in
:pots where there is any danger
9f rust.
-Many people from West Salem
are planning trips and outings
'Oregon's tax officials will Join
with those of other states in an
effort to amend the existing fed.
eral statutes so that national
banks-may be taxed In a reason,
able amount on their capital
stock. .
This was anonneed hers- Satur
day by Earle Fisher, state tax
commissioner, following his re
turn from Seattle where he at
tended the national tax confer
ence. He said the conference wss
attended ; by tax experts from
maay sections of the United States
and that hundreds of tax problems
.were discussed. :. - -.
Tke snore to mend the fed
Oregon, Sunday Morning
Mickie Walker Puts Emanuel
r "rTi " 1 "1
I .irit-)ifi vunrht cnami)iutilti Mptrauuutt
cisco mere floored with him when he went down
wHht Champion Mickie Walker's short, right jab.
the above flashlight of Emanuel's stretched-out
third round, typical of Emanuel's style of long-
FOREST HILLS, N. Y.. Sept. 1.
(AP). United States tennis
stare had rolled up a three to one
lead over Great Britain tonight at
the end of the first day's play in
their international two-day team
competition. The series will be
completed Monday.
The United States captured the
doubles and two of the three sin
gles matches today, Francis T.
Hunter, of New Rochelle, N. Y.,
No. 2 in .the national ranking,
alone suffering defeat.
Wllmer Allison, of Fort Worth.
Texas, No. 11 in the national
ranking, sprang something of an
upset whn he defeated the rank
ing No. 1 British player, Edward
Higgs In straight sets, -2. 1-1.
JohnlVan Ryn, of Orange, N. J.,
No. ? nationally, won his match
against H. W. Austin, of Cam.
bridge, new sensation of British
tennis, C-0, 2-6. 6-3.
In the doubles the American
youngsters, Johnny Doeg, of San
ta Monica. Calif., and Wilbur
Coen, of Kansas City, rallied af
ter losing the first set to the Bri
tish pair of Higgs and I. C. Col.
11ns, and won out, 4-6, 6-2, 6-3.
J. C. Gregory, ranking No. 4
English star, accounted for his
team's only triumph when he de
feated Hunter, 7-5, 6-4, in an en.
.counter marked by numerous er
over the Labor Day week-end.
John Brophy says tbat hop
picking will start Tuesday morn
ing at the Brophy hop yard. The
crop is unusually heavy this year.
Leo Spitxbart is yard manager.
Elton Savage, barber at George
Given's shop In West Salem, has
gone into Salem to work for a few
Ray Spencer and his mother,
Mrs. Mary E. Spencer, are moving
into a house on Franklin street
for the winter.
eral statute relating to the tax
ation of capital stock of national
banks followed by explanation
that the United States district
court for the state of Oregon had
recently handed down a decree in
which the banks were exempted
from the payment of this tax.
It was explained by a number
of speakers that many of the na
tional banks had not objected to
toe ; payment 01 the capital stock
tax. but that they felt the pres.
eat federal law should be com.
piled with or repealed. The courts
held that national, bank stock was
not taxable under the federal act.
' Officials said that the proposed
amendment to the federal statute
probably would be drafted before
the end ot the year In order that
it may be submitted to congress
at Its next regular session. .The
Oregon delegation In congress will
be : urged to support .- the amend.
menL " ' ". V
i -id
September S, 1928
r-iii urn iinfti 1 m. 11 inii. . ,im unw',gmumilMu 111 in .' nl n mmt,
01 Armauu tuiiauurt, lawyer-l filter of Hn Fran
in the soventh round under the Impact of Middle
The thoroughness of the knockout is shown in
form, taken during; the referee's count. Below, the
range sparring.
Baseball Data
W li 11 i W L Pet.
Holly'4 41 21 .6ljLo A. 27 35 .43
gM'to 41 22 .S5I Missions 27 33 .43
8sa r. 37 25 .597 1 Portland 24 36 .287
Osklaad 34 28 .548,SettW 18 44 .280
W L ret.i W L Pet.
St U 78 49 .614 Pfitsb'ta 71 57 .555
Cnirafo 75 55 .577 Brtook'n 61 65 .484
N. . 69 54 .561Btoo 41 70 .342
Cincinn. 70 57 .55l roilkd. 36 86 .295
W L Pet. W L Pet.
N. T. 85 42 .669; Detroit 59 71 .455
Philsd. 84 45 .651 CIcTel'U 59 72 .450
St, L. S9 61 .531Ctuesco 56 71 .441
Wsh. 58 70 .453 Boston 46 84 .354
At 8ermmsnu: Sarsmeot' 4; Los
Angrlrs 1.
A: Oakland: Saa PVanciseo 11; Oak
land 5.
At Los Angeles: Hollywood 10; Port
land 0.
At San Francisco: Missions 7; Seattle
At Boston: Boston 5-1; Piiiladslphia
At PitUbnrjk: St. Louis 4; Pittsburgh
At Stw Tork: Ktw York 1; Brooklyn
At Cincinnati: Chicago 1; Cincinnati 0.
At Pkiladalpaia: PbilMolpfaia 14; Bea
ton S.
At Washington: Now Tork ; Wash
ington 3.
At 84, Loais: Detroit C: St. Lonis 4.
At Chicago: Clovelaad 6; Chicago 2.
(AP) The Athletics assaulted
various Red Sox pitchers for 16
hits here today to run away with
the odd game in the series of three
by a score of 14 to 3 Bob Grove
pitched for the home team.
Score: R H E
Boston : . 3 7 3
Philadelphia 14 16 1
Ruffing, Griffin and Hofmann;
Grove and Cochrane, Perkins.
Tanks Win Too .
WASHINGTON. Sept. l.--(AP)
The Yankees i retained their
margin of two games over tbe
Athletics by defeating the Sena
tors here today. 8 to 3, In a wild
game. The champions were out
bit. 13 to 16. Hugglns used up
both Pipgras and Hoyf to clinch
the decision.
Score: R H E
New York . 10 0
Washington I 3 13 1
i Pipgras and Collins; Braxton.
Hadley. Burke, Gaston. Brown and
Ruel, Kenna, Tate.
Detroit Whips Browns
ST. LOUIS. Sept. 1. (AP)
Two homers by Hargrave. each
with" a man on base, gave Detroit
a 6 to 4 -victory orer the Browns
here today.
Score: - R K
Detroit 11
St. Louis 7
' Carroll and HargraTe;. Ogden
and Schaax.
caeTetaskl 6i Oucafo a
CHICAGO. Sent. 1. (AP)
MUJus held the White Sox to five
hlU. and Cleveland took tooay s
came. to 2. t i
Seore; S B H E
Cleveland - 1
Chisago i I -
Miljus and I Seweli; ' raoer.
Cox and Crease, .
to Sleep
Aviation enthusiasts and pilots
who perform at tbe state fair will
go to Corva-1118 Saturday evening
or Sunday morning, September 29
and 30, to participate in the air
derby to be staged there on those
dates by the American Legion.
Lee Eyerly, local flier and in
structor, already has been to Cor-
vallis to arrange for his entrance
and display of his new "Mono
coupe." "
Legion members of Corvallls
have assumed the labor in im
provements of the new municipal
airport, and are out in cdveralls
evenings and .Sundays in force to
prepare the field for the big show.
Invitations have been sent out
to more than 70 pilots and aero
organisations. Some of the most
famous air men of the coast will
participate. Tex Rankin, Portland
flyer, who is east to compete in a
big cross-country race, will be
back by the time of tbe show and
will enter events in the derby.
Salem aero fans may fly to the
derby at special reduced "taxi"
fares, by arrangement with the
Air Derby committee, it is an
nounced by Paul Walters, general
chairman of Legion committees.
An air race from Portland to
the first college football game
tbe season also is planned when
O. A. C. meets the California Ag
gies at BeU field.
On Kelly
Drive in today and take advan
tage of these new low prices.
Corner Center and Libert j Street
Power Bpat Goes To Bottom
Of Premier River; Girl
Owner Unhurt
DETROIT, Sept. 1. (AP).
The lone foreign challenge to the
British International (Harms
worth) trophy for speed boats
tbe premier award for power
boats racing rested at the bot
tom of the Premier river lomgni,
probably lost forever, her mechan
ic injured and her pilot. Marian
Barbara Carstalrs, plucky British
sportswoman, grieving but unhurt
following the initial heat or the
race classic held. here today.
Gar Wood, gray haired veteran
of the river courses, and holder
of the Ifarmeworth trophy for the
past five years, roared down-the
Detroit river's power boat course
in his latest boat. Miss America
VII. a craft whose "peak" power
never has been reached, to win
the heat and set a new Harms
worth record for a single heat of
68.411 statute miles per hour,
over a course of 30 nautical miles.
To again secure possession of the
trophy. Wood must race his boat
one more heat, on Monday. His
victory, barring an accident seems
Joe Harris, of England, Miss
Carstairs' mechanic, is in St.
Mary's hospital suffering from
two broken ribs and possible in
ternal injuries following the spec
tacular upset of the British boat,
while speeding up the course at a
60-mile-an-hour clip. The Es
telle II. a pigmy when compared
to the other Harmsworth entries,
dived high into the . air when
nosed into the water when It
struck a swell toward the end of
the first lap. Pilot and mechan
ic were thrown from the boat,
which sank immediately. Tug
boats were trying to locate it in
the river channel, but so far ef
forts have been unsuccessful.
The defeat threw tbe foreign
challenge entirely out of the
running.- Gar Wood's second
boat, tbe Miss America V. win
ner of the trophy, in 1920. and
in years thereafter ran second in
the first heat today. James Tal
bot's Miss Los Angeles was a poor
third and last contestant, f
Pacific to Have
Seasoned Squad
Out This Season
(Special.) With Dan Jesse,
Cleveland ball player and ex-grid
star to aid him. Coach Leo Frank
of Pacific university Is expecting
to mould a formidable football
team this season out of a squad
which Is to number 12 lettermen
and a large turn out of promising
freshmen. Jesse, now temporarily
retired from baseball because of
a twisted knee, has been signed up
as assistant coach,
Lettermen who will turn out for
the line include Simmons, Walker
and Ingles, ends; Baker and Pol
lock, tackles; Hathorn. Oddle and
Tour, guards; and Rosa, center.
The backfield veterans are Mil
ler, quarter; Charlton, halfback,
and Louie Johnson. all-v"thwest
conference fullback in 1126.
Pacific -will play Willamette
university here November 17.
Aseoclatcd Press Sports Writer
BROOKLINE. Mass., jSept. 1
(AP)--The future of American
tennis took on a rosy hu here to
day when George M. Mott. Jr., and
John Hennessy, two ot the na
tion's best younger players became
the national doubles champions by
overwhelming Gerald Patterson.,
and Jack Hawkes, Australian
Davis cup players. 6-2, 6-1, 6-2, in
just 4 3 minutes. ,
Their victory was even more
impressive than that of yesterday
when they met Henri Cochet and
Jacques Brugnon of France, then
believed to be the greatest doubles
team in the world, in the semi
final round of the 47th national
championship tournament "and de
feated them by the same scores.
Australians llenbnt Hark
Yesterday the young Americans
gradually swept the Frenchmen
right off the courts at the Long
wood Cricket club, but today their
attack was so ferocious that Pat
terson and Hawkes were stunned
by their first volley. The Atf-
iralians were in retreat from the
start of the tie match to the final
point and at no time did they even
make an offensive gesture.
Lott and Hennessy planned to
center on Patterson and that vet
eran immediately wilted under
their merciless fire. Hawkes when
he tried to rally to his partner's
aid, also was beaten back.
IjOtt Hero of Day
Lott, for the second consecutive
day was the hero of the American
victory. He made 15 .earned
points and had but- 15 . errors.
Hennessy was not outclassed
much, having nine earned points
to his credit and only 15 miscues.
Patterson, usually steady, had
his service broken four times out '
of five tries. Hawkes had 16 er
rors. The Australians made only ,
16 earned points in the match.
Neither Hennessy nor Lott lost
a service and during the match
tet they won three of their four
love games. Patterson and Hawke
had one love game In each of the
three sets.
Ijoscrs Disappointed
The Australians, who entered
the final round today for tlu.
t second time in three years were
confident that this was their year
to win the title. In 1925 they
were defeated in the champion
ship round by "Big Bill" Tilden
and Vincent Richards. Twice be
fore that Patterson was a finalist,
once teamed with the great Nor
man Brooks, probably the great
est tennis player Australia ever
produced, and later with the color
ful Pat O'Hara.Wood. another
By their Victory the A me ri ant
gained the doubles title which Til
den and Francis T. Hunter, last
year's winners, were forced to let
go undefended when the executive
committee of the U. S. L. T. A.,
barred the player-writer for his
Wimbledon articles.
Tildou Says Nothing
Tilden, who watched Lott and
Hennessy ride rough shod over
the Australians from the press
box, had no replies for questlonerr
who wanted to know his reason!
for keeping the youngsters out of
the recent Davis cup play againr'
Helen Wills, who holds nst of
tbe world's tennis 'titles that are
open to women players, captured
her third national title In a week
by winning the mixed doublet
ffinal with Hawkes as her partref
final with Hawkes as her partus!
Francisco, and E. T. Moon, an
other Australian in straight sets
6-1, 6-3.
Crash Victims
Resting Easily
Condition of Arthur Pfaffinger,
and Lewis Faulkner. Injured near
Wood burn late Friday night when
their motorcycle collided with a
horse-drawn vehicle, was satisfac
tory last night, hospital attend
ants reported.
Telephone 44.
1 1