The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 02, 1928, Page 6, Image 6

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    The New Oregon Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, September 1928
it '
(Continued from page 1)
paign U yet to be fixed. Labor
probably wfll be the central tneine
of the cpeech. Negotiations al
ready are In progress tor a nation
wide radio hook-up to carry his
words into all parts of the coun
try. Various other goyernment offi
cials and political friends dropped
in upon the general headquarters
of the candidate before he closed
his desk for the week-end, includ
' log Commissioners Sandberg and
Myers, who laid before him the
shipping board's views on mer
chant marine matters.
Smith Declared Weak
R or aback urged the nominee tq
. ricit Connecticut during his trip
into the New England states. He
. brought the riew that the wet ele
ment in Connecticut was "not as
strong as some people think," and
declared that "the' Connecticut
people are realizing that the pro
hibition promises of Governor
Smith are not very substantial."
"Before the end of the cam.
paign," the Connecticut man said,
"they will come to a realization
that be does not premise any-
" thing; One man cannot influence
a sufficient number of states to
alter the constitution."
Roraback said that the domi
' nant issue of the campaign in his
state would be tariff.
ti The people of Connecticut will
not trade prosperity for a glass of
beer, he said.
Massachusetts Said Safe
Prince declined to reveal the
nature of his conversation with
Mr. Hoover, but ventured the pre-
. diction that Massachusetts would
. be found in the republican col
umn in November.
Taber, asserting that the rural
dl8tricta of up-state New York are
try, considered the farm prob
lem , the issue upon which would
binge the totes of that section of
the state. Mr. Hoover's declare-
- tions upon farm relief were satis
factorily received there, he said-
Senator Watson, of Indiana, who
called upon the candidate with
Leslie M. Shaw, former secretary
of the treasury, told the candidate
that the Hoosier state would be
safely republican this year.
"Nothing more than a political
revolution can upset the over
whelming margin by which Indi
ana is republican," the senator
said, "and there is nothing of that
sort in sight." f
i At the
.1 t
At Oregon Today
Robert Z 1 e g 1 e r, prominent
Dutch pianist will appear Sunday,
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
at the Elainore theatre in Fanchon
and Marco's "Bsnjoys" Idea. Zieg.
ler's childhood days read like a
fairy tale. Born of poor Dutch
parents, his early musical train
ing was limited. At the age of
five he participated in a piano re
cital which 'was attended bv an
emissary of the queen. News
came back to her majesty of the
lad's ability. An invitation
brought him to court where he
played for professors of -the Paris
conservatory. They were amazed
by the child's genius and talent.
Through the qneen's generosity
Ziegler was sent to Paris, Rome,
and London; in fact to all of the
famous European music centers.
During the past few years he
has been invited to play before
nearly all of the principal royal
families of Europe.
Fanchon and Marco's "Ban-
Joys" idea, besides introducing
Robert Ziegler to the Eisinore
theatre brings Eddie Peabody and
his "Pate" in a pepp stage re
vue. This is Peabody's first tour
around the circuit and is made
possible by Fanchon and Marco's
"Banjoys" idea, which was es
pecially produced by them to fea
ture him. Others appearing in
the show are Jimmie Maisell. Al
fred Brower nd the Sunkist Beauties.
Heard In
The Capitol
- i-
X- -
Miss Winnfred Graham, an em
ploye of the state educational de
partment, has gone to Raymond.
Wash., where she will spend a
few days with her mother.
Mrs. Clara Patterson, superin
tendent of the state industrial
.school for girls, left here Satur
day for Neskowin. where she Is
spending the week-end. She was
joined at Neskowin by relatives
from The Dalles.
rlrs. J. Harbison
Returns to Home
Mrs. J. W. Harbison and her
soiJack, returned last week after
spending the greater part of the
summer vacation in their cottage
at Neskowin. J ana and Jack Har
bison will remain at the beach
until later in the month.
Miss Conifred Hurd
Returns to Seattle
Miss Conifred Hurd returned
Friday 'evening to her home in
Seat tier after spending the sum
mer with friends in Portland and
Miss Hurd has been in charge
of girls' physical education work
in the west Seattle high school
6ince leaving Salem several years
Governo'r Pa'tterson
To Greet Cruiser
Governor and Mrs. Isaac Lee
Patterson will go. to Astoria on
September io to participate in
i welcoming the officers and crew
of the British cruiser Dispatch
which is in command of Vice Ad
miral Sir Cyril Fuller. A feature
will be the governor's and admir
al's ball.
Dr. and Mrs. Lytle
Guests in Portland -
Dr. and Mrs. William H. Lytle
are spending the week-end la Port
land, with Senator and Mrs. Rob
ert N. Stan field.
Mrs. Lytle's nephew and niece.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Dunn
(Barbara Stanfield) and their
small daughter, , Henryetta, who
hare spent the summer in Port
land "with Mrs. Dunn's parent.
Senator and Mrs. Stanfield. are
leaving today for their -home In
St. Louis, Missouri.' '-
X f .. "
Mr. and Mr&! Bragg
Visiting in Bend ,
Carl Gabrielson, in charge of
the state motor vehicle depart
ment, left Salem Saturday for
Portland and Astoria. At the lat
ter city he attended the Elks con?
eatlon which has been in prog
ress there for several days.
C. N. .Laughridge. deputy sec
retary of state, went to Portland
Saturday night, accompanied by
Mrs. Laughridge and daughter.
They will remain there until Tues
. Mrs. R. E.. Cooper, sister of Mrs.
Harry Hutton, an employe of the
state department, will leave here
Wednesday for her home at Wal
sen burg, Colo. She will be accom
panied by her ( mother. Mrs. Ella
Byrne. Mrs. Cooper spent the past
10 days in Salem at the Hutton
Miss Olga Gray, stenographer
in the offices of the state supreme
court, has returned from a va
cation spent at Crater Lake and
ather Southern Oregon points.
Governor Patterson is schedul
ed to give an address at a gath
ering of pioneers to be held at
Champoeg Monday. The event is
being sponsored by the Catholic
Rural Life conference.
Lynn Cronemiller. deputy state
forester, will leave for Neskowin
today where he will remain un
til Tuesday. He will be accom
panied by Mrs. Cronemiller and
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Brags left
yesterday by motor for eastern
Oregon where they, will spend the
Labor Day holidays. They, will be
guests of their. son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mc
Clellan, in. Bend.
Steeves Return
From Motor-Trip
Dr. and Mra.K.. L, Steeves re
turned Friday evening from a
three days' motor - trip to North
Bend, Marshfield, and as far south
as Crescent City where they were
in -attendance it' the Del Monte
county lair., r j: " A '
Win Make Home
Iri Saskatchewan : ;
The marriage oJC. Miss Kathryn
Krpener and Mr. Ai Wv J, Best
water will take place thi morn
ing at the First Methodist church
of Dallas.
L. E. Bean, public service com
missioner left here Saturday for
Eugene and other Lane county
cities. He formerly lived at Eu
gene where he practiced law for a
number of years.
J. M. Devers, attorney for the
state highway- department, left
Saturday for a beach resort where
he will remain until Tuesday. He
was accompanied by Mrs. Devers.
W. M. Smith, assistant state
superintendent of public instruc
tion, left Saturday for: Newport.
He .was accompanied by Mrs.
Smith. They expect to return here
late Monday.
i Miss Clara Homyer, an employe
of the state engineering depart
ment, will leave Monday for - Se
attle and otfeer northern points
on her annual vacation. She will
visit at Mt. Baker for a day. Miss
Homyer was accompanied by Miss
Selma Oehler. '
Earle Fisher, state tax commis
sioner, returned here Saturday
from Seattle where ha attended
the annual tax, conference. The
conference was attended by tax ex
perts- from all parts of the United
States. Mr. Fisher was one of the
principal speakers.
Thomas B. Kay, state treasurer.
left here Saturday for Astoria and
other Clatsop county cities. He
made the trip by automobile and
was accompanied by Mrs. Kay.
follow the aerrice, Mr. and MraJ
Bestvater will leTeXor Saskat
chewan, Canada, where the? will
' 4
Miss Vetma Gillian, teller in the
officer of the state treasurer, left
here Saturday for s-. Roseburg
where she will remain until Tues
day, She has relatives living there.
All Sorts Of Articles, Including Currency and
Screwdrivers Left in Returned
' Volumes
Scene from "Night Life," Tiffany production which la being
shown T the Oregon theatre, -
Hare you ever undergone the
harrowing experience of leaving
"John's" last passionate epistle in
a particularly engrossing cnapter
of "Heart 'Throbs" or whatever
novel you had been reading and
had just returned to a stern-appearing
individual presiding at the
desk in your Carnegie library?
V Only those who have actually
done this sort of j thing will know
the peculiar feeling attendant
upon such carelessness. You
could not go back and ask for
your letter, for you felt that such a
course would be impossible, so in
all probability you blushed deep.
Ily and found some solace in the
fact that there-were thousands of
Marys in the world and at least
that many Johns so perhap. after
all, you would not be tracked
down as the pbject of the infat
uated John's affections. (At leasf
this is what we did. in a similar
Some readers are more c ireful
of t-ieir iove letters but send
other interesting trinkets, if any.
to the library. Just why he read
ers feel obligated to send anything
is a mystery which we have yet to
solve. Perhaps, it is a gift to the
librarian or may be it is merely an
easy way to rid the readers of un
welcome belongings.
On a recent visit to our city li
brarian we had occasion, (or rath
er, we made occasion) to ask her
what she had found in her search
through returned reading ; matte.
The staggering list Included, as
she. herself put it "everything
from toothpicks to .money."
One of the regular library pa-
trons, a Russian woman decidedly
foreign in appearance and accent,
although we regret to say, not un
duly so in habits, was addicted to
the practice of depositing ten dol
lar bills in her borrowed books.
Only a short time ago she rushed
frantically into the reading room,
hastened up to the desk and de
manded her money. Her bill had
been found by an attendant who
was by this time rather familiar
with the woman's peculiarity, and
after several more or less tactful
admonitions as to the proper and
Improper places to deposit money,
the woman was given her bill
which she stuffed into a worn
knitted bag, muttering some re
mark which no one pressed her
to explain.
Other article which readers
frequently employ as book marks
are toothpicks and j hairpins
(which we, ourselves thought and.
in the former case, hoped, were
definitely passe), pencils, deposit
books, letters, buttonhooks,
combs. : files and handkerchiefs.
Papers of all kinds, examination
papers, receipts, the water bill,
laundry, electric lightj grocery
and. meat bills, and correspond
ence of all kinds are the? common
est marks.
One of the most peculiar ..arti
cles to drop from a shelf of re
turned books was a small screw
driver. - One would think that
such an Implement would be rath
er unwieldy as a book mark but
of course everyone, has; his own
choice even in such trivial mat
ters as this. Small mirors very
often are found In the lighter fic
tion as the frivolity of the marker
would signify.
Both parties have got ; such bi
campaign chests this year that -cr-
ery State is doubtful and hope-
ful Washington ros.
1 How MM$i jlfe IffiteWI
Miss Jean -Shipp, stenographer
in the offices of Dr. W. H. Lytle,
state veterinarian, will leave Mon
day for Los . Angeles and San
Francisco, where she vwill spend
two or three weeks visiting
mendj. -
C. P. Link,! state tax commis
sioner , of Colorado, spent Satur
After the reception which willf day in Salem conferring with
state officials. He stopped off
here while en roujtel home from
Seattle where he attended the an
nual tax conference .,. t
What Does "Old
Man Winter"
Hold in Store
For You?
BAT for
Coal, Coke, Briquets, Fir,
1 Oak, Ash
Made exclusively for the Home ,
Automatic Heat with coal is now within reach of every
household Low cost, efficient, durable pays for it
self in 2 years sold on easy terms.
Investigate NOW! Banish Heating
Cares Forever
1 405 Broadway
Phone 1855
Now is the Time
to Think About
Next 4 Winter's
Fuel Supply
Delivery in 24 hours
Phone your order
We Have the Best of
t f
In the City at Reasonable Prices
The Palk Fuel Co.
1167 D Street
Phone 2313
Successors to G. H. Tracy
p Oak, Fir-Limbs, Fir
. Ash, Oak-Limbs, Aide
Fir-Knots, Slab-Wood, Maple
West Salem Wood Yard
2 1 6 N. High
Phone 1 1 43
Cord Measure
Square Deal
Any Length Any Time
. v.-
j That is Pure Heat
If you buy your hard coal from the right dealer yon are ;
baying pve solid heat with a minimum of dirt and
waste. Out new coal supply is here from the Aber
deen, Utah coal mines and bought right to gire you
price advantages.
Capital City Transfer Co.
F. E. LOOSE & A. B. EMMETT, Proprietors
Protect Your Little Ones
Take that early morning chill out
of your rooms with Electricity
"The Healthy Heat'
Portland Electric Power Go.
237 N. Liberty St.
Salem, Oregon
Best Grade Fir and Oak
441 Court St. Phone 2312 Salem, Oregon
Don t let "Old Man Winter
i Catch you unprepared
Fad Coopoay
1580 Center SU, Satem, Oregon
Phone I362-M
1735 N. Capitol Phone 2459-J
Good Wood
T Good Coal
' V .
Work's Burners
1 year test
Burns with Hog
Fuel or Sawdust
Honest Measure
Support an Industry
hich Handles Home
Lay in your supply of fuel for winter by
buying wood now
2 cords 4-ft old fir green slab for
2 cords 4-ft old fir green slab for
f, . Buy$dWtmA Save-the DoUan
Phone 1542
280 S. Church St,
and Storage
i..v--r-.-j i
Vood, Coal and Briquets
First Class Fuel Oil i
Office Ph. 930 Res. Pk 1898
1 . Ji! Is ' - i