The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 02, 1928, Page 4, Image 4

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    EA&LhC. Brownlee
Salem. Oregon ':
SUNbAY ?'.
. sepi. a
Sheldon F. Sackett
n Publishers
When! Is a Man Old?
ARE young heads or bid heads the better? Should there
be more young executives, since the president of one of
the fastest growing automotive firms is merely 35? Or
nnmiitm ha reserved for the older men?
Insulin was discovered by Frederick Banting when he
r0 91 . Hirftavoror nf Aluminum iust out of a small col-
lege and died a very young man; Darwin s theories were
worked out before he was 30; w imam inn enierea uw.u"-
versity at 14 and was prime minister at 523. l ne lisi migni ue
extended mto columns pages. --
On the other hand, Benjamin Franklin was of most serv
ice to his country after 60 years; Gladstone renaerea nis
greatest service to parliament after he was 60 years old ; Bis
mark held Germany in his iron hand when he was 84; Cer
vantes was near 70 before he wrote Don Quixote; George H.
PnrflanH at tint far helow the
VV UMalilS wao a jicok v . - - mot-v anH "Thp fevered Waron" was written by a
man of mature age who had begun his writing career only a
few years before. : . ,
' In our present time: John Philip Sousa is 74, Thomas
Edison is 81; Hindenberg 81, Henry Ford 65, George Bernard
Shaw 72J Clemenceau is nearing 90 and working better and
harder than ever, and one of the youngest men in Salem, Joe
Baker, who is in the nineties, is as active as a lyoungster,
though he came to this city as a boybefore it was a town
when it was "The Institute," the forerunner of Willamette
university, which cradled Salem.
Wallace Meyer, writing in the Magazine of Business,
1 says : "What, after all, is an old man ? I saw some at lunch
today. Nervous, worrying about the new boss and his pol
icies, i Their stomachs further front than their cheats. Ci
gars in their top pockets. Skin dried out from too much
steam heat Old men at 35, 40 and 45."
The above comparisons and statements point out that
neither age nor youth is a virtue. Many old men have not
profited by their years of experience -and some young men
am nA fnrriaa Hofm-A thov rise. the nuarter centurv mark. All
of which points to the fact that accomplishments and work!
go not to young heads nor to old, out rainer 10 gooa neaus
that are used to the best advantage.
Who Calls For Speed?
SOME of its more enthusiastic sponsors promise to put the
proposed council-manager charter on a special election
ballot regardless of developing opposition in a very large
group of citizens.
There seems to be no question that Salem is favorable
to a chanee in the form of its government. The charter un
der which that change must be made, however, is an im
mensely important document. There is no agreement gen
erallv upon the details. There is a demand for time to con
sider, which some of those who are extraordinarily anxious,
do not wish to grant.
So many objections have been raised to the proposed
charter, so many oddities, so many loopholes have been
found, that voters will find unnecessary speed a costly mis
take. It might be pertinent to ask who is demanding a spe
cial election and why?
If there is any truth in the definite statements that the
city manager is already hand-picked; that the man thus se
lected will be authorized to place and displace his own audi
f tor; that a score of other possible danger points exist in the
proposed charter, it should not be submitted to the people at
on early election. Its deleat would be assured.
There has been no campaign of education in connection
with this charter as a basis for intelligent voting. There are
numerous questions that should be answered about the in
tent and purpose of this particular charter. Meanwhile in
telligent voters will not welcome' an opportunity to vote
upon it.
How Salem Grows
IN a growing city and district, one thing leads to another.
The indirect benefits of developing industries on the land
and in our cities and towns in ma.ny lines lead t oindirect ad
vantages larger than the primary ones.
Note the news item in The Statesman of this morning
telling of the eight railroad switching crews, comprising
forty men, against none up to fifteen years ago, and three
regular crews and an extra one during the fruit seasbn five
years ago.
This all means direct and indirect growth ; increased ton
nage in a hundsed and more ways, due to growth in the city
and the expanding trade territory of Salem
And this growth is only fairly started. Read the news
item. V
Grants Pass having started a new comers' organization
under the tender name of "cradle" club, thinks she has stum
bled onto a great idea and wants to pass it on. She is inviting
her southern Oregon neighbors tqjoin in the movement. SJie
has lnciudexl Klamath t ails in her list, and has even offered
to send a delegation over the mountains to aid in getting the
first "cradle" club started there. But the Klamath Falls
people want to know who is a new comer. The parent club
people at Grants Pass say one who has resided there five
years or less. But the Klamath Falls reaction is that this
would includeat least half the population. That would, the
answer is, make an. unwieldy cradle club. It is suggested that
the Klamath Falls club be born twins, or triplets, or the age
be cut down to comport with the jejune name.
If you imagine Salem is not growing, follow Street Com
missioner Walter Low one day in his work of superintending
the various street paving jobs. And he has another year of
CA 1 I A. X. 1 "
it aireauy cut out xor mm.
Blocking the Air Lanes !
II r- WIT- ; '111 LAN 1 VKJ I
, I rc c-nct I i
v J
In Cxecho-Slorakia a shoe
maker with hydrophobia bit fire
persoas- and made them rery sick.
Will those cobblers nerer learn to
stick to their lasts?
About the worst
could happen is for
back Hoorer.
thing that
Hearst to-
Os West's Job- as democratic
national committeeman in Oregon
is our idea of nothing " to brag
Now that all four of the boys
hare accepted their nominations
thejr can fight it out to a finish
on NoTember 6.
Wasn't tfilt Miller a candidate
(for something or other?
Sam Koser says that sewer
stench hasn't been brought to the
attention of the Board of Cqh-J
trol. If they will Tisit the outlet
i that will not be necessary.
There's already a note of sad
ness crerp'ne info the turkey's
gobble : ure sign of thanks
giving for all but the gobbler.
Literary Guidepost - 4:
The bst remedy for reckless
au tome bile driving is a jail sen
nc cys he McMinnville News
Reporter. This is exactly our
Motorists who hare been ignor
ing "school stops" all vacation
would do well to remember tnem
before the fair sessions open.
Even Gene Tunney Is going to
publish his "life story". And we
thought Gene was a modest
Those who often say they shud
der to think what clothing the
women will doff next need have
no fear. The ladles know they
have just about reached the limit
In allure.
Isn't it a shame that it usually
is the girls with warped legs and
serrated shins who wear those lit
tle half-socks?
A Washington Bystander
-By Kirk L. Sbnpson-
WASHINGTON It is a little
startling, at first glance, to ob
serve Washington enthusiastical
ly urging Honduras and Guatema
la to submit their ancient boun
dary dispute to the Central Amer-
I c a n Tribunal
for arbitration.
Unusual dip
lomatic p e s
sure ' has been
exerted on Hon
duras wh icb
held out for ar-
b i t r a 1 1 on by
'President Cool
ldge or Chief
Justice Tar ft.
Not so lonVaaro.
Syretary Lan
sing waa blunt
y telling; the now defunct Cen
tral American Court of Justice to
mind its 'own business when on
Costa Rlcan complaint it under
took to consider1 questions arising
from the Bryant Chamorro canal
rights treaty between Nicaragua
and the United States. The court
expired with the treaty creating
it cue to Washington's cold-
shoulder attitude, largely.
Imperialism Cry Avoided
There is a very wide difference
between the Tribunal and the de
funct court, however. The former
is not a purely Central American
permanent body, subject to ines
capable political Influences, but
merely a panel of Pan American
jurists of repute. North. South
ind Central Americans, from
which each party to a submitted
dispute would select a disinterest
ed member, those two judges to
name a third man either of the
panel or outside it as presiding of
ficer for the purposes of the en,
suing arbitration. No sovereignty
question could be taken up with
out the assent Of the Central
American government involved.
Bearing that picture in mind, it
la easy to see that Washington
nas glimpsed a chance to make a
graceful diplomatic gesture, invit
ing; Pan-American cooperation in
adjustment of Central American
differences. Who5 could raise the
cry of imperialism, particularly as
two great American owned ban
ana companies, one with Hondur
an and the other witlf Guatemalan
contacts, have developed the pro
ductive value of much of the dis
puted territory and will be affect
ed by the outcome? These com
panies, Washington liolds, have
nothing to do with the boundary
row which far antedated their ap
pearance. Any disinterested arbi
tration should amply care for their
legitimate rigfits.
Past Experiences
Honduran pleas for . American
arbitration falls on deaf ears for
several reasons. For one thing.
President Coolidge had bitter ex
perience in the Tacna-Arica ar
bitration impasse. Although he
acted only as an individual, not
in the name of the Unifed States
government, demands for police
work by the United States to in
sure a fair pledecite arose clam
orously. More than that, however,
anti-American propagandists in
Latin American and abroad have
pictured the "Colossus of the
North" as trying to hog the whole
show in Central America and
maintain a virtual lonenanded
protectorate over the five little re
publics against their will.
Wkat Washington would .like
to see happen would be selection
of a South American panel mem
ber by each disputant . and the
third member picked by those two
from qualified international jur
ists in the United States who have
no government connection. Such
a man as John Bassett Moore
would fit this picture. Perils of
governmental entanglements or
international political bias would
be escaped. So Secretary Kellogg,
with Roy T. Davia.'merican min
ister to Costa Rica and who head
ed the last fruitless commission
effort to solve the boundary row.
sitting at his elbow, is insistent
on Tribunal treatment.
A contemporary says that this campaign is a fight be
tween Broadway and Main street and that Broadway is a
long and well populated thoroughfare. But it is to be re
membered that there are thousanda of Main streets.
Mr. Raskob may be only an efficient "wet" business
man, but he is rapidly learning to be a politician. For in
stance, the other day he sent a message of congratulation to
the new "dry" democratic candidate for senator in Missouri.
John Raskob says he has never met a man who under
stood the McNary-Haugen bill. But he has not been asso
ciated with the millions of farmers in Ihe corn belt states
1 A. a 1 a .
ana oui in xne great open spaces west of the Rockies.
A New Yorker at Large
The Statesman's 'Fourteen Points'
A Proarressive Program To Which This Newspaper
Is Dedicated
1. A greater Salem a great
2. Imdwtrlal exjMUMkm mmi
grlealtaral development
eC the Willamette vailey.
3. Kfflclemt republican , gov
ernment for nation, state
county, and city.
' 4. Clean news, Jast opinion
and fair practices. -5.
Upbuilding ef ' Oregon's
young linen ind act ry.
H. A modern city charter for
Salem; adopted after ala
ture consideration b y . aU
. . voters. . VUv:"
7. Helpful encouragement te
- beet sugar growers and
: other pioneers m agrical
' t oral enterprise. '
8. Park and. playgrowd de
velopmeat for all people.
Centralisation Within the
capital city area of all state
offices and Institatioas.
Comprehensive plan for the
development of the Oregon
State Fair.
'uii.oervation of natural re
sources for the public good.
12- Superior school facilities.
encouragement of teachers
and active; cooperation with
Willamette nrreraltjr. 4
13. Prateraal fi and : social or
: ganlratton of the greaiest n'
possible nnmbcr of per
- : sons.'
14. .Winning to Marion coun- ,
ty's fertile lands the high-
- cat type of citlTenahlp. , ,
NEW YORK Sights of the citv
that aren't in the guidebooks; or
why messenger ,bofs make haute
so siowiy;
A white rat capering on an au
tomobile hood, attracUng a crowd
re tne car a motorist wants to sell.
French sailors, several of them
negroes, roistering up Fifth ave
nue on shore leave from the liner
they brought from. Havre: when
the crew struck. Rock drillers
deepening the excavation for a
new Broadway skyscraper beside
tne half-block square hole some
wag has scrawled: "A Scotchman
lost a dime here."
Chorus girls taking the air be
tween acts, on a theater fire es
cape above 4 2nd street. Other
chorus girls hurrying from re
hearsals to their rooming houses
across Broadway, their legs bare
and with loose wraps cloaking the
bathing suite or gingham rompers
in wnicfi they drilled.
Policeman driving up the stivet
an itinerant vendor of dancing
paper dolls, and tearing to shreds
the puppets la a carton the fugi
tive has left behind. A negro
youngster in a pea-green silk
shirt, Charestonlng for pennies
ana nicxeis at a' seventh avenue
corner. Two motorists coming to
blows over simultaneous efforts to
occupy a parking place. .
Aloof Chauffeur x
An impeccably tailored foreign
visitor strolling on Park avenue,
rod carrying an elephant trainer's
hook for a walking stick. Work
nen sanding the exterior of the
Ritx-Carllon to restore its lime
stone to pristine whiteness.- Every
stroller who stops to look-remains said:
to wipe the powdered stone out I tad
i ne pamarcn on eight-foot
3tilfs. concealed by striped 'canvas
trouiers. passing out cards of a
new beauty shop. Chauffeur at
wheel of a massive imported car,
sitting granite-like in. pretended
unawareness of a crowd clustered
around the glittering hood and the
long grey body. a new electric
shoe shiner with whirling brushes.
which keeps a throng all day long
ai me beventn avenue window it
Aue muo in a sixtn avenue
store window who waves a wand
over her head with real acrobatic
finesse to lure wanderers to her
demonstration of an easy chair
wnicn turns into a double bed.
ouvw Kirm Knouea aoout a
stage door : west (ft Broad-av.
where a director will presently dis
cover wnetber any of them are
suitable clothes horses for his
budding revue. A truckload of
hogs squealing across town on
46th street.
They Say-
Expression of Opinion from
Statesman Readers are
Welcomed for t'ae In
This Column. Please Sign
Your Name and Indicate
if You Do Not Wish It
Used. 4 .
of his eyes.
More Bright lights
Urchins, stripped to the waist,
romping in a hydrant shower near
Tenth avenue,' most of them with
little cloth bags of aafoetida tied
about their necks to keep them
healthy. Boy bootblacks soliciting
trade la Bryant park, each hoping
that some day be will have the
shoe-shining , concession for a
whole skyscraper all to himself.
Workmen assembling a new
balb-stadded electric sign above
Broadway. Wasn't it Gilbert K.
Chesterton who, viewing Times
square at night for the first time off in time.
'What a magnificent spec- r
for a man who could r The New
Study is Urged
SALEM. Sept 1. To the ed
itor of the Statesman: There
comes to my desk today consti
tutional amendments and mea
sures compiled by Sam Koser, sec
retary of state.
1. This booklet contains 4 7
2. It is. S7 days until election.
3. Read j two pages a day and
you liave it read and studied and
thought over by November 6.
4. Put a stout string through
the book, out it in a conspicuous
place and see that every member
of the family reads and under
stands. I
5. See that each member of
each household, eligible to vote,
shall be properly registered, prop
erly informed and ready to go to
the polls Tuesday, November 6.
and cast an intelligent and deter
mined ballot for high ideals and
good government.
lOO Per Cent American
Swimming Hole
Nuisance Deplored
SALEM, Aug. 29. To the edi
tor of the Statesman: Could you
?ive a writ'e up In your splendid
paper on a very serious topic
namely: Atthe end of Court street
where Millj creek flows, there is
an erstwhile swimming hole,
which is well patronized. Children
and youth to 18 years or more,
are there at various hours, even
up to 10 p.m., with swearing, ob
scene language, bullying and the
things attendant.
Today, August 29, at 11 a. m.
young menfwere in swimming en
tirely naked and we who have to
live near the creek feel we might
be in the jungles of Africa for
all that law and order are con
cerned, f
A fire is; built by these young
bandits, or whatever you may call
them, every day and up to 10 p.
m. They hlp themselves to pri
vate property and do not return
it. Twice I (have appealed to the
police and as yet nothing is done
to stop the' thing and give peace
and quiet, s '
Your pager seems to be clean.
so I am asking for the good of all
concerned that you gfre a write
up on this subject. Peculiar things
also, are done in this beautiful
city when; anyone tries to get
justice through the channels of
city government.
Any effort on your partwilf be
appreciated! by all he residents
In our locality.
The newspaper that has a con
structive and not a destructive
policy is the One which helps the
community and. in the last analy
sis, prospers most.
That married man who claims
he out-argued his wife ought to
make a good living writing Paul
Bunion yarns.
NEW YORK Americans are
just now becoming acquainted
with one of the most distinguished
women in Turkish history.
Her recent appearance at the
Williamstown, Mass., Institute of
Politics introduced ilalide Edib
Hanum. novelist and ardent na
tionalist, to the United States. A
lecture tour will make her per
sonality even better known .But
"The Turkish Ordeal" probably
will best serve to widen the bound?
of acquaintanceship.
Halide Edib has experienced an
extraordinary life. Daughter of
secretary in tjie sultan's palace,
she was educated at tho American
college in Constantinople, married
to a scholar, the mother of two
children, "divorced and remarried
to a doctor-politician, and more
than once a refugee.
Her autobiography has already
been published. In "The Turkish
Ordeal" it is supplemented with
an eye witness account of nation
alism's travail. So closely is his
tory interwoven with memoirs
that sometimes one is hardly dis
tinguishable from the other. It is
modern Turkey's story told by a
zealous partisan.
The Halide Edib she pictures,
however, is not alone the intense
patriot, black swathed, harangu
ing multitudes after the occupa
tion of Smyrna by the Allies in
1919. Nor is she always the same
woman with a price on hex head
who fled from Istamboui under a
rain soaked heap of bags on an ox
cart, who hid in a mud hut in An
atolia, who dressed the wounds of
torn soldiers, and who served as
a sergeant in the army that ad
vanced Mustapha Kemal to the
presidency of a new republic.
There are times when she is a
very feminine person, sympathis
ing with the simple, gossipy pea
sant wives and trying to enlighten
them as well as their country's
She is frank in describing An
atolian life. She is candid, too, in
expressing her opinions and im
pressions as .when she writes about
the present head of the Turkish
"Jake," she says, "any man
from the street, shrewd, selfish
and utterly unscrupulous, give
him the insistence 'and histrionics
of a hysterical woman, who is will
ing to employ any wile to satisfy
her inexhaustible desires, then
view him through the largest
magnifying glass you can fin and
you'll see Mustapha Kemal Pa
sha." Madame Edib is set out to
show the English" speak In? world
that the Turks were more sinnod
against than sinning. Her narra
tion of Greek and Armenian atro
cities against Turkish persons and,
property and of br nation s strug
gle for political jindependence is
harply realistic. 1
Dickens Novelised'
The life of Charles Dickens has
been ' woven Into a biographical
novel by C. E. Bechhofer-Roborts.
English author, under the &-.
lightening title of "This Side Idol- A"
atry."l I
With sympathetic detail is Die
hired the novelist's rise from a 1
depressing boyhood to brilliant
genius, but e is shown, too. as
a man fond of adulation, delight
ing to call himself "the Sparkler"
and '.'the Inimitable, surrounding
himself with admirers of his own
choosing, and so self-centered that
ho reared a barrier between him
self and his wife which separate!
them at last after she had borne
him nine children.
Bits for Breakfast !
"Jardinei Believed in Favor of
Tram" observes an Oregonlan
headline. That doesn't mean that
he will have to ride on the thing.
And nowiAlmee faces a grand-
jury inquiry into her real estate
operations. xnat woman certain,
ly knows how to keep her name In
the news, i
An Irate citizen bit the ear of
the mayor iof El Clrrito, Cat,
nearly off because he resented bis
street assessment. Probably .he
couldn't gef the mayor's ear any
other way.
A Detroit racketeer and gun
man was shot and killed by an
andentlfied; man. Thars Ran.
Perhaps they will klU each' other
leads others follow.
Busy day yesterday
w V
iuouKn many Salem people
were at the coast and mountain
resoris ror the Labor day holi
days, the streets of this city were
lined' with automobiles and the
stores and shops filled.
Salem will be a busier city next
Saturday and every week end day
till after hop picking and the
state fair, and. with the opening
of the schools, the balance of
the year. ,
The Albany-Yaquina passenger
train will be annulled on Tuesday.
Its place will be taken by stages.
In the old, days, it was the custom
to go to the seashore and remain
there at one point for the dura
tion of one's vacation.
You are in no more danger in
an automobile than in your own
home, according to a recent com
pilation. About a fourth of thel
a .... . . "V
accidental deaths in the United
States last year were in homes
and about the same number were
in connection with automobile
travel: about 25.000 each. But
the reader will probably argue
that more people stay at ' home
than ride or are run over by
autos. And some of the auto us
ers are at home occasionally.
It seems to be a general rule
on the highway: the less horse
lense in the driver, the ' more
horsepower in the motor.
The farm problem probably
would not seem so acute it the
rural section cast only 20 per cent
of the vote.
This is all changed. -Now the
vacationist, loading his baggie
on his own car, flits from one re
sort to another, staying nowhere
more than a few days. Still, in
spite of this, the summer resorts
grow in number and size. New
port has become a big town and
from that city along the Roose
velt highway clear to the Colum
bia river thereu are new resorts
every few miles. Ana so it is in
By R. J. Hendrick
nearly every line of endeavor.
New days bring new ways, and
old institutions languish. Bnt in
their place others spring up, and
the world goes on. New jobs come
for old ones lost, and in some way
or otherthe average standard of
human comfort keeps on getting
higher. Perhaps the stages will
give way to the airplanes before
National Conventions always
leave a group of men tp be known
in future as having been promi
nently mentioned for the presi
dency. Toledo Blade.
"Strange Fugitive" by Morley
Callaghan an impetuous and dis
contented lumber mill foreman
turn bootlegger apd takes a worn- ''
an. but goes to a violent end still
loving his deserted wife.
Hundreds of Supreme Court
Judges concur in highest praise
of the work as their Authority.
The Presidents of all leading Uni
versities, Colleges, and Normal
Schools give their hearty fajqrsc
merit .
All States that have adopted a
large dictionary as standard hjvj
selected Webster's New Interna
tional. The Schoolboolu of the Country
adhere to the MerrianvWebtcr
system of diacritical marks.
The Government Printing OfEce
at Washington uses it as authority.
WRITE (or mmpl pasa of the N'n
WWt. HKdnca of Regular ivi India
rapsis. FREE.
nnmnmmna nnm"nl
A NERVOUS woman newer enjoys shopping:. If
small things annoy and upset you while shop
ping, think of your eyes. Most likely your glasses
do not meet shopping requirements or freqnently
they slip down and should be adjusted. Come in
and tell us the trouble.
Pomeroy & Eeene
Jewelers and Optometrists
Salem, Oregon
Clouqh-Husfton C6
HWtory 6 galcm and ftp
State of Oe9on
When, in 1804, the Lewis and
Clarke expedition crossed the new
ly acquired Louisiana Territory,
they followed the Mississippi River
to its headwaters, crossed the
Rocky Mountains, reached the
Columbia River, and followed it
down to the Pacific
They camped on the north side of
the river's mouth, on Cape Disap
pointment, and remained there the
winter of 1805-06. "
and have been learning about
our business for many years,
which is another reason, why
so many of the people of
Salem and vicinity look upon
us as THEIR foneral director
in time of need. 1
1 trs. try
i jHJtsnncxwerrun
i- w- 'r- r v or-jf"
Statesman I - r ' . " 1
tral SenHc,
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