The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 02, 1928, Page 3, Image 3

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    f Social Committees Named by Head
I Of Woman's Club to Make Ready
Given Miss Bohrnsted
And Earl Pembertor
Programs for Activities of Season
wnri t nr A I I ai m nrosinpnr vr rna xioiam lArvmon'.i
club hag completed tne appointment 01 social commit-
First Presbyterian church
THtiI Mfliimo Car will
nP (1)11111 li LICtO 1U1 ECH.11 JUVllbU VA VUC UUI OCUVU Hill - motm-j
.. .. j C . !
the chairmen ana raemoers are as louows;
SeDtember Mrs. F. G. Myers, -chairman : Miss Eliza-.
beth Baker, Miss Mattie F. Beatty, Miss Margaret Cosper,
Mrs w H Darby. Mrs. J. D. Tol
RS. A. L. WALLACE, president of the Salem Woman's
rlnh has completed the appointment of social commit
tees for the club year which will open this month.
Mrs. William McGilchrist is general chairman of the so
cial committees.
F. I o.
ey. Mrs. H. S. Gile. Mrs
Oolrra. Mrs. T. L. Huston, Mrs..
L. H. M alone, Mrs. B. E. Sisson
and Mrs. Van "Seller Welder, j. i
Octobers-Mrs. P. A. Eiker,
airman; Mrs. E. T. Barnes. Mrs.
William J. Busick, Mrs. B. E. Car
rier, Mrs. H. J. Clements, Mrs.
Ralph Cooley, Mrs. Henry Comp
ton. Miss Louise Curtis, Mrs.) X.
C. Kafoury, Mrs. E. A. Kuru,
Mrs. Carey Martin, and Mrs. Ar
thur Moore.
November Mrs. H. L. Stiff,
chairman; Mrs. Elisabeth McXary
Albert; Mrs. U. S. Dotson, Mrs.
N. E. Gunnell, Mrs. R. W. Hart
man, Mrs. Florence Irwin, Mrs.
David M. John, Mrs. S. P. Kim
ball, Mrs. F. , S. Lamport. Mrs.
Morton Peck, Mrs- Marie Voni Es
chen, and Mrs. II. R. Worth.
December Mrs. Byron Her
rick, chairman, Mrs. U. G. Boyer,
Mrs. Iva B. Bushey, Mrs. T. E.
Cradlebaugh, Mrs. Earl Daue,
Mrs. I. M. Doughton, Mrs. Bertha
M. Griffin, Mrs. J. A. Jeldfrks,
Mrs. George. King, Mrs. C. AJ Ly
tic, Mrs. Clara Patterson, and
Mrs. John J. Rottle. I
January Mrs. Harley white,
chairman; Mrs.' C. M. Epley,Mrs.
Dan J. i Fry, Sr., Mrs. C. S. Ham
ilton, Mrs. W. C Hawley, !Mrs.
C. A. Kells, Mrs. Cora Laughlin,
Mrs. Roy H. Mills, Mrs. R. K.
Page, Mrs. Siewert. Mrs. C. S.
Weller, Mrs. Lenta Westacott.
February Mrs." Homer Gpulet,
"chairman; Mrs. Lewis Griffith.
Mrs. Edgar Hartley, MrsJ'Aiton
D. Hurley, Mrs. Walter PageJ Mrs.
George J. Pearce, Mj-s. Ei. A.
Pierce,' Mrs. E. C. Richards,, Mrs.
Homer II. Smith, Mrs. B. N. gpeer,
Mrs. Claude Steusloff, MrsJ Wll
Ham R. Walton and Mrs. George
A. White.
March Mrs. L. M. Barr, chair
man; Mrs. C. A. Downs, Mm H.
C. Epley, Mrs. V. E. Kuhn.; Mrs.
I L. Nelson, Mrs. P. HNewmey
er, Mrs. E. M. Page, Mrs. W. L.
Phillips, Mrs. Frank Power Mrs.
G. E. Schuneman, Mrs. C. Bj Wil
liams, and Mrs. Mary Yockey.
April Mrs. C. H. Robertson,
chairman; Mrs. George Arbuckle,
Mrs. Curtis B. Cross, Mrs. E. E.
Elliott, Miss Edith Hazard,; Mrs.
T. BfKay, Mrs. Hal D. Patton.
Mrs. V. G. Shipley. Mrs. F. W.
Spencer, Mrs. S. W. Thompson,
Mrs. R. L. White and Mrs. Otto
J. Wilson.
May Mrs. George Yehrs, chair
man; Mrs. -William M. Hamilton,
Mrs. Olive B. Houston. Mrs; Wal
ter J. Kirk, Mrs. R. K. Ohling.
Mrs. Arietta M. Page, MrsL Ger
trude. U. Page, Mrs. T. s Rob
erts, Mrs. D. D. Socolofsky, Mrs.
Fred- C. Taylor. Mrs. Bernard
Viek, and Mrs. D. A. White
P. E. O.. 'Chapter
To Meet For
THE seven past presidents of
Chapter G of the P. E. O. Sis
terhood will act as hostesses at
the luncheon meeting of the chap-
terto be held , at tone o'clock
rlnh I
Past presidents are; Mrs. B. J.
Miles. Mrs. H. E. Bolinger. Mrs.
Frank E. Churchill. Mrs. W. M.
Hughes. Mrs. A. L. Godfrey. Mrs.
D. X. Beechler and Mrs. E. J.
A special program has been
planned for the afternoon.
This meeting will open the fall
season for the chapter. A number
of interesting programs and
plans have been completed for
the winter by the president, Mrs.
William E. ICirk.
Presbyterian Church
To Picnic at Mehama
The entire congregation of the
First Presbyterian church will
meet Monday at Mehama for an
all-day picnic. Cars will be at the
tcnurch at nine-thirty o'clock for
those wishing transportation.
Miss Anna Stout, donated a
piece of ground near Mehama to
the Presbyterian church. The
ground which has been cleared
and fenced is a most attractive
picnic park.
Miss NJary Erickson
At U. of California
Miss Mary Erickson, daughter
of Dean and Mrs.' F. M. Erick
son, will take graduate work in
biologr at the University of Cal
ifornia this winter. Miss Erick
son who graduated from Willam
ette University in 1927 taught in
the high school at North Bend
last year.
Gibbards Return
From Summer Home
W. C. T. U. regular meet-
Ing. Union hall, S. Commer-
cial and Ferry streets. 2:30
Chadwick chapter, O. E. S.
, First fall meeting. Masonic
temple. 8 o'clock.
Centralia Temple, No. 11,
THrthlsn Sinter KVatprnal
Temple. 8 o'clock.
Salem War Mothers. Y. M.
C. A. auditorium. 2:30 o'clock.
Missionary Society, First
PnnprpraHnnal church
Church parlors. 2:30 o'clock.
Knights and Ladies' of Mac-
cabees. McCornack hall. 8:00
RiMitiv mm mitt ee PMrut
Presbyterian churcH. Church
parlors. 2:30 o'clock. All mem-
pers asked to attend.
Ladies' Aid society, Leslie
If. E. church. Church parlors.
2:30 o'clock.
Dakota club. First fall meet
ing:' Parlors of Leslie church.
Covered-dish dinner, 6:30
' Business and Professional
Woman's club. Dinner. Gray
Belle. 6:30 o'clock.
Westway club, W. B. A.
liMrst fall meeting Mr CIm
Miller, 351 S. 19th street, hos-
Republican Study club.
Mrs. C. P. Bishop, 765 Court
street, hostess. 2 o'clock.
Chapter G. P. E. O. Lunch-
eon. Elks' club. 1:00 o'clock.
Past president hostesses.
Out of Town Couple
Married in Salem j
Motor to Neskowin
For Week-End Visit
Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Olinger, ac
companied by Dr. and Mrs. W. R.
Northrup and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Watson of Portland, left yester
day for Neskowin where they will
remain for the Labor-day week
end. Guests in Portland
For the Week-End
Miss Lucille Farrens, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Farrens of
Silverton, and Mr. Harry Ford of
Cambridge, Idaho were quietly
married at eight o'clock Monday
evening at the parsonage of the
First Christian church with the
Rev. N. J. Reasoner officiating.
The young couple left Tuesday
for Idaho where they will reside.
Franklin B. Launer
Returns to Missouri
After spending the summer
months in their summer home at
Neskowin. Mr? and Mrs. A. E. Gib
bard and their daughter. Miss Es
ther Gibbard, returned Friday to
Jieir borne in Salem. .
Mrs. James Heenan
Returns to Salem
After spending several days at
the Washington beaches, Mrs.
James Heenan has returned to her
home in Salem.
Charles Kay Bishop
Leaving for Culver
Charles Kay 'Bishop is, leaving
tomorrow for Culver.lndiana,
where he will enter Culver Mil
itary academy for the winter.
William Browns to
Return From Beach !
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Perrine are
motoring to Portland today to
spend the week-end with Mr. Per
rine's brother and sister-in-law.
Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Perrine, and
his sister, Miss Edith Perrine.
Week-End Visitors
At Yachats Beach
' "k3 A.'v Ir wr x $ry I'l
t& z-rss- ': rrTS m 1. 0? rJxi
berta Bohrnsteclt and Mr.
Earl Pemberton who are leav-
&aiem soon U De gone iori The Republican Study club wl
the winter, a " group of youngrmeet ;at two o'clock Thursday a
people entertained with an at
tractive farewell party one
evening of the past week at
the A. C. Bohrnstedt home at
Miss Bohrnstedt who graduated
in the spring from Oregon Nor
mal school will leave shortly for
Long -creek. Oregon where she
wfll teach this winter; and Mr.
Pemberton. a graduate of Wil
lamette University with the class
of 192$. will teach at Wilson
Creek, Washington.
The group included the- honor
guests. Miss Bohrnstedt and Mr.
Pemberton: Miss Margaret Leav
enworth, Miss Mable Currey, Miss
Ethel Jennings, Miss Ruth Hazle
ton, Miss Mary Kightllnger, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles J. Lisle, Miss
Elaine Chapin, Miss Alice Falk.
Miss Elsie Tucker, the Rev. and
Mrs. S. Darlow Johnson, Miss Bes
sie Tucker, Miss Pearl Scott,
Daryl Chapin. Rawson Chapin,
Ormal Trick, Bob Walker and Mr.
and Mrs. A. C. Bohrnstedt.
The informal program given in
the evening included readings by
Ormal Trick and vocal numbers
by Miss Elaine Chapin. Miss Mar
garet Leavenworth was in charge
of the affair. ,t .
De Yo Wedding
(Continued from page 2)
There were five bridal attend
A reception followed the im
pressive service which was attend
ed by 250 guests.
After a short wedding trip, Mr.
and Mrs. Medler will make their
home in Wasco, Oregon where Mr.
Medler has a large raach.
Mrs. Medler has many friends
in Salem, having graduated from
Willamette University with the
class of 1926.
Among the guests at the wed
ding and reception were Mrs.
Ralph C. Curtis, Miss Ella Pfeif-
fer. Miss Betty Rice, Miss Mar
garet Brown, Miss Hazel New
house, Miss Isabel Monkler, Mr
and Mrs. Clarence J. Gillette. Mr.
and Mrs. Warren H. Day, and Dr.
and Mrs. Benjamin Blatchford
Spend August at
Lincoln Resort
Republican Club
Tp Meet Thursday
ternoon at the home of Mrs. C. i
Bishop, 765 Court street. . D
Martin F. Ferrey will review U
history of Tammany, j
Any persons interested are ir -vited
to attend the meeting.
Hollis Huntingtons
Take Week-End Trip
" . j
Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Huntinj -ton
and their two children, Shli
!ey and Kay. have gone to U
beach where they will remain fc .
the holiday week-end. J
Mr. and Mrs. j Fry
Motoring in North
Mr. and Mrs. Daii J, Fry, -Jr..
will return Tuesday! from a mott
trip to Victoria and Vaacouver, 1
C. 11
(Additional society on page )
Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Rowe.
their daughter. Miss Kathryne
Rowe, and Miss Yvonne Pickell,
Glenn Psrrker and Jack Luthwaite
of Portland, are spending the week
end at Yachats.
Return From Visit
At Tillamook Beach
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Newton and
their children have returned after
spending the greater part of the
summer at Neskowin. The New-
new home at 2190 South High
Guest for Week-End
of Portland Friends
! H.
Miss Gladys Mclntyre is tb
guest of friends in Portland for
the week-end.
Miss Mclntyre will resume her
Thomas and William Bishop.
sons of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bishop
of Portland, spent the past week
in Salem with 4heir erandnarents.
Mr, nd Mrs. XZ. P. Bishop.
tons wil move shortly Into their fwqrk as a 'member of the faculty
at me uanoy nign scnoot, Mon
day, September 10.
Salem friends will be interest
ed in knowing that Professor
Franklin B. L a u n e r has
returned to Columbia Missouri
where he will resume his work as
director of the music department
at Columbia college.
Ericksons Return
From Southern Trip
Dean and Mrs. Frank M. Erlck-1
son have returned to Salem af
ter a three week's motor trip to
California. They visited in Pasa
dena Riverside, Oakland and
other cities in the south. .
Jiss Pettyjohn
Returns to Home
Mlss Helen Pettyjohn returned
Friday evening after spending sev
eraKweeks in Bellingham. Wash
ington as the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Johan Krabbe (Winifred
, -
'"HBpends Vacation
mZt Clatsop Beach
; I
lit.. 11. .1 ,1. T V A
lurned to hervhome in Salem af
ter spending the greater part of
ttt- summer at Seaside.: She will
open her studio In preparation for
her fall work September' 1.
Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Van Trump
are spending the week-end motor
ing in Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. WilMam Brown
will return Tuesday to their home
in Salem aft", an extended vaca
tion at Seal Rocks.
Motor to Newport
To Spend Week-End
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Whitaker and i
Mrs. Jessie Loter are spending the
week-end at Newport.
3 -Dr. and Mrs. O. L. Scott. Mr.
and Mrs. C. H. Casement and Will
Bennet left yesterday morning fori
Marshfield where they aae ,the,
week-end guests of Dr. -Scott's
sister, Mrs. P. A. Hamilton.
To Work In
; Pears ;
! "Trade sd High Street
Many Salem people
making the
Their Home
When in Portland
A - pleasant place
to live, in beauti
ful surroundings.
An unusually good
dining room serv
ice and food.
Accessibility to
business center
and garages.
Eleventh and Main Sta.
Owner and Ifaaaxar -
Popular Priced
Beautiful, indeed, are these coats for fall wear.
Large roll collars of fur with a variation ofv'ur
cuff and plain. There are so many models so
many styles so many furs that it is difficult to
describe them. We have placed some of them in
our windows and you will find hundreds more in
the showroom.
$24.50 to $49.50
' I ' ' ' ' '' '' ' ' " -
Dresses that we sold a
few seasons ago
brought twice the price
that we are able to sell
these for. Circular
skirts are in favor and
the colors are plain or
combination effects.
Youthful interpretations ; of recent imports
from Fifth Avenue as varied in fabric as in
silhouette. Velvets are of course very popu
lar with velvet and felt combinations running
a close second. The Fall shades 6A OC
run to solid colors ..1 POiJ
Others to $J2.48
Professor and Mrs. William E
Kirk will return this week after
spending the month of August at
Knights and Ladies of Macca
bees will meet at eight o'clock
Wednesday evening in McCornack
Paramount Week
- 1
Thuirda) -Friday
.Saturday Only
77 7
a new itoor w.
the color and pattern that suit
. . .we lay it without yur room .. , !
11 And then? That s about all.
DOtlier Or UpSet Just tell us when you want the
floor laid. Measuring, cutting.
No matter how cleverly you fitting-laying over soft build-
plan this Fall, you can't do
much with those rooms that
have dull, splintered, lifeless
But why worry when you'ean
hide the old floors with a new
floor of gay color and charm?
The procedure is simple: Drop
ers felt we take care of all the
details. i
And here's a point worth con-
ciderihg. We . won't have to
turn your house upside-down
or keep it in disorder a! week ,
to install your new Arrnstrong
Floors. A n v averaee-sized
in here any day this week, room can be laid in one day s
Look around. Take your time, time or less. No upsetting, no
Armstrong's Linoleum, choose bother to you. And it's not at
From our complete selection of all expensive.
340 Court: Street
- s i-
t. :