The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 02, 1928, Page 12, Image 12

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The New Oseoon Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Homing, September t, 19t8
Owner Drives Car Across
Continent in 76 Hour Run
Careless Smokers Advised to
i Do Their Share In
Averting Fires
n&raleaa smokers and campers
till continue to be a serious haz
ard to the national forests of Ore
iron and Washington, according to
" . . . m a
a: report just issued 07 me xoreei
service. Portland. In fact, the
number has increased, there being
S4 Der cent more smokers' fires
and 22 per cent more campers'
fires so far this year as compared
with the same period In 1927.
5 The report shows 462 forest
fires attributed to various man
causes, as asnlnat 226 last year.
XJghtning fires show a sharp de
crease,, so that the total number
pf national forest flree this year
U only 903, as against 1.133 last
Care Necessary
: "Because we have had a more
favorable fire season this year,"
ald F. H. Brundape, assistant
district forester in charge of fire
control, "it appears from the fig
ares that many forest visitors
thought they didn't have to be so
careful. This is not so. Right now,
ihe woods are dry and inflam
mable, and it would just take the
fight combination of low humid
ify -and a smouldering cigarette
tQ. start a disastrous forest fire."
I'Mr. Brundage pointed out that
many people will visit the forests
fver Labor Day, and urged that
they exercise the utmost care with I
Ore. especially cigarettes, match
is, and campflres, so as not to
piing a happy holiday to a possi
bly tragic ending. Asked to make
la concrete suggestion for the re-
Euction of smokers' fires, Mr
Brundage recommended -the fol
lowing smokers' code as the es
sence of good woodmanship:
. Brook er's Code -for Season
"Danrerous to smoke while
traveling on forest, brush or grass
land. Smoke only: (1) while stop
ping In a safe place clear of all In
flammable material; or (2) dur
ing; or right after a heavy rain;
r ( 3 ) inside a vehicle! on two
war highways; or (4) above tim
ber line. ,
l-f "After smoking, put' out all
lighted material. The law prohlb
1 ft throwing away . any burning
patches or tobacco, or other light
Kid material, in a forest region. For
jist fires from smokers result from
jfhoughtlessness and carelessness.
iTbey are on the increase. Remedy
A bad record by following the
Above code when in the forest re
gions." f Mr. Brundage also added the
Reminder that camp fire permits
Are required on national forests.
'These should be obtained from
'be local forest supervisor or ran-
ni mi nunr innii
unuHiuiuRii uii u
oiiHimin thiol nion
li begistmk
Graham-Paige averaged seventh
place in July registration stand
ings in fourteen of the largest cit
ies of the United States, reports
; W. H. Trumm, head of the Trum
'Motor Car company.
Graham-Paige- ' representative
here,- on Information received
from Detroit.
In Indianapolis Graham-Paige
stood third among all makes, and
In Atlanta, fourth. Sixth position
was held in Detroit, Cleveland,
and Sioux Falls; seventh place in
Chicago, Philadelphia and Butte,
and eighth place in Los Angeles,
Salt Lake 'City and San Francis
co. 4 "
1 ' The 60 ;0 00th Graham-Paige car
was produced August 8, marking
a ' significant achievement by the
three Graham - brothers. .'They an
nounced the new Hne January 7,
and up to February S, produced
50 cars. Since then a continuous
accession of new monthly records
has brought the total to 50,000 In
just six months. -Fjj
' Graham-Paige set a new record
for one day's production on Aug
ust 14, when 5 IS cars were built
in the regular nine-hour working
'day. Production is. being main
tained at Its maximum to supply
a. demand that shows no sign of
the seasonal decrease usually felt
in the Industry following the
spring baying' peak. On the con
trary, retail sales gained constant
ly throughoet July, and the week
andinc August 4 exceeded the
best previous record by 220 ear
Across the continent by automo
bile In 7 hours and 13 minutes!
This is not a mark set in a pro
fessional attempt to make a new
record, but the-astonlshlng feat of
a tool salesman who found it ne
cessary for business reasons to
drive his own car from Los An
geles to New Tork in the fastest
possible time.
Racing across country In spe
cially equipped cars, under special
police escort and under the most
favorable conditions for the sole
purpose of "beating time" is now
a thing of the past, for Harold M.
Fenwick of Philadelphia has es
tablished a new record for an
owner-driven motor car.
Fenwick was certain his Dodge
Brothers Victory Six car, with a
mileage of 12,487 miles and which
he had driven to the west coast,
could turn right aroand and take
him to New York hours ahead of
the fastest train schedule. Shar
ing this idea was his companion.
G. W. Brinck. The two shook
hands and were officially checked
out of Los Angeles at 7:47 p. m.
August 1 on their way east.
. Exciting Experiences
Hair raising experiences intei-
vened until they were ' officially
checked in New York at 3 o'clock
the morning of August 5, Just 76
hours and 13 minutes later allow
ing for the difference in time be
tween the two cities. They had
bested the fastest trains by more
than seven hours. Their speedom
eter reading showed they had ne
gotiated 3,272 miles at an average
speed of 43 miles an hour. It
was then they sat down to write
the Dodge Brothers factory their
experiences. .
Days of preparation and special
equipment for cars usually mak
ing this ran meant nothing to
them. Their car was ready as it
stood, and were it not for a three
hour delay in Arizona resulting
from a wreck on a sharp curve,
they would have broken coast to
roast records by a wide margin.
Up and down mountain roads,
across deserts, through mud and
rain and in city traffic, the Vic
tory engine never faltered, their
report stated.
A Narrow Escape
The drivers had their narrow
escape from death in Arizona
when they were forced off a
mountain road in a collision with
an approaching car. Surveying
their plight, the men, uninjured.
agreed that the two walled Victory j
body saved their lives. Damage.
consisted of a caved In body, brok
en windshield, bent front axle and
steering gear, a demolished wheel.
and jammed front brakes. They
were pulled oat on the highway,
and then proceeded under their
own power to Kingman, Arizona,
where emergency repairs were
quickly made by a Dodge dealer
without, replacement of any
parts. A sledge hammer correct.
ed most of the damage. The stop
cost them three hours in time.
Kansas Roads Bad
In Kansas, the drivers were
again delayed by flooded roads,
and it was necessary to take a
9a mile detour around Salina. At
one time it rained so hard that
they disconnects dthe fan to keep
it from throwing water over the
engine. Stops were made six
times en route for changing and
repairing tires. Gasoline average
was 16 miles to the gallon.
The route of the trip included
Barstow, California, Flagstaff,
Arizona: Albuquerque, New Mex
ico; Trinidad, Colorado; Dodge
City. Kansas: Kansas 'City, St.
Louis, ' Indianapolis, Columbus,
wheeling. Cumberland. Maryland;
Philadelphia , and New York.
"We gave her the gun all the
way and put our faith In the car,"
said Fenwick. "Pulling into To
peka was a relief, for then we had
paved roads to New York. We
owe our lives to the body con
struction of the Victory Six in
our opinion the finest car in
America regardless of price."
p n rfl 1 p u IS! p 1 ?
dLULW UllltiyOLdl
Oakland Company Announc
es Numerous Improve
ments In Models
(Continued from page 11)
date of introduction."
In commenting apon the spec
tacular success of new "400" ser
ies Mr. Pease said: "The steadily
growing demand for the new ser
ies cars and the voluntary com
ments the company is receiving
daily from owners relative to their
performance, makes us feel that
the Nash factory is going to con
tinue at this record business peak
for some time to come."
The plans for September call
for still farther increases in pro
duction, consistent with the in
creased demand.
PONTIAC. Mich., Sept. 14.
(Special) Oakland Motor car
company announce seven improve
ments designed to make the new
series Poatiae Six more powerful,
faster and more flexible of opera
tion. Major changes Include a new
carburetor, new intake manifold,
new air deflector, higher gear ra
tio, larger tires, smaller wheels,
and smart new Duep colors on the
sport landau sedan.
' Outstanding among the new im
provements is a one-inch carbu
retor of the approved type used on
the Oakland AUAmerican six. Not
only is K simpler of adjustment
and more accurate than the old
type, but increased speed, power,
acceleration and fuel economy
are achieved by its use in conjunc-;
tion with the new manifold and
gear ratio. Connected with the
carburetor Is a new mushroom
type air deflector.
Manifold Change
The Intake manifold has been
changed to accommodate changes
in the carburetor, and the rear
axle gear ratio stepped trp 4.3 to
1. Marked improvements in every
phase of performance is Instantly
noticeable, behind the wheel, with
a higher top speed and an ample
reserve power at all driving ran
ges. With the increase in gear ratio.
the rate of piston travel is still
considerably less than that of any
other car in the low priced six
cylinder field. Thus Pontlac re
tains an advantage It has held
since its introduction: minimum
of wear of moving .parts, which
means longer life for the ear. ,
Greater beauty and a big car
appearance, in line with the car-
rent' vogue, is achieved by the usej
of larger 29 by 5 inch balloo
tires and smaller wheels with te
sturdy spokes, and a larger seven
and-a-quarter inch hub flange
The larger tires result In greate
riding comfort and lessening of
tire wear.
Tfew Dress Donned
Simultaneous with these mef
A total of 132,783 vehicles were
counted by employes of the state
highway department at more than
100 different points .in Oregon
between the hours of 6 a. m. and
10 p. m., Friday, August 17, ac
cording to a report prepared by
the state highway commission
here today.
Of the total number of passen
ger cars , counted 112,417 bore
Oregon licenses. A total of 44,
S12 passenger cars were from
other states. There were 2.357
stages and busses, 12,032 trucks
of one-half ton and less capacity,
8,132 trucks of more than one
half ton capacity. 419 motorcycles
and 711 horse drawn vehicles.
Oregon passenger cars com
prised 61.50 per cent of the total
vehicles counted. The largest
number of. cars were counted at
the Parkplace bridge, north of
Oregon City. 4,338 vehicles passed
this point. -
We don't know bow All ihe people that need tires are going
to be able te set served today, bat we are solas; to do ear
beet and take care of anybody that comes in or phones as for
new tires. We will take prompt care of all mail orders. We
hare done ttig business daring this Challenge Sale and we
want; et cry body to profit by these woaderfally km prices.
Never before have we been able .to offer sach low prices on
such kick quality tires as Firestone Gam-Dipped Balloons
the tires that hold all records for speed, safety, endurance
and economy. And don't forget every tire Is guaranteed for '
the life of the tire against any and all defects. ' . .
' When, we think of the tax-free
, Pacific 1 Spruce corporation ' and
the time when the spruce will be
gone, also . the coerporation, we
wonder what will be left for the
. taxpayers X Stamps and a mem
ory will linger to remind one of
the . departed,. Yaquina Bay
yews: f:'ij-",.j-; yy- -V.
WALLA WALLA. Wash:. Sept.
1. (AP) The body of Wallace
C. Gaines, who paid with bis life
at dawn Friday for the murder of
his daughter two years ago,, will
he taken to Seattle Sunday by
Frank Novak, $ Seattle prison
evangelist, who was with the con
demned man through the last long
hours of his life.
Gaines' widow, who had
body, decided to leave tonight,
supposedly, because of her desire
to read his last letter, written dur
ing the night.- She spent the day
in the seclusion "M her hotel room,
refnains- t otalk to anyone but
Novak. ... . -
William Gaines, brother of the
hanged man left for 8eattle early
today, exceedingly nervous and
bitter. He had steadfastly pro
tested his brother's innocence and
fought for his life.
Governor Hartley declined to
give Gaines clemency.
Gaines walked stoically to bis
death, still declaring his. inno
cence. . ' .
fPW By a Nasb Specialist
If . your Nash needs attention II
!lt bring it to us for correction. We lh
1 1 . have spent seven years in the ser- l
1 1 : vice department of the Nash Motor IK
. I . . . - -"Car Co. We should like the opppr- 1 -
1 1 tunity to fix up your Nash. . . our f
II priees are reasonable. " II
- . - . -
Guaranteed Cor Life
against any & all dcCcctc
ckanieal changes nt the annon
meat that the smart sport laadau
sedan win take on new drees. The
body will be of a dark Standish
green Dnco, witk fenders of light
er Virginian green a combina
tion similar to that now used on
the Oakland AU-Ameriean cabrio
let. Wheels are in natural wood
Special sport equipment, con
sisting of a trunk rack and six
wire-wheels with tires, also Is
available for the first time on a
low priced six. Snares are dmbL
ed in front fender wells on. either
side of the ear, while non-corrosive
chrome plated rims add a
brilliant touch of color in tH
swanky model. .New end distinc
tive bumpers also are available.
In View Of the bettered nor.
formance and new beauty effected
by these changes, it was felt in au
tomotive circles here that t ho Pnn.
tlac Six would take on an added
spurt in the record setting pace it
has consistently maintained since
its introduction.
80x3 H Reg. ......... S7.95
SOxStf Ex. Slse ...... 0.05
SOxSH ... 11-40
SI 14 . 14.25
82x4 1.15
SSx4 15.90
82x4H 10.S5
33x4 H 20.75
84x4 H 21.45
83x5 ............... 27.15
. 10.00
. 11.15
. 1SL55
, 18.05
5.00x21 .14.00
5JSSx20 ". 15.85
8.00x20 184K
8.00x21 ............ 18.50
We are selling snore OWfleid Tires every day toeaase they
are the only first-grade, fnlly guaranteed, standard tires'that
are selling for so little momey. Look at the prices and bwy today.
SOxSM Reg. 88.05
SOxSH. Ex. Siae ...... 8.75
81x4 .,
ST e e 1
84x4 ..
32x4 H
83x4 H
4x4 M t
83x5 . 1
85x5 ..
24 .95
x3 1x5.25
30x5 21.13
82X41 e ee 3HflS
Positively the greatest bny at these prices guaranteed for
life against any and all defects.
SOxSH Rg. ...
SOxSH Ex. Slse
81x4 -
82x5 ,
. . .85415
, ... 925
, ... 9.00
Ton. can't beat the price for the quality that Is la these
tires, for light cars.
21...,. 04.20 05.25
ai 1A laj Ifo
(Continued from page 1,1)
a couple of. miles about Martinez
and see the old mansion landmark
on its sunny knoll, surrounded
with rare trees from far climes
which John Muir cared for long
and lovingly.
Regions Recreation
Salmon and striped bass . are
now running at their best near
the mouths of the great rivers
bridged by the Pacific highway.
Fishermen amojig the army of
motorists invading the north find
the Fraser river between Vancou
ver and New Westminster a pis
catorial placer mine, yielding rich
returns. Above Astoria, near Long,
view, the Columbia bids Walton
it es to tarry and take their toll.
Striped bass are famous for
their preference for the delta of
Sacramento river and the Napa
near Carquinex Straits. Marvel.
ously have they multiplied since
1879 when the initial number of
135 were planted near Martinez.
Subsequently, Santa Ana river,
near Newport Beach, Morro Bay.
in San Louts Obispo county, and
Monterey Bay were stocked with
the progenitors of the titanic
"stripers" now so plentiful today.
Many, weighing from 50 to 0
pounds, have been caught in re
cent years in the brackish waters
of California's Inland Sea,
Labor Day promises to be
doomsday for more than a thous
and bucks in the coast range from
Ventura to Tehama counties. Wil
lows, Colusa county and Santa
Maria in Santa Barbara county,
are reported-to be leading centers
from which deer hunters head for
the high ranges beyond.
Prom ninth place in 1926, the
Oakland; Motor Car company has
steadily grown until at present it
is. among the first four leaders in
the Industry in point of volume.
Thirteen new toggle)
being added to the sheet metal
plant equipment of the Oakland
Motor Car company. Two of these
are the largest of their kind in
the world, exerting a pressure of a
thousand tons at a single tamping.
sheet metal storage plant
54 by Set feet la slse is new un
der construction by tne Oakland
Motor Car company. When com
pleted In September, it will serve
to stabilize manufacturing opera
tione In the modern Oakland and
Poatiae factories.
Have von had the
land differential Inspected reeentl .
for correct grease levelaT The
should be washed oat and re-flli
ed with entirely new grease s
least once a season in addition t
regular greasing.
Jfcr ZeonessfseJ IrwtMervaries)
Tk CariibU
(ChaafeOnly) .
Alt rc ..!. Fife.
7irst Choice of die Nation
for 1928
TW fodad ch low.
. SM. baadlina mm! fc.
aa cnai
Although the Bigger and Better
Chevrolet offer elements of
beauty never before thought
possible in a low-priced auto
mobile ... although it offers the
features of advanced design
and completeness of detail de
manded in the world's finest
cars . one of the fundamental
reasons for its tremendous suc
cess is found in its amazing performance-
smooth, so powerful and '
so unfailingly dependable that
it has literally captivated more
than three-quarters of a million f
buyer since January 1st!
Come in and drive this sensa
tional car! Drive it as long and
a far as you like in traffic and
on the road. We know that
you'll say that no other auto
mobile in all the world can '
give you so much at prices
so amazingly low!
Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co.
430 N. Commercial Street, Tel. 1802
Dallas Chev. Co., Dallas
Geo. Dorr, Wood burn
Associate Dealers:
Win. Predeek, Mt. Angel
Ball Bros Turner
Hallady's Garage, Monmouth
'II leave it to you just look at the
body designs of the other new
cars, then look at the
"400" Salon design. ne (
will be for Nash. x
Leads the World in Motor Car Vakte
Twin-Ignition motor High compression Salon Bodies Short tarnin radios
12 Aircraft type spark plugs New double drop frame Torsional vibration damper Birar centralized chassis
Houdaille and Love joy shock Aluminum alloy pistons t wri--.iK.M ,? mbriction .
.,,rfre ' . (.asrSs Longer wheelbases Nash.Srin;n
74earins crankshaft
(Ssfftm trmkpimt)
Electric docks
and rear bumpers
Tclcphoao 12C0
S35 Ncrth Jil-.T Strczi
Court and X&x
y---:::y, y-yy:.i:y yyu;--iy:y