The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 02, 1928, Page 11, Image 11

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    -'.'W-. '.'-! :" "- - - ' ; - ' I ''-.' : !" ' ' ' -'-::.f ,
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" --,-' t(tt FIVE CEIITC
. Salem, Oregon. Sunday Morning, September 2, 1928 :, rm
Owners of Motor Trucks
and Salem Business Men
To Effect Organization
development Of Transportation By Means Of Motor
Vehicles Warrants Step Now,
Experts Believe
Blazing the way to the solution of problems confronting the own
ers of motor trucks in varied lines of transportation service,
Marion county business men are understood to be forming an
rganization for the purpose of inaugurating an aggressive program
ir the promotion of profitable motor track operating conditions
nd for the protection of their interests. Motor truck tranaporta
ori has shown such marvelous growth and development within
.ust a few year that it Is now held to be a world necessity.-
from a crude curiosity laughed-
iu ia uoaeu on iue u seininess
t'and scorned by the wise ones
rh'o foretold its futility, the mo
or truck has struggled to a place
i world affairs ' which demands
-ill credit for transportation ser
fce. '
It is this recognition that motor
ruck owners will endeavor to ob
ain through co-operative effort
n Oregon.
Research, that continued and
iligent investigation of factors
'ntering into and having to do
ith the manufacture of motor
rucks, has? been and is today car
ied on by the builders of trucks
o a degree that is remarkable in
its intensity. One only has to re
al! the- trucks used a few years
. go and compare them with the
plendid vehicles of today, to rec
gnize the effect of systematic
tudy and experiment.
Owners Lck Guidance
The motor truck owner how
ever, has not had the benefit of
.radical experiences of others or
tied precedents to guide him.
'.'he truck owner who is the bul
wark of strength, to the manufac
urer, the very guarantee of his
zistence and success, literally has
. eem "out on; his own alone,"
hroughout the whole history of
uiotor truck transportation.
Problems confronting the mo
or truck owners are varied and
omplex. His economic position
a often unsatisfactory and there
xists necessity for concerted ac
Ion to reorganize his interests.
. Plans in the making. are said
to contemplate an immediate
.urvey to obtain accurate data
oncerning the operations of as
nany (ruck owners in Oregon as
3 practicable, to get their opin
aus relative to present conditions
nd their recommendations of
emedy and improvement.
Important Question
Taxation doubtless will occupy
he greatest attention. Constantly
rising costs of operation have been
serious question with motor
ruck owners and the profitable
use of motor truck equipment will
depend largely on the ability of
the owners to reduce overhead ex
penses. Many owners feel that overhead
and operating costs are practical
ly prohibitive and they reason
.that the taxation of these vehicles
of the tracks and the spirit of
law application. to the necessities
of the 'country.
Motor truck owners who are
supporting the organization plan
to develop a clearing house of in
formation, opinion and research
on matters pertaining to motor
Vehicle transportation, and to use
their findings as the background
for a constructive and systematic
program for the betterment of con
ditions affecting their business In
terests both in Oregon and
throughout the Pacific northwest.
A 600 Ton Cargo of Automobiles
L:" i'fR O 1
sZ?Tj?2xZ" ":-y.v :.-... ; .. ' ) V- i
Pacific Highway Beckons
To Automobile Tourists
As Haven of Real Beauty
It n-nuired five days to load the S. S. "Tractor Hwmbarjr" with;
i Dodge Brothers automobiles consigned directly from Detroit to
Buenos Aire. The ship Is of German registry, ana it wui v-e v f
days to make the trip to the Argentine by the St. Lawrence river and y
down the Atlantic coast line. The cargo consisted of crated and un
crated cars, all compactly stored away under deck. The insert shows
Captain Alfred Leidlg of Hamburg, 35 years old, and said to be one
of the youngest sea captains plying the Atlantic.
Owners all over the Pacific
coast are bringing in favorable re
ports - to Dodge Brothers dealers
on the Victory Six. This car. first
introduced last January, has con
tinued to grow in popularity and
asmany of these machines are
reaching and even passing the
25,000 mile mark, the stamina
and enduring . qualities are now
assured facts.
During the summer touring sea.
son. which is fast coming to a
close, many eastern Victory Six
owners have driven west and en
joyed - touring this part of the
country. John Smith of Albany,
New York, drove here after a
wonderful trip and reported no
trouble with his Victory, said Ern
est F.
Steele Motor Co.. Dodge Brothers
dealers for Salem.
V. L. Downey, of Visalia. proved
his Interest in a Dodge Brothers
product by going direct to Detroit
to take delivery on a de luxe
sport sedan Victory Six.; .Mr.
Downey visited the factory,, fol
lowed the car be was going to
purchase through the production
line, saw it tested, and then
stepped into it and drove away.
He toured through the middle
west before returning to this
Another Victory Slxx owned by
a restaurant man in Los Angeles
has already passed the 30,000
mile mark. '
Introduction of the new line of
six-cylinder Graham Brothers
trucks and motor coaches, fluff
ing four wheel brakes and Tour
speed transmissions, has made it
possible for the-company to build
2.240 different types ol trucas in
for shipment. With August pro
duction at top peak, the task of
inspection on the assembly line
and on the track keeps 9i inspec
tors busy at the Detroit plant
Unlike passenger car assembly,
the truck assembly line seldom
has two units of the same kind to
gether, a recent survey showing
35 different types coming off the
line in less than two hours.
"Figures like this explain why
we are able to .meet the transpor
tation demands of practically
the nlants at Detroit, Evansville,
Indiana, and Stockton, California, every Business, saia nowara i.
according to surveys just com- Sneathen, director of commercial
Dieted car and truck sales of Dodge
This figure is reached by com-
Bonesteele of the Bone-Joining the 47 different chassis
types available with 48 different
syles of bodies, then varying
equipment, type of wheeels, gear
ratios, size of tires, etc., on the
five capacities in which the trucks
are built. The company s new
line includes the Merchants Ex
press, Commercial truck, 14.
1. and 2 ton capacities. In
addition to these standardized
combinations, the company's spe
cial equipment divksion handles
demands for -motor truck and
coach bodies falling outside the
regular listings.
Every unit built is subjected to
rigid road testa where operating
defects can be checked and cor
rected before the truck la ready
Brothers corporation. "Produc
tion must take into consideration
the complicated requirements of
motor transport, and nothing has
been overlooked.
Most vacations are now ever.
Wise motorists will drive their
car in for a complete checking
over. The battery should be look
ed at, new oil should be put in
the transmission, differential and
crankcase, and fresh water run
into the radiator.
An Inventory bf varied attrac
tions to motorists who are free to
travel up or down our coast dur
ing early September has been Is
sued bl the Pacific Highway asso-
station as a suggestion for the
consideration of those who are
planning trips over the Labor Day
free-time period.
Outstanding in its wide range of
fascinating features is the. Pacific
Southwest Exposition at Long
Beach, commends E. A. Crowley,
manager of the association. Its
grand fenale has been ?et for the
evening of September 3, so late
visitors should plan to spend tbe
remaining days at Long Beach.
The Pacific fleet will lend eclat
to its climax on Labor Day. Thrill.
ing aerial and ecuatic races will
appeal to lovers of sport, while
its 0 acres of exhibits installed
by 50 participating nations and
states afford rare interest, de
clares Crowley.
Spokane Holds Fair
Motorists, touring the Great
Northwest between September 3
and 8. will be speeding by tens of
thousands up tbe Columbia River
highway from Portland or from
Puget Sound via Wenatchee to
Spokane to visit Its Interstate
Fair. Resources of the vast Inland
Empire and' a famous livestock
show will cover 125 acres of
ground. Costly prizes are to be
awarded to exhibitors of relics of
J pioneer days. The fair will cele
brate the 50th anniversary of the
founding of the city.
Fairs Along Highway
Many meritorious county fairs
will hold the interest of tourists
along the Pacific Highway and
its laterals during the coming
week. Among those of note are
the San Diego County Fair and
Horse Show, the Lassen County
Loose spring schakle bolts are
easy to tighten and should be
looked after. Most squeaks and
noises can be attributed to them.
i . -
R Plymouth RodsttmMrmmUt 67T "
em Sit cinnies to &dpilot
Compare the new Quytler
bulk Plymouth with what yoa
cet t the prices esked for the
few other cars in its field.
You discover that, dollar-for-dollary die
new Plymouth gives you more than any
other motor car in the lowest-priced group.
No other car of its class gives you such
smart style and full size. ;
- , :vt,,' , ' !.
No other car can approach it in speed,
acceleration and smoothness.
No other car 'gives you the assuring
aafety of internal - expanding hydraulic
4-wheeI brakes, equipment you get
only tn other
cart costing far
rvdO;T A c t o n
Fair at Susanville, the Orange
County Fair near Santa Ana, and
agricultural fair at Napa, Aug. 31
to September 7.
Fair at Sacramento
Exceeding all past exhibitions,
the California State Fair at Sac
ramento. September 1-8, is to pre
sent most elaborately the progress
of the Golden State. The Pacific
highway leads .most directly to the
Capital city down both sides of
the Sacramento valley and up
from the San Francisco Bay region
over, the Carquinez and Antloch
bridges. Side trips of surpassing
scenic charm may be taken from
Sacramento across the Sierras to
the Lake Tahoe country or to the
nearby Bret Harte region along
the Mother Lode, eastward from
Sacramento and Stockton.
AdmiaKion Day Parade
By tens of thousands, the Na
tive Sons and Daughters of the
Golden West will parade through
the heart of Oakland oa Septem
ber 10, when the admission of
California to tbe union will be cel
ebrated in a three-day festival.
Visitors from other states will
find this fiesta a rare spectacle
with its Spanish pageantry reflect
ing the past, together with mod
ern marvels represented in the air
and in speed boat races on Lake
Mairs Home Magnet
Almost midway between Oak
land and Sacramento, lies the
vine-rowed Alhambra valley, at
the southern edge of Martinez.
There lived and died John Muir,
naturalist and mountaineer, the
advance agent of tourist travel to
our national parks? Those who mo.
tor between these metropoll, may
vary their route by going one way
over the Antloch bridge to detour
(Turn to page 12. please)
More Jhan 30,000 Orders
For New Cars Received
In Past Month
While August opened for the
Nash Motors company with the
greatest demand for cars ever re- .
corded by the sales department.
additional orders received during
the month have placed the total
number received in excess of 33,
000. representing the largest da. v
mand for cars, for one month, in
the history of the company, ac-
cordiang to Karl Pease of the F. ,
W. Pettyjohn company, here;
Anticipating unprecedented de- h -
mand for "400" series cars, pro- '
duction facilities of all plants have .
been increased and, even though
the tptants are producing more'
cars than ever before, the great-,
est possible production for this v
month cannot reach more than
21,000 or 22.000 cars, according
to word just received here, he ;
"While the Kenosha and Mil-
waukee plants are running at ca
pacity and establishing new high
levels of production, tbe Racine
factory, which manufactures the
Standard Six series, reached the .
largest production for a single day
in its history on August 16th
when 485 cars were produced.
"This condition is ail the more
remarkable when It is realized
that, although the cars were first
announced on June 21st, just two .
months later 42,378 cars had been
shiDDed to the dealer organlza-.
tion; and, notwithstanding the ex-"' '
cellent production of all plants. .
the demand for the new series cars' .
has increased steadily since the
(Turn to page 12. please)
You must come
to the inevitable
conclusion that
fit point of dollar
value the Plym
outh is actually
the lowest-priced-car
in the entire
field. ; .' 1
with rwmklanmt).
$671t Conpa, S483; Tonr
log. 93 2-Door Sad-,
f70O D Lhm Coop with
Maarj,S7') 4-X)oof
Fitzfferald-Sherwin Motor Co.
The POWER ERA is here I
. . . and the Farmer gets
" ... .
Fields must be worked in spite of low
prices or bad weather. Can youiget un
der low prices and still profit?
"Caterpillar" Tractorized farms are
1. Lowering cost per acre,
2. Covering mare acres per day.
3. Doing work when it needs to be done.
Even in years when prices are poor,Caterpillar8M keep
costs lower than the lowest prices. And in good seasons,
what a margin of profit K-aterpillar" track-type trac
tors earnj '
- " '.
Loggers & Contractors
Machinery Company
Saturday, Sept. 8th is the Last Day
Western Auto's" Semi -Annual
New Customer
THESE Low Sale Prices will be offered just a few days
more . . . Don't miss this opportunity for greater
savings on Western Giant and Wear-well tires. These
are tbe same "Western Auto tires that are popular all
over the west for dependability and economy. Every tire
is backed by our Iron-Clad Guarantee of Satisfaction, our
ICE at more than 150 "Western Auto' stores ... I
Matt Your Savings Evn Greater
Trade In Your Old Tires
29X440T 3IX&25 I
Full Balloon FuH BaMoon I
Wear-well Balloon
Our New Customer Tir Sale
prices offer extraordinary aav
ing a on theae full balloons with
broad, ribbed, non-skid treads
. . . Every tire fully g-aran-teed
. . . and your old tires
as good as cash for part-payment
. . . I
Stae Oar wr Ssls Pries
29-4.40 Balloon 9 5.97
30x430 Balloon 6.89
30xSJX Balloon 8.79
31x5.00 BaUooIT4!" 9.08
Tit SSx-JS
30x5.25 Balloon 9.65
31x5.25 Balloon 9.95
30x5.77 Balloon 11-38
33x6.00 Balloon 12.97
I 30X3 O-T 32X4; I
I $J37 $g93
Wear-well Cord
Now. , . . StlH greater sav
ins, on theso fall standard
weight Ursa, with thick, tough
roaa -gripping; trends . . . taltr
g aranteod ... AND ...
Mounted FREE . . And oar
trade -In allowanoo on your old
tiros makes theos low prices oven
lower ... 1
300 H
30x3 H
33x4 H
CL Roff. Sinn..
CL Hoik Siae..
CL Ovorslao..
S. S. Ovoralxo.
S. S. Ovorei-B.
S. 5. Orersise.
S. S. Ororsiao.
S. S. Ovorwxe.
9. S. Ooseereo.
5. S. Overaixo.
1.9 5.1S
"Weetorn A-o
. i'Sorrico , . '
A relsH:'tbe' eases
yea bm y ... Bervies
eaaiftles' m re la
talaoa U aU ottioi
when-' we he i aterea
rtr eod scamptlr la
uOlea ai a mt lew
OM rata , . . la aieer
fteeef an eert.
29 X4.40T 31X5-23 I
Ftnl Batlooa BsUson. I
$g98 ; $J2
... they are as goon as cash at aay
"Woalom Ante" store in part pay
bmdI for new, folly gmarantoed
Western Giant or Wear-well tires.
Western Giant Balloon
Bxtra aeavy tbroevheut . . . sUt
t . aad o sire, astra mileage
nndr tnwrt euctUMt wr-toe. Bitn
thick nea-ekld trMda. - 8t at t-
lw Mot Cimmw H Sal pHem a
ad trad la r ol4 ttra te a-ke
roar aarinsa sratr. ...
Mae Ow 1 Sale Mae
29x4.40 Balloon ........ 9S
38x430 BaH eon 8.41
30x5.00 Balloon 10.7S
nt tsM
31x5UM Balloon ....... 11M
.... UM
32vS.OO Bsllnen . ...
ru tus-s
30x53 BaUoon 12-31
31x5.25 Balloon 12.43
30x5.77 Balloon 14.11
32x6.00 Balloon. C-p.... 17.06
33x6.00 Ball baa, ff-o.. , . 17JB2
32x6JtO Bailee-. 6-av... 19.72
Tubes Also Reduced
Blow XiUm
fmr (JUs
an extra oeailtr
Giant Cord
en these ert- heavy
I llM . . taa,
r estra ttead
mlima Wa ta
atua alkar
TraOa- w ta.
a Ura, t
SOa-U Koo. Si-a CL. .
30x3 H Ex. OJS. CL...
30x3 H SJL OS.......
31x4 . SJL OJJ. -sw..
32x4 SJ. O-l.
33a4 SJS. O.5. .
32x4 S3. O.S. -...
33x4 H S-5. OJL .
34x4 H S-L OS. -av.
33x8 33. 03. $-p.. .
35x5 33. 03.
.f S.S9
11 US
Ask tor Sole Prices on sizes not luted
3ySore 125 Store3 tn tfis West-
Salen Store TeIepone ;7S6 J .
.- aav w tuw a
' . -
i r
r i;
:'. If
JmEE! J r 1 'fez. , ; i
These 4-ply tlrag m T " J
are fuU standard f JA , ' 1
six and weight JVjf ,.Jl
. '. . new. fresh fji ' t
stock, wen made. 'Q ,
Wasco Tires are C ?
especially recom- 5C 2
mended for the) g
motorist who s .'
wants, to make n
minimum invest- Jit , .
meat. YL I
l.cctaii Giant Ocnly -
I 30X30. T 32X4- I I
. I fUj-erStw S.S.Overixe I
afcn i B. - . k
Thm Hrlafs lrf
se refoifers of Ao
SmpptUm . SsrWnf
thm motorist dn
1909 . Cvmplmf
Emms 'sigtmrmmSmmd
A ceossorles, ' .' Tiros,
Cm CoooV CmU
Eqnipmmn "Jk RmJio
J .