j:fj r'l ,!,' V.. ' . Salem, Oregon, SaturHay September Tt 1 928 Heard In The Capitol ROBERTS n mi inus sums Governor Patterson left for Portland yesterday where be had feustaess matters la connection uric the executive department. He -will not return to his desk until Tueaday. The governor will spend La-bo r Day at Champoeg attending , picnic. . "Don Neave, employe of the state department, Is recovering from an operation performed at the Salem nccrBital. It was said that he would ike able to leave the hospital later thte week. Hon Ylhggins. empToyed In the latehouse supply department, has returned to Salem after a few spent at beach resorts. He accompanied by his parents. T. E. Kuhn and wife will leave Sunday for Pasco, Wash., wfeore they will remain until after Lbor Day. They will be accom panied home by Mr. Kuhn's sister, wte will remain here for a week r 10 days. 8am A. Kozer, secretary of state Will leave here tonight for Astoria where he will remain until after lbor Day. He will be accompan ied ty Mrs. Kozer, w io is visiting with her mother in Portland. Ed M. Smith, secretary of state of Iowa, spent yesterpay in Salem conferring with Secretary of State Kover and other state officials, fie was accompanied here by James J. Crossley of Portland. Air. , Sroltti said that Herbert Hoover probably would carry Iowa for president by a substantial majority. Fred Coshow, an ( employe of the -atate engineer's office, has re turned here after a few days spent at Mood River. 131a Shults Wilson, secretary of the ctate, fair, board, has returned from Portland where she spent a few days. Mrs. Stephen A. Stone and child- left yesterday for Eugene w1ere they will remain until after lather Day. Mr. Stone is a local newspaper man, with headquar ters at the statehouse. VhIa fM st vu I'tirnop rt tha orato wporation department will spend' coasi Dlnt Conay and Monday at some beach resort. She will be accompanied fry her sister, Mrs. Leon Hurner and the latter's two children. ROBERTS. Ore.. Aug. SI. (Special) Mr. and Mrs, Raphael Bettincourt and son spent most of last week at Newport. 1 Mrs. George Higglns and two nephews who are staying with her this summer visited - Mrs. J. B. Parker in Salem last Satur day. .. Miss Amy Martin of Salem was a visitor with Mrs. Alice Coolidere one day last week. t J . J. P. Bressler is able to sit up part of the- time, after suffering a relapse about two months ago which confined him to his bed until recently. James Fry is already busy en gaging eggs for hatching this win ter. He intends to run his 12 aree incubators full capacity. Evergreen blackberries are splendid here this season but ohlv a few are being picked on account' of the low market price. Tteits Mother Mrs. J. P. Blankenshlo SDent last Thursday In Salem with, her mother, Mrs. J. W.-Gritton. William Sharey who has been uttTing mroai iroouie ror some time spent a few days at Breiten brush Springs recently. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blanken- 8hip and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fer guson and daughter of Eola went to Detroit last Sunday and spent me aay. Mrs. Ferguson is Mrs. Blankenship s sister. ZiUgene Beau of Salem spent unaay aiternoon at Paul Carpen ter's home, New Mexicans Arrive Mrs. W. J. Eldridge of Raton, New Mexico, arrived Tuesday with her son Gordon Grocenstreet or Seattle and is visiting with rel atives, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Daven port. Miss Julia Query who is in fortrand for the summer visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Query a week ago Sunday. . Roy Rice was called to Hllls boro Friday night on account of the illness of his father E. M. Rice. Mrs. Roy Rice and children Roy, Junior and orothy motored over Sunday and Mr. Rice return ed with them. Mrs. B. A. Sellers has been quite sick recently. Mr2 and Mrs. Lewis Salchenberg and family are spending this week C N. Laughridge, .deputy secre tary of state, will spend Monday at Newport. He will be accom panied by Mrs. Laughridge and daughter. A Victory Six reports the coast highway between Pismo Beach and San Luis Obispo to be in fine condition now. There are only one or two very short, rough spots left, most of the new pavement be ing open lor travel. COMMISSIONERS COURT X. F. Carle ton, secretary of the vtste teachers association, was in Salem yesterday conferring with Cawn-les A. Howard, state superin tendent of public instruction. Mr, Orfleton is now located in Port- 4aa where he edits the official fnmication or the teachers asso ciation. uogan uayes or Portland was tn Salem yesterday conferring with Mark McAllister, state cor poration commissioner. Mr. Hayes formerly lived at Corvallis, where lie was employed as a telegraph , operator for many years. t. H. Van Winkle, attorney gen ral, returned here yesterday af ter two weeks spent at a beach re coil. He reported good weather a delightful time. t Herbert Gordon, member of tL? tower house of the legislature frum Multnomah county, spent yesterday in Salem. He conferred with a number of state, officials. Harry Coshow of Willows, Cal., arrHred here yesterday to spend & tew days visiting with his broth er, Fred Coshow, an employe of the ctate engineering department. HMD RESIDENT OF SINK DIES HLVERTON, 6re., Aug. 31. (Special) Mrs. MayeWright and Vrc Edna Macintosh of Silverton 4ka just returned from Oregon . "City, where they were called by the death of their foster father. s 'sr. uaxier. Sr. Baxter will be well reme-m- ,wred in Silverton, as he lived mmy years here, moving to Port- Isas three years ago. He died the 'fzrflt of the week, following a sev B taiosths illness. He was 94 jresjn old. He is survived by his wtXa, and one son, Spencer, of Pwrtland, and his two adopted tfajsghters. Mrs. Baxter returned rverton with Mrs. Macintosh ttt tnake her home here. i r. and Mrs. Harry Cone of tiewtsion, Ida., arrived in Sllver tm Thursday for an extended vis it with their daughter, Mrs. Gus tlerr of this city. ft. T. Hammond, who has been installing a new office system In (he Silver-Falls mills. Is leaving we. 'first of the month to go to Besfport, to Install the same sys tem in the mill office there. He been in Silverton since j last "ternary. : The Red and .White grocery SBfled to its new location on Main street Thursday. , . 6.64 1.19 1308.85 9344 (Continued from page 5,) Miscellaneous Accounts Aegef ter's Service Station. toe, etc 17011 Allen, Geo. E., pipe, etc.. ..... 2033 Ames amware, shovels, etc. 58.76 Associated oil Co., gasoline, etc 26855 jsaxer Chevrolet Co.. welding, etc. 13.75 a & w Parts Store, brake lining, etc e.21 Barr. Theo. pipe, etc Boedlngheimer, John cutting tree .. Capital City Transfer Co., iiYl oil Case, L. M., hauling eravel.. Case, L. hauline rravel. etc 779 Clyde Euipment Co., rock crusher 2577 25 Oolyear Motor Sales Co, Doits etc 223 Culver. W. J., salary and epenses roadmaster 217.49 Drager, D. a cash adv. for . freight, etc ...271ft55 Dave Johnson's Service Sta tion, tire, etc Deidrich, Peter, shovels, etc. Dough ton & Sberwin, nails, etc Eaton, J. Ix, sharpening tools, etc. .. .: Parmer, Ray L. Hdw. Co.. nails, etc. Farrar. J. H., p. M, envelopes Feenaughty Machinery Co.. culvert pipe . . .12510 uabnei Powder & Supply Co. powder, etc . . 17.68 Golden Glow Dairy, do 23625 Harper, S. W., haulint gravel 515.45 . 2130 Shell Co. of Calif, gasoline. etc 1UM Shell Co. of Cahf, do 227.98 Silver Falls Timber Co- lumber f. 174.43 Smith & Watkins, tire, etc.. 18720 Smith, B. R, traffic officer.. 124X9 Spaulding ,C. K. Logging Co lumber 258.10 Standard Oil Co. of Calif, gasoline, etc 746.83 Standard Oil Co. of Calif, asphalt, etc. 7720.89 Stayton Hardware Co, belt, ' etc . . 61.72 Stayton Lumber Co, lumber. 2J6 Swart, H. S, salary dep. roadmaster .. 7 149.74 Taylor, W. A, salary and ex- V penses road viewer 54.43 Tweedie, L. R, hauling gravel 551.00 Union Oil Co. of Calif, asphalt 3355.44 Union Oil Co. of Calif, cash adv. for freight .1770.06 Valley Motor Co, valves, etc 8.45 West Coast Power Co, powder,, etc 745.60 Wiggins Co, Inc, drill gear. . 1.18 Woodbury Si Wheeler Co, hose, etc 130.73 Andres, W. M, operating patrol grader 99.75 Ashby, Claude C, foreman at tool house 164.75 Beckner, Lyle, team work... 119.80 Blnegar, O. D, driving truck 105.90 Browning, Ben, working at paving plant, etc 110.60 Chard, E. E, shoveling, A C. . 9750 Davenport, L. J, working on grade, etc. 320 Drager, Robert, chairman... 99.75 Duchateau, Wm. operating roller 11852 Dutton, Fj A, blacksmithing 97.75 Engerman, Raymond, scrap ing gravel, etc 149.75 Fozle. Geo, raking AC 28.44 Garner, Orel, work at pav ing plant, etc 149.75 Hansen, H. P, checking gravel, etc 9530 Hardcastle, Donald, chair man .,. . 99.75 Horning. 'Earl, shoveling dirt etc 49.46 Hov en. Otto, foreman 18956 Kintz, Dan, hauling water. etc 149.75 Lickel, L. H, fireman at pav ing plant 128.49 Malm, L. B, weigher at pav ing plant 13157 Mattson, Chas, mixer at paving plant 12651 Mattson, Henry, shoveling gravel 6950 Mcllwain, Lester, operating roller 15350 McHvain, Wm, foreman ... 149.75 Orcutt, Harold, shoveling A C 25.44 Paulson, H. C, laying head ers, etc Pearson, Mervin, shoveling. etc , Peterson, Ben, team on f res- no, etc 146.75 Remington, Fred, loading trucks, etc 9050 Rowland, EUc, raking A C, etc 10350 Schab, Frank, forking, A C etc 97.05 Shaw, A. C, chairman 99.75 Siegmund, Floyd L, time keeper, etc 12350 Smith, F. A, oiler at Salem paving plant Stayton, C. C, work at Stay- ton crusher 103.75 Tade, Henry, raking AC 11850 rownsend, Ronald, shoveling etc VanCleave, L. M, foreman.. VanCleave, Melvin, work at paving plant, etc . Way, S. D, laying headers. ate Woodruff, Clyde, drivi n g truck . Wooldridge, W. C, work at 3550 7656 Hat 1750 SagsTold. Henry L, relief ... 10-00 Sanberg. Mrs. Elsie, relief ... iM Conklin, Mrs. E. H, relief for Chas. Sedy 1050 Shively, Mrs. M. H, relief .. 10.00 Slyter, Mrs. W. R, relief ... J.5.00 Smith, Scott, relief ... 2050 Smith, Mrs. Wesley, relief .. 20.00 Stripling. Hulda, relief 8.00 Syphert, Murtis M, relief .... 10.00 Te Winkle, Mrs. Mary, relief 15.00 Tmnel, Mrs. Walter, relief .. 25.0f Walkoski, Barbara, relief ... 2550 Wangless, Gilmer, relief .... 12.00 Wargnier.t William J, Sr, re lief 15.00 Wheeler, Mrs. Anna L, relief 1550 Wilbanks, Hattie, relief .... 3050 Williams, Alice Bertha, relief 20.00 Wohlforth, Kate, relief ..... 15.00 ProhibiUon Enforcement Fund David, Mrs. Victor, relief ... 20.00 SALARIES Sheriffs Office Burkhart, 8. O, deputy sher iff 124.69 Barber, W. T, deputy sheriff 12459 Richardson, W, deputy sheriff 99.69 Wrightman, F. T, tax deputy 11459 BuUer, & J, tax deputy ... 109.69 Clerk's Office Ward. C. C, dep. co. clerk.. 11550 Tamktn, W. S, dep. co. clerk 110.00 Wilson, J. R dep. co. clerk. . 110.00 Ward, J. E, dep. co. clerk . . 100.00 Antzlcan, Lila, clerk 8750 Recorder's Office Crann, Eva, dep. co. recorder 10050 Beecrof t, Myrtle, dep. co. rec order 100.00 French, Louise M, steno grapher... 9050 Sundborg, Ava, " stenographer 90.00 Treasurer's Office Richardson, W. Y, dep. treas. 115.00 Assessor's Office Shelton, R, dep. assessor.. 115.00 Jones, A. W, dep. assessor 115.00 Roberts, Eva, clerk 100.00 Ackerman, Alma, clerk . . 100.00 District Attorney's Office Page, Lyle J, dep. dist. atty. 100.00 Hickox, Carlotta, stenographer 50.00 Court House Account Wyatt, A. H, janitor 70.00 Hobson, L,, janitor 70.00 Hill, W. W, Janitor 70.00 School Snpt's Office Reid, Cora E., assistant 100.00 Fox. William W, supervisor 120.00 Reid. Cora E. truant officer 15.00 Health Officer's Acct. DeKLeine, Dr. Wm., co. health officer 9553 Sealer of Wts. A Meas. Acct. Jones, J. F, sealer of wts, St meas. 77.61 Miscdlaiieoas Accounts Smith, W. Carlton, co. physi cian 65.00 Morehouse, W. G, co. veteri narian 33.60 White, Nona,' probation off i- 109.69 County Court A Comrs Acct. Smith, J. E, SaL' & exps. co. commlssiorier 120.75 Porter, J. H, saL & exps., co. commissioner 146.10 Y. M. C. A Salem, Oregon. main, free employ, bureau 50.00 ing death of ;Ulrich Tinner Rigdoo, Lloyd jT, Investigat ing death of Gander E Winger ..j.s. j. ....... School Sapi's Office Fax, W. W, traveling exps.. . Fulkerson, Mary L, traveling ; exp. ..l ,; Marion Ca Child Health dem. quota for headquarters .... Silveiton Tribune, prtUng cds Health Officer's Account Kilham Stat. ; fe Print. Co. &50 5.00 50.00 5050 40.00 950 Gopher and Hole Bounty Act. Boyer, U. G, ca clerk, cash to be adv. as bounty 10050 EXPENSES Registration and Election Acct. Mills, A. E, checking petitions 950 Richardson, V. A, checking petitions Rogers Paper Co, envelopes. Sheriffs Office Barber, W. T, use of car, etc ,A I Bower, O. D, use of car, etc . ing tax receipts 22.75 Thielsen, Will, tax clerk ... 93.75 Western Union TeL Co., tele graph service Reeorder'a Office 19-75 Brooks, Mildred R, cash adv. for stamns 92.401 Assessor's Office Steelhammer, O. A, cash adv. 82.151 for stamps District Atty's Of&ee 101551 Gunnell & Robb studio, copy 8755 750 1050 63.10 2750 4.78 2.00 2.00 card Index cabinets 21.60 Webert, Louls,, health registrar 250 Scheible, Mrs. eGrtrude, health registrar .1 ix)0 Bauman, John T, health registrar i. 650 Van Winkle, Dr J. O. health registrar j....... Hubbs, G. W, health registrar Schaff er, Mrs. Margaret, health registrar ..; Maneger. J. B4 health registr Prather. E. 84 health registT Beebe, G. BLJiealth registrar Fruit Inspeetors Account Van Trump, S. H, co. horti culturist , Poor Account Associated Stores Ca, Inc, No. 6, groceries for Amos Brown ,.J, ; Brown, eGnetieve. relief .... Busick, J. L. Sb Son, groceries ior a. Barnyard Busick. J. L. St Son, groceries for Mrs. A. Swanson Busick. J. L. & Son. trrbceries for Eva Ellsworth , v 9S9 Busick, J. L. s$ Son. groceries for Mrs. Frajnk Jones 550 Central Pharmacy, medicine for poor ...j ; 14.90 Chiles, Mrs. D; care of Lillian Baker ....4 2155 Clark, Frank C, board of poor farm Inmates 425 15 Salem Deaconess Hospital: care or J. BJ. Morrison . Care of Fred W. Baker Care of Addle Rigdon . Care of Nom Sing Care of Donald Miller . Care of E. 150 1150 4.75 .75 .75 .75 143.75 13.87 5.00 2059 10.10 Francis arajm 5.00 PnrtprtL eroceries for Rosie Bloom - 1459 Porter's, eroceries for J. B. Smith 1052 RtedoU W. T. St Son, inc. burial of Lillian Baker 35.00 Riffdon. W. T. & Son. Inc, burial of Frances V. Mann 3550 Salem Deaconess Hosp. Care of Mrs. Q. C. Hughes 2655 Scott. Mrs. C. .E, house rent for Rosie Bloom ..... 9.00 Shrode. D. L, groceries for Mrstf Northcutt 24.82 SkagTS Safeway Stores, gro ceries for Mrs. L. Potter . .' i 5.09 Spaulding. C. K. Log. Co, lumber 8.70 Wengenroth, Wm, groceries for Mrs. Josephine Jeoudoin 15.00 Jnvenile Coart Account Bower, O. D., use of car .... 1350 Jail Account Bower, O. D, board of prison ers ..... , 608.80 Prohibition Enf. Fund Cook, Mrs. J. L., milk, etc, for Gus Crete family 13.90 Kirk, pete, wood for Gus. Crete family 9.00 Kirk, R. E, groceries for Gus Crete family 555 McDonald, Peter, groceries for Gus Crete family 15.15 St Paul Market, groceries for Gus Crete family 9.16 Van De Wiele, D. L, groceries 17.13 8.00 12.00 6.00 18.00 18.00 650 .6.00 for Gus Crete family ...... Dog Tax Fond Adelman, Frank, sheep killed by dogs j Aupperie, G. M, sheep killed by dogs ....v... Cannon, Chas. H, sheep kill ed by dogs Ebner, J. W, sheep killed by dogs Erwert, Frank, sheep killed by dogs Housewert, John R., sheep killed -by dogs Nash, E. A, sheep killed by dogs Schmitz, John J, sheep killed by dogs , 24.00 Wolfe, Geo. B., sheep killed by dogs 18.00 Haskins, W. W., collecting de linquent dog licenses 9.00 Marnach, Paul, collecting de linquent dog licenses 217.00 TaX Rebate Account Matheny, S. P., tax rebate . . . 5056 Fire Protection Account Clackamas-Marion Co, Firei . Patrol association, fire pa trol 350.00 Divorce Fees and Dist. Atty's SaL Aoe't. Kay, Thos. B, state treas., di vorce fees .... 85.00 Mtcsellaneons Accounts Atlas Book Store, rubber bands, etc 3.15 Boyer, U. G, Co. Clerk, cash 1 fol-Co, 17.00 6550 1150 85.60 44.45 adv. for stamps ..... Commercial Book; store. ders, etc L...'..:' Farmer, Ray L, Hdw. sprinkler, etc Pacific TeL Se TeL Co, tele phone service Patton Bros, file, etc r. . ... . Portland Elec Pwr. Co, light service U8.25i Unruh. Lee M, Print Co, printing envelopes, etc. .. 2810 Titus, A. J, relief for Harry Yamell .i 50 00 Titus, A. J, relief for John LudvOtsen ... .1 .......... . 17.50 Alison, Allona, relief 17.50 Foster, Genevieve, relief .... 40.00 Howe, Christine, relief 15.00 Klme, Mrs. Maud, relief .... 25 00 Kliewer, Minnie Myrtle, relief 17.50 Ross. Mable Lily, relief 25.00 i Sawyer, Rosemary, relief 25.00 Sl&vens, Blanche : Elizabeth, relief L 10.00 Boyer, U. G, co. clerk, cash adv. for bounties on goph- . ers; etc. L 100.00 Chiles, Mrs. D, care of Lilian Baker L. 3750 Boyer, U. G, county clerk, cash adv. for bounty State Industrial Accident commission, accident insur ance Boyer, U. G, county clerk, cash adv. as bounty ..... Smith, W. Carlton, examina tions i 100.00 23.63 100.00 35.00 38.75 38.75 38.75 38.75 38.75 G- Hall 1.25 Care of David Ratclif fe Care of Katie Schirman . . Care of Oscar McCallister Care of Mrs. H. V. Davis.. Care of Wm. Henry Judson Care of Wm. Casteline .. Care of John Regner .... Care of Andrew Campbell Care of Clifford Bresette.. Care of Francis Mann .... Care of Eldon Johnson .. Care of Anna Geelan Care of Charles W. Cyclie Care of Elias Grensen .... Care of Mrs aKtie Wohlf- arth ; i Care of Mrs. Amelia Cot terell ...j Clark, W. H, groceries for Mr. Cady ". Digerness, N, Groceries f or Elsie Sanberg .... 2012 Foster, Mrs. E, relief 20,00 Fry's Drug Store, medicine ior poor ..j Greenbaum's 'Dept. Store. shoes for Anna Geelan Hammond Lb. Co., groceries for Nellie Wachter Hurley, Guy O, milk for Sanson's .0 nn Levy Harry M, relief for F. KinrtaTl ...i i-c. Nathman, John B, plumbins for Jos. W. Kenhart a vlk Nelson Sc Hunt, druggists, medicine for noor iim Oregon Grain: Co, groceries wr.s. Jaxiey , 10 00 Pickens Sc Havnes. for Mrs. McAfee . . Plant. Jas, digging- grave for niian saker .... Plant, Jas, digging grave for 375 38.75 8.00 1950 450 50.00 5.00 ON TIRES Now is the time to get those tires for your Labor Day trip. Come in and let us inspect your tires Standard guarantee is now for the life of the tire 0W0 'a Phone 66 Commercial and Chemeketa 25.61 455 3554 21.00 63.10 1156 and print of papers tool house, etc 9756 Page, Lyle J, cash adv. for r. Zimmerman. CarL scraping. I r. fare etc in Bricker case etc 149.75 rosau itL uaoie co, teie- Zolner. Joe. operating roller. 114.77 grapn service State Ind. Ass. Comm. acci dent ins, 719.04 GENERAL FUND Poor Aeeount Baldwin. Mrs. Loinda, reuief 10JXI L50 5.00 22 Harwood. C. A, do. Hatch, W. J, sharpening scarifier teeth 22.50 Herd's Battery Shop, repair- ing Diasung machine, etc. . 3.00 Hoffman Welding Shop, welding, etc ' 25 Howe, L N, hauling A C, etc. .4923.03 Johnson. F. O, salary and expenses deputy road mter 153.10 Johnson. F. O, cash adv, Court House Aeeosnts Brownell Electric Co, lamps 2.40 Capital City Laundry, laun dry service 139 Capital Ice and Cold Storage- "rWT a nnl Gaber Brothers, plumbing . . 155 w" 11,; Hunt, Jno. P, ins. premium 12.00 ""L-'. 4 teftA Nelson Bros, gaskets LOO Boies. Chas. P relief 15.00 Boys' Si Girls' Aid Society 25.00 Relief, Brinegar, Elizabeth, relief... Carlson, C. CarL relief Carson, Mrs. Mable C. relief Casperson, Flossie, relief .... Cave, Mrs. Maggie, relief .... Chamness, Perry, relief .... Churchill, Mrs. Belle, relief.. Bloom, D. C relief for Lela and Milford Cook 10.00 1 docket Northness, R. E, cleaning of chimneys, etc. 15.00 Ore.-Wash. Water Service Co. 20-00 Packer-Scott Co, supplies .. 29.40 if w Riley, Ed, splitting wood ., 1055 low Salem Hardware Co., gasket 20.00 packing i L80 10.00 stiff. H L, Firm Co, win- 10.001 dow shades 5.00 10.00 County Court Comxnrs. Acct. Capital Journal, pubL 9050 1250 Statesman PubL Co, pubL 2000) claim docket 8050 10.00 1 Capital Journal, pubL notice 10.00 1 cancellation of warrants .. 198.00 10D0 1 Statesman PubL Co, pubL notice cancellation of DeHaven. Levk relief Derbyshire, G. H, relief .... DHL Mrs. Ida M, relief Dodge, Ulyssa Ellen, relief.. Engelhart, Mrs. Anna, relief pininrhman Eunice, relief for sen ana nusoana ib.wi Fowler. John, relief for self iiuures, oss js, s uo, leuer and daughter 15.00 Heads Authorities Seek Forest FirebUgs i OSEBURO, Ore.r Aug. 31. 1) -Officers are continuing in Mtigation of circamstances sur. Wuhding the setting of incendiary tlrus la the, south Myrtle Creek district Tuetsday night and will Olace their j evidence before the Stud lazy. for freight, etc 10.47 Jorgensen, Ira, oxygen, etc.. 21166 King. P. A, hauling gravel.. 67457 Kimsey, Archie, wood. . . 24L50 Lambert, L. S, salary dep. . , roadmaster 161.73 Larkin-Prince Hdw. Co, file. etc 2355 Latture, J. L. Equipment Co, rotary scraper, etc 585.43 Loggers St Contractors Ma- - chinery Co, standards, etc 25058 Miller, Fred J, saL and ex penses road viewer........ 59.03 Moser, Loyd. haulln gravel.. 30859 Murphy-Gardner Lbr. Co, lumber .. 6457 Nag. John, hauling gravel.... 566.12 Nathman, John B, pipe.... 1.40 Newcomb, V. E, tires, ets.. . 2355 Oliver, HI E, hauling. gravel. 5055 Oregon City Sand St Gravel Co, gravel 263552 Oregon Gravel Co, gravel. etc .. , ...........4282.77 Ore-Wash. Co, water service 251 Pacific TeL & TeL Co, teiephorje service 22D0 Poiaft, H. St Son, Inc, grader, etc 6255 Portland Electric Power Co, power service, !t a......... 21859 Salem Hdw. Co, picks, etc. . 1259 Salem Iron Work, drum, etc 18355 Salem Iron Works, ;!rum. etc, 18355 Salem Sand & Gravel Co, . rXOPMkg.- I-7F.UO...UX... Gobin. Lizette, relief ........ Haggard. Delia, relief Hall. Ludnda, relief Hard wick. Charles, relief .... Harper, J. H, relief ........ Hart, Grace A, relief Kegarty.i Mrs. Hazel, relief.. Hepburn, Mrs. Eua, relief .. HoescheL Gerhard, relief ... Horrom, Wm. F, relief ...... Vollmer, Ben. relief far Ag j jMast, R. H, sec-treas. exps. u. es c. Land Grant hear ing Justice Court Aeosunt Knowlaad. Charles S, print ing, etc 1250 3250 20.00 1050 8.00 Coreuer's Aeeount deaai wilbert Alkin 10.00 on 1150 Rigdon, Lloyd T, investigat ing ueath of Louise Sophie Aufranc nes St John Imfild 15.00 Rigdon, Lloyd T, invesUgat- Keohart, Sarah E, relief for self and husband Terhanv Wm, relief for Katherine Kopf Lacey, Mrs. Isa, relief Galbraith, J. C, relief for Mr. and Mrs. Prosper La Chappelle Martin, Eve. relief McDanirl. Mrs. Mae. relief .. McKnighL Mrs. Lulu, relief Shaw, Mrs. Delia M, relief for Harry Meeker. ........ Mlrau, Antonia, -relief Odman, Mrs. Klrsti, relief... Paquette, Mrs. Louisa, relief for Mr. and Mrs. Paschal Paquette St Nora Fmard... Parrls. Wm. H, relief Parris, John S. relief for self and brother Pavelek. Antonie. relief .... Brokke, T. H, relief for Olea Pedersen ................. Pugh, Anna, relief .......... Renick, Mrs. Annie, relief ... Rix, Jennie May, relief .i.... 27lH.Rohnaoo. Mrs, Jennie M. re- ing death of Cecil Ralph 2550 Bamett Rigdon. Lloyd T, investigat- 1550 Ing death of William EL 20.00 Dahl Keene. Dr, C. W, wtmtBing body of William E. Dahl .. 20.00 Ridon, Lloyd T, mvestigat- 10.00 oeath of A. J. Duncan UM Vehrs. Dr. Geo. R, examining 15.00 L,, "uncan .... mguwi, Ljaja t, investigat ing oeatn of Wilfred Elliott Rigdon. Lloyd T, investigat ing death or Joel Beal Haves Rigdon, Lloyd T, Investigat ing' oeatn or Jacob B. Hudei Rigdon. Lloyd T, lnvesUgat- lnsr death of Ambrose Matt 10f0 Rigdon, Xloyd T, investigat ing death of Cornena Mudd 25J00 Rigdon, Lloyd T, tnvestigat- 20.001 "Inc death of Henry Peever Rigdon,' Lloyd T, investigat- 1550 log death of aMry ePterson 1850 1 Rigdon, Lloyd T. investigat- 10.001 ing death of Bern Rotten- ' 10501. cutter .............v...-; - 15i '2050 2050 20.00 755 4656 1255 550 12.00 550 550 550 550 1050 550 550 550 550 iM 550 550 5.00 SON GROCERY For Reliability X z X X X X X T X x f x x x t x X Y Y x X T X X T Y Y x x X X T X X 4? Y a x X ? Y Y Y SIMP -"7"-r 155 N. Commercial St Onr every effort is devoted to serving One customer. At Simpson's the "We to yon" personal interest is fomer we had 88 quidd and M interestedly as ihouhJlUl We are constantly investigating and analyzing your needs. We know the following will interest you. SPECIALS for FRIDAY and SATURDAY Del Monte Peas, No. 2 Tins, $229 pei- doz. ! S & W Corn, No. 2 tins, $2.19 per doz. abaJgain?1 0 0 m Wh6D yU buy this sPlendid keraeI Wte corn at such 1 Fancy Elberta Free Stone I Ivionarch CaUup L rKgS. CDC Large Size Cro-n Pancake Flour PeOC&OS Only OgC 2 for 49c ! ' l 1 j r? crate 1 Z large pkgs; 45c tw. i. . ftoe quamy peich. w offeri Sapphire Flour .,J ing them cheaper than you can buy then 49 Jh Arr H OA 44bti79 by thelmsheL Do you, canning uiwl -iP. OOgS gjk 'tmTsi 49 canning supplies Go,d 5" Scouring O-ID. nM Ball Special Wide Mouth Jars I Powder Blue Rose Rice Sktl&'ZrlZZL 4 tins 2Sc 3 Bbs. for 25c ST.0 MrUl ,ar c. 01 . - t ; rrr B oe ! Stewart Bluing QuCiakerOats , 19cperbottlc Large fixe pkg. 33c Qt. !. per do, o. 2 bottles 35c Smafl size pkg. 13c K tZfrJZ? " " r. Brooms ! Pineapple ::;;;;:;;;;;;;;;S: Extra oty Satins for 69c fStpjrsr: Blue Ribbon Malt l?St 1 3 lb. Tins Parawar, a for 2 . 7 lr $1 ,eIly GUe. p doaen ...45c Je?t grade of Putck Cane i jZi0rfA'JSI Certo 20c, a f or j. ....T5c 1004b: bag $5,98 VEGETABLES Fresh Ripe Tomatoes, Fresh Yellow Corn, Fancy Crisp Celery Hearts, Tender Beets. Carrots, Tur nips, Solid Home Grown Cabbage, New Sweet Po tatoes Fresh Green Beans. FRUITS AH kinds of Taney Grapes, Sweet Local Musk melons, Fresh Local Strawberries, Honey Dew Melons, Ripe Watermelons, Ground Cherries. and a Host of Others Don't carry your goods home. Let us deliver them FREE! A. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t T T T T t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1 1 z t z f Y Y Y Y z z z z z I z z z V.7 I Rigdon. Llard X. Inn flu l