The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 01, 1928, Page 5, Image 5

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The Wet Oregon Statesman, Salem, Oregon,- Saturday (.Morning, September 1, 1928
5 .
Local News Briefs
Fox to Coast William W. Fox.
county supervisor, and Mrs- ox
and little Virginia will spend the
week-end at Newport.
Baying Wheat, Oate Charles
Beidler and George Matthiews of
. Cottage Grove were In the Salem
district one day the latter part of
this week contracting for wheat
' and oats.
Goes to Portland James Camp
bell of Salem has gone to Port
land where he has a position with
P. s. Harmon & Co., dealers in
wholesaler furniture.
Battery Stolen E. M. Hammer,
860 Marion street, reported to the
police Friday that a battery wis
stolen from his Ford car while
it was parked at 1557 North Win
Teacher Here decile Wiegund,
who has been attending summer
school-at the state normal at Mon
mouth, was a Friday visitor at
the office of County Superinten
dent Fulkerson. She is principal
of the Salem Heights school.
Gibbard to Return Arthur E
Gibbard, assistant postmaster, is
expected back at his desk in the
post office this mo:ning. He has
been spending a week at Nesko
win with his family, who also re
turned to Salem.
Girl, Not Boy Mr. and Mrs. S.
B. Dodge, 295 North 23rd street,
are the parents of a baby girl, and
not a boy as was stated in yester-
A mitmlnc'i Ct a t r m an . The
UA uiue-, -J
' youngster arrived Thursday after
noon at the Salem General hospit
al. Air Mail Changes Another
change in the closing of air mail
isjpeported by the local postoffice.
The dead line on air mail for Cal
ifornia will be 7:30 p. m. after
Monday, the schedule for train
No. 12 changing that day. Air
mail for the east mustbe in the
postoffice at 5 o'clock in the eve
ning. Bollier Arrested Cliff Bollier
of Salem route 7, was arrested
Thursday night on a charge of
molesting girls, and posted $10
bail to guarantee his appearance
Un municipal court September 4.
fit was "'reported that Bollier has
I invited girls tot whom he was a
. : .1 - ln Vila autnmru
! stranger, iu nue "
I bile.
Many Flowers H. C. Bateham,
of Baleham s floral gardens, knew
he hid a good many varieties of
yellok flowers, but he didn't
knew how many until he decided
to take one of each variety to his
favorite stenographer. When the
bouquet was picked, there were
Just 77 different 6hades of yel
lows, oranges and lemons of the
blooms. Mr. Bateham says the
gardens are a profusion of color
now. But he didn't mention the
name of the favorite stenographer.
No lights Found Motorists
are not the only persons suffering
from the present checkup on Im
proper lights in Salem. The police
Thursday night arrested three bl
cvclists on charges of riding at
night without light3. They were
Sidney VanLydegraf, 1225 North
Summer street; Robert Valdock.
1230 North Church and Richard
Devers, 137 5 Market street.
Home From , Ashland Miss
Rita Reid, domestic science teach
er at the Parrish junior high
school, returned home last night
from Ashland, where she has been
attending both six-weeks summer
sessions of the state normal
school there. Miss Reid is the
daughter of Mrs. Coxa E. Reid,
of trie county school superinten
dent's office.
School Open Tuesday. The sec
ond Marion county school to open
for the new school year will be
Gates, where children will get
down to the business of books and
lessons the day after Labor Day.
next Tuesday. The Bridge creek
school opened last Monday. The
next schools to open will be Mill
City and the Prospect school at
Liberty. These win begin Mon
day, September 10. The following
week a number of school bells will
Drying Prunes The Rambler
prune drier, a half mi ho west of
. i XT- i - i. m .4 riA
Lllf BtllUUt, VJ K LA
eon Stolz, of Salem, began its sea
son run on the first of this week
and is now busy with the French
B 'Imnprial nrnn Th Hrlr hit
been, running at only half capacity
but by next Tuesday It Is expected
" sufficient prunes will be coming
ia to run full capacity. .
Holiday at North Bend Dr. O.
L. Scott and family, accompanied
'by C. H. Casement and family and
WiH Bennett of the O. W. Water
Service company, will leave this
morning for North Bend and1
Marshfield. They will visit over
Labor Day at the home of the doc
tor's sister, Mrs. P. A. Hamilton.
I While In Marshfield Mr. Bennett
will look over the propertlesNand
plant of the water company. -
Work Neags End Assembling
of nearly 100 seats at the senior
high school auditorium has been
completed this week, G. W. Smal
ley, head Janitor says, aind sev
eral janitors are busy cleaning
the auditorium and getting -it
ready for the opening nof schooL
The additional seats for the audi
torium have not arrived, however
it will -be .a comparatively small
matter to install them.
' Deer Wears Ring A deer's
leg with an extra ring of bone
around the hoof, is on exhibition
in the window of Ken Brown's
sporting goods store. The deer
was killed many years ago by
Carl Shortridge in eastern Ore
gon. The bone attached to the hoof
is believed to be the vertebra of
some other animal, and the theory
In explanation Is that the deer,
when a fawn set, its foot. on the
'carcass of a dead animal and with
drew it with the bone sticking
tightly to the hoof. As rt grew,
the extra piece of bone fastened
mare tightly to the leg.
From St. Helen R. E. Beard
of St.' Helens was registered a
the New Salem last night.
Captain Stops Here Captain
and Mrs. M. D. Cannon of Van,
couver Barracks, Wash., were
guests at the Marion last night.
Leaves Hospital .j Donald
Meade, who underwent an opera,
tion for appendicitis at the Dea
coness about 12 days ago. was
able to leave the hospital Friday.
Make Trip to Albany C. A;
Swope and B. W. Macy, local at
torneys, went to Albany yesterday
to appear in Linn county circuit
court. The day had been set aside
there as motion day.
Williams Released John A.
Williams wa released from the
city Jail Friday after serving five
days for drunkenness.
Real Estate Sold An order di
recting certain real property to
be sold Jrom the estate of Ernest
Hoppe, a minor, was filed In pro
bate yesterday.
At Agate Bench Colonel and
Mrs. E. Hofer motored to Agate
Beach, near Newport, yesterday to
spend a day or o on the coast.
Portland Man Here The Rev.
Harry G. Crouse. pastor at Ben
nett Chapel. Portland, was a caller
at Kimball Schodl of Theology
yesterday afternoon.
Hair Return Mrs. Almira
Hale and her daughters the Miss
es Laura and May 'Hale returned
yesterday from a three months'
vacation trip to Idaho.
.Former Student Calls The
Rev. H. H. Allen, pastor at Amity,
called at Kimball School of Theol
ogy yesterday. He was a student
at Kimball last year and indicated
that he would return this year.
Voorhees Kstate2$3.00O The
estate of the late Jacob Voorhees
is estimated at about $2,000 in a
report of inventory and appraise
ment filed in probate yesterday by
C? J. Espy. James J. Halland and
Myrtle Fikan. appraisers.
Leaguers Entertained Mem
bers of the cabinet of the Jason
Lee Epworth league were enter
tained recently at the home of
Miss Helen Ney. Following the
business meeting letters were ad
dressed to Incoming freshmen at
Willamette university.
Dwelling Planned Mrs. Amy
M. Mesarvey took out permit Fri
day to build a dwelling costing
$1000 and 420 Grove street.
Go to Elk Lake A group of
leaders of the junior division of
the Salem "Y" and members of
the junior board are leaving this
morning for a week-end trip to
Elk lake to make plans for activi
ties of the coming year.
Xo Official Word Postmaster
John Farrar has bad, as yet, no
official word from the federal
headquarters concerning the bids
for the annex to the Salem post
office, he said yesterday after
noon. " Fox Visiting Clubs William W.
Fox, county school supervisor and
club leader, was in the Silverton
district yesterday on club work,
working mostly with the Silver
ton sheep club. He reports this
club is expecting to exhibit a hun
dred per cent at the state fair.
Sidewalks Inspected -Under the
supervision of Walter Low, streets
commissioner, a survey is being
made of all sidewalks in Salem,
and notices issued to owners of
preperty where the sidewalks are
defective, to have them put in ser
viceable condition at once. This is
being done in accordance with a
resolution passed by the city coun
cil at Its last meeting.
Tacoma Pastor Here The Rev.
IF: J. Villesvlk, pastor of the Sion
Lutheran church of Tacoma Wash,
is spending a few days in Salem
as a guest of the Rev. and Mrs.
P. W. Eriksen. The visiting pastor
speaks very highly of Oregon but
is especially taken up With the
capital city. j
Services in Evening Announce
ment was made yesterday that for
the first time in the history of
the Salem American Lutheran
church evening services have been
arranged. This Sunday evening the
pastor's topic will be "Committed
to a Life Program." Services will
begin at 7:30 o'clock.
Divorce Asked Lisbeth Foster
yesterday began suit in circuit
court against Bert Foster, ask
ing divorce on the ground of
abandonment. They were mar
ried November 24, 1903. The al
leged abandonment took place
July 3, 1925. She requests the
custody of nine minor children
and "reasonable" alimony,
Kiwanis to Picnic The Salem
Kiwanis club will vary Its weekly
program by holding a picnic at
Hager's grove next Tuesday after
noon instead of the noon lunch
eon. There will be a Johnnie
Jones" feed, a btfseball game and
other attractions 3he ball game
will be between the "Fats" and
Dog Licenses Collected Dog li-
eanse .fees being long overdue,
county' agents are busy collecting
from owners who neglected to pay
their fees. An additional charge
is made In the case of a delin
quent payment. Yesterday $28
in delinquent fees was turned In
at the office of the Marion county
'World Litigation TJp Three
applications were filed in circuit
court here yesterday in suits hav
ing to do with the defunct Salem
Wbrld, local newspaper. Appli
cations to place on- the ' motion
docket were filed in the case of
R., J. O'Leary vs. the World Pub
lishing company, in 'which a de
murrer has been filed, and in the
case of the World Publishing com.
pany vs. C..M. O'Day. a motion
having been filed by the defend
ant. In the case C. M. O'Day vs.
the Northwest Service corporation,
application was made to place the
,case on the trial docket.
White Estate $747.43 Invento
ry and appraisement filed in pro.
bate yesterday In the matter of
the estate of Elepha Starns White
estimates the estate at 1747.43
value. Appraisers are Esther V.
Anderson, Agnes L. Brown and
R. S. MeLson.
Mrs. Ferguson Returns Mrs.
Frank Ferguson, formerly Miss
Blanche Barrett, circuit court re
porter, was at work again here
yesterday after having spent two
weeks in Canada on her honey
moon. -
Kenneth Wilson Weds A mar
riage license was yesterdaylssued
from the Marion county clerk's
office to Charles Kenneth Wilson,
26, of 1336 State street, and Ber
nlce Myrtle Hinds. 24. of 680 Oak
street. The marriage is to take
place today at Springfield. Oregon.
Light Lack 2oted Winona
Williams. 1498 Marion street; S.
L. Swegle, Marshfield. and H. J.
Garrett. 550 North Summer
street, cited to appear in
municipal court today j when the
police found their lights not up
to specifications Friday night.
Wants to Keep Home Setting
up their homestead rights, George
A. Larson and Oka Larson yes
terday filed a motion in circuit
court to set aside the confirma
tion of sale of certain real prop
erty on which W.,W. McKinney
had instituted foreclosure pro
ceedings. '
Dollar Dinner
Every night 5:30 to 8 at the
Marlon hotel.
Old Time Dance Crystal Garden
Every Wednesday and Saturday
Your Photo Free At
Mellow Moon Come.
Dance At Mellow Moon
Saturday nite 50c and 25c.
Alberta Peaches S1.50 Bushel.
J. P. Bressler Orchard. Phone
Opening Hop Pickers Dance
At Kenti Hall Sat. nlte, Dwight
Johnson's popular band.
New Atwater Kent Radios
See the latest model in all elec
tric sets at Vick Brothers.
Of Dr. O. L. Scott closed all day
Saturday and Monday.
Furniture Upholsterer.
And repairing. Giese-Powers
Furniture Co.
Labor Day Picnic and Water
Contests at Riverdale, Marion
County's only up-river swimming
New Model 42 Atwater
Kent Radios. Latest type, all
electric sets now in at Vlck Broth
ers. Will Mrs. McManeme
Daughter of Mr. Roy Dilly
please get in touch with the Salem
Associated Charities, tel. 1645 as
her father is very ill.
Parasol Service Station
25th and State Sts.. is now
open. 1 25c article will be given
free with each purchase today.
Prlem & Caspell, Props.
New Department
For automobile body and fen
der work see Vick Brothers. A
new department just added. We
can rebuild any wrecked car. Let
us bid on your work when need
ed. s
Old Lumber
Good for wood Free. Haul it
away. Call at Statesman build
ing on Ferry street.
Vick Brothers '
Sell complete Auto Service 6uch
as general Repair Work, Painting,
Washing, Rebuilding Wrecks,
Fender Straightening. 'Batteries
and tires. Get our prices.
For Sale
A 3-chair barber shop in Sa
lem; also one of the best restau
rants in Salem. Melvin Johnson
Phone 637.
(Continued from page 1)
not sponsored by the Knwants
club, which has taken no action
in the matter since voting' to In
dorse the charter several weeks
The attitude of members of the
Lions club at Friday's meeting
was expressed In thj passage of
a motion that the club's represen.
tative on the inter-club committee,
Newell Williams, make every ef
fort to have the charter revised
to conform to popular opini6nI be
fore it is submitted to a voter
Deadlock Explained
Williams replied with an ex
planation that the committee
reached a deadlock over the Issue
between- election of the council
at larg eand retention of the ward
system, and did not discuss any
other provision of the charter.
He said that in his opintn. noth
ing further could be done through
that committee, but pledged him.
self to do everything possible.
The committee was unanimously
In favor of the broad principle
of .the council-manager plan, he
added. 1
f In discussion of the matter by
I If E. Fitzgerald and rFank E.
Neer, the prediction was made
that the charter, if placed on the
ballot In its present form, would
be overwhelmingly defeated, and
Salem be deprived of all possibil
ity of enacting' a more modern
charter for many years.
. . What opportunity remains for
supporters' of the measure, to get
It on the ballot appears not en
tirely clear. The city ordinance
on the subject permits filing char,
er amendments by initiative pe
titlon up to 30 days before the
election, but Oregon's initiative
law has a different provision wttn
respect to city elections In this
state, it is declared, requiring a
(0 day. margin. City officials
Frldav declared, they were with-
nnt definite knowledge on this
nolat, .
Chain Absorbs
Silverton Bank
Announcement was made Fri
day of the purchase of the First
National bank of Silverton by the
new Pacific bank corporation,
which Is headed by Senator
Charles Hall of Marshfield. This
makes a total of six banks acquir
ed by the bank corporation with
total resources of about $6,000.
000. T. P. Risteigen; president of
the Silverton bank, retains his
place and becomes superintendent
of all the banks in the chain.
At the residence 653 North
High street Wednesday, August
29. May M. Falk at the age of 46
years, sister of Mrs. Theo. Falk.
Salem; Mrs. Amos Mishler,
Starthmore. Calif., Mrs. Grace
Dove, Salem; nieces and nephews,
Charley, Edna and Ruth Mwhler.
Jame3 and Dorpha Falk. Funeral
services Saturday, September 1 at
10 a. m., at Rlgdon's chapel. In
terment In Cltyview cemetery.
At the home of his daughter.
Mrs. R. D. Barton, at 1105 Leslie
street, on August 30, George W.
Walton. Children surviving are
Dr. Ralph Walton. W. Walton,
of Exeter, Calif., Miss Lula Wal
ton of Portland. Mrs. Lorena Stur
gon of Corvallis and Mrs. Barton
of Salem. Mrs. George W. Quick,
Washington, D. C. H. H. Walton,
and Paul Walton of jAlbany, N. Y.
Funeral services Monday, Septem
ber 3 k. 1:30 p. m., at Rlgdon's
chapel with Interment in Lee Mis
sion cemetery.
Alice Ann Isherwood, age 57.
died Friday night at a local hos
pital. Survived by husband Hen
ry, three daughters and two sons.
She was a member of the Adven-
tist church. Remains are in care
of the Terwilliger home. Funeral
announcements will be made
(Continued from August 28)
Sc4epon, Otto, do... 7 7633
ThObdson. Joe. do 63.04
Wangerin, Fred, do 86.02
Wangerin, G.'J- do 10.47
Stayton Paving Plant
Ditter's General Store,
bucket 100
Link-Belt Meese & Gott
fried Co., chain ' 1633
Missier, J. H.. repairing tools 22.45
SDanioL Jacob, die, etc 2.06
Stayton & Spicer, muck sand 504.00
Stayton Switchboard Assn.,
telephone service 2.20
Watters, A. S., hauling
asphalt 141.00
Downing, Earl, working at
plant 107.76
Kene. T. W., night
watchman at plant 82.94
Kintz, Dan. working at plant 15150
Scofield. W. H., do 78.90
Spicer. Ralph E., do 133.11
Stevens, P. A do 10832
SLowell. A. C, night
watchman at plant 98.93
Vanhandel, Joe. working
at plant 12255
Zimmerman, Arnold, hauling
gravel 15050
Road Roller Account
Hillman Fuel Co., coal 3150
Kleen. Ted. wood 1100
Namus, Earl, do 22.00
Coleman, Curtis, operating ,
roller 39.91
Judson, R. T.. do 12&24
Shepherd. Floyd, do 113.76
Stortz. Sam, haiOing water. . . 143.76
.Motor Patrol Accounts
Archerd, Chas. R. Implement
Co.. belt, etcf
Ditmar.'-'T. A., gasoline
Russell Grader Mfg. Co.,
grader blade
McCormcick, James, operat
ing grader 558
White, F. J., do
Zuber, W. M., do
Shovel Accounts
Miller 'Tire Service Co..
Roebllng's. J. A? Sons-Co.,
of Calif, steel rope 16.19
Smith Machine shop, welding
Sowa, Paul, making spring,
Amort, MftrriL helper on
shovel .... W.01
Dively, Calvin, do 7.98
Lanham. Chas. W, repairing
shovel 2.49
shovel 162.10
Van Cleave, R. A., do 161.74
Van Cleave, Vernon B-
helper en-shovel 9331
Market Road No. 2
Looney, D. H., moving
fence, etc
Looney. George, holding
Maker, R. W., hauling ratter 1.49
Hahn, E. W., foreman 11.97
Market Road No. 3
Calvin. J. La grading.
Chapman. H. J scraping..
Christensen, Geo., repairing
Currey, Elmer, scraping
Doerfler, Joe, grading
George. Walt, do
Houghton, Weston, do
Smith, Geo, scraping
Snider. Marshal, do
Wuscu Andy. do. I
Wn. Tom, grading..........
Russell, S. H, foreman
Market Road No. 12
Ernst, C. H. Hardware.
shovels, etc.
Manegre, J. B sharpening
Spaulding. C. KL. Logging
Co, lumber 107
Adams. Ralph, scraping 119.80
Armsrtong. Alva, shoveling. . 638
Boulin. Dale, scraping, etc.. .. 52.41
Brown. Ray, shoveling 11-16
Burnham, EarL scraping..... 4L93
Btn-nham, Ed, shoveling.... 6350
Buyserie. Arthur, team work 149.75
Buyserie. Led; do. . '. . 53.91
Cooke. Malcom, shoveling .... 57.42
Faber. Ed. do..' 79.75
Gearin. Johnnie, team work. . 149.75
Cribble, K. R, do...
Hansen, Vick, do...........
Hansen. Victor, scraping...
Henshaw. Virgil, do
Jette. Tommy, water boy...
Jette, Vernon,: shoveling...,
Labonte? Louis. Sr, do.
Lee. Tong. work done by '
hired man
8 53
Martin. Cda, do 61.40
McPonald; Peter, work done
by hired man 42.00
Monroe, Dick, shoveling 27.11
Mosener, Fred. do...:..,.. 79.75
Osborne, F. E., scraping ' 95.84
Ross. J. T, do....... 10632
Smith, Kenneth, shoveling... 1555
Van Damme, Emile. Sr,
work done by hired man.
etc. . . 19239
Van de Welle. F, scraping. . . 12.76
Vaughn. W. E, shoveling 59.01
Woodruff. Burt, shoveling... 79.75
Cooke. J. L, foreman, etc.... 274.75
Market Road No. 19
Blankenship. J. P cutting
brush, etc 15J7
Harris. RolHe, cutting bank: 3.19
Shorey, W. A., team work. etc. 957
Bettencourt. R. J,. foreman 1757
Market Road No, S3 . .
Clymer, George H, team
work 4153
Davenport, Delbert. laying
headers 3.19
Fouinal, Roy, shoveling, etc.. v2552'
Hull Ed, picking, etc 2253
Schisf er, Frank, hauling
water . 59;
Smelser, J. C, hauling
kettles, etc. 127.84
Market Road No4 24
Miller, J. P.. moving roadside 7.12
Market Road No. 27
Beckner, Lyle. plowing 2955
Lambert, U. M, team on
fresno 29.95
Dufor. Edward, cutting brush 3.19
Strang. H. C, do 3.19
Rosenbaum. N, foreman 758
i Market Road No. 36
Davis, E. D, shoveling dirt. . . 1754
Fahey, J. W, checking gravel 114.75
S Market Koad No. 39
Hlni, A. B, coal oil
Market Road No. 42
Van Handel, Joe, plastering. . 8.00
Christensen. Harold, grading 638
Curnutt, Cecil, hauling dirt. . 2356
Curnutt, J. C, do 23.96
Fisher, Theodore, do 23.96
Hartley. A. E., do 1757
Km man, D. F, grading 3.19
Klopfenstein, R. D, do 12.76
Morley, C. E, loading fresno. 3.19
RiclWds. Wm, work on fill. . 41.46
Riches. Frank, grading 1757
Riches, Theodore, hauling dirt 17.97
Market Road No. 43
Lambert, L. S, cash adv.
' for postage, etc .75
Purple Truck Co., hauling A C 230.00
Geistfield, Wm., clearing
right of way 2552
Hull, Al. laying headers 2552
Hull, Ed, work on forms 28.71
Mauer, Frank, water boy 2831
Ogle, Alva, grading 3.19
Ogle, Joe. rolling A C 31.41.
Raymond. Arthur, clearing
right of way
Smelser. J. O, use of truck. .
Market Road No. 44
Herch, Adam, damages A C
Audrsy, R, team on fresno. .
Burbee. Ed, do
Downey, Clarence, work done
byi hired man, etc.. 47.96
Fuller, Walter S, working
ori f in
Glvens, K., grading 20.73
Hopfinger, Jake, raker on
paving crew . . ' 115.40
Kass?r, Erwin, grading 33.49
Kaser, Joe, foreman 71.82
Olson, L-, working on grade.. 63. 8f
Thcmas, I. D, team on
fresno 131.7E
Thomas, Lewis, do 124.66
Colby, Rudolph, cutting
btish 3.19
Devries, Wm, craping 5351
Dick, Elmer, blasting 27.11
Dick; Henry, do. 1555
Haberly, Carl, scraping 60.00
Hartley. A. E, work done
by; hired man 109.12
K-allerhals, Emanuel, rock
work .-. 49.44
Keller-Hals, Werner, building
fence 3.19
Klo.Tfenstein, Rueben, rock
work 2233
Kuenzl, Arthur, working with
fresno 5453
Largent, J. L, culvert work.. 3.19
Leichty, Albert, plowing..... 2356
Meyer, Al, scraping done by
hired man 72.00
Meyers, Harvey, scraping 35.09
Moore, Delbert, carrying
water ...t 22.77
Muller, Albert, scraping. .... 108.93
Ramseyar, Dave, work done
by hired man '. . 103.12
Real, T. A, holding fresno.
etc. .. 3858
Riches, Chas., work done by
hired man 18.00
Rue,! Orlando, shoveling, etc.. 3150
Schockley, G. O, dumping
wagons . .- . : 638
Scriber. Max. blasting 6250
Schockley, G. O, grading. . . 70.18
Vol more, L. E, shoveling,
etf. 2233
Kuenzl, IL M, foreman, etc. . . 246.75
Market Road No. 45
Balard, A, shoveling dirt 1X76
Cattj, John, do 4.78
Comlbear, James, do 4.78
Curtis. Harry, do. 28.71
Joerg; Frank, do 4.78
Langley, Guy, do 35.09
Larson. Levi, hauling dirt 1158
Larson. Ola, shoveling dirt..: 19.14
Lux Joe, checking rock 7337
Obersinger, Albert, shoveling '
dirt w,3150
Oster, Andrew, laying tile,
etd 44.66
Oregon Electric Ry;
Willamette Valley Line
Levy, pat, team work on -
wagon . .. . . , .v. ......
Mann, Ekkffl, scraping, etc,
Mattin. Kennith, shoveling
I I MW m Rati
s.l -.
:QADD & IBUGH, Bankers
Established 1SGS
j Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. a. '
IZollner, John, shoveling dirt 31.90
Market Road No, 47
.8. Bishop. James, use of truck.
hauling A C 1656.00
Oliver. H. E, use of truck
hauling AC 903.00
Alfred. Harold, working on
headers 6858
Alton. Newton, grading.... 3.19
Bartruf f, Cecil, carrying wa
ter :. 3457
Darner, CecfL working on 1
grade 957
Dickens, W. H. working on
grade 12.76
Fandrich. August, raking A C 10357
Fandrich. Dan, shoveling A C 8057
Grimm. R. C, working on
headers ,. 7656
Lane, Donald, shoveling A C 76.78
McCoy. Clarence, working on
grade... 2552
McKinney, Glen, dumping
trucks , 4655
Millegan, NIal, shoveling A C 2752
MinshaH. F. H, working on
headers, etc 71.77
Reid. Ed, working on head
ers, etc . ; 7337
Ritchey, Chas, working on
grade 66.99
Robinson,' L. T, work with
paving crew 8057
Steelhammer, John,, Jr.,
, working on grade . . 17.54
Stettler, Carl, shoveling AC 152
Stevens, Orval, working on
grade . 71.77
I Thomsen, Clark," working on
grade 638
Vanway, W. W, working on
headers 7337
Volgamore, W. J, working
on grade, etc 71.77
Wagner, Clifford, working on
gradev etc 7337
Warren, G. L, working on
grade, etc 83.76
gg'Whitlock, Charlton, working
on graae, etc sjb
Market Road No. 49
Coomler, Howard, hauling
with wagon, etc 9.18
Dunn, L. E. hauling with-
wagon, etc 1158
Koppes, Edward, cutting
brush, etc 11.16
Oddie, H. O, cutting brush,
etc 12.76
White, G. O, nil ting brush,
etc 1435
Market Road No. 51
Dunn, G. W, damages A'C,
re-location of road 50.00
Dunn, Raleigh, O, shoveling
Johnson. Nels, shoveling dirt
Keppinger, Mike J, cutting
. weeds
rYJill William T.'
eJnsen, P. E, foreman
Market Road No.
dimming, J. B. & Mapier
damages A Cfeiocatlon
of road .-rTTT 250.00
Hoyser, George M. witness
fees 5.60
Taylor, C. H., jvitness fees 5.40
Boulin, Wm, team on fresno 125.78
Henningsen, Howard, team
on fresno 23.96
Higgins, G. S, team on fres
no 26.95
Ingren, J.'H, plowing 15.95
Kleem, A. H, team on fresno 29.95
Salchberg, M. L, plowing .. 29.95
Market Uoad No. 56
Blanton, Manuel, shoveling
Blanton. Ray, shoveling dist
3oyler, H. N, grading 143.76
Branch, Ralph carrying water 29.43
Deppen. L. A, laying headers
Dey, Leslie, laying headers . .
Dey, Leslie, shoveling gravel
Fogle, Geo, raking a. c.
Holtzclaw, Art., laying head
ers 42.52
Jackson. M., laying headers . . 6.38
Moler, Ray, spraying pave
ment, etc 57.00
McMahill, E. L, laying head
ers i 79.75
Monkers. C. L, laying headers 49.44
Orcutt, Harold, shoveling a. c. 80.56
Parrish. H. laying headers . . 49.44
Reeves, Frank, laying headers 55.82
Shipman, C. H, shoveling dirt 44.6C
Siewert, Wm., laying headers 12.76
Spencer, Earle, shoveling gra
vel 35.09
Tschida, John, laying headers 60.61
Voris, Wayne C, laying head
ers 638
Westley, W. A, laying head
ers 28.71
White, G. P. H. S, laying
headers 41.47
Wykier, Calvin, foreman lay-
ing headers , 54.89
Wylder, Calvin, grade fore
man 69.86
Market Road No. 61
Hollway. Chas., lumber 3.40
Market Road No. 68
Beals, J. V, loading fresnos 7656
Belleque, A. J, working . on
grade 7656
Billig, Earl. working on
riKB TOUIO reading leas. W lm
lr rear glMaaa fuut brMkafa,
EumiMlwn too.
Thompson-OIntsch -Optical Co.
110 N. 0NBB1 St.
Give your dog a vacation too.
Leave . him with us.
Fetland Boarding Kennels
E. B. FLAKE, Prop.
Pacific Highway H mile
North of Salem
fa i-
John J. Rottle
415 SUt St. "
Expert Shoe. Fitter
bridge .................... 2354
Cory. C. E, team on fresno. . 143.76
Credille, E. P, plowing .... 76JC
Ditmar, T. A team on fresno 8036
Du Rette, Ralph, hauling dirt
eta 27553
Francis, Karl, working on
grade 7656
Gross, Chris., team on fresno 143.76
Habert, N, team on fresno . . 83.86
Housewerth, J. R, team on
fresno 4452,
King. J. D, team on wagon 3853
Kirsch, J. H, working on
grade 7656
La Brun. Chas., work done by
hired men 432.00
Leith, Jim, team on fresno . . 86.85
Lemery. Lut, team on wagon 1157
Lewis, C. A,, team on fresno,
etc 4452
Manegre, Raymond, team on
fresno, etc 143.76
Manning, J. F, working on
grade .. 79.80
Miller, G. D. D", team on wag
on ... 137.77
Stoyer, Clayton, working on
bridge . . . 2354
Vachter, Mat, team on fresno 131.78
Wilquet, Henry, team on
wagon 4751
Winegar, Elmer, helper on
shovel, etc 638
Winegar. W. W, team on
fresno v 4752
Wells. Lee. foreman 149.75
Market Roads No 23, 42. 43
Bonesteele Motor Co, use of
truck hauling a. c 348.00
Davenport, William J, use of
truck hauling a. c 51159
Molzan. Fred, use of truck
. hauling a. c 527.78
Stewart, Fred J, use of truck
hauling a. c. 1065.00
Amort. Walter, working on
headers 79.75
Batlinger, Giedon. working
on headers 70.18
Colvin, Elmer, working on
headers 19.14
Crabferee, Wm., working on
headers 79.75
Faumal,- M., working on head
ers 60.61
Hull. Al, working on headers 2233
Kintz. Roman, laying a. c... 3830
Larson. John, working on
headers 7337
Loomis, L. A, water boy. etc. 51.00
Loose, Cecil, checking rock, etc 75.
Loose, Cecil, checking rock,
eM 75.81
Loose. C. F, night watchman 70.18
Michels. An tone, laying hot
stuff 75.00
Minten. Antone. work on
headers 73.37
Mix. Arthur, raking hot stuff,
oti 9735
Morgan, W, sharpening pins 957
Myers, A. G, working on
headers, etc 1954
Oele. Alva, chearing ouf, etc. 83.85
Porter. W. A, working on
headers 19.14
Riggs, W A, foreman J 10.75
Sacre, John Jr., laying a. c,
etc 79.75
Sacre, John, Rr, raking a. c,
etc . 9735
Lanteschlegw, Ralph, fork
ing a. c, etc X 9735
Sherman, Joe, laying headers 73.37
Simpson, B. F, forking a. c,
eta 9735
Simpson, J. H, laying headers 79.75
Swanson, Carl S, foreman of
header crew 99.75
Tangerman, Otto, laying
headers 7831
Tangerman, Otto, laying of
headers , 51.04
Tweedie, J. H, hauling gravel 77.87
Van Den Driessche, John,
laying headers 7337
Zuber. John, forking a. c, etc. 9735
Zuber, Joseph, laying head
ers 79.75
Market Roads Nos. 27, 53, 56
Battey, Arther, laying head
ers, etc 74.42
Branson, Troy, laying headers ' 82.94
Casey, Forrest, raking a. c. 99.63
Sharp, H, laying headers, etc. 76.56
Smith, Bert, hauling water.
Office Phone 125.
Res. 20 SI
Dr. F. Don Baylor
Osteopathic Physician and Sur
geon, General Surgery and
Offices 30 4 Oregon Bldg.
Rewound and Repared, New
rr Urd; Motcrw
Things Electrical
101 South High Tel. 2119
Picnic F rolic
Formerly Spong's Landing, 6 Miles North of Salem
On Hirer Road
Principal Oration by
W.S. (B01) Levens .
Numerous Unusual Eenta, Threading Contest,
Marble Race. Prizes for AIL
Sponsored by theW. 0. W. j
Poblk and Friends Invited
Admission 25 cents per car ,
Motor Boat Marion kares 10 ajn.t 12 n, and .2 pjn.
' . : from foot of Chemeketa St r3 1
etc 119J
Smith, Bert,
Wilder, Calvin, dumping frea-
nos, etc 99.75
Market Roads Nos. 44, 47, 49
Craven, J. M, working on
headers, etc ' 79.75
Desart. W, working on grade 55.81
Feddem, Herman, shoveling !
a. c, etc 8355
Moores, L L, hauling dirt . 149.75
Moore, Wm, plowing, etc . . 149.75
Market Roads Nos. 49, 5051 '
jSaxton & Looney, gravel . . 3474.00
uunn, noy, team on i resuu . .
Stevens, Theodore, team on
fresno 3554
Bietz. Ben. shoveling dirt .. 2233
Vinton. Lloyd J, checking
gravel, etc 6250
Mullican, Robert, shoveling
dirt . . 33.49 ,
Darkens. Ira, shoveling dirt. 35.09
Richter. Frank, team on free
no 2358
Vinton, G. W, foreman 99.75
Market Roads Nos, 34, 68
Radford and Van Wessenhove
hauling gravel 83032
Davis. Victor, shoveling dirt. . 44.66
Ferschweuer, J. P, do........ 79.75
Miller, Forrest, loading
trucks 7137
MfeceOaneous Market Roads
Bertelson it McShane,
printing gravel books 44.00
Frazier, P. L. & Pugh, W.
D amount due on culverV
conracts . 272750 .
Jungwirth Lumber Co,
lumber 104.10
McGee. J. F, transitman 149.74
Drager David, Jr.. chainman 99.75
Gleeson. Miner E, survey-
ing .. 99.75
Hall, Jack, shoveling A C,
etc. .. 84.90'
Herren. J. H, surveying 95.78
Papenfus, John, shoveling ""
A C, etc 102.85
MlsveUaneoos Bridges
Schwab, Fred Comm. Co,
shingles, etc 87.50
Syron & Van Arnam Mill.
lumber 278.88 r-
Butsch, Clement, building
bridge 83.79 '
Geddes, J. W, do , 53 85
Graham, Tom, building
bridge 359 "
Hassler, Joe, do 9935
Schmitz, Payl. do....... 99.75
Simpson, N. M do 83.79
Schmite. Peter, do 174.75 5
Bye, Robt, Jr., cTo. .v. 91-76
Helrte, F. A, do............ 31M2-J
Liechty. Chester, do. ... . . . v . . 91.76
Parkhurst, Clifford, do 10.47 (
Parkhurst, Geo, do.. 1157 -
Peterson, Chas, do. . 85.77
Robl, Greg do 50.88
Fischer, Phillip, foreman.... 240.78
(Continued on page 8, please)
A 1036 Chevrolet Coupe with
85 percent new rubber, 2 spai
tires, ! loaded with equipment
and in A-l condition is well
worth! $385.00
MTbe House That Set vice Anill
Fresh Stock Made in San
Francisco, Calif.
This sells regular at 35c lb.
Special For .Saturday Only
22c a lb.
or Two lbs. for 40c
Sold by the lb. only at
this price"
Sold only at .
The original Candy Special and
Yellow Front Drag Store
135 N. Coml. St.
Phone 107
Peaslar Agency