The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 01, 1928, Page 2, Image 2

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    The Arew7 Oregon Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, September 1, 1928
Society Editor -
Telephone All
Departments 583
Attractive Aiiair
Planned For
:- Beta Chis
A' GROUP of members of the
Beta Chi sorority of Willi
amette University " en
tertained with a delightful tea
yesterday afternoon at the home
of Miss Florence Power on North
Thirteenth street. V ?
', The afternoon was spent with
various diversions.- .
- Miss Vivian Itauge, Miss Helen
Ashliman, Miss Loretta Fisher
and Miss Mildred Push assisted
Miss Power in serving- at. the tea
hour. . '
-Vivid garden flowers were ar
ranged about the living rooms and
on the attractively-appointed tea
The group Included: Mrs.
George Moorehead, Mrs. Wallace
Griffith, Miss Florence . Young.
Miss Rose Houston, Miss Mildred
Pugh. Miss Helen Ashliman, Miss
Vivian Hauge. Miss Loretta
Young. Miss Gaynelle Beckett,
Miss Roby Laughlin. Miss Mar
veil Edwards. Mi Carolyn Lam
birth, Miss Marjorie Christenson.
'Miss Louise Nunn, Miss Frances
Hodge. Miss Mary Lou Aiken and
Miss Florence Power.
rl rU,U
Lsll! iSLldll sIlUlUL
Group Guests
At Picnic
MEMBERS of the Willing
Workers Class of the First
Christian Church were, en-
tertained one afternoon of the
week with an interesting outdoor
meeting at the country home of
Mr. and Mjs. D. B. Simpson, near
- Following the regular business
session, games and a social hour
were .en.'oyed.
Refreshments were served by
the hostess committee which in
cluded Mrs. Simpson. Mrs. Myrtle
Keasey, Mrs. Hichethier and Mrs.
Clifford Elgin.
The children of Mrs. Simpson's
Sunday school class were enter
tained with a picnic the same "af
ternoon. Members "of the class present
for the affair were: Mrs. E. H.
Robertson, Mrs. E. J. Reiser. Mrs.
Clifford Bowen. Mrs. A. Harper.
Mrs. Schleisner, Mrs. A. F. Noth.
Mrs. Thomas H. Smith, Mrs. J. W.
Arnett, Mrs. Harry M. Styles. Mrs,
Will May. Mrs: JT. J. Schlintz. Mrs.
Earl Chapel. Mrs. A. B. Seeley.
Mrs. Cochran.' Mrs. Lucille Hunt.
Mrs. Faye Humphrey. Mrs. Dora
McDowell, Mrs. A. L. Kirton, Mrs.
-Cash Roberts, Mrs. Gertrude Kirk-
patrick, Mrs. B. W. Macey. Mrs.
C. F. Riley. Mrs. Earl Wood. Mrs.
Irene Martzall. Mrs, H. Cochran.
Mrs. Ralph Cooley. Mrs. D. J.
---llo've. Mrs. Clifford Elgin and the
hoFtess. Mrs. Simpson.
Special guests included Mrs. A.
h. Headrick, Mrs. Jennies Farr
and Mrs. Mary E. Morrison of San
Jose, California.
Mr. and Mrs. Roth
Hosts at dinner
: Mr. and Mrs. Emil Roth enter
tained Friday evening with an at
tractive dinner party in their home
, . Jon North Cottage street, honoring
Mr. and Mrs. David Roth of Mound
.. Ridge. Kansas, who are visiting
in Salem.
: Covers were placed for the hon
W guests, Mr. and Mrs. David
,Roth; and for Mr. and Mrs. Rus
sell Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. John
.Roth, Miss Merle Hopton, Carlton
and Eddie Roth, Samuel J. Rich,
and the host and hostess, Mr. and
3tfrs. Emil J. Roth.
David W. Wrights
Visiting in North
Mr. and Mrs. David Wright and
their two daughters, Eloise and
Eleanor, left Thursday by motor
for Wenatchee, Washington where
they will remain for several days.
The Wrights were called north
by the death of Mrs. Wright's
grandfather, Mr. David Cox.
Guests of Parents
For Several Days
Mrs. John Enyart is the guest
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
A. Flesher for several days. Mrs.
"Enyart is enroute, to San Pedro,
California to join her husband
who is an officer on the U. S. S.
West" Virginia.
Return Fni Trip
to Southern State
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Needham
returned Thursday to their home
1 kn Salem after a month's motoi
fm saiem aner a moping moiot
inp tnrougn soumern cauiornia.
.Tney visnea relatives in several
.(- southern cities.
. First Meeting of
t Centralia Temple
Centralia Temple, No. 11, Pyth-
fan Sisters, will meet Wednesday,
'? September 4, at eight o'clock, in
L' the Fraternal .Temple. All visiting
$ Sisters are invited to attend.
; Mrs. Geo. Miller
i to Entertain Club .
The first fall meeting of the
i-'Weatway club of the Woman's
' Benefit association will be held
: home of Mrs. George Miller. 351
j South 19 th street. Members are
f asked to bring their own work.
f Miss M. Covington
I Has House Guest . I
Little Miss Constance Bryant of
Walla Walla, Washington is the
guest of her aunt Miss-Maude Cov
Ve - Today
W. R; CC Regular meeting
McCornack hall. 2 o'clock.
. " Tnestiay ,. .
' W. C.' T. U. regular meet- t
Ing. Union hall. S. Conrtner-
eial and Ferry Streets. 2:30
o'clock. M .
Chadwick chapter, O. B. S.
First fall meetings Masonic
temple, 2:30 o'clock. - v--.
Centralia Temple. No. 'It. '
Pythian Sisters Fraternal
Temple. 8 o'clock.
11 Wednesday
Missionary. Society. FiTst
Congregatioaal " church.
Chtirch parlors. 2:30 o'clock.
- Thursday -
Westway Club. W. B. A.
First fall meeting. Mrs. Geo.
Miller, 351 Sy 19 street, host-
' ess. . -m
Out of Town Guest
Honored at
Mrs. George SMterlee of Bill
ings, Montana who is a guest
in Salem for Several weeks. Mrs.
Clifford Townsend entertained
ThnrsdsT afternoon In her home
with a deliahtful informal tea.
Tne HTing rooms, dining room
and tea table were attractive iy
decorated with baskets of dahlias.
gladioli and asters.
Miss Mardith Pelton assisted
Mrs. Townsend inyserving.
The group Included the honor
suest. Mrs. Saterlee: Mrs Pelton.
Mrs. Amos Vass. Mrs. Elsie Hens-
ley. Mrs
M. C. Haiveron. .
A. Nye. Mrs
T. S. Goiaen. mrs.
M. f n
Intyre Mrs. William Hlckey. Mrs.
John Koorman. Miss Mardith Pel
ton and the hostess. Mrs. Town,
Missionarv Group
to Meet Wednesday
The Missionary society of the
First Congregational church will
meet Wednesday afternoon in the
church parlors.
unetoen will be Mrs. Vr. Hi.
t Mrs s L.' Minard. Mrs
Francis' E. Necr. Mrs. Harold M.
Brown. Mrs. James taruj.
J. F. Humphreys. Mrs. L.. m
TUwnrtcAfi ATI A Mrs. John Tweea
Mrs FJ W. Bailey will conduct
. j, ovntinniil and Mrs. W. i.
,r un Vake and Mrs. W-
C. Kantner will arrange the pro
gram. Mrs. Gordon Mciiicnrii
will sing, accompanied by Bertha
W. C. T. U. to Meet
in Regular Session
The regular meeting of the W.
C T U will be held at two-thirty
o'clock Tuesday afternoon in
the union hall. South Commercial
and Ferry streets.
Mrs. F. M. Reed will conduct
the devotional, and Mrs. J. J
Nunn, president, will preside.
All women are invited to attend
the inspirational meetings.
C. F. Wilsons to
Visit in Hood River
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wilson, their
daughter. Miss Carolyn Wilson,
and son. Charles Wilson, are leav
ing today by motor for Hood Riv
er. Miss Wilson who has been a
member of the faculty of the Hood
River high school for the past
several years, will remain there
for the winter, but Mr. and Mrs.
Wilson and their son will return
to Salem following the Labor Day
Miss Celia Mielke
Leaving For South
Miss Celia Mielke, who has
spent the summer In Salem; with
her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. ?F.
Mielke is leaving today for Co-
quilie. Ore. Miss Mielkewill teach
in the high school at Rlverura,
eight miles from Coquille, this
winter. !
Joy Turner Moses
Guest in Seattle.
Joy Turner Moses is the guest
of. her brother and sister-in-law,
Mr., and Mrs. Rex "A. Turner in Se
Clifford V. Elgins
Leaving For Idaho .
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Elgin and
heir -children. Katherlne, Clif-
:ord Jr., and Jane, are leaving to-
.day for Bose Idaho where they
wilt yjsit relatives for 10 days
Mrs. Elgin's sister, Mrs. A. L. God
frey, will accompany the grnup.
Ralph Stearns Will
VisitfParents Here
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Stearns will
entertain as .their, week-end guests
their son and daughter-in-law. Dr.
and Mrs. Ralph Stearns of Med-
ford, Oregon. Dr. Stearns return
ed early in the summer from an
extended stay abroad.
Spending Holidays
in Southern Oregon
Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Aikire are
spending the Labor Day holidays
in southern Oregon.
Zimmermans on Trip
(Through Washington
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zimmerman
are spending a "fortnight's vaca
tion in Washington. - -
i s
Dr. and Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney
spent yesterday at Bellfountain,
near Cortallis. '
Curtis? Grandniece to Wed
U :
i " " ' '
Or. ' - - f. " K
Florence I ayt on of Topeka,
Charles Curtis, will be a September bride.; Her engagement to Dan
iel Henry Myers of Wakefield, Kan., was announced the day her dis
tingubhed kinsman accepted the
Mrs. Richard Schei
i Party
tained with an attractive
bridge party Thursday eve
ning in her home at the Glendora
A pastel color plan was carried
out in the decorations and refresh
ments. Baskets of garden flowers
were arranged about the living
Three tables of bridge were in
play throughout the evening. The
first prize foe high score was
won by Mrs. Lawrence Jmlah. Mrs.
Fred Gordon received the second
A two-course luncheon was
served at a late hour, with Mrs.
Fred Gordon assisting the hostess.
In the group were Mrs. Edwin
R.' Armstrong, Mrs. Reed Row
land, Mrs. Lawrence Imlah, Mrs.
Stanley Lainson, Mrs. Fred Gor
don, Mrs. John Clark. Mrs. Des
mond Daue, Miss Alice Puttaam,
Miss Jean Shipp. Miss Frances
Cummlngs. Miss Cleo Walker,
Miss Macyle Hunter and the host
ess. Mrs. Richard Schei.
343 V4 Court street. C. S. Johnson,
pastor. Services: 3 and 7:30 p. m. Sun
nay school 2 p. m. Week-day services :
Tuescsy, Thursday and Saturday eve
ST. PAUL'S CHTJRCH (Episcopal)
Church street at Chemeketa. Rov. H.
Duncan Chambers, rector. 13th Sunday
after Trinity. Holy Kueharist in the
chapel at 7:80 a. m. Church school at
8:45 a. m., in the parish hoase. Second
celebration of the Eucharist at 11 a. m.,
with sermon by the rector
Corner of Ohemeketa and N. 17th. G.
f Erskine. pastor, 268 N. 17th St..
phone 1008 W. Services: 11 a. m., and
8 p. m. ejermon topics : Trying the
Spirta, and. How Christiana Grow. Sun
day achool 10 a. ra. : O. R. Stranabangh,
Supt. Christian r.ndeavor v p. m. ; ins
Beaga. leader. Mid-week prayer service.
Thursday evening at 8 o'clock; I. Knn,
Corner N. 17th and eb. Ave. w. n.
Blodgett, pastor, 1743 Neb. Ave., phone
2G22-J. Services: 11 a. m., aad 8 p. ra.
Sermon topics: "What Ia Written In the
Book." a. m.; "Be Not Weary," p. m.
Sunday school 10: A. E. Bradfield. Supt.
Toung people'a meeting: 7 o'clock. Bar-.
fia VanCleave. president: Junior C. K..
7 o'clock, MSw. Working. 8upt.; His
Jewels meet at 7 o'clock, Maxine Hill,
Supt. Week-day services': Prayer meet
ing Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. La
dies Aid Wednesday. All are welcome.
420 State street, upstaira over the
"Mans' Shop." Ralph D. Bullock, pas
tor. 480 8. Cottage street, phone 938-M. j
Services. 2:30 and 8 p. m. 'Sunday
school. 2:30 p. m. Weekday services:
Evangelistic services Wednesday. Thnrs-1
dsy aS)d Saturday nifhts at 8 o'clock.
Kvangeliat Bessie Osgood "will be with Bi
this week. Uod is blessing hef ministry
and souls are being aaved. All are in
vited to hear this sweet-spirited hand
maiden of the Lord.
Corner Hazel and Academy, I we blocks
south of Highland avenue, on Ilatel ave
nue. Snnday school at 10 a. m. Preach
ing services at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m.
Notice tha change in time of the Sunday
evening aervice. Miss Eunice Hart will
preach at the morning service. The eve
ning service will be a spec is 1 young peo
ples night aad will ba ia charge of ia
group of students from the Bible Insti
tute of Los Angeles. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening at o'clock.
Corner R. Commercial and Washington
atreeta.. 10 a. m., Sunday school. Mar
guerite P. Elliott, SapL Special exer
cises by the primary department Sunday
morning. 11, morning worship: sermon:
' 'The Corner Stone of Prosperity," a La
bor day eermoa by tho pastor. 6 :30 p.
m.. C. . prayer meeting. 7:30, Evening
worship A "free tor a!l" meeting en
SharinEaafy Vacation Benefits With
Others. Com prepared to tall as what
good you got , out of
I your vacation, Thara-
day. 7 :3Q p.
praver meeting and Bi
ble study. Chas. C. Ha worth, pastor,
1655 South Liberty.
15th aad MiU streets. Patrik N.' Dah
lia, paator; Alts M. Gentry, acting pas
tor, 395 S. 15th street. Services:, 11 a.
m. Sermon tcpie: "Co-laborers, , Baa
day school, 9:45 a. m., Miaa Bather Eriek
son, Supt. Young people's meeting: Ep
worth league at 6:30 p. m. ; Miaa Mar
garet Barquist will lead tho meeting.
Week-day services: Wednesday evening
tho regular rr id week meetiag will be
held. Plana for improving ta teaching
program of tho charch will bo diseasaeCr
Remarks: "Word from-Rev. Francis Aha
land of Seattle states that ha will be
here to hold the foarth quarterly confer
ence oa Bepte ker 14. The pastor,. Rev.
UahUn, anil be her at that lima also.
18th and Ferry streets. H. C. Sterer,
minister; Donald J. Allison. orgsnist.
Sunday school et 10 a. m C. C. Harris,
Supt. Morning worship at 11. "Take aPPle' me at ing- ia tha evening at j9Q.
grandniece of
republican vice presidential nom
B. B. Blatchfords
KT .1 T
ysortnern i np.
Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin Blatch
ford and their sons, Roderick and
Frederick, are leaving this after
noon for Portland where they will
attend the wedding of Miss Rachel
De Yo and Francis John Medler
at the Woodlawn Methodist
Following the wedding, the
Blatchfords will motor to Ryder
wood, Washington where Roder
ick Blatchford will teach in the
high school this winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark
at Oregon Beaches
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Clark are
spending the week at the varioufs
Oregon beaches. They will return
to Salem after the Labor; Day
Mrs. J. F. Mielke.
Returns to Salem
Mrs. J. F. Mielke who is con
valescing from a recent operation
at a Portland hospital has -re-,
turned to her home at 1765, State
street. " -f
Spare Tiro" will be the rooming ser
mon subject. A ladies' quartet will sing
"Any Way, If Thy Way" (Norman
Lighthill). Christian Endeavor at 7:15
p. m. Ia the evening service at eight
the pastor will (peak on "The Open orl,
v n"c i vja,D. in. uiiii i.. vl ii i u bi v.
inclndea a ao)o by Ronald Cravea. "The
lord Is My Light and an anthem by
the chorus choir, "Jesus. Thy Children
Keep" (Miller). The monthly bosiaess
meeting of the Lafaies Social Circle will
be held in tho church parlors Wednesday
afternoon. .-
Corner of Liberty- and Center atreeta.
A. P. Layton. pastor. Snnday school at
9:45; L. L. Thornton, Sups. Worship at
11 o'clock. Subject. "God's Plan (or
His Church." Christian Endeavor at 7
o'clock, topic. "How May Kvery One
Become Truly Edaeated." Worship at
8 o'clock. Subject. "Vital Questions
That the Laboring Maa Mnat Pace."
Ibe wheel, or industry mast revolve
in the bead. First." "Pretendiaa- to
bo wise Is what makes some people look
so foolish." The church stands for tha
beat things ia Ufa. Line np." ,
Maa" will be tho subject of the les
son-sermon in First Church of Christ.
Scientist, cl Salem, -which ia a braneh
of The Mother Church, The First Church
of Christ, Scientist, ia Boston, Massa
chusetts. Services are held oa Sunday
morning at ll o clock, and in the eve
ning at 8 o'clock. 8uaday school 'con
venes at 9:45 for It: e older classes and
at 11 o'clock for the yonnger classes.
Wednesday evening meetings are held at
8 o'clock aad include testimonies o
healing, experiences and remarka On
Christian Science. The reading room is
maintained at 406 Masonic Temple where
the Bible and all authorised Christian
Science literature may be read, borrowed
or purcbaaed. All are cordially invited
to attend the Services and to visit the
reading room.
Tbe Grey Stone church on tho corner
of Winter and Jefferson streets, large
and well ventilated for summer services
extenda a glad invitation to the public
to ahare with it in all tho servleoa of
tha coming Lord's day. Public worship
11 a. m aermov by the pastor and sac
rament of the Lord's 8um)r. Evanine
worship 8 p. m., pastor's sermon theme.
"Jesus the Carpenter." There wiH be
special music at both morning and i eve
ning servicea. Other services of the day
are: Church school 9:45 a. m with six
separate Vepartmeata functioning, and
classes for all ages; Junior church in
Wesley Hall. 11 t. a. Rov. Murray Kee
fer ia charge; Epworth league servicea,
7 p. m. Opaa forum for adults of the
church school ia tbo annex at tho same
hour. Coma aad test .oar welcome aad
The charch with tho white spire at
Church and State.' Fred C. Taylor, pas
tor. Sunday, September X. Tho : fall
order of services for tho day aril) be
followed. Tha pastor will preaeh ia tha
morning oa "The Covenant of Oo-oaara-
tioa." A membership meetiag will bo
neia in me itrss iioor aaaitorium ia. the
eveainr. -Dr. D. H. Leech will preside
aad reports of tho work doae by the
chnreh departments during tbo year i will
bo given. Tha Sunday school will meet
as v:3 a. o. wilt n. w. Shanka in
charge. Tha. Epworth leagne will meet
at 7 p. m. TopH,: "What It Really
anu m do a i'arianaa.-- fjoadar. 1 Bo
mo aa Walker. Prayer meeting will be
held oa Thursday evening led by i the
pastor. Tha foarth quarterly conference
will be bald oa Taeaday evening by Dr.
u. U. Leech, tho superintendent of the
paiem ctstnet. The church busiaesa wilt
bo transacted, and tho boards for tha com
ing year will bo elected.
One block south of Center oa 19th.
U. D. Smith, pastor, phone 2940. Snn
day achool at 9 :45 ia tho morning. Frank
Litwiller, superintendent in charge. Mr.
Litwiller baa a fine school, yon will; en
joy it Miss Ila Hoffer will sing a solo.
Mornjng worship and sermon at 11: aer
ie on subject, "The Need of Aa Awaken
ing." Mrs. C. M. Litwiller, and Miss
Then Sampsoa will sing a duet. Young
iii' ll.l I " MM
1U will b m MmmJ meeting1, omr yon is f
DoI sr U wir. mm Tb tnn
torn, president ia chtrf. Mrs. Clyde
Holtmz. Ua4r. Jw ait m
6-30. Tha cTeaiBg cnofilitiie aai lice
a 7:30, Mrsei laajeet. "Taa Lodeeaa
Chare a a4 On." Mrt U D. 6aitk
n Miss J ps o is Baxter yriU aiftf a aVost.
Tha pastor la back from the rasiTSI caan
psigB ia Washington aa4 will praaea
both aaorBtar aa4 evaainc. Chsvreh pray
er aeeetiaa WafliriUT ? st 7:30,
and . Tsunr peaple'a prayer meetiar Fri
day eveaias; at 7:30. .
West Saleas. F. L. CaBBelL pastor.
975 Kugewater street, phone: 134 1-B.
Semres: 11 a. m., and s p. m. tsenaan
topics, "Tha Cross- aad the Crown," a.
"The Life Alter JJeath. a. m. saa-
day (choel, :5; D. C. Be hern, SuptJ
roiiaf people a aaeetiaf: f.pworta lesjns
7. ;
Sute and 18th streeU. Rev. A. L.
Heine, pastor. German serrice st 9:45
a. m., aad Entlish serrice at 11 a. as.
Sunday school at 9:40 a. m-, Martha
Battermaa, tiupt.
1346 Charrh street. Sundsy school 10
a. m.. Mrs. W. A. Barns. Sept. reath
ing 11 a. m.. subject. "What Mast I Do
to bo Saved t" Prcachina;. 7:30 p. in.
Young people's roeetinjr 6:30 p. m. Mid
week prayer meeting Wednesday eTening
7:30 p. m. 1 Christenson. supply pas
Korth Winter and Oheraeketa streets.
Rev. N. K. Tally. V. I. pastor. 8abbstli
school 9:. 10 a. m.. with departments tor
all axes; followed by public worship at
111 s. m. : sermon. "Respect for tha Ca
pacities of Other Peoples"; Toons; peo
ple's societies 6:30 p. m.: erenmf wor
ship 7:30 p. m.; sermon, "The Girdle of
Troth"; the pastor will preach at both
services; prayer meeting Thursday 7:30
p. m., studying Habakkak the Philoso
pher of the Minor Prophets.
Church street between Chemeketa and
Center streets, commonly known as the
old Presbyterian church. Rer. P. W.
Kriksen. pastor. "Does Present Day Re
ligion Meet Present Day Needs." This
topic will be discussed by the pastor, p.
W. Eriksen, at 10:45 morning service.
Evening service st 7:30, at which time
tha pastor will deliver a sermon on the
topic: "Committed to a Program." This
is tha first evening service bnt from
now on they will become a regular fix
tare in the church program. The Sunday
Bible school st 9:30. with graded Bible
classes and department for all area.
At the Salem Womaos clubhouse, 4$0
X. Cottage street. U. W. Hutsch. min
ister; G. Sell unite, assistant minister.
Sundsy school. 9:45 a. m.; Dan Kchir
man, Supt. Service at 11 a. m. ; topic,
"The Table of the Lord." B. Y. P. A.
meeting at 8 p. m. ; Mrs. G. W. Rutseh,
president. Spec ill mnsic will be render
ed. Friends cordially invited. Regular
mid-week prayer service st "JS o'clock
Thursdsy evening, which will beour lust
meeting at the Salem Women's club
Center and Liberty streets. Charles
K. Ward, pastor, 440 Center street. Ser
vice: 11 a. m. Sermon topic: "A Chal
lenge to liabor." Sunday school, 9:45.
Mark McCallister, Supt. Week-day ser
vices: Missionary society meeting Wed
nesday afternoon at the church. The
program will consist of a presentatioa of
our church projecta for thia year. . K
marks: The pastor has. returned from his
vacation and would like to greet the
members and friends of the church Sun
day morning. ct-
Corner Marion and Liberty street.
Robert L. Payne, minister. Fred Broer.
Sunday school superintendent, and direc
tor of music. Carl lie mice, orgaai&t.
Sunday school with classes for every
body 9:45. Morning preaching service
11 o'clock. Sermon topic, "I.appers of
Water." Two spelndid young people's
meetings G 30 p. m. Evening preaching
service 7:30. Sermon topic. "A Hiding
Place." Special music at both services.
Old fashioned prsyer raeetinr every
Thursday evening 7:30. We try to make
every service a gospel service. Please
note chaneg of hour of evening service.
North Winter and Market streets. Run-
day school 9.-45 a. m.: Herbert Hansen.
Supt. Preaching by the pastor at 11 a.
m., and 7:3Q p. ra. W. M. S. nxuU
Tnesday at 2 p. m., at the home of Mrs.
Marehand, 1405 N. Summer street. Pray
er meeting at Mrs. Jackson's. 1463 Korth
Winter street. Wednesdav at 2 n. m
Thursday at 7:30 p. m.. tha district
quarterly meeting for the Salem, district
will begin at the church and hold over
the Sabbath Rev. E. J. Harrington in
charge. Young people's aervice Sunday
at 6:30 p. m. ; Emory Goods, preaident.
Wilbur A. Coffee, pastor.
(Methodist Episcopal)
South Commercial and Myers streets.
S. Darlow Johnson, pastor, 348 K. Myers
streetj, phone 2764. Morning worship 11
a. m4 Infant Baptism. Anthem "He is
All in All to Me." Sermon. "The Ooipol
of Labor." Happy evening hoar, 8 to
9 p. m., sermon on "The Rivers aad the
Sewage," soma lessons for life from a
local situation. Church school at 9:45
with something of Interest for everv
member of the family. Epworth league
at 7 p. m.. in Lealie Hall, tonic "From a
Carpenter Shop." a Labor 8unday atudy;
i.esaer. r'sith Pridav. Mid-week
tor study and prayer Thursday evening
at 7 :30. Foarth Quarterly conference
Friday evening at 7:30. A cordial wel
come await all who enter our services.
13th aad Center streets. K. J. Aseben-
brenner, 1 pastor, 774 ' N. Winter street.
Phone 680-M. This charch extenda to
the public a cordial welcome to all of
ta services. The Sunday school opens
at 10 a. m.. emplorinr both the Enelish
and the German languages, superintend
ea tr Martin senreiber. Worship at 11
m. Farewell sermon bv the castor.
in Genua. . Rev. A. F. Hilmer, former
psstor of this charch, will preach in Eng
lish ia the eveninr service, which ooens
at 8 o'clock. On Wednesday eveainr the
mid-week prayer meeting will he' held in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Waldesnel.
1176 N. 12th street. The Ladies' Aid
society , will meet on Thursday at 2:30
p. m. The place will be announced at
the morning aervice.
13th and Ferry streets. Brother and
Sister E. V. Jeaaiaoa, pastors, 1458 Cbo-
mexeia street, brother and s star Jan.
nison front Kingsbnrg, Calif., and mem-1
bars oi the general council of the As
semblies of God, have just taken the
pastorate of this assembly to fill the
vacancy made, by the resignation of
Brother Stephen Robertson, who resigned J
ia order to take a much needed rest after
14 years of constant labor in the min
istry. Brother and Sister Jennison are
known to many Salem people and- will be
welcomed: to our city, and their messagea
in song and the giving of the Word will
be greatly appreciated by ehriatiana and
church going people. Sunday services:
Fellowship aad praise at . which serv'tre
the ordinance of tho Lord's Supper will
be observed, 11 a. m.; preaching, 3 p. m. ;
Evangelistic service, 8 p. m. ; Sunday
aeaooi, :o a. m. week night servicea:
n i .. m i r -i .
iKn.j mmA mill i,j vtcuid. jr'
ing, o o ciock. xounr people service
Saturday evealng, 8 o'clock.
Too Late To Classify
YOU WILL like this 4 room
modern apartment. Only four
blocks south of the Court House,
458 High street, phone 2941.
Women Wanted
Pears 4
Trade and High Street
At ftHie
Eddie- Peabody, famous banjo
king;, will open at the Elainore the
atre Sunday for a four days en
gagement. Fanchon and Marco
have created a special stage "idea"
entitled "Banjoys" featuring Pea-
body. :
All of Feabody's specialty num
bers are played in company with
Jimmie Maisel, another banjo
player of stellar note
Featured in the "Banjoys" Idea
and assisting PeaDody is Rob
ert Ziegler, prominent coaert pi
anist, Alfred Brower and Sunkist
"The Strange Case of Captain
Ramper," the first production of
the Defu company of Berlin, a for
eign producing unit of First Na
tional Pictures, Inc.. will have its
first local showing at the Elai
nore theatre on Sunday. The film
brings to motion picture audiences
one of the most unusual themes
ever portrayed on tlie screen the
reversion of a man to primitive
beast. It Is adapted from the stage
play by Max Mohr.
"The Grain , of Dust." David
Graham Phillips powerful novel
which L. G. Rigby adapted the
novel to picture form, and George
Archainbaud directed the Tiffany
Stahl film, featuring Rlcardo Cor
tez, Claire Windsor and Alma
Bennett, is being presented today
at the Elsinore theatre.
At Oregon
Seme from "Xigtit Life" which
opens ax toe Uregon Theatre to
Nevada Held Safe
For Republicans
RENO, Nev., Aug. 30. (AP)
"Chairman Raskob's statement
that Nevada will be one of the
states that will cast its vote for
Governor Smith must be based up
on hopes, and not upon an accur
ate survey of the political situa
tion here," Noble Getchell, chair
man of Nevada's republican state
committee said today. "In the
last two national eelctions Nevada
has gone republican by a large
vote," Getchell continued, "be
cause its people have become con
vinced that the prosperity of its
major industries, livestock, agri
culture and mining depend almost
wholly upon a high protective
H gh ana Center streeU. D. J. Howa.
pastor, 765 N. Cottage. 9:45 a. m.. Bible
school, O. J. Hall. Supt. A large grow
ing school with classes for all ages.
"Bally day" the first Sunday ia Octo
ber. The month of September is the
time of preparation. Vacations are over.
Sew people are attending, and there will
be a large increase at all aervieea. 11
a. m worship. Labor day sermon by the
pastor. "Christ and the Laborer." Solo,
'Croat ia the Holy One of Israel"
Case Victor Wolfe. 7 p. ra., Yoong peo
ple'a hour. Junior, Senior aad Young
People's C. E. 8 p. m.. Evangelistic ser
vice. A stirring song service led by
Clark Aydelott, Antiphonal singing. Ser
mon, "Living Up to Our Baptism." The
pastor has returned from his vacation
and will be in the church study every
morning from 9 to 12. All are cordially
invited to attend these services. Stran
gers always welcome.
"Instrumental Supremo"
"A Ribe ajftd I Ruby" -
in "Sonthland
'Bright Bits oC VandeTiHe"
"Follow Mo"
Crash Fatal to
Three When Bus
&Hits Automobile
PORTLAND, Ore.. Aug. 3.
(AP) -Three persona were killed
and four injured, one perhaps fa
tally, when a Spokane, Portland
St Seattle gasoline motor coach
truck an automobile late Thurs
day on a crossing just east of Un
derwood, Wash. The dead are:
Mrs. Aaron Larson, 28. driver $f
the auto. Underwood, Wash.; Le
ona Cole. 19. S44 Leland SL, Port
land; Jacqueline Cole, 10, her sis
ter. . ' -j
The mother of the two girls,
Mrsj Cecil Cole, is seriously in
jured and is in St. Vincent's hos
! i r rv ti I
the Screen
"The Strange
of Captain Romper"
Jt J A" gripping, dramatic conedy drama
ttt - of the days whn Vienna was care- gRrryS
ja .. 1 free, happy and contented, then the ffffcp
War' kCn PVely' SlarVat0a"
Gj mt musical comedy
PVaST' company
'mWu8! ln a Joyous Farce Comedy lw
- y-ifflf Featuring BI i
8:30 8:00 .10:00 pun.
pital. She is a sister of Mrs. Lar
son. Her 6-year-old son, Charles
sustained cnts andbruises and h. i
rlanrhter. Olive, has slirht inttir
ies. Esther Larson; 8, daughter o;
the driver of the car who was kiii
ed, ia in Hood River hospital.
The driver is reported to hav,.
become confused when Mrs. Col.'
saw the approaching motor coach
and screamed, so that Mrs. Larson
drove in front of it after losing
Miss Sylvia Thomas of Portland
was jisitdr at the capitol yes
terday. '
Carle Abramsl state purchasin-
agent and secretary or me-sian-
board of control, spent yesterolav
ia Portland on business eonnentcii
with bis department,
1 -IciAiLi!,
; i
the Screen
1 l'V.WJ'VU W HI
vxvinxits v
Inv Itav Daritta! 'Treatment o
Mare taa xaan,
ampianon ;
, -
A Dime