The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 01, 1928, Page 1, Image 1

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Every day the circulation
of this paper Is climbing.
Have you subscribed' for
the New Statesman?
Today fair; Warm wit
low humidity; Gentle north
to west winds. Max. tem
perature Friday 87; - Mln.
4; River 2.5.
"No Favor Sways 13; No Fear Shell Awe" Z StrtTim
SEVENTY-EIGHTH YEAK ' : . . 7- TZ : " -
KM Ll un
Majority Of World's Coun
tries Express Endorse
ment; More Coming
Anti-WanTreaty Wins Favor
In All farts Of Globe;
List Compiled
. "WASHINGTON, Alt. 31.
(AP). More than half of the
sovereign nations of the world to
night had signified, either offi
cially or unofficially, their Inten
tions to become parties to the
"general pact for the renunciation
of war," the anti-war treaty.
This showing in four days after
the compact was signed' in Paris
is viewed with gratification by the
American government officiate
who see in the rapidity with which'
the official communications ac
knowledging this government's
invitations are coming to Wash
ington, the realization of the Hope
of the treaty's negotiators that
It would become universal.
The messages from the various
governments expressed thanks for
the privilege given them'to adhere
to the pact. Switzerland today
formally communicated its inten
sion to adhere a n d official
communications pledging adher
ence also came to the state depart
ment today from Jugo Slavia. Fin
land, the Netherlands, Brazil,
Panama and Uruguay.
Soviet Russia's intention to be
come a party to the treaty, as re
ported to Moscow dispatches, is
the response of that government
to the invitation extended through
France. Unofficial' advices also
said Greece was among the ad
hering nations. In all, 39 of the
64 nations which have signed or
been invited to adhere to the
treaty have signified their inten-
Recortrs show the following
countries in addition to the 15
which! have signed the treaty as
indicating their intentions to ad
here: ;
"Austria, Argentina, Bolivia,
Brazil, Bulgaria, Costa Rica. Cu
ba, Denmark, Dominican Repub
' lie, j Finland, Greece, Liberia,
i Luxemburg, Mexico, .Netherlands,
: Norway Panama, Pern, Rumania,
Kingdom of the Serba, .Croats and
Slovenes, Spain, Switzerland, Ur
uguay and Russia.
LONOKE. Ark., Aug. 31 (AP)
At home with those who have
known him since boyhood Senator
Rqblnson In his first speech to
day as a full fledged democratic
vice-presidential nominee warned
his fellow citizens to beware of
hired republican-agents which he
said were in the Southland to "in
tensify religious and sectional
Speaking .In the auditorium of
the high school building the sen
ator declared that the religions
faith of the party presidential
standard bearer Gevernor Smith
was "simple l and old fashioned."
"He believes in a providence
that guards the just and reward
vlrtne," he said. . .
"He has never been a Catholic
governor. All of his official acts
show him to be'an American gov
ernor . thoroughly imbued with
those principles of justice, liberty
and equality which so many of his
detractors neither possess nor com
prehend." -
Senator Robinson reviewed
inrth the record of Governor
Smith as chief executive of New
York state and urged' that the
Sonth remember that New York
democrats "have always stood
firm defenders of southern
Hearst Attacks
Gov. Smith As
Tammany's Man
NEW YORK Aug. 31. '(AP)
William Randolph Hearst,
newspaper publisher, today in
Paris in answer to a query from
the Brooklyn Eagle predicted the
defeat of Governor Smith on the
prohibition Issue and because of
the governor's connection with
Tammany hall.
"I do not think the democrats
will be successful in this cam
paign on the anti-prohibition is-
sue which Mr. Smith Injected intole re other filing eases In
the campaign after he had re
ceived the nomination," stated Mr.
Hearst in an 800-word cablegram.
Moonshine Stilfr
- Found On Farm
Arnold Du Boise was . arrested
yesterday on his brother-in-law's
sot in, live miles eui ui ouuiuiiiij,
and brought to Salem to face
..charges Involving violation of the
prohibition law. His brother-in-law,
John Black, was not, on the
place at the time the arrest was
made. A small still of the "wash
boiler" type, and 50 gallons of
mash were confiscated by Deputy
Sheriff Barber and "Buck" Mar-
rlott, state officer, wh made the J
raid. I
V '"-.' . .
', s - -
- W
He Is Governor
I s-n 5
f-S? 1
ir J2n' -
i- 11;
W I hi
Upon the assassination of his
father Chang Tso-lin, war lord of
North China, General Chang
Hsuch his son, succeeded, to the
command of his troops and the
governorship of Manchuria. - This
is the latest picture of the youth
ful military chieftan.
LONDON, Aug. 31. (AP)
Gene Tunney continues to en
counter dif f icultiea Jn his efforts
to avoid the public eye.
Today there came an Intima
tion that a rather well-known
young Englishman Edward,
Prince of Wales would welcome
a call from him. Such a sugges
tion is royafecommand in England
and soon Gene Tunney was on his
way to St. James palace where
Wales lives in a modest apart
ment of the historic building. ,
'They met there, and for half ah
hour th two young men 'talked
about boxing, sports in general,
Tunney's walking tour of Europe
with Thornton Wilder, and Tun
ney's future.
Gene Won't Tell -
Tunney, himself, when It was
all over, declined to say just what
they had discussed, but from an
other source a general idea of the
conversation was gained.
H. R. H. expressed his regrets
that the golf match he had prom
ised himself , with the former
world's heavy champion could not
take place, the imminence of his
African trip marking it impracti
cable. The prince is said to have
interposed, "It might have been
a good one-round battle."
Tunney agreed, and then re
turned the compliment with an ex
pression of best wishes for Wales'
African tour.
Carries Walking Stick
There was no attempt on the
part of the British heir to draw
the former pugilist out on his
taste for literature and . books.
Tunney went to St. James. not In
the court dress required for for.
mal occasions but as a simple
American citizen, a role he' likes
best to portray. , He was dressed
in the same blue suit and hat he
has been wearing about London,
his only concession to London
styles being a walking stick; even
it was not "fancy" but instead was
the healthy Irish hawthorne
stick presented to him last week
in Dublin.
Attracts Attention
Even at St. James Tunney was
very much the center of attrac
tion. The lackeys, footmen, and
servants of the palace caught
some hint of the former cham.
pion's visit, and when he appeared
dozens' of them perched them
selves at advantageous positions
to get a glimpse of the man who
had "beaten Dempsey. Gene's
meeting with Wales was enough
excitement for one day and to
night he dined quietly in his room
at his hotel.
Here's Bad News
For Hundreds of
- Salem -Residents
Marx FOUlsen. Citv rerorilAP
u aaaea a neat uttie ruing cab
inet to the fixtures in his office
the office, of course, but this new
one is of unusual interest to the
puDiic because of the nature of its
Catalogued tn orderly " fashion
In this receptacle are to be found
several Hundred ; small slips of
paper, .duplicates of the traffic
tags that, hare been Issued to that
number of motor vehicle owners.
They are records of persons who
have-reeelved tags for violation
of the city traffic ordinance, bun
who have failed to report at the
recorder's ' office to answer the
charges, i
Notices hare been sent out In
the past at regular Intervals to
those - who failed to settle these
small accounts with the city, but
some day, says the recorder, dl
rect contact will be had with any
who have disregarded both the
original tag and the notices." ' -
.. .. ) -,".'?V-"
- ' .'
Famous Walker Cup To Be
Retained Another Year
In United States
British Team Wins Just One
Match In Two Days At
Chicago Club
CAGO, Aug. 31 (AP) The
Walker cub emblematic of inter
national amateur golf suprema
cy, remains where it always has
been in the United States.
Paced and inspired by the bril
liancy of its captain, the mighty
Bobby Jones, of Atlanta, Ameri
ca's team crushed Great Britain
almost as mercilessly in the sin
gles 'matches today as it did in
yesterday's 5-9-ball foursomes, re
taining the trophy by 11 matches
to 1.
It was by far the most over,
whelming defeat yet suffered by
the Britons although they hare
never won the cup.
Only Charles "Chick" Evans, of
Chicago, . failed to come through
to make it a grand slam. The
"Chick" fought a brilliant up
hill battle, but his opponent, T. A.
Torrance, who continually broke
his spirit by sinking putts from
10 to 30 feet, won by1.he slender
est of margins, one up.
The honor of turning in the
most lop-sided victory naturally
went to the impeccable Bobby.
who trimmed T. P. Perkins, 13
and 12. The victory also gave
Bobbr the unofficial champion-
snip of the world as both he and
Perkins are king of the amateurs
In their respective countries.
Bobby's golfing mate from At
lanta, Watts Gunn, had the next
largest margin, defeating R. A.
Hardman, 11 and 10.
ASTORIA, Or.. Aug. 31. (AP)
Harry G. Cusick, or Aioany,
was elected president ot line ure-
gon State Elks association at tne
business session of the second day
of the annual ceonvention here
today. Klamath Falls was chosen
for the 1929 convention city.
Other officers elected include:
Perry O. Delpa, Klamath Falls,
rirst vice president; J. L. Tucker.
Astoria, second vice president; C.
Perry Thornton, Ashland, was re
Jones, Baker, third Tice president;
elected secretary and H. L. Toney,
McMinnville. was re-elected treas
urer, connoe uraoo, caier, re
tiring president; H. A. Cohen,
Heppner; and J. D. Finnegan.
Portland, were elected trustees.
Appointive officers named today
included Rev. F. G. Jennings, Eu
gene, chaplain, and Joe Singer,
Portland. sergeant-At-arms.
One of the leading features to
day was the arrival of a 150-man
automobile caravan .from Portland-
The caravan halted just
outside the city limits and
marched into town headed by
Mayor George Baker, the drill
team, and the band.
Tonight a gathering on the,
Gyro field, was scheduled, with a
bathing beauty contest and six
mile walking race. Trapshooting
matches and an Elks golf tourna
ment took place this afternoon,
with Charles Ralderman winning
the golf title. The trapshooting
will be continued tomorrow.
Tomorrow will wind up the con
vention, with a dance, baseball
game, boat races, ana parade as
leading features.
Last night the Salem T. M. C.
A. gave a farewell dinner in honor
of R. R. Boardman who for sever
al - years past has been physical
director of the Salem Y. Mr
Boardman Is going to Portland to
do commercial art work.
Following the dinner a number
of toasts were given by association
members and fellow -workers of
Mr. Boardman. Dr. R. Lee Wood
was toastmaster. R. J. Hendricks
spoke In behalf of the board of
directors; W. C. WInslow repre
sented the handball players; Paul
H. Acton spoke for the volley ball
players; Wesley Heise represented
the board of the junior division;
Secretary Kells .spoke for the
staff, and Roy "Spec" Keene as
a fellow worker. Leon Gleason,
member of the northwest council
of the T. M. C. A. spoke for his
organization. Special features of
the program were songs by the
Harmony quartet, directed by Dr.
L. E. Barrlck.
A Hamilton watch was present
ed Mr. Boardman by the associa
tion; Dr. Barrlck made, the pre
sentation speech.
Following - the toasts , Kernan
T. Markuson,- who will succeed
Mr.- Boardman as physical director
here, and .Win Wolfe, boys' secre
tary, were Introduced.
What They
Salem's Traffic, its
Faults and What
. Should be Done.
X these 'days, when almost
everybody owns '; or drives
.an automobile, traffic con
ditions, -problems and nuisan
ces are uppermost In the minds
of a large percentage of the peo
ple. Back-seat drivers rave and
yowl, speed-demons cut corners
and endanger lives,! wild-eyed
youths pilot ears of juggernaut
through the streets, j Added to
this the prevailing ' modes" of
feminine dress contribute their
share toward the traffic haz
ard by distracting the attention
of masculine motorists. So, just
' to' see what the people think
about It all, the New Oregon
Statesman set out Friday to get
some expressions from residents
of this community. Here they
J. E. MAXON, Portland Nash
dealer. In Salem Friday, said:
"Salem has wonderful wide
streets and seems to have a
large number of automobiles'
The traffic was heavy at State
and Comerclal streets when I
passed that intersection and I
thought at the time, there
ought to be a control of some
sort, -either a policeman on fix
ed post or a semaphore signal.
I note many women driving au
tos in our capital city: and they
seem to know their business. I
cannot presume to make rec
ommendations for I am not here
often enough." -
realtor said: "The city should
take out the 'pumpkins' at the
center of the street intersections
and use the same system as that
now employed at State and Com
mercial. Traffic is speeded up
there, and there is seldom a jam
there now. Officers for direct
Jng traffic should be placed on
the busiest corners during the
rush hours."
HARRY SCOTT, motorcycle
dealer, said: "I da pot know
Just what Is to be. done about
the double-parking nuisance.
It seems to be a necessary evil,
and I don't know how to get
around it. Motorcyclists can us
ally find room to park with
out double parking; One thing"
sure, - snorter parking limits
won't help matters any."
who stays at Y. M. C. A., said:
"There a cop to sig
nal motorists at .at least one
downtown crossing and that is
at State and Commercial."
Gingrich Motor company, said
"Traffic as it Is in Salem now
reminds one of a hick town.
This is no fault of the police
but because there is an inade
quate force of patrolmen. There
should be at least five traffic
officers and possibly six, with
one at each of these Important
street Intersections: Commer
cial at State and at Court, Lib
erty at State and at Court and
High at State street Either that
or we should have signal lights
at these places. I believe it
would be economy to put in the
signal lights."
JACK CUTLER, night desk
sergeant at tne police ' station,
said: ,"Recent stories' in The
Statesman showing the need of
traffic control at the busier cor
ners, have tended to call atten
tion of the public to something
that is highly important. The
best solution is a system of ste-
nai ngbts:
while expensive.
thev Would tirnT mnra nnniti.
S iongnrSner pol,cement in
R. A. CLARK, taxicab man
with headquarters at the Bligh
hotel, said: "Salem's traffic
regulations at present are just
about right. Through streets in
crease safety, but we don't need
any more than we have now.
The single safety button in the
center of an intersection is bet-
ter than four on the curb lines,-. I
oecause the rourpennlt cutting I
corners ana two drivers may
try it at the same time. The
police use good judgment in en
forcing the law, too. I think it
is a good thing to he a nttle
lenient on double parking, as
the streets are so wide that it
can be done safely."
B. W. MACT. local attorney,
said "The main thing wrong with
Salem traffic regulations Is the
fact that 'buttons' are 'located
In the middle of street intersec
tions instead of being distribu
ted' four ways. I wish they'd put
them at all the downtown cor
ners the way they are at the cor
ner of State and Commercial
streets If they ever do that It
will be the most sensible .thing
they've done since the original
traffic laws were enacted. Th
system is a big help In 'elimin
ating traffic JamsTV
Godfrey Knocks
Out Frenchman
DETROIT, Aug. 31. (AP)-
George Godfrey, negro - heav
weight, knocked out pier?
Charles of. France, in the secom'
round of a ten round boxing con
test here tonight. .. . . r
Inside Story Given Of Nego
tiations Culminating In
Paris Treaty
Developments Caused When
Smith F. Reavis Goes
After News Stpi
PARIS. Aug, 31. (AP) Now
that the Kellogg-Briand treaty for
the outlawry of war has been sign
ed by the plenipotentiaries of the
great nations of the world, there
can be revealed that the inception
of the idea was based upon the
work of an Associated Press re
porter. Smith F. Reavis, who was
acting merely with the usual rep
ortorial enterprise of "getting a
news story.'
Early in 192 Reavis, on be
half of the Associated Press,
sought from foreign minister Ar
istide Briand of France, a mes
sage to the American people on
the tenth anniversary of Ameri
ca's entry into the war, "April 6,
1927. M. Briand, the "man of
Locarno," winner of the Nobel
peace prize and foremost of the
statesmen who were seeking per
manent peace for Europe and the
world, seemed peculiarly 'chosen
to speak of the aftermath of the
war and the world tranquility
that he so ardently desired.
Message Prepared
Tne request was renewed on
several occasions and M. Briand
promised to prepare a message to
the American people to be trans
mitted through the Associated
Press. To him also, the occasion
seeme'd particularly appropriate to
set before all peoples the desire of
France to banish the spirit of war.
On the morning of April 6. 1927
a messenger from the French for
eign office called at the Associated
Press bureau in Paris with a doc
ument that, accepted as it was by
French and, American statesmen
for something more than a dip
lomatic "trial balloon." led to the
world embracing treaty signed in
Paris last' Monday whereby Che
great nations agreed to renounce
war as an instrument of national
In that message, M. Briand pro
posed that "the two great democ
racies" outlaw war forever.
Willingness Expressed
"If there were need of it be
tween the two great democracies
ofthe world," M. Briand said, "in
der to give testimony of their
esire for peace and to furnish a
solemn example to other peoples.
France would be willing to enter
into an engagement with America
mutually outlawing war, to use
yeur wayfof expressing it..
"The renunciation of war as an
instrument of national policy is
a conception already familiar to
the signatories of the League cov
enant and Locarno treaties. Any
engagement subscribed to in the
same spirit by the United States
toward another nation such as
France, should greatly contribute
in the eyes of the world to en
large and fortify the foundation
no which the International policy
of peace is being erected, thus
the two great friendly nations,
equally'devoted to the cause of
peace, would furnish the world the
best illustration of the truth that
the condition immediately to be
obtained is not disarmament but
the practice of peace."
2 On Motorcycle
Injured In Crash,
Brought to Salem
Arthur Pfaf finger, 21, and
Lewis Faulkner, 23, both of Wood
burn, were seriously injured about
11:30 o'clock Friday night when
the motorcvele on which thev
were riding collided with a wagon
drawn by a team of horses on the
Pacific highway near the Wood
burn arch. Pfafflnger's right
arm was broken near the shoul
der , and , torn completely off.
Faulkner suffered injuries to both
shoulders and the head. He was
riding behind his companion and
did not receive. the full Impact of
the collision.
The young men were brought
to a Salem hospital by Dr. Gerald
B. Smith who said that their con
dition was critical. The name of
the driver of the wagon, who es
caped. injury, was not learned.
Holers to Leave
EV- PAtri'i Crtxri! One official insisted that the
Ul Ks lllllct OCCii tieague should not assume censor-
Colonel and Mrs. E. Hofer aad
'heir grandson Robert Hofer, son
if R. M Hofer, will sail from
Vancouver, B, C, Thursday, Sep
tember, 6, for' China, where their
Immediate destination will be
Shanghai, where Colonel Hofer
has friends who will probably ar
range enjoyable tours to other
parts of China. Arrangements for
lassports were being made yester
'ay. iThe trip has been arranged
erely for a pleasure journey and
little outing. The Hofers ex
to be back In Salem at
Thanksgiving time.
I New Portrafaof Byrd
Above: Latest portrait of Comm. Richard E. Byrd who sails
shortly on a. two-year expedition to the south pole. Below: Bjrd's
base ship City of New York carrying 200 tons of food, clothing and
other supplies for his expedition
the first leg of a 13,000 mile voyage
The next move in the campaign
to eliminate the odor emanating
from the mouth of the state sewer
near the west end of Center street
will be made by the city council.
E. B. Grabenhorst, chairman of
the council's committee on sewers,
announced last night that he in
tends to bring the matter up be
fore the next meeting of that
body Tuesday night of next week.
"... Upi
quest the state to have the objec
liouaDie oaor reineuieu.
After the special inspection tour
Thursday, when it was found that
the state is responsible for the
stench that has caused strong pro
tests along the waterfront, Mr.
Grabenhorst and- City Engineer
Rogers made a special trip to the
state flax retting plant. Here
they verified their suspicions that!
the odor is caused largely by de
caying and fermenting flax straws
Secretary of State Koxer, the
only member of the state board
of control who was in Salem yes
terday, declared that the matter
had not yet been brought offi
cially to the attention of the
board. In case Mr. Grabenhorst s
motion passes the council Tues
day night, it will be presented to
the board the following day, which
is the board's next regular meet
ing date.
Nations9 League
Is Confronted by
Stocking Problem
GENEVA, Aug. 31. (AP).
Officials of the League of Nations
were disturbed today at reports
that ushers bad ejected from the
council chamber several girls who
had attended the session without
that stockings are now so trans
parent that it is Impossible to tell
whether they are being worn, e
Home Brew Wine
Said Life Giver
VIENNAJjAug7 31. (AP)
Austria's oldest citizen, Simon
Steiner of Wilelltsch, Styrla, died
today aged 106. He attributed bis
longevity to a strict disciplinary
diet of American Indian corn and
his own home brew wine.
to the south pole which now is on
from New York to the Antarctic,
ROME, Aug. 31 (AP) Arrest
at the Swiss , frontier of General
Cesafe Rasi, arch foe of fascism,
and of a woman companion, caus
ed little open comment here today.
Despite the democratic circum
stances of their capture and the
vivid personality of Rossi, the late
editions of the Roman papers used
only a brief agency dispatch con
taining the bare facts of the af-
est. This action, coupled with
the return of Mussolini to Rome
from the northern army manoeu
vefs. is taken as evidence that
word has gone out that the import
ance of the arrest shouldnot be
overemphasized for the present.
Nevertheless there are many ru
mors as to the probable outcome
of the case in journalistic circles
and among politicians. "Cesari
no." as - the general was nick
named when he was chief of the
press office of the ministry of
the Interior In the early days of
fascism was beliered byhis old
time intimates to have been the
victim of some sort ot plot. Ca
joled into crossing the border.
Wright to Direct
Music at Church
Announcement has recently been
made of the appointment of Wil
liam H. Wright as director of mu
sic and assistant to Dr. Norman
K. Tully at the First Presbyterian
church. Mr. Wright attended the
North Pacific ; Evangelical insti
tute in Portland" for three years
and graduated in 1926. He also
attended Willamette university
and graduated this year. He has
specialized In the study of educa
tion and music and has appeared
in a number of concerts In Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Wright and son,
William, live at 1465 Mill street.
Session Is Held
By Dairy Owners
The Dairy Herd Improvement
association of Marion countjr held
a meeting rriaay aiternoon at tne
Salem . chamber of commerce
rooms. ' The members were In
formed that Lewis Brant, who has
had charge of herd testing this
year, will not be available for the
same work next year., A success
or has not yet been chosen.
Plan to Submit Question at
November Election Told
- at Lions' Club
Secret Meeting Reaches Ho
Decision To Act Says
Chairman Alden
Proponents of hte council,
manager form of government fer
Salem are planning to force the
issue by substituting the charter.'
amendment, in its present objee. .
tionable form, at the November
election, according to positive ss-"1
sertion by several members of tkt
Lions club at the weekly mrtt.
lng of that organization here Tt- .?
day. The men who are bark of -the
plan, it was asserted, intend
to disregard the fact that mem-,
bers of the advisory committee'
from Salem's service aelubs failed
to indorse the charter as drafted ( '
and also failed to recommend any
changes or amendments thereto.
The rumor current at the Hons
luncheon was that several per
sons known to favor adoption of
the charter in its present form,
met at a' local restaurant Wednes
day and there discussed the que-,
tion of 8ubmitting$it at the rent
ing election.
, Thvw Reported Present
The group' was sand to have
included Watson Townsend. mem
ber of the city council; Harry N.
Crain, Miss Cornelia Marvin, C. B.
McCollough, bridge, engineer fr
the state highway department;
and Dr. George H. Alden. chstr- -r
man of the Klwanls club commit- '
tee considering this matter aad
also of the Inter-service club com
mittee for the same purpose.
No Action Taken
Dr. Alden, Interviewed Friday.
stated that there had been '
called meeting of any group to .
discuss this question, but that sev
eral persons who happened to be
together, did talk about the chax
. j a m lift . i
ter and that the possibility ef
putting it to a yote in November
was mentioned, but that nq deci
sion was reached.
It was stated further by Dr. Al
den that he has prepared a report
ul luo isicr-nei me uuu luuiuiii-
tee meeting and was ready to sub
mit it at Tuesday's luncheon hat
was prevented by lack of time;
and that be had also suggested,
to Charles Wiper, club president,
that the report be made to the
club's executive committee, bat
for various reasons the executive
committee has nt met.
Not Kiw&ais Move
Mr. Wiper when seen Friday
said that if any movement is ea
foot at present to put the measure
on the ballot in November, it is
(Turn to page 5, please)
Salem Stores to
Remain Open On
Saturday Nights
, For the first time. In nearly
seven years, five of the larger
Salem merchandise establishments -will
remain open Saturday eve-
nlng after 6 o'clock, it was an. -nounced
Friday by a representa
tive of the group. The stores are
Miller's Kafoury's. Shipley's.
Montgomery Ward's and Worth's.
Tne cnange will goXmto effect.
September 8, and will continue for
but three Saturday nights, end
ing September 22. 'On thesedays "
the stores will be open from 9 In
the morning until 8.30 at night.
These stores will remain open
not for the convenience of towns
people,- but specifically for those;,
persons engaged in the hop yards .
and canneries who would not be
able otherwise to make purchases -in
town, as their hours of work
do not permit them to buy before
6 o'clock.
Terris 111 ; Bout
Not to Be Staged
NEW YORK. Aug. 31. ( AP)
The ten round bout between Sid
Terris and Phil McOraw; one
leading lightweight.: contenders,
was Indefinitely postponed today
when Terris reported he was 11!-,
The bout was scheduled for the'
Coney Island stadium tonight.
Non-Stop Drtoer
On No-Sleep Trip
Comes Here Today
Erwto ""Happy" Horst
maa started from the Ore
goniaa building. Portland,
at 4:10 P. M. Thursday on
his attempt to break the
preheat no-sleep, no-relief
and non-motor-etop endur
ance run.
His attempt Is scheduled
to end '. at the spectacular
airplane crash -and an to.
races at Multnomah county
fairgrounds, Gresham, a
2:30 P. M. Labor day, where"
he claims he will be in con-
dltion to enter the races. '
. Mr. Horstman plans to be
in Salem Saturday afternoon
and will make a- stop. In
front of the Statesman of
fice at 2:00 P. M.