The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 30, 1928, Page 6, Image 6

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    Official Reaches Chicago
From Washington Ha
"tiorial Headquarters
CHICAGO. Aug. 29. (AP)
Harry M. -Dengler of Washington
nrohlbltlon headquarters arrived
today aad launched an investiga
tion Into the alleged rough meth
ods and quick-trigger tactics of
a special prohibition unit com
manded by George "Hard-Boiled
Goldln daring six months of ae
tlritles la this district.
Members of the squad several
months ngo shot and wounded a
municipal court bailiff during a
south side' raid ana last wee snot
aad wounded Merle Adams, a
talesman, during a raid in a loop
DiaasrecmenU Many
The squad's actiTitles bare re-!
suited In frequent clashes with
the police, quarrels with the state
authorities over Jurisdiction in
the shooting cases, a rebuke from
Federal Judge James. H. Wilker
on for raiding without warrants
and a charge that dum-dum bul
lets were nsed In the Adams
i Coincident with Dengler's ar
TiTal came the report that Alex
ander Jamie, formerly assistant
to B. C. TeUowley. prohibition ad
ministrator here, was scheduled
to succeed Golding in charge of
the special unit although at Wash
ington it was stated that no chang
es would be made until Dengler s
Inquiries are completed.
- Instruct tons Cited
Dengler, when asked about the
use of firearms by prohibition ag
ents, referred reporters to the
manuar of instructions, citing a
paragraph which said that a weap
on should never be drawn by an
agent except in self-defense or to
nreTent the commission of a lei-
ony. although adrising agents not
to Jeopardise their own lives but
adding that officers would be held
personally responsible for fatal re
sults of firearms by them.
Dengler expressed considerable
interest in charges of the Chicago
police that a dum-dum bullet from
an agent's pistol wounded Adams.
He drew a picture of a mushroom
shaped object that be said was
his idea of a dum dum bullet and
whi.,h differed materially from the
photographs of the bullet which
wounded Adams.
T:00-9:OO KXti (820). Household pro-
oOi5 KXL. Portland Early Birds.
t':00 10:00 KEX (278). Better Hm
S-2thl0:0O KTWJJ (250). Coneert.
-QO-IOJO KTBR (229). Women pro-
t:Ul2: JCWBS (200). Housewife's
S-30-l:00 XOIK (319). HouewiVi
nmM end town topic.
a :4i-12 :00 KXU. Host economies anc
metis. . .
10:00-11:00 KWJJ. Birthday program.
10:00-11 :0O-rEC (214). Keousit pro-
10:00-11:80 KOW (492). The Town
Crier. . . ,
10:00-12:00 KIX. D.)tioI service
ad shopping guide.
11 -.00-12:00 Ik WJJ. Oregon information.
11:00-12:00 KFEC. Announcements and
12:00-1:00 KFEC, Semi-elassieal pro-
12:00-1:00 KOIN. Orgea eooeert.
i4-oo-l:O0 KIX. Concert ensemble.
12:00-8:00 KXU
Afternoon presenia-
13:00 6:00 gWJJ.
1:00-2:00 KFEC.
. concert.
3 :0O-2:15 KTBR.
1 :Ofe-3 :00 KEX.
J: 15 End KTBR.
S:OO-4:00 OCOIN.
S :00-4 :00 XFKC
Utility aad luncheon
Atteraoonm usie.
V oeal - and orchestra
Baseball, PlsT
Newa and matte. -
Pipe organ and
(3:30) reqeeeta.
4:00-5:00 KMO. Etndio concert
(4:30) keek chat.
4:00-5:00 KEX. Concert eaieoble.
:00-S:00 KFfcC. Popular moi e.
:0O-:O0 KKX. Symphony orcheitra.
S:OOS:30 KKX (278. Utility.
4:00 4:30 KXL ('420). Orcaa concert.
S:OO :30 KOW (492). Concert trio.
4:00-7:10 KTBR. Dinner concert and
read Miterk
S:0o-7:0O etWJJ (250). Dinner concert.
4:00-7:00 KOIN (319). Orcan concert,
4.?7:00 -KFEO (214). tw record
4:00-7:00 KWBS (200). Beml-claiiical
4:30-7 :0O KEX. Recordinji.
4:30-7:00 KXU Children f, program
4:30 7:30 KOW. KobiaMia acceptance
.speech (MBC).
7:00-4:00 KWBS. Popnlar mnsle.
7 :CO-8 :00 KEX. Dinner dance concert.
7:00-9:30 KXL. Conrtety program.
7:30-8:00 KOW. "ilappiaeu" pro
- gram.
S:O0-9:00 KOW.
4:00-8:30 KEX.
fited ie concert.
Catbolie lectere and
tery teller.
S:OO-9:O0 KOIN. Varied program.
9:00-10:00 KWBS. htusical program.
:OO-10:OO KTBR. Vaned proeram.
8:30-10:00 KEX. Little symphony er-
eaesira aae tocsiuu.
9:00-10:00 KW. PCS pregramt.
9:00-10:00 KOIN. Vocalists.
9:30-10.00 KXU Bawaiisn bear.
9:00-10:30 KWJJ. Concert.
10:00-11:00 KVB8. Reqaest bear.
10:00-11:00 KGW. "Bleeny Time.
10:00-11:00 KXL. Masieal prorrams.
10:0O-U:0O KEX. Weather, .police re-
. ports, aevs aad dance froiie.
10:80-11:00 KXL. Ceertesy program.
10:80-11)0 KWJJ. Dance band.
11:00-11:00 KXL. Sportsmen's elab.
11:00-12:00 IOW. Stadje dance pro-
12 :wo-l :00 a. m. KXL. Popnlar eeter-
PCIr 7-8, orcheitra and so lots U; 9 9:30,
, trie aad quintet; 9:30-10. Camp Fire
pregram; 10-13, dance masie.
KHQ Spekaae (870). S. erche if
. S:4SJ "Deegh Beya"; 7-8, mnsic: 9,
PCK: 10-13. daaee mnsie.
KPI Lee Aageles (488). 4. stasia : 7
11. PCH.
KPO Baa Franc isce '.til). S. mmsle; 7,
. Lest aa Laie; 7:o-s, aasic; s-12,
KFRO Baa-rnaeUee (454). 8, atnity;
' v :3U. nsoete: 7, Komaaeiera; , con
cert: 9, 10:20-12:10. ereheetra.
XHJ Lee Aageles (400). 8, doings;
, 4:15, asaaie; 8:45. news; 7. mnsie;
.7:80. "Happiness"; S. "Eanly
.- Birda: S, cartoonist's nonr; 11-1J,
- ercaestra and trie.
KOliO Seattle (309). . erebestra; 7.
- rut; I, ereftestra aaa emartal; 9-10,
'featare: 11-12:30. eatbestra.
KOO Oailaad (334). . ajility; 7,
- rxni : a, m aeme aac nuaatreh songs
v . s. p6ii? -
WASHINGTON, Aag. 29. Tbe federal
rsiie snmmissien bat reveked the license
e station WbtBJ at McKaaepeH, Pa
operated by tbe Rav. Jeba W. qpnml, be
caase'ke iamped his power vitaeat an
aaerity and bad ae adequate frequency
' eeaxroi. m -
The commission redaeed tbe aewer ef
tatiea W8BC, Chicago from O0 te )00
watta, aad atatiea JCTWT, Bt. IVrala,
from 250 to 100 watt. -
Licenses : ef tbe - fellevlsf ' stationj
- were renewed: : WBES, elliihery, Jfd.;
WMKJ. Jaaseiee, If. T.; WKBlf. JTeeage
towa. Ohie; WAAT. Jente Cirjr. N. 3.",
WHBT. Wee le Pere. ' Wis. : WOOH.
OreeaTille, W. Y- WUBt 'ilsnitowae,
Wia.; WBBC Broeklya, N. T.
- t Snaamammaunaaml mauaaBBammm
j Listen In
Screen Life in Ho
By Wade
pers hare made so much, fuss orer
trans-Atlantic ana trans-Facine
and. North and Sooth Pole flyers
that historian a
arc apt to lose
sight of the In
trepid air pion
eers of Holly,
wood. To re
fresh the recol
lection ot such
scholars and the
general .public,
therefore, the
honor roll ot
Hollywood's air
conquerors - Is
published here
Gladys McConnel. the first mo
tion picture actress to serve a
Sunday breakfast to guests flying
7.000 feet above the studios.
Harold Lloyd, the first screen
star to risk sending a print of his
latest picture aloft to be preview.
ed in an air-liner projection room.
PrlscIIIa Dean, the first movie
actress to star In a bridge party
given In the clouds.
Dolores Del Rio. tne iirsi star
to have a farewell party in tne
upper atmosphere.
Natalie Kingston, me iirsi mm
player to elope to Mexico in an
Raoul Walsh, the first director
tn dn the same tning.
Be be Daniels, the first actress
tn m east bv airmail..
The Intrepid publicity men w
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 29. (AP)
The democratic party will spend
$500.000' In a drive for support
In the corn belt states, and $600,
000 in radio campaigning, John J.
Raskob, chairman ot the demo
cratic national committee said
here last night. Raskob. and a
number of other party leaders
were here for conferences with
state leaders from, eight middle
western states. ,
The budget of the national
democratic committee, Raskob
said, calls for $4,000,000, to be
raised and spent during the presi
dential campaign. This is an In
crease of $1,000,000 over the bud
get announced in New York July
26, he said.
The republicans have set their
goal as from $3,000,000 to $4,
000,000, but I have information
that it is between $6,000,000 and
$$,000,000," Raskob said.
Turning to farm relief, Raskob
said the east "has never under
stood the farm problem."
"I have never met a man. In
cluding myself, who understood
the McNary-Haugen bill," he said.
"Governor Smith has arranged for
a survey .of the situation by a
capable economist, and, if elected,
he will be able to recommend an
agricultural program which will
win the support of the east and
the applause of the west."
Silverton Farm,
Residence Sold
So Far In Week
SILVERTON, Ore., Aug. 29.
(Special) A deal was closed at
the Homes eekers' agency this
week whereby Mr. and Mrs. Stew
art MeClure became the owners of
the Sam Storts farm, of SO acres,
located about three miles west of
Silverton. Mr. and Mrs. MeClure
have resided In Silverton a num
ber of years. Mrs. MeClure has
been teaching at the Bethany
school and Mr. MeClure has been
in the employ of the Silver Falls
Timber company. During the past
summer they have made an exten
sive trip through the middle west,
as a result of which the Silverton
community looked better to them
than ever and they concluded to
make this their permanent home
Through another deal closed this
week through the agency. Mr. and
Mrs. Bert J. Day became the own
ers or the lux home on 'James
avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Day have
resided in Silverton a number of
years, Mr. Day being employed by
tbe Silverton Appeal. Days moved
into their new home Wednesday
of this week.
nine rush h
SILVERTON, Ore. Aug. 19.
(Special) - The Rev. Thomas
Hardyr pastor of the First Meth.
odist church of Silverton" was the
main speaker at the . Silve'rton-Hoover-for-President
club, held
Tuesday evening at the K. of P.
hall. -
The Rev. Hardy dwelt at some
length upon tbe Importance of the
study of political science. Reply
ing to the charge of the opposing
party that Herbert Hoover had
been instrumental In fixing the
price of wheat during the war.
The Rev. Hardy showed that Mr.
Hoover had nothing to do with the
fixing of the prcie, that the charge
was merely propaganda, the pur
pose of which was to antagonize
the agricultural class.
He commended the republican
nominee - for his fearless resolve
and do termination to solve the
problem of unemployment In this
country. Likewise he said he fav.
ored Mr. Hoover for president be
cause of the trans: and courageous
position be bad taken in favor of
opening and developing inland
waterways to the ocean. .He pre
dicted. that If AI Smith goes to the
White House after the election the
first man he would meet would be
Herbert Hoover. -
. -Max Seriber gave several comic
readings. ,
r The president appointed the fol
lowing executive - committees
among the ' women! Mrs. J. -T.
Hoblltt, chairman; Mrs. T. EL
Preston, secretary; Mrs. Alf. O.
Nelson. S. E. Richardson, M. C.
Woodard. 1 A." W. Kleeb,' Theodore
Opsund. D. Barber, Ed Booth and
Miss Hannah Olsom.
It 8anjaumnm,i Mim mm&m
SUM OF 54.000.000
arranged these flights.
Xamins; the Baby
Before, the movies became an
international pastime nearly ev
eryone who tried to coin a word
describing pictures that move in
sisted on something ending -scope?
-ope. or -rrapn. Tnere came into
being the phenaklstoscope. tne
soetrope. the soopraxoscope, tne
clnematographe. the bioscope, the
vltascope, the praxlnoscope. the
eid otoscope, the ; tachyseope - and
many others.' An when the name. were all through, the pub-
lie yawned and said. "Let's go to
the movies.
Now the name-coiners are busy
with talking pictures. So far the
contributions consist only of
words ending in -tone, .phone, or
film. Various companies have an
nounced the movie-tone, the vita-
phone, the nnltone. the cinephone,
the photophone. the madalatone,
the phonf 11m, the vocafilm, the
ohototone. the brlstolphone and
the hanapbone. And already fans
are beginning to say, "Have you
heard the talkies?" .
- N1CW .YORK. Au. 29 (AP)
Feverish speculation in stocks
on the New York stock exchange
today lifted nearly 0 issues to
new high record;, on gains run
ning from $2 to almost $14 a
hare. A heavy wave of profit
taking in the last hour checked
the advance, but not until after
the average price of 20 leading
industrial issues, compiled by the.
Associated Press, had set a new
high record for all time. J
A mysterious inflow of funds,
which kept official call money
rate from going above 7 per
cent and actually resulted In loans
being made in the "outside mar
ket" as low as 7 per cent, pro
vided the chief stimulus for the
advance. "Bear" traders, who had
been led to believe that the heavy
month-end and Labor day de
mands for funds made a 10 per
cent call rate inevitable, took an
other terrific beating,
i Trading started off at such a
brisk pace that the ticker fell
more than 20 minutes behind the
market by early afternoon. Total
sales of 3,743,500 shares have
been exceeded only once since last
Radio and American Smelting
shared the leadership of the mar.
ket, the former running up more
than $13 to $201 and then slip
ping back to $197.50, and the lat
ter soaring more than $10 to a
new high record at $248. Other
issues pushed into new high
ground, including American um,
Rrtrra Manufacturing. Calumet
and Hecla, Fox Film. Loose Wiles
Biscuit. National Cash Register,
Paramount Famous Players, St.
Louis Southwestern. Texas ana
Pacific. U. S. Steel ana vicior
Talking Machine.
SILVERTON, Ore.. Aug. 9.-
fSnecian. A very large crowd
attended the social held In the
Immannel Lutheran church base
ment Tuesday evening, to meet
the Rev. Jans Jensen of Boseman,
Mont., who has been asked to ac
cept the parish here. Mr. Jensen
rT an address, wnicn was ioi-
lowed by music and other, short
talks. During his few days' stay
in Silverton, he will be tbe house
cuest of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore
Oosund. Mr. Jensen was pleas
antly surprised to find several, old
friends in the church whom he
knew in the middle west. Among
them was Mrs. Opsund. It will
'not . be known until next week
whether Mr. Jensen will accept.
Mrs. S. A. Gay and daughters,
left Silverton Wednesday for Bu
gene where they will visit rela
tives until Labor day. when Mr.
Gay will join them, and all will
return home together.
Sprains Arm
C. A. Nesheim had the misfor
tune to sprain his left arm while
at his work at the mill Tuesday.
He. expects to be unable to work
for a week, In which time the
family plan to spend at the coast.
Miss Florence returned home
Tuesday from Monmouth where
she has been attending the sum
mer session.
Miss Florence Storey, Silverton
high school teacher, Is happy to
be with her mother and two sis
ters, who have just arrived In Sa
lem from New York, where they
expect to make 'their home. They
are leving at the Brown apart
ments. Miss Storey will teach In
Silverton this winter.
Salem Woman Visit
' Mrs. Olga Hoffard of Salem and
sister of Los Angeles, who is In
Oregon for a short visit, were
business visitors in Silverton
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Steen who
have - been visiting with Mr.
Steen's parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Ole
Steen, will return to their home
in Tofleld, Alberta, tbe latter
part of the week. They expect to
spend a few days in Belllngham
Wn., en route to Canada.
- Miss Nina Comstock is spend
lug a few days with Miss Marjory
Money of Salem.
' The Loyal Berian class of the
Christian bible school, will meet
on Thursday afternoon with Mrs.
MacDoIan, instead ot Mrs. L, L
Harvie, as was announced San-
. Kitchens may be made attrac
tive by gay curtains, soft colored
shelf papers" and brightly hued
pots and kettles. Work out some
soft color scheme, and with a little
painting and rearranging the dull-,
est kitchens may be transformed
into gay workshops. . Don't for
get the red geranium in the win
dow and the bright colored birds
on the curtain pulls and. light
lamed DaHy Except Monday by
&Uttmn $ttfclifttiis Co.
.. SIS So. Commercial St.
- Jrember , : "
Tb A c Is ted Pre Is exclusive
ly entitled to the use for publication
of ail nerve dispatches credited to
Her sot oUmtwIm credited la this
paper aad also to tbe tees! news
published herein.
Busoraas Omens -
Pacific Coast iieprearatatlve: -Arthur
W. Stypee, Ine BeeeJrtty
Bldav. Portias; Sharon Bbaaw San
Francisco; 111 WUn Pacific
Bid-.. Lorn AnJes.
23 or 583
Society Editor - - 1SS
Altered at tbe Poet Office la Salem,
Oregon, aa eccood daaa matter.
grrBsoaMmox satss
Daily and Sunday, by mall,
per year . 1S.08
Daily and Sunday, by carrier
monthly , . -
Reading notices, per line SS
(1 line minimum cnaraw)
Claaeifled Advertlsio, per line 10
Claaeiflert Advertlsina, per line
I times . IN
Oaasiried Advertising, per line
m. C linee .
One month, daily and Sunday
per line ,
(4 months contract)
S lines daily minimum per
month, 4c a line
(10 reduction for minimum
10 linea daily)
ARE yon interested in buying a
small new - growing business
which is paying exceptionally
well? If so call 1696 N. Capitol
evenings or Tel. 1892-J.
MODERN meat market for sale
by owner. Fixtures and machin
ery nearly new, gooa location.
Low rent. Care Statesman, Box
A-l location in lst-dass hotel
On main street of good live town
with pay-rolls. A going 3-chafr
shop with 5 yrs. established trade
in this same location, izooo casn
required write OWNER, XI 0,
care this paper.
FOR SALE Real Estate
NOTICE. Out of town owner
has authorised uslo cut the price
on his home located three blocks
from the state house 1500. The
lot is worth about the price ask
ed. If yu want a cheap home in
a hlch class location it will pay
yon to look into this. F. I wooa,
341 State St.
REAL HOME 5 rooms finished.
modern in every detail, 9SS Tame-
rack St.. $4760, all pavement
189 N. High St.
iJtROR corner In industrial
district, size 108 by 110 with very
Iarca well built House in nve
apartments, well furnished, fur
nace, fireplace. Owner leaving
Oreron and will sacrifice for
nntrh- anta la excellent conai
tlon and you will have an unusual
ly good investment at ibvvu.
General Markets
PORTLAND. Ore- Aag. S9. (AP).
nir Kxehanca net nneea:
Batter: extras 49c; standards 484e;
prime tirsta 47 tte; firsts 48c.
eggs: extras o ic , nnn
extraa Sic; mediam tirata 23' nnder
sised Sic.
PORTLAND, Ore., Aag. 29. (AP).
Ht: BuTinr oritu; Eastern Oregon urn
etby $2i21.S0; do. Taller. $17017.50;
alfalfa $16.5017; alover 913; oat bay,.
$15 15.50; straw, ton; selling
prices OS ton snore.
PORTLAND, Ore., Aag. 29. (AP).
Casb gram : Wbeat Big Bend bluestem,
bard white 81.30; soft jrhite $1.13;
western waite $1.13; nara winter ai.uv;
northern spring $1.10; western Bed
$1.09. ...
Oats So. 3 IS IS. wane
Barley No. X, 45 lb, B. W $32.
Corn No. 3, E. T. sbipmeat $45.
btillran Standard,- $26.
PORTLAND, Ore., Ang. 29. (AP).
Poultry steady, nebaaged Broilers 19
2e bigher. Alire ben orer 4Vfc lbs., 25 J
16c; 4 to 4V4 lbs, 20 to 22c;. S to 4
lbs., 17c: S lbs. and nnder 15c; spring!
and Lerhorne. over 2 lbs- z to zoc:
anwer 2 lbs, 25e; mnder lbs., 37c.
fetatoes steady violation ea oasis
tiona on basis , of 10O lb. sack. Takims
netted gome, new $1.50 to $1.45; Idabe
cobblers, new. $1.40: Yakima gems, eld
0. 8. Ne. 1, 6075et eombiaaUea grades
25 50c
Onions Beat varieties S1.2S te 1.75.
Batter Steady, Pertlaae; Dairy Ks
ebaage net wholesale prices: Oubes)(
Extras, 45 Vic; standards, 4$ Kc; prims
firsts, 48c; firsts, 42e. Creamery prices:
Prints, Se ever cabs staaaards.
Eggs Steady, Portland Dairy X
ebaage (nst basis): fresh standard ex
tras. 29c: freak standard firsts! 28 s:
fresh mediam extras. 27s: fresh mediam
firsts. 2 Sc. Prices te retailers. 101
ever exchange prices.
PORTLAND. Ore., Aag. 29. (AP.
Cattle and calves steady. Receipts none.
Oews snd beiXers, steady te S5e bigher,
ether classes steady te 1 higher.
Steers (1100-1130 lbs.), good $11.75
012.50: (ftSO-HOO lbs.), coed SU.OOti
11.50: (800 aad an), medium. 811.000
11.75; common, $90 11.00; X heifers,
(850 lbs. down), nod. $10.25010.85:
common to mediem, $8.7507.75. Heifers
(850 lbs. down), rood. 810.26k 10.50;
common to mediam, $8,754)10.75; cows,
goed, $9 W 9.7 3.
Balls yt..rlings exelaled), good beef.
S7.75WB.SO: ratter e sseainm. so.ut9
7.50; calves (500 lbs: down), mediam te
choice. $9011: caU te common $7.50(3
9: choice 813.50614.50: mediam $12W
11.50; call te commons, $$.50312. (X
net representative ef limits ef quality
wtthia the grade.)
Hogs. Receipts SO. ' Feeder pigs
weak e 50c-lower; ether classes steady.
BeaVTweirht (25O-850 lbc). mediam
to choice $10.50J 13; mediam weight.
(200-250 lbs.), mediam to choice $11.50
6 18.25; light weigrt (160-200 - lbs.),
mediam te choice. $13.25 13.50; light
rights, (130-160 lbs.), medium te choice.
$11.50013.25; packing sows, roagb and
smooth, $9.50010.50; slsaghter aigs
(90-1SO lbs.. meCiam M c ho tee. Sllft
12.76: feeder and soteker wigs (70-130
lbs.), mediam te choice $10.500 11.60.
(Soft or oily high and roasting pigs ex
ended ia above aeeu tiona.)
Sheep sad lambs. Steady, receipts
330.- ' y , - ..
Lambs ($4 lbs. down), good te choice,
$10.75vJ13.23; 492 lba. dowa).medreaa,
$9.75010.75; yearling wethera fTiO Ibe.
down), mediam te choice, 7iOA; ewee
MIS IU dnl Madioa to efcoiW S4 L
8; (120-150 lbs.), medUm te choice, $3
Fine 'Improved V A. farm, good
soil, 4 R. House, r Barn, Chicken
bouse well; about 1 A. young
bearing orchard Berries. Obvn
er must sell on account of age.
Price 100 per acre, good terms.
One ot the beet bays In the valley.
Come and let us prove it. See
BECHTEL or SEARS, 341 State
St., Room 4.
Close In only I city blocks
'north of state house. Most ideal
location In the city for a home.
Jast off Capitol street Double
constructed 6 ' Room Bungalow;
Basement, Furnace, best or
plumbing;. Paving paid, now
vacant, immediate possession.
Owner away writes sen ana cui
the nriee from $4300 to $3300,
with terms or for cash deal $3000.
Te home seekers look this up il
you have $500 in cash, we can
get yon a loan of $2500, so you
can pay the cash. Hurry and see
341 State Street Room 4
$1300. 2 large roomed house,
nearly new- and plastered, garage,
nice lot, some terms.
$3200 buys new 6 room an
modern home, east front, pave
ment, garage, fair location, good
$1400 for one acre with fruit
and berries, 4- room new house,
good well, 5 blocks to car lfne.
$500 down.
202 U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg.
c ROOM nlastered house full
basement, large lot 50x165, gar
age, room for 5 cars. Nortn or
postoffice, 5 blks. on Nortn uot-
tage. . Price reduced from $4500
to $3200 for quick sale.
Choice Bldg. lot 2 blks. from
TTnllTwood theatre. East front and
on paved st. reduced from $550
to $350 for quick sale.
166 S. Liberty St.
A GIVE-AWAY 59 acres, 5
room bouse, Duiit-tns. Marion
countv. School 300 yards. Full
price $575.00. H. E. Brown. 109
South Com'l St, Salem.
New 4 rooms, nook and bath.
oak floors, fireplace. Garage.
Close tn bus and school. Price
S2260 easv terms.
5 rooms ana cam. in ice iruu
and nut trees. 3 lots. Would
consider lot or car and some cash
for equity. Price $2700.
First Nat'l Bank Bldg.
$2100 BUYS a large corner lot.
east front, good location with a
fair 7 room house thrown in,
needs considerable cash. A bar
gain. An estate.
$6000 buys new all modern in
every way, 7 room house In fine
location and well built, east front,
5 blocks to state house, good
$2400 buys new 4 room house,
garage, woodshed, North Salem,
good terms.
Trade 186 acre ranch, 140
acres in cultivation, fair build
ings, to trade for Salem property.
Price $10,000. 12 miles to Sa
lem, a good sheep place, all fenced
woven wire.
202 U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg.
WR have a snlendid farm of
200 acres located close to Pacific
highway, black soil, rolling land,
rood buildings, well fenced, 26
head of cattle, four horses, 40
hogs go with the place at $30.
000. $10,000 cash or will take a
smaller farm. F. L. Wood, 341
State St.
5; (all weights), call to common, $2
r CHICAGO: 68' clear. 9 Calif, 1 Ilu,
5 Wash., 1 Ore., 1 Utaa, arnvea. x.u
mated track receipts eeaivaleat to 2 cars
Mich. 8 cars diverted. 29 cars on track.
12 ears sold. Calif, bxs. Bartletts 4748,
$2.20-3.80, average $2.70, 390 bxs. Bosc
$3.85-4.15, everAge $8.90; Oregon extra
fancy, 857, $2.10-2.85. average $2.40,
fancy, 213. $2.10-2.60, average $2.30.
PITTSBURGH: 1 Calif, 1 Ore, 1
Wash., arrived. 7 cars on track. Calif.,
1515 bxs. Bartletts, $2.25-3.80. average
$3.26; Wash, 510 bxs. Bartletts, extra
fsncy, $2.80-3.25, average $2.95.
PHILADELPHIA : 5 cam. anrvea. o
sabroken cars en track. 6 ears sold.
Market steady, Cemand moderate. zua
bxs. Calif. Bartletts $2.00-3.85, average
$3.05. . -
NEW TURK: 35 Cam, 1 Ala, lo ure.
Wash., arirved. Boat receipts equiva
lent to 9 ears N. T. 10 Cslil. ears on
track. 5 other cars on track. Market
slichtly weaker. Calif. Bartletts 18,525
bxs. Best S2.25-3.60. some fancy $4.00,
average $3.03, 855 lairgeans,
average $1.94, 690, Anions $2.15-8.00,
average $2.70, 655 Hsrdys $2.50-?5,
svsrags $2.79; Oregon Bartletts 4.65,
extras $2.30-3.20, average $2.68, fancy
$2.00-3:00. average $2.58.
CHICAGO. Aac. 29. (AP). Grains
cased down at the ead of ea ansettled
board of trade session todays cessation
ot tbe heavy demand forcing wbeat down
te tbe bottom prices of tbs day aad
below Monday's ewll close. Tbe gsins of
Tnesdsy's apwsrd spurt were wiped out
by profit taking and week cable reports,
bat eera fsred sHgktry better, down
somewhat from the vretiees close bat
still ahead ef the finishing price of last'
Wheat closed 1 te ie lower, sept,
1.10 to 7-8; Dec 1.16 3-8 to ;
March 1.21 and May 1.23 to 5-8. Cora
eleeed 1 1-8 to 1 6-8e down. Sept. 95
te 7-8; Doe. 74 7-8 to 75; March 77 1-8
te aad May 79 .
Oats was firmer at mxx session not
easec eff later with tbs leading grains,
and closed to He lower, Sept. 88 7-8
te 7-8039; Dee. 40 7-8; Msrcb 43 snd
Msy 44 6 8.
NEW TURK, Ang. 29. (AP). A aen
aatioaal npward movement of stock prices
was checked by heavy profit-taking just
before the close ef todsy's market. Ex
treme gains, which ma from 2 te nearly
14 points ia the active issues jrsre cut
down, and ia s few eases wiped eat. Both
the railroad end industrial averacea com
piled by the Associated' Press showed act
gains, tae latter toncain; a new nign.
Now high record were established by
more than two score issues, including
saek representative shares as American
Can, D. 8. Steel common. National Cash
Register, Psramennt Pa moos Lssky,
Briggs Hsnnfsctnring, Loose Wiles, la
tarnation! Nickel an J Vior Talking
A brisk demand for the copper' shares
wad influenced by reports that' the re
fined - storage . stocks ef tbe red metal
were st the lowest levels in Tears. Ameri
can Smelting' ran so more than 10 poiats
te a new aeaa Zee, aa against low
of 189 earlier ia the year. Keaneeott
ana. Calumet Heela aloe moved into
aew high ground sad Anaoonde moved
up S poiats. s :
lower st 154 after having toacaeePI
new tea at 155 5-8. Osaersl - Motor
thoweC set gala of 1 aetata at 195
sltheagh it bad sold at 197 8-8. -There
were a few eenspienoes soft spots. Piee
pert Tones dropped 8 points aad Hea
ttear Oil, Meter Prod acta, Barreagaa Ad
ding Machine sad scverai ethers dropprd
J poiats or mere."" .
Ideal Chicken Ranch
Has a coxy 4 Room bungalow
with a sleeping porch Barn
three fine chicken houses Ber
ries Filberts; on a market road
just off the Pacific highway, 4
miles from U. S. "Bank, Salem.
Will trade for Salem property if
priced rite. See my agents 341
State St., Room 4. BECHTEL or
SEARS, Sole Agents.
Choice 10 acre tract on good
road, highly Improved, good set
of bldgs water system, part in
choice fruits and Filberts. Price
$6000. Will take Salem home in
LEO N. CltlLDS CO.. Realtors
320 State Street Phone 1727
Have you been dreaming of a
suburban heme a beautiful mod
ern home with plenty, of land for
flowers, shrubs and garden, state
ly, fir trees and everything? I
have it reasonably priced and on
easy terms. Ask about it.
Realtor Loans Insurance
147 N. Commercial St., Salem, Or.
Salem's finest close-in suburban
residence property has all the fea
tures the discriminating buyer de
sires in a home-site. Beautiful
trees and native shrubbery view
of valley and mountains pure
water, electricity, building restric
tion, accessability.
Moderate prices easy terms.
1313 Edgewater St. Phone 1643
$5000 An attractive new English
type heme located in North
$4500 A nicf:;. room furnished
suburban home, tine lawn
and modern every way ex
cept fireplace, $750 down.
$4000 Furnished bungalow, 5
rooms and nook, modern
except fireplace, garage
and paving, almost new,
$500 down. ,
$2350 An attractive bungalow, 3
rooms and nook, fireplace,
garage, paving, close to
bus, $500 down.
$3000 private money at 64.
Fire Insurance
320 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 637
5 ROOMS in N. Salem unfin
ished attic stairs in. Plastered
hardwood floors in front rooms.
Built-lns. Full basement with
furnace. Laundry trays, etc. Ex
tra long lot. Room for two
houses. Ill health reason for low
price and easy payments. See ue
at once.
aere with 4 room house. Fine
well Electric lights. $50.00
down. Payments like rent.
New business income property
in Kelso, Washington. Will trade
for farm or residence property.
We have several close in- homes
with from to S acres. Priced to
20 acre tract Some fruit.
House, barn, etc., at 14500.00 or
will trade for Salem residence
Ulrich & Roberts
129 N. Com'l St. " Tel. 1354
Court, Stucco building, 7 rooms
and 2 store rooms. Leased at SCO
per month. On Pacific highway
just outside good town. Want
home in Salem or suburban home.
141 State St.
houses, one tour room. $1400.
One five room $1800. both have
good plumbing, wired for range,
paved streets, fruit trees, good
district, close to Pacific highway.
S41 State St.
GOOD modern 7 room home on
Court St., $7000 terms or ex
change for smaller home further
lot on Court St., sacrifice
$1500, terms.
2 farms to sell on crop payment
plan with small payment down or
take residences for part.
For rent, 35 acre farm, good 6
room bungalow, also 7 room bun
212 Gray Bldg.
FARM BARGAIN. Owner must
sell and will take $7500 for this
150 acre farm nearly all under
cultivation, fair buildings, or
chard, on good road, and only
about 30 miles from Portland.
It's about half what it is worth.
141 State St.
MENT 5 large rooms, ' built-lns, fire
place, basement and furnace, gar
age. Owner moving on- farm and
will reduce price to $4500, cash
$500, bal. easy. Will take good
car as part.
LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors
320 State Street Phone 1727
Located on main Pacific High
way, 10 miles from Salem. This
farm is In a high state of cultiva
tion, well located with good im
provements. Price for quick sale.
$21,100. We consider this a beau
tiful place and would bo pleased
to show yon this farm at any
134 S. Liberty St, Phone 515
Automobile as part payment on
good six room borne in South Sa
lem, one block from bus line,
Price, $3800. Easy terms can be
j'.'-'c , Realtors i ?
134 S. Liberty St. Phone SI 5
LET us sell you a modern
home. We have an - extensive
listing and will be glad to help
yon finance the deal. - -
. A am ni ctr .a orraoiiiii .
Realtors - I LEO-N. CHILDS CO..- Realtors (heated flat.
169 S. H!ghr 7; Tel. 1C4432Q State Street Phone 1727J11II-U.
NEAT 3-room house, large lot,
good location. 1 block east of En
glewood school, pavement, $1800.-
00 $200.00 down, $25.00 month.
Or same house with extra large lot
adjoining $2600.00. Same
terms. Owner. 1145 N. 21st.
Phone 2541.
4 - ROOM new plastered house
and 1 acres near city limits
East $2800 or will rent.
5- room modern and 1 acre set
out to trees near .city limits
North $4200.
Apartment house on lstn
street near State for sale, ex
change or lease. -
Splendid new 4-room honse,
nice lawn, shrubbery home Is
strictly modern and has garage
200 Gray Bldg. 125 N. Liberty
2 acres, 7 room modern house,
with garage, price $4200.00. Will
take acreage over on coast.
27 acres, part set out to fruit,
nuts and grapes. This is a real
bargain, price $2250.00. $1000
mtge., 6 per cent.
Semi modem honse, close In.
For quick sale-will take $2500.00.
$150.00 down and $25.00 per
Please list your rental with us
as I had twenty-seven calls In one
day of last week.
I have three prospective ouyers
for reasonable- priced new houses.
Would you please list at once with
143 N. High St.
FOR SALE My 5 room fur
nished home. Nice neighborhood.
Call 2077-J
RIVERSIDE, California subur
ban homes, all furnished, will ex
change for cottage or house in Sa
lem. My property is in first clase
condition. What have-you? Pho
to to show. Phone 485-W or call
at my residence, 404 S. High.
Property all free and clean, see
J. A. White, Owner.
SIX ROOMS, neaT Englewood
school. New and strictly modern.
Paving, walks and lawn in. Large
lot. Underpriced at $4750. Terms.
SIX ROOMS in Hollywood dis
trict. New and modern in every
detail. A fine home. Paved street
and cement walks. Price $5,000.
FIVE ROOMS and large floored
attic. New English etucco. Large
rooms. Modern in every -detail.
Beautiful surroundings. -This
home is a REAL BUY at $5,900.
$500 cash will handle.
421 Court Street Ground Floor
"Headquarters for Homes"
$1500 4 rooms and bath,
creek, close to bus
school, $150 down.
$2300 New 4 room bungalow,
garage, good location,
$250 down.
$3250 New bungalow, 4 rooms
and nook, basement, fur
nace, fireplace, garage,
good lot, $300 down.
$4000 New 5 room semi-English
type, modern in every way,
lawn and shrubbery, pav
ing, garage, $250 down.
$3800 An attractive bungalow, 5
rooms, close to Grant
school, modern, nice lawn
and paving, $500 down.
$5000 New English type home, 7
rooms and modern . in
every way, complete bath
downstairs, toilet upstairs,
garage and paving, $500
Private money at 64 per cent.
Fire Insurance.
320 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 637
4 ROOM close in cottage on
Saginaw street. 5 room modern
home on Fairmount Hill. 8 room
home close to high school on Un
ion street.
Realtor Loans Insurance
147 N. Commercial St., Salem. Or.
5 ACRE fruit tract, good five
room house, good well and spring,
outbuildings. 6 mt. S. of Salem.
Phone 36F13.
BARGAIN. Good 7 -room plas
tered house, fireplace, basement.
etc., large shade trees, fruit, ber
ries, garden, 7 lots,:near schools,
good view. Will sell all or house
and 3 lots $3,800; house and two
lots $3,500; terms. Half block to
paving. 849 Rural Avenue or can
Conner, Statesman oriice.
GARAGE doing splendid busl
ness. in tnrivmc town, win in
a a 111 J
voice. Will take Salem or Cor
vail Is nronerty as part payment.
Ant. house adjoining Business
property $6500.
Business corner close m $84 oo.
Business lot close in $11,000.
Insure with Niagara Fire In
surance Co.
484 Court Str.
WANTED Real Estate
I am now back in Salem to stay.
and want listings of all kinds.
Will specialise on exchanges.
Am working with two live real
ty men 'In Southern California,
and can 'get you a good trade lor
your house or acreage for Califor
nia Property.
You will always be welcome in
my office, will get a square deal,
courteous treatment and prompt
Come In, get acquainted, I may
have Just what you want.
Farms, for city property, city
properly tor farms. California
for Oregon.
To helo yon to buy. sell, or
trade is my business.
462 State St., Salem.
EXCHANGE Real Estate
bouse 1370 Hood. Also 20 acres
mostly in fruit on Pacific High
way South. Both priced to move.
189 N. High St,
- 5 room house in Dallas. Choice
corner lot 75x100 ft. Value $1500
Will pay some difference on Sa
lem home.
fiBRATEST Trading organisa
tion An the Pacific Coast.' We have.
over 3000 properties listed for ex
change. Every kind 9 ot P'OPW'
every price, every location.: We
can match your exchange exact'
ly. If yon would like to trade ybur
property today, come T- s
166 S. Liberty Tcl- "4
The undersigned has 1 beauti
ful suburban homes near Rlr
side. Calif., for Salem residence
or improved acreage.
Have 2 beautiful suburban
homes near Riverside. Calif. Want
Salem property; prefer Saiem cot
tage or residence or impror
acreage, win aio cunsnw
farm. Don't offer me Junk prop
erty or inflatedjorlces. My prop
erty Is first class, see owbw, j.
A. White it my-residence, 401.
South High St.,rsaiem. or pnone
585-W. 1
11 ACRES, good house and
barn, four miles from Capitol
Building, paved road, productive
anil, suitable for berries, poultry
or would be ideal for small dairy.
For sale by owner on easy terms.
Phone 253 8-R.
204 A. on good road near town
150 under plow. Equipped for
30 cows. Possession Oct. 1st.
See J. R. Benton with
O. K. De Witt, 1313 Edgewater St.
TIMBER Fifty thousand acres
fir and pine. Well located for
logging and manufacturing. Rea
sonably priced.
$8500.00. Beautiful sCrictly
modern country home. 6 rooms.
One acre with lots ot fruit and
shade trees. This is a REAL
BUY and terms can be arranged.
$15,000.00 120 acres of good
black loam. On good road be
tween two paved highways and
only five miles from - two good
towns. Good buildings ettd fences.
Fine well and good creek. An
excellent bargain and a wonder
ful opportunity for family with
children to educate.
$2500.00. Paying Confection--ery
in small live town. A real,
money maker and priced right.
Terms to right party.
WANTED Well improved
farm not too far from Salem, to
$40,000.00, to trade on good bus
iness proposition value $100,000,
216 North High Phone 1143
Good sheep ranch consisting of
375 acres with 150 acres in cul
tivation, good 6 room house with
plumbing, 2 barns and 2 good
wells, 200 head of ewes go with
place, located 16 mjles from Sa
lem in Polk,county. Price $20,
000.00. Terms.
134 S. Liberty St. Phone 515
186 ACRE bill farm, 140 acres
in cultivation, good spring water
and fair buildings, this is a case
where two men have failed to
work harmoniously; therefore
they are going to sever connec
tions at any cost, there Is si
$5,000.00 7 year 6 per cent loan
on the place, "who will be the
first to offer me $1,000.00 ana
assume the mortgage?" This is
a real slaughter; act quick before
they change their minds.
381 State St. Ph. 1781
several Eastern farmers wsnting
to rent farms. List with us. De
lano ft Dow, 290 Church. Phone
1 5-R. house at $15.00; water
and lights free.
5-R. house at $15.00.
1 4-R. house: good garage, at
1 7-R. house, modern, garage.
1 6-R. house, modern, $25.00.
Ladd & Bush Bk. Bldg.
FOR RENT 5 room, furnish
ed, with garage; also 3-room cot
tage, partly furnished, $9 per
month. Phone 13 90-J.
FIVE ROOM furnished house
for rent. Modern phone 2052M
before 6:00 o'clock p. m.
FOR RENT $29. Cozy 5 room
cottage 1620 State street. ?ee
owner at 1605 Ferry street.
GOOD house, five rooms, bath
and nook. North 21 St.", Sept. 1.
Inquire N. B. Parsonage. Phone
2622-J. Garden pared street,
FOR RENT, a 5 R. bungalow
in fine -condition, near Leslie "Jun
ior High. Phone 13 6 b-J.
FOR RENT, Houses and apart
ments. F. L. Wood, 341 State.
Phone 794.
2 GOOD housese completely fur
nished. Possession Sept. 1st. Ow
K. De Witt, 1313 Edgewater St.
r. North Winter St. 120.00
6 r. South Church St.. . . . 20.00
5 r.' Fairgrounds Rd.. .... 25.00
r. 8outh 23rd St., ..... 30.00
' i Realtor
147 N. Com'l St. . Phone 21X
FOR RENT 5 room modern
house 298 N. 23rd St., $25.00 a
mo. ' '-'i '
Also 8 rooms at 1145 N. Liber
ty St., at $20.00 a mo.
Phone 470
FOR RENT -Apartments
2 WELL furnished apartments.
Firet floor. 22 SI HazeL Pboni
TWO room furnished basement
Apt., $12.00. 590 Union.,
PALACE Court Apartments,
newly painted Inside and out
Everything modern, and clean,
$10-840. . 249 8. Cottage. ,
.Closer. In.